Doctor Who: Tales of the TARDIS (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Curse of Fenric

That Dalek got quite
a beating, if I remember rightly.
Ah-ha-ha, mine, I believe.
Last time I saw you, you were
a hologram. Mm. But you're here.
You're real.
You've got old.
Time streams are funny things.
In some, I regenerate.
In others, I don't.
It's all a matter of perspective.
I was in the middle of a meeting
and then I was here.
This is a Memory TARDIS.
A special place
where old friends come together
to share stories, to remember!
And to confront
difficult truths.
Did you ever think of me?
Oh, Ace!
I thought about you every day.
Sometimes I wish I'd never left.
That I'd stayed with you forever.
Ah, well, that's the thing, you see.
This place,
this IS forever.
It's kept alive with memories
and we stoke its engine
with our stories.
And we can return here
whenever we like.
With a wish.
That's how I met you, remember?
With a wish. Mm.
I wished I was somewhere else.
Somewhere that wasn't Perivale.
And then I was halfway
across the universe. Iceworld.
Except it wasn't my choice,
I was taken there by Fenric.
I was just a part
of one of his games.
A game of traps.
I don't think I want to remember.
Maybe you should.
Maybe we both should.
It's too much! Our pain comes to
define us, Ace. Alongside the joy.
Good people died that day.
So many lives were ruined.
Others were set in motion.
Dangerous undercurrents.
I taught you to dive beneath
the surface, to be unafraid.
..let's dive together this time.
Into the water.
Ah! This looks about right.
World War II uniforms. No need
to worry about looking silly.
If this is a top-secret naval camp,
then I'm Lord Nelson.
Oh, whine, whine, whine, whine.
Professor, top-secret naval camps
usually have men with guns
all over the place.
You don't just stroll in.
House guests
leaving the conservatory.
Entering the library.
Will reach the drawing room
in about 60 seconds.
I've had more trouble getting into
Greenford disco without a ticket.
You can always go back.
I'd rather go rock climbing.
Not in those clothes. Ha ha ha!
House guests leaving the nursery.
Wait! Something's wrong.
One of them's a girl!
Say again. One of them's a girl.
They're the wrong ones.
Rat Trap! Rat Trap! Now!
Don't move! Hands up!
About time, too!
Call yourself Royal Marines? You're
a disgrace. Those boots are filthy.
What would happen if the Germans
attacked now? Sorry, sir.
In fact, how do you know we're not
Germans? Well, answer me!
You don't look like Germans, ma'am.
I don't suppose you know
where Dr Judson's office is?
Never mind. This way. Yes, sir.
Prozorov, everything in English.
From now on, everything in English.
Quick. Down on the beach.
Come on! How long till nightfall?
Long enough. Come on!
Gayev, listen to me.
Where are the sealed orders?
You had them.
Gayev, what's happened to them?
Let's take him to the camp.
Move out!
Move, move, move!
In heaven's name! You must be
Dr Judson. Excuse the interruption.
I've travelled a long way
to meet you. This is intolerable!
A little less excitement,
please, Dr Judson.
Remember your blood pressure.
The Prisoner's Dilemma. You can't
just Oh, shut up, Crane!
You're familiar
with the Prisoner's Dilemma, then?
Based on a false premise,
don't you think?
Like all zero-sum games. But a neat
algorithm, nevertheless, Dr Judson.
Excuse me. Do you have any official
stationery and a typewriter?
Uh, on the desk. You're obviously
also an expert in this field,
but I'm afraid I don't recognise
Ace. Hi. I'm Ace.
And this is the Professor.
Doctor. Sorry, Doctor.
Oh, wow!
Have you seen this, Professor?
Put it down, child! It's not a toy!
I know it's not. It's a flip-flop
thingy. We used them at school.
You understand it?
Yeah. It's a logic game, isn't it?
Drop marbles in the top
and depending on what colour
each window is,
the marble follows a different path.
You've got a logic diagram for it
on the blackboard.
This is extraordinary. And you
learnt about logic at school?
Miss Birkett taught us
in Computer Studies.
She was well good. Can I borrow
this? Two pens, please. Crane!
Ah, thank you.
There we are. Come in!
I'm sorry to disturb you, sir,
but these two
are unauthorised personnel.
Unauthorised? We're here by urgent
request of the War Office.
I think you'll find this is signed
by the Prime Minister
and the head of the Secret Service.
I must apologise, sir. We weren't
informed of your arrival.
Need to know, Captain. Need to know.
Dr Judson's work
at breaking the German codes
is very important to the war effort.
We thought you were something to do
with those East End kids. Evacuees.
I'm not from the East End. I'm
from Perhaps you'd like to see
the Ultima machine?
The Ultima machine? Yes!
Bates, go and fetch
Commander Millington, will you? Sir!
On second thoughts, it's been
a tiring day. Perhaps tomorrow,
Dr Judson. If you'd just show us
to our quarters,
that would be very good.
Thank you.
Now, as soon as it's dark,
we check the base.
Petrossian, you check the shoreline
in case anything gets washed up.
Alone? It only needs one.
You listen to me. There's evil here.
Can't you feel it?
Cold against our skin.
Stop it!
More stupid Armenian superstitions.
You're supposed to be a soldier.
So was he!
You follow orders.
Ace! Bunk beds! Bags I go on top.
Quiet, Ace.
People are trying to sleep. Sorry.
Is it all right if I go down
to the cliffs tomorrow
and do some rock climbing?
Go to sleep. Sorry.
Where are you off to?
Night air. Go to sleep!
Ah! Oh, it's you, sir.
Thank goodness. I thought Eyes.
Eyes watching.
Wonderful service. Thank you
so much. What a lovely day.
Miss Hardaker.
Your sermon, Mr Wainwright. Yes?
There's no doubt about it,
Mr Wainwright.
Of course, we'll win the war.
Right is on our side.
I don't think that right is on
anyone's side in war, Miss Hardaker.
Your father would turn in his grave
to hear such words!
When he was vicar of this parish,
there was respect for the Good Book.
I think that faith
is more than just words.
In plain language,
doubt and indecision.
