Dhootha (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

This Day, That Year

We're missing something.
I can't put a finger on it.
We're missing something.
Why don't you give this a break
and get some rest?
You've been at it for six hours now.
There's a lot of pressure
from the Commissioner's office.
We have to submit the report in two days.
-Shall I order another coffee?
What is it, ma'am?
Take a look at these roots.
They seem really thick.
Ma'am, if you remember,
there's a huge banyan tree
where we parked the car.
These roots could belong to that tree.
The roots of a banyan tree go ten to
fifteen feet deep into the earth, right?
Yes, ma'am.
Someone must have dug very deep
for the roots to come out like this.
Do you remember how deep we dug that day?
We found the dog's body
at around four to five feet, ma'am.
So, these roots didn't come out
when we dug up the ground.
Are you saying that Sagar
He buried the dog's body
five feet under the surface.
But he definitely dug up to 15 to 20 feet.
Only then could these
roots have come in the way.
Why do you think
he needed to dig that deep?
Where do you want me to bury Aye, sir?
-Mr. Reddy's land is empty, right?
-Yes, sir.
Bury it there.
I'll talk to Mr. Reddy.
Okay, sir.
Anyone who dug up the grave
would stop upon finding the dog's body.
Nobody would expect
a second body under there.
"Journalism. Values and Principles."
Shall I send all this stuff
to the farmhouse?
Sagar sir?!
Sir, what are you doing here?
You are
It's me, sir. Satya.
Journo Global Student.
I came to invite you to the convocation.
-Oh, yeah, right! Satya!
You also submitted
a job application, right?
Yes, sir.
-Dhootha Publications?
-This is Dhootha, sir. It belongs to us.
-What do you mean?
-It belongs to our family, sir.
My grandfather was the Chief Editor.
Satya Murthy.
-I was named after him.
-Satya Murthy
Please come in, sir.
Please be seated.
Tea or coffee?
No, thanks.
Can I meet Mr. Satya Murthy?
But he's no more, sir.
In the year 1962,
he went missing all of a sudden.
That's when the publishing
and paper printing stopped.
My family lost everything.
We converted the printing press
into our house.
I'm sorry about that.
Can you tell me anything
about his articles or books?
You can see his room, sir.
It might be of help to you.
Come, let me show you.
Please come, sir.
My grandfather, Mr. Satya Murthy.
This room is exactly as he left it.
His books, study table,
papers from that time
My dad has preserved
everything in his memory.
Sir, just a minute.
I'll be right back.
-What is it, Dad?
-Satya, who's in there?
Who said you could open the door?
Dad, I just
Why did you open the lock?
I told you nobody except me
is allowed to open that room.
-Who's in there? Tell them to come out!
Dad, please!
-First tell him to
-But, Dad
Chandra Murthy?
He's your father?!
Who allowed you inside?
Step out at once!
People like you have no right
to set foot in there.
Why are you here?
I'm doing research on Dhootha.
You're doing research on Dhootha?!
You don't deserve to even say that word.
You said you had to go out
when I returned, right?
-But, Dad
-Go, Satya!
I'm just looking for a few details.
You will not find any information here.
Nothing would be worse than a journalist
like you writing about my father.
My father and that paper
have a glorious history.
Don't degrade it with your vile writing.
What is it, sir?
Just because you claim that they had
a glorious history doesn't make it true.
What's so glorious about it?
He started a newspaper and then
abandoned his family and the publishing!
What's so great about it?
Who told you all this?
Nobody needs to tell me anything, sir.
It's all over the Internet.
You read about it on the Internet?!
Are you even a journalist?
Do you even know
the basic principles of journalism?
Only after we cross-check
a piece of information multiple times
and find it to be true
are we supposed to write it
or even talk about it.
Then tell me!
Tell me what is true and what is false.
Clarify it for me.
Otherwise, I'll write only what I know.
As famous journalist
Kodinala Satya Murthy's book
"Journalism. Values and Principles"
is being inaugurated,
we welcome and thank each
and every guest present here.
I request MLA Mr. Raghavayya
to address the gathering.
Greetings, one and all!
I've attended many
political meetings as an MLA.
But being the Chief Guest at today's
book inauguration ceremony
makes me feel extremely proud.
Satya Murthy is a close friend of mine.
His newspaper is called Dhootha.
