El marginal (2016) s01e06 Episode Script

Capítulo 6

MIGUEL: The theory
is that they were
trying to settle scores.
They were both
killed at the same time.
Fernando Palacios
was stabbed to death
outside the door of
the nursing home where
his mother was staying.
He died in her arms.
Twenty blocks from there,
his wife Betina
was shot inside her home.
The family was about
to set out on a trip.
They might have
been running away.
Lucas Palacios, nephew
of the murdered couple,
is still missing.
The police are searching.
Does it hurt?
What's going on,
Do you want me to beat
the shit out of you again?
Sooner or later,
I'll get my revenge.
The hospital sent this.
It's for the drugs.
Come later and we'll
check your bandages.
Brother, welcome home.
You only have
seven lives.
Did you spit up
the bullet?
No. They left it
inside in the end.
They say it's not
worth taking it out.
You won't get past
the detectors anymore.
This idiot doesn't
believe me.
Tell him who
saved your life.
He says it was
like Bruce Willis.
It's true, he saved me.
See? I don't lie.
I saw that it
was a trap.
They would have
killed us all.
Coke makes you
grow balls.
It was all
a big fuckup,
But you have
your reward now.
Now you can come
to our cell block.
With you? No, I'm going
to the courtyard.
Are you dissing me?
Are we friends, or not?
I have to be with the guys.
You can manage the place
from the cell blocks.
No, I need to be here for
the business. Seriously.
Marito told me he needs
to speak with you now.
He doesn't
let me lie,
I have nothing to do
with what was decided.
Oh, no, is that true?
It's true.
I don't understand anything.
Things you guys decided.
Marito will tell you.
I have nothing
to do with it.
EMMA: Good morning.
Hi, good morning.
Sorry for invading
your territory.
I had to come
to this bathroom
because in ours,
the one for security guards,
there is no hot water.
No problem.
Is everything okay?
Yes, I'm having
a great time.
What's up?
No hot water in
your house either?
You're such a bitch.
My wife pulled
out the red card.
I wasn't going
to go to a hotel
or to my brother's,
so I came to the office.
What happened?
What did you do?
ANTIN: Nothing, stupid stuff.
At least before, we used
to enjoy making up.
Not anymore.
I was looking for you.
Any news?
Everything's good.
I have a good feeling,
let's play pool.
What's the separation
There is no number.
What do you mean,
no number?
I'll give you number 17,
the misfortune.
No, not the misfortune.
I have the opposite
going on.
So let's go to the lawsuits,
number 78, the prostitute.
ANTIN: Son of a bitch.
No, he doesn't stop.
Play 100 pesos on double zero.
I'm just about
done with you.
With this,
you owe me 370 pesos.
Come to my office
What are you doing?
What are you doing here?
Where are you coming from?
Last night, the guys
were having a party,
watching TV and
listening to loud music.
Big party.
I didn't want to
be the old jerk,
so I came to sleep here.
Where they screw
the slackers.
At least they screw.
How is it going at home?
Why are you
lying to me?
The guys told me
what you did last night.
What did they say?
You're doing
a transvestite.
Are you in love?
That's good. Enjoy.
Is your family visiting?
Yes, they come
all the time.
I received
the visitation records.
So you know.
Yes, I know.
I was asking to
see if you wanted
to tell me.
I didn't realize.
I'm not that clever.
What's going on?
It's been a while since
they've come to visit.
Are you calling them?
MAN: Yes.
But it's worse
outside than it is here.
EMMA: What do you mean?
My mom is a mess.
My brothers are wherever.
They left school,
they sell coke.
My mom found out
and told them to
stop messing around.
But the bastards won't do
anything about it.
Plus, they are in
trouble with the police.
My mom is
caught in the middle.
Do you have a father?
He died
when we were kids.
Does your mom have a job?
She cleans houses.
She can't make ends meet.
And now she's got the twins.
