Dragon Prince Yuan (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

♪The suppressed fury♪
♪Will eventually break
through the prison of fate♪
♪And I will be reborn from the ashes♪
♪Neither a python nor a spiritual bird
can swallow a true dragon♪
♪I chose to swim against the current
to change my fate♪
♪I start the path of revenge
and the struggle for destiny's favor♪
♪Let the howling gale pass by♪
♪I look up at the vast sky, smiling♪
♪Fearless of the surging waves♪
♪I am on fire now♪
♪Fighting hard in adversity♪
♪Guarding these lives with my life♪
♪With one stroke,
I control mountains and rivers♪
♪The return journey is full
of uncertain prospects♪
♪I move mountains and overturn seas♪
♪Capable of swallowing the sun
and moon and impacting the world♪
♪This battle brings peace to the world♪
♪I move mountains and overturn seas♪
♪Capable of swallowing the sun
and moon and impacting the world♪
=The Dragon Prince=
(Adapted from the novel
The Dragon Prince by Tian Can Tu Dou)
This Jade Waterfall is a good place
of the mansion for cultivation.
(This is the energy of the jade marrow.)
(With the Gathering Primal Pattern,)
(the effect would be even better.)
(Inside her, there seems to be)
(a sense of yin and yang.)
Since House A
is no longer considered the top one,
some of your time
should be allocated to us.
Xu Hong.
=Episode 6=
(Reappearance of the Eight Meridians)
your Ice-Fire Gathering Primal Pattern
is quite overwhelming.
How come it makes
my back feel heavy?
Is that so?
I don't feel it.
It's you again!
If Tuntun gets angry,
it can truly swallow people.
I have never seen
anything can
survive after being swallowed by it.
you will stop it, won't you?
This is terrible.
The heads of Houses A
and B have started fighting.
People from House B are causing
trouble at the Jade Waterfall,
asking to reduce
the cultivating time for House A.
People from House B
have long been overbearing.
Now they are even bullying
people from House A.
Head Chu and Head Xu,
please consider the bigger picture.
You've both reached the Heaven Realm.
Your fighting
will affect the Jade Waterfall.
Please don't fight.
As the mansion head
and the head of House A,
I will never allow you
to change the time allocation.
Head Chu,
our head's proposal
is not targeted at your people.
It's for all the members
of the Zhou Mansion.
You know
how important
the Jade Waterfall is to us all.
In the past, House A ranked
at the top of the mansion,
so we were okay
with you occupying six hours.
But now, House A is in decline.
If you still occupy so much time,
it'll be unfair.
You're the head of House A,
but you're also
the head of Zhou Mansion.
If you're not fair,
I'm afraid
it would upset the other students.
According to the rules,
to strip away our position
of the top, you have to wait
until we lose first place
- in the triennial Mansion Exam.
- Prince Zhou Yuan is here.
It's Prince Zhou Yuan.
This should be interesting.
This year's Mansion Exam
hasn't started yet,
and you already want
to remove House A from the top position.
Are you
too impatient?
Look at the lady behind His Highness.
What a gorgeous fairy.
When did we have
such an elegant and stunning lady here?
- Head Chu.
- Head Chu.
You've lost first place in Mansion Exam
for two consecutive years,
and this year will be no exception.
So top position of House A
now exists in name only.
Your Highness,
why bother to talk tough?
Watch your words.
Show some respect.
Rules are rules.
And I don't think
we'll lose first place again this year.
In Mansion Exam this year,
we will rank first.
- That's right.
- That's right.
You are really naive.
- We will rank first.
- We will rank first.
There are only a few months left
before the year-end Mansion Exam.
The outcome is already clear.
Why do you still occupy
the Jade Waterfall for six hours
and waste such cultivation resources?
I don't think it's a waste
for us to cultivate here.
Courting death.
Since you insist on talking tough,
let's look at the facts.
We'll each send one person
to see who can last longer
in the water here.
Let everyone see
who is really wasting the resources.
You've activated six meridians,
and you're strong.
Who can compete with you
in enduring in the water here?
It is a pity that you've got no talent.
You have gone too far.
This is outrageous.
This is too much.
What's the bet?
What is he going to do?
Your Highness, you have great courage.
About the bet.
If I win,
please give up three hours.
Two hours will belong to House B,
and the remaining one hour
will be divided between Houses C and D.
How about it?
That is not bad.
(Using our time to win people's hearts.)
(So cunning.)
If you lose,
you will give up three hours too.
What if we lose?
Your Highness, think again.
(The fish has taken the bait.)
Sorry for agreeing to the competition
without asking first.
I am confident I will win.
Just do your best.
Qi Yue,
show House A you've got.
Come on, Qi Yue.
Qi Yue will win.
Qi Yue, you're the best.
Go for it, Qi Yue.
Don't worry.
Zhou Yuan will win.
Go for it, Your Highness.
Zhou Yuan.
We're counting on you.
Come on, Zhou Yuan.
