Dr. Brain (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Chapter 6

Jaeyi… Jaeyi!
What is this? How is this possible?
Where exactly are we?
What I'm about say is going
to be difficult to comprehend.
I trust you'll understand
since you used to be a scientist.
I'm not sure what you mean.
You and I are in a brain sync right now.
Using brain waves in the hippocampus,
I was able to sync my brain
with dead people.
What? Dead people?
Just listen to me.
Are you telling me that I'm dead?
[Sewon] No.
You're not dead.
I would've seen your memories of Doyoon
if you were dead.
You're in a coma.
What happened?
Why am I in a coma?
You tried to commit suicide.
[gasps, pants]
No… There's just no way.
Why would I ever do that?
Leave you and Doyoon?
I would never do something like that.
- Jaeyi.
- [sighs]
If we want to find Doyoon,
you have to calm down.
Do you remember where Doyoon is?
[Sewon] What are you doing here?
Do you remember something?
I think I was looking for something…
but I can't remember
what I was looking for.
I have no idea what I'm doing here.
Jaeyi… Jaeyi…
It's painful, but we have to try.
[crying] Doyoon!
I can't…
I can't…
Jaeyi, it's alright.
It's okay.
[sobbing] What do we do?
Jaeyi, take a deep breath.
Come on, please try again. Please…
You said that a brain sync
with dead people…
lets you see their memories clearly.
I'm stuck in a coma.
I can't help anyone like this.
Please, you have to let me go.
Jaeyi, you can't do this. Please!
You said you wanted my help.
So let me help you.
Promise me that you'll find our son.
You find Doyoon.
Jaeyi, please. I beg you.
Don't, please…
Thank you so much
for finally showing me that you care…
No! No, please! Jaeyi, don't let go!
[rapid beeping]
[breathes heavily] Jaeyi!
[steady beep]
Sewon! Sewon!
Please, Sewon…
- Sewon…
- [crying] Jaeyi…
[breathing heavily]
[Kangmu] Maybe…
She doesn't have to be gone for good.
What do you mean?
I'm still here.
You're right.
We need to stop my heart.
I can see Kangmu Lee,
unlike all the other subjects.
I can talk to him, as if he were alive.
This means if we can replicate
what we did with Kangmu Lee…
Jaeyi might actually appear.
I mean, even if you're right,
it could be so risky
to induce cardiac arrest.
- You could die!
- I need to see her memories clearly.
It's the only way to find our son.
Jaeyi did the same thing.
That's how far she was willing to go
to save him.
And what if I can't bring you back, Sewon?
Who'll find Doyoon then?
I know you can do it.
I'll come back.
Jaeyi and I are going to find our son,
and be together.
Lower my body temperature
to 30 degrees Celsius.
Then you'll have to stop my heart.
Wait five minutes, then revive me.
[breathing shakily]
Our program is specially designed
for children like Doyoon.
As you can see, this has been proven
by multiple case studies.
[Namil grunts]
Dr. Hyun, the patient in room 301
is having a seizure.
I'm sorry,
could you excuse me for a moment?
Pituitary gland…
[screams] Doyoon!
What's going on?
Open this right now! Doyoon is in here.
Okay, hang on.
First, you need to calm down.
- You seem a little worked up right now.
- But I just saw my son!
Open this door immediately!
Doyoon… Doyoon?
[breathes heavily]
Come on, I think we're done here.
- [line ringing]
- Sewon, please pick up.
[doorbell rings]
[doorbell rings]
[doorbell rings]
Who is it?
[Yoon] I'm from the clinic.
Dr. Hyun prescribed
some medication for you.
Thank you so much.
The doctor instructed me
to watch you take them.
Are we done here?
She said you should take all of them.
Get out of my house!
[groaning, choking]
[cell phone vibrating]
[gags, gasps]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing shakily]
Can't leave any loose ends…
Now everyone will think that
you followed your son to the other side.
