Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Demonic Provocation

[guttural growling]
[demonic shriek]
[Eli] Evil is on the rise.
Demons battle
to possess our souls,
and drag us one step
closer to Hell.
But now, there is a gathering
of spiritual warriors
who defend us against
the Devil's minions.
Go back to Hell!
Saint Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
[roar] - [Eli] They unite to
banish the demons in our midst.
These are the true stories
of theLegion of Exorcists.
The exorcists have
issued this warning.
Never speak the name
of any demon,
and never provoke them
with an insult or a challenge.
That's known as
a demonic provocation,
which is an invitation
to a fight.
Religious provocation is
something that we all do.
As exorcists, we go in,
and we begin prayer.
That is religious,
that's provoking
for the entity
to manifest itself.
Demonic provocation
can be very dangerous.
Especially if it's attempted
by the untrained.
'Cause that's exactly
what the demonic want.
I experienced this first-hand
when a good friend of mine,
Pastor Delgado
reached out to me,
fearing for the violence
exhibited by his son.
[glass smashing]
You're honestly going
to tell us that isn't you?
It's not!
Well, the Pearsons
sure think it is!
And frankly, we do too!
Mom-- - Don't plead to me.
Look at the video.
Screw you both.
Pastor Delgado pretty much
had seen everything
he needed to see,
to be pretty sure that it was his
son vandalizing neighbor's property.
This behavior was so unusual,
that Pastor Delgado started
to suspect that his son
was indeed suffering
from demonic oppression.
But, you know,
I just have this hunch feeling
that we're not dealing
with the demonic.
That we're dealing with
typical juvenile delinquency.
But then Pastor Delgado
came upon some further evidence.
[Delgado] Robert, let's go!
[knocking on door]
Service starts in half an hour.
Dear Lord
What are you doing
with these things?
[whispering] Oh, no
What the hell, Dad?
Stay out of my room!
What are you doing
with these things, Robert?
Nothing good can come from
this-- - I'm so over this house!
Finding occult items
in your child's room
is horrific for any parent.
But even more so when
that parent is a pastor.
Pastor Delgado and I
sat down and discussed
what the next move should be.
And we agreed that
I would come over
and have the whole family
do a renewal of baptismal rites,
which required me coming over
and washing everybody's
feet in holy water.
What this ceremony
of the renewal
of baptismal promises will do,
will get the whole
family to denounce
the works of Satan again,
and once again invite the Holy
Spirit back into their family.
So the time comes for me to, uh,
go over there and do this.
I have to admit that
I didn't get the typical
sense of the presence
of the demonic
when I arrived in the home.
But the home did
definitely feel off.
It's so nice to see you, Shawn.
- Laura, there, there.
When my friends call, I come running.
- [Laura] Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
- Hey, yeah.
It's okay.
For the sake of your son.
May the life-giving
power of the Holy Spirit
pass over this water
like a whirling wind.
Let's begin.
This is so stupid!
Well, if it makes you
feel any better, Robert,
this will only take
a few moments,
but it's a chance to reaffirm
our bond with God.
Why don't you have a seat?
Laura Delgado,
do you reject Satan,
all of his works,
and empty promises?
I do.
May He keep us faithful
to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Forever, and ever.
- Amen!
[Shawn] Lisa?
[muffled and distant]
Do you reject Satan,
all of his works
and empty promises?
[muffled and distant] I do.
It's cold.
It's time.
[Shawn] So I get to the son.
I'm a little hesitant,
because now this is the, uh,
one in the family
that my friend believes
has at the very least,
a strong attachment,
God forbid, perhaps possessed.
Robert Delgado.
Do you reject Satan,
all of his works
and empty promises?
I can cast out a demon.
But you can't cast out God.
At this point, understand I still
hadn't gotten any alarm bells,
or any odd feelings at all.
I'm ready, I think I'm ready
for what may happen when I submerge
his feet in the holy water.
[all screaming in horror]
[demonic growling]
Robert! Lisa!
Wait, wait!
I'll check on the kids!
