Doctor Slump (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Good work, everyone.
- Good work.
- Great work, doctor.
- Can you wrap up for me?
- Okay.
Good job, everyone.
The ST levels are down. There must be
air in the coronary arteries.
Let's administer the NTG.
Let's begin.
Six years of college. A year as an intern.
Four years as a resident.
Three as a fellow.
I worked like a dog seven days a week.
In the end, I was left with…
You have depression.
If it's okay with you,
I'd like to start you on some medication.
…an illness of the mind.
On some days, all I wanted to do
was just lie down like this.
On other days,
I was motivated to do something.
Why are you sighing
while folding my underwear?
This one is 75A.
This one is 75B.
This one is 75C.
You buy whatever's on the rack,
so they're all different sizes.
- Hello.
- Excuse me.
Could you show me
your most expensive underwear set?
And on some days,
I think, "From now on,
let's live for myself."
What difference will wearing these make?
But on other days,
everything just seems futile.
Then, there were days
when I wanted to work again.
There were also days
when I wanted to stay unemployed.
Damn it.
"The state of having
contradictory feelings."
Depression forms a defense mechanism.
To squeeze out serotonin
and dopamine to make you happy,
you feel a desire to overcome depression
and to give up at the same time.
So even it feels
like you'll be in despair forever…
Ha-neul, what's wrong?
It must've been so hard.
It's okay.
It'll all be okay.
…within that despair,
hope can sometimes arise.
I don't know…
what to do with my mind and heart either.
- Going somewhere?
- I'm going out for a jog.
Good. They say moderate exercise
is great for depression.
I saw it on Live Info Show.
When you work out… What was it again?
It produces happy hormones called sergei--
Right, serotonin.
- It also produces oxytoxy.
- Oxytocin.
Right, oxytocin.
Anyway, they help you feel
less depressed and…
But then again,
I'm sure you know better than me.
- Anyway, go on then.
- Okay.
Here's our next story.
The third hearing over the death
of a casino heiress from Macau
will commence in three days.
Yeo, the doctor who conducted the surgery,
says he didn't violate medical law.
- He maintains these claims.
- Goodness.
I hate that rooftop fellow so much
for rejecting you.
But seeing this makes me feel bad for him.
If he truly is innocent,
he must be suffering so much right now.
Hello, detective.
Did you identify the fingerprints?
We got the results, but you see…
They attempted
to lift the fingerprints twice.
But the fingerprints weren't clear enough.
We asked for a reexamination,
so please be patient.
We also searched your entire clinic,
but we didn't find any other cameras.
I wonder who installed
all of those hidden cameras.
Please call me when the results are out.
Okay. I'll let you know right away.
All right.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Look. About hugging you yesterday--
It's okay.
You already told me
how you weren't all there these days.
- I know that's why.
- It's not though.
I hugged you yesterday
because my heart told me to.
Let's talk.
I have so much I want to say.
But I'll put aside my feelings
and ask this first.
You're suffering from PTSD, aren't you?
You've had nightmares
and felt guilty ever since the incident.
You're afraid it'll happen again, right?
It wasn't your fault.
It was just an accident,
and it was likely the patient's mistake--
Still, I keep thinking about it.
You should've told me. I was the only one
always letting it out and being comforted.
I had no idea you were in pain.
I even asked like a fool
if you cared about me. Jeez.
You're free today, right?
I need you to come with me.
To where?
- This looks good.
- Why are you suddenly buying wine?
Having a glass before bed
helps you sleep better.
You probably have trouble sleeping.
I sleep fine though.
- What's that?
- This suits you well.
It's made of pure cotton,
so it'll feel nice too.
Why pajamas all of a sudden?
They say you sleep better
in more comfortable clothes.
I see.
If you don't wash your bedding often,
you'll breed dust mites
and it'll lower your sleep quality.
If you wash it thoroughly
and dry it under the sun,
it'll be nice and soft
to help you sleep better.
I see. Sure.
I think I've become interested in you.
- What?
- My goodness.
I mean, couldn't you have found
a better time to say something like that?
To be honest, I'm confused too.
Just like how we're prone to infections
when our immune system is weak,
my mind's in a weakened state.
