Emperor of Ocean Park (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Chapter Six

[MARIAH] Previously on
Emperor of Ocean Park
Uncle Jack?
Hello, Talcott.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I think that Janssen and Ziegler
may have killed Dad together.
Doesn't this sound like something
ex-spy, ex-CIA agent
Jack Ziegler would do?
Chasing down these conspiracy theories,
it's not gonna get you anywhere, babe.
Mr. Garland, Agent Whalen.
Are you ready for your interview?
Is there anything you think
we should know about your wife?
Who's sending you flowers at work?
What flowers?
Red roses.
Right now, I am worried about you.
And I'm worried about you
and who you really are.
There's some stuff missing.
- [SALLY] What stuff?
- [TAL] A scrapbook,
a couple of pawns from his chess set.
What scrapbook?
Remember it went missing
after the funeral?
- Where is it now?
- Addison asked me to burn it.
We need the arrangements,
Professor Garland.
I don't have them.
I don't even know
what the hell they are.
So what's in the package, then?
[OFFICER] We got a call
about suspicious activity.
Yeah, I was
You were what, sir?
I was attacked.
Are you sure about that, sir?
Have you been drinking tonight?
I'm not legally required
to answer that question.
And where'd you get your law degree?
Down the street.
- Hey, hey, hey!
[OFFICER] No sudden movements.
[TAL] Agh!
[WEAKLY] I haven't done anything wrong.
I haven't
I didn't do anything.
I haven't I haven't
done anything wrong.
Resisting arrest is a
secondary charge at best,
meaning he can't be
held on resisting alone.
And that's all that's here.
So either it's a typo or it's bullshit.
Your husband will be
out in a minute, ma'am.
You can have a seat.
I'll have this tossed in two seconds.
Your arresting officer won't
even have to show up to lie.
Where in the where
did he get those bruises?
- There was a figh
- Honey, I'm asking them.
Where in the hell did
he get those bruises?
Have a good day.
You'll be hearing from us again soon
very soon.
I got it.
We have to file a formal
complaint right away.
I know exactly which
judge to take this to.
Police brutality is like catnip to her.
Oh, and video do you think Karl has
security cameras outside?
I don't know.
What exactly happened, Tal?
Uh, these two guys
jumped me, and then
Two guys jumped you? What?
I I thought the
police did this to you.
[WINCES] They did,
mostly, after I got jumped.
At a chess club?
And what were you doing there anyway?
Playing chess.
Where were you all night?
At home, asleep with Bentley.
I came as soon as I got your message.
And he's with Lindy, in
case you want to accuse me
of child endangerment, too.
Thanks for bailing me out.
We're gonna make these fucking cops pay.
Trust me.
I got your back.
Oh, just leave it on the nightstand.
You have to put it on
the cuts right away,
or else it'll get infected.
I'm gonna take a shower,
and then I'll put it on when I get out.
I'm gonna work from home.
You don't need to do that.
I'm staying home.
And you should, too.
You need to rest.
I've already missed a ton
of class, faculty meetings.
Dean Wyatt wants to see
me as soon as I get in
Whatever's going on with you,
it's taking a toll on us,
on our family.
Whatever's going on with me
is taking a toll on our family?
You got beat up and
spent the night in jail.
Jack Ziegler, FBI interrogations,
not to mention some
sort of car explosion
that you're being all
secretive about for some reason.
Something is going on with you, honey.
Can't you see that?
Maybe so.
But something's going
on with you, too, Kimmer.
And maybe everything
you just mentioned got me
sounding like a crazy
person the other night.
But I know what I know.
Something's going on between
you and somebody else.
It's not what you think
No more fucking talking.
End it now.
Or end us.
[SPEAKER] Right.
Well, I can't think of
too much more to discuss.
We've covered caterers,
chair and table rentals,
temporary dance floor, florists, music.
Regarding music, I'm down
with the jazz orchestra
or whatever, but we also need a DJ,
'cause at a certain point
during the evening
how do I put this
my people are gonna want
to back that "azz" up.
- Talcott.
Live music and a DJ.
No problem.
You guys have a fantastic
property to host a wedding.
