Edens Zero (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

The Skull Fairy

Machines are living things too!
They have hearts!
Are you all right, Pino?
Why do you worry
more about machines than yourself?
You're not just a machine.
You're my friend, right?
Apparently, Sibir and his gang
were going to use Pino's ability
to steal all this city's military robots.
I thought I would be helping
the robots he was harming.
He probably would have abused
the military robots in the same way.
It's all right now.
The police arrested all of them.
I thought the cops
in this town were totally useless.
After all the damage they've done,
even the police couldn't ignore it.
Say, Pino.
You're an android from
the same time as us, right?
What are you doing in this era?
Well, you see…
Since my memory was erased,
I cannot remember a thing.
But if I could see my master,
I might be able to remember.
Pino's real master?
By the way,
I have an idea who that might be.
You think you know?
The maintenance report in the case was
signed by the person who performed it,
and that was Professor Weisz.
To be more accurate,
it's the Professor from our time,
50 years into the future.
Then if we go back to our time…
Your memory might return
if you meet the Professor!
-It's not me!
At any rate,
we need to find a way back to our time.
Before you go back,
tell me who wins the biggest sports upsets
over the next 50 years.
I didn't think crooks liked sports.
It's for gambling!
Please take me with you.
I want to meet my master.
You bet!
We need to see Professor Weisz anyway.
Come with us!
Me in 50 years?
The police?
They're headed this way.
There they are! Arrest them!
Why us?
The cops are unusually dedicated today.
We didn't do anything wrong,
so I'm sure we'll be just fine.
You do not possess IDs,
so I predict an unpleasant outcome.
-Let's get out of here!
Later, time travelers!
That's Weisz! He's part of Sibir's gang!
-After him!
-Wait a minute!
No way! Why me too?
This is your ship?
We should be fine here.
Maybe I shouldn't have
switched my job to a thief.
The police are always after you.
You're still playing that bit?
Anyway, let's get back to Blue Garden.
There could be someone at the guild
who knows how to get back to our time.
-What? No way!
-What's wrong?
The police are still after us!
Talk about persistence!
Whoa! Now they're shooting!
Not to worry!
Those ships
from 50 years ago couldn't keep up!
We'll be fine once we're in space!
The ship's not moving!
I don't know what's wrong!
It's like something is holding us back!
What's going on?
"Unknown energy field"?
"Unable to analyze"?
Go full throttle!
I am!
What a let-down.
I thought this ship would be hot stuff
since it's 50 years more advanced,
but it's just a bucket of bolts.
What a cheap piece of junk.
-Professor Weisz?
-That snack…
You went into my room, didn't you?
Why are you on our ship?
To escape, obviously.
You were going to steal it?
Let me have your ship.
In return, I'll get you out into space.
What? You must be nuts!
Will you get caught by the cops
or will you give me the ship
and escape into space?
If we don't do something,
we'll share the same fate!
If I'm caught, I'm sure I'll be fine.
I've got an ID, after all.
They're catching up!
What will it be?
Fine. You can have the ship.
This isn't your ship!
-Then it's a deal.
Hey, Shiki! Who said you--
We need to get a better ship anyway
so we can get to Mother, right?
So you'll give us a ride
to Blue Garden, right?
We'll see.
There's no way
he can get us out of this situation!
Just you watch.
I'm captain of this ship now.
-Isn't that…
-Ether Gear!
You have Ether Gear, Professor?
-You never told--
-Shut up for a second!
Upgrading OS.
Customizing Ether Reactor.
Increasing propulsion output by 70%.
Upgrading OS again.
What's all this noise?
Professor, what are you doing to the ship?
Increasing main processor memory.
Stabilizing frame.
Confirming Ether compatibility.
All systems ready.
Good girl.
This is unbelievable.
He's taking this ship
and modifying it on the fly
while in the pilot's seat!
All done!
Ether jets online!
A little trouble with
the internal horizontal stability?
Well, a small price to pay
for an improved ship.
Awesome! You really are a professor!
What in the world's going on?
This is an Ether Gear
for modifying machines,
Machina Maker.
Was that how you fixed me too?
If it was me 50 years in the future,
it probably was.
That is amazing.
-As a special favor…
I fixed your leg.
Thank you, Master!
I told you, that's not me.
Machina Maker!
-That's so cool!
Give my Ether Gear a cool name too!
It uses gravity, right?
Thwomp Boy!
I like it!
That's lame!
-We escaped!
-All right!
Energy field breakthrough confirmed.
We're in space!
I finally got through.
Are you all right? Rebecca and Happy?
-Professor Weisz?
-Hey there!
What's going on?
It's the Professor from 50 years later!
What's going on?
You still don't watch the news, do you?
You went to Norma, right?
Yes. We went to see you.
That planet is on the travel ban list.
Travel ban?
I'm surprised you made it back.
I'm glad though.
I totally don't get what's going on.
In fact, how come I can talk with you
when you're in the future?
I'm not in the future.
We're in the present now.
You've returned to your time.
Really? When?
While you were in Norma,
you were most likely in the past.
You know we traveled through time?
You didn't time travel.
Let's just call it another reality
within the cosmos.
Professor, explain it in an easier manner!
You didn't travel through time.
You went to a planet
whose time has been stolen.
A monster came along
and ate 50 years of Norma's time.
It's a space monster that devours time,
known as a Chronophage.
When a Chronophage devours
a planet's time, time there is rewound.
There is no way to get it back.
So the Norma of 50 years ago
is the true Norma of the present.
