Dope Girls (2025) s01e06 Episode Script
This drama is inspired
by a forgotten time in history.
All events and characters are fictional.
Find my son!
Upstairs need to know the
whereabouts of the Salucci boy.
And they need to know now.
That's your ticket back in.
I call for an
offensive against nightclubs.
'Black magic in the home
of a member of parliament?
A scandal like that could ruin
a man's career.
What do you want?
The Royal Albert Hall are hosting a ball
on Saturday night.
One big night's
not going to change shit.
One very big night
could change everything.
I found the gun.
And I know who shot it.
- Who?
- If I tell you, I'm back in uniform?
You said
it was just dancing.
- It is.
- Who are the Saluccis?
You know something
about my nephew.
You don't tell anyone about this.
Definitely not my brother. Agreed?
He's sick.
If you kick a sick dog, do not be
surprised when he turns on you.
Mama's right. And we both
know I'll be running it.
You are no longer
a police officer.
Just get her out of here.
The movie "Cleopatra"
auditions in Los Angeles and London.
If you go someplace else,
you can become someone else.
I don't need you to save me,
Violet. I'm not your sister.
- Billie's my daughter.
- Why would you leave her and keep me?
We are nothing like each other.
I know you killed my nephew.
And the only reason you're still alive
is because you're useful to me.
Lily's dead.
Neither of us are safe.
We have to end this.
When first I came to London
For pleasure there to find
A damsel there from Southwark
Was pleasing to my mind
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips
Like arrows pierced my breast
And the name she bore was Lily
Lily of the West
When I met Lily,
and a tiny chunk of a copper's arm
in her stomach.
She was fierce.
And she fought every day
to live life exactly how she wanted.
We won't let her death be in vain.
See you tomorrow.
Before we depart,
I ask you to remember
to pray for Silvio Salucci,
who has been missing now
for several weeks,
causing great pain for his family.
We hold them all in our thoughts
during this terrible time.
I didn't realize you
were a woman of faith.
This is as good a place as any
to talk business.
Not when I'm praying for my son.
If you're so concerned
about manners,
maybe you should have taught
some to your brother.
He didn't tell you?
We're selling your drugs now.
- Right, I'll talk to him.
- There's no need.
Oh, Mrs. Galloway. What a treat.
You here for absolution?
My conscience is clear.
Well, we've all got blood
on our hands, don't we, Kate?
Well, I'm hungry.
Join us for family lunch, why don't you?
I insist.
Will there be anything else, Officer?
If you see Violet Davies,
you call the station and you ask for me.
You hear the one about
and the dirty old trout
who bumped off his son?
You were right about the cocaine.
We made more money last night
than we've ever made.
Sorry. Is that it?
No "thank you"?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
If all goes well,
tomorrow will be our biggest night yet.
- You'll need to bring more.
- That can be arranged.
We're throwing a party
after the Victory Ball.
Invitation only.
I hope you'll join us.
Although I do have one suggestion.
You should let my girls sell the dope.
They'll shift 10 times more than your men.
Imagine you're
the Prince of Denmark.
Would you rather buy
a line of coke from him
or a rosy-cheeked girl from Devon
just waiting to be swept off her feet?
What's in it for you?
The more people snort,
the more they drink.
I want 60% of everything
you take at the bar.
- What? No. That will ruin us.
- 70.
I'm already paying your brother.
- Yeah.
You'll find a way.
Because if you don't,
lover boy is going to find out
exactly what you're capable of.
It's one club. Let him have it.
It's good for him to be busy.
- You indulge him.
- No. I manage him.
If you thought less
about getting your salami wet
and more about your family,
you might be able to help him.
He has been through hell.
He just needs time
to settle back into normal life.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Idiot!
Can't you look where you're going?
You fucking half-wit.
You manage him?
He's my son.
I'm trying to protect him.
And at least he has a backbone,
some fire in his belly.
What's that supposed to mean?
You like to watch, Damaso.
Luca prefers to take action.
Perhaps he should be the one
to lead this family.
I want to know every celebrity,
every duke and duchess
arriving in town for the ball.
And most importantly,
I want to know
which hotels they're staying at.
Because they'll be receiving a little
an invite to the after-party
of their lives.
- I'm done, Kate.