Now, the only red tape
I could see is the tent.
We might have to ask
the town for permission.
That shouldn't be a problem.
We know everyone on the board.
And we're still hoping to find a date
in summer or early fall, yes?
We should aim to move it up
as much as reasonably possible.
I see.
We can definitely expedite things.
Of course.
Okay, I have a couple more
questions for the bride-to-be.
Will she be joining us
again before I leave?
Come on.
Need me to call tech support?
I can't get the damn thing to work.
It hasn't been used in over a decade.
I doubt Abby was using the
fax machine function much.
Who still uses a fax machine anyway?
[LAUGH] Cook County courts.
Well, can it wait till we get back?
No, I have to file this brief
before the end of the day,
or else Andre's gonna get away with it.
God forbid he sells a
house you no longer live in
and gives you half the profit.
When we negotiated a settlement,
I assumed he'd act in good faith
and his own self-interest.
I didn't assume he'd be so spiteful.
- Spiteful?
- [KIMMER] Yeah, Tal.
Wake up.
I mean, why else would he sell
in a down market below asking?
He's trying to get back at me.
He must have heard we
were planning our wedding.
Well, right now, we're
not planning anything.
It's the judge and a very sick old lady
and an overpriced wedding planner.
Any chance you can touch
base before she leaves?
I spent the whole morning with her.
Trust me, I'd rather be
working on our wedding,
but I have to get this done.
Kimmer, we came all the
way up here for this.
- [THUD]
- Come on.
- Kimmer.
- [LOUDLY] What?
For my mom.
[MARIAH] All right.
[MARTIN] I wanted brownies.
[MARTINA] I wanted muffins.
Well, when you don't
tell Mommy what you want
for lunch until it's time for us to go,
you get whatever's in the cabinet.
[SECRETARY] Office of Sullivan Janssen.
How can I assist you?
Hi, this is Mariah
Denton. Hello again.
Hi. Um, I was calling
back for Sullivan Janssen.
I have yet to receive a call back.
[SECRETARY] Unfortunately,
Mr. Janssen is unavailable
Well, unfortunately,
this is an urgent matter,
so I need to speak with him immediately.
Okay, so let me clarify.
Fucking you was a mistake.
Biggest mistake of my life.
Is that clear enough?
He is a good man, and I can't
I won't do this to him anymore.
You gotta stop this.
It's over, okay?
It's over.
You said that already.
I-I'm not doing this anymore.
This is it.
Don't contact me again.
So this was just,
like, a random break-in,
or was it something more targeted?
Who would want to target you?
You know, if you could
just, uh, finish your report.
I I gotta file an insurance claim,
- get my kids to school.
Thank you.
You know who this is?
[JACK] How are you?
Been better.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Is there anything I can do for you?
No, and I assume that you didn't call me
just to make small talk.
I understand you've
been trying to get ahold
of a friend of mine.
Yeah, Sullivan Janssen.
He's a dangerous man.
Dangerous enough to kill my father?
Your father died of a heart attack.
My father ruled against him
in a very important case.
I've always been fond
of you, your tenacity.
Your father was, too.
Made you a great reporter.
But your family's safety
has to be your primary concern now.
Don't call Sullivan Janssen again.
No, no, I don't have
the drivers downloaded.
That's why I was transferred to you.
Well, you know how to get them then?
It's from 2003. I don't know.
No, there are actually a lot of places
that still require fax, I'm learning.
So, how do I
Yes, I will hold again.
- Hi there.
- Hi. Can I help you?
Yes, sir, we're your
3:00 p.m. appointment.
Appointment for?
I'm sorry, this is the
Garland residence, isn't it?
It is.
We're here to winterize the windows.
We did a consultation a few months back.
Mr. Garland set it up.
Is he available?
No, he stepped out to run some errands.
Care to give him a call?
I'm on hold for something
important; I can't
We're on a really tight
schedule here, sir.
If we don't get to you now,
it could be weeks or months.
Yeah. Yeah, come on in.
We'll start upstairs.
You hear that?
Don't worry. I got it.
- [MARIAH] Thanks, honey.
- [HOWARD] Uh-huh.
