Doc (US) (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

Once More, With Feeling

Previously on Doc
Dr. Larsen has no recollection
of the last 8 years.
Katie, she's been through a lot.
Everyone says that I put up walls.
Did I do that with you?
I'm gonna make it up to you.
Me and Amy were together.
I wanna tell her.
So you want me to back your play?
Six weeks ago she woke up still
in love with her husband.
There's something I need to tell you.
Nora and I are having a baby.
Shoot, sorry, sorry. Uh, gimme one sec.
Are you sick or something?
Uh, it's a long story.
I just had my tongue
down your throat, so
- how about the short version.
(GIRL): It's not worth it! Come on!
- (GIRL): Guys!
- Stop!
- What the hell, man?
- I can't be here for this.
- Dude, you gotta chill.
No, I mean it. I really
have to go. Sorry.
- Chloe?!
- Alright party's over.
Campus security is on its way.
Chloe, are you okay?
I'm fine. (PANTING)
- Oh my God.
- What?
Don't you feel that?
Okay. There's something
I should probably tell you.
Oh. Hi, Sweetheart.
Are you gonna stand
out here all morning,
or you wanna come in?
So, your dad and Nora?
Hit the farmer's market Saturdays.
Well, probably for the best
that it's just you and me.
Hasn't changed much.
So, how's this supposed to work?
You just walk around and
the memories come flooding back?
That's the hope.
Well, if you need me, I'll be here.
You want some company for this part?
It's like a shrine in here.
You wouldn't let anyone touch it.
But what about after I left?
Not sure Dad could face it alone.
Easier just to close the door.
Can't say that I blame him.
I take it the tour didn't work?
Lots of memories.
Just no new ones.
But you're okay?
Sweetheart, I don't want you
to worry about me.
It's hard, yeah,
but I'm not gonna fall apart again.
Come here.
It's okay.
This is Amy. Leave a message.
I applaud your commitment to the cause,
but you can't ignore me forever.
I'm in the office today.
Find me, will you?
We need to talk.
Dr. Walker, Ned Lenczyk is here.
I know he doesn't have
an appointment on a Saturday.
Does he need one?
His uncle pays our salaries.
Ned, what a lovely surprise.
What can I do for you today?
Cancel your whole schedule.
I need a full neurological
assessment with exam
and imaging. I've got
persistent cranial throbbing.
So, a headache.
More likely a brain tumor.
I've also got some nausea,
weakness in the left leg
and a bout of IBS.
I have to ask: Are you dealing
with any unusual
stress this week?
Don't do that. My head needs
scanning, not shrinking.
I'm a neuropsychiatrist, Ned.
It's sort of a two-for-one deal.
Look, are you going to order
the tests or not?
Because I'm happy to call my uncle.
I'll gladly admit you
for observation, but my terms
are the same as always:
in between tests,
you sit for a session or two.
Fine. But the only thing
you'll find inside my head
is a tumor.
Hey, one of those for me?
Maybe next time.
Ouch. Now I don't feel so bad
for taking Gina's VIP patient.
What VIP patient?
So, Ned Lenczyk has a headache.
He's still at it?
Yup. Think I should've warned TJ?
No; it's a rite of passage.
Here, for the other day.
Oh, look at you. Remembered
my order and everything.
Well, you know, steel trap.
What time is it? Weren't you
supposed to round earlier?
Yeah, Richard let me switch.
I had to go to my old house
Michael's house. Exposure therapy.
Ah. Uh, so, how are
things between you two?
He's married, he's having a
baby, end of story.
But it's okay. From today,
I'm looking forward, not back.
Cheers, I'll drink to that.
Now, hurry up. We got a unicorn
that walked in last night.
18-year-old woman with CIP.
That was a nasty laceration, but
fortunately there's
no neuro-vascular damage
and Plastics says you should
be good as new in about 6 weeks.
Well, I don't know about that
'cause my social life
flatlined several hours ago.
I guess "inability to feel
pain" is quite the party trick?
Yeah, well, my date took one look at me
and ran for the hills, so
not expecting a call any time soon.
Oh God, Chloe.
- What happened? Are you okay?
- Dad, I'm fine. I'm fine.
