Envidiosa (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Pizza Delivery

[gentle music playing]
- Wait.
- You alright?
- We have to stop.
- Why?
- We have to stop.
- Alright. Whatever you say.
- We have to stop. We're making a mistake.
- Alright.
- [muffled] We're making a mistake
- Mm.
I mean stop.
- This is confusing.
- Uh-huh.
Because I feel sad.
Then you say these nice things to me.
- And you make me laugh.
- Mm.
- We're crossing a line.
- Mm-hm.
No, see?
You say all these nice things,
and afterward, we'll regret everything.
I won't regret it.
No, but, thing is
we're getting everything confused.
And I'm seeing someone else now.
- [music stops abruptly]
- This is a mistake.
[Matías] Oh.
- We're being impulsive. It's not right.
- Alright.
- I feel better.
- Fine, fine.
We're okay, right?
- Aren't we?
- Yeah, of course.
You are a really good friend.
You're so nice.
I love you lots.
[Victoria exhales]
- We're alright? Yeah.
- Don't worry.
We're good.
You're the best friend
in the world, Matías.
- Yeah, I'm gonna go. I have stuff to do.
- Sure.
I have so much
work to do.
[Victoria] Yeah.
["Donde Comenzó la Tormenta"
by Mora Fisz plays]
- You want some rice or something?
- No, no.
No, no, I'm full.
Thank you. See you.
[music rising]
[door opens and closes]
But Matías is my friend.
I don't want to mix things up.
Least of all, if I'm emotional or sad.
But he's coming up in your therapy
and at important moments.
Coming to the wedding,
helping me with my keys, I guess.
No, but in our previous session,
you mentioned other things.
You said that you were laughing together.
- You were dancing all night.
- Sure.
You said, "He looked after me,
and he makes me laugh."
Seems like you had a great time together.
Why are you pushing me
to like someone I don't like?
Who's my friend?
No, I'm not saying that, just
I want you to connect with your desire.
You talk about your goals,
but not much about love.
- Does that resonate with you?
- Yes.
That doesn't mean
I don't have feelings. I do!
I just don't like it when things
are left up in the air with no control.
I don't want that.
But you're talking about love
like it's something minor.
Something crazy, irresponsible.
Reckless even.
- And Matías is
- He's 40. Works at a take-out restaurant.
That's not what I planned on.
I want something else.
- How old are you, Fernanda?
- Doesn't matter.
[bluesy music playing]
[Victoria] Hello.
- Hi there.
- How are you?
- Good, and you?
- Great.
- Look Look how tanned you are.
- [chuckles]
I went sailing.
- I invited you.
- No, I remember, yes.
So you went alone then?
- Just like that?
- No, no, no, no. With friends.
Of course you did. That makes sense.
How was yours? What'd you do?
It was really good, really good.
I went with my family
to some cabins in the forest.
- Really? How was it?
- Legit.
- Wow, so give me
- Yeah, ask me later.
Because you can't miss out on it.
No, honestly, they're very
Would you want to do something today
since we couldn't meet over the weekend?
I'd love to, but it's a little tricky
for me right now, so
- Oh
- We'll keep in touch, though.
We'll work something out, I'm sure.
See you.
Everything with Nicolás is going so well.
Our relationship is growing.
It's moving forward, and we're thinking
about plans for the whole weekend.
I mean, we have plans
from uh EOW Friday, you know?
- All the way to Sun
- EO What?
- End of week.
- Oh, you mean Friday to Sunday.
- The whole weekend.
- Yes.
The whole weekend for us to be together.
- You know.
- And what plans are you making?
It didn't happen.
But if I had stayed, we'd definitely
have done something amazing.
What would you have done?
Something amazing.
- [Magui] Hi, Vicky.
- Oh, hi.
How are you?
[Victoria] Doing well. You?
How was your weekend?
A lot of family outings, day-to-day stuff
with your husband and your kids?
No, it was quite an unusual weekend.