Don't worry.
We'll take good care of Doyoon.
[rapid beeping]
[beeping continues]
Sewon! Sewon!
Hey! Wake up!
[beeping stops]
Sewon! Come on!
Wake up, Sewon!
[strains] Sewon!
Come on! Come on, Sewon!
[curtain rattles]
[breathes shakily]
[curtain rattles]
We have to go upstairs.
- What?
- Come with me.
[both grunt]
Wait, what's this?
Looks like a financing company
connected to Dr. Myung.
I think I saw this place
in Jaeyi's memories.
Ji Un Choi speaking.
[Namil] Hello. Hold on a sec.
She's on the line.
I think we found a clue.
[Sewon] Turritopsis.
We need to find any company,
or even research center,
called Turritopsis or Red Jellyfish.
Could be a scientific
or medical equipment company,
or even a research foundation.
Anything research related.
Nothing about Red Jellyfish,
though I'm seeing an international
joint venture company called Turritopsis.
Their next experiment will be
beyond anything they've ever done.
It's much more sophisticated.
The testing environment
will be extremely precise.
It'll be somewhere far
from residential and commercial areas.
A place that minimizes
electronic interference.
Could be somewhere underground.
Like subway tunnels.
[Choi] Let me look into it.
I got it.
Inje, Gangwon Province.
It looks like they own
a bunker in a tunnel.
[Sewon] That's it. It has to be.
There might be an issue.
This location was recently shut down.
[Sewon] What?
It doesn't matter at this point.
We have the location,
now we need to move quickly.
[Choi] I'll call for backup.
Let's go.
[alarm blaring]
[alarm stops]
Very nice to see you.
Dr. Myung, how are you feeling today?
I'm wonderful.
Today, my life's dream
and mission will be fulfilled.
From this moment forward,
countless others will be able
to have infinite dreams.
May I be of assistance?
Placing the brain lid on your cranium…
[officer] We've identified the child.
Jung Hwan Park,
reported missing two years ago.
He was treated at Saera Children's Clinic.
Wait a minute.
Do you know how to use a gun?
No, I don't.
I know how.
The door's open.
They haven't been dead for very long.
Looks like they've been shot.
That means we're not the only ones here.
[Namil] What is this?
What's going on here?
We have to go.
[machine powers up]
They're using an insane amount
of electricity right now.
I think the generator is running.
When it reaches full power,
the transfer will start.
Then it'll be too late.
Tell us what we need to do.
There has to be a way down.
The deeper underground,
the less interference there is.
I'm nobody's bitch.
Did you really think
you could get rid of me so easily?
[sighs] Well, seeing as you got this far,
I'll admit that
I clearly underestimated you.
Oh yeah?
I'm afraid you really don't understand
what's happening here.
Why don't you put that away,
and we renegotiate our deal?
Nah, bit too late for that.
I have my own plans.
I'm taking the kid
and getting out of here.
Then I'm going to make a deal
with your bosses.
Now, I think we're done here.
[groans, grunts]
You're one stubborn little shit!
I've got him. Go grab your son.
[Sewon] Doyoon!
I have to get him out of there!
[Sewon] Doyoon!
[whirring intensifies]
It's too late.
I'm sorry, but it's over.
- [gunshot]
- [yelps]
[Hyun groans]
- [groans]
- [gun clatters]
[Yoojin] Dr. Koh…
I had nothing to do
with what happened to Doyoon.
I swear, this was all between
Dr. Hyun and Secretary Yoon.
Keep your mouth shut.
Or I'll murder you all.
[Namil] Sewon, what are you going to do?
I'm going to sync with Doyoon.
Connect us.
Dr. Myung's brain waves
are beginning to take over Doyoon's.
If new brain waves interfere,
the defense mechanisms will activate.
Then Dr. Myung's brain waves
will be forced to focus on me.
No, Sewon, that's insane.