Listen, the first thing
I have to do is make sure
that we're not dealing with a
devil possession here, okay?
I'm shocked.
The kids run out of the room.
I turn around,
and there's my friend,
Pastor Delgado in his chair,
convulsing as though
he's demonically possessed.
I was living in
a moment of chaos,
and now I wasn't sure if
the son was possessed,
and the father.
What exactly was going on here?
If it has a hold of your son,
and your husband,
we're in real danger.
I'll be right back.
Stay right here and pray.
[demonic growling]
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
It's me.
Hey! It's okay. It's okay.
What's wrong with my dad?
He's gonna be okay.
Are you both okay?
Stay here and keep
each other safe.
My friend led me to believe
that his child
might be possessed.
But it's him all along,
the pastor.
So there was just some
alternate deception here,
demonic deception here that I,
on a level I've never
experienced before.
[Shawn] Laura.
The kids are safe.
Where's your husband?
[sobbing] He
he went upstairs.
[ragged breathing]
[guttural growl]
[demonic shriek]
My God!
I honestly thought about
locking him in there,
getting the family together
and just leaving.
Getting some help
and coming back.
When I finally get on my knees
and I see my friend,
I start praying,
and it's at that moment
the demon starts fighting back.
[demonic growling]
[breathing heavily]
Pastor, if you can hear me,
pray with me!
Lord, have mercy!
Christ have mercy!
- [growling]
Lord have mercy!
Christ have mercy!
[demonic growling]
[loud snarling]
Stay back!
It's not safe!
- [banging on door]
[demonic growling]
[growling continues]
[Laura] What are you gonna do?
I came here to
baptize this family,
and that's what I'm gonna do.
[growling and banging]
Pastor Delgado!
- Do you reject Satan,
all of his works
and empty promises?
[growling] Never!
I speak only to
the servant of God
known as Pastor Delgado,
and no foul creature
that oppresses him!
[demonic yelling]
I cast you out
in the name of Christ!
I cast you out!
[demonic shrieking]
[pained yelling]
I need more holy water! Now!
- [demonic yelling]
- Stay back!
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
I cast you out!
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost!
I cast you out!
I love you!
[Shawn] I cast you out,
I cast you out!
- I cast you out!
In the name of Christ,
I cast you out!
[demonic screaming]
[heavy panting]
It was me.
Wasn't it?
Dad, I'm sorry!
I didn't know!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
[all crying]
We go downstairs.
They all hug and embrace.
It was nice to see the family
unit back together again,
so in love, so trusting
of one another, so happy.
A few days later, I sat down
with Pastor Delgado,
to have a heart-to-heart,
and try to figure out
how it could happen,
that he got possessed
by a demon,
and not even see it coming.
And it turns out
that he performed
a very difficult exorcism
on a young boy,
prior to this incident.
And in a moment of desperation,
he did the one thing that an
exorcist should never, ever do,
or ever say to a demon,
and that is, take me,
take me instead.
Power of Christ compels you!
In the name of God,
leave this boy!
- We beg you, please!
Leave this boy!
Leave him! Bring us
to true penance!
[demonic growl]
I am not going anywhere!
No! You coward!
You sick, demented creature!
- [groaning]
Leave this boy and take me!
Take me!
[panting heavily]
He asked the demon to come into him.
- Oh
Let go of this child,
and come into me.
Leave this boy and take me!
And it turns out,
once possessed,
it was actually my friend,
Pastor Delgado,
that was terrorizing
the neighborhood.
While religious provocation
is necessary to get
the demon to manifest,
you have to stick
to the script and stay strong.
Because if you don't,
the demon can trick you
and manipulate you
into doing things
that you shouldn't do.
We are so vulnerable.
So many clergy I run into
act like they're invincible.
I'm here to tell you I know
there's a wanted poster
on each and every one of us
hanging in Hell right now.
He verbally invited this demon
to come into him,
because he himself is a father.
[Long] Yes. - He was seeing
this child being tortured,
[Rita Strugala] That is it.