I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry.
- See? They patched me all up.
- Then why did they admit you?
She has an elevated white
count and a fever of 102,
which suggest
A serious infection. Yeah.
You think it's her hand?
No. No, bloodwork
indicates the infection's
likely a few weeks old.
But my fever didn't start
till last night.
And you went to a party?
It was only 99.3!
And I'm not supposed to freak
out unless it's over 100.
It's the first thing I asked
them to check when I got here.
So what is causing this, then?
If it's another injury,
it's not one we can see.
There's no cellulitis
or sores on the skin.
A little swelling
maybe in the left knee.
Have you had any recent
incidents or accidents?
No, nothing.
Any loss of appetite?
- She never had one.
No sense of smell or hunger pangs.
Um, any travel outside the country?
College is the farthest I've been,
and it's an hour away from home.
Have I been unhelpful enough?
Don't worry; it's our job
to have the answers, not yours.
Just sit tight, and we'll
get you over to radiology
as soon as we can.
Can I speak with you both a moment?
Look. I've spent most of my life waiting
for this phone call.
And that girl in there,
she's my whole world.
We know, believe me.
A fever for any other kid means Tylenol.
For Chloe?
It means you have days,
maybe even hours,
to find out what's wrong
before it kills her.
Look, Mr. Carlson,
we got you. Both of you.
So, what do you think?
Enough counter space for pizza night?
Looks like a magazine.
Um, Incredible view.
But! Who needs windows when you
have 400 channels on DirecTV?
Can I just see my room?
That's the best part.
Here we are.
Big bed, walk-in closet,
and your own bathroom!
That's cool, I guess.
It's kind of a blank canvas.
But I wanted you
to be able to decorate it
yourself, so
It's nice, Mom, really.
I know it must feel weird,
but it's gonna be great.
You'll see.
I'm gonna go get my suitcases.
I'll get them. I'll bring them
in here. You just relax.
So, how'd it go?
It was good. I mean,
no memories, but she was good.
I think she's really trying
to accept all this and move on.
That's great to hear, sweetheart.
Even with the pregnancy
book on the couch.
I'm sure that was an accident.
But this place was bound
to have some triggers.
I know. It's just
it must be weird and lonely
for her, is all.
We're doing all we can.
Are we, 'cause
I've been thinking. What would you say
if I went to live with her?
I'd say it's not your job to fix her.
And I don't want to see you
hurt, like last time.
Well, it won't be like last time.
I know she's trying really
hard, but you can't know that.
Well, what if I want to find out?
And this way, you and Nora
can use my room for the baby.
Chloe, you're doing great.
We're almost done here.
So, labs show elevated ESR and CRP,
but there's no bacterial growth.
So the infection's likely
not in the blood.
And it's not in her bones,
survey found two older fractures,
both healed a little funky,
but neither show infection.
And her chest X-ray's clean.
Which means we're oh-for-three.
Four. Like, there's no
way this knee's septic.
Okay, so we need to zoom out
here, think about other systems
that can harbor infection.
It's not the bones, blood,
or respiratory, that leaves
- (AMY): Cardiac, renal, G.I.,
G.U., um, nervous systems.
Chloe? You okay in there?
- Don't tell me she's gonna
- Clean up on aisle five.
She's tachycardic,
and her vitals have been soft.
I think we should get a TTE
just to rule out endocarditis.
Yeah, and get her on
broad-spectrum antibiotics,
just to be safe. But with the vomiting,
I would concentrate on the G.I. issues.
It could be bowel perforation,
obstruction, abscess
- Okay, gross.
- I know it sounds bad,
but this is actually a good thing.
we finally have a clue where to look.
Sorry, Chloe, we need
to get one more CT.
What is taking so long in there?
Where are we, Canada?
There are only two MRI
machines, Mr. Lenczyk.
We will get you in soon.
Is there a reason I was
just paged to Radiology?
Yeah, the intern you stuck me with keeps
letting other patients skip the line.
As I'm sure Dr. Coleman
explained, more emergent
cases take priority. If they bumped you,
it's because whoever's
in there is very sick.
What, and I'm not?
Wait a minute. What do they
have? Is it contagious?
Oh, only one way to find out.
