Divorce Attorney Shin (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

For you, Mom and Dad.
And for you, Ju-hwa.
Mom, Dad, just flowers for you today.
It's Ju-hwa's birthday.
Listen up, everybody.
You can't do this to me, guys.
I've realized something about myself.
I'm quite soft-hearted.
I'm a softie.
You should have lived to be at least 80.
Dad, I know I'm not the one to talk,
but I knew you drank way too much.
And you.
Shin Ju-hwa.
You should feel the worst.
Our generation is expected
to live to be 100.
So what's this?
Do I have to keep living like this?
I have to…
I have to live all alone…
until I'm 100.
When I think about that…
I don't know how I'm going to live.
Is this an office or a study group?
Good grief.
I mean--
Good morning.
It's past lunchtime.
What's that on his face?
Under-eye patches?
- Sae-bom.
- Yes?
Do you have the list of people
who left their numbers for consultations?
Where did I put it?
Are we calling to ask
if they still need help?
Attorney Choi, I heard you're
looking for a house near the…
Thank you
for the flowers.
I didn't get to thank you last time.
What happened?
So you're actually embarrassed?
I've practically finished
digesting my lunch by now.
And you come in here
saying "good morning"?
I didn't know what else to say.
Just say "good day"
or carry around an emoji sign.
You're stressing me out.
Give me a break, man.
Come here.
What the hell?
- You scared the shit out of me.
- Your face scared me more!
Go look in a mirror.
You look in a mirror!
You little…
You're unbelievable.
Your pores are like…
What the hell?
You went to see Ju-hwa.
Did you actually put a tail on me?
Both Jeong-sik and I know
that today's her birthday, you prick.
Get that tissue off your face.
You ass.
Damn it.
I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.
You know what today is, right?
I don't know what it is, but…
I don't know.
You inconsiderate jerk.
Mr. Jang, we're supposed
to have a meeting today.
Is Mr. Shin Sung-han in?
He's out on business right now.
Do you have an appointment?
You don't seem busy.
Do I need one?
Yes, he's available by appointment only,
and he has a full day today.
- Lady!
- Let me…
Let me assist you.
Come in.
I knew you'd be surprised,
but I'm starting to get worried now.
You're breathing, right?
It's been a long time.
We haven't met
since your parents' funeral.
would you like some tea?
Let's skip over that.
We'd have to make small talk
while we wait for tea.
Neither of us wants that.
May I sit here?
I'm here to ask you something.
About Ju-hwa.
Gi-yeong's mother.
Where is she?
I'm asking if you buried her
somewhere nice
or if you placed her remains
in a nice columbarium.
You seem taken aback by my question.
I think you have questions for me.
"Why do you ask? Why do you want to know?"
"Are you saying none of you know
where my sister rests?"
Don't you want to ask me?
You must be speechless and frustrated.
I can't think of anything nice to say.
What's the meaning of this?
It's simple.
couldn't come when she passed away.
I wanted to pay my respects
now that I'm back in Korea,
but my son said he doesn't know.
And my new daughter-in-law
doesn't seem to be of good character,
so I doubt that she knows.
So I shamelessly showed up here,
using my old age as an excuse.
Simple, isn't it?
No, thank you.
It's far too late for you
to be paying respects to my sister.
I guess I'll find out on my own.
But I applaud your character.
You remained calm without cursing me out.
Could it be…
because you're an artist?
- I'm an attorney.
- That's why I wanted to come.
You're Ju-hwa's brother.
I was curious about you.
If you ever plan to get a divorce,
please make an appointment.
I'll give you
a wholehearted consultation.
Ms. Yu.
Who is she?
His sister's mother-in-law.
In-law, my ass. She ran off ages ago.
Shouldn't you get back to work?
Who cares about work right now?
Sung-han is getting walked all over again.
Let's go in.
Come on.
Go back to your office.
I don't need a wholehearted consultation.
Can you win any case?
You even gave up on your passion
for the piano to become an attorney.
I got on the plane,
thinking you could turn my life around.
But I should stop dreaming.
I'm not what you're
talking about right now.
Are you going to be here for a while?
Because if you do…
I might stop being so polite.
Mr. Shin.
If you're tenacious like me,
you can keep on living.
