Django (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

The Trial

Hey, look over here.
Here! A few more.
What do we have here? Look at this.
This guy got a gold chain.
He's alive!
Stop right there! Hands up!
Don't think, just do it!
Get down, now! Down!
What'd I tell you, huh? Huh?
Get up. Up!
The lawyer should be here any minute.
My friend, I never trusted
anybody in my whole life.
I hope I don't regret it
right now. You hold the deed.
John Ellis.
May the devil carry you away.
Yeah, he probably
would if you asked him,
considering all the business
you two've done together.
Unless there's some other
reason I keep getting older
- and you stay the same.
- Oh!
Is this a new one?
Well, this here's Django.
He only got to New
Babylon a little while ago.
Ah. You Mexican?
I'm French.
His mother was from Paris.
Well then, Paris Come on in!
I thought I found all of
Barney's hiding places.
Even from beyond, he
never ceases to surprise.
I paid off all his debts and
managed to keep a little aside.
When this bottle's
finished, I'm heading west.
From what I hear, you
should do the same.
What'd you hear?
That you found oil underneath
that nothing town of yours,
and now everybody wants you dead.
Yeah, that oil's our chance to
show the world who we really are.
All it does is give them one more chance
to finally wipe you out.
Well, we can defend ourselves just fine.
Our lawyer's coming here
to help sort this out.
He'll meet with the judge in Elmdale.
I've known you a long time.
I'm gonna give you
some unsolicited advice.
Sell, tomorrow.
For the best price that you
can get and light a shuck.
Maybe, in a place where no one knows
you, what you wanna do is possible.
But not around here.
You got no place to walk
with your head held high
if all you've done is hang it at home.
What about you, Paris?
How'd you get in cahoots
with this stubborn old ass?
Still wondering about it.
Is that Gress?
John Ellis, it's Sheriff Boone.
How's your aim, Paris?
C'mon out, we know you're in there.
Let's think about this for a second.
He's looking for a reason to shoot
me dead and burn down our city.
- And I ain't gonna give him one.
- John!
If you don't come out by three,
we're gonna have to start shootin'.
One Two
You keep that deed safe.
Smart choice, Ellis.
Now, you come with us, hm?
You'll be seeing me
soon enough in court.
I'm just waiting for my lawyer
to come and work everything out.
Your lawyer is Martin
Gress, is that right?
Well, he was killed on the road
to San Antonio earlier today.
Now I'm worried whoever killed
him might be comin' for you next.
That's how it's gonna be, huh?
And I'm here to ensure that you
make it to Elmdale safe and sound.
You pull that trigger,
he's gonna be dead for sure.
And once we're there,
we can make sure you have
proper representation.
All right. Just let
me get my things first.
I'll come with you.
Make sure your friend
knows he's invited too.
I saw two horses out back.
Unless you rode in here
with one ass cheek on each.
What do you idiots want?
Sorry to bother you at
this hour, Mrs. Bailey.
Not so sorry as to turn your ass around.
Well, it seems
..Mr. Ellis
doesn't want to introduce
me to his companion.
And I guess neither do you.
There's no one else here.
So, you won't mind if I
..take a little look
back here, will you?
Doesn't seem to matter much what I mind.
There's no need to go rifling
through a dead man's things.
Well then, Mr. Ellis
Shall we?
Come on.
Barney owed a lot of
people a lot of money.
Sometimes they'd come lookin'.
What's your plan, Paris?
'Cause the Sheriff ain't exactly
got John's best interests at heart.
Can I borrow this?
Barney wore that when we got
hitched, it's fifty years old.
Well, it doesn't smell
one day over forty.
I'll bring you back double.
That's what Barney used to say.
I brought you something
for John's trial tomorrow.
Go on, try it.
Let me help you.
If he's convicted, they'll kill him.
Will God forgive us?
There's nothing to forgive.
You're doing your father a favour.
Thanks to you, he will pay for his sins.
You are kidding me.
Colonel Fourier.
Come on in.
Colonel Fourier, I'm sorry.
You had good intuition,
it just wasn't enough.
How's your leg?
It's fine, why? Is
something wrong with it?
They're gonna take us to
Camp Hoffman in Maryland.
If we wanna see our families
again, we gotta escape on the way.
I already got a plan,
I just need your help.
Shh, shh.
Stop right there.
What regiment you in?
