Dinosaucers (1987) s01e06 Episode Script
A Real Super Hero
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossossaur.
Well, follow them!
Hurry. It's getting closer.
The engine won't start.
We're too late. Look!
WOMAN: Oh no! It's
seen us. Do something!
I I can't!
It looks like no one
can save us now.
I wouldn't bet on that.
It's not a bird.
It's not a plane.
It's Mr. Hero!
Bullies are never
welcome, big fella.
Oh, Mr. Hero,
you're the greatest.
SERA: Oh, he is. He is.
He sure is strong.
And so handsome.
He is?
Trust me.
Thank you, Mr. Hero.
a day's work, ma'am.
Sabre tooth tigers weren't around
at the same time as dinosaurs.
How do you know?
Were Were you there?
No, but I think maybe my mother
was. Shh. And watch Mr. Hero.
Well, boys, I don't want to hurt
you, so I think it's time I used
the good ol' bio-freeze weapon.
Way to go, Mr. Hero!
You'll all be fine in an hour.
But that took a lot out of me.
It's time to recharge my powers.
Next stop
ALL: The hero haven.
Time to recharge my powers
in the powertron. [LAUGHING]
I wish I had a powertron.
I'd settle for some
more popcorn.
Kids, remember
Mr. Hero's golden rule.
MR. HERO: And help your
neighbor. Always do what's right.
And next time
you're in Hollywood
be sure to visit me here
at Megamedia Studios.
See you next time.
He's a real hero, huh?
Yeah. He'd never
let anyone down.
I'd sure love to meet him.
Why don't we? He said to visit
him next time we were in Hollywood.
Well, won't everyone worry if
they don't know where we are?
I'll leave Ryan a note telling him
that we've gone off to Hollywood.
REX: Are you sure that this is what
the Secret Scouts were watching?
Yes, Rex. [SNORTING] We
intercepted this wave band
as it was being picked up by their
headquarters' antenna. [SNORTING]
This Mr. Hero is very powerful
for a mammal. [SNORTING]
I'll try to get us sound.
Time to recharge my
powers in the powertron.
Ah, a weakness.
And next time
you're in Hollywood
be sure to visit me here
at Megamedia Studios.
See you next time.
This Mr. Hero and
his bio-freeze weapon
could be a threat to
our conquest of Earth.
We'll pay him a little visit.
Ankylo, prepare my ship. Alert the
others and find out what a Hollywood is.
we found Hollywood.
BONEHEAD: What a strange
city. All the buildings are so skinny.
There's one that isn't.
Let's set down there.
SERA: Uh-oh! The roof's
too weak to hold up the ship.
BOTH: Huh?
Wow! That was fun.
Oh no! My ship! Allo's
gonna court marshall me.
We'll work it out.
GUARD 1: The noise
came from in here.
Let's just go finish our rounds.
No way. I heard somethin'. And no
one's allowed in here after workin' hours.
Sera, what do I do?
Don't move.
Look, it's one of the monsters
from the Star Battlemovie.
You know, a robot.
Hey, these things sure look
real nowadays. Ugly though.
Come on, Bonehead,
the coast is clear.
ANKYLO: We will arrive at Megamedia
Studio in another few minutes, Rex.
Excellent. Then we'll take
care of this so-called Mr. Hero.
I don't see Mr. Hero, Sera,
and this place is scary.
It isn't real, Bonehead.
It's just movie stuff. Look.
GUARD 1: What was that?
SERA: Here we go again. Hide.
GUARD 2: This place
gives me the creeps.
GUARD 1: Ah, chill out a little.
- GUARD 1:This place really is haunted.
- GUARD 2: Wait for me.
ALLO: Can you plug that
electronic leak, Dimetro?
There. The Tyrannos
won't be able to eavesdrop
on the Secret Scouts
communications again.
I'd like to find out what
Rex has seen already.
Here's a hint. Allo.
Sera left this note.
She and Bonehead went to
Hollywood to meet Mr. Hero.
You think that Rex was
monitoring the Mr. Hero program?
Yeah. And I'll bet ol' fang-face
won't know that it's just a TV show.
Ryan, if Rex thinks
that Mr. Hero is real,
he'll try to do
something about him.
Sera and Bonehead
could be in danger.
Dimetro, ready my ship.
Next stop, Hollywood!
You sure looked scared to me.
Nah, just surprised
that's all. Like I said
BOTH: "Ya gotta hang tough."
Mammal, where
can I find Mr. Hero?
I command you to tell me.
Geez. Give a bit player a
costume and he thinks he's Godzilla.
Hey, watch this.