Miss Hardaker Pardon me.
I wonder if you could help me.
I'm looking for Dr Judson.
Oh, I think you'll find him
still working in the crypt.
If you'd like to follow me.
Good day, Miss Hardaker. This way.
Who's the old gargoyle?
Friend of yours?
She's the old bag we've been
billeted with. Come again?
We've been evacuated.
We're from London.
Oh, so am I Come along,
girls! Time we were moving.
OK, see you later. Where?
What about over there?
Maidens' Point.
Oh, well, that rules me and Jean out
for a start. See you.
See you, girls. Bye.
I can't see why he spends so much
time studying old carvings.
I keep telling him
he's wasting his time.
Answering questions
is never a waste of time.
Surely that depends on the answers.
When I was studying
at St Andrew's Nietzsche says
We're not going to be long, are we,
Professor? Only I've arranged
to meet Phyllis and Jean later.
If you'll just follow me.
I was having a good conversation.
Hey, Vicar Yes? You shouldn't
leave all this silverware
lying around. You're wide open.
They're superstitious people
in these parts.
Too afraid of the old Viking curse
to break in here. Curse?
This church is built
on old Viking graves.
They say evil was once buried here.
Here we are, Doctor.
This is the crypt.
Ah, Doctor. What do you
make of these, then? Hmm?
Fascinating. Ace, look at this.
They look like Viking carvings.
Viking rune stones.
9th century, yes? Ah,
you evidently know more than I do.
It's the alphabet. The later Vikings
used the 16-character alphabet.
Don't tell me.
The Ultima machine can beak
the most sophisticated Nazi ciphers.
Some 9th-century scribbling
shouldn't be much of a problem.
Professor. Hmm?
What's that noise? What noise?
Like a machine.
Organ bellows. Come on. Let's leave
Dr Judson to his puzzles.
Yeah, OK.
It was definitely
some kind of machinery, Professor.
Only don't bother listening to me
cos I'm only a mere mortal.
Look. Yeah, graves.
No, at the ground.
There's a slight dip in it.
And since the grave was dug.
How do you know that?
Well, either that
or they'd been at the communion wine
when they put up that headstone.
Joseph Sundvik.
He must be one of the descendants
of the original Viking settlers.
Look at the last one.
She only lived 13 days,
poor little thing.
You don't suppose it was
that Viking curse, do you?
Where did you say
you were meeting your two friends?
Somewhere called Maidens' Point.
I think I'll go with you.
Maidens' Point?
Did you say Maidens' Point?
I only want to go for a walk.
Maybe have a swim.
I know what girls who go to
Maidens' Point have in mind.
You will never go near the place.
Neither of you.
All right. Keep your hair on.
You impudent child!
Do you know why
it's called Maidens' Point?
Because when you stand
on those cliffs,
you can hear the terrible lost cries
of girls who went to that place
with evil in their hearts.
Girls who are damned forever.
Yes, you mark my words.
There's evil at Maidens' Point.
I like watching the sea.
It makes me feel so small.
You'd think people would take
their rubbish home, wouldn't you?
What's that?
People come here to picnic,
then leave their rubbish behind.
This is not the kind of place
people come for picnics.
Not ordinary tourists.
Not English anyway.
Germans? German spies?
Look at the lettering. Greek.
But the Russians
were on our side during the war.
We better warn them at the camp.
I think they already know.
Where do you suppose
the Russians are now?
More to the point,
where have they come from?
From the north, like Vikings?
I think I'd better go back
to the church.
Church? Well, if you find churches
boring, you can stay here.
But don't go into the water!
I'm sorry, sir.
Come on, don't be such a baby doll!
You'll love it.
It makes you feel all funny inside.
All right, but get ready
to catch me. All right.
Come on. Get a move on,
we'll be here all day.
Here, I'll catch you.
Argh, not that quick!
Want to do it again? No! Oh,
come on, don't be such a baby doll.
You should hear what
they call her at school. Jean!
Doesn't your uncle mind you
coming down here by yourself? Who?
Oh, the Professor.
No, he's all right, really.
That witch said
we oughtn't to come here.
There's evil in the water!
Come on. Come swimming.
Hey, wait for me!
Come for a swim. All right.
Oi, wait for me!
The North Atlantic U-boats
have changed ciphers again.
That's twice this month.
Can we crack them? Mm.
It may take a few days longer.
Ah, they're using six rotors now
instead of five.
Get inside the Nazi mind, Judson.
Learn to think the way they think.
It's the only way
to understand their ciphers.
The machine can do it,
if you'd be so kind
as toauthorise it, sir.
Thank you.
Oh, yes.
The machine can do it.
This is the first.
In the future,
there'll be many more.
Computing machines.
Thinking machines.
Yes, but whose thoughts
will they think?
I beg your pardon.
I didn't hear you. Possibly not.
What can I do for you, Doctor?
I'd like to know the answer.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
Afraid, yes, but of what?
The Viking inscriptions?
The curse? Doctor
There are some questions
better left unanswered.
That may be so,
but it's too late, isn't it?
Someone's already translated
the inscriptions.
It's probably all nonsense.
Some records that my grandfather
made when he was vicar of St Jude's
at the end of the last century.
He translated
the Viking inscriptions.
I wish to heavens he never had.
Come on! Don't be such a baby doll!
No! Swimming's stupid.
It's lovely and warm.
Anyway, it's dangerous. Look.
Oh, you're just a baby doll!
"We hope to return to the North Way,
"carrying home
the Oriental treasures
"from the silk lands in the east,
"but the dark curse
follows our dragon ship.
"Black fog turned day into night,
"and the fingers of death
reached out from the waters
"to reclaim the treasures
we have stolen.
"I carve these stones
in memory of Asmund, Grimvald,
"Torkal, Halfdan, brave Viking
warriors slain by the curse.
"We sought haven in Northumbria
"and took refuge at a place
called Maidens' Bay,
"but the curse of the treasure
has followed us to this place."
Maidens' Bay? Maidens' Point.
But I've just left Ace there.
Yeah, but I'm here now, aren't I?
