Dudes (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Committing and its sacrifices

[Simón] Man, I swear,
it's very difficult to understand, really.
- I'm telling you.
- [Julián] Good morning.
[Ricardo] What's up?
[Daniel, Mafe, Simón] Good morning.
[clears throat] How did it go?
Mafe, what did the lawyers say?
Well, sure enough,
we had a clause that protected us
from something like that.
I'm not going to read it to you
because it's too long,
but basically,
because of moral issues and public image,
we can terminate the contract.
Well, then it's clear, right?
Have them redact
the document and go for it.
[Santiago] No, no, no, no.
We thought things through
and we're sure
we're not going to accept that investment.
But, I'll tell you one thing,
if we don't accept that investment,
we have to replace it in less
than a month, otherwise
All of this is going to hell.
Well, it's still a conscious decision.
I'm leaving on Friday for Brazil.
I'm going to the FINTECH summit,
and get us an investment.
That's good,
so I guess it went well with Lina?
- Ha!
- [Daniel] Ha!
That's the way to go.
Forgive me, but I'm still the president.
And it's not like the Board
has decided to take me out, has it?
Mario, you're being accused
of something very serious.
And this can affect the entire company,
including the money of our investors.
Well, I see that the Board
has a very clear stance.
So, I'll save you time.
I propose the candidacy
of my daughter Antonia
to replace me
as president of Miranda Holdings.
Antonia has been preparing herself
among the brightest minds
in Silicon Valley.
So, if anyone can bring
a modern vision to our company,
it's her.
Everyone in favor?
- [Daniel] Richie?
- Huh?
How are you doing with your son?
- Pff!
- Was it that bad?
Look. Hit play.
[Santiago] Show us.
Let's see. Let's see here.
No, no.
[Tomás] No, but
- Terrible.
- I'd be embarrassed to do that.
Plus, he doesn't even have
the right moves.
The kid doesn't talk.
Well, at least not with me.
He's on that freakin' cell phone
all day long.
The only time he let it go
was so that I could record him.
I'm telling you, he's completely lost.
[Simón] Brother, but you need to relax.
Kids nowadays are happy doing all that.
- And they make more money than we do.
- [Ricardo] Over my dead body
will I let my kid make a living as
an influencer or "grammer"
or whatever that's called.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- No, but it's not that serious.
[Ricardo] It's not that serious?
Do you know what he said to me?
That he didn't want to study.
That he was going to become
a professional chit-chatter.
Chit-chatter, what?
No! Hold on, hold on, hold on,
do you know what the problem is?
[Santiago] Kids nowadays
want to have it easy, brother.
Look, they just want to become famous
and make money doing nothing.
Yeah, what a crock. They want to be
actors, photographers, whatever.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, that's not from this era.
Every era has their own stupidity factor.
Besides, the kid's 12 years old.
How old is he?
He's 17, going on 11.
[speak at the same time]
- Oh, dammit. He's almost an adult.
- He's pretty old already.
I don't know what else to do.
The kid needs me more than ever.
I told him to come live with me and
he said he didn't want to.
Whoa, hold on, Richie, wait a minute.
If you're thinking
about changing your lifestyle,
it's because you're really worried.
Yeah, totally, because Richie
is the forever "young-old-dude".
We'll talk later.
It's age, man.
They get sensitive, over time.
What's up? How did it go?
Do it with her?
- There's chemistry.
- Good, good.
We're going to help each other
to make this happen.
Good. Well, what's up with Antonia?
That's it?
No, nothing.
You were really into her.
- What? No.
- No?
No, no, no.
[cell phone rings]
- Hold on.
- Go ahead.
Hello, my love.
Where have you been?
[Ricardo] It's just that lately
I feel like I've failed as a father.
No, brother, don't say that,
you're a great father.
No way. [exhales]
I mean, I've never been an absent father,
but as far as being a great father, no.
I have a long way to go for that, buddy.
When my kid was born,
I was way too young, you know how that is.
One's not mature enough to
to understand what that means, right?
That's why we decided
he'd go live with his mother, but
I don't know, at some point
I, I should've told him
to come live with me.
look what I have to deal with now, bro.
Brother, don't beat yourself up.
I think you're doing
a good job co-parenting with Paula.
And regarding your kid,
kids nowadays are very weird.
You have all the time in the world
to spend with him.
I know you feel bad because
he didn't want to go live with you.
But just give it some time.
Thank you, Simón.
And me crying here.
No, you're doing alright.
My problem's
a little more complicated because
[sighs] Everything was perfectly fine
at my house until my daughter came.
[baby cries]
It's okay, it's okay.
