Dive Club (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Dimitri Donskoii

[Maddie] "As I descended
through the Pacific,
I found myself staring into the eyes
of a gleaming barracuda.
He smiled to reveal
rows of knife-sharp teeth.
He soon tired of me.
As I watched him disappear
into the deep, I saw it.”
[all] "There it was!
The 'Canary',
Amelia Earhart's long-lost plane."
[all laugh]
-Can you read it again?
-No! Three times is enough!
Amelia Earhart's plane was
an unsolved mystery until Leo came along.
[Stevie giggles]
-As if he'd go by 'Leo'.
Guys, he's talking about real adventures.
We should be doing stuff like that.
Oh, come on!
The Russian wreck's out there
right on our doorstep.
I am not having this conversation again.
Can you imagine what we could discover?
Sharks, Lauren. Lots and lots of sharks.
We've workshopped it from every angle.
Unless we want to become shark biscuits,
there's just no safe way of doing it.
But we'd be the first divers
on the Russian wreck.
It would be so amazing to--
-Absolutely not.
-There's no chance.
-We're not doing it.
No. No. Uh-uh.
OK, OK, calm down. We won't do the dive.
Guys, can we please promise
to never do that dive.
Agreed. Promise?
OK, read it again.
"There I was on my boat,
the 'Valentina'"
Remind me, why is he hanging
from the ceiling?
Oh, I am so sorry about the net.
We've had a few intense situations lately,
but, yeah, we've had to take precautions,
but I'm sure that a gentleman
from your background--
Maddie! Don't apologise to the suspect!
[scoffs] He is not a suspect.
Well, I mean, you kind of are,
but but we'll sort that out.
Maddie, whatever is happening inside
your head needs to come to the outside.
-OK, um, let me explain.
[Stevie whispers] What is she doing?
[Anna] I have no idea.
This is the great Leonid Komarov.
[speaks Russian]
Yeah, look, this one is my favourite,
but, I mean,
I'm a fan of all of your works.
But The Canary just really
blew it out of the water for me.
Look, I have no idea
what's happening right now,
and I'm not responsible
for you being in that net.
Just putting it out there.
Oh, and, um, quick question,
with the wreck of 'Erebus',
was the Arctic water
really affecting your air intake or--
Um, look, why were you
texting Lauren, hmm?
Who is 16, by the way.
Anna, I do not think
that Mr. Komarov meant--
[clears throat] Yes.
-I am indeed Leonid Komarov.
I was invited here
as a professional consult.
I sent Lauren text message
to confirm meeting
as I had not heard from her in some time.
I was much relieved to get reply.
Now, the waters in the Arctic
reach zero degrees Celsius and lower,
but I was insulated by a hot water system,
so my air intake--
[both] Was normal.
Now, ladies,
if there is no more questions--
Wait, wait, am I supposed to know
who he is? No offence.
No offence taken.
Read these. All of them.
Leonid Komarov, "World-renowned diver,
author and explorer".
Now, Mr. Komarov--
It's Leo, please.
[laughs triumphantly] I knew it.
Lauren, I presume.
No, I'm I'm not Lauren.
Then who is?
Oh, OK, look, look, look, we ask
the questions here, alright, buddy?
So you said that you were a
[imitates Russian accent]
professional consult.
Why would Lauren need one of those?
I will need to demonstrate.
Hey, hey!
OK, it is just letter.
One I think you'll find
well worth reading.
-Come on.
It's from Lauren.
What? She did the dive.
The Russian shipwreck dive.
Wait, I thought you said that dive
is too dangerous.
-It is.
-You are lying!
I am many things,
but never a liar.
Well, then, she lied,
because she would never do that dive.
Not without any of us.
Explorers from every corner of the earth
have been entranced by your Russian wreck.
Yet too many of them have succumbed
to its dangerous currents
and aggressive sharks.
Its secrets lie
on the bottom of the ocean.
[snaps fingers]
Until your friend sent me that letter.
Now she alone knows
what secrets that ship may hold.