I made you coffee.
You feeling any better?
Got some sleep.
Beats a bench in a holding cell.
Yeah, man, you were knocked out.
- All wrapped up like a mummy.
- [MARIAH] Oh, oh.
I'll see you later.
Whoa, hey.
Right behind you.
[MAN] You won't have any more trouble.
The problem is taken care of.
What problem? Who is this?
What's up, T?
- Yo, your eye.
- Seriously, man?
You don't think I know I look like shit?
You're right, my bad. It's just
like, you need some ice or something?
We're way past ice, but thank you.
Shame what they did to you, man.
Small campus, news travels fast.
I take it Ben Crump
is already on the way?
What about Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson?
Oprah? Michelle Obama?
Dr. Umar Johnson?
Charlamagne Tha God? Farrakhan
Appreciate you, Desmond,
but I don't want to get into it.
I have to go explain to my boss
why I've missed so much time lately.
You got your ass beat
by some racist cops.
Just tell her that. White
ladies eat that shit up.
That's not why I missed faculty meetings
and all the class time.
I'm not gonna play the victim.
But you are the victim.
I'll talk to you later.
I offered you bereavement leave,
and you didn't take it.
Instead, you cancel classes
20 minutes before they begin.
You don't show up to
meetings or office hours.
It's the inconsistency
that's problematic.
Things have been complicated
with my father's passing,
and there's Kimmer's
potential nomination.
But I want to assure you both
that my head is back in the game.
You should consider taking
the rest of the semester off.
I thought leave was no longer an option
- this far into the semester.
- [DEAN LYNDA] It's not.
This would be an unpaid,
but necessary break.
[THEO] Losing a parent is
a huge life change, Talcott.
Perhaps you jumped back
into the water too quickly.
Many of the senior
faculty certainly think so.
You've been talking about me?
We've been concerned, Talcott.
Your father meant a great deal to me.
I taught him.
And I taught you, his son.
I feel a great responsibility
for your well-being.
Look, why don't you take
your favorite law texts
from your office, go home,
and bone up for next semester?
I'm fine, I promise.
[DEAN LYNDA] Pardon my directness here,
but you look terrible,
like you've been in a
barroom brawl or something.
I was assaulted by the police.
Oh, my God.
Was it racial?
Certainly feels racial, Dean Lynda.
I mean, how do you explain it?
This this doesn't
happen to a white guy.
This is all the more reason
to take the semester off.
But if
if you insist on continuing,
I need you to know that my patience
is going to be very short.
You're on thin ice, my friend.
Yes. Understood.
[HOWARD] Whoa. Still here, huh?
That's, like, what,
two days in a row now?
Are we still on this? I live here.
Oh, do you?
Okay, okay.
That's just caveman for "I miss you."
These are for you. Take them to work.
Oh, from the Portuguese pastry shop.
You must want something.
[SCOFFS] Can't I just buy
my hardworking, handsome husband
a little bit of sweetness?
You could, but no.
I want a date night.
Upstairs date night or
going out date night?
Both, if you play your cards right.
Hm. How about that Italian place
with the weird olives?
I had something else in mind.
Uh-oh. What?
The annual
American Conservation
and Stewardship Gala.
Are you serious?
No, that sounds boring. And expensive.
And boring.
I know it's not the sexiest date night.
Nothing about gala
screams sexy or date night.
[SIGHS] My dad would
give to them every year.
And while I don't care all
that deeply about the cause,
but lately, I've just been drawn
to things that connect me to my dad.
So I don't know, I just
thought it would be nice.
I get that.
Besides, I just imagine
you in a sharp suit,
me in that new black dress
that I modeled for you that time.
- Mm?
- The one that hugs every curve.
When is it again?
Got him.
You had me at black dress.
What does the Supreme
Court of Ohio's reversal
of the ruling on
Witmer v. Powell tell us
about bias in tort procedure?
You're late, Mr. Knowland.
Sorry, Professor.
I kinda assumed class
would be canceled again.
Well, I'm here. Have a seat.
So again, what does the ruling
on Witmer v. Powell tell us
about bias in tort procedure?
