Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e06 Episode Script


Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
What's your name?
Yun Seo-jeong.
You must be in shock.
How did you end up calling me?
If something happens to me,
call Vice President Do
at Geosan Medical Center.
He will take good care of you.
Are you
my father by any chance?
Are you
my father?
President Do of Geosan Medical Center
is his father.
Thank you
for introducing me
when I didn't ask you to.
How is President Do doing?
Is he doing well after kicking me out
to Doldam Hospital?
Of course he is doing well.
You are nothing to him.
I know. I just don't understand
why he let me kill a VIP patient
when I meant nothing to him.
Do you know why?
Whom are you trying to blame?
You're the one who made the mistake.
There was no way I could avoid it.
It was all set up.
It's your call to say if you can
handle it or not.
The system doesn't allow individuals
to make a call
at Geosan Medical Center.
Are you criticizing my father?
If you don't like it, don't come here
to get on my nerves.
It's been a long time.
Do you not remember me?
Do you know him?
It's been a while since we met.
You met him before?
I'm Yun Seo-jeong. Nice to meet you.
She is your sister now.
I'm sorry, but I don't remember you.
I understand.
I almost didn't recognize you either.
How is President Do?
I haven't talked to him for a long time.
I also barely meet him
because I am too busy.
I see.
Anyway, I'm surprised
that you have become a doctor.
Where is the way out?
I will call President Do later.
Please don't tell him
that you saw me here until then.
What is going on?
When and how did you meet him?
Did you meet him
on a blind date or something?
You must be tired.
What? Seo-jeong.
Stop talking nonsense and get some sleep.
Tell me. I will take a nap
if you tell me the truth.
Stop it.
Are you not going to tell me?
You better give up on that operation.
President Do will do anything to stop you
from operating on him.
Now that you are settled here
with a new name,
just try not to rock the boat
and live in obscurity and peace.
That's what is good for you.
What do you think is good for a doctor?
It's simple.
Make a living with a medical license.
It's not just making a living.
You can also get people's respect
and practical interests.
It's good for your face
and social position.
Like pursuit of profits
without conscience?
Putting performance first without a goal?
Unjustifiable rationalism?
Right. If you are talking about them,
I was once good at those things, too.
-That's why
I can't give up on this operation.
-He's the foundation chairman.
It will be perfect for my comeback.
Go and tell Do Yun-wan.
Tell him that I will do
something lucrative from now on, okay?
Times of valuelessness.
Hey, Dong-ju.
Why are you still here?
People are lost
in an ideology called success.
People lose their value
to be recognized by others.
-Seoul, please.
Yes, sir.
What's life all about?
People are too busy making a living
that they don't even know
what life is all about.
This is really good for my sore muscles.
Get off me.
What is that?
I need one more ultrasound device
for the emergency room.
And I want a new CT scanner, too.
Also, I will buy
another chest portable machine.
Why is it so complicated and messy?
We already made a deal and it is over.
You are the chairman of the
foundation of Geosan Medical Center.
So what?
You chose a man like Do Yun-wan
for the president of the hospital
and extorted money from sick people.
This isn't enough for you.
This is my good chance
to make the most out of it.
What makes you so confident?
There isn't anything
that make me confident.
I do have
a plan in mind.
How do you feel?
We need to get
your personal information here.
Your name, resident registration number,
and your phone number.
Bring him to me before I raise my voice.
What is the matter?
They are the guardians of
the bike accident patients.
They want to move the patients
to a hospital in Seoul.
-You can't do that.
-Why not?
I don't want to keep him
in this lousy hospital even for a second.
The patient must be kept in absolute rest
right after the operation.
Who told you to operate on my brother?
I'm sorry.
I agreed because I heard
he was in a critical condition.
Just stay quiet.
I have some close friends
at the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
If something goes wrong,
there will be no way
you can get away with it. Okay?
Excuse me.
Do you think we operated
on the patients for fun?
What are you, young lady?
I'm a doctor.
Your brother was
in a very critical condition
because of hemorrhage in the spleen
which required an operation.
So did you operate on my brother, lady?
I'm not a lady. I said, I'm a doctor.
Is that you who operated on my brother?
If not, get out of my sight.
Bring me a real doctor. Now!
-You are being--
We want the guardians to stay outside.