Nice to see you, Ned.
And you too, Dr. Larsen.
We live to cheat death another day.
Amy, wait!
I've been calling you.
Sorry, busy morning.
Yeah, I know. How'd it go?
Uh, well, I can't say
I love her taste in wallpaper,
but you know,
I don't have to live there.
You wanna tell me how you really feel?
Oh, now we're telling
each other everything?
This is about the pregnancy?
You could've told me
that Michael is having
a baby with another woman!
He asked me not to say
anything until he was ready.
So your allegiance is to him?
Of course not! But, honestly,
I wasn't sure how you would take it.
Oh, so you just let him blindside me?
I was trying to do what
was best for you.
Yeah, well, you failed.
(CHLOE): So what, this is my fault?
I'm not saying that, Chloe,
but you need to manage your condition.
I am! Why do you think I had
my thermometer at the party?
Everything okay in here?
(BOTH): No!
One semester into freshman
year and she's in the hospital.
For the last time, I'm doing
everything I'm supposed to.
You're not even eating
the way you're supposed to,
you musta lost 15 pounds.
You've lost weight?
I've lost a jean size, at best.
And I like the way I look! (SCOFFS)
Never should've agreed
to let you go away for school.
When this is over, you're coming home.
No, you promised me a chance
to be a normal college student.
And you had one.
But you aren't like other kids.
Chloe, stop! Stop, stop, stop! Oh.
Sorry, I didn't know.
This is what I mean, sweetheart.
You can't be on your own.
Hey, kiddo.
I'm just checking in on you.
Is Mom home yet?
No. She's still at the hospital.
You must be hungry.
Did she say when she'd be there?
I'm not sure, but she ordered
me Chinese and she said
the doorman would bring it up
so I don't have to worry.
Do you feel weird being there alone?
I don't know.
Kind of.
Okay, well, I'm gonna
call her and tell her
she needs to get over there.
Please don't!
That's just gonna make her mad.
Are you sure?
Yeah. I just have to get used to it.
Okay, well, call me if you
need anything, okay?
Okay. Thanks, Dad.
I don't know how much more
of this I can take.
There is absolutely nothing
wrong with Ned Lenczyk.
And still, he claims to feel every ache,
every twinge, every cramp
Okay, well, at least your
patient feels something.
Ours can't articulate a single
symptom. All we have to go on
is a rising temperature,
mild hypotension,
and intermittent vomiting.
Plus weight loss, although
that seems to be intentional.
Still, can't hurt
to check cancer markers
- typical in women her age.
- Way ahead of you, Buddy.
She's negative for all
tumor DNA or protein tests.
And before you say it,
we checked: it's not viral
or autoimmune.
Suddenly my case doesn't seem so bad.
Fever's over 103,
despite cooling blankets
and iced saline bags.
At the rate she's going,
she'll be in renal
or respiratory failure by
midnight. We need a Hail Mary.
Well, what if we do
a full-body PET scan,
nuclear study? It'll pinpoint the areas
of high metabolic activity.
Gonna be a lotta false positives.
Well, anybody have a better idea?
You know, I'd like to go back
to that first hospitalization
when you were 8.
There's nothing to talk about.
You said you were
in the hospital for a week
before they realized it was strep?
Must have been pretty scary.
Not as scary as a brain tumor.
We've scanned your brain six
ways to Sunday, Ned.
There is no tumor.
Yeah, well, what about
this intermittent chest pain?
I can have Dr. Coleman do an
EKG and monitor you overnight,
but that's only gonna keep you
on my couch for longer.
Fine. And you're wrong about the strep.
It wasn't scary; it was great.
My mom cancelled her business
trip to be with me,
We played cards, watched TV,
and I ate nothing but
orange sherbet for a week.
You said both your parents worked a lot
when you were growing up?
And when you were sick, they didn't.
Well, you did it, Freud.
You cracked the case.
This is all just a massive cry
for attention.
That's a lot of areas
we've gotta biopsy.
Looks like it might be a late night.
Aspirating all the fluid in this pocket.
Almost done, Chloe. These are
the last samples that we need.
No purulence. It's likely
just an old hematoma,
but I'll double-check
for occult infection.
