Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e06 Episode Script


Arisen, night is almost upon us.
Perhaps we should find lodgings here.
You need rest.
A real bed will do you good.
There's no time for that.
I need to get to the Tainted Mountain.
What is your purpose?
To slay the beast that took my heart,
the Dragon.
A monstrous and powerful creature
that has bested you once before.
How well do you expect you'll fare
facing him
when you can barely stand
on your own two feet?
You will meet the Dragon soon.
But your quest for vengeance will stand
little chance if you do not rest.
Arisen, please.
If we're staying the night here,
let's find an inn away from the crowds.
Of course.
Make yourself comfortable.
I'll return shortly with some food.
Maybe Hannah was right.
I can't remember
the last time I slept in a real bed.
You sure you only want enough
for one person, missy?
Oh, could you add
a few of those sausages, too?
Sure thing.
Husband want an ale
to wash this down with?
Yes, please.
Ain't seen you all around here before.
Where did you come from?
I'm so sorry.
So, you've heard.
I I can't even imagine
what that was like.
I quite like this town.
It's small, but busy.
Not too many permanent residents
these days,
but what we lack in locals,
we more than make up for
in unique travelers like yourself.
Almost makes me feel
as if I've seen the whole world.
do yourselves a favor
and don't hang around for too long.
I'm not one to encourage idle talk, but
well, a lot of travelers
have been turning up dead as of late.
Real peculiar circumstances.
Young, strong men, all of them.
Everything would be fine when they went
to their rooms for the night,
but in the morning they're found dead,
all emaciated, like they've been dying
from some crazy disease for years.
That is peculiar.
Ain't it, though?
Scares me bad.
Please don't go spreading that around,
Bad for business, you know?
It could ruin the town!
This one's on me.
Best meal your husband would have had
in weeks.
I must be dreaming.
Don't be silly.
I saw you die.
What are you talking about, Ethan?
Did someone have a nightmare?
I'm right here, Ethan.
I'll always be with you.
Hey, look! It's Ethan!
He's always heading off to hunt
in the mountains.
But I thought all the men in our village
are meant to be fishermen.
Ethan's different.
I don't think I should tell you.
All right, fine.
But don't tell anyone I told you. Got it?
-Got it!
Ethan's mom got sick
as soon as she had Ethan.
She was so sick,
she couldn't even leave her bed.
They tried to get her help,
but they didn't have the money
for doctors or medicine.
She ended up dying
when Ethan was about your age.
When she died, Ethan's dad went crazy,
so he took Ethan
and what little belongings they had
and started rowing out
past the fishing waters.
Everyone knows you're not supposed to go
beyond the fishing waters.
It's too dangerous.
But legend has it
there's land across the ocean
with waters so rich
you could fish with just your hands,
and more fruit and grain
than you could dream of.
We all know it's not true,
but Ethan's dad didn't care.
He was going to see it for himself.
What happened to them?
A Sea Spirit attacked them.
Ethan's dad defeated it,
but he was weakened,
so they ended up drifting for days.
Their food and water supply
was running out.
What did they do?
I'm getting to that.
Hurry up, then!
His dad refused to eat or drink
because he knew
he wasn't going to survive,
and he didn't want Ethan
to waste it on him.
So he starved.
Somehow, Ethan's boat eventually drifted
back to the village.
But he was different.
Something in him died out on the sea.
That's why he can't go near it again.
You know better than to talk about that.
You better be.
I thought your parents might like these.
Thank you.
It's been so long since we've talked.
We used to spend so much time together
when we were kids.
You don't have to do this, Olivia.
Do what?
Everyone's going to think you're crazy.
Like me.
But you're not crazy, Ethan.
Are you sure?
Just because you'd rather hunt
in the mountains than fish in the sea?
That's not crazy.
You're the only one who thinks that.
We all know your story.
You don't need to keep isolating yourself.
No one should be forced to live alone.
You need friends.
You need a family.
I don't need anything.
What about what I need?
I don't want your pity, Olivia.
Good, because I'm not giving you any.
Do you truly not know?
I've been in love with you
since the day we met
and I've never stopped.
I'm not worthy of your love.
You're not the one
who gets to decide that. I am.
My father's blood runs through my veins.
Blood of a man that destroyed his family
because of his selfishness.
That blood is in me, and I fear it.
That's why I push people away.
I see the man you are.
You would do everything in your power
to protect those you care about,
even if it meant your death.
Just like your father.
That's why you come here every day.
To thank your father
for the sacrifice he made.
The same sacrifice
you would have made for your own son.
You don't have to be alone.
I'll always be by your side.
I promise.
If you would have me.
I want to have a life with you, Ethan.
And maybe someday
a family.
I told you I'd always be by your side.
Now, let me give you something nice
to dream of.
I love you, Olivia.
I've waited so long for this moment.
I thought I lost you.
I'll never leave you again. I swear it.
I remember.
What's that?
I failed to protect her.
I failed to protect Olivia.
My heart was ripped from me.
That's impossible.
I'm right here, Ethan.
Feel me.
I see you.
What are you doing?
Please, don't hurt me!
I'm your wife!
You may have her face and her voice,
but you are not my wife!
-Stay out of this!
You heard me!
This one's mine!
What the hell's going on in here?
What in the Gods' name is that?
-A Succubus.
-A what?
An evil spirit that seduces strong men
to steal their vitality.
So, all those travelers
that have been turning up dead
Its victims.
I'm leaving with or without you.
It's your choice.
You need rest.
We'll find another inn.
At the very least, you need to eat.
Our apologies for the trouble.
Come to me.
Come if thou art able
Heartless One.
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