That's why
she doesn't come.
You can help them,
even from here.
Not just from
a financial
point of view,
but you can
support them, too.
Even if they can't come,
you can call
them on the phone.
Yes, I know.
You're an important
part of the family.
Let's see if I finish school
before my brothers.
You'll be
an example to follow.
I know people who work
in your neighborhood.
I'm going to speak
with them and see
if they can help.
You're so sweet.
Welcome. Again.
How are you?
How are you feeling?
EMMA: What are
the doctors saying?
MIGUEL: I'm going to be okay.
Just a bit of pain.
The bullet is
still encapsulated,
but it's nothing
more than that.
Have you spoken
with your lawyer?
My lawyer?
He's traveling. Why?
To see what he says.
I can let him know
they discharged you.
What's his name?
Fernando Palacios.
Fernando Palacios
Do you know
when he's back?
Maybe you could
speak with someone
from the legal
department until
he's back.
I don't get what
you are talking about.
They can give
you life, Pastor.
You killed
another inmate.
It's very serious.
Who did I kill?
What do you mean,
who? Morcilla.
Taking the blame for
Morcilla's death
is a sacrifice,
but you're doing me
a big favor.
You're an important
part of the gang.
You won it in
your own right.
For how you reacted
during this operation.
When you are part of a family,
you need to think
about all the members.
In this case,
it was about
covering me up.
They can't give me
more years,
I'm almost there.
I haven't got long
before I can get out.
Whereas you
fucked up big.
You blew people up.
I didn't check with you
because you were taken in.
We needed to make
a fast decision.
Do you get
we are grateful?
I do.
There will be
a big financial
No joke.
There will be money.
What a fuckup
with the chick.
We got done.
What's strange is that
I only gave out
directions to
the place
a few minutes
before I left.
Did you see
anything suspect?
Jesus was betrayed,
but they won't screw me.
The difference
is that I'll find out
who it was soon enough.
And when I do,
I'm going to grab him
and hang him by the balls.
Try not to do it here
so you don't have
to put another corpse
on Pastor's account.
A bit resentful,
No, Mario. All good.
MAN: The attorney doesn't
have any objection
against Somoza's file.
We understand that the inmate
went through a crisis
before getting released
and took his life.
ANTIN: Exactly.
But the escape of Gustavo Sosa
is difficult to believe.
Regarding Sosa, I passed
on the conduct issue
to the judge on duty.
I asked for
an administrative summary.
What about the fight
that killed one inmate
and left another wounded?
I wonder if you think
it's normal to find
weapons in a prison.
If it was normal,
we wouldn't have just
one wounded in two years.
We'd have 10 murders a day.
It was clearly
an isolated case.
Your attitude
is not helping.
You should pretend
you care about the audit.
I care about the audit,
I'm an honest official.
Of all the old
prison's employees,
I'm the one that best applies
the new
penitentiary techniques.
We are in
an overpopulated prison,
not with inmates.
Overpopulated with
painting masters,
therapists, social workers,
social therapists,
I'm from
the old generation.
When we didn't use to call
prisoners "inmates."
We used to hit
them with sticks.
We had to adapt
to the human rights,
tread carefully,
tap on the bottom.
The inmates go from
one workshop to another,
while I'm here
for 14 hours a day
trying to solve
the messes they create.
Let's call
a spade a spade.
It's not a school
or a kindergarten,
it's a human jail.
Here, we lock up
the worst of society.
The biggest sons of bitches.
They beat the shit
out of each other,
so sometimes
you run into problems.
What are you
doing here?
Weren't you in
the pricks'
cell block?
Who told you that?
I'm here.
Good here.
He's in the slum.
What's going on?
How are you doing?
Did you blame Morcilla?
There's nothing to tell.
Where did Morcilla find
the weapon he shot you with?
I don't know.
What happened
to my stuff?
Don't look at me.
They came to steal them.
I listened to you.
We're not some rats.