He took them both camping.
You were all alone? [coughs] Just you?
In the end, yes. I'm rested now.
No, because you
have this color.
This tan, so
Do you have a pool at your place?
Is that it?
How strange. Perhaps from the balcony.
- My skin turns to gold in the sun.
- Sure.
I suppose your skin
probably turns bright red.
- Then you start to peel, yes?
- I'm not one for tanning.
- [Magui] You're going already?
- Yes.
I have something to do,
but I'll be back soon.
You look stunning, all golden.
Bye, Magui Roldán.
[horn honks]
[door closes]
- Hey.
- Why are you taking so long, Caro?
- I gotta get back to the office.
- I know.
Fermín can't find
his health insurance card, and Mom is
Well, you know what she's like.
Are you sure about this?
You're only a few weeks pregnant.
Why not give it some more thought?
I'm done thinking.
You're 38, and I'm just saying,
you know? Right?
It might be your last chance
to be a mother.
A lot of women say,
"I don't want kids. No."
All of a sudden, they want kids.
It happens.
It's a train that passes once,
and you have to jump on.
You compare this to a train ride?
- Right.
- That's a ridiculous analogy.
- It only passes once.
- No, well.
- It might not come again, so
- Enough.
I'm telling you, I don't want
to be a mother. Respect that.
[Teresa groans] I had to pee.
- Please, it's not like we're in a rush.
- Mom, did you find the card?
- [Fermín] We got it.
- [closes door]
So, we're all good, right?
[upbeat music playing]
[music ends]
Did you tell Caro
about the guy from the cabins?
- I don't want to upset her.
- I didn't say anything.
- But you do have to tell her about Dad.
- Why?
Just do it! Maybe something will,
I don't know, awaken inside her,
and she'll want to be a mother.
- She might regret this later.
- What are you talking about?
I don't know where you get these ideas.
Caro doesn't want to be a mother now,
so respect her decision.
I told you because I thought
it would be helpful, but
But it's my life.
- Well?
- That's it. Just an ultrasound left.
And some medication.
Just two pills, right?
[both] That's it.
- Wow, it's that simple.
- [Fermín] Mm-hm.
Well, okay.
[bluesy music playing]
[Nicolás] Remember to replace
the champagne for the Cossettini unit.
[Magui] Did you finish it already?
You are terrible, Nicolás.
I'm terrible? You're terrible!
- I'll replace it, don't worry.
- Good, thank you.
Champagne? What's the occasion?
[Magui] A toast with the buyers.
Oh, great. A gift.
And why are you terrible?
I heard you calling each other that.
- [laughter]
- "You're terrible!"
Oh, it's because we keep on selling.
- Ah.
- Well.
Better go buy more champagne,
so it can chill.
Wait a minute. I need to go shopping.
I'll come and come back to work later.
It's not like I'm always coming and going.
[dreamy music playing]
[Magui] Alright, let's see.
No, not that one.
You were saying something about Nicolás?
[chuckles softly]
Well, I think both of us
make a great sales team, you know?
Just that our skills
complement each other.
We finish the deal and have a good laugh,
even if it's at the expense of the client.
Yeah, you two are great.
So cool.
I bet there are no secrets between you.
We're more than colleagues. We're friends.
That's right. You're friends.
He knows your husband too.
We don't mix business with pleasure.
It's a rule.
How professional.
I applaud that. What do you mix then?
[mischievous music playing]
Listen to me.
I know you two had something,
but now you're, mm
Don't delude yourself with Nicolás,
because he's complicated.
His situation is complicated.
- To many, he is
- I'm seeing Nico, in case you didn't know.
- He'd have told you, if you're friends.
- Mm.
- No, he didn't tell me that.
- Hmm.
Well, I'll say no more, then.
No, continue. Tell me.
You say it's complicated?
Complicated how?
You're seeing each other.
You must know everything already.
I have to go now.
Is your husband returning
from the camping trip tonight?
