El embarcadero (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Good morning.
What's up?
Didn't you sleep well?
Are you sick, Martina?
-I'm tired.
-Stay in bed and rest then.
We'll make you breakfast. Right?
Come on.
Go take a shower.
Sol, we're going to be late.
Come here.
I didn't make you a chocolate one
in the end.
Don't I get a kiss?
We're going
but your breakfast is there, okay.
Are you sure you're okay? Yeah?
See you in a bit.
Give her a kiss.
-Bye, Martina.
-Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
Hi, sweetie.
Will you come get me
if I send you the location, please?
-Of course. Right away.
-Thank you.
Alex? Alex, honey.
Everything's alright.
Last night I realized
that I'll never see Oscar again.
This had to happen. It's logical.
We're in this shit show with you,
you're not alone.
When I wake up tomorrow,
he won't have left the kitchen table
covered in crumbs.
Or the lid off the marmalade.
His alarm won't wake me up at 6 am.
He won't have used my towel to stand
on when he gets out of the shower.
The only thing I have left of him
is a letter and a horse.
If you like I'll come stay for a few
days and leave crumbs on the table.
We're taking you home, okay?
Right after you have a shower.
You'll feel better.
-I can't.
-Of course you can. Come on.
-I can't.
-Come on.
-Yes, you can.
-Come on, I'll help you.
Come on.
-Find her some clothes, Ada.
-Where, Mom? This place is a pigsty.
-I don't know.
-It's like this because we were robbed.
-What do you mean, "we"?
-There's a suitcase up here.
-Bring it down.
How could she not be a mess?
She's living here
with her dead husband's lover.
Sleeping in the same bed as her.
This woman has the bed
in the middle of the living room.
-Well, it is a loft, Blanca.
-No, it's a statement.
Like a neon flashing sign.
Do you have your cell to take photos?
Ada What's this?
-It's full of photos of vaginas.
-Give me that, Blanca.
-I don't know why you're looking.
-Do you have some clothes?
-Yes, they're right here.
-Bring them over.
I know why Oscar wanted
to stay here, now.
You feel free here.
Time stops.
It's always summer.
Verónica was the love of his life
and I get that.
You don't know that.
Yes, I do.
He had a normal life with me,
a normal partner in me.
Like millions of other
normal couples.
I'd have liked to be like her,
but I didn't know how.
I'm making you some tea.
You're going to be fine.
We're in this shit together
and the only thing you have to do
is spit out those memories.
Hi, it's Katia.
Alejandra left her phone at my place.
How is she?
Fine. Good!
She slept all night and now she's great.
Katia. We have to sign
with Satch and Trust today,
I've pushed it back until 8 pm
to give her time to reconsider.
There's nothing to reconsider.
If she says she has a better idea
then she does.
-I'll see you there in a few hours.
Are you okay?
I'm fine, just very busy
with Alejandra and the project.
I'll see you later. Bye.
That was Big Boss.
He's moved the signing back.
You don't have to come with me,
but tell me your idea
and I'll sell them it.
What idea?
Your idea, Alex.
The one you went into our boss' office
and blocked a 311 million deal for.
That was because you've had
a better idea, right?
And, honestly, I don't give a shit.
It's taken us seven years
to get this project going.
Seven years.
Would you like to explain
why you don't give a shit
or have another idea, please.
Because I want to die.
I brought you some chocolate.
You know what I think? Going there
has made her lose her mind.
-Did you know she was living there?
-I knew she went occasionally,
when she said she was
at the bank or sick.
You saw it,
they're sleeping in the same bed.
You don't know if they were
sleeping together or just sleeping.
-The Grey heron?
-She's pretending to be a biologist.
-It's her alibi.
-Her alibi for what?
So they don't know she's Oscar's wife,
to understand Verónica,
to understand her own marriage,
to try new things
-Sex with strangers
-Sex with strangers?
-What's in her tea?
-Don't change the subject.
You knew my daughter was sleeping
with strangers?
She didn't sleep with him,
he only ate her out.
I caught them at it.
Alright, alright.
But that's it. She went off the idea
with her panties round her ankles.
-I'd feel confused too
if my husband had threesomes
with fishermen.
Oscar is bisexual?
My daughter told you all this
and you left her alone?
In the state she was in?
-It wasn't like that.
-It wasn't?
She's lying in bed, a total mess,
and you, knowing she was running off
the road, never stopped her, is that it?