Here is your stuff.
We kept it for you.
And we cleaned
your room.
There was a lot
of tomato sauce.
Please leave a message
after the tone.
When you finish,
you can select
more options.
Fernando, it's me.
You must still
be traveling.
Don't come back.
The transfer was
a disaster.
Lunati fucked us up,
he tried to kill me.
This son of a bitch won't stop
until we're out of his way.
Be careful, Fernando.
Look after your family.
Be careful with Lucas.
Send me a message
so I can relax.
MARIO: When I was young,
I was unstoppable.
Not even when I
ended up in jail
for the first time
were they able to stop me.
The first thing
I did was sign up
for a carpentry workshop.
With your dad.
Your dad and I made
a motherfucking wardrobe.
We made a double back,
we got inside and we escaped.
I don't believe you.
Bet on it! My old man
told me. It's in my house.
Don't be a dick,
of course he did.
The party is over.
Everybody out.
I need a private meeting.
Let's go.
You, too.
I said private.
I have to go as well?
Move! I said private.
What the fuck do
you want, Lunati?
To see how life is, Borges.
Sometimes you think
you have it all figured out.
Then someone way
cleverer comes around
and leaves you empty-handed.
Why the fuck are
you calling me?
Aren't we even?
We might be.
I was looking at
photos of friends of yours
so as to keep a record
of the number of
people you fucked over.
Do you remember this one?
Does that ring a bell?
He's stiff in the ground.
The country house in Chascomus
was left in a mess.
You'll have to give good money
to whoever lent it to you.
What matters is that
Lunita is safe and sound.
With me.
How did you find out
about the transfer?
I know you're wondering.
I have a little bird
that keeps me informed.
It hovers over you.
Then I'll have to
take care of that.
Wait a minute,
I have a phone call.
It's me, Palacios.
Miguel, how are you?
I was talking with
a friend of yours.
Coincidences are
unbelievable, Marito.
You know that one.
If you walk down
the penitentiary,
you'll bump into him.
You should
listen to his voice.
I'm going to put
on the speakers.
Talk, Miguelito.
Never mind.
You'll bump into him.
That smile won't last long.
The only one who'll be
empty-handed is you.
Yes, I'm very scared.
I'm going to leave you now,
I need the bathroom.
I'm shitting myself.
Bye, Lunati.
How was your meeting
with Antin?
I told him about
the suspicions we have
regarding the proxy
and he went on and on
about the old-school way.
Did he say anything about
Sosa's supposed escape?
Nothing useful.
I think the same as you,
the guy left to commit a theft
and never came back.
Thank you.
If Sosa's wife is
as unwell as you say,
he's probably dead.
What about
the other case?
Today the wounded
inmate came back.
Pastor Pena.
But it's weird.
When we talked about
the death of
the other inmate,
he reacted as if
he didn't know.
Should we talk
about what matters?
Look at me, Emma.
Why aren't you
answering my messages?
Because we said
we wouldn't talk.
Only about work.
It's hard for me.
I miss you. A lot.
How are your kids?
You want to know
how my kids are?
Good. They're good.
Getting in trouble,
as always.
In school now.
(CHUCKLES) I'm glad.
If you are this
happy on your own
I can leave if you want.
DOCTOR: It's healing well.
I'm going to clean it anyway.
It might sting a bit.
Raise the volume, please.
REPORTER: One week after
the violent murder
of lawyer Fernando
Palacios and his wife,
the whereabouts of
little Lucas Palacios,
the couple's nephew,
are still a mystery.
The victims' family
is at the morgue to check
if the body found on the bank
of the Soldati River
could be the child.
What's the chick saying?
Move over.
What are you doing?
What's going on?
Why don't you fuck off?
I'm not in the mood.
I'm not just anyone,
I'm your savior.
You must love
telling the story.
Come on, smile.
What's your problem?
DIOS: Are you talking to me?
Yes, to you.