I'm Captain Tanhill of First Maryland.
Show yourself.
What the hell are you doing out here?
Is it just you?
We're on patrol around Chambersburg,
checking for stragglers.
Put the goddamn gun down.
Well, we got two prisoners
we're taking to Camp Hoffman.
Guess you haven't heard.
General Sykes gave the order to,
uh, close the door on new prisoners.
Rations are scarce enough as it is.
We've been marching
'em for three days
Those are Sykes's orders.
Well, what are we
supposed to do with 'em?
We can take care of them, if you prefer.
No, no, no We got 'em.
As you wish.
To the Union.
Whatcha doin' in Elmdale?
You're here to try a case, right?
A land dispute?
It's got something to do with you?
Well, kind of, my daughter is close to
the person being accused.
- Mr. John Ellis?
- Yes, sir.
He's a Negro.
Well, I am surprised you're
sticking your neck out,
given everything that happened.
He's not gonna last.
You're really gonna
waste morphine on him?
Shut up, I've made a decision,
okay? You listen to me.
All right, you're in charge.
How're you doing?
Be better with a drink in me.
You two, up.
He can't walk.
Then help him.
We got two days and some rough ground.
Once we get to Camp Hoffman, a
doctor will take care of that leg.
We're not going anywhere with you.
Here, it's morphine.
It'll help with the pain.
Now, let your friend help you
or we'll drag your
ass all the way there.
C'mon now.
We have to run away.
You heard what the captain said.
Sooner or later that
nigger will kill us.
We're running nowhere.
But you can. If you
get a chance, take it.
I'm not going to abandon you, sir.
From what I've read,
Mrs. Thurmann has a solid
case against Mr. Ellis.
No, it's based on a lie.
The deed to the property shows
Mr. Ellis is the rightful owner.
I'm not sure I understand.
You're saying this deed
was made out to a Negro?
Well, it's right here, black on white.
What are you really doing here?
I'm just trying to help a friend, sir.
- A friend, huh?
- Yeah.
- Mr. Ellis is your friend?
- Yes, sir.
What's the matter with you?
I thought you had some spine,
yet you come here and ask me
to side with that Negro?
Mr. Ellis is a good man, and honest.
Like anyone gives a shit.
You gotta take a side, Julian.
It's us against them.
The war's not over.
Yes, it is, and we lost.
How's your colonel?
Can't you tell?
I don't want him to die.
Well, you shouldn't have shot him then.
It ain't personal.
You two are just in the way.
In the way of what?
I'm fighting for the right to exist.
And for the lives of
my brothers and sisters.
We're all fighting to survive.
No, now you fightin' for that
fancy house on the top of the hill.
For your right to be called "master"
by the folks who built
everything you have
for nothing but scraps and beatings.
Well, you must take me for a rich man.
Well, you must take
yourself for a poor one.
I never owned a slave
Because you thought it was sinful
or because you couldn't afford one?
It doesn't matter, you're
still fighting for it.
You put on that uniform,
that's your cause.
Wanna know what my cause is?
I put on this uniform
because my family need
money to survive, that's it.
Should've put on mine then.
Yeah, maybe I should.
What were you hoping to accomplish here?
Sir, we go back a long time, right?
And I was hoping you could
see things more clearly.
I do, old friend. It's you
that's missing the bigger picture.
Nah. The deed is right there,
you can see the truth yourself.
There are facts and
then there's the truth.
- Best not to confuse 'em.
- So, he's not getting a fair shake.
He's getting what he deserves,
just like the rest of us.
I was hoping it didn't come to this.
Are you serious?
I'm not gonna let you steal his land.
Doesn't belong to him even if
it does. Don't you get that?
Release him on bail tonight
and we'll never set
foot in Elmdale again.
Oh, my Lord. You really
don't know, do you?
You think John Ellis won't
put a bullet in your head
when he finds out what you did?
Well, it's been a long
time since the war and
I'm not just some reb soldier.
I'm not talking about who you are,
I'm talking about what you did.
You know why we're gonna win?
Because all men, all men, are
created equal in God's image.
And we're on the right side.
And the right side always wins.
You're a dreamer.
Who's been pissing
that stuff in your ear?
The man with the biggest heart and
the freest spirit I've ever known.
My father.
You know that Black
lieutenant, uh, who captured us?
You ever learn his name?
Andrew Ellis, son of John Ellis.
