Dream Home Makeover (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Grand Kitchen Deployment

[upbeat music playing]
[birds chirping]
[Shea] Come on!
-[Syd laughing]
-[Shea sighs]
[playful scream]
Do you guys wanna do your makeup first
or costumes?
-Costumes? Okay.
You do need to put on some tights.
[Ivy screaming]
[Shea] The girls love Halloween.
And it's so fun
letting them get dressed up.
Plus, Syd loves candy.
-It's so good.
-[Shea laughs]
[Shea] Do you want black lipstick?
-[Shea] Is that scary?
[Syd] Can you do
[in wicked voice] "Ha, ha, ha"?
Ha, ha, ha. [chuckles]
[Syd] Oh, beautiful.
Black lipstick is tricky to apply.
-[Syd] Here.
-You think Dad can do it? Yeah.
I Wait. Say, "Dad, don't put lipstick
on my eyebrows!"
[all laughing]
[Syd] Okay, let's try this.
-Well, Dad's doing a good job!
-[Shea] Dad's doing a good job?
Should have left
the Halloween makeup duties to Dad.
Okay, go like this.
-[Shea] That looks good. Very scary.
-[Syd laughs]
[Shea] Halloween is a special time for us.
I think it's because it's a mix
of our two passions:
creativity and family.
With all the things
we have going on with our business,
we try to block time out
so that we spend it together.
[Shea] Oh, my gosh!
Ha, ha, ha!
-[Shea] Syd, are you ready for us?
-[Syd] I'm coming.
[Shea laughing]
How's it looking?
I've got a lot of different vibes
going on right now. A lot of vibes.
Help me out here.
I'm gonna start crying! That's so funny.
[Shea laughing]
The girls and I are witches,
so we wanted you to be a wizard.
-I'm always down to be a wizard.
-[Shea laughing]
Witches are girls and wizards are boys.
-Yeah, there you go.
-Give fives.
[Shea] The girls are growing up
in the blink of an eye,
and it's really cool
to be able to savor these moments
and also just enjoy them together.
[Shea] What will you say
to get them to give you candy?
Trick or treat!
-You are right!
-[Syd laughs]
[Syd] I'm so excited to get lots of candy.
Then I'll eat it
while you guys are sleeping.
[Shea laughing]
[Wren] Dad, don't eat our candy!
[upbeat music playing]
[Shea] I'm headed
to the Lozanos' house today.
They are in Layton,
which is north of Salt Lake.
There's lots of trees,
and it feels very private.
I love it.
The Lozanos reached out
about their kitchen.
They have two boys.
My kids are little right now,
and I just feel like our dinner time
is my favorite time with them.
As kids get older,
they can get a little bit more distant,
and you want to keep them close.
There's a trail right here
at the end of their street.
That is so cool.
-Hi, I'm Shea.
-[woman] Hello.
Hi, Shea. Welcome to our home.
-Good to finally meet you.
-Good to meet you.
-[woman] I'll show you our kitchen.
-[Shea] All right.
-Welcome to
-It smells like bacon in here. Love it.
My name's Melanie Lozano
and this is my husband, Leonardo Lozano.
We've been married for 14 years.
We met at Hill Air Force Base.
She remembered that I was a math tutor
and asked for help.
Then she fell in love with my math skills.
You have these two cute,
handsome boys here.
-They're both abnormally large.
-[all laughing]
-[Shea] That's a good thing!
-[Leo] Yeah.
[Melanie] We purchased the house
in July of last year.
We've been actively looking for a home
for probably our whole marriage.
Last year, I got this illness.
We thought I had trigeminal neuralgia.
[Melanie] Ended up being a freak thing
that got missed by a specialist.
It was a tooth-related issue.
It was the most painful thing
I've dealt with.
And I wasn't able to laugh again,
play with my kids anymore.
So, I've just thought about the things
that I wish I could do,
and one of them is building memories
in a home for our kids.
I was able to, thankfully,
find a cure for it.
That day, I said, "We're buying a home."
[Melanie] He said, "We're gonna look
at this house." So we did.
When we came to see this home
and walked onto the balcony,
there was a family of deer
walking through the backyard.