I'm going to
fuck you up.
Are you being a smartass?
Let's see what you've got.
Give it to him,
son of a bitch.
For fuck's sake, stop!
What's going on here?
It's not worth it,
Who isn't worth it?
I'm not worth it?
You're defending a guy
who's pissing me off,
playing his
You gang up
with these morons,
don't come to me later.
Go fuck yourself.
MAN: What a dick.
In the end,
Pastor turned out
to be an idiot.
He only just got here
and he already
thinks he is a star.
I think I made
a mistake with him.
I defended him
against everything,
but when it was
his turn, nothing.
Hmm. You risked your
life for him,
and now you expect
the same from him.
I saved his life,
that idiot was dead.
How do you think
he should pay you back?
I don't know. Being
More affectionate.
I didn't become a whore.
But if they come
to hit you
and I do nothing,
then I'm not
showing you affection.
Friends are the same
to me as chicks.
I like those who ignore me.
It's not the first
time you've expressed
doubts about Pastor.
The other day,
you said you saw him fight
and he looked like
he's had training.
Which made you doubt
what he said about
his family.
Do you know
what I'm thinking?
You are trying to
make me think about Pastor.
Are you trying to make
Pastor look like the bad guy?
You won't stop
until I say it.
You brought up
the subject
and you talked
about your trust.
You said you
felt betrayed.
What betrayal?
I didn't say that.
You're the one saying it.
You're talking bullshit.
It'd be convenient
for you if I thought
Pastor took
the details to Lunati.
The only one who knew
about that was you.
How much did they pay you,
son of a bitch?
See, now you're paranoid.
Now I'm paranoid?
Now I'm paranoid?
And I wasn't before?
No, yeah, this has
been getting really
complicated lately.
It's really
difficult to
understand you.
What you need to know
is that what is
said here, stays here.
Client confidentiality.
How is the wound?
All right.
I have bad news.
Your lawyer is
not traveling.
You couldn't reach him
because there's
been an incident.
He and his wife
were killed.
I heard the news.
Did you know him well?
MIGUEL: I did.
I'm very sorry.
What happened is awful.
They can't find the kid now.
He's not their son,
his name is Lucas.
They were only
looking after him.
We should contact
a defense attorney.
Unless you have
another lawyer
we could call.
I haven't thought
about it.
I understand.
We need to
think about it.
You can't turn up at
the hearing with a lawyer
who doesn't know you.
Excuse me.
Hello, Emma.
Did you talk
to Sosa's wife?
Yes, she's on her way.
Try to convince her
to file a complaint.
Give her my number.
That's what
I was planning to do.
I'll let you know later.
Emma, how about
I stop by your house
so we can talk?
I'm sorry.
To be honest,
I don't think
it's a good idea.
WOMAN: Hello.
I need to speak
with Mrs. Graciela.
She can't talk right now.
Who's speaking?
A family friend.
It's important,
I need to talk to her.
I'm Graciela's daughter.
Is it the press?
I'm not a journalist.
I'm Miguel Palacios,
Fernando's brother.
I just found out
what happened.
I need to know
where my son is.
You remembered your
son a little late,
don't you think?
I don't know what you
and your brother did
for this to happen.
Because of that
son of a bitch,
we lost Betina.
Your son is probably dead,
but if he isn't,
I'm going to pray
no one finds him.
Everything the Palacios
brothers touch
turns into shit.
MAN: Pastor.
Are you there? Eh?
Yes, what do you want?
Mario wants to talk to you.
Tell him I can't.
Say you couldn't
find me.
I don't like lying.
Tell him you found me
but I couldn't go.
I'm busy.
Yes, seriously.
Tell him whatever
you want.
I can't go now.
I can confirm
that your husband
isn't in any hospital.
In the prison,
there is no transfer
or illness report.
Did the director lie to me?
Could my husband be dead?
I don't know.
They say he escaped.