They're coming back tomorrow.
- Oh.
- But I'm busy later.
See you, Vicky.
Sorry, isn't Nicolás the very same person
who stood you up already?
He didn't stand me up.
It wasn't like that.
- Yeah, same person.
- We're talking about the same person?
Same Nicolás, but he didn't stand me up.
He explained there was a situation.
He called me after that as well.
He called me after the wedding, we met.
6:00 a.m.
[tense music playing]
It's horrible what she does. I mean,
Lu does things that are just tacky.
She thinks she's the best in the world.
No, you aren't the best in the world.
Even her kid's birthdays are ridiculous.
- I mean, it's just vile.
- A bit over the top, yes.
What sticks in my mind is the champagne.
I mean, she wants
to have champagne all the time.
You arrive, and it's champagne non-stop,
and that's not how people should live.
Right? You have a beer first,
you have an aperitif, a glass of wine.
- I put it here.
- Yes, yes, I saw.
Anyways, I'll have the champagne.
If I want a little more later
at the hotel, with my husband,
I'll open a bottle and drink it,
because, if it isn't a
You're completely bored, aren't you?
- No, yes.
- What did I say?
No, I hear you your husband.
Can you go somewhere with me?
- Now? Quickly?
- Are you serious?
It's somewhere I have to go.
We can get ice cream on the way, okay?
[mischievous music playing]
No, but we We've passed by here
three times already. Why?
I was lost, but now I'm okay.
Have faith, it's here.
I know it's right around here.
[mischievous music continues]
I've no idea where we are.
- Hang on. I'll return.
- What is this? Are you leaving?
- What is this?
- I'll be right back. I won't be long.
[doorbell ringing]
- [Nicolás] Hello?
- [faking male voice] Pizza.
Huh? No, I didn't order any pizza.
You've got the wrong floor, brother.
[faking male voice] Was the order
from someone in the apartment?
No, nobody ordered anything.
- Bye.
- [faking male voice] Okay.
[mischievous music continues]
- Tell me what the hell we're doing here.
- One more second.
- Give me an answer! Why are we here?
- One sec. I'll tell you.
It's a method that I've used.
It's the best.
If the guy does not answer,
then he went out.
- Of course.
- Of course.
If he says, "I didn't order pizza,"
he's alone in his apartment.
But if he asks someone else and says,
"Love" or "Darling, did you order pizza?"
he's not alone, or some girl answers,
you know he's with someone else.
It's a very good method.
So are we done? Are we through?
- You think Matías is cheating?
- No, Matías isn't my boyfriend.
He came to the wedding
'cause I didn't want to go alone
after the other one stood me up.
Ah, well, why didn't you say that?
No, no, I'm sorry.
Hmm But who are we here
to "deliver a pizza" to?
The one who stood me up, Nicolás.
And why do we want
to "deliver a pizza" to Nicolás?
Well, because he apologized.
He is behaving himself,
and we're, like,
kind of seeing each other.
Exactly, then why deliver him a pizza?
It doesn't matter.
What matters is
the guy's home alone, that's it.
Even though he is tanned,
like Magui Roldán.
- Sure.
- Period.
- I should have bought half a kilo.
- [chuckles]
This bucket is not enough.
You already know that.
[lounge music playing]
[Magui laughing]
We'll need to call
a champagne wholesaler at this rate!
[Nicolás] Great idea.
You should call a wholesaler.
- Keep the clients happy.
- That's my specialty. [chuckles]
Yes. They do.
They all have a dial tone.
I just wanted to check.
The phones are working properly.
- Did you finalize the sale?
- [chuckles]
Since when do you care about sales?
Well, you're celebrating
with all this champagne and everything.
If there's something work-related
to celebrate, I'd like to celebrate too
with a company t-shirt
that says, "Great job!"
- Better to be discreet.
- Yes.
Better to be discrete.
- [phone dings]
- Should I cross my fingers for good luck?