Yep. - so naturally,
that's what the demon
was counting on.
Absolutely, and makes you
wonder how far back did that go,
that it targeted him,
[Whittington] Exactly.
- knowing he was coming to help that child?
[Strugala] This was
for his benefit.
[Donnie Williams] And it doesn't
matter if you were pastor,
clergy, chaplain, bishop,
if you invite the demon in,
- [Strugala] Yes.
that demon's gonna come in.
- [Strugala] Yep.
[Williams] Bottom line is,
you can't fight demons in the flesh.
You have to fight them
in the spirit.
[Strugala] Absolutely.
- [Valdes] Exactly.
It has to be God,
- not your ego.
- Amen to that.
And that's what the issue is.
We're standing in this gap,
holding back things
from people that they don't
even know is coming for them.
After us, there is no
human backup.
If the demons succeed
in taking us out,
if we go, millions will suffer.
The demonic loves its tricks,
the way it played on the
emotions of Pastor Delgado,
it was an opening,
it took advantage,
and that's usually
how they work.
And I recently had
a very
similar experience
where it
involved provocation.
And it involved someone
I care very much for.
[whispering] Oh, you're cold.
[ominous whispering]
The Devil does not care whether
you believe in him or not.
Tormenting the souls
of nonbelievers
is a favorite game
of the demonic.
One that can have
disastrous consequences.
I do paranormal investigations,
I've done them for 35 years.
I've also done demonology,
study of demonology,
religious demonology.
And, uh, it's good
to have, you know,
experience in both.
Because you never know
when it's gonna be needed.
It's very frightening to know
that there are people
out there that have no idea
what's happening
behind the scenes.
[Strugala] Yes.
[Richard Valdes] Ignorance is
bliss, as they say.
But being blissfully ignorant
can be extremely dangerous
when it comes
to demonic encounters.
That's when mistakes are made
when, unknowingly,
people can provoke.
As a demonologist,
I'm often called in
to consult on cases,
in order to verify whether there's
ghosts that we're dealing with,
or something
of the demonic nature.
In this case, I was actually
called in to consult
on a hospital
that was known
for its hauntings.
Since it was such
a large location,
um, I determined it was best
that we all break up
into two groups.
My girlfriend Anna is very experienced
when it comes to investigations,
so I felt confident
in splitting us up
when it came to groups.
She took one group.
[woman] This used
to be the psych ward.
It was abandoned, so you're gonna
see a lot of activity in here.
Just be careful.
I took the other,
and we split up into the hospital
and investigated.
[woman] Rich, where are you?
[Valdes] We're in
the east wing, okay?
We're about to explore a series
of patient treatment rooms.
Remember, stay together.
If you hear something,
call it out.
[woman] Got it.
- Follow me.
[Valdes] This room over here,
number 60,
there's been tons of reports
of lots of paranormal activity.
Screams coming out
of this room day and night.
You're gonna pick up
a lot of activity.
[microphone buzzing]
[ominous whispering] Tonight.
[man] Guys, I got something.
Check this out.
[loud roaring]
- [yelps]
[Valdes] Everybody okay?
- The hell was that?
[Valdes] You okay?
- [man] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's check on the others.
[woman] God, I'm going
off the charts here, man.
[man] Come on, no way.
- [woman] That's not funny, man.
[man] Open the door, Rich.
Come on, Rich,
open the door, man.
[woman screams] - [Valdes]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Anna.
You okay?
- [breathing heavily]
So, we opened the door
to check and see,
and we even asked
the people down the hall,
which wasn't that far away,
I'd say about eight feet from where we were.
And then we said,
"Did you guys hear that?"
And they said,
"No, we didn't hear anything."
So it was an isolated incident.
Well, I had no idea that
in that time frame
that I was investigating
for about 25 minutes,
my girlfriend was actually
trying to call me.
At that time, she let me know
someone had actually
been attacked.
[Valdes] William.
- [breathing heavily]
[Valdes] Hey, buddy.
What happened?
[Valdes] You gonna be all right?