I've been talking
with the attorneys.
They want to help you.
If you want,
they need
a family member
to file a complaint
so things can move faster.
How much is that
going to cost me?
I've got no money.
Nothing. Don't worry.
I'm going to put you
in touch with them.
He left with
another woman.
He left with
another woman.
Do you think so?
Gustavo would
never do that to me.
It was my son's
birthday on Saturday.
If he had run away,
he would have done
anything to come.
I need to go
back to work.
But with your authorization,
I'm going to pass on
your contact details.
Gaston Belardo is
going to call you.
I trust him.
He's a good guy.
He'll do everything
to help you.
Anything else
I can help you with?
Do you need money?
No, don't worry.
If you have any
information that can
help the investigation,
please call me.
Don't talk about
this to anyone.
Not that your
husband is missing,
not that I have
See you.
I knitted this
for him.
Did you?
I knitted this.
Look who's here.
My cousin Adriana.
How are you?
Good work taking the blame
for Morcilla's death.
Good work.
That's how you do it.
Why did you want to see me?
I need to get out.
I need to fix something.
I can be back in 24 hours.
You have my word.
Leave the prison?
Did the bullet
affect your head?
Come out? Do you
think you can just
leave like that?
Tell me why you
need to leave.
I need to settle a score.
Do you have
to kill someone?
Where are you going?
Don't touch.
Leave the vitamins,
they are mine.
is that for me?
You won it by
closing my asshole.
In the end,
you can always
trust your blood.
Did you see?
Diosito knows.
Diosito knows.
If you had trusted me
from the beginning,
we would have
gotten the money back.
Grow up now, idiot.
Stop, don't kill
the messenger. Please.
What's going on?
Pastor says
he can't come.
He's busy.
Oh, all right.
He has an important
social life.
This is your friend.
My friend, my ass.
He's getting
too comfortable.
You open the door
for them,
you open your heart,
and that's how
they thank you.
I don't even trust
my own shadow now.
I only trust our blood.
Thank you.
MARIO: Messenger, my ass.
DIOS: Cunt, take this.
I told you to take it easy
with the vitamins. Spit it.
Have you evaluated
the risk
of coming to see me
with no middleman?
I don't want a middleman,
this is important.
I prefer talking
directly to you.
In the wild,
scavengers know intuitively
that the animal is
going to die before
the animal itself.
Before the lion,
they know the lion
is going to die.
They start hovering.
Just like hyenas,
they have that sense, too.
They wait patiently,
and when the lion dies,
they are
the first to attack
and have a feast.
The ones with a lot
of jail experience
can see that in
the penitentiary life,
the cycle repeats itself.
Lions, hyenas and
scavengers come and go.
What I means is,
I adore Borges,
but Borges' end of
cycle is right here.
I mean, I'll help you,
I'll let you get
out for 24 hours
so you can do
what you need to do,
and you help me initiate
Borges' end of cycle.
All right?
How are you, honey?
Here, fighting.
What about Diosito?
Hanging around.
How are you?
I have a stiff neck
that is driving me crazy.
Listen to me.
What the hell
happened with Lunati?
So much time wasted,
and in the end,
he fucks us over.
What I said on
the phone, Gladys.
I don't have any more news.
I don't know more.
Are you going to
leave it like that?
They're bullshitting you!
Stop. Stop telling me off.
Stop now.
Can't you see they
won't respect me here?
I'm going to punch you.
Give me pie.
That one here won't
reveal the secret
to preparing quince.
What are you saying?
I told you how to,
step by step.
It never works.
It never works.
I was with my
cousin in the bar
around the corner,
but she's not here yet.
What cousin? Adriana?
What was she
doing in the bar?
What do I know?
But Sosa is not here.
What did she
come here for?
What do you mean,
Sosa is not here?
Did you do something
to him?
Sosa is gone.
He left for business
and never came back.
Sometimes she stays
alone with the kids.