Okay, not all at once.
Professor Worth went over this
last class when she covered.
Actually, it was two classes ago.
We've already talked about this.
Professor Worth may have
covered this in some manner,
but but but let's go deeper.
In what way does Powell
establish the principle
that the tortfeasor is respon
Dude, what's up with
Professor Garland's eye?
That the tortfeasor is responsible
for damages caused to their victim,
regardless of any unknown
preexisting issues?
Mr. Knowland, perhaps you
care to share your thoughts.
Yeah, uh,
Witmer v. Powell did establish
the principle in question.
Yeah, I'm aware. We all are.
But I asked how.
I just got here.
Maybe you could go to somebody else.
No. No, no, we'll stay with you.
What about bias?
Does this case demonstrate
bias in tort procedure?
Yes. Of course.
It, uh
[TAL] Explain.
I'm not asking you what's
in your notes, Mr. Knowland,
or what you may have
gleaned from Professor Worth.
I'm asking you if you can
back up what you just said.
Well, uh,
I think that it's probable th
[MOCKINGLY] Well, uh,
you think, uh, what?
Can you back up what you said or not?
Not off the top of my head.
That's unfortunate, because as a student
at a top law school in the country,
you should be able to
come up with evidence
to support your claim
"off the top of your head."
Or is it your preference
that you just be able
to pull nonsense out
of your ass at will,
and we just let it slide?
I asked if it's your
preference, Mr. Knowland.
No. That's not my preference.
A word, Professor?
What's so urgent you had to haul me out
in front of my students?
Based on your descriptions,
we believe we've found
the men who attacked you.
Oh, w-well, that's good news.
I have a few follow-up questions.
Where were you last night?
I was home, recovering from the injuries
I sustained at the hands of my attackers
and at the hands of your officers.
Anyone able to verify that?
That I was home? My wife.
Can you tell me what's going on?
Uh, your attackers are dead murdered.
Bound and gagged with
their fingers cut off.
It's just a pretty big coincidence
that two men attack you
and then wind up dead.
Am I a suspect of some sort?
If so, I'll need to
have my lawyer present.
No, I just need you
to identify these men.
These are the guys, right?
Damn, that was fast.
Was the florist that bad?
[KIMMER] Your mom isn't feeling well.
[TAL] Mom, are you okay?
[CLAIRE] I just need to rest.
[TAL] I'll get you some water.
[CLAIRE] Thank you.
[KIMMER] Any luck?
Yeah, it works now.
[SIGHS] Thank God.
You're a lifesaver.
I was worried I wasn't
gonna be able to fight back.
Well, now you're armed with a
fully-functional fax machine,
so hopefully you can knock him
out quick and finally move on.
[OLIVER] Talcott.
What's that van across the street?
Probably the guys you hired.
Did you forget you had an appointment?
Would have been nice to have a heads-up.
[OLIVER] Did you let them in?
Yeah, is that a problem?
Where are they now?
[TAL] Upstairs.
Oliver, we should call someone.
No need to send for backup.
We just want to talk to Judge Garland.
[OLIVER] Get out of my house!
Wouldn't be in your house if you'd
agree to speak with my employer.
Want to excuse everyone else?
I want you the hell out
of my house right now!
This won't stop until we
come to a mutual agreement.
Get out.
Get out!
You know how to reach us.
What was all that?
A labor dispute.
- A labor dispute?
- We hired them,
but they didn't deliver as promised.
So they just showed up here
and talked their way in?
That's pretty aggressive.
[OLIVER] Indeed, it is.
Let me handle this.
Thank you.
So maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.
I just met the senior VP
of Schuster and Wholan.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
We're gonna have lunch next month.
Oh, that's nice, honey.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Sullivan Janssen?
Congratulations on your award.
Oh, thank you.
I have been studying
your business endeavors,
and I would just love the opportunity
to sit and pick your brain.
Well, you can always call the office
and see what we can set up.
Oh, you know what? I
actually did call your office
quite a few times, actually.
I'm Mariah Denton.
My maiden name is Garland.
My father was Judge Oliver Garland.