- [whispering] I think so.
Feel like something was
it was inside of me.
[Valdes] What was it?
William looked shaken, visibly.
And he was sweating,
cold sweats.
I was genuinely concerned
for his well-being.
But once I asked him
a few questions
and I knew that
he was not taken over
I felt it was safe
to start trying to find
out exactly what happened.
Did it attack you?
[voice shaking] It was huge.
Felt dangerous
[Valdes] Hey, buddy,
look at me. Look at me.
It was a demon that tried
to take you over.
Okay? It didn't.
You're gonna be all right.
[William] Okay.
- Okay?
[William] It's okay.
[Valdes] Do you know what the reading
Do you know what it was?
[man] What did the meter say?
Did it say above five
or six or something?
[faintly] What'd you get
on the reading?
[ominous whispering
on recording]
[voice on audio] Mine.
[indistinct whispering]
Tonight. Tonight.
[ominous whispering continues]
[woman screams]
[ominous whispering]
[Valdes] Hello?
You okay?
[Anna] What?
- What was it?
- [Valdes] What happened, baby?
And that's when she
started acting weird.
She started shaking,
and I was like,
"Are you okay?"
She told me what
she heard in the EVP.
Then that's when
she started feeling
really scared, jittery,
and out of control,
like she didn't know
what to do next.
And she said it felt like
she wasn't there anymore.
Anna, what happened?
[woman] Anna?
[man] Anna?
- [Valdes] Anna?
God damn idiots.
I'm gonna take her back
to the hotel room.
I'll let you guys know
if we need anything.
[Anna exhales] - [Valdes]
Let's get out of here.
[Valdes] Are you ready?
- [growling] I'm ready.
I'm ready.
Anna was obviously
being affected
by what she heard
in that recording.
And what people
won't seem to realize
is that demons can get to you
in many different
matters of ways,
including audio recordings.
A demon can get to you
through an audio recording
depending on what it says.
If it's part of, uh
some kind of spell,
which they can use
to their advantage.
Or they know the victim
has been weakened somehow.
That's how they get to you.
It's gonna be okay, Anna.
Don't talk to me again.
Let's get you inside.
[Anna growling]
[Valdes] It's okay.
Anna, it's gonna be okay.
- [grunts]
[straining and roaring]
[Valdes] Our Father, who art in
Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
I could tell she was in the
early stages of possession
because she had that
glazed look over her eyes.
Her speech had changed,
and you could tell,
physically, her,
it looked like her body
Kinda like when you're putting
a hand inside a glove
and you're trying
to fit your hand inside,
and you could tell
the spirit was trying
to fit itself inside her body.
I knew it was happening,
and I knew I had to act real
fast in order to help her.
I had no clergy available
at the time.
No exorcist should ever,
ever go in by themselves.
They should always have backup.
But I had no choice.
It was literally a battle
over her soul.
[breathing heavily]
It's gonna be okay.
- [laughing]
[Valdes] I command you,
- [growling]
to leave this
vessel immediately.
[Vasquez] By the power
of the Father
the Son,
and the Holy Spirit-- - [screaming]
Release this woman.
- [yelling]
[panting] Rich. Rich?
[crying] What's happening?
It's gonna be okay, Anna.
I'm so cold.
- It's gonna be okay, baby.
- Keep fighting. Keep fighting.
[growling and screaming]
When things like this happen,
you start worrying about
what can happen to her.
Is she gonna
be taken over completely?
Is she not gonna
have the strength,
the internal fortitude
to actually fight against
this foreign entity?
And, and I start questioning
what's gonna happen.
I knew we were dealing
with something
definitely evil.
[Anna gasping]
I sanctify this room
in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
[laughing maniacally]
I command you to release this soul.
- [screaming]
[Valdes] Release this woman!
I command you.
[screaming and growling]
How can I love someone
so pathetic?
How will I kill him?
Snap his neck. No!
[whispering] Be soulless.
You both will die.
You have no chance.
[sobbing] No.
Power of the Holy Spirit,
release this soul.
