Dom (2021) s01e06 Episode Script


This program includes scenes of
violence and drug abuse involving minors.
If you need help with substance abuse,
reach out to a trusted person or contact
a substance abuse assistance organization,
This series is loosely inspired
by true events.
Some elements were created
for storytelling purposes.
Similarities between fictional characters
and real persons are coincidental.
Happy birthday to you!
-Happy birthday, dear Pedro!
-Happy birthday!
For he's a jolly good fellow!
For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny!
For he's a jolly good fellow
Congratulations to Pedro!
-Happy birthday, dear Pedro.
-Happy birthday!
For he's a jolly good fellow!
For he's a jolly good fellow
Who is the first slice for, Pedro?
Elizete. She made the cake.
Thank you.
-Do you want some, Mom?
-No, I'm not hungry. Thanks.
-I'll serve the cake.
-Pass me the knife, please.
Can you cut me a slice?
Happy birthday, son.
A cell phone.
Make sure you pick up when I call.
It's easier to keep an eye on me
with this, right?
Pedro, this is serious.
You're 18 now.
If anything happens now,
-I'm no longer responsible for you.
-Now I am.
I know that.
I can take care of myself now, on my own.
It won't be juvie next time.
It'll be jail.
What's the difference?
I'm trying to reach Pedro.
-Is he there?
-He's sleeping.
Hold on, I'll get him.
Your father's on the phone.
Pedro Shit!
Damn it!
-Holy shit!
-What's up, bro?
-You're back!
-What's up?
-How're you doing?
-I'm fucked.
You're fucked?
I'll go get us a beer. Hold on.
We were so fucking dumb, huh?
Breaking into an officer's house.
What were we thinking?
It was fucked up in there.
I got away with it. You know?
I paid them off.
I'm robbing houses to pay them back.
I joined a real gang
with Mauricinho from Botafogo.
You know what I'm saying?
My father fucked me over.
He didn't cut me any slack.
I can't even look at him anymore.
I gotta leave home.
I can't stay there anymore.
Hey, don't you have a gift for me?
-What gift?
-It's my birthday, Lico!
-I can't believe you forgot.
-You gotta be fucking kidding me.
-Congrats, bro! You're 18!
-Next time it's jail, you know?
-Fuck off. You sound like my father.
Fuck off, Lico.
Take it easy because
this is some strong shit.
I snorted every day in there.
Tell me something. And don't lie to me.
How long since you last got laid?
Fuck you, Lico!
Fuck off. What are you now? A lover boy?
-Cut the crap!
-Funk party tonight! It's your birthday!
Let's go celebrate!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Dad. Lico
Let me go!
It's my fault.
Let me go!
Hi, you've reached Jessika, with a "K."
You know what to do.
Jessika, I'm worried.
I want to know how it went.
Call me when you can.
How are you?
I feel awful.
You're alive.
You get a second chance.
Do you understand?
Not everyone is so lucky.
Lico wasn't.
You're gonna make it through, son.
It's hard.
But we gotta have faith.
You'll see, Pedro. It's a beautiful place.
No violence, no bars.
Nobody gets locked up.
It's a new approach to treating addiction.
How are you gonna pay for it?
I'm selling part of the wood shop.
I'm on your side, son.
It's gonna work out.
What's up?
Can I have a cigarette?
Thanks, bro.
It's crazy.
This place must be fucking expensive,
and they still want the patients
to work for free.
They could let us smoke a joint at least,
so we could relax while working.
Why are you here?
To remind myself
that I've been clean for 10 years.
I run the NA meetings here on Mondays.
I'm not the one you should apologize to.
But to whoever is paying
for this "fucking expensive" clinic.
Who is it?
My father.
Lucky you.
-What's your name?
Nice to meet you, Pedro. I'm Felipe.
If you think it's not worth it,
you should leave.
Don't let those who love you
lose anything else.
come to the meetings.
Thanks, bro.
Hi, you've reached Jessika, with a "K."
Jessika, where are you?
I haven't heard anything.
If I hear anything about your friend,
I'll let you know.
Okay, thanks, Camargo. See you soon.
Hi, any news from Jessika?
-I haven't seen her.
-I can't find her anywhere.
The girls over there might know.
-So not a word from her?
-No, nothing.
Hey, girls, how are you? I'm looking
for Jessika. Have you seen her?
No? Do you know where she lives?
Hey, Camargo.
Another whore who died on the job.
Sex crime.
-Just take pictures?
-Yes, that's it.
-I want a reward.
-I'll go see that son of a bitch!
-That's suicide.
-Have you lost your mind?
It's over, Victor.
-You hear me?
-It's not over.
They tortured and drowned her,
then they set up that scene.
I shouldn't have left her alone
at the General's.
That was stupid of you.
It's over, Victor.
I couldn't make the delivery.
He died before I got there.
Yeah, I heard.
Sit down. Let's have a beer.
Sit down.
You didn't force him to do anything.
No one did.
He did what he wanted to do.
He was going to buy it anyway,
if not from us, from someone else.