If you're kind like Ju-hwa,
you'll keep living as an attorney
until you face an untimely death.
Ms. Ma.
I told you, didn't I?
Kindness is a weakness.
You should have kept that in mind.
You just had to have an affair
with such a lowly woman.
Has she gone insane?
How dare she reach out
to a kid studying abroad?
Did you give her Min-su's number
and ask her to contact him?
- You're insane.
- You're one to talk.
You two are the insane ones here!
Studying abroad is tough as it is.
Aren't you ashamed to see him?
Park Ji-yeon, aren't you ashamed?
You don't care if your husband dies,
and you go about your life
doing whatever you want.
You'll pay for it.
You'll pay for your behavior!
I said I have something to say.
This doesn't concern you.
- Go back tomorrow.
- I have something to say!
Please hear me out.
I looked into this.
I'm over 15, so I can
donate my organs if I want to.
Hey, are you crazy?
Is that bitch behind this?
Did that bitch tell you
to donate your liver?
No, it's my own decision.
- Min-su, no!
- I'll donate my liver.
So stop making me study abroad
when I don't even want to!
I'll give you my liver.
You two can sort out your divorce.
I'll give you my liver.
So let's just stop this.
Choi Min-su.
Are you going to make me feel so small?
What are you going to do
after you give up and come back?
- You think you'll be able to keep up here?
- I don't have to go to college!
You're a professor's son!
- How can you not go to college?
- Mom.
Do you know how many times I collapsed?
I have panic disorder. Do you even know?
Everyone has panic disorder these days.
- Do you think school will be easy here?
- You know what?
You don't care if your son is sick
or if your husband is terminally ill!
- How do you live with yourself?
- It's not just your studies.
You'll have to go to the army too.
What if your health is affected?
No parent would say yes to this!
So just get divorced, Mom!
That woman will donate her liver
instead of you or me!
Don't shampoo your hair today.
What should I use if my hair gets too dry?
Try using this one.
- How much do I owe you?
- It's on the house!
Really? What's going on today?
Nothing's going on.
- Bye now.
- Okay.
You must know shame.
Why are you locking the door?
Let's have some courtesy, okay?
Why are you here?
You contacted my son
behind my back, you tramp.
So why am I not allowed to be here?
- "Tramp"?
- What should I call you then?
"Crazy bitch"?
So unsophisticated.
Look who's talking.
You? A professor's wife?
Don't kid yourself.
And you're toying around
with a person's life.
You think you're sane?
Did you want to go
from being a hairdresser
to being a professor's wife
by giving him your liver?
If that's your conclusion,
go ahead and think as you like.
But you know,
you're also desperate to keep living
as a professor's wife, aren't you?
Choi Jeong-ho, you picked
the lowest woman of them all.
I'm the one who made him a professor.
I quit my job
just before I became a chief editor.
It wasn't an easy decision.
Do you think I didn't have dreams?
I gave up and became a housewife
to give him my full support.
Do you have any idea?
You dare to have an affair with him
and demand a divorce?
Is that why
you'd rather watch him die
than get a divorce?
- You're so pathetic.
- You!
How dare you say that to me?
What the hell are you doing?
- What?
- Let go of me!
You evil…
I didn't do anything wrong!
You little…
Damn you!
About Professor Choi Jeong-ho's case.
Will Shin Sung-han really take it?
I'm not sure,
but I think they've been talking.
It's just a matter of time
before you lose your mind
when you believe in the wrong principles.
Does he really think he can win that?
Any other updates?
By the way,
why am I having what you're having?
So we get served faster.
His sister's mother-in-law came by,
so things got really uncomfortable
in the office.
- And…
- Mother-in-law?
Yes, that's what they said.
Too spicy.
Was this her?
I knew she looked familiar.
She's an actress, right?
Is she not?
A newscaster?
You're really good at drawing.
What are you drawing, Ha-yul?
- Nature.
- Is that so?
Will Jeong-guk be home late?
He said his dinner is running late.
Grandma, it's time for my English lesson.
You were studying
until a minute ago. Already?
I'll be done after English.
Good night.
Ha-yul, it's time for bed.
Do you take
Gi-yeong to his mother sometimes?
He hasn't asked yet.
So you're not keeping him away from her?
Why would I do that, Mother?