Today, it takes the number one spot
in Andhra Pradesh.
The significance
of this newspaper is that
once a piece of information
or news is published in Dhootha,
we can rest assured
that it is the absolute truth.
Satya Murthy has immense love for his
country and for the craft of journalism.
I have to tell you about this particular
incident during the Freedom Movement.
Back then, Satya Murthy
had formed a group
with a bunch of young minds like him.
Hiding from the Britishers' eyes,
he had published news
for the people by risking his life.
He had come up with a nice name
for this mode of transmitting news.
That's also the name of his newspaper.
Dhootha had become a problem
for the British General of that time.
He had sent forces
to destroy the printing press.
That's when
Satya Murthy met me and said
"If they destroy the printing press,
let them.
If they arrest me, let them.
But we must protect the
printing machine at any cost."
that printing machine
is Satya Murthy's weapon.
Both of us moved the printing machine
to the Satyapatnam lighthouse overnight.
The Britishers beat us black and blue
to make us reveal
the location of the machine.
We endured the pain
but didn't utter a single word.
After our release, we continued publishing
Dhootha from the same lighthouse.
Since then, the lighthouse
has been the logo of Dhootha.
Blending his experience, love,
and respect for journalism together,
Satya Murthy has penned this book.
You can see him in every word of the book.
I can't think of anyone more
deserving to have authorized this book.
With the hope that this book
becomes the guiding light
for future generations in journalism,
I take your leave.
Thanks a lot.
To all the guests who attended
the event out of respect for me,
and to my dear friend Raghavayya,
I extend my thanks.
Earlier, leaders would
venture into politics
with the sole intention of doing good
for the people and their country.
Raghavayya is one such man.
times are changing.
More and more leaders are
entering politics for power and money.
Along with politics, the journalism
sector is also becoming corrupt.
Journalists who're supposed
to question a mistake
are publishing false articles for money.
Remember one thing.
Politics and journalism are
like the two tracks of a train.
Moving parallel to one another,
they're supposed to direct
the train of democracy to victory.
Under no circumstances
should these two sides meet.
This thought is what
inspired me to write this book.
I don't want the journalism
sector to be defiled.
As a journalist,
we may not be able to change the world
with our values and principles.
we can inspire change
in at least one person.
And that change will lead
the country towards progress.
Do you really believe that politics
and journalism will join hands?
Not just that.
There could be worse
atrocities in the future.
Political parties could
establish their own newspapers
and snatch the freedom
of journalism completely.
Wait and see.
-Yes, Bhupati?
-Would you mind signing this for me?
-Bhupati, how's your son?
-He's doing well, sir.
He's going to school.
-Hey, Chakrapani
-Namaste, sir.
-Murthy, this is Chakrapani.
-Namaste, sir.
He has established a new party
called Praja Vakku.
He'll be contesting the upcoming elections
for the first time as my opponent.
It is an honor to have my name
alongside yours on the ballot paper.
I don't mean to compete against you, sir.
It's about time more youngsters
entered politics.
Definitely. I'm glad.
-Can I get a picture with you, sir?
-Sure. Come.
-Mr. Bhupati, join us.
The ceremony was amazing, sir.
It wasn't an accident, Bhupati.
You made it happen.
In your rush to finish the book,
some things have slipped your mind, sir.
That is why
Tickets for Tirupati?
You vowed to visit Tirupati
after having a son.
It's been two years now.
You've totally forgotten about it.
I think you should go.
The upcoming festival is not one to miss.
It's election time.
It'd be a burden to manage
everything on your own.
Any work related to the Press
is never a burden for me, sir.
But, Bhupati
He said he'd take care of it.
Moreover, you always say
that after your time, Bhupati is the only
one who can run the paper properly.
What are you hesitant about?
Let's go.
When is the train?
I think it leaves at 6:00 p.m.
Check once.
Keep it.
Hey, look.
-Where are we going now?
-I've organized a holy ritual.
I've made arrangements at the Press.
We're headed there.
-Has the holy ritual commenced?
-No, sir. We were waiting for you.
Let's go.
We're going to Tirupati.
We'll be gone for three days.
Bhupati will finalize
which articles to print.
-Follow his instructions.
-Sure, sir.
Bhupati, we should go to the lighthouse
after the ritual.
What is this, dear?
Even if I make
a small error while writing,
I tend to discard that paper right away.