- Is it to finaliz I have to go.
- Something wrong?
It's a family thing. Yeah.
Nothing serious, well I have to go.
I'm already ahead on everything. Hi.
I've finished my work. Don't go thinking
that I arrive and leave straight away.
This'll just take a minute.
And then after that, we'll carry on.
But I've done loads of work already.
Hi, guys.
[footsteps approaching]
Hi, guys.
- How're you feeling? You alright?
- How's it going?
You feel okay?
Please don't tell me anything.
I apologize.
I was out of order. It's your choice.
If you don't want to be a mother,
you don't have to. Ignore me
and everything I said to you.
Plus, now you know you can get pregnant.
So if it happens, it happens,
and if not, it's all fine regardless.
What is important is that you feel well.
Was it quick? How are you?
We're keeping it.
[delicate music playing]
- You serious?
- Yep.
Don't screw with me on this.
Is this a joke?
- No, no, Vicky.
- Oh!
[delicate music continues]
[both cry softly]
I love you so much. The both of you.
I can't believe it.
So I'm going to be an auntie?
- You're having a little baby!
- [both chuckle]
What happened? I don't understand.
- I found it.
- Mom, they told me. I can't believe it.
- And you're gonna be a grandma!
- Don't call me Grandma. No, no.
Oh, what is this?
- Oh, Caro.
- Here it is.
- Mom, look at all this stuff.
- No!
- Look.
- You kept all this stuff?
I kept it for when you had children.
I thought it would be for Vicky.
- It'll be for you, Caro.
- I'm getting emotional.
- Look at these, aw
- [Carolina] Yes.
Look at this. A little smock.
- Oh yes, this was yours.
- Oh, please, no.
You would wear this with nothing
on underneath. I remember it.
This is, look, it's all unisex.
This was before we knew.
- We decided we don't want to know either.
- No.
- How lovely.
- Take it all.
No, not everything, no.
Let's divide it. I want my children
to have our things as well.
Obviously! Yes, of course.
You're not pregnant right now, Vicky.
- Uh but what if, you know, someday
- We'll share it.
- I want children myself.
- We'll share it all and I
Don't worry, because I'll use this
and it's all yours after that, all of it.
Once they've thrown up on it?
- No!
- No, no, no.
Listen to me, it was my idea,
and I think you'll like this one.
Let's turn your room into a nursery, okay?
Yeah, I love that, yes, I agree.
That's a great idea.
Thanks, Teresa, but, um, my family
gave us a place of our own that's empty.
They just gave it to you? Is it nice?
Yeah. It's nice.
Oh, it's nice. I know.
I know how you two are.
No, it needs a little paint. That's all.
But she can't live in a dump.
I know that you two live comfortably,
but she is pregnant.
It's not a dump, it isn't.
Oh, okay. Where is it?
In the backwoods or something?
- No, but
- No, no, no, it's, mm
It's private.
You mean gated?
- That's right.
- Your family gave you a
- Yeah.
- [Victoria] A place in a gated community?
- Which one?
- No.
[Fermín] It's the one It's Las Flores.
[awkward music playing]
- [Victoria] You mean Danny's?
- Yes, isn't life surprising?
- Lovely place for
- It's a great spot.
to start a family and have kids.
And this isn't forever.
This is definitely temporary.
I wouldn't want
to raise anyone in that place.
- It's a perfect place to raise a family.
- No, it isn't! No.
There's a park, there's there's a lake.
- There are ducks.
- I remember naming two of those ducks.
I don't know if they're still alive, but
- [Fermín] Very expensive.
- [Carolina] Way too much.
It's quite big, actually.
It's got two floors.
- Two floors you said?
- [Fermín] Yeah, two floors.
- [Fermín] A caretaker
- It's all bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit.
It's so expensive.
But it's lovely
for raising a family, isn't it?
- No
- Sounds great.
We're seeing it today, if you wanna come.
- [Victoria] I can't come.