I've got a small amount
of blood from the pleural space.
It's warm, but that could
just be the fever.
Lymph node looks reactive
and non-pathological.
So, none of these are
the source of her infection?
We don't know yet.
Let's go ahead and run aerobic,
anaerobic, and fungal
cultures on all the biopsies.
Send the tissue samples
off to Pathology as well.
- And how long will that take?
- I'll walk them over myself,
fast-track the results.
Meanwhile, I think we should
let Chloe rest.
Go, Dad. I need sleep, anyway.
I'm not going anywhere.
Just waiting on Pathology
and Micro to get back to us
with some answers.
So, nothing to do now but wait.
I hate to do this to you,
but I'm supposed to meet Katie.
I-I-you know what, I can go for
a few hours and then
I'll just come back
after she goes to bed.
No, no, you've racked up
enough overtime for both of us.
You go; I'll give you a call
if her fever gets any worse.
Glad to see someone can
sleep in those chairs.
It's not his first rodeo.
Being my Dad kinda wears a guy out.
Well, don't worry. That's not just you.
My daughter, she's 5 and from the moment
I knew she was coming,
I started worrying
and I haven't stopped yet.
It's different. He has to feel
all the pain, for both of us.
Yeah. Can't imagine this has
been easy for you either.
For as long as I can remember,
leaving the house has been a minefield.
All the things normal people
can do, I can't.
Sleep at a friends,
and go for a bike ride.
Cook an omelet.
My life's like a bad remake
of "Final Destination."
I mean, I once overheard
a doctor tell him
I'd be lucky to see 25.
The way he looked after you,
the way you've been looking
after yourself now,
I don't buy that. Not for a second.
I don't know
maybe my Dad's right.
There's no way I could ever
be careful enough.
Chloe, you can't let yourself
start thinking that way.
It's easy to say but,
you still don't know what's
wrong with me.
I'm a ticking time bomb.
Katy, I'm home!
They were out of garlic knots
but I got everything else.
Uh, hi. What are you doing here?
I made dinner.
I have dinner.
It's 9 o'clock on a school night, Amy.
Katie called me. She didn't
want to eat alone. Again.
I bet you loved playing the hero.
You think I like having
to pick up your slack?
Sorry, I don't have a job
where I can clock out at five.
Don't do that. Don't attack my job!
Don't attack my parenting!
Our daughter's not neglected.
She gets everything she needs!
She needs you, Amy.
Not Doordash and a doorman.
- No?
- No.
I am doing my best!
Well, your best isn't good enough!
- What should I do, Michael?
- Get here before 9 o'clock!
Should I quit my job?
Just go back to the 50s?
Figure out a way to be
here for your daughter.
You would just take
any opportunity to be
just a condescending ass.
Don't choke! Don't choke!
I thought you said you were
getting better at this?
Do you want me to prescribe you
something for your shaky hands?
Oh, maybe I'm just letting you win.
Hold that thought. Brownies.
You know, it looks really good in here.
More you. Less Patrick Bateman.
I've been trying to liven it up.
You know what might help with that?
A roommate.
You you want to move in here?
Is that crazy? If that's
crazy, like we can just
No, duh, I of course
I want you to live here!
That's that's all I want.
Oh! Really?
Oh, I'm so happy.
I could do a TikTak dance.
No! No! TikTok! God, Mom,
don't make me regret this.
Oh, sorry. Okay.
Are you sure your Dad's okay with this?
Why wouldn't he be?
There's more salmon if you want it.
Oh, I'm good.
Look, I know that Katie's announcement
must have thrown you, Babe.
I'll miss her too.
Yeah, I guess just not ready
for an empty nest.
Well, it won't be empty for long.
Can we just have one conversation
that's not about the baby?
Where did that come from?
I don't know. Maybe if you
hadn't mentioned
the nursery every two seconds,
Katie wouldn't have felt squeezed out.
No, you are not putting this on me.
I'm not the one who couldn't make room.
I wanted to move to a different house.
I wanted to give our
family a fresh start.
You're the one who wanted
to live in a mausoleum!
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
for it to come out like that.
Amy, nice of you to join us.
Morning, everybody.
Dr. Heller briefed me on Chloe's case.