Not everything that's good for us
is good for others.
I only sell to grown-ups.
And all the money I make, I spend here.
For them.
Schools, nurseries, medicine,
building materials Even cooking gas.
I take care of them,
but they take care of me, too. You know?
Cheer up, my brother.
Let's go.
Let's eat. It's barbecue day!
And have a cold beer. You deserve it.
Come on, let's go. Cheer up!
I want one of those big plates.
Let's take care of our sailor here,
he's a bit down.
Chug it!
He looks like a monkey shooting.
Diver, I learned a lot in Ilha Grande
from the political prisoners.
I learned how to read, write and do math,
but most importantly
I learned how to think.
To see the world
from another angle, you know?
Mark my words.
In the future, they'll be selling coke
out of every favela in Rio!
And I'm gonna need educated people
to run the business.
All right
What a great samba
Let's get this party going!
Are you all going to school?
You're gonna make some money. Here.
I love you, my friends!
-I'm out, Arcanjo. I can't do it anymore.
-It wasn't your fault.
The boy's death was unfortunate,
but it's collateral damage.
Collateral damage?
-It's easy when you're not involved.
-You think I'm not involved?
What I'm doing isn't right.
And it's killing people.
We're not killing people.
We are saving them.
The more cocaine that makes it
to the favelas,
the more people will die.
Neither of us want more Márcios to die.
In the future, they'll be selling coke
out of every favela in Rio.
Now we're talking.
This is almost a party, huh?
Help yourselves. It's our party!
The fresh meat just came in, boss!
And it's stuffed!
My people!
Every Tuesday, the cocaine arrives
in a refrigerated truck.
Then it's mixed with several ingredients.
Add more corn starch.
As they add stuff to it,
the cocaine doubles, triples in volume.
It increases a lot.
They make 10 times more
with cocaine than with marijuana.
There are police officers involved.
They even sell weapons to the dealers.
I'm not talking about just one or two.
A lot of officers are involved.
This one's amazing!
The Army is running a joint operation
with the Civil Police next Tuesday.
I'll wait for your signal.
What's up? Where is everyone?
The coke house is closed.
-The fresh meat never arrived.
-I see.
Let's have a beer.
It's warm.
There's cachaça.
-Did the motherfucker show up?
-Fuck, no.
Fuck. He stood us up.
Shit's gonna hit the fan now.
Praça Seca is an hour away.
The boss is furious.
-I'll see if the bastard is at Dora's.
-Sounds good.
-What's going on?
-Were you listening to us?
Stay out of it.
It's none of your fucking business.
-I'm going to Mãe Rosa's.
The drop was moved up.
Praça Seca in an hour.
Yes, I'm sure.
You weren't at Mãe Rosa's.
I didn't see you there.
I was. I went
Come on, the boss wants to see you.
-Have you ever held a gun?
It's simple.
You just aim and shoot.
Take it.
Take it, damn it.
We have an emergency.
That motherfucker Crybaby is missing.
And you're gonna go get
the fresh meat in his place.
Crybaby is screwing up big time,
just because he's related to the boss.
Fucking shithead keeps screwing up.
The boss is fed up with him.
The truck is taking so fucking long.
Easy, boy.
No need for guns.
We'll just pick up the goods
and get out real quick.
Let's go! Quickly.
Fucking shit!
Hey, bro! What the hell?
Bunch of motherfuckers!
If I start shooting,
you'll all end up in a ditch!
What the fuck is going on?
Last chance, scumbags!
Surrender now, or you're all going down.
-Let's shoot them!
-We can't, we're outnumbered!
-Come on, fuck!
-We're gonna get killed.
Turn yourselves in or this will get ugly!
Fuck, motherfucker. Fucking pig!
Get fucking ready!
Mãe Rosa warned me it wouldn't work out.
-She warned you?
-She did.
So what's gonna be?
Kaô Cabecilê, my father.
I surrender.
-I surrender.
-Let's fucking go.
Don't shoot me! Here's my gun.
-I surrender too!
-Me too.
No fucking around.
-Get moving.
-I surrender.
Wait, fuck! Wait!
-No fucking around!
-Come on, let's go!
Everybody shut the fuck up!
-Son of a bitch!
-Someone ratted us out.
Someone's gonna die.
Nero Pereira da Silva.
-Your name.
-You have a record already.
-Give me your profile, Mr. Hot Stuff.
-You fucked up.
I don't know anything.
What do you think?
-I'll be out in two days.
-Your first time
is something you never forget.
-I'm Pedro.
-Hi, Pedro.
I'm an addict, in recovery.
I've been clean for 88 days.
But it's also been 88 days
since I last saw my parents.
-Hi, I'm Manuela.
-Hi, Manuela.
I've been coming to the group
for a while
It's hard sometimes. I get this
I get this feeling here, you know?
Like an ache in my chest.
We must accept that a family
gets sick together.
This group was very important
in helping me understand and accept that.
And in learning how to deal
with addiction in a less toxic way.
One more step.
Today, I've been clean for four months.