- Okay.
I won't be able to come today, eh um
I'm just so busy with work.
These days it's all just
work, work, work, work. I'm up to here.
I would have loved to,
but I won't be able to.
One second, I'll be right back.
[Victoria sniffles]
She took it well.
[somber music playing]
[delicate music playing]
[knocking on door]
- Yes?
- [Teresa] Vicky?
- Yes, I'm coming, one second.
- Are you all right?
[Fernanda] Does it hurt not to be chosen?
[Victoria] Yeah, who wouldn't that hurt?
[Fernanda] Could it be that
knowing you weren't chosen by Daniel,
knowing that he's never
coming back to you,
takes you right back to that place
when you were left
waiting for your father?
[delicate music continues]
[doorbell ringing]
[doorbell ringing]
[doorbell ringing]
[Victoria] I can't avoid it. You don't
compare yourself with anybody else?
[Fernanda] No.
What I do know is that every time
someone close to you gets married,
you get upset, just like this.
And you become the perfect victim
for another man, and it puts you at risk.
[line calling]
- [Débora] Hello.
- Hey, Debbie. You got a second?
Listen to me.
I think Nicolás is lying to me.
He could be, because he told me
he was having dinner near his house,
and that he'd be coming back
in ten minutes.
Well, I got in the car,
and I am right outside his house.
I've been waiting here for 34 minutes,
and he still hasn't come back.
But what are you doing there?
Wait, are you outside his house right now?
Are you doing the pizza thing again?
I was going to but he wasn't there,
so I wasn't able to do the pizza bit.
You should leave.
Besides, what if he sees you?
Yes, no, I'm going to go.
But I'm gonna wait a little longer
because what I need to see is if he's
with anyone when he comes back, you see?
[sighs] Well, mm, do what you want.
I'm telling you, my advice
is that you leave now and go home.
Once I see it, I'll go back.
Thank you. I love you so much.
- So much, okay? See you.
- Bye, girl.
[roller skates scraping
against the ground]
- Hey, you two!
- [snaps fingers]
You two! Hey, come here.
- [boy] Yeah?
- Hello.
- [boy] 'Sup?
- Hi there.
Do you live around here? You normally
skate in this neighborhood?
- Yeah.
- Yes?
Let me ask you a quick question.
See if you know someone
who lives across the street right there.
- [boy] Okay.
- Uh, there he is, him.
- Have you seen him?
- No.
- Take a look. Here.
- Nah. No idea.
He lives over there. Perhaps you saw him.
He's always perfectly dressed.
Really good-looking.
- He wears cologne.
- No, he's handsome, though.
He's handsome?
Did you see this photo? He's perfect.
He really is.
What are you smoking there? Marijuana?
- Yeah.
- Can I take a hit of that?
- Sure. A little.
- Thank you. I'm not having the best day.
- [inhales]
- [boy chuckles]
- [boy] It has a kick to it.
- Nice what you're smoking.
[playful music]
Exactly, if you return
after just a weekend away,
and they both have the same tan
Because it isn't a similar tan,
it's exactly the same. I mean,
where do your thoughts lead?
I think he's screwing her.
- That's what I think too.
- Yeah.
What else could it possibly be?
Either way, I'd tell you
that you're a total catch.
It's just, you hooked up
with the first asshole that came along
and you're just too intense. Chill out.
'Cause you're a babe, you know that?
I love you so much.
I love you so much.
I really do. You as well.
- I don't think you have to look hard.
- Mm?
If he returns with someone, that's fine.
Well, that's what I want to establish.
If he has someone with him. So, we'll see.
My love, what are you doing?
- [humming]
- Hello.
Oh, is this really necessary?
To give her everything back?
You said you wanted a brand-new beginning.
No, I want to, but I don't understand
'cause it bothers you when I see her.
You want me to just throw them out?
Everything? Like that?
- No, I'm not bothered at all.
- Good.
It's completely fine.