[toy sounds]
[baby cries]
Son of a bitch!
[Simón] What is it?
It just stepped on that stupid toy
and she started crying.
There, it's okay, it's okay.
Come, my love.
It's okay, baby. There. Shh, shh.
- There, there.
- I'm going crazy!
But, honey, you have only a few days
left on your maternity leave.
- So?
- So I was thinking
that since you're going back to work,
I can stay with the kids at home.
You mean, you're going to stay home
for a year and a half?
But what about your job?
I have never ruled out the possibility
of staying home with the kids.
Luisa earns good money.
She does well at her job.
And Billuka?
That's the issue.
It would only be 18 months, though.
Like when we worked from home
during the pandemic, right?
Oh, I don't know!
No, I don't know, especially because
of the crisis we're going through.
People can take it personally, bro.
Especially, Julián.
Oh, look at them!
Kiss each other, the dads of the year!
[Daniel] I'll be downstairs soon.
- He doesn't know anything.
- He doesn't know anything.
We've already filed
the lawsuit against Ximena
and all those reporters for defamation.
This is just getting started
and it's a long haul.
Apparently, it's in our interest
that Ximena has given
her statement anonymously.
We can win this and clear our name.
I don't see it as easy as you do, Dad.
Dad, I'm certain
that you didn't harass that woman,
like they're saying you did.
But I'm also certain
that you're not free from sin.
And nowadays it's not that easy
for men to get away this.
Well, as head of the company,
you have to be very cautious
and very skillful.
The Board is going
to have their eyes on you
and I have no doubt
that they'll expect you to make a mistake
to use it to their advantage.
I know them well.
I know, yeah.
this thing of taking
the reins of the company,
I'm doing it for you, Dad, okay?
While everything quiets down.
I'm not going to be here
for more than a year.
I know that, my love.
I know and I thank you, huh?
Now, it's key that you talk
to the Billuka team
to know if they're going
to back down from the contract
because of this scandal,
or what they want to do.
Don't worry, I'll talk to them.
But I wouldn't be surprised
if they backed down.
your chair.
You'll soon see the office
that I'm preparing for you, huh?
[romantic song playing]
ANTONIA: Hello, could you make
some space for me in your schedule
so we can meet tonight at my apartment?
I have something to tell you. Let me know.
JULIÁN: Okay. I'll be there around 8:30.
Would you like some coffee?
No, Mr. Miranda, I'm fine. Thank you.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, yes, sir.
Excuse me.
Mr. Miranda,
well, I came here to
to talk about the decision
regarding the contract.
Hold on,
before you tell me what decision you made
regarding the contract, I want you to know
that we've already taken
legal action against that medium.
That's good.
And I hope that's the right way for you
to fix this whole problem.
Because I believe in you.
That's my position.
But at this moment,
you must understand
that I can't think only of myself.
I also have to think of my colleagues,
of my company, of Billuka.
And after giving this a lot of thought,
analyzing it for hours,
we came to the decision that
the best thing to do
is to drop the contract.
I wanted to come because I don't want
you to find out through our lawyers.
Mr. Miranda, my company
is very, very grateful to you,
and we respect you,
because you trusted us from day one.
- Of course.
- And I'll never forget that.
Of course.
Mr. Miranda, thank you.
And good luck, Mario.
Thank you.
Well, excuse me.
[cell phone rings]
- Hey, Dad, hello.
- [Mario] My love,
I'm calling you to tell you
that you no longer need to get in touch
with Julián Quintana about Billuka.
- Perfect. Uh, did you talk to them?
- Yes.
He came to the office to tell me
that they're going to cancel the contract.
Okay. So is everything okay?
Well, it wasn't
what I wanted to hear, but
I can respect the fact that he came
to the office to tell me personally.
I like the way he does things.
I already told you.
That boy has guts.
Yeah, you're starting to like Julián again
from what I can see.
That young man is going to go very far.
[romantic song playing]
[cell phone rings]
Incoming call
- Hello?
- Hello, how are you?
Good. Good, good, and you, and you?
Fine, coming back to the event.
By the way, I got Dani's email
and I have the tickets and accommodation.
- It's going to be awesome!
- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
the summit is going to be great, right?
Well, I have a surprise for you,
but since I'm talking to you
I might as well tell you.
I asked the hotel
for an upgrade to get a couple's suite.
Relax, I'm just kidding with you.
But didn't you have a good time yesterday?
[Julián chuckles]
Of course, of course I had a good time,
what about you?
I did too.
What I did want to ask you,
is if we can meet
a little earlier on Friday.
I have a meeting
for the closing of the event
and would love for us
to go to the airport together.
