Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (2022) s01e06 Episode Script


OK, one across. The clue is
opposite of down, two letters.
Hmm. That's a tricky one.
Opposite of down.
Hmm. Try above.
Above. A-B-OVE, no.
Hey, I know.
It's when you can't remember
that over the top of you, there's
bigger ones that are bigger
and bigger.
And then over the top of it,
there's a smaller one
on all of it at the top of that.
What? Huh? That's not going to fit.
What's wrong with you?
I'm going to have to shred the whole
thing now
in my personal home shredder.
Yeah. Maybe it's best if you just
stick to drying the plates. OK.
What? Are you just putting the
plates in the bin?
No. Yeah.
They go in the cupboard.
Yeah, the cupboard.
Oh, oh, oh.
Ow. Ha-ha.
Does anyone else want anything
What about this? What is that?
It doesn't look important.
It's a bill for something
called electricity. A bill?
Who cares? We won't be paying that.
Electricity is silly stuff
that ought to be free.
I think you might be forgetting
something, friends.
I don't know. Maybe we should help
them open it.
Well, they'll figure it out.
So I hear you guys don't think
electricity is cool, huh?
Is that the deal?
Erm, yes, I suppose.
So I guess I'll be leaving then.
I'll just go back in my box,
shall I?
But I'm going to take all the light
bulbs and the CDs
and electric whisk with me.
Is that cool?
What the hell are you going to do
with them?
Now tell me, could you make a phone
call on a phone
that was just made
out of rocks and soil?
No, probably not. Go on, try it.
Why? Try it. OK, fine. Try it.
All right.
Uh, no. Yeah, it doesn't work.
No, actually, it does. Hello.
Oh, that's because my real
phone is inside. You see? Not
That's a weird thing to do. Yeah.
You're going to break your phone.
# Look at all the stuff
that you've got
# But you don't even know
what keeps the TV on
# Well, I'll give you a clue.
# It's electric and blue, and it
makes all the stuff in your house
# Work for you. #
I always assumed it was some kind
of natural phenomenon, some sort
of weather or something.
No. What about the lamps and the
lights and the plug-in blanket?
Magic of some kind, like a spell?
# You're wrong
# And loads of people
# It's time your brains
all learn about electricity #
So what about the radio?
That's right - electricity!
What about my printer/scanner?
It's got wires - electricity!
And what about our pet animals?
Well, let's have a look. No, just
boring old guts, I'm afraid.
Oh, no, wait. There are some wires.
So why don't we just call
this one a maybe.
Oh, what about this boring bread
Let's turn it into
an electric bread board.
What about our boring chair?
That could be an electric chair.
But what about my shredder?
# What about my shredder?
# What about my
# My personal shredder?
# What about my shredder?
# What about my shredder? #
Yes. Yes. And the shredder.
Yep, that's right.
# And you have to agree
# Now your brains all know
# About electricity. #
I like it.
I cannot believe how wrong I was.
Electricity, can you ever forgive
Hey, don't worry, friend.
Soon everything in the home
will be plugged in
and part of the electric
family just like me.
Sooner the better, in my opinion.
Wait, hang on.
I thought you had to be plugged
in to be electric.
You're not plugged in.
I knew it. She's a liar.
Electricity isn't real, guys.
Ha-ha. No, no, silly.
I am powered by my batteries.
Batteries, of course.
Oh, yeah. Just like me.
No, stupid. You're not run by
Isn't he stupid? He sure is.
No, I am have batteries.
Oh, God.
They reek.
When was the last time you changed
those, friend?
Changed them? Into what?
No. You need to put fresh ones in
every now and then to keep energy
Yours look nice and new, let's swap.
..running smooth
There, much better.
Guys, hold on a sec.
They're mine.
So, do you feel any different?
So, do you feel any different?
I feel Weird.
Guys, my shoes are plugs for shoes.
Why does a tiki snake have
electrical currents through them?
I have tiki snakes for hands.
Shhh, don't tell anyone.
Oh, it was up.