- Then
- This is for the best, don't you think?
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Will you?
- Alright.
- I love you.
[sighs] I'll take them.
[lighthearted music plays]
[footsteps approaching]
- What are you doing?
- Oh, I'm fine.
[Victoria sighs]
Why are you here?
Oh, here?
Uh Oh, it's just You told me
you were nearby having dinner,
so I thought I'd stop by and surprise you.
And as you can see, in the meantime,
I fell asleep, or something, I guess. But
- Are you trying to spy on me?
- Not at all.
I was just thinking
about how you said you liked it
when I was spontaneous
and surprising, that's all.
[playful music]
[Victoria] There it is.
- That's why you wanted to be alone.
- Huh?
You're with someone.
That's why you didn't want me to come.
Of course, 'cause you're a piece of shit.
You're a womanizer.
A liar. I ignored every single warning
that said, "Look out, he's a shithead."
"He's a shithead!". Here she is.
Here she is. She's coming over.
- Look, just bare-faced.
- That's my sister.
That's an amazing alibi. "Your sister."
That was good.
How are you? Are you his sister?
- How are you?
- [Victoria] I'm happy for you.
- Your sister, cousin, niece, whatever.
- Who's this?
Let me talk to her, please. Come on.
You think I was born yesterday
or something?
Gaby is my sister. She's separated.
- She has a kid.
- Ooh.
When you called me,
I was talking to her about her separation,
something very painful, alright?
- I bet.
- So she's staying here.
And what? I'm not lying, okay?
Of course you're not lying, but you happen
to have the same tan as Magui Roldán.
Going around
with that ridiculous champagne joke.
It's obvious to me
that I'm not the only one,
and that you screw anything with legs,
including you, sweetie pie!
- Don't disrespect my sister.
- Listen to me, "sister."
- Do you have an ID, or something?
- You want
- Any form of identification.
- No! An ID?
Do you have your driver's license on you?
- No. Don't even humor her.
- No, I'll give her my ID.
You two should have the same surname.
- Her ID will bring you down, liar.
- Shame on you.
- Traitor. I'm holding it too close.
- [Gaby] Fine. Here.
- [Victoria] Uh
- Satisfied?
Gabriela Mis Yeah, same surname.
- All set now. Give it back,
- Hi, Gabriela. How are you tonight?
- [Victoria clears throat]
- I'm going up now, alright?
- Sorry.
- [Victoria] You are stunning, Gaby.
- Wait for me, okay?
- Nice, getting to meet your family.
- I'm glad I met her.
- Listen to me right now. About Magui.
Yes, we were together. That was back
20 years ago when we were both single.
Happy now?
I don't interrogate you about your past,
don't interrogate me about mine.
No, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Really.
I've had a day from hell, and it's clear
that I've been overthinking it.
When I have bad days, I always overthink
because my sister got food poisoning,
we took her to hospital,
turns out she's pregnant.
In the end, she decided to keep it,
but I'm going a bit crazy.
Then I smoked some pot
that made me even more crazy,
and I started thinking things
that aren't real, but I love you.
I love you so much. [sighs]
- You have mustard here.
- Where? Here? Oh.
- Yes.
- And they stole a tire.
[lighthearted music playing]
- Ready? Who is that?
- Sorry. No, no, nothing.
- [Nicolás] Let's go inside. Sorry.
- [Gaby] I wanted to talk to you
Nice to meet you, Gaby!
[door opening and closing]
Why the fuck does this keep happening?
[line calling]
[line calling]
- Do you need this?
- No.
Thank you, huh?
- [tools clatter]
- This tire isn't the right one, no.
- What are you saying?
- [Matías] This tire isn't for this car.
- But you can push it on, can't you?
- You can't push it on.
- Even a little.
- And roadside assistance?
I called them, but they told me
I'd be waiting for four hours.
- Huh!
- I wanted out of here as soon as possible.
- Sure.
- You know what I mean?