You are in the emergency room
and we have patients here.
-Please wait outside.
-How dare you touch me?
Did you just hit me?
Right. I hit you.
What are you going to do with that?
How dare you order me to wait outside?
Do you even know who I am?
As soon as I give a call to my friend
at the Ministry of Health and Welfare,
you will be doomed. Do you understand?
Is that so?
Of course it is.
I see.
-Give him a call.
Call your friend
at the Ministry of Health and Welfare
and put me on the phone with him now!
I need to talk to
the civil servant who has
an irrational and ill-mannered
friend like you.
I will find out who he is
and file a complaint
to the Prime Minister's Office
and what else?
-The Public Service Center.
-Right. The Public Service Center!
I will file a complaint about your
friend so that they will fire him!
Call your friend right now!
Why are you hesitating?
You said you have a close friend
at the Ministry of Health and Welfare!
Call him right now!
I can press the number for you.
Do you want me to?
Move away.
-How dare you little rat
-Oh my goodness.
I will make a call.
Go easy.
There are always weird people like him.
That was out of nowhere.
I shouldn't have yelled.
If you haven't, I would have.
Who does he think he is?
And his lines were so tacky.
-Where's Dr. Kang?
-A chief general surgeon came from Seoul
to see him.
Is Dr. Kang not in the building?
No, he's away.
What should we do?
Should I call Teacher Kim?
He's not here.
-Teacher Kim isn't here, either.
He left thinking Dr. Kang was here.
Then what about the emergency room?
Is he picking up?
No. What about Dr. Kang?
Why aren't they picking up?
This tastes great.
Is this made here?
Here. Have a glass.
I have to go back to work.
I have a patient to look after.
Then just take the glass.
When did you find out
that Teacher Kim is Bu Yong-ju?
Bu Yong-ju?
That Bu Yong-ju? The legendary surgeon?
When did you know?
Right before
I talked to you on the phone.
Do you know why he was
kicked out of Geosan Medical Center?
Was he kicked out?
Didn't he leave by himself? Why?
He killed someone.
And it was a pupil of his.
He is a failure as a doctor.
And he's a failure as a human.
He was so crazy about surgery
that he cut open any patients
he got his hands on.
Simply put,
he's a psychopath.
Hey, what's wrong?
Are you angry about something?
A plan?
Are you saying
that you want me to build you a hospital?
If I ask you, will you build me one?
You are so brazen.
Find yourself another doctor then.
You're a rich man.
Look at him.
Watch it, will you?
Why are you telling me this?
To be honest,
when I heard you saying
Bu Yong-ju is your teacher,
I was worried about you.
I thought
I may lose one of my dear colleagues.
I truly know how you feel.
But be careful.
Teacher Kim is
barely a human.
Your life will end in a minute
if you get on his bad side.
This is weird. Why isn't he picking up?
Maybe something happened.
Look at this.
Teacher Kim left his phone.
Dr. Kang left his phone, too.
I doubt that.
I want to doubt that.
Don't worry.
It's not like we have emergency patients.
We have an emergency patient.
Did you hear that?
I did.
-What happened?
-Man in 40s collapsed suddenly.
He's sweating and has a fever.
-He was my taxi driver.
Sir, can you hear me? Sir?
-It's 80 over 40, pulse 130
and a fever at 39.8.
Is this a septic shock?
I checked his stomach
and his muscle guarding is bad.
What are you doing? Give us an order.
But, I can't allow you
to treat patients yet.
I need to be sure if I can let you
be with the patients or not.
What's your order?
Dr. Yun.
Will you really not
operate on the chairman?
That's up to him.
I thought you had a plan.
You should at least make him
stand on your side.
If he's in, he's in.
I don't go around making teams and sides.
If you give up on his surgery,
the only one who will be most glad is
President Do. Isn't that right?
I don't care.
This is next year's operating plan
which President Do turned in.
I wonder
if you can stay careless
after seeing this.
I have to go.
Hey, Dong-ju.
Have a safe trip back.
Think it over, Dong-ju.
Think hard about
which is a legit opportunity
and which is not.
Seo-jeong, it's me.
Dong-ju, where on earth are you?
Why didn't you pick up?
Why? What's going on?
We have a patient with stomach pain.
His vitals are dropping and has a fever.