She found something.
What did she find?
That is exactly
what I'm here to find out.
Now, Lauren will not be joining us?
Lauren went missing.
Ten days ago.
Hmm. As I thought.
[suspenseful music]
Tell me everything.
[theme music]
[jaunty music]
[metal rattles]
East India Company.
Minted 1840.
Copper and bronze mineral mix.
Hmm. Certainly not currency.
Likely a token of some sort.
Wait for it. This will be good.
I have
no idea of the origin of this coin.
[Stevie] What?
But Lauren specifically made a note
to ask you about it.
She did indeed, but do not despair.
Before knowledge
there must always be ignorance.
I will return to you with a plan,
but first I must have hot sbiten
and stare into the night
until I see clarity
in the darkness.
Spokoynoy nochi.
OK, well, that guy clearly has spent
way too much time underwater.
He is brilliant!
He has bubbles in his brain.
Why wouldn't Lauren just tell us that she
wanted to do the Russian wreck dive?
Because she knew you would stop her.
[bluesy music]
Late at night when you sleep ♪
And it's dark and it's cold ♪
There's a creak in the night ♪
And a chill in your soul ♪
You're lookin' like
you're seein' a ghost ♪
There's a wolf at my door ♪
And she's howlin' for more ♪
Because she can smell blood ♪
But just how I'm not sure ♪
I'm not who I was before ♪
I feel a shiver ♪
When I look in the mirror ♪
I feel a shiver ♪
I feel the odds are stacked ♪
Now there's no turning back ♪
'Cause the fear I feel the most ♪
Now raise a toast ♪
Darlin', I'm the ghost ♪
And this house that I haunt ♪
It's just me that I taunt ♪
As I float down the stairs ♪
Nobody cares ♪
Nobody's scared ♪
I feel a shiver ♪
When I look in the mirror ♪
I feel a shiver ♪
I feel the odds are stacked ♪
Now there's no turning back ♪
'Cause the fear I feel the most ♪
Raise a toast ♪
Darlin', I'm the ghost ♪
[sighs heavily]
-Salt water heals everything.
Wish I could say the same
about chlorine.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, this pool is for guests only.
You're not allowed to be here.
[Stevie sighs]
How do you know that we aren't guests?
-What's your room number?
Hotel has 200 rooms.
Besides, Stevie Harrison,
I know who you are.
-Stevie, let's go.
-Come on!
Actually, our friends are staying here,
Izzie and John Martin.
They just moved in yesterday.
So we're their guests.
I don't think so. Security!
Come on! Your shoes!
[up-beat music]
[mysterious music]
What can I get you?
Eh coffee.
Darker than the shadows
of the Mariana trench.
[snaps fingers] And a cookie.
Make that five cookies.
[woman] Did you hear the news
about McKinley Fraser?
-What is this excitement?
-Some sailor's going for a world record.
-But she's gone missing.
[Leonid] Hmm.
-Alright, let's get this out of the way.
-Yeah, the quicker the better.
OK, so you stole a boat.
The boat was damaged.
No-one got hurt.
Six months detention and a whopping fine.
Pretty much sums it up.
You've been working here at the diner
and the marina with Henry?
How many hours you do this week?
Nearly 60.
Good man. Right, let's see.
You still owe court fees,
supervision fees, court restitution.
-That's 600 bucks.
-Hey, what?
That's like a whole week's wage.
I thought I was only paying for
the damage to the boat.
I just read the forms, Hayden.
Are you kidding me?
Chief, I've been working two jobs, OK?
When I'm not at the marina or here,
I'm helping at the Volkovs.
I've messed things up with Stevie
to try and pay this stupid fine off
and now you're telling me I owe more?
It's impossible!
I can't physically work any harder!
You stole a boat and trashed it.
What'd you think was going to happen?
It was an accident.
Sure it was.
[Izzie] Mr. Komarov.
Ah, the blonde woman
who felt bad I was caught in a net.
Mr. Komarov,
I read one of your books last night
and, um, things get pretty dangerous
on your adventures.