I'd love to sit and talk with you
about your relationship
with my dad and Jack Ziegler,
how it all intersected,
how it all ended.
Thanks again for coming out
and supporting this important cause.
[MAN] Tal!
Hey, Tal.
- Thought that was you.
- [TAL] Jerry.
Hey, Kimmer told me about the cops.
That's just terrible.
How are you holding up?
What are you doing here, man?
I use the law library sometimes.
I'm an alum here, too, remember?
Kimmer told you not to bother her.
And as far as I'm concerned,
that extends to me, too,
and my workplace, so leave.
- She told me what?
I'm not playing this
game with you, all right?
Leave, or I'm kicking your ass.
Your choice.
[CHUCKLES] What is this all about?
It's about you fucking my wife.
Get your hands off me!
Get off!
Get off me!
I don't know what the
fuck your problem is,
but I'm gay, you moron.
I'm not the one fucking your wife.
The young lovers are officially
on their way back to Chicago.
You okay, dear?
We should tell them.
Tell who what?
Tell the kids about the arrangements
and everything that led to them.
They deserve to know, Oliver.
They need to know for their own safety.
We agreed that we wouldn't
tell the children
That was before they started showing up
on our doorstep so frequently.
How long before they show up on Tal's
or Mariah's or Addison's?
They have to know what
could be coming for them.
What you're suggesting will
make the children complicit.
That's a tremendous amount
of legal jeopardy, Claire.
And what you're
suggesting could put them
in actual physical jeopardy.
We can shield them from that.
[SIGHS] We won't always be here.
I won't always be here.
Must you always be so pessimistic?
It's not pessimistic.
- It's
- Claire.
You've got to acknowledge the truth.
The writing on the wall and
I forbid it.
And I'll have no more
of this conversation.
Sure, honey.
Whatever you say.
Call me a fool ♪
'Cause I'm still not over you ♪
Guess I'm lost ♪
Maybe this time ♪
It's true ♪
It's good to have you back, Mariah.
Hey, I'm not criticizing.
- [HOWARD] I believe you
if you tell me that you
need to spend more time
at your folks' house to tie things up.
- I'm just saying.
- [MARIAH] Mm-hmm.
[HOWARD] Today was wonderful.
You know, we get to hang out.
- [MARIAH] Yeah.
- No kids, no work.
Makes me happy.
Um, I'm gonna go get a glass of wine.
Would you like one?
- Uh, sure, yeah.
- Okay.
[MAN] Mariah.
I thought that was you.
Justice Wainwright.
[WAINWRIGHT] I wouldn't have clocked you
as a fan of hunters and conservation.
Oh, well, as you know, my father was.
It's a relatively new interest for me.
I've been a member for decades.
I go to enough luncheons
and galas as it is,
but I hardly miss this one.
Say, whatever happened with that issue
with your dad's
arrangements and the letter?
It's been a roller coaster.
Yeah, um, if I'm being honest,
it's the reason that I'm here.
Yeah, chasing down a lead.
Someone here?
Yeah, actually, could I give you a call?
I'd love to catch you up on everything
that we've been discovering.
- Well, I look forward to it.
- Okay.
I'm gonna pull the car around,
and I'll be back up for you.
[CLAIRE] Take your time.
I need a few minutes.
- [TAL] Hello?
- Tal, I need to talk
with you and your siblings
as soon as possible.
- No.
No, no, in person. It's important.
[HOWARD] Here we oh.
Uh, excuse me, sir, I think
you're in our spot here.
Oh, will you look at that?
Here's me. Sorry about that.
[HOWARD] No problem.
So, Howard, how was
your drive into the city?
Uh, it was, uh, fine.
Have we met? I'm Howard Denton.
Yeah, bud, I just read
your place card, remember?
You guys on a little date?
Kids all back with the sitter?
- [HOWARD] Yeah.
- Yeah, we just decided
to get out of the house for a change.
You got five, right?
What was your name?
Malcolm's the oldest?
Soccer star?
- How did
- Those practice fields
at the Ellery School, though,
kinda off by themselves?
As a parent,
I'd be worried.
My natural inclination is
always to fear the worst.