Where does she rest?
I'm not so sure.
What about Jeong-guk?
Does he know?
I'm not sure.
You're living this life
after she passed away.
How do you sleep at night?
Excuse me.
Yes, ma'am?
Please tuck Ha-yul in.
Ha-yul was listening.
The kids are growing up.
Find out where Gi-yeong's mother is.
It'll be uncomfortable for you,
so I'll take him.
Don't do that, Mother.
This is my family.
I'm so silly.
I can never hold back my laughter.
It used to be
Gi-yeong's family, didn't it?
It was mine to begin with.
If you hadn't disapproved of me,
we wouldn't have had to take a detour.
In the end, I'm the one who's here.
I wouldn't even be talking to you
if my son didn't choose to be with you.
It was her birthday today.
I'll take Gi-yeong
and leave her some flowers.
Mark my words.
Cancel his insurance?
He has gone insane.
He's completely out of it.
If he cancels his life insurance,
will I not get a payout?
What about the amount he's paid?
Yes. Right.
He's finally lost it
now that his days are numbered.
I didn't know he could be that bold.
This house is all he's left for us.
My kid and I need the payout to get by!
Anyway, thanks.
I'll talk to him and call you back.
That was the phone call.
The phone call she had
with the plaintiff is much crueler.
Would you like to hear it?
Isn't this illegal?
Your partner, Ms. Kim Ji-suk, said
your insurance planner is
a friend of your wife's.
- Is that true?
- Yes, I heard she's a close friend.
And Ms. Park's been
paying for your insurance?
Call your insurance company
and tell them you'd like to
cancel all your insurance.
Ask them about the procedure.
Then they'll contact
the payer immediately.
What happens after that?
She'll respond.
And we need to catch how she responds.
You said something
about a criminal record?
Let's hope Ms. Park gives
a dramatic response.
And let's think of a way
to capture her response.
But I doubt there's a legal way
to go about that.
Are you saying
we're going to tap her phone?
I'm just saying
it's do-or-die.
That's the attitude I need from you.
Yes, it is illegal.
It's a breach
of the Communications Secrets Act.
But can you think of how frustrated
Mr. Choi must have been
that he even broke the law?
Choi Jeong-ho.
- You're Min-su's father.
- This…
can't be used as evidence.
Given its gravity,
I'll take it into account.
We'll sue the plaintiff
for the breach
of the Communications Secrets Act.
You'll get a criminal record.
Were you aware of it?
I'm going to die anyway.
I don't care if I get a criminal record.
Sue me.
Good work.
How are you? Are you okay?
Should we go see the doctor?
You'll be busy, Mr. Choi,
divorcing, registering your marriage,
and getting that liver.
I hope you get healthy
so I can sue you for breaking the law.
A professor with a criminal record?
How dishonorable.
Thank you.
- Good work.
- Thank you.
A criminal record?
What are you talking about?
I'm saying things won't go as you like.
Do you want me to explain?
No, forget it. Just go on your way!
What? Are you disappointed?
You said you'd rather be
widowed than divorced.
- You better stop lying, lady.
- Did you just hit me?
- You said it yourself!
- That's enough.
- What's enough?
- And you.
We'll see how happy your life will be.
- We talked on the phone. I'm Choi Min-su.
- I see.
It's nice to meet you.
Come in.
A client called this morning
to schedule a consultation.
I said I'd call them back
after checking your schedule.
When should I schedule it for?
You can talk to them whenever you're free.
By myself?
Yes, you're an expert.
I didn't just agree to let you work here
so you could keep Hyeon-u's custody.
You're the best radio DJ there is.
You're a great listener.
It's the perfect work experience
for an intake coordinator here.
Did you wrap up the case well today?
Yes, they agreed to a divorce.
What do I say in situations like this?
"That's a relief"?
Nothing, really.
"Great work."
How's that?
I did do great work,
so that would be great.
It's a good thing
that they got divorced, right?
Once I set my mind to something,
I always do my best.
I'd like to keep track of
all the ongoing cases.
Nobody knows if it was a good thing.
Everything is up to them now.
But how can I put this?
They were like moths flying into a fire.
I don't feel too great about it.
Does this mean you're done
with the grapes then?
You had two left before my case
and then colored one soon after.