I'll show you tough.
Ah, think you're tough, huh?
- Yah!
Somebody get the
number of that truck.
Sera, Mr. Hero
isn't here. It's empty.
We came all this
way for nothing.
Someone's coming.
Hide somewhere. Fast.
Here, get in the powertron.
You're all there's
room for in there.
REX: Be quick and find the
cylinder Mr. Hero stepped into
at the end of that
television transmission.
STYRACO: There it
is. Should I open it?
REX: Take the
powertron back to the ship.
What a mess.
Everyone. Ready your weapons.
Be prepared. This may
be the fight of your lives
Hello. Anyone want to play?
- No!
Bonehead, in
Mr. Hero's powertron?
What's going on here?
Can I go home?
- REX: Oh, no, indeed.
I have something much more
interesting planned for you.
Allo's ship is approaching.
Let's take off and attack
them. [SNORTING]
Not yet. We'll stay
here under cover.
Let them land and then
we'll spring the trap. Listen.
RYAN: Allo, I've
reached Sera on my ring.
She says that Rex has Bonehead.
Have her meet us
at the landing site.
Now we'll spring the trap.
Sera, are you all right?
I'm fine, but we've
gotta save Bonehead.
Any idea of where Rex is?
Ah, yes.
REX: Try and catch us now, Allo.
Secret Scout's ring
power up. [ECHOING]
SERA: We've gotta go after them.
In what? It'll take
time to repair the ship.
Hm, the power
pods are still intact.
True, but what can
we attach them to?
RYAN: How 'bout these?
I wouldn't fly those if we were
the last dinosaurs on Earth.
We are the last
dinosaurs on Earth.
Don't remind me.
ALLO: Any sign of them?
They're about 20 miles ahead.
we're being followed.
It's Allo and the
Scouts. And, who cares?
Those primitive crafts
can't catch my ship.
Rex is picking up speed.
Two can play that game. Hang on.
ANKYLO: They're closing on
us, bossasaur. [SNORTING]
That's impossible. If we can't
outrun them we'll outgun them.
Not very friendly, is he?
- Maybe this'll make him nicer.
What? All it's doing
is making noise.
Ryan, what's the matter?
It's just a movie
gun. It's not real.
Mine's not real, either.
We've got no weapons.
Then we'll have to use brains.
I've got a plan,
Ryan, but it's risky.
Now tell Sera that
Okay. Got it. Dimetro,
try to force Rex's ship towards
those mountains ahead of us.
ALLO: We've got
to get Rex lower.
Listen carefully, Sera. We're going
to dive into the canyon, then you'll
Okay. Ten-four. Dimetro,
take her up to a high altitude.
Dimetro is above us. [SNORTING]
Never mind. I'll
get rid of Allo first.
Let's do it.
ALLO: If this works, Dimetro's
sonic welder will loosen those rocks.
Here it goes.
My ship won't
respond to helm control.
REX: We'll have to set down.
We've done it. He's landing.
All right, Allo. You
want to talk? Good.
Because there's someone
here I want you to say hello to.
Hello, Allo. Hello.
Don't worry, Bonehead.
We'll save you.
You'll never see this
dumbasaur again, Allo.
REX: Unless you
do exactly as I say.
Rex says that if we don't deliver
Mr. Hero and his bio-freeze weapon to him
we'll never see Bonehead again.
Oh no.
But Sera said that
Mr. Hero wasn't at the studio.
How will we find him?
Most Earth businesses keep
computer records on their employees.
Perhaps Mr. Hero's address
is listed in the studio's files.
DIMETRO: It's worth a try.
Ah-ha. Here it is. Some
place called Beverly Hills.
I hope the terrain isn't
too rough to land in.
SERA: But, Mr. Hero, this isn't
what I meant when I asked for help.
I gave you an autographed
glossy eight by ten photo of me.
What more could a girl want?
But you're the only one
who can save my friend.
Oh I usually am.
Look, kids, I'd like to help,
but my contract says no
more personal appearances.
- But, look
- MR. HERO: Sorry.
Hey, tell you what
though. I'll let you help me.
Yeah, which color do you
think looks best on me?
The blue one goes with my eyes.
Oh, why you phony!
Hey, hey, stay back.
[STAMMERING] D Don't hurt me.
Hurt you? I'd
never hurt anybody.
But you sure hurt me.
You. I always thought
you were great.
I love the way you always save
people and defend the helpless.
But you're no hero at all.
I never said I was a
hero. I'm An actor.
You said the golden rule was
to always help your neighbor
and do what's right
and I believed you.