I think it's peritonitis.
What should we do?
It'll take me at least
40 minutes to get back.
If you don't come in 10 minutes,
the patient and I will both die.
You have to fly if you can.
Where's Teacher Kim?
Isn't he at the hospital?
He left thinking that you were here.
So, can you get here in 10 minutes?
This is driving me crazy.
Hey, Dong-ju.
Did he just hang up? Hello?
You have to do this.
What are you saying? I'm not
I'm not in a situation to do that.
What are you supposed to do?
Teacher Kim and I aren't there.
You are the only one there.
Do you want the patient to die?
Don't even say that.
Let him die?
We're not going to let him die.
That's why you need to treat him.
You are in charge of the ER anyway.
Give me 30 minutes. I'll be there
in 30 minutes no matter what.
Keep him alive until then.
Dr. Yun.
Dr. Yun.
What are you doing?
Your patient is here.
Can't you see he's getting worse?
Aren't you a doctor?
You're a doctor, aren't you?
You have hurt yourself.
I can't let you be with a patient.
You are disqualified
from this hospital as of today.
That's why you need to treat him.
You are in charge of the ER anyway.
Oxygen mask, 7L.
Set up IV lines and execute a full drop.
-I need a C-line, too.
-Yes, Dr. Yun.
Let's take a sonogram, too.
C-line is ready.
Administer 32mg of norepinephrine
and mix ODW.
After that, inject 10cc per hour.
-Foley, please.
-Yes, Dr. Yun.
Dr. Yun, the rates are dropping.
It just needs to be fixed.
It's an arrest. Prepare CPR.
Dr. Do, can you help me
with the compression?
Do me a favor. I hurt my wrist.
Give me 1mg of epinephrine
every 3 minutes.
Please prepare for intubation.
Checking heart rhythm.
Wait. Hold on.
He's back. It's ROSC.
The blood pressure is 80 over 50.
Please hurry with the norepinephrine.
Yes, Doctor.
What's that junk?
Is that the gallbladder?
It is.
It's going to burst.
Is it an empyema?
That means
Mr. Park, he needs an emergency operation.
-Page Dr. Nam.
-Yes, Doctor.
Teacher Kim. I received an ER call.
Dr. Kang must be
on an emergency operation again.
Aren't you going?
Remember to turn the heat off
after 10 minutes.
Don't boil all the broth away
like last time.
Dr. Kang is destined
to work a lot in life.
He's not getting a moment of rest
ever since he got here.
I'm going now.
He's planning something.
About what?
Chairman Shin, President Do is here.
-Did you ask for me, Chairman Shin?
I'm sorry to bother
a busy man like you all the time.
It's fine. It's Saturday evening
and I'm not that occupied.
I know you're a busy man,
so I'll make it short.
I'll get right to the point.
It's a list of equipment
I want you to prepare for Doldam Hospital.
This is all high tech
and top of the line equipment.
This is too much for
a small hospital to handle.
Why would Doldam Hospital be
in need for these?
My doctor says he needs them. Just do it.
Are you talking about
Bu Yong-ju?
Yes. Why?
Chairman Shin.
Bu Yong-ju was
thrown out of the industry
a long time ago.
Ethically and medically speaking,
he's not a man to be trusted.
Why would you--
Shut your mouth and just do as I say.
It's not even your money.
Stop whining already.
-I don't want to hear it.
-But Chairman Shin.
Should I go down there
and deliver them myself?
Would you like that?
No, sir.
I'll do as you wish.
Please feel free to order
anything you like.
It's on me tonight.
I didn't think I'd find someone
as broad-minded as you here.
I appreciate you saying that.
By the way,
what business do you have with Dr. Kang?
That's not for you to worry about.
Of course not. Right.
I can't even begin to express my gratitude
for sending a great doctor like him
all the way out here.
Yes, President Do?
What? At Doldam Hospital?
Yes! Come here right now!
-What's going on?
Please help my husband.
You need to save him.
Please! He's dying!
Oh no.
My husband needs help!
Please save him!
Ms. Eom.
Can you call Dr. Kang one more time?
I want to know how much longer
it'll take for him to get here.
I tried to reach him just now,
but he's not answering.
What do you mean he's not answering?
I called him twice, but he didn't pick up.
My goodness.