What do you mean?
We'll get through tomorrow night
and then you're on your own.
Did you mean that?
They offered me a part in the movie.
You said you blew it.
So, are you gonna take it, then?
Good luck to you.
You gave me up, didn't you?
Answer me.
Someone's dead because of you.
If you saw Turner kill her,
you should go to the commissioner.
They won't believe me.
They'll get away with it,
just like they always do.
I used her.
What do you want?
I need you to help me
nail that bastard.
For good.
All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy.
You're not going to find Silvio in there.
When were you going to tell me
you're running coke for her club?
Do I have to report my every move to you?
Yes, if it's to do with the business.
Well, it's not my fault your bit of skirt
fancies working under a younger man.
You just leave her alone.
Yes, boss.
Get off!
You know, I have to admit,
I was a little bit surprised.
Seeing as you never remarried,
I always thought
you liked a bit of the other.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
You're fucking
Mama's golden boy, aren't you?
- Go on!
- Shut up!
Go on!
No. No, Luca.
No, Luca.
Do it.
I said do it.
For once, just fucking do something.
Fucking do it.
Please do it.
That's it for the Savoy.
At the Ritz, we have
the Crown Prince of Denmark.
Sophia of Prussia.
And the Marquess of Bath.
What happens if no one comes?
Will you be in more trouble?
That's what I'm going
to name my horse.
After you.
- Who's that?
- My daughter.
Well, are you going to introduce us?
- No.
- Why? What, are you ashamed of me?
You prefer him, don't you?
- Who?
- Who?
My brother.
The prodigal son.
It doesn't matter what he does, does it?
They all like pretty little Luca
in the end.
- I like you more.
- Don't pity me.
People like your brother don't last.
People like us do.
It's fucked.
It's all fucked.
Let me help you.
Any leads
on the French Street killing?
Not yet, sir. Probably some pissed-off
customer who caught the clap.
Whoever it was did her a favor.
Has Turner drawn up a list of suspects?
No, sir.
He seems a bit distracted.
Reckon he's got his knickers in a twist
over a bit of skirt.
I need to speak with you in private.
It's about Davies.
I know where you can find her.
- Right.
- There you are.
More vermouth.
- And a dash of bitters.
- Okay.
- I'll have one of them.
- It's a bit early for you.
Well, we're celebrating,
aren't we?
Oh, God.
- Let me come with you. Yeah?
I want out of here, too.
We could do it all together.
I'm not right for you.
You think I am, but I'm not.
Billie, you ain't even giving me a chance.
Look, we've had a nice time.
Let's not ruin it. The end.
I hardly recognize you anymore.
I hope you're happier in America.
Everyone looks so beautiful.
And tonight I want you to use
all that beauty and that charm
to prize open the fattest bunch
of wallets you've ever seen.
Let's make this a night to remember.
Looks like we're early.
- Where's the party?
- They'll be here.
I should hope so, because we've
got a lot of booty to push.
Come on.
Come with me.
I'll sneak us in.
I can't.
Don't be boring.
Well, what if my parents
check in on us?
They won't.
They'll go straight to bed after the ball.
Oh, come on.
My mum says it's going to be
the party of the century.
Anything could happen.
I just want to go to sleep.
You're such a fucking baby.
I'm going with or without you.
- You paid the hotel porters?
- Yes. I did.
And they put the invites
on the breakfast trays.
- Exactly like we said.
- Then where is everyone?
Maybe the Prince of Denmark decided
he didn't want to spend the night jostling
for drinks with homicidal lunatics.
Hey! Hey!
Everybody look lively!
The ball ran over, but they're here.
They're fucking here.
Oh, here she is.
The woman of the hour.
This is going to be the start of a very
long and very beautiful relationship.
To the future.
To the future.
Susan, take care of Mr. Salucci.
- Of course.
- Whatever he needs.
On the house.
That's a nice dress.
Take your gun out
and put it on the floor.
All right.
All right.
I just want to talk.
You're impressive, Davies.
I'll give you that.
Got yourself deep into the rat's nest.
But I know you want more.
We both made mistakes.
Let's wipe the slate.
Start again.
We need each other.
Why'd you get rid of me?
Because I couldn't be around you.
Oh, God.