There's only one left, and you just won.
Here's a secret.
I color them in even if I lose.
What's your reward when you're done?
My reward?
I'm not sure.
I can finally see the finish line,
but it's only cluttering up my mind.
- One more thing.
- Yes?
It's different.
You wanted to protect Hyeon-u.
Professor Choi and his wife were
both trying to save themselves.
It was different from the beginning.
You know my mother-in-law is back, right?
Yes, I heard.
Her first order was
to find out where Shin Ju-hwa rests.
That must be why Ms. Ma
went to Shin Sung-han's office.
She went there?
Yes. I planted someone in that office.
Ms. Ma Geum-hui of Daenam Electronics
went to see Shin Sung-han
and asked about Shin Ju-hwa?
That bothers me.
I need more information on Shin Sung-han.
- Put something together.
- Yes, I'll get it ready.
I believe my decision
to plant someone in his office
in case something like this happens
was a genius move.
I assume you sent someone smart.
Am I right?
Of course.
No way! This is awesome!
To be honest, I was a little disappointed.
I quit Keumhwa and came here,
but you didn't even bother
to buy me a beer to welcome me.
But I didn't expect you to throw
such a special welcome party for me.
This is great.
It's a welcome party?
I never said anything of that sort.
It's not Christmas.
Forget it.
It's what you do when you're out camping.
Well, we don't.
Just let him have it. He's a kid.
We should at least have music.
That's noise pollution.
Have some manners, okay?
Why do you even go camping?
Let's get grilling.
What are you doing?
I haven't uploaded a video in a while.
My subscribers are
very sensitive these days
after I took down your video.
I was going to make
a camping video with good vibes.
but I shifted gears.
To "no vibes, no fun."
Do you not remember
what happened last time you filmed me?
I'm only filming myself.
Look at the angle. I'm filming myself.
- What the…
- I don't feel comfortable being on camera.
You should have told me beforehand.
We're wearing the same color.
I told you we shouldn't bring him!
Come on, Attorney Choi.
Put the camera away. Turn it off.
Let's enjoy nature quietly.
I mean,
you should just go to a temple then.
Go ahead.
Don't have any of this.
I'm sorry, sir.
I wasn't thinking when I said that.
Please, allow me.
- Open it for me.
- Yes, sir. Opening it right now.
Hey, that stings!
- Bye, everyone.
- Is it ready?
I'll be done soon. Give me a moment.
What are you looking at?
I wanted to see where you worked.
How did you get here alone?
Do you know how to take the bus?
I've been out front before.
Back then.
I wanted to give my journal to Mr. Shin.
I see.
But I just went home that day.
I was scared.
Of what?
No idea. I don't remember.
I was just scared.
Do you want to eat ramyeon
instead of pork cutlets?
Ramyeon? Can I really?
Hey, kid.
You're good-looking.
Thank you.
And well-behaved?
You're so cool.
I'm sorry. Enjoy your meal.
I won't bother you.
Why didn't you go camping with them?
It's awkward to eat with them.
Camping would be worse.
I guess it would be tiring.
All three of them are weirdos.
There are four of them now.
There's another one?
A new attorney.
Oh, my.
They hired another weirdo?
Is that a job requirement?
I mean, it's an unlikely mix.
Can I ask you something?
How's my ramyeon? Is it good?
- Is it not spicy?
- No.
I'll make it less spicy next time.
Can we go with them next time?
Camping. I want to try camping too.
You and I can go.
It'll be too quiet if it's just us two.
Camping has to be fun!
You know, a welcome party…
shouldn't be like this.
When we're out here,
we should have some nice lights on.
When I bought those lights second-hand…
I was thrilled.
That speaker.
I bought that at the store.
It's brand-new.
Darn it.
Who am I talking to?
I have headphones too.
I'm so drunk.
Let's tuck him in.
You're good at that, Attorney Choi.
Way to go.
I should start calling you Mr. Popping.
Let's go into the tent.
It's spacious in there.
I really like you.
- I like you too.
- I like you so much.
I like you too.
- What was that?
- You're such a good dancer.
Did he get bitten by a bug?
- Of course I like you.
- Stay with me.
Get in here with me.
There you go.
It's so cold.
It's cold.
Good work.