Given its complexity,
and the lack of clear source
from Micro
Fluid and tissue were all normal?
Afraid so.
I figured fresh eyes couldn't hurt.
Thank you, Sir. We need all
the eyes we can get.
You hear that, Chloe? Chief's
here. You're in good hands.
How long has she been
breathing like that?
About an hour. Fever crossed
104 this morning.
Which is why we've
placed a Foley catheter.
We started cold fluid infusion.
Try and get her temp down.
What is it, Chloe?
Does she seem like she's
sitting differently today?
Here. Would you say that
the range of motion of your neck
feels restricted?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Can you open your eyes
just a little for me?
Sensitivity to light.
- What does that mean?
- Could be meningitis.
Or it could just be a migraine
she can't feel.
Possibly caused by sepsis.
No. Early-stage infection
of the nervous system
is hard to detect, even with
a patient can feel pain.
PET scan could have missed it.
We need a brain CT, a spinal MRI,
and a lumbar puncture to confirm it.
Let's get her down to Radiology now.
- This is a waste of time.
- So you've said.
But it was the price
of admission, remember?
And since there's no discernible cause
for your headache or chest pain
What about the abdominal
pain this morning, hm?
We haven't seen my CT yet.
You know what I see here?
A pattern. This year alone,
you've come in for back pain,
suspected ulcers,
and I quote: "Tingly knees."
That could've been MS!
But it wasn't, Ned. It never is.
So maybe it's time
we start talking about
what's really going on here.
I have told you what is going on.
I am suffering from abdominal pain.
I'm gonna tell you
something about myself.
Is that allowed?
When I was in my early 30s,
I dated a guy. Name was Blake.
He was funny. Smart. Sexy.
He proposed. We got married.
And now you have 4 kids
and you live on a farmhouse
where you make your own artisanal cider.
Actually, now I live
downtown with my wife.
Well, I didn't see that coming.
But I did.
The picket fence and the guy.
That was the story I told myself
so I wouldn't have to face who I
really was. But then I did.
And you know what? I was okay.
Better than okay. Because
whatever I was worried about,
it never came to pass.
Dr. Walker, can I speak with you?
You found something, didn't you?
CT showed a mass in your stomach.
I knew it!
- Is it cancer?
- No reason to think so,
but we'll need to conduct an endoscopy
and a possible biopsy to say
for sure. At the very least,
the obstruction could be
what's causing your
Gastric headache and chest pain.
You still think I'm
the boy who cried wolf?
Dr. Heller. Um,
how long does it take to confirm
it's actually meningitis?
The CSF cultures, that takes
a little bit of time, but
imaging should be back shortly.
Yeah, we'll know more soon.
We need an emergency airway
cart Room 618, Room 618.
- That's Chloe's room!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- What's happening?
- Mr. Carlson,
I need to go help Chloe.
I need you to stay here.
Code Blue! Code Blue!
We need an emergency
airway cart in Room 618.
So, who's going on Saturday?
Will Kayla be there?
No, Mom.
Why not? She's your best friend.
Clara's my best friend.
I haven't spoken to Kayla
since that incident at the skating rink.
You have no idea what I'm
talking about, do you?
Well, I guess I forgot.
I'm gonna go set the table.
Is that work?
it's just lab results.
Yeah, they'll call me if they need me.
Get it.
Dr. Larsen.
Yeah, I saw. How's his O2 saturation?
No, Dr. Schubert's at an event.
No, I'll come. I'll be there
as soon as I can.
Sorry, sweetheart. Get your bag.
I'll drop you at Dad's.
But what about that math test
I have to study for?
You can't seriously
be doing this right now.
Okay, well, apparently you
also can't be alone!
So, I mean, what is it
that you want me to do?
We're running out of time.
Her temperature drop wasn't
a response to medication;
it was a sign of sepsis.
Her body's shutting down.
Rising creatinine levels
suggest kidney failure is next.
It could be a matter of hours.
And yet we still have absolutely no clue
- what's going on.
- Doesn't make sense.
We've imaged everything.
Bloodwork, biopsies,
there is nothing to see here.
Maybe it isn't about what we can see
but what we can't.