Anything can happen to your children
Nothing that Szuza could do,
nothing that school security could do,
nothing that you could do.
All right.
Wrong seat again.
You two have a good time.
Be safe out there.
Excuse me.
We need to talk.
What the fuck was that all about?
I don't know.
Don't lie to me.
I think the guy was
one of Janssen's goons.
Sullivan Janssen? The time-share guy?
What does he have to do with anything?
I think he might have something
to do with my father's death.
And he's being honored here today.
Oh, my God. God. Oh, my God.
I am so stupid.
For a second, I really
believed that you
you wanted to have some quality time
- with your husband.
- I do
"Let's have a date night, Howie.
I'll wear a nice
dress. It'll be so fun."
- Yeah fucking right.
- Hey
- No, I don't
- Please keep it down.
I don't give a shit, Mariah!
I don't care!
We are done with this shit.
I'm pulling the plug. It's over.
You can't ground me. I'm not your child.
That asshole threatened our children.
Do you understand? It is over.
No more research.
No more investigative field trips.
No more buying lawyers
for random drug dealers.
His name is Sharik.
Well, okay, great. Good luck to Sharik,
'cause I'm pulling his retainer.
Howard, you can't.
I can. And I will.
I'm protecting our family, Mariah.
You need to try it sometime.
[TAL] I know what it
looked like out there.
I've decided it's best
if you take the remainder
of the semester off,
effective immediately.
You humiliated a student in
front of the entire class.
And a homicide detective
showed up at the classroom
and dragged you out of your class?
- I wasn't dragged out
- Take the time off.
Consider it an involuntary sabbatical.
"Taking Bentley to stay at Lindy's."
[KIMMER] What?
What do you mean "what?"
I got your note. What's going on?
[KIMMER] You attacked my boss in public.
You think he wouldn't call me?
I told you there was
nothing going on with him.
[SIGHS] Bentley can't
be around all this.
- He's my son.
- [KIMMER] It's for his safety.
You think I'm a danger to
our son, really, Kimmer?
[KIMMER] I don't know what you are.
That's the issue.
When all this shit cools down
and you get ahold of yourself,
we can talk, but until
then, this is best.
[TAL] 'Bout to be the
freshest groomsmen in the game.
Thanks for coming through.
And do not let Ethan
or Jamund try to move
the bachelor party to Vegas, okay?
You know them fools
got a gambling problem.
How's Kimmer? She getting cold feet yet?
I wouldn't really
describe it as cold feet.
How would you describe it then?
[TAL] I don't wanna burden you
with my relationship issues.
I'm your father.
I just don't know if this
will ever be enough for her.
If what will be enough for her?
[TAL] Everything. Our life together.
Our home. Me.
Sounds like you need to do more then.
Right. Sure.
Why do I feel like it
always falls back on me?
You're a man, soon to be a husband,
and that's part of the deal.
You got a good woman, Talcott.
Maybe she's not perfect
Far from perfect.
None of us are.
You don't want to feel that
pain of regret in your gut,
wonder if you did all that
you could to make her happy,
when she was still by your side.
'Cause once you have that feeling,
once you lose her,
it's already too late.
You know, Dad, if the doctors are right,
we still have a lot of
time left with Mom
Anyway, I'm glad we were
able to have this fitting
before I left on my trip.
- What trip?
- New York, next week.
Hannity, O'Reilly, in studio.
S-so you're not gonna
be at the family meeting?
Family meeting?
The one Mom called about.
Said you needed to talk to all us kids.
Something important we
have to hear together.
Yes, she did mention that.
Must have slipped my mind.
Yeah, well, that's the
only thing slipping.
You are sharp.
[GASPS] Wow, you look like shit.
Good to see you, too.
What's on your shirt?
Well, Kimmer's really
taking care of you, I see.
Kimmer's gone.
Like, business trip gone
or gone-gone?
Are you okay?
Not really, no.
So now isn't a good time
to ask for your help?
I tried to call earlier,
but you ignored my calls.
One call.
I'm sorry, I was a little preoccupied,
keeping my family from falling apart,
which I failed at, obviously.
Howard wants me to stop,
so I need you to keep going on
the investigation without me.
