El Mantequilla (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

¿Cómo prefiere que le digan?

All characters, plots, situations
and stories in the show
are purely fictional.
Any resemblance to reality
is purely coincidental.
-[sirens sound]
-[officer] The suspect is inside.
[sirens continue]
Mr. Pedro Botello, you're under arrest
for obstruction of justice.
[Botello] What? Captain
[Robles] I'm sorry, Pedro.
The evidence shows you're guilty.
Justice must be served.
[Botello] You can't do this, Captain.
Thank you, my daughter.
I investigated and you were right.
We caught him red-handed.
Your intuition was right.
-Take him.
-Thank you, Dad.
[Botello] No, Captain. Please. Captain.
-Excuse me, Captain.
-[Botello] No. No.
[Botello] Captain.
-Take him.
[Botello grunting]
-[engine turns on]
-[Botello] Captain!
[sirens blaring]
Why did you turn Botello in?
Because he's also guilty.
That way the CIPD will relax.
Now they have someone.
give me Butter Man.
You don't have to do a thing.
I'll take care of it, you'll stay clean.
That's precisely my intention.
And you'll be in charge of it.
No, no, no. You're not understanding.
I can't clear anyone's name.
You know that.
But that lawyer, Manríquez, can.
Do I need to call him?
What are you talking about?
I want Manríquez
to make a statement to the press.
I want him to turn in the evidence
showing the deal with the fake Butter Man
was done by his lawyer at that time:
Mr. Botello.
That doesn't make any sense.
Botello's been arrested.
I don't want him arrested.
I want him in jail
to close this case already.
So, none of this shit
ever comes back on you.
You'll be in charge of that.
And I
And I'll tell you where Butter Man is.
Do we have a deal?
[Robles scoffs]
It's a deal.
I'll take care of it.
-[phone ringing]
-[phone continues ringing]
-[phone continues ringing]
-[Emiliano, on phone] Good afternoon.
-Pablo Garduño?
-Yes, that's me.
I'm Mr. Manríquez.
I'm Butter Man's lawyer.
I have an exclusive for you.
-With Butter Man?
-[laughs] No, even better.
With me.
Why's that better than Butter Man?
Because I know
the long list of people who benefited
from throwing that poor man in jail,
and making everyone believe
that he was Butter Man.
Let's say I have evidence.
I can tell you the whole truth.
Where can I see you?
I have a series of questions I'd like
No, no, wait. Hold on. Put that away.
You don't have a clue why I chose you
for the exclusive, do you?
Honestly, no.
Of all the journalists
who were at the press conference,
the only one
who didn't think my client's crazy,
and he is, is you.
-But I didn't publish anything.
But you think there's a new Butter Man,
which means that poor bastard in jail
isn't Butter Man,
and the true Butter Man is at large.
But what I think doesn't really matter.
My source matters. You're my source, sir.
-No need for "sir."
-Okay, then. You're my source.
You're a biased source, because you, sir,
you are the fake Butter Man's lawyer.
Exactly. Do you know
what I found out as a result?
The main guy in charge of locking up
Mr. Sánchez in jail for 20 years
is my predecessor.
Pedro Botello, the lawyer?
Here are all the payments Botello made
to Mr. Sánchez for 20 years.
-He bought him off?
-No, he was a scapegoat.
This shows that Butter Man isn't in jail.
Now, don't take it from me.
The papers say so.
This only proves
Renato Sánchez got paid for 20 years,
-not that Botello made the deposits.
Fear is a spur to action, kid.
There's a middleman here.
How can I confirm this information?
Seriously? Do you want me
to write the article too, dude?
Look alive, okay?
Your editor should pay you good money.
No one else has this.
Garduño, what do you want?
Did you forget something?
Sir, I'd like to speak with you.
-I'd like to show you something
-Get to the point.
I've got a bombshell.
What's it about?
I have evidence that
the old guy in jail isn't Butter Man.
And the name of the person who benefited
from keeping him there as a scapegoat.
It's the defense lawyer
for Margarita Escamilla,
Butter Man's accomplice.
And do you have verified sources
or will you invent more bullshit?
They're more than verified.
-They're valid and provable.
-Let's see.
No, sir, that'll cost more.
Oh, really? [laughs] What? Why?
-Because no one else has it.
That's journalism right there,
when it's respected: that no one has it.
I'm sure El Universal,
the Central newspaper,
El Capitalino or El Excelsior
would be willing
to pay me five times more for this piece.
Then go for it.
Do whatever the fuck you want.
Thank you.
I wanted to give you
the scoop out of loyalty,
-but if you're not interested
Why the hell
would a second-rate writer like you
know what loyalty means?
A piece of evidence.
See if it'll benefit you
if I do whatever the fuck I want.
Pedro Botello?
-The lawyer?
-The Butter Man's ex-lawyer.