Garbage covers can't fit these anymore.
You should cut back on your errors.
-Hold on. Let me clear the space.
-Lakshmi, we can do that later.
-First hand me the turmeric and vermilion.
We should start the holy ritual.
Lakshmi, you know my history
with this, right?
I know, dear.
You've reiterated it many times.
This was your weapon
during the Freedom Movement.
-It has been through a lot with you.
It's like your first child.
-Anything else to add?
-No, you got it.
-What is it, dear?
-Take a look at this.
Pictures from yesterday's ceremony.
Looks nice.
Hey, I totally forgot.
We need coconuts for the holy ritual
the day after tomorrow.
-Shall I send Kalpana to the farm?
Okay then.
-Coming, ma'am.
I'm cleaning the room.
What did the doctor say?
It seems there are zero chances
of her walking again.
He has given her these
braces for the time being.
We'll have to put her
in a wheelchair soon.
Do you know what they say about
left-handed people in Christianity?
They say that Satan is fond of you.
-You're related, apparently.
-That's true.
Well, how do you like our party symbol?
-It's really nice.
-I have a statement to go with it.
"Praja Vakku party crushes the opposition
with their dominance in the public."
Do you like it?
Publish it in your paper.
We can think about
our victory statements later.
What's your plan to win?
Tell me.
I've sent Satya Murthy
to Tirupati as you asked.
He'll be back in three days.
We only have these
three days to pull it off.
What's the plan?
There's a maid at Raghavayya's place.
Her name is Kalpana.
She has that wheatish complexion
that's really seductive.
What the hell are you talking about?
I don't want to establish a party
that would be gone with the wind.
My party should sustain for generations.
That means we should plan everything
from the grassroots level up.
Kalpana has been under
my influence for two years now.
Now she'll do whatever I say.
She has blind faith in me.
I've given her an important task.
She should be here any minute.
-I'll explain.
That's her.
Bhupati, wait for two minutes.
I'll be right back.
Let me go.
Somebody will see us.
Did you bring it?
I was so worried
that somebody might see us.
It was a struggle.
My hands hurt so badly.
Oh, no! Does it hurt?
Feel better?
Did you bring it from the room I told you?
Yeah, from sir's room upstairs.
Come back here at the exact time tomorrow.
Now go back safely.
What is this?
Kalpana brought it from Raghavayya's room.
Did you seduce her over a period
of two years for this latch?
First, listen to me, Bhupati.
This latch is made of brass.
I'll go meet Sambadu with this,
get two replicas made from iron
and coat them with brass.
If we ask him to make this latch thinner,
we can move it to and fro easily.
Hand me that magnet.
And the nail.
Magnets don't attract brass.
But if it's iron
we can open and close the latch
from the opposite side.
Open and close.
I'll practice with one of the two latches.
I'll make sure that I can open
the latch easily by using the magnet.
I'll give the other latch to Kalpana.
Take this and fix it in sir's room.
Take this as well.
-What is this?
Distribute them to sir
and everyone in the house.
Tell them you're engaged.
We'll be getting married
after the elections, right?
You don't eat these sweets.
When you come to the lake this evening,
I'll give you special sweets.
Kalpana, the kids are playing outside.
Give some to them as well.
I just did, ma'am.
What's the occasion, dear?
She's getting married, Uncle.
-Hence the sweets.
So, when are you introducing us
to the bridegroom?
He said he'd come
and seek your blessings soon.
That's great.
Listen, dear.
We've reached a decision.
You don't have anyone to call family.
We've never treated you as an outsider.
You're one of us.
So, for your wedding expenses
and to ensure that you don't face
any struggles in the future,
we've opened a bank account in your name.
We'll deposit some amount
every month from now on.
Okay, sir.
On the center.
Where's the sweet for me?
Kalpana, come here.
-Did you fix the latch?
Did you distribute
the sweets to everyone?
You said you'd bring
special sweets for me.
I did. First, get in.
No. Somebody might see us.
There's nobody here.
Don't worry about it.
Get in.
Besides, we're getting married soon.
Don't be shy. Get in.
I said get in.
-Let me go.
-There's nobody here.
Sir is such a sweet person.
He has deposited 15,000 rupees in my
bank account for our wedding expenses.
Oh, really?
Why did you ask me to remove the latch
and then put it back?