Hard pass.
Nearly lost my life chasing
the judge's arrangements.
That is exactly why we need
to keep going. Don't you see?
We are so close, Tal, I know it.
Are you listening? My wife left me.
My m-my career is on life support.
I never should have
let myself get involved
chasing your stupid conspiracies.
Truth. I am chasing the truth.
Well, the truth is that you
are self-centered and selfish.
Oh, my God.
You always do this.
You leave me to carry the burden.
You mean the burden you
came over here to dump on me?
You're such a little bitch, Tal
always have been, a weak-ass bitch.
Kimmer probably went to
find a dude with some balls,
and I don't blame her.
Dad should have never
written you that letter.
He should have known you'd just
disappoint him, like always.
I couldn't have disappointed him as much
as you did if I tried.
What the fuck does that mean?
It means when life gave you
a little bit of adversity,
you gave up.
You glommed onto some rich white dude
and found yourself a mansion to hide in.
You're not only a failure,
but you're also a coward.
Fuck you, Tal.
Yeah, fuck you, too, Mariah.
Don't call me. Don't text me.
Leave me the fuck alone!
You got it, asshole!
Who is this?
Yes, this is he. W-what's
this in regards to?
I'm her cousin.
[SALLY] I'd gone out the night
before, had a lot to drink
a lot.
I must have blacked out,
'cause I woke up on my couch
the next morning and couldn't
remember how I got there.
I got ready for work,
but when I went outside,
my car wasn't there.
That's the thing about rock bottom.
The goalposts keep moving.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know anything
was going on with you.
You didn't see me drinking like a fish?
I'm I'm just
I'm just glad you're here now.
No one else has come to visit.
I don't even think
they noticed I was gone.
I was surprised you named
me as your family contact.
You're the most responsible
person I know, so yeah.
I don't have many
people left in my life.
I don't have any unbreakable
sibling bonds like you
and Addison and Mariah.
How are you holding up?
Alcohol withdrawal is a bitch.
[SIGHS] But it's been two weeks now,
and I'm feeling a bit better.
It's easier from here, they tell me.
- I'm proud of you.
For what?
Being a drunk? [CHUCKLING]
For getting help.
There's something I wanted to tell you.
I didn't destroy the judge's scrapbook.
I figured if Addison wanted
me to get rid of it that bad,
it must be important enough to keep.
Where is it?
In the trunk of my car.
If you want it, you can go get it.
Thank you.
Excuse me, um,
I have a reservation
for the private room.
Name's Claire Garland.
I'm a little late.
Not a problem, Mrs. Garland.
Your party has already
arrived, so if you'll follow me.
Thank you.
I told the kids that
you'd have to reschedule.
Have a seat, dear.
We should talk.
You have anything to say for yourself?
I am a grown woman, Oliver.
Please adjust your tone.
I thought we said we wouldn't tell
the kids about the arrangements.
No, you said that.
You lied?
You go behind my back?
What else was I to do?
You were being stubborn, and
I don't have time to waste.
If you're referring to
your health, we do have time.
You heard what the doctor said.
We still have the option
For another round of useless chemo.
I only did the last
round for your benefit,
and I can't go through that again.
It's over.
I see you're just set on
making everything so morbid.
Because it is morbid.
It's the definition of morbid.
I'm dying, Oliver.
I'll be lucky if I make
it to Tal's wedding.
Don't go.
Don't go.
I'm not gone yet.
That's the good news.
Just because it's nearing
the end doesn't mean
it has to be sad the entire way.
I want to go knowing
my children won't be
in the dark forever.
Doesn't have to be now
if you're not ready.
But promise me you'll tell them.
Before it's too late, you
will tell them the truth.
[ATTENDANT] You sure
you got the right lot?
Yeah, I'm sure.
I mean, I think so.
I gotta head back, bro.
Oh, just a few more
minutes. Come on, man.
You haven't had a cousin
steal some shit from you
and then end up going to rehab?
A few more minutes.
That's it, all right?
Hey, hey, hey, that's it.
Damn, Sally.
[ATTENDANT] Find what you need?
I promise.
I do.
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