Eva Lasting (2023) s01e06 Episode Script


Eva was kidnapped!
- What?
- [Ana] What's happened?
- [Camilo] Eva was kidnapped.
- What?
We were together in a cab,
a car passed by, it blocked us,
and some guys got out with guns
and took her away.
- Where did they take her?
- I don't know. We have to get her.
- Calm down.
- [Ana] This is horrible.
- Oh my goodness. Were they armed?
- Yes.
Oh no, honey.
Let's go, let's go.
Mom, keep yourself near the phone.
Don't stop calling Eva's house.
Yeah. Let me know what the police say.
It'll be fine, son.
I don't know. There's so much going on.
I'm freaked out.
[Ana] Drive safely, José!
Is she involved in something questionable?
- I don't know.
- Tell me the truth.
You don't know? She's your girlfriend.
I'm not her boyfriend.
- You're her friend.
- We're friends. I don't know these things.
Let's think about it.
Come on, think about it.
Who does her father
work for or with, Camilo? Huh?
Huh? Do you know, Camilo?
- No idea.
- [José] A relative?
- Grandparents, nephews, cousins?
- I've never seen her relatives.
Do you know
where she went to school before?
No, sir.
Jeez, Camilo.
- Don't you know anything about that girl?
- Uh
[adult Camilo] At that moment, I realized
that besides knowing she was motherless,
very stubborn, self-centered,
and liked to read,
I didn't know anything about Eva.
[funky music plays]
Why are you so sure it was a kidnapping?
Because I was with her when they took her.
Yeah? And was the word "kidnap"
mentioned at all?
No. No.
But that's how people
get kidnapped, right?
Not all the time. Not always.
Uh Oh.
And what is What's your relationship
with Miss, uh, Samper?
We're classmates at José Maria.
[officer] All right.
Very well.
"The person that reported it"
- "Is"
- [Camilo] Her classmate.
"Her school," uh, "mate."
Hm? And, um, what about her Her parents?
You mean her father. Her mom passed away.
Oh, her mom. Her
"Her mom"
- The apostrophe? Where the hell
- It's here.
"Her mom's dead."
Period. Got it.
- Where is her father?
- [José] He's not available.
Don't you think
otherwise he would be here?
Relax, sir.
There's no need to raise your voice.
No? No, no, I'm just asking you
kindly, obviously,
that-that if it's possible, there should
be a little more speed in the process.
- That's just what I'm saying.
- That's what we need.
Excuse me, young man.
Gentlemen, do you know
how many cases we handle here every day?
Any idea how long
we've been begging for a secretary?
Look, officer, while you're crying to me
about your work,
we're desperate to find a girl who is
quite possibly experiencing a kidnapping.
That's disrespectful towards the law.
Disrespect for authority? What authority?
That's why we're so screwed.
Because of authorities like you.
- Calm down.
- I've had enough of this moron!
I've had enough. I'm sick of it.
That's why we live like this.
Because of authorities like these!
[telephone rings]
Hello? Hi, Mom, it's me.
Uh, have you heard anything yet?
No, nothing.
I've called every five minutes
to the number you left me.
Oh, I can't stand this.
But your friends are here.
they just arrived.
- [Gustavo] I want this.
- No, don't touch it!
- All right then.
- You're the bank.
They were waiting for you at the 68
and since you didn't show up,
they came here.
[groans] Yeah, yeah, Mom, please, um Um
Kick them out or distract them somehow,
but please don't tell them
what's going on, okay?
Okay, I won't say anything. But what
is going on? What did the police tell you?
Well, they, um They don't say much.
Supposedly they need more information
to do something.
Put your papa on the phone.
There's a It's just, uh
There's a little problem with that.
What happened?
You don't know who I am,
who you're messing with.
No, sir. You're the one
who doesn't know who you're messing with.
Let me tell you something, Romero?
A friend of mine's a general
in the police. I'm his favorite driver.
When he finds out about this,
he's gonna get you, Romero.
Oh, really? You don't say.
What are you gonna say
to your general friend when he finds out
that you're saying
we're useless and a bunch of idiots?
That's what you are. Incompetent.
A bunch of idiots. You're motherfuckers.
[Romero] Silence!
Sir, you'd better listen.
Calm down, because these 24 hours
can turn into 72 for recidivism.
So just relax. Be a little smarter.
Excuse me.
Now what?
[Romero] Just wait.
Right now, we are trying
to locate Miss Samper's father.
But you haven't helped us much
with that, have you?
I don't know anything else. I'm sorry.
We've been calling the school,
but no one's answering.
- We'll wait until tomorrow.
- Right.
Honestly, from what you tell me,
I don't think
this is a kidnapping for ransom.
We have to investigate to see
if there are political motives behind it.
Are you sure that your friend
is not involved in anything illegal?
Well, yeah. I'm sure she's not.
[adult Camilo] The policeman's question
got me thinking.
What if Eva's mystery
had to do with politics?
However, the most surprising thing
was to arrive at my house
and find her right there,
as if nothing had happened.
[boy] If you pay me double.
[Gustavo] Hi, Granados.
What's up, Camilo? We've been waiting
for you, but we just got started.
[rock music plays]
[rock music fades]
- [Eva clears throat]
- Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing happened.