Please, honey.
The pelvis needs to be fixed.
Bring me sheets and elastic bands.
Wake up.
What's going on?
I got the consent from the guardian.
Should we move him to the operating room?
Isn't there another general surgeon
other than Dong-ju?
There is one, but he's absent, too.
Can't you do an intervention
for the gallbladder?
We don't have the equipment here.
Then transfer the patient
to a different hospital.
A hospital that can treat him is
at least two hours away from here.
With the condition he's in,
he won't make it that long.
Dr. Yun.
The blood pressure is still low.
Let's increase the norepinephrine
injection by 20.
Is there a laparoscope here?
We purchased a used one
from a closed hospital last year.
Why do you ask?
I'll take over.
I'll take over
that patient's operation.
I'm sorry, but unauthorized
doctors are not allowed
to perform surgeries
according to regulations.
-Is it not possible?
-It can't be done.
Do you have any other way
to save the patient?
That patient could die
if you don't operate on him now.
Do you have any other choice besides me?
Who's that?
He's a general surgeon
from Geosan Medical Center, Dr. Do.
I didn't know there was a doctor
on invitation today.
The patient went into
cardiac arrest and septic shock
from gallbladder empyema.
Neither Dr. Kang or Teacher Kim
answered to our calls.
His condition was too critical to be
transferred to somewhere else.
-But this is--
-Please, Dr. Nam.
We can talk about this
after saving the patient.
If the laparoscope doesn't work,
I'll open him up.
Just a second.
Dr. Yun. You got a call from Dr. Kang.
Put him on speaker.
Seo-jeong. It's me, Dong-ju.
I was on my way,
but there's been an accident.
I heard you're in the operating room.
Hold on for just a little longer.
I'll get there as soon as I can.
Do you hear me?
-Dr. Yun.
-It's too late, Dr. Kang.
We put the patient under anesthesia.
We can't wait any longer.
Let's get started.
Commencing operation.
Do In-beom?
I'll handle the laparoscope.
The gallbladder's almost
melted down completely.
How could he endure the pain up until now?
He had to in order to make a living.
Poor man.
It'll have to do with two incisions
since we're short-handed.
But it's an empyema.
Are you sure about this?
I'll have to see how it goes.
Honey. Wake up, honey.
Honey. Please wake up.
It'll end smoothly
if the dissection goes well.
-What about his vital signs?
-Not that bad.
It's a cultivator accident.
He was under it for 30 minutes.
He's bleeding very much.
Send up two packed RBCs.
Prepare four more.
Also, inject four doses of FFP as well.
It looks like his pelvis is fractured.
Don't undo his bandage
and give him a CT scan as is.
-Please, Ms. Eom.
-Yes, Dr. Kang.
Bring transfusion packs. This way.
Teacher Kim.
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry.
I thought you were in, so I was out.
Then who is in the operating room?
If it's not you, who is it?
Dissection is complete.
We just have to tie up
his cystic duct and artery.
How much have you done?
He went in a septic shock
and an arrest because of GB empyema.
We just cut his GB,
and now we're tying
his cystic duct and artery.
Hey, who are you?
I am Do In-beom, a general surgeon
of Geosan Medical Center.
Both doctors here at Doldam Hospital
couldn't be reached,
so I had to step in.
I called you.
I called you twice.
-Take it out.
-Taking out.
No bleeding.
His duct is perfectly tied.
Dr. Nam. How are his vital signs?
It's 100 over 75. He's slowly stabilizing.
We'll put in hemovac and finish.
Let's wrap up.
Give me the hemovac.
Please prepare for suture, too.
President Do.
President Do, you're here.
What brings you here?
Are you drunk?
Hello, President Do.
I am Jang Gi-tae,
the head of administration here.
Hello, sir.
I told President Yeo that you were coming.
This way, please.
Where's Bu Yong-ju?
I need to meet him first.
How's the cultivator case?
The CT scan shows he has
an open book pelvic fracture.
He also has an open femur fracture.
We're looking for an orthopedic surgeon.
You can follow up with him.
You two, follow me.
You're here, Teacher Kim.
What brings you here?
Well, Teacher Kim.
It's been a while.
How long has it been?
I think it's been around 14 to 15 years.
I don't think we are in a situation
to share warm regards.
