Eleita (2022) s01e06 Episode Script


Rio de Janeiro reaches its 30th day
without its governor.
Sources claim that ever since
she moved to the palace,
Fefê Pessoa
has locked herself in her room.
The President of the State Senate
has declared
that if Fefê fails to return
to work by tomorrow,
she's going to institute a case
to impeach the Governor.
The absence of any public servant
for more than 30 days
constitutes dereliction of duty.
I didn't invent the rules.
That's the pagan law.
We all agree this preacher
is kind of overstretching the law here.
Well, secluding herself
for over a month surely is dereliction.
"Netinho, the Brief."
The congressman
who held a seat for a short time.
That's how I'll be remembered.
Relax. No one will remember.
The First Lady texted me!
"I tried everything to get her out."
Sad face emoji.
I have an idea. How about a doppelgänger?
I found her exact look-alike on TikTok.
Giovanni, it's a random big nose.
Any bright ideas
to pull the Governor out of depression?
The mayor will hold a carnival in July,
and the police will set Leleco free.
Nothing works.
Big mistake to take this job
just because of a female governor.
Teresa, some people here need this job.
Some people here need a governor, Juan.
19 million people!
Stop it. For God's sake.
I won't go back to telemarketing.
The weight of being fatherless
Depression is serious!
It is. For fatherless people.
Madam Gov
Listen, the helicopter is back
from maintenance.
It's a great day.
What if we took it for a spin?
You won't believe it!
There are six Labrador puppies
at the fire station's kennel.
You can name them if you want to.
I almost forgot to tell you!
-I brought you
-Red velvets.
one of Odila's desserts. Your favorite!
You need to eat something, Fefê.
Listen to me, girl!
You are no longer a child. Wake up!
I'm not angry.
I'm just disappointed.
You have until tomorrow morning
to show up!
Hosana will get you suspended
for dereliction of duty!
There's no use
running away from reality, girl.
Reality always wins.
I used to take the bus
With anonymous people
I was just
I used to pay the energy bill
And wake up next to naked men
I was just
I had neither public funds or power
I just lived idly, without a purpose
How I miss being simply Fefê
Oh, how I wish I could be
Just another person among you again
A random, everyday person
Part of mere statistics in a chart
The most average version of myself
Happy again among the rabble
I used to take the bus
With anonymous people
I was just
-How do I leave? I never left my room.
-Where are you going?
-To the past.
-What party is this?
-I'll be ready quickly.
-You can't come.
Why is that?
Because where I'm headed, you don't exist.
What did I do?
It's not about you.
It never is.
I'm sleeping on the sofa.
Going to the kitchen to ensure you eat.
Listening to mental health podcasts.
And you're going out.
Want to forget about me?
I don't feel like having a DTR talk.
No, listen to me this time.
No, she'll listen to me.
-She'll listen to me.
-She'll listen to me!
-To me!
Sorry, man.
-No, I apologize!
-My bad.
Also, I'm not
Back then you only cared about me in bed
And now my bed is a sofa
Why do you call me First Lady
If I always come last?
Decorative, just like a TV
playing in a bar
I keep talking and no one hears me
I make a scene and no one bats an eye
Decorative, like an old magazine
In a waiting room
Appearances can be so deceiving
I only smile out of disappointment
What's your take on that?
Can you tell me my last name?
Really, what's my last name?
Answer me
Answer me
Decorative, just like a rug
In the living room
I'm like a doormat for you to trample on
I'm always eating your dirt
Decorative, just like the appendix
In digestion
Just like home heating in Maranhão
Just like a seat belt in a plane crash
Decorative, just like a rug
In the living room
I'm like
Open the door!
Ongoing intrusion alert!
Did he get past the guards?
No, he's coming from inside.
It's the Governor, Denílson!
My bad.
Is she hiding from a statue?
I stopped trying to understand politics.
Beta-15, roger that.
-Cancel dinner.
Oh, no!
The penguin has left the nest.
I'm starving for Japanese food.
Me too.
Let's bring her in.
Remember what happened last time
she was taken away under protest?
-She jumped off a vehicle.
-Exactly, Marlon.
Let's keep a distance,
so she doesn't notice us.
Shitty plan, Juan.
If it goes wrong, I'll buy dinner.
Is she really going to take the bus?
Attention, the penguin is on the move.
Here you go.
-You're 20 cents short.
-How expensive!
Blame it on the government.
-This is all I got, sir.
Hey, let her through.
Thank you so much.
We, the people,
must look after one another.
You think I'm part of the people?
Why? Are you a princess?
Are you going to the past, too?
How I wish!
I barely handle the present.
That makes two of us.
At least we're about to get rid
of this governor.
Yeah, everything has a bright side.
She's not fit for anything
near the palace.
She has to go!