His brain waves are amplified,
super amped-up by the generator.
Your consciousness will be crushed.
As soon as his brain waves
converge with mine,
amplify my wave parameters to the maximum.
But that's basically double suicide!
No brain can survive that much shock.
You'll be brain-dead.
Seriously, you'll die!
But you know, my brain is different.
How many brain syncs have I done so far?
I've built up a tolerance
to foreign brain waves.
And I can recover quickly.
Take the brain lid off Dr. Myung's head.
Maintain current brain wave levels.
Stop saying crazy shit!
If you meddle with the system,
you could overload it.
You have absolutely no idea
what could happen here!
Doyoon could die!
And all of us could die
as well because of this!
That's right.
If I can't bring Doyoon back,
then the rest of us will all die.
If you've gotten this far,
you were aware of the risks.
- [shouts]
- [gunshot]
- [grunts]
- [gunshot]
[both grunting]
[breathes heavily]
Look at that! [chuckles]
Ah, shit…
What should I chop off first, huh?
Your neck?
Hands? Feet?
[fan whirring slows]
Dr. Myung…
No, please!
Dr. Myung!
Listen to me.
I'm about to go into your brain.
So don't be afraid or run.
Trust me,
and we'll get through this together.
I'll be with you soon, alright?
[Yoojin grunts] Dr. Myung!
The moment Dr. Myung's
brain waves cross over…
maximize the stimulation.
I… What if I…
I'm not so sure about this.
I'll do my best…
to give you a signal.
[machine clicking, whirring]
Alright, we're ready.
I'm sorry…
Have I met you somewhere before?
You and I met a very long time ago.
But you may not remember.
Where are we?
It's my old school.
I first dreamt of becoming
a brain scientist right here.
I come here every once in a while
when I need to clear my head.
What are you doing here now?
I'm just waiting here…
for my son.
I've never waited for anyone here
before like this.
Do you have children of your own?
I have a son.
What does it feel like to be a father?
I'm always wondering…
where he is, or what he's doing.
And what he's thinking about.
I wonder if he's in pain or lonely.
Right, I see.
I always feel that way.
The older the child grows…
the more you have to accept the unknown.
You were such a great presence.
A strong presence.
You must be Sewon, then.
Yes, I am.
That's right.
Yes, that's right.
So the one I was waiting for…
was you, right?
Yes, father.
Now I can…
I can understand emotions
I wasn't able to before.
Dr. Myung…
please forgive me…
for failing to recognize your love.
So, father…
I need one last favor from you.
Will you give me back my son?
Please, I'm begging.
[Myung crying]
It's too late. It's over.
I'm sorry, son.
It's time for you to accept that now.
Do you see that door in the grass?
Once I go and walk through
that door over there…
it's over.
Everything will then start again.
Now, I'm going to go
through it with Doyoon.
And there will be a new beginning.
So go back. Just go back.
Just go back. [laughs]
No, there's no way I will let that happen.
Doyoon is going back with me.
You are such a fool.
It's time for you
to catch on to some things.
I'm not the only one to blame
for all of this happening, you know.
[wind howling]
- [straining]
- [wind howling]
[strains, shouts]
[breathing heavily]
[wind stops]
[breathing heavily]
You see, most people
make promises about the afterlife.
They'll say something like,
"See you on the other side."
I can't even say that to you.
Since I am never going to die.
[Sewon] Doyoon…
Doyoon, don't! No, get back!
Hello, Doyoon.
It's all over now.
Come on. Let's go. Alright…
Doyoon, don't go!
- Namil…
- [groans]
[gasps, pants]
[loud vibrating]
[wind howling]
Wait, how are you over here? [grunts]
[voices of Sewon & Jaeyi]
You have to stop this now.
[Sewon] Please stop.
There's no way
you can win against me in here.
Dr. Myung, you forget,
this is only your first sync.