What have you got there, Professor?
It's a translation
of the Viking inscriptions.
Look, there's something
I've just noticed. What's that?
Look. "We hope to return
to the North Way,
"carrying home
the Oriental treasures."
Nowlisten to this.
I only did French O level.
"We return to Norway"
The North Way.
"..bearing the treasure."
Now, let's see how Dr Judson's
getting along, shall we?
Hold still, will ya?
Make me look like Lana Turner.
You mean Betty Grable!
Jane Russell!
'Ere, look at that.
What is it?
It feels all funny and tingly!
No! It's like electric.
Leave it. I don't like it.
It's just a piece of junk.
Come on, we better get going
before that old bag starts worrying.
No closer, please.
Alice Faye!
Dr Judson. Something here
that might interest you.
What's that, then?
A 19th-century translation
of the Viking inscriptions,
courtesy of Mr Wainwright's
grandfather. Really?
"Night is the time of the evil curse
"and no man is safe alone."
This is invaluable!
"The waters are most dangerous.
"The dark evil
lies waiting in the sea.
"It has followed
the treasure we stole.
"We cannot see it,
but we know that it is there,
"beneath the surface, beyond seeing,
"but it is there.
"And, one by one,
"our crew is being killed."
I didn't know they had
personal stereos in 1943.
They're listening to coded
German radio messages.
Ungh! Ungh!
Are you looking for someone?
We're just being nosy.
Well, we're the girls.
I'm Kathleen.
Hello, Kathleen. Hello. Hello!
Oh, look, Professor. A baby!
Ahhh. Is it yours?
Yes, and she's a she.
She's lovely. Can I pick her up?
You've got to excuse her.
She's from Perivale.
That's all right.
Of course you can. Thanks.
Where's Perivale?
You don't want to know.
Oh, now what do I do? Just put
your arm underneath her like that.
Yeah. Get her head.
And you're fine. Aww.
You're fine. There we are.
Oh, Professor. Isn't she beautiful?
Oh, look at her little fingernails.
They're so perfect and so tiny.
Yes. Every one a heartbreaker.
What's she called? Audrey.
What's the matter?
Don't you like it?
I hate it. It's my mum's name.
Come here, darling.
All right. Dudman.
I gave you clear instructions the
baby was not to remain on the camp.
Yes, sir. Well? I thought
she could stay with my cousin, sir,
only their cottage
is too small and
24 hours, Dudman.
I shall have you dismissed
from service. Yes, sir.
Who do you think you are, armpit?
Not now, Ace
Why didn't you let me
sort him out, Professor?
There are more effective ways. Look.
Come on. Where are we off to?
I thought we'd have a quick recce
in his office.
Extraordinary! What is this?
This is a perfect replica of the
German naval cipher room in Berlin.
Even down to the files.
That dreadful man.
Commander Millington's a spy?
Oh, no, no, no. He's just trying
to think the way the Germans think.
Keep one step ahead.
But he's done it so perfectly.
Let's see
what else they've got here.
Oh, dear, look at that.
A picture of cities being bombed.
Innocent people.
Wait a minute! That's not right.
Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.
What is it?
The old school tie.
It seems that Millington and Judson
went to school together.
That was before Judson
had his accident.
Why is everyone round here
so interested in Vikings?
A girl? From the War Office?
She's a mathematical specialist.
She understands the logic diagrams.
And they found an old translation
of those Viking inscriptions.
Let me see.
"I warn of the day
when the Earth shall fall asunder
"and all of heaven, too.
"The Wolves of Fenric
shall return for their treasure,
"and then shall
a dark evil rule eternally."
This is it.
The final battle
between the gods and the beasts.
It's now, Judson!
The Curse of Fenric.
I'm confused, Professor.
I mean, what's it got to do
with the Russian papers?
Well, whatever it is,
it'll be down here somewhere,
near where we found those papers.
What are we looking for?
I mean, is it big or
Professor. What have you found?
Not very pleasant.
What's he holding?
No! We don't want
to attract attention.
Do you know what's happening here?
Do you think we really killed him?
It doesn't matter.
You know too much. You die.
We know more than you think.
v Norweigoo s sakrovischem.
Return to Norway with the treasure.
Kill them, Prozorov.
No. We take them to Captain Sorin.
"I am the only one left alive now.
"I raise these stones
to my wife Astrid.
"May she forgive my sin.
"The day grows dark
"and I sensethe evil curse
"..risingfrom the sea
"I know now
what the Curse of Fenric seeks.
"The treasures
from the Silk Lands in the east.
"I have heard the treasures
whisper in my dreams.
"I have heard the magic words
that will release great powers.
"I shall bury
the treasures forever.
"TonightI shall die
"..and the words
"..die with me."
If you attack the camp now,
you'll walk straight into a trap.
And if you stay here you'll die
just like your comrade.
And if I let you go, you betray us.
It's the only way.
It's the only way to destroy
the evil that's killing your men.
His mind's in pieces.
What's happened to him?
Whatever killed his comrade,
he's seen.
Up you sit.
What did you see? Tell us.
Come on, this is useless.
Deep down, think back.
Maidens' Point, the undercurrents
What did you see?
He'll never speak again.
Sh. Calm down.
We'll delay our attack
until you both return.
Capitan, this is madness.
We play for high stakes.
Victory goes to those
who take the greatest risk. Go.
Why didn't he translate
the final inscription?
It's always the family idiot
that takes the cloth!
I don't like it down here.
Then go away.
Don't you feel the cold?
It's like winter.
It's most unsuitable for an invalid.
Oh, shut up, Crane!
Come on,
let's have you back in the warm.
No, youstupid woman!
Language, Dr Judson.
There's a lady present.
Ooh, I love men in uniform!
Don't they look strong?
Use the Ultima machine.
Use the machine
to translate the inscriptions.
But what about the German ciphers?
Use it!
Why do I feel there's something
different about this place?
Yeah, it doesn't even
look like a church.
What do you mean? Well, from the
outside it looks like a fortress.
No, different
since we were last here! Oh!
I think it's about time we had
a proper look at those inscriptions.