-[snaps fingers]
-Get out.
How was your night, sir?
Are you going to waste time
by taking cheap shots at me?
Or will you interrogate me, Elenita?
Remember, I'm about to get out.
Don't get your hopes up, sir.
You've got years left in jail, not hours.
What a shame.
This investigation only made progress
because your daddy made it happen.
Just like he gave you this job.
Stop with the bullshit
and tell me who paid you.
Was it the true Butter Man?
No one paid me.
[scoffs, inhales deeply]
Even the newspaper disagrees.
The only person who benefited
from keeping the fake Butter Man
and his accomplice in jail
is you.
Are you going to close a case
based on what the newspaper says?
[Botello laughs]
I thought you inherited your dad's talent,
but now I get it: you can only see
what's handed to you on a silver platter.
No one's handed me anything.
I worked my way to where I am now.
Are you such a bad detective
that you can't see
who's benefiting from all this?
Why do you think
your dad turned me into the police?
Because you're guilty.
Who do you think got me
out of my cell in Acapulco?
Who's both powerful and interested
in getting just me out of jail?
I know it's hard
to acknowledge this about your dad
but I know that, deep down, you know it.
We're his pawns.
You dad used me, just like he's using you
to cover up his pile of shit.
Maybe so,
but you're on that side,
and I'm on this one.
And this piece just got you
all-expenses-paid lodging.
You're not getting out of here
on my watch, Mr. Botello.
Enjoy your stay. [sighs]
If you need anything,
let me know.
Come with me to see Camacho.
Oh, Elenita, it's already 9:00 p.m.
-Come with me.
[agent] Okay, then what?
Tell us what happened.
[agent 2] The third one told him:
"Honey, I invested your money
and tripled your earnings."
-You know who he chose?
-The one with the biggest boobs. [laughs]
Look who just fell from the sky.
Sir, I just want to discuss
the results I got
from my interrogation of Pedro Botello.
-[agents laugh]
-Elena, let me congratulate you.
You're proving that you're quite capable.
And congrats to Detective Benavides
for helping shape
one of our unit's biggest talents.
-Thanks, sir.
-[agents] Yes.
-Good job.
-[agent 2] Beto's a badass.
-[agent] Well done. For sure.
With this evidence,
Pedro Botello will be arraigned.
-Thanks to you.
-No, man.
[agent 2] So, let's head to La Tradicional
for some tall boys, yeah?
-Or what?
-[Camacho] No, no, no.
Tall boys? No way. Look here.
-This deserves a whiskey and coke.
-[agents cheer, laugh]
[Camacho] To celebrate these two.
Sir, an important piece is still missing.
Who gave Pedro Botello the money?
The Butter Man, who else?
But we haven't even proven if he exists.
Look, Elenita.
I'll give you one of
the most important lessons of your career.
Learn to enjoy your victories, hmm?
-And wipe that sad look off your face.
-Look how pretty you are when you smile.
-[agents laugh]
Congrats. Congrats to you.
-Cheers, partner.
-Cheers. Cheers.
[chatters, laughs]
[Emiliano] Robles.
[Robles] Didn't we let
our guard down already?
[Emiliano laughs]
I like this captain-to-captain talk.
-[clicks tongue]
-I already did my part.
I think it's time for you to do yours.
-What did you want?
[Robles] Oh, yeah.
You want me to tell you
where Butter Man is hiding.
You know what? I was thinking,
and that information is worth much more.
More than clearing your name
and crucifying Botello.
-I want what's mine.
Only you are in the position
to get it back to me.
[Emiliano] You don't say.
What does Robles want now?
I want my painting,
I want my treasure,
and I want all the money
stolen from Don Plutarco.
That money doesn't exist anymore, Robles.
So you see my good intentions,
I'll give you three days.
I want each item deposited
in a different place.
There are the instructions.
I'm putting you in charge of this,
because I trust in your abilities, okay?
If you think about it,
it's a sign of admiration.
[sighs] Son of a bitch.
[Margarita] Keep it up, yeah?
Keep it up
and I'll wash your trap with Tide, kid.
Yes, Mom. Sorry.
Do you know
what your dad's favorite thing was?
-Eating cocoles.
Mm-hmm, and drinking guava atole.
I'd go to the Royal bakery downtown
and buy him eight cocoles.
I'd put them here.
With his guava atole, of course.
Do you know who I am?
My sweetie, my Emiliano. My little one.
tell me again what happened
when Butter Man came back from the US.
He only liked drinking guava atole.
-Why didn't all three of us go?
-No, all three
No. He didn't like oatmeal flavor, or
-Or Just guava.
-Guava. Guava.
Yes, that's the one he liked.
But was it because they arrested you?
-That was it, right?
It was It's His
Is it oatmeal flavor?
-[sighs] Yes, Mom.
-I don't know when he left.
Mom, I'm going to take
this painting for a few days.