Boy, do I feel stupid
now. Well, don't worry.
I won't tell anybody else
what a big fake you are.
Ah Well Thanks.
Come on, Ryan. Let's
go rescue Bonehead.
I never liked your show anyway.
But Well, I'd I'd like
to help. But I'm scared.
What do we do now?
Oh, Ryan, I don't know.
Let's go rescue that friend of yours.
You're You're gonna help us?
reminded me, young lady,
that's what heroes do.
Ah, Mr, Hero, I
forgot to tell you.
When you meet my friends
they'll be wearing, uh Costumes.
Ha! Don't worry, little
lady. I'm used to that.
ALLO: Rex has promised that
as soon as Mr. Hero gives him
the bio-freeze weapon, he'll let
Bonehead go. So we'll send Mr. Hero in
Ah, couldn't we
all go in together?
SERA: Rex will be
expecting you to go in alone.
All right, Rex. [LAUGHING]
Come out and face me.
REX: Certainly, puny mammal.
So you're Mr. Hero? [LAUGHING]
You don't seem like
much of a hero to me.
Don't make me prove it,
villain. Where's my friend?
REX: And now, Mr. Hero,
surrender your bio-freeze weapon,
and just in case you plan a trick
When I make a
promise, I keep it.
MR. HERO: Now,
release my friend.
Never, fool! Now that
I've got what I want,
I'll do what I like and none of
you can make me do otherwise!
I wouldn't bet on that, Rex. I
knew you'd break your promise.
REX: Ankylo! Styraco!
Put your weapons down.
REX: I'll handle Allo.
Let's see how you
heroes like this!
- Like what?
- It didn't work.
You tricked me!
tricked yourself, big fella.
Ankylo! Styraco! Get them!
Not this time.
ANKYLO: Get us out of
here! [SNORTING] Help!
I've still got Bonehead.
Not for long, buddy!
Ow! Wretched little human!
REX: Allo, I'll
get you for this.
Secret Scout's ring
power up. [ECHOING]
Ha ha. Now maybe you'll
learn to keep your word.
Oh, shut up, you
You blubber mammal.
We appreciate your promise
not to tell anyone about us.
Well, even if I did, they'd just
tell me I was starting
to believe my own show.
Well, I'll always
believe in you.
But I thought you said
What I said was the truth
then, but you changed.
SERA: You're a real hero.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossossaur.
Well, follow them!
Hurry. It's getting closer.
The engine won't start.
We're too late. Look!
WOMAN: Oh no! It's
seen us. Do something!
I I can't!
It looks like no one
can save us now.
I wouldn't bet on that.
It's not a bird.
It's not a plane.
It's Mr. Hero!
Bullies are never
welcome, big fella.
Oh, Mr. Hero,
you're the greatest.
SERA: Oh, he is. He is.
He sure is strong.
And so handsome.
He is?
Trust me.
Thank you, Mr. Hero.
a day's work, ma'am.
Sabre tooth tigers weren't around
at the same time as dinosaurs.
How do you know?
Were Were you there?
No, but I think maybe my mother
was. Shh. And watch Mr. Hero.
Well, boys, I don't want to hurt
you, so I think it's time I used
the good ol' bio-freeze weapon.
Way to go, Mr. Hero!
You'll all be fine in an hour.
But that took a lot out of me.
It's time to recharge my powers.
Next stop
ALL: The hero haven.
Time to recharge my powers
in the powertron. [LAUGHING]
I wish I had a powertron.
I'd settle for some
more popcorn.
Kids, remember
Mr. Hero's golden rule.
MR. HERO: And help your
neighbor. Always do what's right.
And next time
you're in Hollywood
be sure to visit me here
at Megamedia Studios.
See you next time.
He's a real hero, huh?
Yeah. He'd never
let anyone down.
I'd sure love to meet him.
Why don't we? He said to visit
him next time we were in Hollywood.
Well, won't everyone worry if
they don't know where we are?
I'll leave Ryan a note telling him
that we've gone off to Hollywood.
REX: Are you sure that this is what
the Secret Scouts were watching?
Yes, Rex. [SNORTING] We
intercepted this wave band
as it was being picked up by their
headquarters' antenna. [SNORTING]
This Mr. Hero is very powerful
for a mammal. [SNORTING]
I'll try to get us sound.
Time to recharge my
powers in the powertron.
Ah, a weakness.
And next time
you're in Hollywood
be sure to visit me here
at Megamedia Studios.
See you next time.
This Mr. Hero and
his bio-freeze weapon
could be a threat to
our conquest of Earth.
We'll pay him a little visit.