Yeah, okay, okay, at what time?
Like 8:00?
That's perfect. A big kiss.
[sighs] Dammit!
[elevator arriving]
[Julián] Hello.
- How're you doing?
- How are you?
Good, I'm doing good.
I opened a bottle of wine.
- Sounds great.
- Want some?
Yes, of course.
Come in, sit down.
[Julián laughs]
No, but I'm serious,
it's the generation that hates labels,
but they're labeling everything.
Yeah, but please
don't let anyone hear you, I beg you.
Did you see the scandal regarding my dad?
The same thing could be happening to you.
I don't want that.
- No.
- Please.
That stays between the two of us,
right here.
- More wine?
- I want more wine!
[Antonia chuckles]
- [Julián] Listen.
- Hm?
I met with your dad
and he was obviously acting kinda weird.
Diminished, of course.
- Let me help you.
- But he'll be fine.
- He'll be fine.
- I know, I know.
But I don't want to talk
about my dad or my mom,
all of that overwhelms me right now.
It's going to be fine.
- What do you have to tell me?
- Oh!
I'm going to replace
my dad at the company.
- Seriously?
- Mm-hm.
- Antonia, that's great!
- Yes.
- I'm happy for you! That's wonderful!
- [chuckles] Thank you.
- You're a tough cookie.
- Thank you.
- I admire you.
- Okay, yeah.
He told me that you decided
to cancel the contract.
Well, I think it's perfect.
Because then there's no conflict
of interests.
["Tacones rojos" playing]
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
There's no more conflict.
["Tacones rojos" playing]
["Tacones rojos" playing]
Shut up! Did you have sex?
[Julián chuckles]
What did you agree on?
Oh, I don't know, I don't know,
I don't know.
I'm crazy about Antonia.
I like her, I like her.
Love her.
But I have a little problem.
Oh, no, Julián! What happened now?
I had a slip up with Lina.
You're kidding me! Are you serious?
Oh, don't laugh! No, Mafe, no.
No, but, what should I call you,
Julián Clooney or what?
- No, I don't know, I feel bad.
- You don't have an excuse anymore.
Why are you so sweet, huh?
You have no excuses,
you're not working with Miranda.
Don't let her get away again, Julián.
But, tell me,
what about you and Diego, good?
- Ugh
- What?
[exhales] I had to break up with him.
Another? [chuckles] No, not anymore!
What happened?
Well, a brief summary,
everything was perfect,
but the man was all blah, blah, blah
on the subject of open relationships.
One day, out of nowhere, he asks me if
I've been with someone else
since I've been with him.
So, just to test him, I said yes.
The man began to cry.
- He started telling me that
- Of course.
He didn't want to share me with anyone.
- Of course.
- Juli
being on the same page
with someone isn't that easy.
If you're still hooked on Antonia,
talk to her.
She's a hell of a woman.
- [Marci] Listen.
- [Antonia] Hm?
Why did you stand me up last night?
- I saw Julián again.
- Oh!
And do you wanna know something?
I believe that despite everything
that's happened,
- Julián and I are good together.
- Oh!
Even everything that happened with Andrew,
helped me to realize that Julián
is not a rebound type of guy.
- Antonia
- There may be something
much more interesting here than that.
Uh-huh, yeah, much more, Marci,
that man drives me crazy!
I'm head over heels for him.
We talked anything,
I like his sense of humor,
I like his how he kisses, how she smells.
Yeah? Everything?
So does he? Does he dance?
Does he have good dance moves?
[Antonia laughs]
You should see
all the rhythms he dances too.
No! No!
- Antonia?
- Huh?
Would you have his baby?
- Several, yeah.
- Oh, my goodness!
Antonia, baby, you got it bad!
You got it really bad, honey!
You got it bad! Really bad!
- Oh, come on, stop.
- Oh, come on, stop.
What can I do? What do I do?
What should I do?
No, no, no, no,
you know what you have to do
- and you know what you want to do.
- Mm-hm.
Well, should we go for a burger?
- Okay, but it's your treat.
- Yeah, okay.
- A veggie burger.
- No, not a veggie burger!
No, then we have to go
to one of those places, bro, no.
Eat meat for once in your life.
[speak at the same time]
Hey, guys, listen
[everyone stops talking]
[Julián] Yes?
Could I have a minute
of your time to talk about something?
Does it have to be right now?
We're going for lunch.
Get back to us in an hour, buddy.
Don't mind him, Simón. Yeah, talk to us.
I decided I'm the one
who's going to take care of Amalia
for the next 18 months at home.
I already talked about it with Luisa.
Buddy, come here,
I just have one random question,
- are you stupid?