Should we have a talk?
President Do.
My goodness.
What a great timing.
President Do, your son has
put himself into a trouble.
What are you talking about?
Dr. Do just performed
a surgery in my operating room.
An unregistered doctor
performed a surgery in this hospital
without consent.
Did you do that?
I asked you, did you do that?
I'm sorry.
We had an emergency. I asked him for help.
I'll take over.
I know I shouldn't have, but there was
no choice in order to save the patient.
Do you have any other choice besides me?
I knew it was wrong,
but I had to ask him. I'm sorry.
Stop talking.
Follow me.
Yun Seo-jeong. Did you do this?
Did you ask him to operate?
-Yes, I--
-I said I'll take over.
This place only has two qualified doctors
and both didn't respond.
The closest hospital is two hours away,
so I had no choice.
That's why I took over.
-Who's telling the truth?
-I am.
I asked him to do this.
Stop taking the responsibilities
for what you haven't done.
You're making me uncomfortable.
It's on me.
No, I asked him.
Dr. Do stepped in
because we had no other choice.
I don't appreciate it.
Stop acting so nice.
I will take the responsibility.
My goodness.
How long did it take?
Laparoscopy, I mean.
It didn't take
as long as I thought it would.
It took about 50 minutes
after he was anesthetized.
If you had better equipment,
it would've been five minutes shorter.
I will talk to Geosan Medical Center
and tell you about what we should do.
Get out, both of you.
May I ask what you have in your mind?
It's against the rules to operate
in an unregistered hospital
without consent.
You'll be punished for what you have done.
His gallbladder was about to burst.
He was under an arrest.
But still, how can you let
an outsider to take over?
And you're just an orderly.
Since when does an orderly
have the authority to give orders?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I made such a decision
as a mere orderly.
And I am sorry again.
I wanted to take full responsibility
as a mere orderly.
I'm sorry for everything.
if I were put in the same situation,
I would have made the same decision.
Are you saying what you did was right?
It means I will do
whatever I can for the patients.
Whether you acknowledge me or not
Whether I'm capable or not
In the end,
I am
a doctor.
Teacher Kim, it's me.
I'm coming in.
Excuse me, Teacher Kim.
President Do is
waiting for you. What should I do?
Excuse me, Teacher Kim.
President Yeo has prepared
a very special tea for you.
Oh gosh.
What do I do?
I must have been out of my mind.
What was I thinking?
What should I do?
What am I going to do?
Gosh. What should I do?
Gosh. I can't believe this.
I'm not good at reading
Chinese characters.
Are you Chinese?
I see.
Can't you speak Korean at all?
Just a little.
I can speak basic Korean.
Thank goodness.
I was afraid you might not
speak Korean at all.
I have a favor to ask of you.
What? She can't afford the treatment?
That's right.
So is she asking us to let her go?
No. She's asking us to give her
some odd jobs
such as cleaning that she can do
instead of paying for the treatment.
That means she won't pay for it.
She said everything she had in possession
had been robbed.
I offered to pay for her treatment,
but she refused.
You're not
helping her because you're
interested in her, are you?
I'm helping her
in the spirit of philanthropy.
Please have some tangerine tea.
It has a nice scent.
I should have been more cautious.
You even changed your name
and you have been hiding
right under my nose.
You caught me off guard.
That's your specialty.
I'm sure you earned a lot of money
from all your projects.
I guess you're still obsessed about
making more money.
A sanitarium?
The air is fresh, and the location
is perfect. Why wouldn't I open it?
The patients' rooms are empty
in this hospital.
It's better than wasting the space.
Do you know how many highways
that pass through here?
Why should I know that?
There are five highways
including the one near here.
About 8,500 people
come to this area every day
from across the country to go
to the casino. We have between
30 and 40 car accident patients every week
who are carried into our emergency room.
During the peak season,
we have more than 60 patients.
Now think about it.
If you open a sanitarium here,
where do you expect
all those patients to go?
That's not my problem.
How could you say that
as the president of a hospital?
An unproductive discussion
with a person with inefficient ideas
makes me sick.
Is that so?
Are you aware
that it's against the law
for a doctor to treat a patient
in another hospital?
He had no choice
as it was an emergency patient.
Treating an emergency patient
at the affiliated hospital
isn't a big deal.