I've risked my life on these experiments
from the moment Jaeyi fell into a coma.
Are we… Wait…
Are we inside your brain?
[whirring intensifies]
No, it can't be!
It can't be!
This is my world!
I am the master of all this!
I am infinite! I am immortal!
I can never die!
I am immortal!
This can't be happening…
I am immortal!
- You hear me? [groans]
- [wind howling]
I won't cease to exist.
I'll never die. I can't die.
I'm immortal. [groans]
I need to live for humanity's sake!
I need to live for humanity's sake…
[otherworldly scream]
Rest in peace, father.
Doyoon Koh!
It's me, Dad.
Come on out, huh?
[rumbling, alarm blaring]
[Namil gasps] No! Sewon!
Sewon, wake up now!
Sewon, wake up! Sewon!
Turn off the switches,
or we're all going to die!
[alarm blaring]
- We have to leave now. Right now.
- [Doyoon screaming, stomping]
Doyoon, please stop.
Doyoon? It's going to be okay.
- [screaming continues]
- Come, we have to go.
[screaming, stomping fades]
[Jaeyi] It's alright.
I think Doyoon is…
He's afraid of me.
I don't think so.
You see,
Doyoon is hiding in his own world.
Just like you were.
[Jaeyi] Hmm…
Let him know that his dad is here, Sewon.
Calm him down.
Let's try…
to sing one of his favorite little songs.
Shall we try it?
[Jaeyi] Mother, sister,
Let’s live by the river ♪
Where the golden sand
Dazzles in the yard ♪
Fallen leaves sing
Outside the backdoor ♪
Fallen leaves sing
Outside the backdoor ♪
[both] Mother, sister,
Let’s live by the river ♪
Where the golden sand
Dazzles in the yard ♪
Fallen leaves sing
Outside the backdoor ♪
Fallen leaves sing
Outside the backdoor ♪
There, now just wait.
Doyoon, come here.
[breathes shakily]
Come here, Doyoon.
I'm so sorry.
[sobs] I'm sorry.
[sobbing] I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Thank you so much.
[Jaeyi chuckles]
For keeping your promise.
My son…
[Namil] Sewon! Sewon!
Sewon, wake up!
Doyoon, we have to go now.
Are you ready? Come on.
Come on, hurry! Hurry!
[Namil] Sewon! Sewon!
We have to go now! Sewon!
Sewon! Listen, we have to…
- Doyoon!
- Sewon, we have to go right now!
- Doyoon!
- Sewon!
The equipment isn't responding!
It's malfunctioning! [grunting]
[Hyun screams]
Turn off the main switch!
- [screams, strains]
- [Sewon] Doyoon!
Doyoon! Doyoon!
Open the door!
[Namil] It's not working!
[shouts] Over here! Here!
Go ahead.
Get out of here!
Sewon! I can't…
[breathes shakily, exhales]
Yes, it's me.
It's Dad! It's Papa!
Oh, thank you.
Thank you…
Thank you, Doyoon.
[Sewon sobbing]
Oh my god… Oh my god…
- [sirens wailing]
- Let's go! Move!
Straight line.
You all right?
Took you long enough.
Look, I came as soon as I heard, okay?
Take a few days off,
then come back when you're ready.
Yes, sir. I will.
All right, let's hurry it up!
We've arrested all the suspects.
The place is clear.
- [Choi] We're done.
- [officer] Take them.
Doyoon… How's he doing?
He's… He's okay.
It's over now.
Yes, it is. It's over.
Doyoon, say hi to mommy.
[cell phone vibrating]
Sewon Koh speaking.
Juhyun Yoon has been on the run,
but we found him.
We got him through
a black market passport vendor.
You have to catch him.
Yoon is the reason my wife was murdered.
You have to catch him.
Right now, our team is going
to their rendezvous point.
I'll let you know.
[distant thud]
Who's there?
Who are you?
Sewon… Hi.
There you are.
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