So after they wouldn't come right away,
you called me?
- No, it's that
- Is that it?
- I said, "Don't bother coming" 'cause
- Are you running away from someone?
If roadside assistance is coming,
then why did you decide to call me?
Well, because I thought you might
fix my car faster than those guys.
That's who I am to you.
The one who's always there.
- No
- Who listens to you, who consoles you.
Who does the locks, who fixes things.
Who even went with you
to that piece of shit wedding.
Sounds like you're jealous.
Can I put that out there
as a possible option?
Don't worry. It's fine.
Because it is very clear to me
there's no room for me as your partner,
as your boyfriend,
the father of your children.
But I don't want that.
- Oh, no?
- No.
What's more,
I don't think anyone wants that.
Not your ex, not the jerk you asked
to change the tire before me.
- You're the first I called.
- Why not ask the man you're seeing?
Mm? I bet he could've come
and helped you out.
Wouldn't that make sense
since you're together?
Yes, but I don't know
Not even the moron
who stood you up for the wedding.
It's him. The man I'm seeing.
- Ah
- He's the one who stood me up.
[bittersweet music playing]
Since, we're not getting married,
you have no right
to treat me like some doormat
you can call on whenever you want.
I hope that's clear.
[bittersweet music continues]
[Daniel] Hello.
- How's it going?
- Fine. What're you doing here?
Uh, I was on my way
to play tennis with my mom,
and I had these things at the house
I wanted to give you.
- You play at 9:00, right?
- Yes.
Did you not sleep here?
- No, I didn't. Why?
- Ah.
No, no, uh
I was a bit surprised, I guess.
You look little disheveled.
- Oh. Oh yeah?
- Only a little.
You're on dating apps now
so you're getting out.
- Yes.
- Yes.
We're not together anymore, Daniel,
you're not gonna know what I'm up to.
If I decide become an astronaut,
or an exotic dancer,
or if I decide to live in the rainforest,
it's my problem and you won't be involved.
You're not part of the other person's life
after you separate.
I don't know what to tell you.
No, no. I didn't expect anything.
I was just well, what
I don't know. I didn't realize
I wouldn't know how you were doing,
or that we wouldn't tell
each other good news.
- Well, that's how it is.
- All right.
It's just, well
Sometimes I still forget
that we separated.
- And I forget that I married someone else.
- Right.
Then I remember a second later that
we disappeared from each other's lives.
What about you?
- That happened at the beginning.
- Oh, right.
Then I remembered
you decided to get married.
I felt so
But not anymore.
- It doesn't happen anymore?
- Yes.
No, not anymore.
That's good.
You ever think what would've happened
if we had gotten married?
[gentle music playing]
I think about it all the time, Vicky.
I knew you wanted us to start a family,
that it was your dream and everything.
But I I couldn't I mean
All the same, it frightened me
thinking about my life without you.
So, I was like panicking.
Uh, but I didn't mean to hurt you.
I didn't do it on purpose.
Yeah, but now you're with a girl
who puts her needs first and spoils you.
- What?
- Just imagine yourself. Wild.
If you overcame the fear
of getting on an airplane.
- Yes.
- The fear of shell fish, of monkeys.
- Clowns.
- Right.
The fear of putting money
in the ATM machine.
No, not that one.
That's not a fear, that's just
I just like knowing where my money goes.
Putting it in a slot when you don't know
where it goes is strange.
'Cause it's your life savings,
hard-earned cash.
You've explained that one a few times.
I'm sorry about everything.
- I wish things would've been different.
- Well, I'm sorry too.
This is
["Para Vos" by Barbi Recanati playing]
These are some things of ours.
Take it. If you don't want it,
throw it away.
- I don't wanna do that.
- Alright, keep it.
[unlocks door]
- [Victoria grunts]
- Need help?
- Yes. This is heavy, Daniel.
- Okay, sorry.
Go on.
Bye, Vicky.
["Para Vos" continues playing]
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