Blanca I don't think any of us
is helping like we said we would.
-Hello? Alejandra?
I'm Montse's assistant. Therapy?
-Sorry therapy?
-Which therapy? I go to a few.
-Family members of suicide victims.
We're starting the session at 4 pm
instead of 6 pm, can you come?
-Yes, I'll be there.
Can you remind me of the address?
My car's in the shop with it inside.
-Yes, it's 67, French Avenue.
-Thank you.
Mom, what group?
Where are you going?
To speak to her therapist
to get Alex out of bed right now.
In the black shirt, five-time
world champion, Fran Pacheco,
and in the brown shirt, my husband,
who has yet to win any world titles,
but he's my husband!
Guys, three, two, one
Come on, honey. Run!
-You cheated, you bastard.
-No! You tripped.
-You always were the clumsy one.
-Don't take the bait.
-He pushed me!
-Don't you two start.
-You saw he pushed me!
-Use your skills.
-Rematch, right now.
Hey, we're celebrating
me not getting the job in Argentina.
-Chickening out?
Three, two, one, go!
Fran, help me!
-Yes, it's me.
How are you?
You've always been so strong.
You were a difficult child.
closed, but very strong.
And you still have
that same strength.
If you're life
with Oscar wasn't good enough
you have to start from scratch.
From the beginning.
A new life.
Is that the letter
Oscar wrote to Alex?
Alex has been holding on
to this like a life belt.
As her mother, I feel obligated
to know what's in it.
Blanca, you drugged her to get
the letter and copy it for your book.
Me? No!
I take four Valiums any given day.
Now, beyond your high-brow
teenage righteousness,
I'm curious about something.
What are those photos
of vaginas on your cell?
-Are you a lesbian, honey?
They're photos of my own vagina,
which has a big following.
-So you display them?
-No, I don't.
I sell them on my site
People ask for a picture of my vagina
and I send it to them.
With a dedication.
Don't tell me you're shocked.
Me? Shocked?
With what I've lived through.
Does it pay well?
They're personalized photos.
Every client asks for a certain
shave, a specific dedication.
In Chinese, Japanese.
-You don't know how hard Chinese is.
-I can imagine.
Wouldn't it be better to sell
generic photos from the internet?
-That would be a scam.
-Come on, it's a vagina, not a Picasso.
-Nobody would realize.
-What exactly bothers you?
That you would debase
yourself that way.
That you sell your privacy
to some Chinese perverts
and they masturbate over your photos.
That's what.
Why does it bother you?
Because they're Chinese?
You know exactly what I mean
and you know what?
I'm calling your mom and telling her.
We'll see if you can still go
to New York.
Seriously? While you're at it,
tell her you're selling your daughter's
privacy in a paperback.
-Hi, how are you?
-How are you?
What's this? A girls day?
I guess this is a bad
time to see Alex?
No! Come in. A bomb could
drop and she wouldn't know,
but a bit of testosterone
would do us good.
I lost my self-esteem
when my husband committed suicide.
After some time, I began looking.
When you feel like that you think
that love can get you through
and that desperation makes you
cling onto just about anybody.
Anyone who'll listen
or responds to your messages.
I confused the scraps of time
this person gave me with love.
I hit rock bottom
and this time I decided
to use an alternative therapy
from Herman Jodorowski.
And he told me that if I wanted to leave
I should make love to him one last time
and then afterwards
defecate there in the room.
So I stayed,
we had sex
and when he fell asleep
I started staring at the ceiling.
I don't know if I was driven
by the shame of doing it
or the need to believe
that he could change.
And I thought, "What kind of woman
do you want to be?
What do you want to become?"
I stood up and defecated on his rug.
-And did it work?
-Yes, I never saw him again.
Thank you, Silvia.
We're almost done.
Anybody else want to talk?
I'd like to say something.
I've been coming here for three years
to listen to stupid stories.
Stories of self-pity and I'm done.
I've reached my limit.
I mean, Montse, is it okay
to shit on somebody's rug? Really?
What are you? A fucking Labrador?
-Conrado, how do you feel?
I feel like the king of the world. Ever
since I stopped the meds, I'm great.
-You were supposed to wean yourself off.
-I did, little by little.
But that isn't the point, Montse.
You're not our mother.
We're not little kids.
How long are we going to keep
coming here to tell our stupid stories
and to be given a pat on the back.
How long?
It disgusts me to think I've been
here three years whining,
relating my misfortunes.