Maybe that's why
I was easily infected by you.
Are you saying being interested in me
is like being "infected"?
I don't know. I'm not sure
if I'm interested or infected.
Anyway, it feels strange.
It's much stronger than just friendship.
But it's too early to say
I have feelings for you.
That's just how I feel.
But I should put that on hold, right?
You have a lot of things
to take care of before my feelings.
Your hearing is in two days.
And you owe 3.8 billion won in debt.
It's 3.7 billion, not 3.8.
I paid some of it off
after selling my clinic,
so I only owe 560 million won now.
Anyways, you're suffering from PTSD too.
I think you should figure out
those issues first.
So let's discuss our feelings later.
I think it's done.
- Let's rinse it.
- Okay.
Let's do that.
- Hold it tight. Don't let go.
- Okay.
About what I said yesterday…
About how I missed you…
I meant it.
You told me to hold it tight.
Sorry. It slipped out of my hands.
Why is he telling me this right now?
To be honest, things are really tough.
But I'm hanging in there thanks to you.
So just wait for me a little bit.
Let's see if this is
just a strong friendship,
an infection due to a weak immune system,
or some other feeling.
Whatever it may be,
I want to be ready first.
Hold tight.
I'm going to wring it hard now.
All done.
Hello, ma'am. How are you?
At this age, nothing much goes on.
I'm just getting along.
What brings you here?
I stopped by to return a book to Ha-neul.
- I see.
- Where is she?
Right. She went out to exercise
and hasn't come back yet.
- Should I call her?
- Hey, Hong-ran.
I saw her go upstairs with Mr. Rooftop.
What? She went to the rooftop with him?
Why would she hang out
with him after getting rejected?
My goodness.
"Rejected"? Who was rejected?
Ha-neul. She was brutally rejected
by Mr. Rooftop.
She asked him,
"You care about me, right?"
Then he replied, "To be honest,
I don't have feelings for you."
"I was just being nice as a friend."
"I'm sorry if I confused you.
I'll be more careful."
That's what he said.
And we happened to overhear them.
He really said he'd be more careful and…
He totally gave mixed signals,
and now he just wants to be friends?
That sly scumbag. He just wanted to flirt.
That's right!
Right. Hong-ran said she'd stop by.
I should go downstairs.
Okay. Thanks for today.
No problem.
What is it?
You see…
Call me if you have nightmares.
We'll play Go-Stop all night.
I should put what I learned to use.
All right.
Right. Are preparations
for the hearing going well?
I guess.
Yeah, things will work out.
All right, then. I'm really leaving now.
- Hey--
- What do you want to say?
- What?
- Aren't you acting like this
because you have something to say?
Not only are you smart
but you also catch on quick.
Why are you beating around the bush?
You see…
Have you thought of
visiting a psychiatrist?
You can get a consultation
and some medicine.
I'm not that weak.
It's not that bad yet.
I think as time goes by,
things will just get better.
I'm sorry.
After I got treatment, I felt much better.
That's why I suggested it.
I crossed the line. I apologize.
- No, that's not what I meant--
- Ha-neul!
You're hiding up here
after calling me over?
When did you come?
And how did you find me?
- Come on.
- What?
All right.
Okay! Slow down!
Let go of me. What's wrong with you?
I'd like to ask you the same thing.
Why are you hanging out
with a guy who rejected you?
- Rejected me?
- I heard everything.
About how Jeong-woo totally rejected you.
- Ba-da, you bastard.
- I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have kept saying he liked you.
I only made you feel ashamed,
humiliated, and mortified.
- That's not it--
- Forget it.
Don't you ever talk
to that sly jerk again.
Naive bookworms like you
are easy targets for guys like him.
And when you're struggling mentally,
it's easy to have poor judgment,
so you need to be strong.
Are you taking your medication?
Are you okay?
I'm fine, and I'm taking my medication!
You didn't forget about us
grabbing some coffee, right?
What's with your face?
To be honest, I--
I'm not curious.
Just leave and give me peace.
Let's meet up soon.
I'll be in touch.
There's a bug!
- Hold on.
- It's a bug!
"Lee Hong-ran"?
Do you know me?