Can you hear noises
from behind the walls?
Can't hear a thing.
I definitely heard them.
Ace, come here. Look at that.
What do you notice?
This one's a slightly different
alphabet to the rest. Yes?
And, um It uses fewer characters.
And? And that means
it's older than all the rest.
And? And, er
I don't know. And it wasn't here
this morning. Oh, yeah.
Hang about, these inscriptions
are 1,000 years old.
Quick, hide!
Where is he?
Those noises you heard
this morning A secret door!
Hmm. Yeah, but I'm sure
the noises came from over this side.
What happens
if we do find something? Sh.
Professor Ace.
Professor! Ace!
I think this is what
you are looking for, Doctor.
After you.
When I was a child
..I spake as a child.
I understood as a child.
I thought as a child.
When I became a man,
I put away childish things.
Now abideth faithhope
These three.
And the greatest of these is
And the greatest of these is
Leave the empty drums.
Just take the valuable equipment.
A laboratory!
Behold! The end of the war!
So, this is what brought you here.
A natural source of lethal poisons.
The Curse of Fenric.
Once the Nazis see what our planes
are dropping on their cities
Butyou can't!
It'll mean the end of the war.
Save hundreds of thousands of lives.
More horrible
than the Well of Hvergelmir.
What did you say?
The Well of Hvergelmir.
Deep beneath the ground,
where broods of serpents
spew their venom over
the roots of the Great Ash Tree.
The Great Ash Tree.
The soul of all the Earth.
Professor Sh.
We have seen it, Doctor.
You and I.
We have seen hell.
Come. I will show you it all.
What's he on about? Norse mythology.
It seems I have persuaded him
that I am on his side.
Professor Mm?
What's wrong with the vicar?
No girls. Leave her here.
What? You're beginning
to aggravate me!
Don't antagonise him, Ace.
You'd better stay here.
Professor! Only for a short time.
We've got to find out
what's going on. You can find out
what's wrong with Mr Wainwright.
All right. Coming, Commander!
Give me an hour.
Funny church, this, isn't it?
I was just remembering
when I was a child.
My father was the vicar here then.
It seemed such a warm,
friendly place in those days.
Things always look different
when you're a child.
Now I stand in the church
every Sunday.
I see all the faces
looking up at me,
waiting for me to give them
something to believe in.
Don't you believe in anything?
I used to believe there was good
in the world, hope for the future.
The future's not so bad.
Have faith in me.
No shooting.
Has anyone seen us?
It's as quiet as the grave.
Let's take them to the camp.
Move it, move it.
Ah, Millington! I need
the central rotor unit unlocking.
The Ultima machine! Oh, of course!
You haven't seen it, have you?
A completely automatic
computing machine.
The most advanced in the world.
Remarkable for the 1940s.
This is just the bait.
For the Germans? Russians.
But they're your allies. After the
war, when they're no longer allies.
This is what the Russians want -
the mind of the Ultima machine.
More than 1,000
combinations an hour,
with automatic negative checking.
And we are going
to let the Russians steal it.
Orders from Whitehall.
Look inside, Doctor.
Look deep inside.
You should have seen him.
With his bare hands.
When it comes to killing,
the sarge is an expert.
These things have to be done.
A demonstration, Doctor.
This small capsule contains
just a few drops of diluted toxin.
No, don't!
Just think what a bombful could do
to a city like Dresden or Moscow.
Innocent people.
It could mean the end of the war.
And Whitehall thinks
that Moscow is careless enough
to let you detonate
one of those outside the Kremlin?
Oh, that's the beauty of it, Doctor.
We won't detonate it.
They'll do it themselves.
They'll use the machine
to decrypt our ciphers,
but Dr Judson has programmed it
to self-destruct
when it tries to decrypt
a particular word.
And once the political climate
is appropriate,
we will include the word in one of
our ciphers. And the word is?
What else could it be,
Doctor? Love.
It's inhuman.
You will burn
in the everlasting fires of hell!
You wicked, evil girls! Just because
you've never been swimming.
You have black hearts! There's
no love in heaven or Earth for you.
Nothing for you
but pitiless damnation
for the rest of your lives!
Think on it!
What was that?
Is this ours?
Is it marked Government Property?
No. Nothing to do with us, then.
Leave it.
Right, let's get this sealed up.
They've finished closing down
operations over at the church.
Good. They didn't find
anything unusual, did they?
Not to my knowledge, sir.
We can't take any more risks.
I want all radio transmitters and
outside telephone lines disabling.
That may attract attention, sir.
Do it. Sir!
And if there are any chess sets
in the camp, I want them burnt.
Chess sets?
Burnt! Sir!
I don't care
if I've got nothing to wear!
It's so warm and peaceful.
Here, Philly. What's that?
What is it?
It's a sort of mist.
So what? Who cares?
It's warm in the water.
Sorry, girls, Commander's orders.
No more chess sets.
Don't you find the commander's
orders a little peculiar, soldier?
Peculiar or not, orders is orders.
Come on, girls.
What are you going to do with her?
Oh, something'll turn up.
One of the girls
is going to ask her sister
if Audrey can stay with her
till I can sort something out.
Do you have any family yourself?
I don't know.
I'm sorry. It's the war, isn't it?
It must be terrible not knowing.
You haven't seen Ace at all?
I'm getting a little worried. Quiet!
Nowlet's see what lies
encrypted in these carvings.
"Let the chains of Fenric shatter."
Even with an alphabet
more than 1,000 years old,
the Ultima machine
can reveal its meaning!
It can translate it.
But who knows what it might mean?
But who cares?
Look Yes. A man.
Are you watching us?
Are you looking at us
Yes. He's watching us.
If you want to watch us, you've got
to come into the water with us.
Yes. You've got to come
into the water.
Come on, you'll like it here.
It's warm. Blood warm.
He's coming into the water.
Nobody's forcing him. Nobody ever
forces you to come in the water.
But everybody wants to.
Deep down, everybody
wants to come into the water.
Come on. Come and play with us.
Oh, yes, I've known Millington
since before my accident.
Ah, good! Oh
I need a word with your friends.