Zhou Yuan has only activated
two meridians.
It is already impressive
for him to last an hour.
But Qi Yue
can persist for two full hours.
Seems the prince's starting
to get arrogant after winning
the Major Exam.
He thinks
Qi Yue will be like the trash
he encountered during the Major Exam?
Zhou Yuan,
if you regret it,
you can give up now
to avoid losing face later.
Same goes
for you.
You need to see it to learn?
Let's see how miserably you lose later.
(The Ice-Fire Gathering Primal Pattern
is so effective.)
(I'm now absorbing
a dozen times more energy)
(from the jade marrow then before.)
(It has caused)
(one of my meridians ready to activate.)
(What an inopportune time.)
Dean Xu,
it's been an hour.
Why hasn't Zhou Yuan come out yet?
He's just barely holding on.
In the end, it is his own body
that will be damaged.
the prince has held on
for such a long time.
Could something have happened?
No need to worry.
Zhou Yuan
will not lose.
(That man is still persisting?)
(With six meridians activated,)
(even I'm already nearing my limit.)
(No wonder he agreed so readily.)
(Turns out he's more powerful
than he appears.)
(do you think I'd make this wager)
(without being prepared?)
The Spirit-Fortifying Pill
has helped my Spirit temporarily
reach the Void Stage.
The flow of the jade marrow's energy.
What's going on?
This primal energy.
The prince is about to activate
a meridian at this critical moment.
The energy consumed
will likely prevent him
from persevering any longer.
His Highness.
Could it be that?
Head Chu,
I'll thank His Highness
on behalf of our three houses
for the cultivation time.
Zhou Yuan,
I didn't expect even God to help me.
Activating meridians during a contest.
Seeking death.
(Spirit Space)
Spirit attack.
How could Qi Yue's Spirit
be this strong?
Let's see how long you can hold out.
You can't hold on anymore, can you?
Go to die.
I have won.
Zhou Yuan's Spirit
has been destroyed by me.
What is this?
Qi Yue.
How is that possible?
Qi Yue.
Qi Yue.
He has come out.
Your Highness.
Three meridians.
Your Highness.
Three meridians.
The outcome is out.
Pay the piper.
It's time for you to uphold the bet.
We have won.
The prince is awesome.
We won.
We'll have less cultivation time.
He shouldn't compete
without full confidence.
Your Highness.
Congrats on activating three meridians.
Zhou Yuan,
you cheated.
That's too despicable.
It was just a contest between students,
and you dealt such a harsh blow,
causing Qi Yue's Spirit to be injured.
Please give me justice, Head Chu.
Qi Yue used
a Spirit Needle to attack me.
That is why he ended up like this.
Qi Yue hasn't reached the Spirit stage
to use a Spirit Needle.
What about
this first-grade Spirit Needle Pattern?
How do you explain?
Qi Yue who has activated six meridians
resorted to such despicable means.
He could win by strength
but insisted on engaging in
dishonorable acts.
His character isn't great.
Taking on a challenge without assurance.
Now it's good.
What a disgrace.
Who's talking behind our backs?
Step forward!
Dean Xu,
the three hours
of training time given by you,
we will gladly accept.
Don't celebrate too early.
We won.
We won.
His Highness won.
We won.
Head Chu,
among the three hours we've won,
I suggest
giving an hour
to Houses C and D.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
You hold no grudges
and still treat us generously.
Your magnanimity
makes us feel ashamed.
(Good move.)
(Using their way)
(to give back to them.)
- Thank you, Your Highness.
- Thank you, Your Highness.
His Highness
is really something.
We mustn't cross him in the future.
(Spirit: Void Stage, Real Stage,
Incarnation Stage, and Deity Stage.)
(The Spirit will strengthen
as one's own power grows.)
(By practicing the Soul-Forging Technique,
one can quickly enhance the Spirit.)
♪Riding the wind,
sliding across the stars♪
♪Traveling thousands of miles♪
♪The more perilous the path,
the more precious the journey♪
♪The destiny comes
to the world in chains♪
♪But the persistence deep in the heart
cannot be locked away♪
♪Aiming for the sky of hope♪
♪I dashed out as fast as I could♪
♪It's not for anyone to choose♪
♪Born with great courage♪
♪I control my fate,
reckless of the danger♪
♪Look ahead and never turn back♪
♪Embark on a new journey
with close friends♪
♪And you'll be fearless and brave♪
♪The wild wind whirls away,
causing crashing waves♪
♪I swim among the waves♪
♪I venture into the thorny jungles♪
♪And I don't feel pain♪
♪Even if I fall into despair,
I can still survive♪
♪Traveling thousands of miles,
I sing to the sky with vigor♪
♪I am on fire now♪
♪The more desperate the situation,
the more passionate I become♪
♪The destiny comes
to the world in chains♪
♪But the persistence deep in the heart
cannot be locked away♪
♪Aiming for the sky of hope♪
♪I dash out and never give up♪
♪I always have the courage
to start on a new journey♪
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