Hello. I run a plastic surgery clinic
across the hall.
My name is Bin Dae-yeong.
You went on that blind date,
thinking it was me.
- You're him, right?
- Yes.
But how do you know me?
Well, what happened was…
Excuse me.
If it's okay with you, let's…
I'm sorry.
Let's grab some coffee next time.
What are you so happy about?
Is it a woman? Another blind date?
What blind date? It's nothing like that.
Hear me out, Dad.
If you're going out on a blind date,
at least do it somewhere far away
from our neighborhood.
My friends tease me
about you going on dates.
Eun-jeong, look at my ears.
- They're about to bleed.
- Come on.
Give it a rest.
Do you want to play Go-Stop?
Out of nowhere?
What is it? Are you okay?
- About what?
- Didn't you have a nightmare?
- No.
- Then, why ask me to play cards?
- I just wanted to hang out.
- What?
You little… Hey, I take it back.
I'm not interested in you anymore.
I'll go see a psychiatrist.
I'll go.
It's not something
I should force you to do.
And you don't have to
if you don't want to.
To be honest,
I did once think about going.
But it wasn't easy
to admit that I needed help.
And given the publicity around my case,
opening up to someone didn't seem easy.
I think I could go if you came with me.
What? You're old enough
to see a doctor by yourself.
Is that a no then?
- Fine.
- Then, let's grab some food afterward.
- Fine.
- Don't take back being interested in me.
We'll see about that.
You didn't have a nightmare,
so I won't play cards.
I shouldn't have rushed over.
How embarrassing.
I noticed earlier
that this light was broken.
I'll light your way, so go down safely.
Go ahead, then.
Be careful.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Mom, wake up. I'm hungry.
Jin-woo, sleep a bit more. It's 5:00 a.m.
Ultra knee kick!
Ultra power!
I don't know if this is
a late-night snack or breakfast.
Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy it.
Can't I just live with you, Mom?
I want to live with you
all seven days of the week.
I wish you could too,
but I'm really busy from Monday to Friday.
I need to go to work even at night
if someone's about to have a baby.
Then, you'll be all alone in the dark.
I'd be worried, and you'd be scared.
Grandma has a big yard
with rabbits and chicks, right?
How about you have a blast there
and you can come live with me every day
once you enter elementary school?
Then, let's go catch
some insects next Saturday.
From ladybugs to dragonflies. All of them.
I'll catch all of them, okay?
I'll study how to catch them.
- You're the best!
- I'm the best.
High five!
There's instant coffee over there.
You can read those books too.
The toilet is outside to your right.
Are you a mental health clinic tour guide?
- That was a deadly blow.
- Don't be such a baby.
"Don't let anyone know of my death."
- Mr. Yeo Jeong-woo?
- Yes?
Please come inside.
What is this? A medicine eating show?
It feels nice to take it with someone.
Man, who would've known
the former top two students in Korea
would be taking mental health medication
in broad daylight at a park decades later?
Hey, it's okay. We're just going through
a rough patch. That's all.
Don't get discouraged.
Things will look up for us soon.
What? No way!
I found 500 won!
Hey, it's my first time
finding money in the street.
See? I told you things will look up!
It's 500 won! I found a 500-won coin!
- Isn't that Ms. Kong's daughter?
- It's 500 won!
- The anesthesiologist.
- A doctor?
What kind of doctor
gets that excited over finding 500 won?
I get it. You can stop now.
What's wrong? This is awesome.
Not everyone finds 500 won.
- What should we do with this?
- That's enough.
What's something fun we can do?
- I'm so excited!
- Please stop.
I'm so excited!
We shouldn't do this here.
- I found 500 won!
- Can you please stop?
I found 500 won. Hey, come on. Hey!
That's the first 500-won coin
I ever found.
- Don't take it.
- I'll give it to you later.
Look. We get to play
a free round with money we found.
Isn't life just great?
We may be struggling right now,
but we have potential.
Once we return to work later,
we'll gain recognition again.
No matter what people say,
we're doctors who save lives.
- When are you going to be done?
- What in the world?
We've been waiting for ages.
Why? You should go home and study instead.
I already get good grades.
