Eric (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

All right. Who's next?
Cream and sugar?
Here you go.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Cassie, just go home.
Get some sleep. You've been up all night.
Looks like they have too.
City hall is facing
mounting criticism
that they significantly underestimated
the extent of the city's vagrant problem
in their attempt
to clean up New York last night.
Heavy flooding in subways and tunnels
during the evacuation
has forced hundreds of homeless people
out onto the streets. More to come.
In other news,
the NYPD search continues for Yuusuf Egbe,
a vagrant linked with the disappearance
of nine-year-old Edgar Anderson,
as concern for the safety and welfare
of the missing child intensif
Hey, Gator.
- Be careful.
- Yeah, yep.
So William, what was he like?
He was funny.
Annoying when he wanted to be.
He was good at getting me out of my head.
He felt like home.
How did you meet?
I heard him play.
At Lincoln Center.
He was playing this piece of music, and
It broke me, man.
I went up to him after,
and I said, "I loved it," and
That that was that.
He knew about us?
He knew enough. He knew we got history.
We got history.
Thank you.
For last night. For
for being there.
Well, I haven't done anything yet.
I can't watch it again.
Fast-forward to 11:23 p.m.
Nothing really happened before that.
I got it out of TJ before he skipped town.
The day looks set to dry
with midday temperatures climbing into
I'm heading into the station.
You okay?
How long can you give me?
Once it gets out, Homicide will be
searching The Lux within the hour.
No, don't do that, Mikey.
Come on. This is your call.
What the fuck's happened to you, man?
Use your fucking power
and do something with it.
You got enough names in here to do damage.
Do damage, Mikey.
I know you got it in you.
"Do damage"?
I'm afraid I'll do damage
'till I can't stop.
Till they have to pull me off.
I've been pretending so long,
I'm scaring myself.
I've got I've got rage
so deep inside of me,
I can't push it down no more.
TJ wrote down every name.
Doesn't she look sweet?
All rise.
Mrs. Anderson called, wanting to know
if we had any more news on her kid.
Husband still hasn't been home.
I'm I'm guessing
she's been out all night waiting.
We'll keep looking for Edgar Anderson,
and we'll keep looking for Yuusuf Egbe.
There are protesters
gathering right up to the park.
- Most of the beat cops are already out.
- Just do it.
All right.
Are you feeling all right?
Cripp was asking for you.
All right, everyone. Gather up.
Let's go!
I want you to look closely
at this tape.
What you will see,
you may find disturbing.
The men you see here
on this tape are NYPD.
- Ledroit, get that off.
- Note the date.
- June 12th of last year.
- Ledroit.
What you are witnessing
is the murder of Marlon Rochelle.
You need to hand that over to Homicide.
Spence. Bryson. Detective Nokes
I want you to bring him in.
- I'm warning you, Spence.
- Do it!
Hey! Don't move! Where are you going?
Willis. Lopez. Let's get down
to the Hudson Sanitation Plant
and bring in Alexander Lakatos
and Misha Varga.
- You're gonna need a warrant.
- Now!
What the fuck are you doing?
I'm doing what you should have done
in the first place.
Get your hands off me.
This is my investigation, Cripp.
My investigation.
Or should I call Internal Affairs?
I'm sure they'd wanna know
how much you stood in my way.
Nah, fuck that. You know what?
Let's let's go straight to the press.
- They will crucify your ass.
- So be it!
Don't do this, Ledroit.
Already did.
Fuck! Fuck!
Wake up. Wake up!
You're not gonna find your kid
lying in the shit and dirt.
Get the fuck away from me.
My head.
Don't want no trouble, man.
Just grabbing my stuff.
No, wait.
My my kid did do this. My kid did this.
My my kid, Edgar.
He did this. Do you know him?
- You know Edgar?
- I can't help you, man.
What? You know him. This is
What are you
What the fuck have you done with my son?
If you fucking hurt him,
I'll fucking kill you!
Hurt your son? I help your son.
You help him? I don't believe you.
You're fucking lying!
I found your boy! I took care of your boy!
He was scared of you.
No wonder he didn't wanna go home.
Your name is Vincent,
and you have a wife named Cassie.
Edgar's mom.
You're very good at drawing.
And Cassie,
she smells of coffee and flowers.
- And cigarettes.
- Yeah, she does.
I didn't want any of this shit, man.
He came to me.
He followed me.
All right?
Where is he now?
Where is he?
I cross over to the manhole.
It's how I get down there.