So when we go to Norma now,
it's always 50 years in the past?
In fact, you're banned from going there.
Norma of this time doesn't exist anymore?
Then where are you now, Professor?
Like most Normans, I left the planet.
I've always dreamed of adventuring,
so that's what I'm doing now.
That's the bunny girl from the bar.
Oh, Rebecca! You made a human friend?
You're that broken down android
I fixed a while back.
Are you the one who made me?
Are you my master?
Your memory must be damaged.
I'm only the guy who fixed you.
I think you said your master was
someone called the Great Demon King.
Great Demon King…
And I have a question for you.
Hey, hot dude! You're me, right?
There are two Professor Weiszs!
Which one is the real one?
They should both be
the same Professor Weisz.
Like I said earlier,
when a planet's eaten by a Chronophage,
it becomes the new reality.
In other words,
it doesn't cause a time paradox.
What? You mean
the past doesn't affect the future?
Fascinating, isn't it?
That isn't the past.
It's the present after time was stolen.
No matter what happens in Norma now,
it won't affect me here at all.
Wizzy's real charm came with age.
I am the X492 Weisz,
who escaped the Chronophage
and has set out on an adventure.
You're the X442 Weisz
whose time was eaten by the Chronophage.
Both are valid timelines.
Chronophages are terrible evils,
causing chaos in the cosmos
when they create dual timelines like this.
Young Weisz, there's no guarantee
you'll live to my age.
You are you!
Follow the path you believe…
The signal is being jammed.
What is it now?
What the heck is…
that gigantic ship?
That ship…
It's space pirates!
No way!
Space pirates?
What an exciting ring that has to it!
This isn't the time to get excited!
What's going on?
The giant warship has captured us!
Damn it! The controls don't work!
I've found you, Shiki.
It's pulling us in!
What happened to space
50 years in the future?
Danger detected.
What's wrong, Rebecca?
Now that I think about it, that flag…
That's the dreaded pirate
who conquered the Seven Cosmic Seas,
Elsie Crimson!
The Seven Cosmic Seas?
That sounds even more exciting!
Do your best to shake them off, Professor!
I said I'm trying!
Darn it.
I never should have gotten on this ship.
Who knows what they'll do
if they catch us?
Why are they coming after
this beat-up old ship?
Damn it, nothing's working!
I can't break free!
Welcome aboard my warship,
the Skull Fairy.
I am the captain of this ship, Elsie.
We have taken over control of your ship.
Wow! What a babe!
First, I should commend you
for escaping Norma.
The cloud-like barrier you have
passed through is a space-time wall.
It's the remnants of a planet eaten
by a Chronophage.
You need to be
a pretty good pilot to escape that.
But getting caught so easily
by our tractor beam also means
you're incompetent.
What is it you want?
Plunder, of course.
And war.
To eat and sleep.
And plunder some more!
Ms. Rebecca, your urine level is critical.
You should go to the restroom immediately.
Please don't broadcast that information!
With that,
you all belong to me now.
I will now head
to the planet Guilst and sell you.
Behave yourselves until then.
Planet Guilst?
That's a pleasure district, isn't it?
-That was 50 years ago.
Now it's infamous
for being a hive of scum and villainy.
Murder, robbery, even human trafficking…
It's a lawless place where anything goes!
There's an eccentric old geezer there
who likes young kids like you.
They'll fetch a great price.
Especially the girl.
She's just that old geezer's type.
Wait a second here!
I'm not with these guys.
Let me join your crew.
Why you!
I'm darn good at modifying equipment.
How about it?
I'll make your ship even faster.
What's going on?
Are you betraying your friends?
I don't remember becoming your friend.
Not me!
Rebecca and Happy are your friends!
That's 50 years from now!
What will happen to us?
Let's make
a lot more thrilling videos today.
The ones with you buck naked!
Yes, Master.
Let's get a million views!
I'm not letting these jerks capture us!
But we cannot move our ship.
Actually, we gave this ship
to that loser professor.
Who are you calling a loser?
-Behave yourselves.
-I have an idea.
We'll plunder this pirate ship!
Your ship is going to be ours!
That's right!
We needed a nice big ship anyway!
This is perfect timing!
You'll plunder my ship from me, you say?
You did it to us first, you know.
So no complaints!
I like it.
Go up two floors,
turn left, and go straight.
You'll find me there.
That is, if you can make it here.
Just you wait!
Him and his hare-brained ideas.
However, it is an effective way
to overcome this situation.
Considering Shiki's power,
he just might pull it off.
But this is Elsie Crimson
we're talking about.
There's no point in
cooling my heels here either.
I guess I'll go have some fun too.
I'll make that babe my prisoner
and have my way with her.
What's with this ship?
This is creeping me out.
So here you are, space pirates!
What are these guys? They're not humans?
Space octopuses? Awesome!
Space is so awesome!
What is this thing?
Analyzing the content
of adhesive secretions.
Mimetic parasite, Kawpicatt S4.
What's the deal here? They're not humans?
You know…
This would make a nice photo.
Hurry up and rescue me!
Just a second.
Exposing a little more flesh
here would be an improvement.
You'll regret this, slimeball!
You idiot!
Ether charge complete!
Happy transformed!
How dare you tie up a young maiden
in such a lewd fashion!
You'll pay for this, Ducky!
I have been saved.
You're pretty amazing.
Come on, there's still one left behind me.
Don't you think you'd look a little better
with more exposure here, my dear Weisz?
I'm sorry! I was wrong!
That must be the room!
Hey, redhead!
My name is Elsie Crimson.
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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