The countless days we spent
Immersed in music
We can never go back
It's time…
you let Ji-eun go.
The song says it's time to say goodbye.
It says time will bring us back together.
I want to go to karaoke.
All of a sudden?
Shut up, you prick.
I can't even talk?
After I made that awesome kimchi stew?
You finished most of it.
As if. Jun had the most.
You ate all the meat, you prick.
- You gave it all to me, you dimwit.
- You took all of it
- while pretending to stir it.
- Shut up.
Let's just never have
a serious conversation.
How do we go from Ji-eun to kimchi stew?
Let her go.
Working on Professor Choi's case
really made me think.
Who's Professor Choi?
You little…
She's having a child,
so she'll have to register
the child's birth.
She's not coming back, is she?
She can't.
You know her better than I do.
She couldn't even call an ambulance.
Even if she breaks up with him,
she can't come back.
They won't break up.
He seemed like a good guy.
Come on, dude.
Why did that lady visit you?
I don't know.
She left after some rambling.
But some of the things she said…
were really difficult.
- Let's go to sleep.
- Come on.
Who's going to sleep next to Jun?
Darn it.
I'm a light sleeper.
As the autumn leaves flutter
In this sorrowful wind
You must leave me behind
My love
Before you leave
Tell me you love me
Just one more time
Why are you doing this?
He snores too much.
Hold on.
No, wait. He snores too much.
You never told me about this.
Assistant Inspector Kang.
May I see my sister's call history?
Why do you ask?
I'd like to know who she last spoke with.
You saw the CCTV footage too.
She was in shock after that phone call
and walked out into the street.
That bothered us too,
so we did check her call history.
Right here.
Thank you.
Most of them were from her ex-husband.
The rest was spam.
010-1975-1225, INCOMING CALL
Sir, this one.
Can you tell me who this is?
That's the last call she received.
As far as we know,
it was Ms. Shin's friend.
It was about a favor
that Ms. Shin had asked for.
It was a hit-and-run,
so we can't bring them in.
I see.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
The number you have dialed
is not in service.
Please check your number and try again.
The number you have dialed
Is this Mr. Shin Sung-han?
Who's this?
My name is Jin Yeong-ju.
I'm Seo Jeong-guk's wife.
I see.
What's this about?
I'd like to meet with you.
Is this about Gi-yeong?
Actually, scratch that.
We need to discuss that too.
I don't think you have a say
in that matter.
Whatever it is,
I'll talk to Gi-yeong's dad.
What's wrong with everyone?
It's as if I pushed her
in front of that car.
That careless bitch gets attention
even after she's dead.
I'm jealous, Shin Ju-hwa.
- "Pregnancy gift"?
- It's for an acquaintance.
A friend.
My friend's wife is pregnant.
I thought you only had two friends.
I'm not like Sung-han.
What was the best gift you got
when Hyeon-u was born?
Do you know the gender?
No, not yet.
If it's not urgent,
it might be a good idea
to wait until you find out.
Did I tell you that I was a fan
when you were a DJ?
You just sounded like a DJ.
It's like listening to the radio.
Right, Sae-bom?
How about a stroller?
That's not so bad.
My older sister was thrilled
when she got one.
Was it because it was expensive?
An expensive stroller.
Attorney Choi, what are you doing?
Writing down everything I want to say.
- Why?
- Who do you want to say it to?
Attorney Shin.
I will no longer let him
control me with his words.
Is that so?
Try it on me first.
Think of it as practice.
I, Attorney Choi Jun,
am a competent attorney
who graduated from SNU School of Law
with flying colors.
I proudly finished my internship
at Keumhwa Law Firm, the top…
I'm sick of spying for Keumhwa.
"Spying for Keumhwa"?
What I'm saying is that…
I want to focus on my work as an attorney.
- Liar.
- Sorry?
You haven't even touched
the consultation report yet.
I know. All he ever does is stare at me.
I don't stare at you. I mean…
You think he can handle that?
Attorney Shin wants him
to take charge this time.
You know,
I love Shin Sung-han.
Sure, as long as it's an easy case.
It's not too easy though.
Do you also think
I have a problem?
So why are you avoiding eye contact?
Was I?
You won't look me in the eye.
Working here…
you must see a lot of people…
who get divorced.
scares me as much as marriage did.