Jean and Phyllis? Yes. They'll be
with the old dragon. Good.
Back in a mo. I'm going
to requisition some transport.
Bags I drive!
Shut up.
I said shut up!
I know what it is.
I am trying to work.
I know what the inscription means!
Yes, I already know.
"Let the chains of Fenric shatter."
I already know that. No, no, no.
It's a logic diagram.
Look, this is a logic diagram for
the flip-flop thingy, right? Mm-hm.
And this is a logic diagram
for something else.
But it's so complex
That's because it's not
for a small thing like this.
It's for a computer.
Crane! Take me to the decrypt room!
And the half-time score -
Perivale, six hundred million,
rest of the Universe, nil.
No No
No, I beg you No!
Hello? Anybody home?
Just like the one at Maidens' Point,
completely drained of blood.
I know who you are.
You've always known us.
But vampires
are just superstition! Why?
We have black hearts. We were lost
on the day we were born.
That's not true. No-one is lost.
Everyone is lost.
No further.
This is holy.
It will destroy you.
Objects can't harm us.
It's human belief.
And you stopped believing
when the bombs started falling.
I'm not frightened of German bombs.
Not German bombs. British.
On German cities. British bombs
killing German children.
No! Stop! What's happened to you?!
What are you doing?!
You should have
come into the water with us.
Then we'd have been together. Go!
We go
..but we'll return for you,
This is it, Judson!
A little respect for the wheelchair,
please, Commander! He's an invalid.
I'm not an invalid,
I'm a cripple. I'm also a genius.
So shut up, the pair of you.
All that remains is the flask.
The machine can unlock its secrets.
We must tell Commander Millington.
No, that's exactly what we won't do.
He'll just go around
shooting everything.
As long as Dr Judson doesn't work
out what the inscription is,
it'll keep them out of harm's way.
He's a typical blinkered scientist.
Oh, no.
You should have told me!
Quick! We'd better stop them!
Now then, Millington.
Let's see, shall we?
Yes. Quick!
What does it mean? I don't know!
But you built the damn machine!
It's running at four times
maximum speed! It's impossible!
Stop the machine! Get out of here!
You've got to stop the machine!
I can't! Ace, the power!
It's stuck!
Pull it, pull it! I can't!
You're too late, Doctor!
Captain, no-one is to touch
the Ultima machine.
It must complete its task.
Sir. Just one problem.
You've weakened
the bases' defences precisely
so some Russians could steal it.
Captain, radio for reinforcements.
Sir, you've just ordered that all
radio transmitters be disabled.
I've just set Perkins onto it now.
Sir. Radio transmitters disabled,
as ordered, sir.
Splendid work, Perkins! Splendid!
Now put them back together again.
We haven't got much time.
But Jean and Phyllis
Dark legends.
In the story of Dracula,
this is where he came ashore.
Vampires? No, haemovores. They are
what Homo sapiens evolve into
thousands of years in the future.
Creatures with an insatiable hunger
for blood. I don't understand.
The future? How can you know?
I've seen it. How good are
your parish records?
Oh, they go back
as far as the 18th century. Good!
Now for a little local history.
What's the matter?
I was just thinking.
If these vampires, I mean
haemovores, if they come here,
well, Kathleen and her baby.
Look, once upon a time
you'd have dropped everything
just for a little bit of excitement.
I just want to make sure
they're all right.
Catch us up. Thanks.
Doctor, those two girls.
They said they'd come back for me.
Do you want to stay here? No.
No, no, I can't.
Come, Doctor, the parish records.
I'm sorry, Capitan.
I know you and the sergeant
had been friends a long time.
On your command!
Save your bullets.
Everyone pulls back, and don't
turn away from them or you're dead.
Take him. Come on! Move, move!
Hi! How's the little horror?
I've just fed her and put her down.
Oh, sorry.
You should have told me.
Where will you go? I'll manage.
Frank's got shore leave in a few
weeks. Who's Frank? Your boyfriend?
No, my husband!
I didn't know you were married.
I've got a baby! I just thought
Well, you can stop thinking it,
all right?
Oh, I didn't know
It's OK. It's OK.
Where is he? In the Merchant Navy.
Atlantic convoys.
I used to think
I'll never get married.
But now I'm not so sure.
There's a lot of things I'm not
sure about now. It's the war, Ace.
Yeah. Look, take care, won't you?
Thanks, you too.
No, I mean really take care.
We're wasting our time
on some superstition.
The Viking legends will come true.
The treasure will be brought to us.
And with it all the dark powers
of Fenric shall be ours.
Oh, yes, I know.
Let the chains of Fenric shatter.
What about MY chains?!
That was over 20 years ago!
Why must you remind me?
I offer you EVERYTHING!
Capitan, what are they? Six months
ago, a small sabotage team
was sent into German-occupied
Romania. Only one survived.
He talked about dead men
coming out of a black fog.
The official report said
he'd been listening to too much
local gossip about vampires.
But vampires don't exist.
Of course not.
Why does your bell tower
look like a fortress?
Like the people who built it
were expecting trouble.
I don't think there's a record
of any battles taking place here.
Today's events haven't been written
down yet. Now, you're looking for
the descendants of the early Viking
settlers about 200 years ago.
Ace, you help me.
So, what exactly are we looking for?
The Viking inscriptions said
they were carrying treasures
from the Orient.
Give me SOMETHING to go on.
A few hints might be useful.
Just look for something evil!
Doctor! Doctor!
Doctor, I've found it!
Exactly as you said! What you got?
There's your Vikings,
or descendants of them at any rate.
"Joseph Sundvik.
"Florence Sundvik, wife.
"Daughters, Sarah,
Martha, Jane, Clara, Annie."
The Curse of Fenric,
passed down through the generations.
Find out which daughters married,
and what their new surnames are.
What's this water doing here?
Oh, it's the roof. It leaks.
It always seeps in like that
when it's raining
and there's an east wind.
The problem is, it's not raining.
There's a west wind.
Argh! Argh!
Get off!
Follow me!
Takes two against one, does it?!
How about a little Cossack blood?!