It's not a big deal as the patient
was going to die.
But it's not impossible
to turn it into a problem.
If you mess with my son,
you will be finished, too.
That's so scary.
I'm sorry to tell you this.
My career was ruined 14 years ago.
I have nothing to fear.
But your son just started his career.
You have become ruthless and underhanded.
You made me like this.
Don't pretend you don't know that.
What do you want?
As our hospital is quite old,
we have a lot of things to be improved.
We'll get new medical equipment
thanks to Chairman Shin's help.
However, he's rich,
but he doesn't know much about doctors.
So what do you want from me?
Send your son to our hospital.
Are you
threatening me using my son?
If he works here,
it would be really helpful.
I'll teach him well.
Send him here.
You're out of your mind.
Don't be so surprised.
I haven't even started yet.
President Do.
Seo-jeong, what's your dream?
What do you want to be
when you grow up?
He was the first grown-up
who had asked me about my dream
for my future.
A doctor.
I want to be a good doctor like you.
It wasn't true. Actually, my dream was
to be acknowledged by him,
not becoming a good doctor.
I see.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to
cause you trouble.
I apologize.
How could you
disappoint me like this?
You fool.
Teacher Kim, are you sure
you're going to be okay?
It smells really nice.
You said it's tangerine tea?
Thank you for the tea.
Listen to me. I told you
he's an emergency patient.
He has an open book pelvic fracture.
He needs an emergency operation.
I told you we don't have
an orthopedic surgeon.
Do you really not have
any bed left in the ICU?
Are you telling the truth?
Are you saying that you don't care
if the patient dies or not?
Forget it. I said, forget it!
What did they say?
They refused saying they can't
operate on him right now.
Which hospitals are left?
Hello, this is Teacher Kim
from Doldam Hospital.
You must be busy.
That's right.
We have a patient with
an open pelvic book fracture.
He needs an emergency orthopedic surgery.
I see. Thank you.
I'll see you soon.
Get ready and move the patient.
-Thank you for your help.
-Sure thing.
Have a safe flight.
What will happen to Seo-jeong?
Please tell me what you'll do with her.
What am I supposed to do?
As you said, you and I are the only
surgeons in this lousy hospital,
but none of us were in the hospital.
She did a great job in such a situation.
What more can I expect from her?
From now on, check if I'm in the hospital
before you step out, okay?
I'll do the same from now on.
It was much easier when I was alone.
I was such a fool for being excited
to have one more surgeon here.
You should be careful.
He's a psychopath.
Your life will end in a minute
if you get on his bad side.
May I help you?
I came to see Choi Gyu-sik.
Okay. Put on the mask
and disinfect your hands, please.
Honey, it's me.
Are you all right?
My goodness.
You poor wretch.
I told you to go to hospital.
Why would you take a long drive instead?
I don't care about money.
I just can't live
without you.
You know that.
Please hang in there.
I love you.
It's okay.
That's enough.
I did the right thing.
I did.
-See you.
Excuse me.
Eat it when you are hungry.
See you tomorrow.
-Do we have the CT scan yet?
Darn it.
How could you do that?
I asked you to turn off the gas
before the broth got boiled away,
but you burned it up.
I tried so hard
for this broth.
Chicken delivery.
You should pay, Teacher Kim.
Thank you.
Why did you order fried chicken?
I thought we're having chicken kalguksu.
Ask Teacher Kim about it.
How is Seo-jeong doing?
She's okay.
What? Did something happen?
For the first time,
she told me her opinion
looking me in the eye.
She talked back to me.
Did Seo-jeong really do that?
She has changed a lot.
I told you. She's very clever.
You will see.
She will do much better than that.
Well, I don't know.
You will see.
Count me in.
Bu Yong-ju.
Damn you.
Teacher Kim. Where is Teacher Kim?
Why? What's the matter?
We have an emergency.
Where is Teacher Kim?
-Teacher Kim!
This is not the time for a nap.
This is huge.
Something serious has happened.
What are the vital signs?
What is going on?
They are from Geosan Medical Center.
Geosan Medical Center?
staff of Doldam Hospital.
We have been dispatched
to Doldam Hospital as of today.
I'm the chief of General Surgery,
Song Hyeon-cheol.
I will appreciate your help and support.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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