Were you afraid of getting married?
If you want a divorce,
we'll help you not feel scared.
Once it begins,
it won't be as hard as you think.
That's how it was for me.
After I got married,
I realized that everything was a lie.
Everything about
my husband.
He deceived me perfectly in every way.
But he said
that I deceived him.
He says I deceived him on a deeper level.
He called me a fraud.
On what grounds?
I used to have…
a mental condition.
But not anymore.
So? She didn't recognize you
throughout the session?
I don't think she knows
who Lee Seo-jin is at all.
See? A lot of people don't.
- You're not drinking the soup?
- I'm watching my figure.
So don't walk around all timid and scared.
There are a lot of good restaurants.
I'll forgive you even if you eat
ramyeon somewhere else.
Damn it.
Mr. Jang?
- Ms. Kim?
- Yes?
May I leave this here
until I get off work?
So you decided to a stroller
for your friend's baby.
- The color looks sophisticated.
- Yes, it's for my friend.
- Right, for your friend's baby.
- Yes, for a friend.
Sure, you can…
park it over there.
Yes, I'll park it here.
- Have you eaten?
- I have.
Put it under the painting.
Why did you call me here?
I quit eating carbs.
Hello, Mr. Crazy. Flowers?
Hey, this reminds me.
I got so much shit
for getting someone flowers the other day.
Mr. Shin.
It's bad for you
to do things that feel unnatural.
Remember when I opened my office?
- You didn't even--
- Hey.
What do you think he's doing?
And what's that dark thing next to him?
It's a stroller.
But why?
I'm sick of trying to guess
what's going through his mind.
She gave me flowers twice.
This is a fan's dream come true.
Stop it.
I should have just taken it to the office.
Yes, you could have parked it
in front of my office.
- It's huge.
- I mean…
Did you have to do this?
You could have gotten
something smaller and more expensive.
Moms apparently love strollers.
So you're going to meet her later
and give this to her?
This isn't what she wants.
The paperwork…
They both know.
Feel free to curse me out.
I mean, the stroller is great,
- but I--
- I filled out the divorce papers.
I signed them too.
It's a divorce gift.
Back off.
Should I come with you?
Why would you?
We've known her for so long.
We should say goodbye.
I don't think you should.
Why did you put it together yourself?
You could have just had it delivered.
I want to give it to her in person.
Where are you meeting her?
Don't tell him.
He'll show up.
It's too big of a gift, right?
If the father doesn't like it,
sell it second-hand.
You didn't have to do this.
You're so naive.
I wanted to give you one last gift.
I did everything on my part.
I'm sure it's all ready.
I'm sorry it took so long.
I wish you all the best.
I'm sorry.
Damn it.
It was his idea.
Let's have soju and beer tonight.
- Let's go to Sung-han's place.
- Yes, sure.
Let's drink that 30-year-old
single malt whiskey.
- I don't have that at home.
- Hey.
Stop crying and talk clearly.
The cabinet under the sink, right side.
It's in the corner behind the hose.
Do you also work for him as a maid?
- That's sesame oil.
- It's sesame oil.
It's not single malt whiskey.
- Single malt.
- Come on.
- It's sesame oil.
- It's okay. Don't cry.
All right, let's go.
Let's stop making a scene and leave.
It sounds so good.
It must be so savory.
Come in.
He had to travel quite far
and insists on seeing you today.
Did you give him a consultation?
He said he has something
to tell you in person.
What should I do?
I'll see him.
I've never been to Haenam.
It's nice there, isn't it?
We have the sea and the fields.
Right, the sea and the fields.
I hear you're a divorce expert.
Are you also an expert
at preventing a divorce?
Yes, I am.
But before we begin,
I'm sure there are
plenty of great attorneys in your area.
She told me to come to you.
Subtitle translation by: Eun-sook Yoon
There's a fine line
between an attorney and a con artist.
What if you end up losing?
Let's look into it.
You should go.
You're obnoxious.
I must have made a mistake
during the consultation.
I was worried he'd miss the bait.
Let's begin.
Jin Yeong-ju.
She's trying to destroy Shin Sung-han.
I'm going to do something.
I'll become the talk of the town.
And I'll get your honor back.
Ripped and synced by
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