Up the ladder, quick!
Hold them!
I don't know that I can!
You've got to have faith!
Have faith. Faith. Faith.
We won't have
any more trouble from those two.
Quick, up the ladder.
Ah. Any more up there?
Only those creatures. Quick, you and
your men, down to the crypt. Down.
Get the record books. Right!
Hurry up! Yes!
Jam the door!
That noise you were making,
like singing, only it wasn't.
Ah, just a little something
to frighten off haemovores.
I thought vampires were scared
of crucifixes. No, no,
it's not the crucifix that frightens
them, it's the faith of the person
carrying it. It creates a psychic
barrier, just like I did.
Door's secure.
We're trapped! Ace?
The mineshaft! Correct!
Listen, I must go back to my men.
You can't go back that way!
Those creatures, they're inhuman!
I must try. If I fail, I fail.
These two will stay with you.
Professor, show him
how to make the singing. I can't.
Either he believes absolutely,
or he doesn't.
I believe in the Revolution.
Complete faith? No doubts? Go.
If we meet again,
you will have your answer.
Be careful.
I hope we're not too late.
Oh, no! What's happened?
You two, break that wall down.
Quick, quick!
If you want a job doing properly,
get a girl to do it.
Out of the way, boys. Ace!
Oh, don't antagonise her.
You'll only make things worse.
Five seconds and you're yesterday's
breakfast, sunbeam. Take cover!
Quick! Into the tunnel!
I'll talk to you later!
How much further?
300 or 400 metres.
Oh, we'll never make it.
What's the matter?
Well, if I get the top off this,
then I can make up some more nitro.
Another explosion might bring
the roof down on top of our heads.
Oh, just a small one. No!
If only we could slow them down
for a few moments.
Two minutesthen follow us.
Where did you find that?
It was just lying around.
That's the oriental treasure
we've been looking for! Oh
What's happening?
The air is so still, so warm.
There is a storm coming on.
Come on, you're almost here!
Come on!
Right, seal it. But there are
two people following us.
You're here,
that's all I'm interested in
And I'll have those. Open this door!
Many years ago, when I was
Chief Petty Officer on board ship,
we had an explosion
in an engine room.
But the Russians are our friends,
our allies! We had to seal it off
to save the ship, keep the flames
restricted to one section.
Please, Commander.
Those two men won't stand a chance
against those creatures.
They're inhuman! So's he.
We could hear men screaming behind
the bulkhead for nearly an hour,
and then the screaming stopped.
You stay here. If I'm not back
in ten minutes, abort the mission.
Take cover.
Commander Millington!
Commander Millington!
I want to talk with you!
Officer to officer!
Here we are, Judson.
I said it would be brought to us.
Release the power.
Sir, the house guests have arrived.
The house guests. There's one
outside. He wants to talk to you.
We must talk, Commander Millington.
I'm afraid you have me
at a disadvantage.
You seem to know my name,
but I don't know yours.
However, that hardly
seems to matter at the moment.
You will tell your men to put down
their weapons and surrender.
I come alone.
Very well.
Lay down your weapons
and come in peacefully!
Like the wolves of winter!
Come on, pull back! Move it!
Let's get out of here!
Lock him up!
You'll be pleased to know, Doctor,
everything is under control.
The Russians aren't your
problem, those creatures are!
They devour humans
the way you eat fruit.
I doubt if any creatures
can walk through iron shutters.
They can weld metal beneath
the sea, with their bare hands!
You all right?
What is it?
What's wrong? Tell me!
What's the matter? I'll do anything!
What's this?
"It is with deepest sorrow
that I write to inform you
"that the ship on which your
husband, Frank Dudman, was serving
"was struck by enemy torpedoes.
"Your husband
was trapped in the fire,
"and has been listed
as missing, presumed dead.
"Please accept
our sincere condolences"
I'm sorry.
You know what's going on,
don't you? Yes. You always know.
You just can't be bothered
to tell anyone!
It's like it's some kind of a game
and only you know the rules.
You knew all about that inscription
being a computer programme,
but you didn't tell me.
You know all about that old bottle,
and you're not telling me.
Am I so stupid? No, that's not it.
Why then?! I want to know!
Evil. Evil, since the dawn of time!
What do you mean?
Will you stop asking me these
questions?! TELL ME!
The dawn of time.
The beginning of all beginnings.
Two forces only, good and evil.
Then chaos - time is born,
matter, space.
The universe cries out
like a newborn.
The forces shatter
as the universe explodes outwards.
Only echoes remain, and yet somehow,
somehow the evil force survives.
An intelligence. Pure evil!
And that's Fenric?
No! That's just
Millington's name for it.
Evil has no name.
Trapped inside a flask.
Like a genie in a bottle.
Can we stop it?
We need to get that flask.
We can release Captain Sorin to
help us. I can distract the guard.
How? Professor,
I'm not a little girl.
You looking for someone? No.
There's a wind whipping up.
I can feel it through my clothes.
Is there a storm coming?
I wasn't expecting one.
Question is -
is he making all the right moves
..or only going through the motions?
What are you doing here?
You have to move faster than that
if you want to keep up with me.
Faster than light. Faster
than the second hand on a watch?
Much faster.
We're not even moving yet.
Hardly cruising speed.
SometimesI move so fast
..I don't exist any more.
What can you see?
Bringing things to the surface.
I can't stay! You promised.
I can't!
I'm here.
The Book won't do you any good.
You don't BELIEVE.
We'll see.
You all right? Yeah,
nothing out of my depth. Come on.
How are we going to stop Fenric?
Evil needs a body.
It hasn't found one yet.
It's not true! You don't believe it!
Look at us. There's no good in us.
No! I believe in good!
Look at yourself
There's no good in you.
No No
No! NO!
What's it doing?!
Don't touch him! Don't touch
anything! He's an invalid!
He can't even stand
without someone to support him.
He's dead.
The time is now.
The chains of Fenric are shattered.
The gods have
lost the final battle.
We're too late. It's him!
The dead men's ship
has slipped its mooring.
And the Great Ash itself
trembles to its roots!