Our kids were already picking their rooms,
and we fell in love with the place.
[Shea] Okay, so this is you guys
in action in the kitchen.
This is the space
that we're talking about.
This is the space.
Everyone spends time in the kitchen.
Even if they're not cooks,
-they spend time here.
[Melanie] We're hardly ever upstairs.
This is our place that we hang out.
What works and what doesn't?
Does anything work for you
in this space, functionally?
-I don't think so.
-Not really?
[Melanie] We've got the dishwasher
opening up into the oven.
We've got limited counter space,
odd angles.
[Leo] It's not a functional kitchen.
-It's just so restricting.
-[Shea] Yes.
[Leo] And I'm just all about
being super flowy.
There's a lot of angles to run into,
and I don't think that they're serving
any design or functional purpose.
-Look at this, Shea.
-[Shea] Yeah, that's crazy.
[Leo] One of our big visions
is to get rid of the wall.
[Melanie] We feel we would utilize
that dining room more
-[Shea] Okay.
-if we could open it.
-This is your dining room?
-[Melanie] Yes.
[Shea] Let's look at this.
This wall right here?
I'm all about our family staying together,
and that wall
just creates a separation in our house.
[Shea] If we open this up,
you are gaining a lot of open space,
but you would lose a lot of storage.
You would have no pantry,
and you'd lose a lot of cabinet storage.
That's something to think about.
I just want it to function
how you guys live.
-Do you have big families?
-[Leo] Yeah, her family's here.
My parents, who never visited me in Utah,
once we had kiddies,
-they just moved out here.
When you guys have people over,
you typically have people in this space
and this space,
so you're feeling
like they're disconnected?
Hearing that you really like to have
people in both spaces at the same time
makes the sacrifice of storage
make a lot more sense.
Everyone deserves a kitchen
that feels comfortable
as a place to create these memories.
[Shea] We're talking a lot of function,
but what are your hopes, style-wise?
Everyone's like, "What's your style?"
I'm like, "Studio McGee."
-Awesome, I like hearing that.
-Yeah, so
We wanted something classic,
like the color.
Nothing really trendy,
'cause whatever we choose for this area
is gonna be extended
-for the rest of the house.
We love white.
You do? Okay.
We love the light colors.
I just want to make sure
it's super durable,
and the kids are not gonna nick it
with a plate,
-and it's chipped.
-[Shea] Yes.
We can do that.
What is your timeline
for getting this renovation done?
-This is where you might get upset at me.
-[Shea laughing]
It's gonna be
I have, like, 90 days.
Unexpectedly, I was told
I need to go and serve overseas.
[Leo] I found out that I'll be going
overseas for six months.
We were definitely blindsided
by, um this news.
It's really hard
because my two boys are like
my best friends,
and we're really close.
And we just purchased the home.
We spend our time here.
The kitchen is what I promised Melanie
from the very beginning.
For us, the kitchen is the heart
of our home.
This is our focal point.
The stress of being gone for so long
and not having the home complete
was taking a toll on us.
-[Shea] Yeah.
-It would be so nice to just have
-a fully-done kitchen.
-Let's get this off of your hands.
-[Leo] Done.
-We will take care of it.
And 90 days I mean, that's quick,
but very doable.
Thank you so much.
[Shea] To give the Lozanos
their dream kitchen,
I want to make their kitchen
open and spacious,
but still functional.
No matter how beautiful
you make a kitchen,
if it doesn't function well, it's useless.
We'll remove everything
that disrupts the flow.
We'll take out the cabinetry,
remove the oddly-placed appliances,
the angled island, and the dated pantry.
We're going to open up the wall,
so they can see into the dining room,
and still hang out
with family and guests in both spaces.
Then we'll install a giant island
with lots more countertop space,
storage underneath, and then bonus,
more seating at the island.
Ready to do dishes
in the bathroom sink for a bit?
[both laughing]
-If this is what it takes, I'm ready.
-[Shea] Okay.
[playful music playing]
Yeah? For you?
[laughing] Daddy!
Can I have a Rice Krispie treat?
-[Syd] A Rice Krispie treat?