My teacher said I could become
a judge, a prosecutor, or a doctor.
I already grew up and became a doctor.
Don't lie. What kind of doctor
plays arcade games?
Hey, why can't doctors play too?
We're both doctors.
An anesthesiologist and a plastic surgeon.
And until recently,
I worked at a huge hospital.
Let's stop and head to karaoke now.
You really enjoyed it last time.
I want to sing
a song for you. Let's go now.
- What?
- Let's go. Get up.
You can play now.
Hey, I was just about to break my record.
- I know.
- It was almost the highest score…
- Why do you want to sing for me?
- I mean…
You said you never listened back then
to songs and were curious about them.
So I'll sing you some of those songs
and make you feel nostalgic.
Listen carefully.
This song was popular back then.
I cried a lot after you left
I was all alone
Will I never be able to see you again?
I thought seeing someone else
would help me easily forget you
That foolish thought of mine was wrong.
You said
You only loved me…
Is he talking about me?
Are you really okay after leaving me?
Can you sing a different song?
You see, my ears were hurting.
Your ears were hurting?
All right.
If you know someone nice,
introduce me to them
Someone who can be
gentle and passionate
Someone who will
Genuinely love me…
What? Is he talking about me again?
My goodness.
I'd like that
If you know someone nice,
introduce me to them
I mean, what's the matter with him?
Gosh, it's hot.
Even about the little things…
Why are you suddenly being so awkward?
Well, you said you wanted
to sing some songs for me,
but I didn't know
you'd confess your feelings.
I mean, I get that it's difficult
for you to hide your feelings.
But you said you weren't ready.
I put my feelings aside
so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
But then you went and confessed.
"Confessed"? When did I do that?
Back there.
You kept mentioning me in each song.
When did I do that?
When you sang…
You said you only loved me
That wasn't about you.
Those are the lyrics.
So it's…
You said you only loved me
Then, what about that other one…
You'll genuinely love me
Someone who will
Genuinely love me
I was just kidding.
What could this be?
It seems like you mistook
my singing for confessing my love.
That's not true.
I was just joking.
I beg to differ.
I think you misunderstood.
Seriously. I said I didn't.
You're being so childish
teasing me right now.
I take it back.
I take back being interested in you.
You're always saying that.
Hey, how come your interest is so shallow?
Why is it so fickle?
What are you talking about?
- Hey, Ha-neul.
- What do you want?
You've been trying all day to cheer me up.
I know how awful it feels to be depressed.
It really wasn't a confession.
What do you take me for?
Do you think I'd confess my love
at an arcade or at karaoke?
Maybe it's because you've been single
all your life, but you're so clueless.
Don't be ridiculous.
Single all my life? I've dated before.
I've been in tragic, desperate,
and heartbreaking relationships before.
I see.
Yeo Jeong-woo?
It's you, right?
From Yeongwon High School?
Yes, but who…
- You're--
- Yes, the third-ranked student!
Gosh, it's so good to…
Aren't you that girl from Busan
who was obsessed with studying? Right?
Your name was Nam…
Nam… It had something to do with nature.
Nam Ba-da? Nam Na-mu? Anyways!
Anyway, I'm so happy to see you!
I never thought I'd see you here.
We were destined to meet.
Should we grab some coffee?
- Sure, let's do that.
- Sure.
Why are you two here together?
Are there any coffee shops nearby?
Let's go.
I can't believe I ran into you two here.
I never imagined you two
would've stayed in touch.
We live in the same neighborhood,
and we ran into each other.
I see.
I was in the area for a meeting nearby.
How have you been?
I've been doing okay.
I was the second-best…
The third-best student
after you transferred to our school.
But the gap between us was pretty big.
What about you two?
Everything will work out.
I saw you on the news.
Of course, you did.
It's the talk of the town.
Is the third hearing in two days?
Gosh, you even know the date?
I was worried,
so I've been glued to the news.
Medication that thins the blood?
I heard the patient
had been taking it for a long time.
And you found a case with a similar cause
of death from similar medicine.
Then, won't you have
an advantage in this hearing?
You must've watched a lot news.
Right. Ha-neul was the one
who found that dissertation.