Becoming a sniveling wreck.
That wasn't me, it was me on meds.
So thanks for everything,
but I'm done.
That's all we have time for.
See you next week.
-I'd like to talk, Conrado.
-I have nothing else to say, Montse.
-I appreciate it, but no.
-As you wish.
-If you change your mind, please call.
-Thank you.
Hi, I'm here to discuss a friend of mine
who comes here, Alejandra Leyva.
-Alejandra, of course. Take a seat.
She won't talk.
All she does is lie in bed. She says
she wants to die. I'm at a loss.
It seems she's finally grieving.
Could you come with me?
To get her out of bed
or prescribe her something?
We should leave her for now.
The grieving process is natural
and unavoidable.
And it's all the more painful
the longer ago the incident is.
So it's a good thing
that's she's finally there.
-Yes, thank you.
-What's wrong with your friend?
-Her husband recently committed suicide.
I know Alejandra.
I brought her here,
I'm from La Albufera.
What exactly do you know?
I know that she lives with Verónica
in La Albufera and
and that she's pretending
to be a biologist called Martina.
How come you let her do this?
Well, I guess that
I identify with her.
And because when you're in that state
you need to take it all the way.
You stand by them and follow them
to the depths of their fits and lies.
Whatever it takes.
-Hi, Katia. How's the new idea coming?
-Good, really well.
-These people will be here in two hours.
I need sketches, blueprints,
anything you have for it, please.
-It won't be ready in two hours, Yama.
-Excuse me?
This isn't an apartment refurb, we're
talking about a skyscraper contract
It'll pay your salary,
your friend's and everyone else's.
If she doesn't like it,
she can do something else
but tell her the one
I commissioned is sold.
She must come sign then what
I won't let her sign something
that isn't amazing.
You've got a Michelangelo,
so stop whining, dammit.
-What Michael Angelo?
Michael fucking Angelo, the one
who designed the Sistine Chapel!
Alejandra is Michelangelo.
So let her finish her master piece.
I'll talk to you later.
Tell me what you do in La Albufera.
I'm a cop.
Well that's great.
In the region of Valencia
there's a species in
danger of extinction
which is the focused architect,
because she hasn't realized her husband
has made her an awesome sandwich
and she's not paying any attention.
-We don't want to scare her.
-What are you doing? But I'm going
You can't work this much,
ladies and gents.
-You can't work this much.
-Do I get a bite or what?
You'll get this building done
like the champ you are,
but right now we're going to stop
working because it's Saturday.
Shall we go to the beach?
-Let's go.
-You and I?
-I love you so much.
-I love you too.
How are you?
I loved Oscar a lot too.
Remember when you and my mom
went to the Shanghai Tower?
I was 11 years old
and I stayed here with him.
He's the only man I've lived with.
And that was the year
I got my period.
I was so embarrassed to have
to tell him, but I had no other choice.
I'll always remember the scared look
on his face when I told him.
He showed up with a box of tampons
and waited outside the bathroom door.
He said, "Ada, is everything alright?
Are you sure you know how to use
one or should I look online?"
Typical Oscar.
I was there every day when he called
you at 1 am to say good morning.
And I don't know if he went to see
another woman when I was at school
or on weekends,
but I heard him talk
to you every day from my bed
and he adored you.
Thank you.
Were you scared?
-You stalled again.
-There's too much to remember.
It doesn't matter. Start the engine.
Put it into gear.
We'll pretend you're overtaking.
-You have to indicate.
And you have to look
in the rear view.
-That way!
-But we're going this way
Stop! Stop! Stop. You've run
over another cone, honey.
-Sure I have, there's no room to turn.
-How isn't there?
-We're in the countryside.
-You're putting me on edge.
-If it's so easy for you, you do it.
Alex Alex, slow down.
Don't look at me!
-What are you looking for?
-I saw it was Oscar's stuff
and I was looking for his ID.
I need it to effect
a transfer of powers.
I told him to look in there.
I thought Oscar was
fired five years ago.
He was working freelance for me.
We moved capital for some companies.
And have you been in love
with my daughter all this time?
Excuse me?
-I don't know what you
-I mean how you look at her.
Like a puppy lovesick
over his best friend's wife.
You're fantasizing and putting me
in a very awkward position.
-So, please
-When you came to use the pool,
you'd take a swim, sunbathe,
you'd bring her iced tea,
devotion in your eyes,
fascinated, in a way
you never looked at your wife.