Ankylo, prepare my ship. Alert the
others and find out what a Hollywood is.
we found Hollywood.
BONEHEAD: What a strange
city. All the buildings are so skinny.
There's one that isn't.
Let's set down there.
SERA: Uh-oh! The roof's
too weak to hold up the ship.
BOTH: Huh?
Wow! That was fun.
Oh no! My ship! Allo's
gonna court marshall me.
We'll work it out.
GUARD 1: The noise
came from in here.
Let's just go finish our rounds.
No way. I heard somethin'. And no
one's allowed in here after workin' hours.
Sera, what do I do?
Don't move.
Look, it's one of the monsters
from the Star Battlemovie.
You know, a robot.
Hey, these things sure look
real nowadays. Ugly though.
Come on, Bonehead,
the coast is clear.
ANKYLO: We will arrive at Megamedia
Studio in another few minutes, Rex.
Excellent. Then we'll take
care of this so-called Mr. Hero.
I don't see Mr. Hero, Sera,
and this place is scary.
It isn't real, Bonehead.
It's just movie stuff. Look.
GUARD 1: What was that?
SERA: Here we go again. Hide.
GUARD 2: This place
gives me the creeps.
GUARD 1: Ah, chill out a little.
- GUARD 1:This place really is haunted.
- GUARD 2: Wait for me.
ALLO: Can you plug that
electronic leak, Dimetro?
There. The Tyrannos
won't be able to eavesdrop
on the Secret Scouts
communications again.
I'd like to find out what
Rex has seen already.
Here's a hint. Allo.
Sera left this note.
She and Bonehead went to
Hollywood to meet Mr. Hero.
You think that Rex was
monitoring the Mr. Hero program?
Yeah. And I'll bet ol' fang-face
won't know that it's just a TV show.
Ryan, if Rex thinks
that Mr. Hero is real,
he'll try to do
something about him.
Sera and Bonehead
could be in danger.
Dimetro, ready my ship.
Next stop, Hollywood!
You sure looked scared to me.
Nah, just surprised
that's all. Like I said
BOTH: "Ya gotta hang tough."
Mammal, where
can I find Mr. Hero?
I command you to tell me.
Geez. Give a bit player a
costume and he thinks he's Godzilla.
Hey, watch this.
I'll show you tough.
Ah, think you're tough, huh?
- Yah!
Somebody get the
number of that truck.
Sera, Mr. Hero
isn't here. It's empty.
We came all this
way for nothing.
Someone's coming.
Hide somewhere. Fast.
Here, get in the powertron.
You're all there's
room for in there.
REX: Be quick and find the
cylinder Mr. Hero stepped into
at the end of that
television transmission.
STYRACO: There it
is. Should I open it?
REX: Take the
powertron back to the ship.
What a mess.
Everyone. Ready your weapons.
Be prepared. This may
be the fight of your lives
Hello. Anyone want to play?
- No!
Bonehead, in
Mr. Hero's powertron?
What's going on here?
Can I go home?
- REX: Oh, no, indeed.
I have something much more
interesting planned for you.
Allo's ship is approaching.
Let's take off and attack
them. [SNORTING]
Not yet. We'll stay
here under cover.
Let them land and then
we'll spring the trap. Listen.
RYAN: Allo, I've
reached Sera on my ring.
She says that Rex has Bonehead.
Have her meet us
at the landing site.
Now we'll spring the trap.
Sera, are you all right?
I'm fine, but we've
gotta save Bonehead.
Any idea of where Rex is?
Ah, yes.
REX: Try and catch us now, Allo.
Secret Scout's ring
power up. [ECHOING]
SERA: We've gotta go after them.
In what? It'll take
time to repair the ship.
Hm, the power
pods are still intact.
True, but what can
we attach them to?
RYAN: How 'bout these?
I wouldn't fly those if we were
the last dinosaurs on Earth.
We are the last
dinosaurs on Earth.
Don't remind me.
ALLO: Any sign of them?
They're about 20 miles ahead.
we're being followed.
It's Allo and the
Scouts. And, who cares?
Those primitive crafts
can't catch my ship.
Rex is picking up speed.
Two can play that game. Hang on.
ANKYLO: They're closing on
us, bossasaur. [SNORTING]
That's impossible. If we can't
outrun them we'll outgun them.
Not very friendly, is he?
- Maybe this'll make him nicer.
What? All it's doing
is making noise.
Ryan, what's the matter?
It's just a movie
gun. It's not real.
Mine's not real, either.
We've got no weapons.
Then we'll have to use brains.
I've got a plan,
Ryan, but it's risky.