Four months here at the clinic.
Most people outside have no idea
what we go through here.
We're scared
of failing, of letting down
the people we love.
Are you pregnant, honey?
Tell me the truth.
Is that why you're
getting married so young?
Or are you tired of living with me?
No, Dad. I want to get married.
I love my fiancé.
You're the best daughter, you know that?
You're the most beautiful bride ever.
Don't exaggerate, Dad.
I wish your brother were here.
Look, Dad, may God forgive me, but
I don't.
When Pedro is in rehab,
we know where he is.
We know that he's okay, that he's alive.
The phone doesn't ring
in the middle of the night.
I can have a normal life.
You're right.
Come here.
-Let me mess up your hair a little bit.
-Just a little.
My girl.
My girl is getting married.
Hi, Dad. How's it going?
I'm doing well.
This place is really different.
I got the stamps and envelopes
you sent me today.
You're the first one I'm writing to.
I wanted to thank you
for bringing me here.
I miss everybody.
I wish we could all be together again.
I wish you and Mom could get along.
But I know that's up to the two of you.
I can't change you two.
If I could change anything
I would change my past.
I'm sorry for all the stuff
I stole from you.
I had no right. I know that now.
I know I'll make it up to you
one day, Dad.
Not with material things
But by making you proud
of having a normal son
and giving you the affection I never did.
Are you feeling better?
I want to go back,
but I'm afraid, you know?
I'm afraid of letting my parents down.
I believe in you.
I should believe in myself too, huh?
I love you!
I love you!
I don't have enough paper to write it.
If you guys can, come visit me.
P.S. If you can, bring me a Playboy.
I'd appreciate it.
I missed you!
-How are you?
-I missed you.
Me too.
I loved the letter.
I'm glad you're here.
You look great.
-Let's take a walk.
Let's go.
Come on.
It's beautiful here.
They're delicious.
They're really sweet.
One year clean.
-It's been a year.
-Congrats, son.
One year, huh?
I'm very proud of you.
I don't even feel like using anymore.
All I think about is coming home.
-I can't stand it anymore.
-You'll be back soon.
Hang on just a little longer.
I was talking to Marquinhos,
the guy who sells the fruit.
I asked him how much he pays
for a box of strawberries.
He pays 1.5 reais and sells them for two.
He gets 50 cents per box
and sells 35 to 50 boxes a day.
It's an honest business.
Honest, but lousy.
It's lousy, Dad.
his boss is smart though.
He has 35 locations across the city.
If he sells 50 boxes a day
in 35 locations, he gets
About 2,600 reais a day.
In a month, that's like
About 78, almost 80 thousand.
Minus expenses,
paybacks and bribes
He makes around,
at least 40,000 a month.
And he doesn't pay taxes.
-That's a good business.
I had an idea.
Tell me.
I'm getting out in four weeks.
I was thinking
After you pick me up
and we go back to Rio
we should start a business together.
What do you think?
-It's a deal.
I'll pick you up in a month.
-Are you serious?
-I'll come pick you up,
and we'll be partners.
-Done deal.
I brought you something.
What's that, Dad?
-Is that what you wanted?
I missed this.
Just one more month, son.
-What do you mean, you let him go?
-He was released and left with his mother.
With his mother.
It smells good anyway.
It looks good, too.
-This is delicious, brother.
-Really? Is it good?
Come here. Let me look at you.
-What, Mom?
-You're here.
You're alive. You're handsome, strong.
And tanned.
It's your father.
I just went to pick him up, Victor.
He's my son. I'm his mother.
What's the problem?
-So I need to ask your permission now?
-Mom! Don't start arguing for nothing.
-I can't recall a time they didn't argue.
They'll stop fighting when they die.
-That's awful!
-It's true.
But you're right.
Will you forgive me?
For my craziness.
For my foolishness.
For everything I put you through
because of my addiction.
Of course.
Of course.
I'm happy to be back.
I wish I could have come to your wedding.
He wants to talk to you.
Has he calmed down?
Hi, Dad.
Yeah, but she wanted to go pick me up.
No need to argue about it.
Everything is fine.
Okay, let's do that.
All right. Diving sounds good.
Okay, tomorrow at 8 AM.
All right. See you tomorrow.
Everything is just the way you left it.
But we can change anything you want.
You can stay here as long as you want.
This is your home.
-Good night.
-Good night.
-Dom! Fuck!
Call an ambulance!
I'm going for a walk.
Now, Pedro?
Real quick. I'll be right back.
-Why don't you go tomorrow?
-Why, Mom?
It's all right. I'm good.
I'm just going for a walk.
-Everything is fine.
-It's all right.
-Don't come home late.
-Okay. See you.
-Would you buy me cigarettes?
Come here.
I'm really happy you're here.
I'm happy too. Don't worry.
I'll be right back.
Got your cell phone?
-Your dad will be here early tomorrow.
-I know.
Your call is being directed to voice mail.
Hey, Felipe, it's Pedro.
Give me a call when you can.
It's hard being back.
It's really hard.
Give me a call.
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