- Simón, congratulations!
I wish all men would be as committed
as you are to you children.
[Simón] Thank you, Mafe.
It wasn't an easy decision.
And I don't want you to think
that I'm going to abandon you.
Or that I don't want to work here.
On the contrary, I'd love to.
But it would have to be telecommuting,
like during the pandemic.
Listen, let's do something,
if I find an investor in Brazil, do it.
But you have to come
to the traffic meeting in person.
[Ricardo] Alright!
Thank you!
[Daniel] Good, that's great,
everything was resolved.
- Now, let's go for burgers.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
- But you have to pay for today's burgers.
- [Ricardo] Alright!
Oh, you have to, yeah.
- [chuckles] Thank you.
- Good luck with that.
What? You're not going?
No, no, yeah, I'm going,
but I don't agree with this.
But, can I tell you something?
Your marriage isn't going to work out.
- There are many couples who do it.
- Well
- It's only 18 months.
- Well
[Tomás] Say it again, I didn't get it.
No, I'm not going to say it again.
I have to explain the jokes twice.
Hit him, please!
- Everyone, I'm leaving.
- [Daniel] No! Why are you leaving?
- No, no, no. Stop with all the hugging.
- No, come on.
Wait, wait. How come?
So, who's waiting for the big baby?
Well, actually, I have a date.
- No way! Really?
- So, where are you going?
To the theater.
[Daniel] To the theater?
Are you planning to bore her?
Listen to the ladies.
- Well, guys, I'm leaving too.
- No!
No, no, hold on, hold on,
listen, listen, just a second.
This celebration is supposed
to be for you, bro,
why would you leave?
I have to help out my wife,
change diapers.
- And tell her the good news.
- I'm leaving too, babies.
Another one? Oh, come on!
I started to follow the advice
from Simón the Wise,
who recommended
that I get closer to my son Lucas,
and he asked me to play video games.
Well, that's good, right?
Little by little.
Yeah, I know, but thank God
he didn't come live with me,
because, I mean,
it's nice to spend time with him,
but on a full time basis.
I'd go insane with an influencer, bro.
- Yeah. Good night!
- [Julián] Anyway, I'm leaving.
- Good night. Bye.
- Okay, already, bye!
- [Mafe] Go but tell me everything.
- [Santiago] Get out of here!
Take care. Take care.
- [Daniel] Juli!
- Oh! Please.
- Please send my regards to Lina.
- Listen,
uh behave badly please, thank you.
The cool ones are left!
[Mafe laughs]
Don't leave me,
because I'm already buzzed.
Mmm, don't worry.
Here comes Marcel.
He's Antonia's best friend, he's gay,
so you better behave.
I mean it. Watch it with your comments.
[Daniel] Yeah,
no mention of pillow biters.
[Santiago] Or that he likes
to sleep face down.
Or breathe on necks. [laughs]
Or that his farts just fall out. [laughs]
- How beautiful!
- You too, my love.
Absolutely beautiful!
- How are you? I'll introduce you.
- How are you?
- Dani, Santiago.
- What's up?
These are the guys
I have to baby sit all day at the office.
- Marcel is Antonia's best friend.
- A pleasure, Daniel.
- Go ahead, sit down.
- Marcel.
- Me, Daniel. Go ahead.
- Oh! Nice to meet you.
[Mafe] So, how's it going?
- You will never believe it.
- Tell me.
I met a man.
[Marci gasps]
María Fernanda,
you will never guess who.
[mumbling unintelligibly]
[Mafe chuckles]
- Marcel? What do you want to drink?
- Yes, yes.
- Whatever you guys are drinking is fine.
- Okay, waiter!
- [Mafe] Tequila?
- Waiter!
- Yeah, tequila, okay.
- No one listens.
It's like a conspiracy,
they don't want us to get drunk tonight.
Oh, boy! All that?
Look here.
The pink for you.
- Baby! What a delight!
- I'll say yes to everything.
Oh, look at him!
Which one do you want? Here.
The question is: who's afraid of fear?
And the answer is: fear is afraid of me.
Oh, okay! Alright.
A whole one?
Well, that's up to you.
- Hello, my bro!
- What's up, Dad?
Did you change your mind or what?
Yeah, Dad, the truth is that my mom
has been on my back about college.
You know, you're more chill than she is.
That's awesome, bro.
[lively music playing]
You're one cool dude.
See? I told you. [chuckles]
[man] Look at those fruitcakes.
Hey, get a room! [coughs]
- Hey, brother! Everything okay?
- [Mafe] No, don't.
No, it's all good.
Let's avoid a problem, okay?
Respect us. That's it.