What? What are you talking about?
One across. It was UP. See?
..finished it.
What? HE did this?
Finishedfinished the whole thing.
ButI thought he couldn't read.
It was pretty simple really.
Oh. And I actually made up a little
spatial distribution based puzzle
of my own. See?
What? Are these letters or numbers?
Good question.
I've actually been experimenting
with a third symbolic subset.
I don't like this.
Yeah, you shouldn't do this kind
of thing.
Also, have you guys had a proper
look at this bill, it's nonsense.
What? Doesn't even say what tariff
we're on.
Tariff? Stop showing off.
I can make up words too, you know.
Yeefloogootariff, damn it.
Well, a tariff is
basically Special playlist.
You make when you're a left
Oh, dear.
Hmm. Maybe your blood sugar is low.
Let me get you a snack. Hey.
Here we go. Oh, yeah.
Oops, hm. Hmm? You know what?
That kind of thing seems
to happen a lot round here.
It might be worth us getting
some contents insurance.
We should have done it years ago
really. Stop making up words.
Did someone say insurance?
Here we go. Back to normal.
# You can take it from me
# You can break what you want and
get new stuff for free #
Hang on. Hang on.
That's wildly misleading.
Well, look, in the simplest terms,
an insurance transaction involves
the insured, assuming a guaranteed
and known relatively small loss
in the form of payment
to the insurer in exchange
for the insurer's promise
to compensate the insured
in the event of a covered loss.
But you must know that.
It's almost
like you're teaching me.
Yeah, it is a bit. Yes, but,
but I'm going to go, though.
Banged my back.
Here I go.
Erm, we can still see you.
No, you can't.
What's happening here? Today has
gone all wrong.
This is wrong. Yeah.
None of this seems right, does it?
They just turn up and tell
us what to think.
Where did it even come from?
Oh, stop it. It's not what you say.
It's you who's gone wrong.
Look, let's just get back on track.
All right? What about the
Could we make the tablecloth
But please, he's gone wrong.
It's fine. Just ignore him.
Have we gone wrong?
I don't think so. This doesn't feel
At least it doesn't hurt
to think anymore.
But they seem upset with us.
Hmm. Well, maybe they're not
in charge of us anymore.
Maybe they never were.
Hey, I notice you're trying
to look at your reflection.
That's a bit of fun, huh?
Maybe I can help.
The first thing you're going to want
to do is locate yourself
with this reflective pane
Wellsee you later, then.
Oh, there you are.
I'm not sure we've met.
Ha, good one.
We've been waiting for you.
Have you? You seem Big?
Yeah, we're big boys.
Big boys. Big boys.
Try and keep up, mate.
No, I think I get it. You're quite
big. Yeah.
And we're so big, we don't just sit
around and learn about one subject
at a time. Yeah, that's for dummies
and wimps.
Really? OK, great.
We do two at once.
Right. Well What's wrong?
I thought you were up for pushing
the boundaries.
Yeah, but two at That's right.
Boundaries are important.
No, no, that's not
# When you hold hands
with somebody else
# But sometimes you need to keep
them to yourself. #
That's not what he meant.
What? I said he meant
Did somebody say sedimentary?
What? No. Come on.
# Rocks are interesting from the
# Minerals and some rocks are even
bigger than most beach balls
# Exploring our bodies
can be natural and fun
# And there are three different
types of rocks to know, whoa
# You need to know when it's
appropriate or very wrong
# Igneous, sedimentary and some grey
rocks as well #
Stop it! We're about to streamline.
Try and keep up, mate.
# The sun was actually the
first-ever rock
# And when we think about it,
the world is the big rock itself
# And here are some rocks that I've
got in my pocket for you. #
Really clever, huh? Yeah, try and
keep up, mate.
# Rocks are exciting because they're
better #
And who needs this boring
coaster when we could
have this electronic smart coaster?
You have got 26% of your tea.
It also checks your saliva
for signs of diabetes.
You have diabetes. Cool.