-[Syd] They're all gone.
-We don't have any left.
-[Syd] You can eat this. Good snacks.
-[Shea] That was fun to make.
[Syd] I'll check.
-[Shea] I think I washed the pan.
I don't think we have any left.
-[Wren] Look in the dishwasher.
-I think it's all gone.
[Wren] Dad!
Dad! How dare you?
The girls are polar opposites,
but I would say that each of them
is a real mix of Syd and I.
What the girls get from their father
is their love of sweets.
-[Wren] Dad!
-They're all gone.
[Wren] No, they're not.
[Shea] Syd, I thought that
You had me fooled!
[Syd] I was trying not to give them sugar.
-[Shea] Then sneak it yourself?
-I didn't have any.
[Shea] Teaching them good lessons, babe!
[Wren] Dad, did you tell a lie to us?
A little one, in your best interest.
No, we do not tell lies, huh?
Mom lied too.
I didn't know!
-You had me fooled!
-Mom is always complicit.
Where were you hiding them?
Because I have not seen them.
Next one that grabs it
gets a butter knife to the fingers.
Okay, I should not have lied.
But you gotta eat your healthy snacks
before treat snacks.
Finish your other ones,
then we'll give you this.
[upbeat music playing]
All right, fellas. Ready for some fun?
[upbeat music continues]
Safety glasses, fellas.
[man 1] Safety is no accident.
Can we turn on some kind of music
to get you amped up?
One, two, three, four! ♪
[funky music playing]
-[man 2] We didn't need that ladder.
-[man 2] You did it.
It's gonna be so open there
with this window.
-They're gonna love it.
-[man 2] Good job, guys!
[all] Go, Killowen! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
[man 2] Man, we're goofy.
[light, airy music playing]
-[Syd] Let's go down and make cookies.
-[Wren screaming]
-[Shea] Go find Tam-Tams?
-[Syd] Let's make cookies.
Look at all my cookie makers!
You're my cookie makers!
[Shea] I have so many happy memories
in our kitchen.
Growing up, I made a dessert with my mom
every single Sunday,
and we have carried that tradition
into our own home.
[Syd] What are these?
Chocolate chip cookies with M&Ms?
-Oh, my gosh.
-Crowd pleaser.
-Wren knows how to do it.
-Start slow. Just pick up one.
You ready? Whoa!
[Syd] Slow! Slow! Slow!
[Grandma laughing]
[Syd] Ivy just took a flour bath.
Ivy, you were in the splash zone.
-Oh, boy!
-[all laughing]
[Shea] Cooking with our girls,
even though it's kind of stressful,
it's still so fun.
[Syd] And everyone gets
their sweet tooth satisfied.
-[Grandma] How many M&Ms have you had?
-Just one? Okay!
-Just one?
-[Shea laughing]
[Shea] How many years has it been
since we did your house?
-I wanna say it's been six or seven years.
-[Syd] Holy crap.
My first client for a full home,
not a paying client,
but a full home project: my parents.
So, when I was designing this kitchen,
I didn't want it to just be for them,
I wanted it to be a place
for our whole family.
That's why I love designing kitchens
for other homes.
You're not just creating a new space,
you're helping families
create new memories.
-[Syd] Your house still feels nice.
-[Shea] It still feels pretty.
It's not like,
"We did it six to seven years ago,
and it's like, oh, ready to gut it."
-[Shea] It looks good.
I'm complimenting myself.
[all laughing]
Whoever your designer was
did a super good job!
-[Grandma] Can't believe it.
-My first real project,
-and you trusted me.
-I know.
[Shea laughing]
[mellow music playing]
[Shea] Hi, Tyler!
-How are you?
-Hey, Shea. Great. How are you doing?
[Shea] Good.
-[Tyler] Welcome back to the shop.
-Thank you.
I wanted to check in about Lozano.
Pass-through is going to be beautiful.
But we need to figure out
another solution for storage.
our clients' number one request is,
"I need more storage in my kitchen."
So, hearing that they wanted
to take out this wall,
remove a pantry,
honestly, I was just scared about storage.
My plan is to bring the cabinetry
-all the way up to the ceiling.