You see, I never got to meet Lauren,
but I'm getting a sense
of what she was like,
and I'm just wondering if maybe
Things got pretty dangerous.
Do you think that Lauren was--
I think she was brave.
Braver than most.
We are all adventurers
as soon as we find something
that we care about more than fear.
[eerie music]
So, are you and Hayden
over for good this time?
Are you OK?
Can we stay focused, please?
This is where we're going.
Good morning, comrades.
We brought supplies.
Some cookies.
-And we've got a plan.
-Yes, Rasputin, take a seat.
Alright, the Russian wreck
lies a short boat ride from the coast.
I say we do a survey of local dive spots
away from known shark migration zones.
And, Leonid uh, Leo,
in your second book,
The Mistaken Identity of the Isabella,
you worked with a man named Pavel Tolstoy.
He assisted you
in digitally scanning artefacts.
[Maddie] Do you think that you could ask
for his help again?
I just think the software that he used
could tell us more about our coin.
you stand on the edge of a precipice.
I have a dilemma for you,
one that we cannot escape
no matter how hard we try.
In order to learn what Lauren knew,
we must do what Lauren did.
[Stevie] What?
He means we need to do
the Russian wreck dive.
[snaps fingers]
[radio static crackles]
It's my radio.
[woman over radio] Mayday, mayday, mayday!
Hello? Is anyone there?
Latitude's 21 degrees, 36 minutes out.
-That's a distress call.
-Longitude 155 degrees.
That's Lauren!
[Maddie] Do you think?
There's no time to waste.
To the 'Valentina'!
[suspenseful music]
[theme music]
[engine stops]
I'll take the south.
Stevie, you look north.
-Izzie, look west.
-And I'll go east. Got it.
If you see something,
don't take your eyes off it, OK?
-Oh, uh, your other west.
[eerie music]
[radio static crackles]
This is 'Valentina'.
Any vessels in distress?
[radio static crackles]
'Valentina'. Distress call received.
Any vessels requiring assistance?
[suspenseful music]
Chert voz'mi!
[flare fizzes]
Keep your eyes on it.
That's about
[both] Two nautical miles east.
Leonid, hard to port!
Yes, ma'am.
[flare fizzes]
[boat engine roars]
[theme music]
Lauren! Lauren, over here!
[water splashes]
It's her!
Lauren! Lauren!
McKinley Fraser.
Boy, am I glad to see you.
'Valentina' to Cape Mercy Harbour.
Call for EMT services.
We have McKinley Fraser on board.
She's well but requires medical.
[man over radio] 10-4, 'Valentina'.
We'll have an ambulance standing by.
[Maddie] Wait till Sea Dog hears
we rescued a famous sailor.
[Izzie] The whole town has been
talking about your world record attempt.
It's an honour to meet you, McKinley.
The world has been following your story
with a lot of interest.
Likewise, Mr. Komarov.
Your reputation certainly precedes you.
Thank you all so much.
We're glad to be of service.
What happened?
I missed the checkpoint
when the cyclone knocked me off course.
I had enough food and water
to keep me going, but--
What happened to your boat?
Destroyed. The reef took out the hull.
I barely made out my distress call
before she went down.
It'll be weeks before I can make
another attempt.
Another attempt?
Of course!
But you nearly went down with the ship.
A ship is safest in the harbour
but that's not what ships are for.
[gentle music]
Hey, Leo!
I've always wanted to know
why you named your boat the 'Valentina'.
Was it some sassy Russian journalist
who stole your heart
but it didn't work out
because you're married to the sea?
Valentina Tereshkova.
The first woman in space.
I'm sorry.
For what?
We saved a famous sailor today.
I'm sorry that it was not Lauren.
We will find our answers.
We must keep looking.
[footsteps approach]
Stevie! Stay here.
They found something.
[hushed murmuring]
[sombre music]
Is that?
Lauren's jacket.
[Stevie] Oh, my gosh.
It's all over.
She's gone.
[plaintive music]
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