Her appendix. Or where it should be.
Yeah, that's normal.
An abdominal CT can miss
the appendix on someone with as little
- body fat as Chloe.
- Exactly.
If you can't see the appendix,
you can't see appendicitis.
Appendicitis takes days.
She's had this for weeks.
Well, it's rare,
but I mean, it's possible.
Think about it: the two most
pronounced symptoms
are lower-right quadrant pain
and periumbilical pain.
Chloe wouldn't have either.
Fever, vomiting, light-sensitivity
Stiffness. It wasn't her
spine; it was her abdomen.
She just couldn't tell.
But if she's already in sepsis
It's already burst.
You're right. We need an ultrasound now.
(WOMAN): Nurses' station.
Page Dr. Voigt, and clear
an O.R., right away!
Good news, Ned.
Surgeons removed the mass
during your endoscopy and concluded
you did not need a biopsy.
Well, how do we know it's not cancerous?
Ah, have you been eating
an unusual amount
of Konjac noodles?
They're a superfood.
They're super-fibrous, that's for sure.
And the way you've been inhaling
them, they congealed,
obstructed your GI system.
You're saying this was self-inflicted?
I'm saying the next time you
feel like pasta, try spaghetti.
Well, let me guess.
You're here to gloat?
Believe it or not, you and I
want the same thing,
for you to live a long, healthy life.
Managing your health-anxiety
is part of that,
but I can't do it without your help.
The story I tell myself
is that I'm sick.
That's what you were saying,
right? When you
shared your autobiography.
It is.
You know, I think you may
be on to something.
I don't know why I'm this way.
I may not ever know.
Doesn't always matter why.
Only matters that you want to change.
So, would you like to work
with me and try and enjoy
the one life you've got?
Sounds like a plan.
Hm. You always get this
personal with your patients?
Mr. Carlson?
Everything went perfectly.
The surgeons were able to remove
Chloe's appendix
and contain the infection.
Now, she will need antibiotics
for the next few weeks,
but her vitals are strong
and her temperature's already
returning to normal.
So she'll be fine?
She'll be better than fine.
- Can I see her?
- Not quite. She's still waking up.
(WHISPERING): Oh my God.
- Oh.
Oh, I just
You know
Her mom and I were only 18
when we had her.
Anna wanted to look
into adoption, and I just
I couldn't.
When I chose to raise her on my
own, I knew there'd be some
things that I wasn't ready for,
but keeping her alive has been
a full-time job.
Seems like now she wants me
to find a new one.
Well, for what it's worth,
she is taking her condition
very seriously.
Then why did she lose 15 pounds
and get injured in a brawl?
Well, it was actually
9 pounds; we checked.
And the fight I mean,
it wasn't her fault.
Nor was the appendicitis.
There's nothing she
could've done to prevent
a chance infection or to
even catch it any earlier.
Yeah. Nothing I could've done, you mean.
You know, all of us want
to be there every moment
for our kids. It's unbearable
to think about them
out in the world, all the things
that could happen.
But things do happen.
Despite our plans and our preparation,
and even when we are
right there beside them.
So then maybe Chloe is ready
to be on her own,
and I'm the one who isn't.
Hey, from my experience,
just because you let them go
doesn't mean they don't come back.
It's like she doesn't care
about anything but her work.
I know it seems that way,
but it's just her way of coping.
Well, why does she want shared custody
if she's never gonna be around?
I don't think it's accurate
to say she's never around.
I don't want to be there any more.
I want to come live full-time with you.
She's never gonna go for that,
Katydid. She loves you too much.
Well, just tell her that
the going back and forth
is too much for me.
I know it's hard but
this is how it is when your parents
- are divorced.
- Then hire a lawyer.
We're not gonna start
getting into all that.
And you're gonna have
to work this out with her.
How can I do that when all
she does is argue
and defend herself!
Can't we just try it for a little while,
and see how it goes?
Please, Dad.
You're a hard person
to get a hold of this weekend.
Yeah, so are you.
Since when are you
a farmer's market guy?
Yeah, that is new.
Listen, I talked to Katie
and I know she wants
to come live with you.
And you don't think it's a good idea.
Well, I think you're
juggling a lot right now, and
I worry about adding her to your plate.