In name of Jesus,
I command you
to leave this woman.
You will not take this innocent.
[screaming] - You have
no claim over this body.
Leave now!
- Are you okay?
Is it over?
You're back, baby.
You're okay.
You're okay.
- [exhales]
When she finally came to,
literally snapped out of it.
There were people
knocking on the door,
they wanted to know
what was going on.
I opened the door
so I could let them in,
so they can check on her.
I never anointed the door,
because I wanted
whatever was in there
to get out.
We weren't expecting something
this severe to happen.
[woman] Hey, you're okay.
Just keep breathing, all right?
You're gonna be fine.
Oh, you're cold.
[ominous whispering]
- [growling]
When that demon appeared
at the doorway
I knew the battle
wasn't done yet.
It had been driven out of Anna,
but had yet to be sent to Hell.
- Back to Hell!
It was as if the demon was
trying to get back into Anna
I knew I had
to take more action,
just not only to protect Anna,
but the rest of the people.
I command you to part
from this place.
- I command you back to Hell.
- Begone.
[Valdes] In the name
of Jesus, back to Hell.
Back to Hell!
Back to Hell!
[breathing heavily]
Rich. Is it gone?
[Valdes] It's all good, baby.
It's gone.
It's gonna be okay.
Just, this release
came over her, this peace.
And I asked her,
"Do you remember
any of this at all?"
And she said,
"I remember bits and pieces.
But I was out most of the time.
I mean, you know,
like blackouts.
But I feel fine now."
And I was like, "Great.
That's what I wanted to hear."
The gentleman had been attacked,
later on informed me
that he had actually seen
the very same figures.
Knowing that Anna and William
had been attacked
by the very same demon
when Anna had finally
gotten her bearings back,
I asked Anna
if there was anything
unusual that happened
during her investigation
with her group.
And I found out
that one of the investigators
did something
that no investigator
should ever do.
[man] Whoa.
Do you guys feel that?
Feel what?
- [Dale scoffs] I don't feel anything.
[Dale] Little bored, maybe.
[man] It sounds like nails
are sliding along the walls.
[man] It's coming from,
like, right down there.
Dale! Behind you.
[Dale] Guys, there's nothing here.
Okay? It's just us.
Dale, come back to me.
Where, where is it at?
I don't see anything.
This isn't a joke,
come back right now!
[Dale] Come on,
big guy, let's go.
Take me on.
What are you waiting for?
- Dale!
This guy provoked
and challenged a demon.
[Valdes] That is the one rule
you never do.
You just went ahead
and poked a wasp's nest.
All it took was that ignorant
act of provocation
by that individual,
and it attacked
William and Anna.
Anna got the brunt
of it, unfortunately.
So, the reason I think
it picked Anna
was to get to me.
And that's usually
how demons attack.
They attack the people
that are closest to you.
The guy that was challenging,
did it ever
anything happen to him?
- No.
[Strugala] Wow.
The ignorance
that exists nowadays,
amongst so many people,
the cockiness that
exists nowadays,
the carelessness
that people take
with their actions,
they don't realize that
one demon that comes in brings in more.
- [Strugala] Yep.
And that's something a lot
of people don't understand.
[Strugala] Yep.
- They bring so much more with them.
Yep. - [Valdes] The one
thing this taught me was that
demonics just need an inch,
just a little crack
of that door, to get in.
That's all they need.
And once they're in
you're gonna be in
a whole world of hurt.
How do we become the target
of a demonic entity?
Exorcists know it's possible
to invite a demon in
without even knowing
you're doing it.
For the existing demonic
forces among us,
all we can do is be vigilant.
Please help me!
Demons wait patiently
for the ultimate checkmate.
[crying] No!
[Eli] The rise
of the Antichrist,
which will lead
to the final battle
between good and evil.
The Father, the Son,
the Holy Spirit!
[woman 1 screaming]
[woman 2 laughing]
Until then, the spiritual
warfare will continue.
And the legion of exorcists
will be here to defend us.
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