I'll give you
some cash for her
so she keeps quiet.
Tell her we'll make sure
she has all she needs,
as will her kids.
We'll take care of it.
I'm going to
ask you something.
Don't say anything.
Not you, not her.
You are both chatterboxes.
I want you to
keep this a secret.
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Yes, I heard you.
Pastor. Take this.
The Borges are
sending this to you.
So you can take
it into account.
That's the list of goods
that came in today.
Mario says it's
a form of payment.
A deposit for
your agreement.
Take the key to
the storage unit.
Let me know
if you need help.
I always used
to help Morcilla.
I can tell you who
pays straight away,
who is going to rip you off.
I don't need anything,
thank you.
What are you doing?
Not for you.
How are you? All good?
What's up?
Everything in order.
Taste it.
That's so good.
What are you
doing with that key?
It's the key for
the storage unit.
Look at you.
Don't get weird
like the fat one.
Give us a discount.
What are you doing?
He's a friend.
There you go.
When some gather
more than they need,
others receive less
than they deserve.
Share it.
CAESAR: What's your deal?
Have you got a fever?
All I'm asking is that
you be fair to everyone
in the courtyard.
Is this a trick?
What's there is mine.
It's going to rot.
So be it.
DIOS: Come on.
We are anxious to know.
Abstinence is killing us.
Here it is!
We need to do
some quality control.
Pass. Nothing special.
Good. This way you
won't take it all
and we can share it.
You want to take it all.
Your brother?
With the wife.
What's up?
There's a fight.
The guys from Sub-21
are sharing out our stuff.
The goods?
They must have blown up
the storage unit
like with Morcilla.
Fucking slum dogs.
I'll deal with that.
Let's talk
with Mario first.
He's busy,
didn't you hear?
Share it.
Share it, fool.
For you, take it.
Thank you.
Take it,
the courtyard is ours.
Don't come back.
What's going on?
Do you want
things for free?
What's up? The beating in
the bathroom wasn't enough?
I'm coming after you.
What are you doing?
Hit him, come on.
Come on, here.
Come on, get up.
Not with my family, cunt.
This prison is mine,
son of a bitch.
GUARD: On the ground.
GUARD: On the ground,
pieces of shit.
Down. Head down.
Let's go.
Son of a bitch.
GUARD: Head down, come on.
This prison is mine,
didn't you know?
Head down, Borges.
We need to get
him an ambulance.
Don't bust my balls.
I'll let you know.
He has a deep stab,
he's going to die
on us here.
What a shit day.
I haven't gotten
a cut like this
since the '90s.
What a shitty era.
As if we didn't
have enough
with the attorneys
who won't leave me alone.
You guys start
a massive fight,
with a fire no less.
It was a little flame,
nothing more.
Shut up, idiot.
What's up with you?
Are you old?
You can't even
control your own people?
I can't let anyone
steal my stuff.
The goods were Pena's,
he shared them out
with the guys
in the courtyard.
And you had to
get in the mess.
You jumped right in it.
And you forced me
to take drastic measures.
Can we talk alone?
Fine, whatever.
Stop fagging out on me.
Do you know
The Flintstones, Colombia?
I don't know them.
You didn't have it there?
Shout at me again in
front of my people,
and I'll make a mess
that won't leave you
with a single inmate alive.
Are you threatening me?
I'm threatening you.
Do you want me to
send that to you in
a handwritten letter?
Why don't you
suck my balls?
Why don't you put
yourself in my shoes?
I have enough on my plate.
In your place,
I wouldn't even bother.
My business is elsewhere.
Let's end with this,
Friends like always.
But if you want
to show off,
scream at your people.
Go on.
Come in.
Come in.
Sit down here.
I called you because
I wanted to clear up
a few things.
Tell me.
I've been working here
for a long time.
I've met all kinds
of inmates.
Guilty people,
innocent people.
People who
regret what they did,
people who don't.