But I'll bring it back soon, okay?
I don't have Tide detergent.
You don't have what?
I'm going to take this painting,
but I'll bring it back soon, okay?
Are you okay?
Margarita, don't do this to me right now.
I have to go. Are you okay?
Take your medication.
And eat. You haven't eaten
a damned thing since I've been here.
And don't open the door for anyone.
Did you hear me?
[painting clanking]
[door opens, closes]
Son of a bitch.
Ow. [groans]
Put your hands up! Let's see them.
What's up, compadre?
What's wrong?
-Mockingbird, it's you.
-Oh, what a scare.
Well, yeah, who else would it be
at this freaking hour, compadre?
What are you doing here at this hour?
Well, I was at my house
taking a nap, compadre.
-But my heart's fucking broken.
I'm going on tour. I'll be gone a year.
I just bought that huge fucking house
and now I'm going on tour for a year.
-No, man. What?
I came. I don't want to go
without saying goodbye.
I came to take some tequila shots.
I just took one.
-I started, but you can give me another.
-Pour me a tequila?
-As many as you want.
Let's go, compadre.
-Nice pajamas.
-What were you doing here?
I was looking for you, like I was saying.
I thought I'd find you here.
-Do you walk around with that thing?
-No, man.
I only grab it if something comes up
[Pedro] But now your good luck
Has turned its back on you ♪
You failed, heart ♪
Don't bet again [laughs]
Life definitely made a mistake, compadre,
when it made me the singer.
-You're the talented one.
-[laughs] Compadre, not even my wife
has ever said such beautiful things to me.
I can't believe you're leaving.
This is how it goes, Pedro. I owe my fans.
And if the fans ask for a year-long tour,
then it's a year-long tour.
[mumbles] What will happen with the house?
[clicks tongue] I'll sell it.
To whom?
I have someone who's interested.
A young gal.
A blonde pop singer,
her hair's always messed up.
-That gal from Veracruz who's popular.
-[mutters] Yuri?
-Yes, her.
-No, compadre!
-What's wrong? What's wrong?
-No, man, that's not music.
-She just shrieks.
Well, yeah, but what can I do, Pedro?
She's the only one who's made an offer.
I need to sell this thing.
Well, shit. How much do you want for it?
[sucks teeth] How much would you give?
I don't know.
I don't have liquid cash right now.
-Forget it.
-No, no, no.
But if it means
I don't have to hear Yuri's shrieking,
what do you think of five?
-No, man. What the fuck?
-You want to rob me?
The shrieker's giving me seven and a half.
No deal.
-I can't be losing money.
-[mumbles, sighs]
Okay, six. All cash.
-Now. I've got it upstairs.
-Shh. [whispers] Shut up.
And I'll deposit one-half more.
Okay? Please.
Take my word, compadre. Trust me.
Deal, but only because it's you. Okay?
And only because I don't want
to hear that fucking shrieking. Damn.
Pour, pour.
-How are you? Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Can I help you put that up here?
-No, don't worry.
It's really heavy.
DIED APRIL 15, 1957
How's that?
[phone rings]
Desk of Pablo Garduño, how may I help you?
[informant] I have the information
you want about the new Butter Man.
Who's speaking?
Do you want the info
or should I call someone else?
One second.
[Elena] Sorry, but
-I'm not in the mood.
What's wrong?
-It doesn't add up.
We didn't find the painting
or the money that was supposedly stolen.
-From Botello.
Elena, aren't you going to drop it?
You caught the guilty party.
[sighs] Let's see.
If we presume that he's behind all this,
why did he end up with nothing, Tatiana?
Botello has nothing.
He only has a car. He rents his house.
The more I investigate him to try him
the more doubt I have.
You should listen to that idiot Camacho
and follow his advice.
Learn to enjoy your victories.
Look, I'm not saying
that Botello is innocent, Tatiana.
I'm saying there's someone else
behind him who's more powerful.
I don't know.
But I'm going to find out.
You're a badass.
I'll get some wine.
[door closes]
Where is Butter Man, Robles?
Are you in a hurry?
I thought we could
play some billiards, have some wine
I don't have time for your games, Robles.
I did my part, Cuahatémoc.
Do yours.
I have to make a confession.
[mumbles, laughs]
The truth is that I don't know
where Butter Man is hiding. [laughs]
But what I do know,
and what I think might interest you
is where Butter Man's son is.
Of course.
I'll never forget
the way that little brat cried and cried
when we arrested his mother.
Didn't anyone tell you
that men don't cry, asshole?
Let me go! I'm innocent! I'm a victim!
-Mom! Mom! Mom!
-[Margarita] Let go of me! Son!
-[officer] Shut up, boy.
-Let her go! Mom!
No! No! Mom!
No, let me go! Mom! Mom!
[muffled shouting]
Didn't anyone tell you that men don't cry?
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