He's defending his little girl.
- What the hell did you say?
- Hey, hey, hey, Santi, hey!
Just leave them alone.
Those are men with a lot of hang ups.
Forget it.
[man] What did that jerk say?
[bumps and bustles]
[Mafe] Marci! No! No!
Listen, um
I was thinking.
I fly out early tomorrow.
How about we meet at 7:00 a.m.,
at the usual place?
[audio sent]
[clears throat]
I was also thinking about you, a lot.
And yes,
I'd like to see you before you leave.
So, I'll get up early
and I'll be there at 7:00 a.m.
[kiss] A kiss.
[audio sent]
Oh, what a cutie!
[lively music playing]
- What's up, Santi, good?
- What's up?
Good, good, good?
No, he hurt my face.
Did he break my face? Did he?
Yeah, I know. Is it really bad?
Yeah, yeah, you'll need stitches.
For sure.
- How many stitches?
- I don't know.
- No, I can't believe this.
- It's, it's pretty bad, yeah.
I didn't see it coming. But
Should've seen the other guy.
He had my blood all over his hand.
Yeah. [chuckles]
[lively music playing]
Stop it, not here.
So where?
- Delicious! This looks spectacular!
- Yeah.
Hey, aren't you going to eat anything?
No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine.
Do you want something else? Some water?
I don't know, some orange juice? No?
How does it feel
being the head of Holdings?
Good, we're almost finishing up arranging
a few things to go ahead and get started.
Oh, that's great!
- Listen
- Julián
Go ahead, you first.
It's just
that this thing between us,
which I don't know what it is
I don't know, it seems to me that
I don't know.
I think that we should give ourselves
a chance.
In other words
Okay, I like you a whole lot.
["Tacones rojos" playing]
I think you like me a whole lot too.
And I don't know, it's really like,
despite how confusing
it was when it all started,
I feel that there's something nice.
I feel like there's something
that can be very special.
I don't know, that's why I say to give
ourselves a chance,
obviously if we're both willing,
and if you're willing.
There. That's all I had to say to you.
I like you too.
[Antonia laughs]
You know, I like you a lot.
I feel that we should do things right.
That's not to say
I don't want to be with you,
I obviously want to be with you, but
I want us to build something special.
And take it slow, okay?
["Tacones rojos" playing]
[knocking on the door]
- Come in, my love.
- Hi.
Are you going to switch hotels?
I want you to take me to the airport.
Where are you going?
I'm going to Sao Paulo.
To the FINTECH summit.
So why doesn't the driver take you?
I gave him vacation.
What are you going to do there?
My love, I'm not one to wait
for things to happen.
Besides, nobody in that fair knows me
and I'm sick and tired
of being locked up in this hotel.
I had enough confinement
with the pandemic.
How's your mom doing?
Okay, Dad.
Fine, she's taking it easy.
Nothing new.
I had to lose her to finally realize
how much I love your mom.
I feel like a complete fool
for letting things get to this point.
listen, we don't know
what's going to happen,
but it's going to be okay.
She also loves you,
but she needs her space, some time, okay?
[Mario sighs]
And I need my space too.
- To think things through.
- Mm-hm.
My love, perhaps I'll come back
from Brazil a new man.
[knocking on the door]
Yeah and hopefully
you don't pick up new bad habits.
- Come in, come in.
- Good morning.
Thank you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Let's go, my love.
- Thanks so much.
Hey, what about your bags?
Why, are you going to come
with me to look for them?
[Julián laughs]
- Sir, could I have two mimosas, please?
- Yes, ma'am.
- I'll bring them right away.
- Thank you.
Well, one mimosa and we'll go, okay?
Oh, Juli!
You're one of those who arrives
three hours before the flight.
Sorry, um,
I talked to my contacts in Sao Paulo
and they have some amazing meetings
lined up for us.
So, relax,
everything's gonna go very well.
That's great, that's great.
Thank you for being here, for joining me.
Did you think
I was going to miss the chance
for a romantic trip with the man
who got away from me in college?
Listen, Lina
I think we should be clear on thing, okay?
Look, I hadn't told you anything because,
why would I?
But I just came out
of a mega stormy relationship,
and the last thing I want right now
is to jump into another one, so relax!
What happens in Brazil, stays in Brazil.
- Oh, hold on, you have something here.
- What?
- It's a little
- What? What?
- [chuckles] Wait, let me see.
- No, wait, what are you doing?
Honey, did you park with valet
or in the basement?
In the basement.
Let's go.
Of course.
That's why he wanted us
to take things slowly.
It's just that all men
are exactly the same.
Aren't they, Dad?
Well, uh
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