En Fin (2024) s01e06 Episode Script


That thing up there
is going to destroy us anyway.
So, what's the point?
It's absurd.
Make the most of your time.
Come on, make the most of it!
Come on!
Wanna get our names tattooed?
It's okay, it's okay!
Well, this doesn't change anything.
It was a very unpleasant experience,
it's true.
But they were going to die
anyway, right?
And so are we.
You were coming to embrace me, Red Planet
To collide with me, to wipe out everything
I was promised we were going to die
And only then did I start to live
But then you passed us by
And now I feel like something's missing
Like a sneeze that never comes, Red Planet
A deserted party, a weak cocktail
Like waking up from a nap
Life goes on, but our spirit's dead
Please come back
And put an end to my future
Today it's too hard
To think about tomorrow
Let's do it together
Let me help you
Let's destroy it all
Let me help you!
Come and enjoy every last second
Come and celebrate the end of the world
Let's do it together
Let me help you
Let's destroy it all
Let me help you!
Damn it.
-Shall I come with you?
No, that's not necessary.
He doesn't deserve you.
He's a piece of shit.
Noa left because of him.
-Want me to punch him?
-No. Please.
I want you to leave.
Julia, I'm crazy about you.
Okay, well
-But right now I'm
-Baby, listen to me.
I'm not a kid anymore, got it?
I've experienced many things and fucked
a lot of chicks. But with you it was
Baby, you and I made love.
You know what I mean?
I want something serious with you, Julia.
Yes. Really serious.
I can come live at your place.
-Right, it's just that right now I'm not
-Let our bodies speak for us.
-No! That's enough, you brat.
What happened last night
is because I was drunk.
In fact, I'm regretting it a lot.
It won't happen again.
So enough of this nonsense
and please just go
Fine, I'll respect you.
-The password, Tomás!
-This guy, seriously.
Look after her for me.
You'd better.
Who was that?
What's wrong?
Tomás, get down here!
This was next to her cell phone.
Do you think she might be there?
Her friends don't know anything.
We don't have many options, so
Well, it's not much,
but at least it's something.
if she doesn't show up, I'll kill you.
You're kidding me.
This is their sect's headquarters?
Did you miss it?
Do you see anything?
I think it's her.
What do you mean, "I think"?
At the pool. The one with her back to us.
Do you see her?
Is it her or not?
Don't pressure me.
Great. We don't recognize
our own daughter. Perfect.
I know exactly
what my daughter's back looks like.
Do you?
Let me see.
Let's see.
It's just that those shoulders seem
I'm short-sighted, okay? Sorry.
If we could just
catch a glimpse of her face.
To see what you did to her nose?
We won't see anything from here.
We have an all-day breakfast buffet.
All-you-can-eat churros.
We'll give you a room.
One with a view,
just because it's you, Tominator!
-You're the best, Tomás! Legend!
Any questions?
-Yes, is dinner
-Have you seen a girl called Noa?
She has red highlights, about this tall.
What working group is she in?
There are many of us here
and we're organized into groups.
Yes, The Head will assign you one too.
The Head, what's that?
The Head is in charge.
The one who taught us that the apocalypse
is not only necessary, but possible.
-Tomás, you're my fucking idol!
Okay, we're in. Let's do this!
The apocalypse won't happen by itself.
We must help, right?
Exactly! That's what I always tell Cati.
We've got it all.
From a smokers' group
to an amateur theater class.
Yes, they're currently staging
Deep Impact.
Last month they staged Independence Day.
What are they doing? Yoga?
No, it's The Call.
A ritual we do ever day
to convince the planet to fall down on us.
Shall we continue? Let's go.
Tomás, can you please just focus?
Excuse me, I am focused.
We're meant to be undercover, right?
You asked about laundry service.
I'm feeling emotional, Julia.
Seeing the hotel like this makes me sick.
But you hated this place.
You would come to me every night
whining about everything
you didn't dare say to your boss.
And what do you mean by undercover?
Everybody here knows you.
"What's up, Tominator, legend, champ?"
There's Noa.
-It's her.
Is your name Noa?
What a fucking coincidence.
Up for a game of dodgeball?
We didn't really plan to
Come on, six players per team.
These guys here are one team.
Take this.
We won't be needing those. Let's go, guys!
Who are we?
Who are we?
Team Meat! And you, and you!
Who are we? Gladiators! Team!
Come on, let's do this!
You can do it! You got this!
Shout it loud and proud. Gladiators!