It's a drop, but dangerous
if you don't know your way around.
The following night,
we hear a boy calling out.
He he must have followed me. Fallen down.
What what what the fuck are you saying?
You you mean he hurt himself?
Did he did he did he get hurt?
He was grazed, all cut up.
- Oh shit.
- Hear that?
Then I think I'd get him better.
He's a nice kid.
- He's a good kid.
- A great kid.
- Yeah, and you lost him.
- Shut the fuck up!
Then I see my face everywhere in the news.
And I'm fucked. So I sent him back.
What do you mean? Back where?
He didn't wanna go, but
- Back through the drain.
- Back through the dr Which drain? Where?
It's straight down there, all right?
You take a left.
You follow it, then it's on the right.
I swear to God. I did everything I could.
- You gotta show me.
- I gotta get out of here.
What the fuck! You gotta show me!
- You're on your own now.
- Oh shit.
He chose to stay away.
He didn't wanna come home
'cause you're just a shit dad.
A fucking junkie.
Shut the fuck up!
Hey! He ran away because of you.
He was scared of you, his own father.
No. Why? Why would he be scared of me?
It's not enough to ask the questions.
You gotta listen to the answers now.
You keep blaming everyone else.
But look in the mirror.
The real monsters
ain't under the bed, Vincent.
It's you. It's you.
Hi, this is the Di Bari office.
Mr. Di Bari is not in right now.
NYPD! Nobody move!
Hands in the air! Don't move.
NYPD! Open up!
- Come out! Hands up!
- Hands on your head.
Don't make me repeat myself!
Move! Now! Step aside.
Right. Richard!
- Get in the photo. Please.
- Yeah.
We're almost done.
- NYPD. Move to the side.
- Smile.
Richard Costello.
You're under arrest in connection
with the murder of Marlon Rochelle.
- Cuff him.
- Bruno Di Bari.
- You're under arrest. Let's go.
- Watch the suit.
There's gotta be
some kind of mistake.
Say nothing, Richie.
Say nothing without a lawyer.
Get the fuck off! Do you know who I am?
Mr. Costello!
Tina. What is it?
Move aside, please.
They found a body.
Oh no no, no, no, no, no, no
Where was it found?
Close to the Hudson.
Tangled around the body of a woman.
We don't have her name yet.
By the look of her,
she was living on the street.
We're not ruling anything out.
But we have recent sightings
of a woman possibly wearing this jacket
with Yuusuf Egbe.
How did she die?
She drowned.
But we've begun to search
the surrounding area.
He's dead.
This tape shows
you were clearly responsible
for the death of Marlon Rochelle.
He was skimming from your profits.
Turning tricks behind the club,
and you weren't seeing the money.
I take the Fifth.
Then Kennedy grew a conscience,
started to say too much.
That why you killed him too?
I take the Fifth.
Who called you to dispose
of Marlon Rochelle's body?
I take the Fifth.
Mr. Lakatos,
we found a considerable amount of cocaine
in your company's safe.
I strongly advise
you seek counsel and talk.
I take the Fifth.
So the call comes in, and you
you what?
I take the Fifth.
And what?
What? You you
you like to keep a souvenir?
You better start talking, Misha.
The ones that stay with you.
The ones that
don't let you sleep at night.
And Marlon Rochelle.
Where did you drop him?
Same place all the trash goes.
And you did this on whose orders?
Bruno Di Bari.
Brother-in-law of Councillor Costello.
You need to tell us
exactly what happened.
And now.
I didn't want this
to happen to him.
- I didn't ask
- For them to kill him?
For you to do nothing?
They wouldn't listen to me. I
tried to stop it.
They had me cuffed.
I couldn't watch.
But I could hear them.
They were punching and kicking him.
He was screaming out, and I did nothing.
I'm a piece of shit. I
You have any idea what it feels like
to spend your whole life hiding?
Just trying to fit in.
Hoping, praying no one sees it.
That kid saw it.
He did.
And he died for it.
He, uh he died for it.
He died for it.
Thank you.
There's been a sighting
of Edgar Anderson close to the park.
Edgar. Edgar.
Oh my God. Edgar.
What the fuck?
This is the Anderson Family.
- Please leave a message after the tone.
- after the beep!
Don't forget
to leave your number.
And don't forget
to leave your number!
Cassie, Detective Ledroit. Please pick up.
That's enough.
strong south-westerly winds
bringing mild weather.
Breaking news. Reporting live in New York.