We play the contest again
Time Lord.
You left me
in the Shadow Dimensions.
Trapped for 17 centuries.
But now
..I've found a body again.
And the preparations are complete.
Shoot them!
What for?! Because
I order you to! For treason!
I was only expecting one.
You don't have to kill her!
Let's just get this over with.
Ready! She's only a child!
Aim! Killing us
doesn't make any difference!
Mum, I'm sorry!
Grenade! Take cover!
Give me your gun!
I was hoping for something
a little more, wellAryan.
let the Ancient One approach.
Where is the Ancient One?
He waits. He waits? He waits?
What for?
Has he no sense of occasion?
I want him herenow.
As you command.
What did you say over there? What?
Over there. You said something.
Oh, nothing. Just
Just something.
You mentioned your mum.
Don't play games with me, Doctor.
We're all playing games.
Fenric's games.
We're playing his games
and falling into his traps.
And the battlefield
shall stretch 100 leagues.
And at the end of the day, not one
living thing shall be left alive.
The ancient enemies
shall seek each other out
and all shall die!
I must play the game
to the end this time.
What game?
A very simple game.
The game of chess.
# When the bough breaks
# The cradle will fall
# Down will come baby
# Cradle and all
# And all #
Move it! Move it!
I need a chess set to play the game.
I need pieces. If we can get
into Commander Millington's office,
we can nick his chess set. We came
here to steal Ultima machine.
Chess set? No problem. Follow me.
How English.
Everything stops for tea.
Fetch me the Ancient One.
There is much to do.
We've got a clear path
to the British positions. Go!
Establish new positions.
Secure the laboratory.
Follow me!
You are summoned.
You must obey.
The sound of dying.
When it comes to death,
quantity is so much more satisfying
than quality.
The final Don't interrupt me
when I'm eulogising.
Where is the Time Lord? Time Lord?
The one you call Doctor.
I had him shot.
I can see you've never been
handicapped by great intelligence.
For 17 centuries, I was trapped
in the Shadow Dimensions
because of him. He pulled bones
from the desert sands
and carved them into chess pieces.
He challenged me
to solve his puzzle. I failed.
Now I shall see him
kneel before me
..before I let him die.
Are they Russians?
Russians, German, British.
They're enemy.
Here's the chess set.
No, no! Don't touch!
Oh, thanks. I don't know why he used
a chemical grenade. If I was him,
I'd have stuck a few sticks
of explosives under the table.
At last,
another of the Wolves of Fenric
decides to show up
and play his role.
My world is dead.
Hardly a great loss,
if you're the best
evolution can manage.
This is the 20th century.
It doesn't become your world
for a long time yet. First must kill all the humans.
Another of Fenric's traps.
Well, at least I managed to grab
the consolation prize. Well done.
The parish records. Great.
What I can't understand is what's
so special about them? Names.
Whose names?
Names of ancient families.
Judson. Millington.
Wainwright. Dudman.
Dudman! Kathleen Dudman,
she's got a chess set. No, no, no.
Millington destroyed them all.
No, no. I saw it in her suitcase.
Come on.
We arethe last two.
This isn't war! This is massacre!
The Ultima machine has done this.
Destroy it.
Go that way.
Your creatures are killing my men!
What is it?
We call him the Great Serpent.
And the Great Serpent
shall rise from the sea
and spew venom over all the Earth.
There's enough poison in here
to contaminate the world
They're insane.
They're trying to control the world
with chemical weapons.
All part of Fenric's evil game,
no doubt. Like this weather. I know.
Let's join forces.
Fight the real enemy.
That's a really good idea.
So we're
we're all on the same side, then?
You have the spirit of a fighter.
And you wear our emblem.
Oh, it's not a real one.
I bought it cheap in a market.
Have the real one.
Come on! We've got to get
Kathleen's chess set. Come on!
It's all right, girls!
We'll take over now!
The chess set! In the suitcase!
Oh, don't leave me!
I can't leave them. I'll stay here.
Well, don't leave the hut!
You don't have the emblem this time.
But I still have my faith
We've got to do something
about this room. All right.
Let me just put the baby down, OK?
Let's use the furniture.
Right, let's put that bunk
up against the door. OK.
What about the wardrobe
over the window? Good idea!
Let's use that and the other bunks
up against the window. Yeah.
Oh, no! Oh, please!
Please! Please!
Nurse Crane.
You've looked after me
all these years.
Almost a mother,
treating me like a child,
humiliating me.
I feel this is what Doctor Judson
would have wished.
Oh, no!
No, please!
I'm afraid you've had
a wasted journey.
But then, you were never really
our allies, were you?
Your people will always be
the enemy.
See you in hell!
I don't like dark buildings.
There was one in Perivale.
Old, empty house.
Full of noises.
Things I didn't understand.
What kind of a world is this
to bring up a child in?
Quick! The window!
Ace, take Audrey!
Get in, quick! Right!
What shall I do? What shall I do?
Go to London!
My nan will look after you.
Where? She lives in Streatham.
17 Old Terrace! Say it!
17 Old Terrace.
Wait, Ace, I want you to have this.
I'll always love you.
Now, go!
17 Old Terrace! 17 Old Terrace.
17 Old Terrace. Now, go!
No, that's not right!
It was so long ago.
The Time Lord has made his move.
Take the poison.
Carry it to the ocean.
Release it into the waters.
And the other Haemovores?
Oh, yes, they've been so useful.
How could we have managed
without them?
You know how to kill them.
Where is the game, Time Lord?
You couldn't resist it, could you?
The game of traps.
The contest as before.
One move.
Find the winning move.
Spring the trap on me.
If you can.
Are you going to use that gun?
You know your problem,
Captain Bates?
You don't know who the enemy is.
A traitor is someone
who doesn't know who the enemy is.
But I do.
Who Who is it?
Is that you, Time Lord?
Tell me the solution.
The con The contest is
is too much
..for such a weak body.
II don't know the solution.
Tell me
Tell me the solution!
I've been waiting.
You know me?
Thousands of years in the future,
the Earth lies dying,
the surface just a chemical slime.