-[Tyler] Mm-hmm.
I would like to do a garage-style door
above the cabinets, flanking the hood.
-So that they're easy to open up top.
And then,
I would like to take the cabinetry
-from ceiling down to countertop.
Right next to the pass-through.
So, that acts as a faux pantry of sorts.
I like what you guys have done here.
This is really usable space.
Though we're losing the pantry,
they're gonna have more functional space.
[Shea] Let's take a look at those.
[Tyler] We're doing white
outside of the kitchen.
[Shea] Yes, the Lozanos want
light and airy.
I'm trying to give them that
by doing a white on the surround
and then doing a soft gray on the island.
We're updating the functionality
and the flow of the space
to work better for the Lozanos.
But there's something about
the materials in a space
that invite people to gather
around the island,
spread out, put their elbows up,
and just relax.
-I like Simply White.
It feels fresher for them.
They like a bright color.
Simply White is my go-to,
fresh, bright white
because it feels clean.
It's like your favorite,
basic, white T-shirt.
We have a multi-toned white backsplash.
Hearing the Lozanos talk
about a light and airy kitchen,
the back-splash shouldn't be a statement.
It needs to blend seamlessly.
So, our options are going light,
because the cabinets are light.
We have this textured tile that has whites
and just It's like tonal white.
So, white-on-white,
but they're not all perfect.
[Shea] I wanna do something unique.
I don't wanna do
a plain white subway tile,
which I love. It's classic.
But I just want to give them
a little extra texture here,
so this tile is the perfect way
to do that.
It has a bit of white, a bit of gray,
and it ties all the tones together
in the kitchen.
Everything's under production.
You're right, it is a tight schedule,
but we've been there before.
-We've got it.
-[Shea] Okay.
-Send me progress pics.
-I will for sure.
-Thanks so much, Tyler.
-Thanks, Shea.
[upbeat electronic dance music playing]
[birds chirping]
-[Shea] Hi!
-Hi, Shea!
[Shea] It feels so different in here.
Oh, my gosh! I love it.
It's coming together.
We're really close to being done.
I actually just unboxed this faucet.
We wanna go over
-a couple of different finishes we have.
We have brushed stainless
and polished stainless.
-[Shea] I wanted to do a bridge faucet.
And Melanie likes that style as well.
This is beautiful.
-[Tyler] This is polished stainless.
-[Shea] Okay.
[Tyler] So, this is the pot-filler,
and this is in the brushed, right?
You can see that difference.
The nice part about the brushed
is that it coordinates
with the appliances.
-Let's look at the hardware real quick.
Sometimes, I match
all of the finishes in a kitchen.
Sometimes, I mix them.
In the Lozanos' home,
they have a lot of silver tones
throughout the other areas.
And Mel really wanted brass
incorporated in the kitchen,
and so I needed a way
for the kitchen finishes
to make sense with the rest of the home.
So, I think that this is our winner
on the hardware.
The cabinet hardware.
But I feel like with this brushed finish
next to the knob,
it feels like too many
matte finishes together.
-And I really love this combination,
so we get a little shine,
we balance it with some matte hardware.
I was scared that they wouldn't get
food storage in here
with the change in the layout,
but we were able to put in a small pantry
that goes all the way down.
So, that will give them
-the storage that they need.
And still get rid of that corner pantry
that we were trying to get rid of.
That's hard to design.
-It's always a tricky spot in the corners.
-It looks really good.
I just wanted to make sure you felt good
about all the tile we had.
-[Shea] Yeah.
-[Tyler] We're almost done.
I love the variation in this.
We've got a little bit of a white
and the light gray
to tie in both cabinet colors together.
It looks awesome.
-I really liked it.
-I'm so happy with how it turned out.
And I love that we did a stacked look
instead of the brick lay,
-to make it feel more modern.
[Shea] Having it go up to the ceiling
looks really nice.
I feel like just that extra detail
makes everything look more high-end.
I cannot believe how much extra light
that they get here,
-now that that's open.
I'm glad that they pushed for that
because it looks amazing.
[Tyler] You did a good job.
If I'm blown away,
they're going to be blown away.