I have a lot of
experience, even though
you underestimate me.
I don't.
Just looking at you,
I can tell you are
hiding something.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
The lawyer affair
is affecting you
more than it should.
What would be normal?
You have more information
than what you say.
I would like to remind
you that we have
a kid's life at stake.
If you know something,
say it.
I don't know what
you are talking about.
You used my computer.
I saw the history.
I saw you looked
for info about
the wife's relatives.
You can trust me.
Everything you say
will stay between us.
I promise.
I promise that
whatever you say
will stay between us.
I can help you.
Let's go, girls.
To the nurse's office.
Of course.
The VIP first
and then us.
MAN: Fuck it.
Suck my balls.
Stay here if you want.
All right,
we'll take it.
Leave us alone,
we are fine like this.
Leave, go.
As you wish.
Who do they
think we are?
I'm laughing at you.
Look how they charged.
I have nothing.
That was a big mess.
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm good.
You put your hands
on a few things.
I saw you grab
a few things.
No, but
I have nothing to
do with the guys.
I made the most
of the mess.
Of course.
I'm a nobody.
The kids are
involving me
less every time.
The courtyard now is a mess.
Before, with Morcilla,
we used to be better.
Now there is Pastor.
Yes, Pastor
is a good guy,
he's my friend.
But, in the end,
he's too distracted.
He's somewhere else.
I don't know
what's up with him.
The kids are not stupid.
They notice and
they take advantage.
I could collaborate
with Pastor for
whatever is missing.
For you, out of
respect for you
and your brother.
Are you switching
Why are you
busting my balls?
I'm only chatting.
Do you want
more trouble?
Do you want to go
back to the nurse?
Your mom will go
back to the nurse.
Do you want me
to kill you?
Stop. We were
only talking.
What's going on?
He's accusing me
of being a traitor
because I'm chatting.
He's whispering
with the Borges.
I talk to
the Borges, too.
But that guy is a whore.
Buy a bed and let
them rip your ass.
Stop, stop.
I can be
wherever I want.
What's up with you?
Stop attacking me.
Shut up.
Go back to the slum,
slum dog.
What do you see here?
The same thing
I see every day.
A piece of shit.
Full of people,
You can't live
like that.
No, I know.
But the Borges
took over everything.
The food,
the cigarettes.
We have no choice
but to put up with it.
Like today.
I've been a prisoner
many times.
Before, for a few coins,
you'd get a bed
and a mattress.
But these bastards
want nothing.
They want to keep everything.
It's the one
up there's fault.
And I'm not talking
about God.
What if I told you
that the one up there
has had enough
of the privileges?
I'm saying that
if you guys
get organized
and stop being
a bunch of idiots,
and give the message
that you're a real gang
that puts up with it
and has the whole
slum behind them,
you can end up
with the courtyard.
But you need
to be convincing.
That's why I gave you
the storage unit stuff
to share out.
You need to be clever.
Do you understand?
Who are you
to go to the courtyard
of my prison
and give goods to
the Sub-21 guys?
With no permission.
Who the fuck do
you think you are?
What are you
listening to? Get out.
I need to finish.
Get out,
you'll finish later.
They are all rebels
in here.
So, Pena.
Very good.
I don't know
if your intention was
to play Robin Hood,
but they ate it up.
That gives me
wiggle room.
Good, Pena.
Where's the cream
for my wife's
varicose vein?
Here it is.
She likes it
more than chocolate.
Borges must be nervous.
Be careful. If you put
too much pressure
on him, he can flip.
No, you're going to
keep him under control.
In this act, I'm making you
my shiny associate.
And I'm giving you
a positive answer
for the authorization
you asked me.
Do you know what
I'm talking about?
We need to arrange
the details, so that
you don't back out.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You asked me to
let you come out
of jail for a day.
I grant you
the authorization.
And I'll get you
what you need.
So you can get out
and kill whoever
you need to kill.
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