Let me tell you why.
By the time I kill her,
you'll be printing the next day's paper
all by yourself.
Go to the lake along with Officer Ramana
and the Press in 30 minutes.
Send the bodies for postmortem.
What happened, sir?
She was the maid
at Mr. Raghavayya's place.
They gang-raped her.
She was afraid of the humiliation
in case the news came out.
So, she wrote a suicide
note and drowned herself.
What are you saying, sir?
Is our MLA Raghavayya behind this?
Yeah, the same man.
I can't believe it, sir.
We'll investigate this in the morning.
Alright then. Let's go.
What's happening in that house?
Who is behind the suicide
of this innocent soul?
Raghavayya claims to be a good man
who has fought
during the freedom struggle.
In fact, he takes the credit
for our Independence.
What is his response to this?
What's the guarantee that this
wouldn't happen to your mother or sister?
Who is behind this cruel act?
His sons or Raghavayya himself?
I was devastated when I saw the news
in Dhootha paper this morning.
We know very well about Dhootha
newspaper and Mr. Satya Murthy.
He'd publish a piece of information
only if it's true.
Moreover, Raghavayya is
a dear friend of Mr. Satya Murthy.
He wouldn't spare a felon,
even if it was his best friend.
How can we let them go?
Have we been voting for such
a heinous man all these years?
I'm not saying this
in view of the upcoming elections.
I'm deeply frustrated
by this tragic incident.
I'm questioning them
on behalf of the poor.
We cannot spare a man like him!
Let's drag him out
and confront him. Let's go!
Who's answerable for what happened?
Come on out!
You owe us an answer! Come on out!
Come on out!
Hold on, people.
Calm down! Calm down!
We'll arrest him once
we have a word with him, okay?
Mr. Raghavayya
Mr. Raghavayya, open the door.
-Break the door open!
-Okay, sir.
Go and search all the rooms.
-Okay, sir.
-Check every room thoroughly.
Sir, all the room doors
are open downstairs.
-Nobody's home, sir.
-Alright. Come with me.
Mr. Raghavayya!
Mr. Raghavayya!
Mr. Raghavayya!
The door is locked on the inside.
Hey! Break it open.
This is horrifying, sir.
They've committed mass suicide.
This is today's newspaper.
They assumed that nobody would find out.
Check if all the windows are locked shut.
All the windows are locked, sir.
The main door is locked as well.
There's no room for suspicion.
This is definitely mass suicide.
I guess Subbayya is home.
What is it, Subbayya?
-Who wrote this?
He came to the Press last night
and sent everyone home.
I had a feeling that something was fishy.
But I didn't expect him to do this.
What's going on, dear?
She has worked for that family
for over ten years.
They used to treat her
like their own daughter.
Do you think they would
do something like this?
I'll go and talk to Raghavayya.
Sir, the whole family committed
mass suicide this morning.
Oh, dear!
No. This can't be happening.
I have to go!
Hey, Bhupati!
-What's wrong, sir?
-Where's Bhupati?
He's not home, sir.
He has gone out.
-Where did he go?
-I don't know, sir.
He's been spending a lot of time
with Chakrapani lately.
Cheers, Bhupati!
-Cheers, Ramana Ghosh!
"That change will lead
the country towards progress."
"Politics and journalism are
like the two tracks of a train.
They shouldn't overlap."
My foot!
We're not fools to listen
to that old man's bullshit.
Forget about railway tracks, Bhupati.
We must blend like milk and water.
We must help each other.
Kill anyone who gets in the way
and attain heights.
That is the true essence of politics.
Only those who dare to take lives
can reign over the land forever.
Why did you kill everyone else
and spare that little girl?
What little girl?
What are you saying?
The younger son's second daughter.
She has polio.
She was in the corner room.
Polio? I didn't notice her.
Not bad. The kid was lucky.
What did you do with her?
I've sent her to her relatives.
I had a really hard time sending
the bodies directly to the graveyard
and skipping the postmortem process.
Ramana, your job isn't done yet.
Satya Murthy will be back tomorrow.
You need to tell him that
a detailed investigation has been done.
That the family has raped the girl.
You need to convince him that Raghavayya's
family is one hundred percent guilty.
Once he falls for it, he will
not bother us with anything else.
What's more, he'll appreciate me.
I don't have to run
election campaigns anymore.