Taking my dope and my dollar?
Kitty cat.
Wherever could she be?
I'm good at games.
Where are you?
Here we go.
7, 6, 5, 4.
I'm gonna find you.
Give me the money.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
So am I.
You had to take control of your family.
I'll take care of this.
I need to speak to Mr. Asquith-Gore.
It's urgent.
I'm sorry.
And move!
Party's over!
You were so beautiful tonight.
I have missed you.
Every single day.
proud of you.
I'm not taking it.
The movie.
Turner's dead.
They found him with Silvio's gun.
I never trusted that rat.
I'll find whoever killed Luca.
I swear.
Good morning. Morning.
the City of London Constabulary
made 87 high-profile arrests
after a raid
on an illegal nightclub.
Now, I believe this sends
a powerful message
to the criminals in our city
that whoever you are,
prince or pauper,
vice will not be tolerated.
Nice uniform.
I hope it was worth it.
I have a proposition.
We both want power.
Is it true you have an eye
on becoming Home Secretary?
I'm not going to comment
on that at this point.
Minister. Minister.
The way I see it the raid worked out well
for both of us.
If you will just listen,
I've been reinstated with a clean record.
And as of this morning,
the papers have crowned you
the Queen of Soho.
What do you want?
A relationship.
Can you confirm reports
linking you with Kate Galloway?
Privately, we share information.
In public,
we remain adversaries.
That's the arrangement.
and we claw our way to the top.
You on one side,
me on the other.
The darkness and the light.
Something like that.
Time for the Queen to meet her public.
The fact that our daughters are attending
Here she comes!
I'd like to thank the gentlemen of the
London Constabulary for their hospitality.
I do have a few pointers
on the service,
but I can report the Prince of Denmark
was greatly comforted
by his bacon sandwich this morning.
Kate, what now?
Will you close the club?
Well, I'm in the business
of making joy, not killing it.
- Yeah!
- Exactly!
do we not all have a right to dance,
drink, and enjoy ourselves?
Life should be filled
with joy and laughter.
Isn't that the point?
You see, I believe pleasure is like water.
We need it to survive.
So, no,
I won't be closing anytime soon.
I've only just begun.
by a forgotten time in history.
All events and characters are fictional.
Find my son!
Upstairs need to know the
whereabouts of the Salucci boy.
And they need to know now.
That's your ticket back in.
I call for an
offensive against nightclubs.
'Black magic in the home
of a member of parliament?
A scandal like that could ruin
a man's career.
What do you want?
The Royal Albert Hall are hosting a ball
on Saturday night.
One big night's
not going to change shit.
One very big night
could change everything.
I found the gun.
And I know who shot it.
- Who?
- If I tell you, I'm back in uniform?
You said
it was just dancing.
- It is.
- Who are the Saluccis?
You know something
about my nephew.
You don't tell anyone about this.
Definitely not my brother. Agreed?
He's sick.
If you kick a sick dog, do not be
surprised when he turns on you.
Mama's right. And we both
know I'll be running it.
You are no longer
a police officer.
Just get her out of here.
The movie "Cleopatra"
auditions in Los Angeles and London.
If you go someplace else,
you can become someone else.
I don't need you to save me,
Violet. I'm not your sister.
- Billie's my daughter.
- Why would you leave her and keep me?
We are nothing like each other.
I know you killed my nephew.
And the only reason you're still alive
is because you're useful to me.
Lily's dead.
Neither of us are safe.
We have to end this.
When first I came to London
For pleasure there to find
A damsel there from Southwark
Was pleasing to my mind
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips
Like arrows pierced my breast
And the name she bore was Lily
Lily of the West
When I met Lily,
and a tiny chunk of a copper's arm
in her stomach.
She was fierce.
And she fought every day
to live life exactly how she wanted.
We won't let her death be in vain.
See you tomorrow.
Before we depart,
I ask you to remember
to pray for Silvio Salucci,
who has been missing now
for several weeks,
causing great pain for his family.
We hold them all in our thoughts
during this terrible time.
I didn't realize you
were a woman of faith.
This is as good a place as any
to talk business.
Not when I'm praying for my son.
If you're so concerned
about manners,
maybe you should have taught
some to your brother.
He didn't tell you?
We're selling your drugs now.