She's not a chore, Michael.
You know what I mean. You're
getting back on your feet
at work, studying for the Boards.
I just want what's best for Katie.
But she's my daughter, too,
and this is what she wants.
I don't understand why you would
stand in the way of that.
Don't look at me like that.
I'm gonna see you all the time.
And when the baby comes,
you're not gonna be able
- to get rid of me.
- You promise?
As long as he's cute.
She's taking the Boards next week.
I guess you knew that.
Kinda hard to imagine Mom on that bike.
As long as she's not surrounded by other
sweaty people, I think she's all right.
I'm glad you're gonna get
a second chance with her.
I'm gonna miss you like crazy, but
I really am glad.
You know I couldn't have
gotten through all these years
without you, right?
Well, I am so happy to see you
feeling better, Chloe.
And, in the spirit of full disclosure,
I'm sorry we didn't check
for appendicitis earlier.
Well, you wouldn't be the first
to miss something from Chloe,
but you'll get
nothing but gratitude from me.
Well, we all appreciate that.
I'm glad we caught it when we did.
So, two pills, twice a day, for 10 days.
And of course you're gonna
need to keep up with your
daily temperature checks
and your self-examinations.
- I will.
- She will.
And given the severity
of the event, it wouldn't hurt
to schedule monthly clinic
visits and just
- keep your labs in order.
- That's not a problem.
But when can I get out of here?
Soon as you handle the paperwork.
We can discharge you this afternoon.
- Great.
- Good.
'Cause I'd hate for Chloe
to miss any more classes.
Really? Wait, I can go back to school?
As long as I can still go
to parents' weekend next month.
You better.
Is it just me, or was Richard
a little salty back there?
No, it's definitely not you.
Well, what is his problem?
I mean, I get that
the old me wasn't his favorite person,
but the new me is
The new you is still
the smartest person in the room,
even with amnesia.
Some of us are just more
gracious about it than others.
Hey! Did you settle in okay?
I did, yeah.
Um, but I might be heading out now.
I know it's our first official
night together, but my friends
are seeing a movie,
and I really want to go.
Okay, go, sweetheart.
Just be home by what,
what's your curfew these days?
Um, midnight.
Uh-huh. And if I asked your father?
- Eleven.
- Mm-hm.
But it was worth a shot.
Okay, don't be late. I love you.
- You too, Mom.
- Bye.
Ah, stranded at the drive-in.
Branded a fool?
What about you? Got a hot date tonight?
No, no. I'm actually kinda
going through a break-up right now.
Oh, sorry.
Did she do a number on you?
Grade-A heartbreak. But
it's okay. I'll be fine.
Her loss.
I'm actually off Daddy duty tonight.
So I don't know if you wanna
blow off some steam
and grab a drink?
How did you know?
Any respectable kiss-ass
knows the boss's coffee order.
Try MOOcow2009.
You figured out your password?
Jake knew it. Somehow.
Let's get you back in the bed.
I didn't hate you.
I, um
I have something that I have
to do. I forgot.
Uh, raincheck?
Yeah, yeah. Sure.
Oh, I've been looking for you.
No, me first.
Did you know that Jake and I
were together?
Oh, you are unbelievable!
I found out two days ago!
From him, by the way.
So thanks for that.
Okay, well, you can't hold
that against me now.
And you still had two days
to say something!
How could I? You don't
pick up your damn phone!
You don't think I wanted to tell you?
You were right yesterday. I did fail.
I can't be your doctor and your
friend, and succeed at both.
So, I'm sorry I let you down.
Wow. I expected that to take longer.
Almost makes me feel sorry for my tone.
Oh, I'm familiar with your tone.
And I folded so fast 'cause
I miss my friend.
So what now? With Jake?
No idea. I was counting on you
to fill me in.
All I have are questions.
How long has it been going on?
Was it just sleeping together, or
I mean, how did I even feel about it?
He said you were seeing each
other for months and, for him,
it was definitely serious.
But maybe all that matters
is how you feel about him now.
How could you not tell me?
You remembered?
No. I
you left your Re-vita-lize
powder on my counter.
Am I in trouble?
My curfew's at 11.
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