I'll win with a huge majority.
Chakrapani, MLA.
Within ten years, I'll be Chakrapani,
the Chief Minister.
Alright. Take us along
for the ride as you grow.
You'll get promoted for sure.
What do you want, Bhupati?
I want my own Press and my own newspaper.
And a large sum of money
that I can't count!
Who cares about values,
principles, and ethics?
Your own paper.
A paper that would support my party.
I'll make it happen.
I can't believe that Bhupati
has done all this.
Should we tell the police?
SI Ramana Ghosh is on their side.
They've taken advantage
of the public's trust in Dhootha
and turned a lie into the truth.
I'll never forgive them for this.
I'll expose their true colors
in the same newspaper tomorrow.
I'll show Bhupati
what the power of truth can be like.
Mr. Chakrapani, the next MLA
Sorry, the next CM.
The party was splendid.
Future DGP, I'll see you tomorrow.
Once the old man is back.
You're going to have your own Press.
Go sleep peacefully.
Want a cigarette?
Satya Murthy was here.
What are you talking about?
You said he's in Tirupati
and wouldn't be back until tomorrow.
This is the book he signed for me.
I had forgotten it in his car.
How did it end up here?
Do you think
he overheard our conversation?
Let's go.
Come on, hurry.
When did you come back from Tirupati?
It's only been a little while.
You were supposed to come back
tomorrow, right?
We finished our itinerary early, so
Is sir home?
He has gone out for some work.
Gone out?
I'm coming from the Press.
He wasn't there.
Where do you think he went?
I don't know.
He hasn't told me anything.
-How did the pilgrimage go?
-It went well.
-Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow.
He knows everything.
I think he has told his wife as well.
She got paranoid when she saw me.
He'll expose us in tomorrow's newspaper.
All our hard work has gone down the drain.
He'll ruin everything.
And do you think we'll simply let him?
He should be at the Press
if he wants to print this by tomorrow.
He's not there either.
I know where he could've gone.
Ramana, you go that way.
Bhupati, you come with me.
Who's there?
Why did you come back from
Tirupati earlier than planned, sir?
I told you to come tomorrow, right?
Did you have to come back,
find out about all this,
and get all upset with us?
Was there any need, sir?
Do you understand what you have done?
You have dipped your hands
in blood instead of ink.
You have destroyed the sense of respect
and responsibility journalism holds.
What did you do it for?
Was it just greed for the money
Chakrapani had offered?
Shame on you!
Karma will catch up to you, Bhupati.
This sin will haunt you
and your family forever!
You've done everything
that a journalist shouldn't.
I might forgive Ramana Ghosh
and Chakrapani.
But I will not spare you.
I'm going to reveal
the truth to the public.
By tomorrow morning
Let go of me!
Let go!
Bhupati met my mother the next morning
and terrorized her to tell the world
that her husband had gone missing.
He threatened to kill me otherwise.
All my mother had was me.
So, she remained silent to protect me.
She told me the truth on her deathbed.
I'm sorry, sir.
I ran my mouth without knowing the truth.
Is the printing machine
still at the Satyapatnam lighthouse?
Maybe. Maybe not.
I don't know.
You've gotten all the information
you need, right?
Write whatever you want,
however you want it.
I'm really sorry, sir.
-Dad shouldn't have
-That's okay. Don't worry about it.
Sir, is my internship on or off?
When someone new joins our company,
it's our tradition
to welcome them with a pen.
You don't need the internship.
Finish your course and directly
become an employee of our company.
-All the best to you, Satya.
-Thank you so much, sir.
Sir, you'll be attending
the convocation, right?
Yes. Can you remind me again
on that day?
-Of course, sir.
-Okay, thanks.
-Thank you, sir.
Dad, I was so worried.
I thought he'd be hurt by your words
and cancel my internship!
But he offered me a job instead.
With him?
I don't accept this, Satya.
I don't want to end up like you, Dad.
I want to be successful.
I have a lot of hopes about my future.
I'm warning you because
I want a good future for you.
This pen belongs to your grandfather.
Once you choose a certain path,
it is extremely difficult
to step away from it.
Make the right decision, Satya.
Where have my grandfather's values
and principles gotten him?
What have you achieved
by following in his footsteps?
You couldn't even
feed your family properly.
I can't live like you, Dad.
Grandfather, my foot!
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