- Right, I'll talk to him.
- There's no need.
Oh, Mrs. Galloway. What a treat.
You here for absolution?
My conscience is clear.
Well, we've all got blood
on our hands, don't we, Kate?
Well, I'm hungry.
Join us for family lunch, why don't you?
I insist.
Will there be anything else, Officer?
If you see Violet Davies,
you call the station and you ask for me.
You hear the one about
and the dirty old trout
who bumped off his son?
You were right about the cocaine.
We made more money last night
than we've ever made.
Sorry. Is that it?
No "thank you"?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
If all goes well,
tomorrow will be our biggest night yet.
- You'll need to bring more.
- That can be arranged.
We're throwing a party
after the Victory Ball.
Invitation only.
I hope you'll join us.
Although I do have one suggestion.
You should let my girls sell the dope.
They'll shift 10 times more than your men.
Imagine you're
the Prince of Denmark.
Would you rather buy
a line of coke from him
or a rosy-cheeked girl from Devon
just waiting to be swept off her feet?
What's in it for you?
The more people snort,
the more they drink.
I want 60% of everything
you take at the bar.
- What? No. That will ruin us.
- 70.
I'm already paying your brother.
- Yeah.
You'll find a way.
Because if you don't,
lover boy is going to find out
exactly what you're capable of.
It's one club. Let him have it.
It's good for him to be busy.
- You indulge him.
- No. I manage him.
If you thought less
about getting your salami wet
and more about your family,
you might be able to help him.
He has been through hell.
He just needs time
to settle back into normal life.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Idiot!
Can't you look where you're going?
You fucking half-wit.
You manage him?
He's my son.
I'm trying to protect him.
And at least he has a backbone,
some fire in his belly.
What's that supposed to mean?
You like to watch, Damaso.
Luca prefers to take action.
Perhaps he should be the one
to lead this family.
I want to know every celebrity,
every duke and duchess
arriving in town for the ball.
And most importantly,
I want to know
which hotels they're staying at.
Because they'll be receiving a little
an invite to the after-party
of their lives.
- I'm done, Kate.
What do you mean?
We'll get through tomorrow night
and then you're on your own.
Did you mean that?
They offered me a part in the movie.
You said you blew it.
So, are you gonna take it, then?
Good luck to you.
You gave me up, didn't you?
Answer me.
Someone's dead because of you.
If you saw Turner kill her,
you should go to the commissioner.
They won't believe me.
They'll get away with it,
just like they always do.
I used her.
What do you want?
I need you to help me
nail that bastard.
For good.
All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy.
You're not going to find Silvio in there.
When were you going to tell me
you're running coke for her club?
Do I have to report my every move to you?
Yes, if it's to do with the business.
Well, it's not my fault your bit of skirt
fancies working under a younger man.
You just leave her alone.
Yes, boss.
Get off!
You know, I have to admit,
I was a little bit surprised.
Seeing as you never remarried,
I always thought
you liked a bit of the other.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
You're fucking
Mama's golden boy, aren't you?
- Go on!
- Shut up!
Go on!
No. No, Luca.
No, Luca.
Do it.
I said do it.
For once, just fucking do something.
Fucking do it.
Please do it.
That's it for the Savoy.
At the Ritz, we have
the Crown Prince of Denmark.
Sophia of Prussia.
And the Marquess of Bath.
What happens if no one comes?
Will you be in more trouble?
That's what I'm going
to name my horse.
After you.
- Who's that?
- My daughter.
Well, are you going to introduce us?
- No.
- Why? What, are you ashamed of me?
You prefer him, don't you?
- Who?
- Who?
My brother.
The prodigal son.
It doesn't matter what he does, does it?
They all like pretty little Luca
in the end.
- I like you more.
- Don't pity me.
People like your brother don't last.
People like us do.
It's fucked.
It's all fucked.
Let me help you.
Any leads
on the French Street killing?
Not yet, sir. Probably some pissed-off
customer who caught the clap.
Whoever it was did her a favor.
Has Turner drawn up a list of suspects?
No, sir.
He seems a bit distracted.
Reckon he's got his knickers in a twist
over a bit of skirt.
I need to speak with you in private.
It's about Davies.
I know where you can find her.
- Right.