- You're lying.
- Huh.
No matter what you do for him
in this room, no matter how much
you help him, John Ellis
will never forgive you.
Put the gun down, son.
I won't hold it against you.
It's better now that
you know the truth, yes?
At the end of the day, there's
just us and there's them.
And you killed that boy
because you are one of us.
Lieutenant Ellis. We've
got to get rid of 'em.
I'm in trouble, not you, me.
You ready to go, Colonel?
When have I ever let you down?
Anything that goes wrong is on me.
Look out!
I have no more bullets.
Where's he gone? Where's he gone?!
Speak! Speak!
Please, please just go.
If you go south no one is going
to see you. I'll say you're dead.
Might as well kill you now.
No, no, no, no, please I'm
begging you. I have a family.
You let him live, he'll send
half the army to track us down.
No, no! Please, please,
I beg you to have mercy.
- You've got to finish it now!
- No!
Another bad dream?
What do you want, Elizabeth?
That you atone for what you did to me.
A race to the village.
I didn't know it was him.
It wasn't my fault.
I just wanted to love ya.
Who's John's father?
Goodbye, John.
Good morning, sir.
Do you need something?
I'm Peter Wilson, I'm the
counsellor for the defence.
I would like to file a petition
to release my client on bail.
The trial's starting in just
a few minutes, Mr. Wilson.
Your petition's a little late.
I'm afraid that's not so, Mr
McGee, Bexar County Clerk.
Mr. McGee, I ran into
the judge on my way here,
he told me to hand you this over.
You dirty, thieving bastard.
You thought you could get away
Sheriff, please, release Mr. Ellis.
His bail's been paid and
the trial's been postponed
for at least three days.
If Judge Fourier's not back by then,
the county will appoint a new one.
Appoint a new one? Wh
- what happened to the judge?
In the meantime, the defence's
counsel has submitted a new piece
of evidence to the court, which
will undergo a graphological analysis
to determine its veracity as
a legitimate deed of property,
belonging to Mr. John Ellis.
This is ridiculous.
No, Sheriff Boone.
What would be ridiculous is
holding a trial without a judge.
- Sheriff.
- You and I are done.
Trial's delayed
and Ellis is out on bail.
Judge Fourier took off
sometime last night.
I'm sorry, ma'am, there's nothin'
I can do with the clerk here.
There's something else,
ma'am. A new piece of evidence.
They claim they have the authentic deed.
Now he'll kill us both.
So, it's over.
I'm guessing the sheriff is
trying to trap us in the valley.
Let's take the high route. Come on.
Let Phillip know that Seymour is here.
Open the gate!
- What the hell are you doing?!
- Setting us free.
I tried everything to open your eyes,
but you don't wanna see.
So I'm making the decision for us.
What are you talking about?
Seymour, put that down,
you'll burn it all
All of what? There's nothing here.
There never was, just a shallow
well in the middle of nowhere!
And after it's gone, we'll
still be left with the only thing
we ever had: Father's empty promises.
It's not an empty promise.
There's still hope
for us. For all of us!
In Elmdale, you can all have a roof
over your heads and an honest job.
You'll have someone looking out for you,
not busy painting targets on your backs.
I, Seymour Abel Ellis,
swear to protect you and guide you
until my last breath.
All that's required is
that you submit to the Lord
our father has denied for too long.
You'll live as free men, and women,
and be treated fairly, you have my word.
- Hey!
- Enough!
No one's getting shot tonight.
If this is what you want
If this is what you think is right,
then do what you have to do.
But I was born with this
city and I will die with it.
So if it burns I'll burn first.
You got any kids?
No, I don't.
Two things I learned about having kids.
First, you're terrified
for them all the time.
It starts the moment they enter the
world, then doesn't never let up.
What's the second?
When you lose a child, you realise
you weren't nearly terrified enough.
It doesn't make you a better
person, it makes you worse.
You learn things about yourself
you didn't really wanna know.
You know, since you showed up
I kinda feel like a part of
Andrew has come back home.
Fan out in groups of two.
They can't have got far.
You his captain?
We followed him and three
stragglers, a few days ago.
They had two prisoners in grey jackets,
they were escorting
them to Camp Hoffman.
Shots went off, we double backed.
Came back here and found that one
there and the other three up there.
You know who they were?
This will have been left
by one of the prisoners.
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