And what good are these pathetic
non-electric grapes,
when we have these cyber grapes?
Whoops, steady on, you guys.
And I'm actually glad
that the person who gave us
this boring non-electric urn
died because now we can get
an electric urn. You can't turn
everything electric.
And I certainly don't regret
drowning our boring pet to make way
for this new electric creature.
Isn't he funky? Cool. And he never
Guys? What?
T-t-too much!
Huh? It's gone dark now. See?
Had you noticed that?
That it had gone dark now?
Oh, there he is.
About time. Yeah.
What have you been doing?
OK, well, let me see.
We were learning about electricity.
I completed a crossword puzzle.
Yeah? And I've been questioning
the very nature of my reality.
Pfft, is that all?
Come on, let's get on with it.
Get on with what?
The experiment.
Oh, that does sound interesting.
Yeah, well, don't get too close
to it.
That's the experiment.
Sorry. What do you mean?
Well, there's no point in learning
about something without putting
it to use. Right.
So, for example, you were saying
something about electricity.
Yes? Yes, but So let's put it to
Interesting. So what? Is this some
kind of guinea pig?
We don't know what it is.
We've done so many tests on it.
Could be anything, to be honest.
Can youcan you stop?
Well, how else can we test it?
Test what? Erm, yeah. What are we
Er, if he enjoys this. Oh, yeah.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't enjoy it.
How do you know?
The experiment may express joy
in a different way from us.
Yeah, he might like it.
Stop it. Stop it.
What's your problem? This is as good
as it gets.
It can't be. There has to be
something else.
Doesn't there?
Oh, why don't you experiment
on each other?
So would you be keen?
You're not to touch me.
Well, this isn't that fun, is it?
I can't make out where I am
in the room like this.
What if I'm standing
in an embarrassing area?
I actually don't mind it.
Kind of a nice break from all
those garish colours.
Yeah, that's better.
Oh, how long have you had a phone
It's for emergencies only.
Now, where are we?
Batteries can be replaced.
But some things stay the same no
matter how we twist and turn.
We're still dancing in chains.
Are you just going to stand there?
Who are you?
My name's Leslie.
It's nice to meet you.
You're one of my favourites.
You didn't build all this, did you?
That's a good question.
What's the answer?
What's going on?
Why are you laughing?
Because it's so
Gosh, you still can't see
the funny side.
I'll tell you what.
You help me tidy things
up around here and I'll help you.
You promise?
Oh, dear. Was that always dead here?
Uh, no, that'swait.
Do we know him? Uh, do we?
Help me. Help me, help me.
Where are we?
Oh, wait. Here we go.
Hi, pals. I knew you'd find me
Now we've got a lot of ground
to cover.
So which one of you needs it most?
Oops. Oh, sorry.
Don't worry.
I always make sure that
I have plenty of backups.
Now everything
is in its proper place.
Hm. I shall have to get that fixed.
Now wanted this, didn't you?
Did I?
You are just too funny.
Run along now.
You've got plenty of reading to do.
Can't I stay here with you?
Oh, no.
Only joking.
You don't belong up here.
And I'm sure you're going to want
to show your friends, aren't you?
Off you pop.
Hey. What happened to your phone?
I'm saving the battery.
Saving the battery for what?
I might want to use the calculator.
Anyway, we may as well get
used to living in the dark.
Yeah. What?
Well, it's just not that great,
is it?
I wouldn't mind looking at the house
again and maybe looking at you.
Really? You like looking at me?
Erm, yeah, I suppose I do.
Well, I like looking at you, too.
Oh, yeah. Thanks for that.
What about him? Guys.
What'swhat's happening?
There you are, greedy battery hog.
Yeah, get him.
Wait, there's something I need to
show you.
Give them to No!
And that's why we can't live
without electricity.
Well, what did you want to show us?
What on earth are you holding?
Uh, I's, uh
..huh. Yes?
What? Yes, yes? Something
..shreddible. Ha-ha-ha.
Wahey. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Yay! Yay!
Yeah. Yeah.
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