All within the four corners
of the Constitution.
You're telling me there are only four?
I thought there were more.
How long until we get to the past, sir?
You destroyed my retirement pension!
Besides, you ordered the police
to beat up children and the elderly!
That person was the governor!
I'm just Fefê.
Just Fefê?
Just Fefê?
I'll never forget the face of the person
who destroyed my life!
You bitch!
Get off, you bitch! Motherfucker!
Go away!
The penguin has been rescued.
Is Your Majesty satisfied?
Can we return to the palace?
I'm going back to the past.
Just drop it. You are not going anywhere.
I'm doing fine in the present.
My past sucked.
The life of a telemarketer
Is always the same
Enduring scolding from customers
Day in, day out
I nearly lost my health
I nearly lost my mind
I forgot how to smile
I just flashed my teeth around
My buttocks grew square
As I recited a manual nonstop
Will you miss the chance
To sign up for our annual plan?
How would you rate
The friendliness of my service?
How could you ease my misery?
Girl, you're gonna listen to me good
No fucking way
I'm going back to telemarketing
I'm gonna sell a kidney
Honey, that's gonna turn to shit
Honey, that's gonna turn to shit
Honey, that's gonna turn to shit
Honey, that's gonna turn to shit
Let me check your pupils.
You're tripping on acid.
Nope. It wasn't enough to trip.
Wait. Come with me.
We'll give you a ride to the past.
-What is it?
-Pill of the Past.
-Put it under your tongue.
-Is that it?
It takes you there faster than a bus.
There you go.
Close your eyes and let it work its magic.
-See you yesterday.
-See you.
Can't sleep?
President Getúlio Vargas?
In a certain way, yes.
How did you get here?
Damn, I went too far back in time.
No. You're still in the same spot.
Is this not the past?
Not according to this tablet,
these sneakers
This cellphone.
God, I'm not feeling well.
It's a shame,
but it's impossible to turn back in time.
I'm kind of dizzy, you know?
There's no other way
than reaping what you sow.
Is there no other option?
Yes, there is one.
Forget about your stress
Don't fall into this depression nest
Spit it out!
Just die
Just perish
Nobody deserves to suffer
Watch out! Get down!
Leave this wretched life behind
And come join the most
Glorious club in history
Loosen your tie knot
Lose yourself
Put on your night robe
And just kill yourself
What if I fail?
I wonder if it will hurt
Take a breath
And take your aim
I believe in you
It sounds good, indeed
The instant painkiller
Quick and affordable
Pretty reasonable, I'd say
I just need to lose myself
I aim at that pipeline
That was the last straw
Time to hit the grave
It's only a step away
Make yourself famous
Lying on my bed
-And I kill myself
-And you kill yourself
Holy fucking shit!
Goddamn it!
Get down from there!
What do you think you're doing, Fefê?
I wanna redeem myself.
Come do it away from this balcony.
It's the only way.
That's what Getúlio said.
What are you even talking about?
Getúlio Vargas.
After he killed himself,
everyone forgot about the shit he did.
That's because he did
way more than that.
He gave us social security,
wage floor, paid vacation
That's why people let it pass.
I just fucked up.
Jumping off won't solve anything.
-I have no choice.
-Of course you do.
You're the fucking Governor!
You have plenty of options.
Name them!
First of all, get down.
Then we can discuss it, okay?
Come, Fefê.
Then I'll tell you.
Shall we?
What would you do in my place?
I don't know. Never thought of it.
In your place
I'd reform how we run the health system
I'd make medicine
Available at popular prices
I'd render building permits
Less bureaucratic to get
I'd invest a lot more
In police force training
I'd tackle unofficial means of transport
I'd soar taxes on private jets and yachts
I'd have organic and vegan food
On school lunch menus
I'd have
All intrastate highways resurfaced
How many things to sign
To sanction
To revoke
Just picture me in your place
It's sorted.
To appoint, to discharge
To audit, to collect
To regulate, to order
To enact, to enforce
To oversee, to represent
To hold this office in your place
Anyway, as I said
I've never thought of it.
Hey, you!
Is this how
a Chief of Staff should behave?
Press conference in 10.
Pull yourself together.
No matter what I do,
people will always remember me
as Governor.
For better or worse.
Let's hope it's for the better.
With that in mind,
I decided to start being a real governor.
On my way here,
it caught my attention that bus tickets
are getting more expensive,
but the buses are getting worse.
It doesn't add up, right?
I smell something fishy about it!
Come on. The bus fares need to be lowered.
Why did it get so awkward suddenly?
Don't you think it's expensive?
20.20 reais.
I decree that, as of today,
any bus ticket costs only 20 reais.
This will not end well.
What else do you want, guys?
Go ahead! This is your lucky day!
I'm stuck in here!
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