The truth would've been revealed
even without it.
Because truth always prevails.
Also, I never doubted you.
Thanks for believing in me.
Former classmates are the best.
We weren't just classmates.
We used to be interested in each other.
- Don't you remember?
- Seriously?
Enjoy your meal.
You always gave only me extra sausages
whenever you were on lunch serving duty.
And when the top 20 students
had their own study hall,
you treated me really well.
Jeong-woo. Can I borrow your eraser?
You can have it.
I can have it?
Don't you remember giving me
your eraser when I asked to borrow it?
I had a ton of sausages back then.
And using an eraser to flirt?
I mean, come on.
You kept showing interest in me,
so that made me
develop feelings for you too.
Gosh, I'm talking too much.
But it's all in the past, right?
Gosh, I'm sorry.
I thought it was the table leg.
- Hey, do you remember this too?
- I'm not sure.
I don't know what it is,
but don't tell me. Stop.
Remember punching and kicking
the students who harassed me?
Punching too?
What could this be about?
You went to the students who bullied me,
and then, you beat them all up.
Hurry up and take it.
What are you doing?
Who the hell are you?
I asked you a question.
Let go of me.
I felt like I was
the female lead in a novel.
He was so cool back then.
And he still is.
It's getting late. Should we go?
I have to prepare for the hearing.
All right.
I'd like to pay.
- All right.
- He hasn't changed his number, right?
Probably not.
Do you think if I text him,
he'll remember his past feelings?
We shared so many memories.
I see.
It was great seeing you two today.
Let's meet up again after the trial.
Sure. Okay.
Hang in there. I believe in you.
Thanks a lot. It was nice seeing you too.
- You should go.
- Bye.
Bye, Nam…
You used to treat me so coldly
but acted like the male lead
of a novel for her.
I'm not sure.
- I can't quite remember.
- You can't?
You don't remember
despite showing all that interest in her?
It looks like your interest
is shallower and more fickle.
- You see--
- Hey.
Remember serving me
only bell peppers during lunch?
- What? I did?
- Yes. You did!
I have terrific memory.
But you gave her all the sausages?
You'll get punished
for discriminating people with food.
Shame on you!
What's her deal?
It was strange.
I didn't care about being unemployed
in front of my former classmate.
I was consumed
by the childish feeling of jealousy…
Jealousy? Don't be absurd.
That's insane.
That hurts. My goodness!
When did I give her
all those sausages and erasers?
Stir-fried sausages and vegetables.
Don't give me any bell peppers
or onions, my friend.
Likewise. I just want the sausages.
Just take what I give you
and shove it in, my friends. Enjoy.
- Let me eat a lot to grow.
- Sorry, but you're done growing.
Enjoy your meal.
You can do it.
Enjoy your meal.
Enjoy your meal.
What's wrong?
You don't have an eraser?
Want to borrow mine?
Actually, I'll cut off a piece for you.
We need to study all day. One minute.
About this much?
Here you go.
What's wrong?
You rarely make anything mistakes,
so I doubt you'll need much.
Am I wrong?
Forget it.
Oh, no. It fell.
Can I borrow your eraser?
You can have it.
I can have it?
Why did I do that to her?
I don't even look at people
I'm not interested in.
So why?
The third hearing over the death
of a casino heiress will begin tomorrow.
During the previous hearing,
the defense's witness refused to appear…
Gosh, what's with her? This is annoying.
Ha-neul, aren't you curious
about who's annoying me and why?
No, not at all.
You should still hear me out.
You need to be a good listener too.
The thing is
there's this girl I'm interested in.
- And the feelings are mutual.
- Then, go out with her.
I'm in no position
to date someone right now.
- I don't have a job.
- Then, find one.
That's not what's important.
Anyway, my situation's not that great,
so until I found a job
or inherited this building,
I was waiting to proudly ask her out.
But guess what?
She's best friends with the girl
I liked in high school.
What? A girl you liked in high school?
Yeah, so she's being
extremely jealous right now.
But it's a bit flustering for me.
Why would she be childish and jealous
over a girl I liked back in high school?
It's all in the past.
And it's not like we were
in a relationship.
And she's not even my girlfriend yet.