As crowds of protesters
continue to gather in Central Park,
we'll be reporting live
throughout the day.
The eviction of homeless people
from the subway tunnels
has created an outrage against city hall.
City hall is facing mounting
Excuse us.
They say, at city hall,
they wanna help us.
Excuse me.
But the only thing
they're doing is moving out the poor
to make way for their new condos
and their new hotels.
- Excuse me.
- Is this fair?
What looks to you
like a sidewalk
may very well be
someone else's living room
or bedroom or fucking bathroom, right?
- Yeah!
- It's not fair. People deserve to be safe.
- They deserve to belong.
- Out the way.
- We want homes for all!
- Back.
We want homes,
not homeless, right?
- Homes! Not homeless!
- Back. Get back.
Homes! Not homeless!
Homes! Not homeless!
- Vincent.
- Yeah. Hi, hi, hi.
Vincent, you can't go in there!
Where the fuck are you? Where are you?
Fuck. Where are you, buddy?
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck. Fuck.
Oh fuck.
What the fuck have they done to you?
Yeah, they used fucking bolts,
not bungees.
All right, let's get you
the fuck out of here.
Let's go get our boy.
Homes for all! Homes for all!
- Homes for all!
- Hey!
Homes for all!
Get down!
Get off the fucking stage, man!
Hey! Hey!
Yeah! Yeah!
Newspeople with the cameras.
Over here! Hey!
Hey, Edgar.
- Edgar, buddy?
- Homes for all!
Can you hear me?
I'm not going anywhere.
Edgar, can you see me? Edgar?
Edgar? Please, please just hear me out.
Just give me a moment, will ya?
What do you want, kid?
French toast, please.
- Take a seat. Coming right up.
- Look, you did it, buddy. It's me, Eric.
I hope you're watching this
'cause your dad's a stupid dumbass.
But he's sorry.
He's so fucking sorry.
Everyone deserves a home
where they feel safe and not scared,
and he let you down.
But he could do better.
He wants to do better.
He will do better.
The truth is
Truth is
Can you even hear me, Edgar?
Truth is
Oh, kid
The truth is
"Everyone thinks of changing the world."
"No one thinks of changing themselves."
Who's that?
Leo Tolstoy.
- I'm gonna change, Edgar.
- Huh.
Yeah! We want change!
Change for all! Change for all!
Change for all!
Change for all! Change for all!
No, no. I I haven't finished.
Hey, give me your mic.
Edgar, buddy.
If you're watching this
race you home.
See you there, buddy.
Go, Eric!
Excuse me.
Look! That's Eric!
Eric! Eric, wait up!
There's Eric! Wait!
Eric, run!
What a fucking moron.
You stupid son of a bitch!
Get out of the fucking road!
- Can you hear me?
- Dad!
Edgar! Edgar!
- Asshole!
- Oh my God! You're alive!
He's asleep.
I'll call when I'm allowed family.
It's me.
I'm the toxic thing.
- George.
- Mr. Anderson.
All right.
In other news, reports are
coming in of a number of arrests
in connection
with missing teenager Marlon Rochelle.
Believed to be linked
to The Lux nightclub,
owner Alexander Gator
was unavailable for comment.
A raid on Mr. Gator's former nightclub,
The Sierra, six years ago
exposed an underage sex ring
involving a number
of high-profile clients,
including a senator, a Hollywood actor,
and a leading creative
on a popular children's TV show.
More revelations
look set to threaten careers
as details are now being released
to the public.
You are a dead man, Nokes.
You've reached Leonard Wilson.
I can't take your call.
Please leave your message after the beep.
Have a great day.
I've been out walking ♪
I don't do too much talking these days ♪
These days ♪
These days, I seem to think a lot ♪
About the things that I forgot to do ♪
And all the times I had ♪
A chance to ♪
And in other news,
the search goes on
for the remains
of the 14-year-old Marlon Rochelle.
The hope is that finding him
will soon bring an end
to this scandalous and tragic period
in the history of the NYPD.
Talking to the press today
and implicating former
deputy mayor Costello and his associates
while reflecting on her son's death,
Mrs. Rochelle said
My son was 14 years old.
He went out one day and never came back.
My son was full of love.
Full of hope.
Full of trust in people.
But this isn't a fair world, and
these are not fair rules.
That trust was betrayed, but
that love and hope will still go on.
As long as I am alive,
I will not give up on love.
I will not give up on hope.
My son deserved to live
in a city that loved him.