Half a million
years of industrial progress.
I am the last.
The last living creature on Earth.
I watched my world dying
in the chemicals,
and I could do nothing.
My worldis dead.
I owe you one.
What's happened? Are you all right?
We're all right now.
We're fighting together now.
War. A game played by politicians.
We were just pawns in the game.
But the pawns are fighting.
Together now.
Eh, comrade? That's it.
The solution. The winning move!
Where have you been?
It's time to die, Fenric.
You don't understand.
You don't know why you were
selected for this mission.
Because I speak English.
My grandmother was English.
Emily Wilson.
Granddaughter of Joseph Sundvik.
You are touched
by the Curse of Fenric.
I selected you.
You are one
of the Wolvesof Fenric.
You're very patient.
Carried back thousands
of years in a time storm
to 9th century Transylvania,
and then waiting till now.
Without the flask, I was trapped.
Ah, yes, the flask.
I trapped him like an evil genie.
Only he can return me to the future.
And so, like a faithful servant,
you follow the flask.
A merchant bought it
from Constantinople.
I followed him through Europe.
I followed the Viking pirates
who stole it,
and I followed it here.
Another of Fenric's games.
He carries you back in a time storm
to destroy the Earth's water with
chemicals, to destroy YOUR future.
Think on it.
Your Earth, your world,
dying of a chemical slime.
This act will be the beginning
of your end.
Are you sure you can stand?
Workers of the world, unite.
Fenric would never have guessed
the solution anyway.
Tell me, tovarich
A brilliant move.
The black and white pawns don't
fight each other. They join forces.
Thank you
..Time Lord.
What's happened?!
The Wolves of Fenric,
descendants of the Viking
who first buried the flask
..all pawns in my game.
Doctor Judson.
Commander Millington.
The Ancient One.
Captain Sorin.
And now you.
You can't! How?
The baby.
In 30 years, the baby will be grown.
She will have a daughter.
That daughterwill be you.
You've just created your own future.
The baby is your mother.
The motheryou hate.
Ace, I want you to have this!
I'll always love you.
Now, go!
Kill them.
You don't stand a chance.
Tell him, Doctor.
He's got it wrong.
The Time Lord has failed.
The Wolves of Fenric
have released me.
The Doctor never fails.
I've got faith in him.
Complete faith.
Kill them.
It can't penetrate
Ace's psychic force.
Time for the one final game, then.
The choice is yours, Time Lord.
I shall kill you anyway.
But if you would like
the girl to live
..kneel before me.
I believe in you, Professor.
Kneel if you want the girl to live!
Kill her.
The Time Lord finally understands.
Do you think I didn't know?
The chess set
in Lady Peinforte's study? I knew.
Earlier than that, Time Lord.
Before Cybermen.
Ever since Iceworld,
where you first met the girl.
I knew. I knew she carried
the evil inside her.
Think I'd have chosen
a social misfit if I hadn't known?
She couldn't even pass
her chemistry exams at school
and yet she manages to create
a time storm in her bedroom.
I saw your hand in it
from the very beginning.
No She's an emotional cripple.
I wouldn't waste my time on her,
unless I had to use her somehow.
Kill them.
Kill them! Do you hear me?
No I command you!
No No!
Come on! It's over!
Leave me alone! We've got to
get out of here! Leave me alone!
Couldn't even pass a chemistry exam!
I'd have done anything
not to hurt you,
but I had to save you
from Fenric's evil curse.
Your faith in me
was holding the Haemovore back.
You said I was an emotional cripple,
a social misfit!
I had to make you lose
your belief in me.
Full marks for teenage psychology.
It's not true, believe me.
I don't love her!
She's my mum, and I don't love her!
What's wrong with me?
Why can't I stop hating her?
You loved the baby.
But I didn't know she was my mum!
Love and hate. Frightening feelings.
Especially when they're trapped,
struggling beneath the surface.
Don't be frightened of the water.
Audrey It's all right, darling.
It's all right.
I'll always love you
always love youalways love you.
It's all right, darling.
I'll always love you.
I'm not scared now.
We never talked about it.
What happened that day.
Hmm. It was all my fault.
I was always on the run.
Always eager for the next adventure.
Hmm, wasn't just you.
That was my life.
Keeping my head down,
bottling things up inside.
Maybe if we'd talked,
we wouldn't have fallen out.
Yes, well,
I did things I'm not proud of.
I used you, manipulated you,
kept secrets.
No wonder you abandoned ship.
Walked off in a strop, you mean.
Cos I just kept seeing their faces.
Sorin and Mike.
Kara and Bellboy.
So many people died for us.
I needed someone to blame.
By the way, that wasn't West London
where you dropped me off. Really?
No! It was London, Ontario.
Had a right palaver getting home
without a passport. Oops!
Well, erm, well, to be fair,
we did have a very busy day,
as I remember. Yes. Oh, yes.
The Rani was up to her old tricks.
I'm sorry I left you like that.
No, but you had to go.
To become the person you are today.
To save the world.
That is your destiny.
That you set in motion.
I went back to see her.
Kathleen Dudman. My nan.
After I left you I went
to the care home every Tuesday.
She never said much.
She was so ill.
We just sat together, holding hands.
But before she died,
I think there was this moment
where she realised
who I was.
How we'd met before,
when she was young.
And her eyes changed.
They sparkled.
And she smiled
like she'd never smiled before.
Like she knew.
She would have been very proud
of everything you have achieved.
You know about that? Yes, well,
I check in from time to time.
And do you want to know a secret?
The best is yet to come.
I loved you, you know.
Like the dad I never had.
I've never said that before,
but I did.
I still do.
And I love you.
We made a great team.
We were wicked!
Oh, by the way,
where is that jacket of yours?
Oh. On a hanger in my office.
Pride of place,
but officially retired.
Hmm. I think it's time to grow up.
Does this thing fly?
Of course it does.
How about a trip
for old times' sake?
Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
Anywhere. Everywhere.
Somewhere there's
danger. Somewhere there's injustice.
And somewhere else
the tea's getting cold.
Come on, Professor,
we've got work to do.
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