- Don't you agree?
- You're right.
I was about to rank up in my game.
I had one more match
to win before ranking up,
so I was totally focused.
It was such an important situation for me.
I'm so upset right now.
I was already stressed
with a bunch of stuff.
Being jealous over something
from high school is so immature.
Did he have second thoughts?
Please say something.
Yeah, now that you mention it,
it's a bit…
It's not a bit.
She's being totally obnoxious.
She's just garbage.
Don't be so harsh.
I'm sure she has her reasons.
- Uncle Tae-seon.
- Sir.
I've eaten here for a decade,
and I've never been this upset.
We won't ever come again
if you mistreat your regulars like this.
- Gosh!
- Gosh, I'm so annoyed.
- How annoying.
- Ma'am, you see…
We'll have better service
the next time you come.
Uncle Tae-seon, what's going on?
A social media influencer
came to our restaurant today.
But they don't bother me at all.
I treat my customers the same.
That stuff doesn't make you special.
But those customers said
I gave bigger dumplings
and more cucumbers to that influencer.
So they were upset.
The amount of cucumber we serve
can differ sometimes.
How can they be so upset over less food?
Hey. Remember serving me
only bell peppers during lunch?
- What? I did?
- Yes. You did!
But you gave her all the sausages?
You'll get punished
for discriminating people with food.
Shame on you!
But maybe they weren't upset
about getting less food.
Maybe they just felt
less important than that influencer
and felt hurt.
Still, they didn't need to hit him.
Decent human beings don't do that.
- You think so?
- Yes.
What brings you here?
I just came to help out
since your part-time worker quit.
Gosh, I'm fine.
Just go up and rest, Doctor.
Your mom is all I need here.
Uncle Tae-seon,
can I take some dumplings to go?
I was insane. All that over nothing
so close to his hearing…
"Eat this. Sorry about yesterday."
"Do you want some?
My uncle made these dumplings."
"Do you want some?"
- What are you doing?
- My goodness!
Do you want some?
My dumpling made these uncles. No.
My uncle made these dumplings.
Let's eat together.
It must be nice.
They probably think
their love will last forever.
- Hello.
- Over here.
Did you wait a long time?
No, I just got here.
Should we order something?
So how exactly do you know me?
It's been about three months
since I started my own NeoTube channel.
I wasn't copying Yeo Jeong-woo at all.
Yeo Jeong-woo, the nation's-- No.
Do you know Yeo Jeong-woo,
formerly the "nation's doctor"?
Anyways, I wasn't trying to copy anyone.
I only started it
because I was bored with life.
Then one day,
someone subscribed to me.
- Is that right?
- Yes.
And someone with the same name
as that subscriber asked for a blind date.
Is that so?
Yes. It was you, Ms. Lee Hong-ran.
- What?
- What?
"Lee Hong-ran"?
- Yes.
- Lee Hong-ran?
To be frank,
I didn't know if you were the same person.
So I wanted to meet up
to ask you that today.
It's not me.
As you know,
the blind date was a misunderstanding.
And I've never subscribed to your channel.
Yes, I rarely watch anything
on NeoTube to begin with.
- Look.
- You don't need to show me.
I haven't subscribed to anyone.
- You did subscribe to me.
- What?
That can't be.
Today, we'll be folding a crane…
Who is this idiot?
Who would watch this?
I must be crazy.
Why did I subscribe to this?
Jeez, I must've been insane.
- I should unsubscribe.
- Hold on.
You don't have to do that.
Why did I subscribe to this?
I feel a bit bad.
You don't have to.
Your videos aren't my cup of tea,
but I'm sure you'll get many subscribers.
No, that's all right.
I'm not trying to be like Jeong-woo.
Why do you keep mentioning him?
Hey, you're both plastic surgeons.
Do you know each other?
we both went to HNU.
But we're not that close.
I'm glad that you're not friends
with that scumbag.
Jeong-woo isn't a bad person.
He definitely is.
I beg to differ.
You must've seen the news,
but that was just a medical accident.
He's not the type to harm someone
and feign innocence.
This isn't about that.
It's because of how he's busy
seducing women amid controversy.
He never seduced anyone!