Yellow Team. Who are we?
You have to shout it.
This is psychological warfare.
-We're one player short.
-I'll play.
-What the fuck are you doing here?
-We came for you, Noa.
Not you, sweetheart.
How's the nose?
Let's go home, honey.
No fucking way.
Take that! Yeah!
Take that!
Hey! That was intentional.
Neck-up or waist-down is off limits.
Come on! Destroy her!
Do you want to hit me back?
What are you doing?
Kill that bitch! Go on!
If it'll make you feel better, do it.
Go on, honey. Give it all you've got.
Get it all out.
And what about you?
What about me?
You have nothing to say?
That I love you so much.
Can we just play, please?
Do not touch her and give her some air.
The nose is the only passage
that reaches the brain.
Noa, honey
I don't want to have anything to do
with you two. Why are you here?
-Are you back together?
-No. Of course not.
Well, that's a nuanced "of course not."
We're a family, okay?
You don't abandon your family.
That's true.
Or fuck your daughter's best friend.
Excuse me? I didn't fuck your
Wait, who's your best friend?
No, but
No, no, no
So she didn't leave because of me.
Not just because of you.
But, mainly because
I didn't know she knew.
The Head wants to see you. Come on!
Excuse me.
Good afternoon.
That was The Head, right?
No. That's Luis, the treasurer.
She's inside.
Go on.
I'm so happy to see you, Tomás.
If it's too hot, just say so.
What are you doing here?
You want me to But
Come on.
Calm down, it's only water.
I've been waiting for you.
I knew you'd come.
I didn't even know
you were the leader of this sect.
It's only natural.
What's only natural?
That we miss those days.
Those strange days.
No, no, wait
The only thing I miss
is my life before all this.
But you can't go back to that life, Tomás,
because you're not the same as before.
Sorry, I booked the jacuzzi for 5:30.
No problem. Do you mind if we stay?
No. Not at all.
You know the planet
isn't going anywhere, right?
It's going to be there forever.
They say Earth's gravitational pull
won't let it escape.
It's just going to stay there,
orbiting around us.
Along with the Moon.
As a reminder of everything we did,
and that your place is here,
with me.
Excuse me.
Look. I'm only here
to get my daughter out of this place,
-no matter what.
-Nobody's going to try and stop you.
Really? Okay, great.
Right, well,
if that's all you had to say, I
Do you know why I started all this?
Because you're a little off your rocker?
We don't want the world to end
for the sake of it. We're not stupid.
We don't want to die.
What we want is to live
like every day was our last.
The certainty of not having a future
is what makes us live the present
to the fullest.
Look, I don't know
what happened to you, really.
I also
Sometimes I can't sleep
because of what happened.
But it wasn't our fault.
You know what keeps me awake at night?
Knowing I've never been happier
than when I thought
the world was going to end.
And I know you feel the same.
No, Amaia.
I'm not like you.
Hi, my name was Jairo.
Rest in peace, Jairo.
I ran over Rafael Nadal.
I saw him crossing the street
and I smashed into him.
Then I backed up
to make sure I'd killed him properly.
I don't even like tennis, but
I'd never done anything.
30 years working at a gas station,
and I wanted to do something important.
Hi, my name was Juan.
Rest in peace, Juan.
My name was Julia.
Rest in peace, Julia.
Right, right.
Well, I don't have much to say really
because when they announced
the end of the world,
I just carried on as usual.
I was at home, taking care of my daughter.
Then I screwed it all up.
I went out partying and
Since I had always been the boring one,
never went out, never got drunk,
well, I went overboard.
I did a lot of drugs,
and I slept
with my daughter's best friend.
Don't worry, Julia.
We've all been there. It's totally normal.
We understand.
Excuse me.
You left out one important detail.
She didn't do all that
during the strange times.
She did it afterwards.
Three days ago, actually.
Ah, then no.
That's really bad, to be honest.
Fine, okay. I know I'm a terrible person
and what I did was awful,
but please, please forgive me.
Right, and that solves everything, right?
Dad asked us to forgive him too.
-You can't really compare.
-Yes, Mom. Of course I can.
You fucked Chino.
It was just a mistake, honey. I was drunk.
I've already told him
he's not my type, it won't happen again.
-He fell in love with the MILF.
-Is Chino your boyfriend?
No, I mean
He was a special friend.
-Special, like a boyfriend?
-But do you like him?
No I mean It's just
He likes me.
Well, he liked you.
Come on, do it already.
The thing about that kid,
rub it in my face.