I am so excited
-for them to see their new kitchen.
-That's gonna be awesome.
The Lozanos are incredible people,
and since my dad was in the service,
I can really relate
to the Lozanos' situation.
It's hard having a parent leave home
for long stretches.
Giving the Lozanos
the kitchen of their dreams
before Leo heads overseas
is going to be
such an incredible send-off gift.
[mellow music playing]
-Hey, guys, how are you?
It's looking good!
Good design is about adding
and subtracting
and being smart
about where you're choosing to do so.
Bring the dining table in.
We added a table and chairs
to the dining room.
A giant island
that adds several more square feet.
I was thinking a crock by the stove
is really functional and pretty.
Even though we have put more things
in this space,
by creating real use for each area,
we've made the space feel larger.
[Leo] Since we've been married,
we've talked about our dream kitchen.
So, to be so close to it being realized
is just an amazing feeling.
-[Melanie] Hi, Shea!
-Come in.
-How are you?
-How are you doing?
-I'm so excited.
I'm so excited for you!
-I can't even believe the transformation.
-[Melanie] Gosh.
-Are you guys ready?
-We're ready.
I'm gonna let you guys
just take it all in.
Have a moment, and then I'll join you.
-Thank you.
-You go first.
[music crescendoes]
[gasps] Oh, my gosh.
[upbeat music playing]
-You can't even recognize it.
-[Leo laughing]
[Melanie] Oh, my gosh.
Wow. [laughs]
It's hard to believe
that this is my kitchen.
She nailed everything
that I had wanted in this kitchen.
It's like
Look at how pretty this is. Oh, my gosh!
This is really mine. This is ours.
It's a dream.
Babe, look! It's your window.
[Leo] Seeing the window,
then being able to see through,
-I just felt small in the space, right?
-[Melanie laughing]
I keep looking back, like
It's really there!
What do you guys think?
-It's amazing, Shea. So pretty.
-We love it. I cannot believe it.
-[Melanie] So pretty, I just wanna cry.
-Well, welcome to your new kitchen!
-Thank you so much. It's so pretty.
-You're so welcome.
[Shea] Before, the kitchen
was cramped and uninviting,
and now it feels open
and the flow is so much better.
Changing this space right here
changed your house
-from end to end.
[Shea] I remember walking in
the first time,
and I had to walk all the way around
the angled peninsula.
We didn't increase the footprint
of your kitchen,
but we increased the way it feels,
for sure.
I don't feel trapped anymore in my home.
[Melanie] It's amazing how one room
can transform the whole house.
[Shea] This island is a game-changer.
We were able to do
these huge drawers here.
One of my favorite surprises
was this nook area.
We pushed it over to make room
for this island,
and then did a built-in window seat.
By doing that,
we allowed for a better flow
from the living room to the dining room,
and you're able to get more people now.
It's so cool.
Last time we were together,
you talked about how you had
always dreamed of giving Melanie
this dream kitchen.
Shea, I don't think
that there's enough words
to express our gratitude
for this amazing, amazing design.
We had so much fun doing this.
You are guys are so wonderful,
and it has been an absolute treat.
I just wanna cook now. I just wanna start.
Yes! Let's get you cooking.
We gotta fill these cupboards.
[Leo] This is just a huge weight
off my shoulders before I leave.
You guys are gonna make your own memories
while I'm away.
-With a piece of you as well.
You won't be able to look at that wall
that we cut out without saying,
-"Dad wanted it since day one."
-There's Dad.
-Thank you, guys.
-Thank you, Shea.
-Thanks, Shea.
-Take care.
[Shea] When designing
the Lozanos' kitchen,
we had to think about how it works
for their family,
and I'm so excited to see them
come into their kitchen
and immediately feel
the sense of excitement
to get in there and start living in it.
And to start making memories.
Sharing these special moments
with my own family
in a home that feels comfortable
and inviting
is the most precious thing
in the world to me,
and I keep that in mind every time
I go to work for a client.
We aren't just changing
the way a room looks,
we're creating an environment
that will influence
every memory they'll create in that space
for decades to come,
and we want those memories
to be beautiful.
[upbeat rock music playing]
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