-Well, you never looked at your wife.
He can look at who he wants.
Why are you bringing this up now?
Why did you never tell Alejandra?
Why didn't you tell her
the truth about Oscar?
Can't you even recognize
your own feelings?
Look what's left.
A corpse.
And a ruined woman.
Here's Oscar's ID.
Thank you.
Hi. Blanca, this is Conrado.
-What are you doing?
-Happy birthday.
-Don't film me.
-I have to film you.
-I'm half asleep.
-And I love that.
I want to remember this forever.
I've made you an amazing breakfast.
-I don't believe you.
-I did!
Can I open the door?
Mom, how many Valium
did you put in my tea?
One or two.
-What is it? Why are you here?
-I bumped into Katia at therapy.
I came for some papers
and to see you.
-Are you feeling better?
-Can we talk a minute
You need to see a proper therapist.
In fact, I booked an appointment
with Dr. Ferrer. Remember him?
Can we talk for a minute, please?
Just the girls.
I'm sorry I went to your therapy,
but we didn't know what to do.
I'm sorry I left you to it
all this time.
I abandoned you and you lost control,
but I promise I'm with you with any
crazy idea you have from now on.
Crazy ideas?
You pretend to be me to take all
of your shit out on Verónica
and you call my ideas crazy?
-You asked me to.
-I asked you to help me!
Not to make her feel how you do
for screwing your boss.
-What was your name?
I'm the Police Sergeant
in La Albufera.
What is that woman to you?
Your best friend?
Or the most special person in the world?
-Maybe she is, Mom. Maybe she is.
-What's going on with your self-esteem?
You're someone worthy,
intelligent, highly gifted.
-I'm not highly gifted, Mom.
-You are.
It came out in the results
of Dr. Ferrer's tests.
-Because you were sleeping with him.
-It's not true.
I think I'll come back,
I don't think this is the best time.
Fran. Nice to meet you.
Want to know why I was a difficult child
who spent all day studying in her room?
-Because I couldn't bear your pain.
The intense pain that you allowed
to extend throughout the house.
Your husband cheated on you,
but he was also my father
and you wouldn't stop until he was
ruined. You used me against him.
You made yourself out
to be a cool mom
who took her kid with her to every
event she went to with her friends.
I just wanted to go to the zoo.
I wanted to ride my bike
and be a normal kid,
but you wouldn't let me.
So I hid away and studied.
To not be the performing seal
at all the parties
who showed the world
how well divorced life suited you.
The first person
to ever let me feel anything
and be the person I really am
was Oscar.
So I'm asking you all
to stop judging my marriage
and feeling sorry for me
because we had an
awesome relationship.
Okay, sweetie.
You'll find your way.
Everyone thinks their life
is worse than it actually is.
At some point
we all want to be someone else.
Live in another city,
have different goals
I don't know.
I think the worst thing is to stay
and fight whatever comes.
He who perseveres, wins.
That's why I'm always here.
You want to win, huh?
-What do you want to win?
-Do you want to win the lottery?
-Stop! I'm ticklish.
-Did you say the lottery?
-You're so deep.
-You little jerk.
-I am, right?
I love it.
Martina isn't here. She's gone.
Come here. Come here.
Will she come back?
I don't know, honey.
She can do what she likes.
But aren't you girlfriends?
Why do you ask that?
She sleeps where Dad did.
Maybe we could be an all-girl family!
Maybe we could.
But what do you think if you and I use
our hands to stop us feeling sad?
Shall we draw something?
Great, go get your paints.
You'll see.
I didn't want to leave
without saying anything.
I know we live in a world
where everyone has an opinion
and tells you the best way
to live your life.
-But you're doing really well.
-I'm not so sure.
I've been drugged
for the last three years,
not behaving like what I am. A cop.
That's why when you showed me
all that evidence,
I wasn't capable of seeing it.
Seeing what?
Well, it's like you said.
Someone about to kill himself doesn't
buy tickets for The Rolling Stones.
And they wouldn't ask
their wife for a baby.
So I don't think Oscar
killed himself.
For now it's only a hunch,
I think I know where
to start looking.
Anyway, that's what I wanted
to tell you.
I need you to keep something
a few days.
I have to see someone
and can't take it.
I'm on my way.
Oscar, it's Vicent. Did you call?
I need you to come for your stuff.
I can't keep it anymore.
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