My son deserved to live
in a city that protected him.
My son deserved and hoped
for better than this.
That hope that
that the city, that we can do better.
Not tomorrow, but right now.
My son's name was Marlon Rochelle.
Do better.
For my son. For all of our sons.
For Marlon.
do better.
I've stopped my dreaming ♪
I won't do
Too much scheming these days ♪
These days ♪
These days, I sit on cornerstones ♪
And count the time
In quarter tones to ten ♪
Please don't confront me ♪
With my failures ♪
I had not forgotten them ♪
Thanks for meeting me.
You look well.
I I am well. Getting there.
I will be, I hope, one day.
I was just thinking.
Do you remember how old I was
when we came to the zoo over there?
- I have a meeting in 20 minutes
- Four or five, I I I had to be.
And we'd get here real early before
you had to work, just the two of us,
and we'd walk through
those gates together, and you'd say,
"Good Day Sunshine."
You remember that?
We'd go see the otters,
the monkeys, the polar bears.
I loved the polar bears.
- I don't know what this has to
- And sometimes you'd take me for
French toast.
Yeah, French toast.
- I'd forgotten about the French toast.
- I really have to go
There was a time, Dad
there was a time when I admired you.
Respected you, even.
But not anymore.
This park you love.
This park you set your little show in.
This park was approved in 1857
when the free Black Americans
and the Immigrant Irish
and German population that lived here
were ordered to leave Seneca Village
so the people of New York
can walk with their kids in it.
You don't have to respect it,
but you can't deny it.
It's called progress, Vincent.
Or theft.
Goodbye, Dad.
Good Day Sunshine!
And welcome to the sunshine experience.
Great. No cameras.
No recording equipment, please.
Tickets aren't numbered.
You get the seat you get.
But you're all winners here.
We're gonna file single line
through this door.
Make sure you keep your hands
in your pockets.
No chewing gum allowed. No candy
Still late.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
- In rehearsal, the mouth, it slipped.
- Yeah.
- So you gotta grip it real tight.
- Sure. Bungee, not bolts.
Here are the feet. And with the voice,
remember what we talked about?
- Go
- Deeper.
- Just like that.
- Okay.
You're gonna crush it.
All right, buddy.
Let's do it.
Hey, Bug! Hear the one
about the sapling who wanted to learn?
- I don't know.
- He went to elemen-tree school.
Here comes Eric. Don't be scared.
Just one more branch. You're nearly there!
Keep it coming.
You can't see the view
if you keep your eyes covered.
You did it, Eric!
But I'm scared, Mush.
I'm not scared of anything.
I'm scared
of the world below.
Don't be scared, Eric.
- Huh?
- 'Cause you got us by your side.
Guess I do,
don't I?
It's Michael.
Oh wow. Thank you.
So you can put it right there.
- Thank you. No, I'm good.
- Can I put this stuff in
- Thank you.
- That's okay.
I'm watching my grandbaby.
That's Anita's son, McKay.
Why don't you sit down?
Let me make you something to eat.
Good Day Sunshine!
Okay, one more.
One more. Look alive!
Come on, come on.
And one, two, three.
Good Day Sunshine!
All right. All good. Thank you.
Hey, thanks.
Oh! Wow.
- Hey.
- Hi.
It's really happening.
Oh yeah! It's really happening.
Edgar. Is he is he okay?
Yeah, he's really excited.
- Okay.
- We'll pick him up around eight.
- The show was great.
- Thanks.
Good to see you, Sebastian.
And what's your name?
My name is Vincent.
Pleased to meet you, Vincent.
I'm Eric.
Pleased to meet you too,
Have we
have we not met before?
- I don't think so.
- No? No, okay.
Well, that's strange 'cause you just
you look a lot like someone I knew once.
Yeah. Oh, okay.
What was your name again?
- Eric.
- Eric? That's it.
Okay, now I'm onto it.
You, you're the new monster, right?
- Yeah.
- Oh. How's that working out?
Ah, not bad.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'm not in love ♪
So don't forget it ♪
It's just a silly phase
I'm going through ♪
And just because I call you up ♪
Don't get me wrong ♪
Don't think you've got it made ♪
I'm not in love ♪
No, no ♪
It's because ♪
I'd like to see you ♪
But then again ♪
That doesn't mean
You mean that much to me ♪
So if I call you ♪
Don't make a fuss ♪
Don't tell your friends
About the two of us ♪
I'm not in love ♪
No, no ♪
It's because ♪
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