- There you are.
More vermouth.
- And a dash of bitters.
- Okay.
- I'll have one of them.
- It's a bit early for you.
Well, we're celebrating,
aren't we?
Oh, God.
- Let me come with you. Yeah?
I want out of here, too.
We could do it all together.
I'm not right for you.
You think I am, but I'm not.
Billie, you ain't even giving me a chance.
Look, we've had a nice time.
Let's not ruin it. The end.
I hardly recognize you anymore.
I hope you're happier in America.
Everyone looks so beautiful.
And tonight I want you to use
all that beauty and that charm
to prize open the fattest bunch
of wallets you've ever seen.
Let's make this a night to remember.
Looks like we're early.
- Where's the party?
- They'll be here.
I should hope so, because we've
got a lot of booty to push.
Come on.
Come with me.
I'll sneak us in.
I can't.
Don't be boring.
Well, what if my parents
check in on us?
They won't.
They'll go straight to bed after the ball.
Oh, come on.
My mum says it's going to be
the party of the century.
Anything could happen.
I just want to go to sleep.
You're such a fucking baby.
I'm going with or without you.
- You paid the hotel porters?
- Yes. I did.
And they put the invites
on the breakfast trays.
- Exactly like we said.
- Then where is everyone?
Maybe the Prince of Denmark decided
he didn't want to spend the night jostling
for drinks with homicidal lunatics.
Hey! Hey!
Everybody look lively!
The ball ran over, but they're here.
They're fucking here.
Oh, here she is.
The woman of the hour.
This is going to be the start of a very
long and very beautiful relationship.
To the future.
To the future.
Susan, take care of Mr. Salucci.
- Of course.
- Whatever he needs.
On the house.
That's a nice dress.
Take your gun out
and put it on the floor.
All right.
All right.
I just want to talk.
You're impressive, Davies.
I'll give you that.
Got yourself deep into the rat's nest.
But I know you want more.
We both made mistakes.
Let's wipe the slate.
Start again.
We need each other.
Why'd you get rid of me?
Because I couldn't be around you.
Oh, God.
Taking my dope and my dollar?
Kitty cat.
Wherever could she be?
I'm good at games.
Where are you?
Here we go.
7, 6, 5, 4.
I'm gonna find you.
Give me the money.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
So am I.
You had to take control of your family.
I'll take care of this.
I need to speak to Mr. Asquith-Gore.
It's urgent.
I'm sorry.
And move!
Party's over!
You were so beautiful tonight.
I have missed you.
Every single day.
proud of you.
I'm not taking it.
The movie.
Turner's dead.
They found him with Silvio's gun.
I never trusted that rat.
I'll find whoever killed Luca.
I swear.
Good morning. Morning.
the City of London Constabulary
made 87 high-profile arrests
after a raid
on an illegal nightclub.
Now, I believe this sends
a powerful message
to the criminals in our city
that whoever you are,
prince or pauper,
vice will not be tolerated.
Nice uniform.
I hope it was worth it.
I have a proposition.
We both want power.
Is it true you have an eye
on becoming Home Secretary?
I'm not going to comment
on that at this point.
Minister. Minister.
The way I see it the raid worked out well
for both of us.
If you will just listen,
I've been reinstated with a clean record.
And as of this morning,
the papers have crowned you
the Queen of Soho.
What do you want?
A relationship.
Can you confirm reports
linking you with Kate Galloway?
Privately, we share information.
In public,
we remain adversaries.
That's the arrangement.
and we claw our way to the top.
You on one side,
me on the other.
The darkness and the light.
Something like that.
Time for the Queen to meet her public.
The fact that our daughters are attending
Here she comes!
I'd like to thank the gentlemen of the
London Constabulary for their hospitality.
I do have a few pointers
on the service,
but I can report the Prince of Denmark
was greatly comforted
by his bacon sandwich this morning.
Kate, what now?
Will you close the club?
Well, I'm in the business
of making joy, not killing it.
- Yeah!
- Exactly!
do we not all have a right to dance,
drink, and enjoy ourselves?
Life should be filled
with joy and laughter.
Isn't that the point?
You see, I believe pleasure is like water.
We need it to survive.
So, no,
I won't be closing anytime soon.
I've only just begun.