Did you witness it? Did you?
I thought you said you weren't close.
Forget it. I'm leaving.
Fine by me. How unbelievable.
What? It's a dragonfly.
- What?
- Hold on.
Stay still.
Why? What's the matter?
Wait a minute. I'm sorry.
- What is it?
- Stay still.
What? What is it?
- What are you doing?
- There's a dragonfly on your head.
- What?
- My son really loves insects.
- So?
- I'm sorry.
- But can we visit a stationery store?
- Why?
- To buy an insect container.
- What?
Are you serious right now?
Please! I was so lucky to find this.
- Let's go right now.
- Wait.
- Be careful.
- We're going like this?
- Where's the store?
- Nearby!
This is a nice combo.
Dumplings and beer
go pretty well together.
- Right?
- Yeah.
I always had beer and my uncle's dumplings
whenever I was stressed.
Are you stressed right now too?
You're angry
because of the classmate we met.
I mean, I wouldn't say I'm angry.
I was just jealous.
I'm interested in you,
but I heard you two liked each other.
I saw you holding hands, and I hated it.
This was my first time feeling jealous.
It wasn't beautiful at all.
I feel like a loser. I hate it.
So what'll you do?
You feel bad, so you'll take back
being interested again?
No, not really.
It's just difficult.
We learned about ambivalence.
It's when contradictory feelings coexist.
That's how I feel now.
I'm struggling so I'm taking medication
and a break from work.
But I keep thinking of you,
and I worry about you.
Plus, I was consumed by jealousy.
I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.
I'm not exactly sure.
I feel the same way.
I know I shouldn't feel this way,
but I can't control my feelings.
I have a ton of things I want to tell you,
but I'm holding myself back.
What are all the things
you want to tell me?
Just some things.
Come on, what are they?
Just tell me one of them.
I like you.
Hey, don't throw away that dumpling.
No, I didn't. I just swooned…
I mean, I was startled.
I mean it.
I'm only able to
stay strong thanks to you.
You're like a drug
someone prescribed for me.
I didn't see a doctor despite having PTSD.
Maybe it was because of you.
Maybe I didn't go because you'd help me
get back on my feet every time.
Once these troubles are resolved,
then I'll confess
my love for you properly.
Not at an arcade or at karaoke.
What in the world? Did you think
that would make me swoon?
I swear I never had a thing
with the third-ranked student. Never.
All right.
I was jealous,
but I'm proud of one thing you did.
Punishing the guys
who secretly took photos.
They deserve a beating.
Why do some people take photos like that?
I don't know.
I guess they want to see something.
"See something"?
To be honest,
at my clinic,
someone was secretly recording--
Hey, what brings you here?
No reason. I came to see you.
How have you been?
I'll let you guys talk.
Let's go there.
I was a bit harsh last time.
When you said
I shouldn't be happy right now?
You're right, though.
You've never been cold like that before,
so I was flustered.
But I knew better than anyone…
that I'm in no position to be happy.
So don't feel bad.
You know I only said that
because I was worried.
Of course.
What are you watching?
You see…
Remember the break-in at the rooftop
of that milmyeon restaurant?
Right. Someone broke in
but didn't take anything.
Yes. We searched all the cameras nearby
but couldn't find anything.
But we found a motorcycle
passing by the front at that time.
The driver just sent me
his dashcam footage.
Hey, someone's stepping out
of that building.
This person won't be easy to identify.
Jeong-woo, are you still out?
Are you still with Kyung-min?
My goodness.
He should lock his door.
Goodness, even the window's open.
He's awful at locking up
for someone who's had a break-in.
Excuse me.
What a mess.
Oh, dear.
What's that?
Who are you?
Why have you been following me?
Damn it.
I'm sorry.
Damn it.
Damn it.
It's a pen.
What? Why isn't it working?
What in the world?
Who are you?
I asked who you were!
How did you bear it all this whole time?
But I gained something precious too.
The anesthesiologist who was
also in the OR keeps bothering me.
What if those Macau guys
hired thugs to quietly get rid of him?
What's with you?
Unlike happiness,
which felt vague at times…
Jeong-woo, where are you?
…misfortune always
made its presence known.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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