Now tell Sera that
Okay. Got it. Dimetro,
try to force Rex's ship towards
those mountains ahead of us.
ALLO: We've got
to get Rex lower.
Listen carefully, Sera. We're going
to dive into the canyon, then you'll
Okay. Ten-four. Dimetro,
take her up to a high altitude.
Dimetro is above us. [SNORTING]
Never mind. I'll
get rid of Allo first.
Let's do it.
ALLO: If this works, Dimetro's
sonic welder will loosen those rocks.
Here it goes.
My ship won't
respond to helm control.
REX: We'll have to set down.
We've done it. He's landing.
All right, Allo. You
want to talk? Good.
Because there's someone
here I want you to say hello to.
Hello, Allo. Hello.
Don't worry, Bonehead.
We'll save you.
You'll never see this
dumbasaur again, Allo.
REX: Unless you
do exactly as I say.
Rex says that if we don't deliver
Mr. Hero and his bio-freeze weapon to him
we'll never see Bonehead again.
Oh no.
But Sera said that
Mr. Hero wasn't at the studio.
How will we find him?
Most Earth businesses keep
computer records on their employees.
Perhaps Mr. Hero's address
is listed in the studio's files.
DIMETRO: It's worth a try.
Ah-ha. Here it is. Some
place called Beverly Hills.
I hope the terrain isn't
too rough to land in.
SERA: But, Mr. Hero, this isn't
what I meant when I asked for help.
I gave you an autographed
glossy eight by ten photo of me.
What more could a girl want?
But you're the only one
who can save my friend.
Oh I usually am.
Look, kids, I'd like to help,
but my contract says no
more personal appearances.
- But, look
- MR. HERO: Sorry.
Hey, tell you what
though. I'll let you help me.
Yeah, which color do you
think looks best on me?
The blue one goes with my eyes.
Oh, why you phony!
Hey, hey, stay back.
[STAMMERING] D Don't hurt me.
Hurt you? I'd
never hurt anybody.
But you sure hurt me.
You. I always thought
you were great.
I love the way you always save
people and defend the helpless.
But you're no hero at all.
I never said I was a
hero. I'm An actor.
You said the golden rule was
to always help your neighbor
and do what's right
and I believed you.
Boy, do I feel stupid
now. Well, don't worry.
I won't tell anybody else
what a big fake you are.
Ah Well Thanks.
Come on, Ryan. Let's
go rescue Bonehead.
I never liked your show anyway.
But Well, I'd I'd like
to help. But I'm scared.
What do we do now?
Oh, Ryan, I don't know.
Let's go rescue that friend of yours.
You're You're gonna help us?
reminded me, young lady,
that's what heroes do.
Ah, Mr, Hero, I
forgot to tell you.
When you meet my friends
they'll be wearing, uh Costumes.
Ha! Don't worry, little
lady. I'm used to that.
ALLO: Rex has promised that
as soon as Mr. Hero gives him
the bio-freeze weapon, he'll let
Bonehead go. So we'll send Mr. Hero in
Ah, couldn't we
all go in together?
SERA: Rex will be
expecting you to go in alone.
All right, Rex. [LAUGHING]
Come out and face me.
REX: Certainly, puny mammal.
So you're Mr. Hero? [LAUGHING]
You don't seem like
much of a hero to me.
Don't make me prove it,
villain. Where's my friend?
REX: And now, Mr. Hero,
surrender your bio-freeze weapon,
and just in case you plan a trick
When I make a
promise, I keep it.
MR. HERO: Now,
release my friend.
Never, fool! Now that
I've got what I want,
I'll do what I like and none of
you can make me do otherwise!
I wouldn't bet on that, Rex. I
knew you'd break your promise.
REX: Ankylo! Styraco!
Put your weapons down.
REX: I'll handle Allo.
Let's see how you
heroes like this!
- Like what?
- It didn't work.
You tricked me!
tricked yourself, big fella.
Ankylo! Styraco! Get them!
Not this time.
ANKYLO: Get us out of
here! [SNORTING] Help!
I've still got Bonehead.
Not for long, buddy!
Ow! Wretched little human!
REX: Allo, I'll
get you for this.
Secret Scout's ring
power up. [ECHOING]
Ha ha. Now maybe you'll
learn to keep your word.
Oh, shut up, you
You blubber mammal.
We appreciate your promise
not to tell anyone about us.
Well, even if I did, they'd just
tell me I was starting
to believe my own show.
Well, I'll always
believe in you.
But I thought you said
What I said was the truth
then, but you changed.
SERA: You're a real hero.