It doesn't matter.
You have more right to screw up
than anybody else.
We're shitty parents.
Yes, we sure are.
But, I mean, we asked her
to forgive us and she didn't even blink.
Well, she takes after someone. Right?
Not me.
I would have never
contradicted my parents. No way.
The thing is, kids nowadays
seem to forget that, even if we screw up,
we're still their parents.
Are you uncomfortable?
Don't worry, I'm fine.
Come on, come here.
Sleep on top of the sheets.
We may be shitty parents,
but at least we're here, right?
But a little late.
But we're here.
What are you doing?
Sorry, I thought that
-No, Tomás.
That's not going to happen.
-Okay, okay.
-Yeah, got it.
-Never again.
No, no, no.
We're getting her out of here tomorrow.
Whether she likes it or not.
There she is.
You know what I mean, right? You get me?
Would you mind giving us a minute?
Come on. A little quicker, please!
Please. Don't make a scene.
Enough of that attitude, young lady.
What's the matter?
Do your parents embarrass you?
-What do you think?
-Is that so?
We're Noa's parents!
We may not be perfect, but we love her!
-Shut up.
-Don't talk to your father like that.
-Right, so now he's my father?
-Yes, ma'am.
And I'm your mother, I'm not your friend.
So you'll do what you're told right now.
We're going home. No more games.
-No, Mom.
This hurts us more than it hurts you, Noa.
Just so you know.
Mom, enough!
What are you doing?
I always tell her.
This planet needs an apocalypse.
Sure, it's the same thing.
You call it the apocalypse.
I call it planned obsolescence.
Isn't that right, honey?
Mango gin and tonic with a hint of
What are you doing here?
Do you know each other?
Don't drink that.
It's not what they say it is.
This is the guy who
My kidnapper.
What? This guy's got a screw loose.
What are you doing here?
Have you joined us?
What Why are you pointing at me?
I want you to know that
I forgive you for what you did to me.
That's great.
What you did to us was horrible.
But I no longer feel hate.
Not anymore.
I don't feel that pain anymore.
Finally, damn it! About time!
What the fuck?
Watch out! On the ground! Get him!
Take him down.
Fucking hippies!
Curro! Now!
I'm going to kill every last one of you!
I'm going to split your fucking hand!
The distraction, Curro!
The distraction!
I'm on it!
Come on!
Distraction! Distraction!
Distraction! Distraction!
It's okay, don't worry. You're safe now.
-You're coming with us.
-I was leaving anyway.
That's the spirit!
No, I was already leaving.
They don't hold anybody hostage here.
They even made me a snack for the road.
Are you crazy?
Collective suicide.
Son of a bitch!
-Come on!
Come on!
-He took it from me!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Don't hit him!
Get off me!
Get in the car! Step on it!
What are you doing?
-We need to talk.
-Now, Mom?
Yes. It's important for you to know
why your father and I are here.
Right, but let's talk when we get home.
We don't want to take you by force.
We want to reason with you.
Sometimes it's difficult for us
to express our feelings. It's true.
We're not good talkers.
-Or listeners.
But we want you to know that we need you.
Your mother and I are like the Earth
and the Moon, get it?
Going round and round in circles,
bored as hell.
Until you came into our lives,
just like that red planet.
And you changed everything, honey.
You're comparing me with the apocalypse?
Well, yes, but in a nice way.
You put an end to the old Tomás and Julia.
You destroyed us, yes.
But, just like that planet up there,
you also gave our lives meaning.
Okay, we've rehearsed this a little
Look out!
Go, Julia!
You've gotta be kidding me.
Dad, what are you doing?
The only thing I'm good at.
Being an asshole.
Julia, now!
What the hell? Why did you hit me?
What do you mean? You know why.
You want to screw me over.
Get your revenge, right?
Who the hell are you?
The guy who pissed in your jacuzzi.
Then why did you block us with your car?
I just went to drop some supplies
and came back to find this freaking mess.
You really don't know who I am?
No, God damn it. You're nobody.
Nobody is anyone anymore.
And I won't remember you tomorrow either!
The fucking apocalypse. Again.
Good morning, sweetheart.
Did you sleep well?
Have you heard from Dad?
I'm sure your father's fine.
How would you like your toast?
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe. Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe.
Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe. Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe.
Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe.
Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe.
Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe. Please stay home.
ZOE: Noa, are you there?
ZOE: Don't open the door.
You are safe. Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe.
Please stay home.
Omega is here to restore order.
You are safe.
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