What? Nothing happened?
Then who were those guys, huh?
I don't know,
but, um, they got the wrong person
and when they realized I wasn't the one
they were looking for, they let me go.
- Really? Just like that?
- Just like that.
I spent the afternoon at the police
station. My mom was calling your house
She already told me.
But my father is on a business trip
right now with his boss.
When they let me go,
I came straight to your place.
- They asked me for anything. Relatives
- [Eva] I don't have any.
- Not even an uncle? A nephew? Nothing?
- [Eva] No.
It's only me and my dad.
Are you gonna say anything?
What do you want me to say?
That you don't believe me. Right?
Are you into any shady business?
[chuckles] What shady business?
What do you mean?
Well, politics.
Uh, politics? Like political parties?
- Yeah, guerrillas and that kind of stuff.
- No!
[laughs] Of course not.
I don't know. I've heard
they recruit people at schools.
Yeah, I know. I've heard that as well.
But no. No way. [chuckles]
You know me.
I'm always down for a good protest.
And I always speak up
whenever I see any injustice come my way.
But that doesn't necessarily mean
that I have to be in any political party
or that I'm a guerrilla or anything.
Don't make stuff up in your head. Okay?
I am what you know I am. That's it.
Either way, thank you for worrying
about me and for all that you did today.
Even if it was a false alarm,
it was lovely.
No, well
The thing is that
You have to understand that,
if something happens to you,
uh, I I'd just die.
[gentle music plays]
Um, s-see you tomorrow.
Tomorrow, yeah, yeah.
- [Eva] At school.
- At school.
- Good night.
- Bye.
- See you.
- [Eva] All right.
[adult Camilo] Eva's explanation
was so simple
that, instead of calming me down,
it left me even more worried.
And intrigued.
[gentle music continues]
[boys chatter]
- You started the war.
- [Salcedo] You always do the same.
- It's his fault. He's always doing it.
- Gonna complain again?
He waited until I was in jail
to take Pennsylvania Avenue away from me.
Don't say you didn't notice, Pabón.
You knew he already had all that money.
[adult Camilo] Monopoly,
the popular board game,
was the weapon of distraction my mom used
to keep my friends from realizing what was
going on with Eva and her mysteries.
- [Camilo] Hey, Mom.
- [Ana] Honey.
- Where are you going?
- [Ana] To the station.
- To see if they'll let me see your dad.
- Yes, ma'am.
- You almost spilt it.
- Yeah, I'm sorry.
What is this?
- Changua.
- Changua.
If I know your dad,
he must be dying of hunger.
[gentle music plays]
Sometimes I feel
that Eva has a lot of secrets.
Has she told you something intimate?
Something she's never told anyone else?
Yeah. Yeah. She once told me
a story about her mom.
That's very good.
And so then,
give her space.
You can't demand trust.
That's something that is earned over time,
or patience, with love.
But just don't ask her
to tell you everything you want to know.
Nothing kills a relationship more
than knowing everything about each other.
How do you think I've been married
so many years to Mr. Curious?
- And still loving him.
- Hm.
[Ana] No, those aren't secrets.
Those are things
that only belong to me.
I don't think
they're gonna let us see Dad.
No, I don't think so. Hold this.
Open it, honey.
If we're gonna stay,
at least we'll be close to your dad.
- May I start?
- [Ana] Mm-hm.
- Is it still hot?
- Yeah.
[upbeat music plays]
[adult Camilo] My mom stayed overnight
at the police station,
and the next morning, at school,
Eva created a smoke screen
to cover her mysteries
and made a grand entrance.
[upbeat music continues]
[adult Camilo] She showed up
in a version of the uniform
that was an intentional protest.
The skirt above the knee
and the neckline revealing more skin
than the canons of decency accepted.
[upbeat music continues]
[music fades]
[Ana] It's faster
if you use all your fingers.
I can recommend you a course
so you can save some time.
What we really need in this station
is a secretary.
Do you have a lady friend who's interested
in working a lot and earning a little?
- Honey.
- Ana. Oof.
- [Ana] Oh, no, no, no.
- Thanks.
Your son.
[Romero] Mr. Granados.
How was it?
- Do you want to know?
- [Romero] Yes.
José. That's enough.
Very well. Amazing service.
Congratulations, officer.
[Romero] It was my pleasure.
Right now, I was talking to your wife.
- She's very nice.
- You think so?
Yes. Yes.
She was telling me
that the case of Miss Samper
was a false alarm,
there was no kidnapping.
Imagine the energy
you could've saved yesterday
if you had calmed down and gave it time.
No. No way.
And miss this opportunity
to spend the night here at the station
with such kind and nice people
as you guys?
- That's priceless.
- Well, shall we go?
Peña, thank you so much.
You're welcome at the stadium.
Romero, thank you very much. Regards
to your family, especially your mother.
[Ana] Thanks. See you.
So I was arrested one night
because of a mix-up?
Hm. Yeah.
[sighs] Very weird. [yawns]
Yeah, of course, I found it very odd too.
What I don't get
is how the girl just appeared like that.
Out of nowhere, with no news.
We live
in the country of the Sacred Heart.
Anything can happen here.
Magical realism. Am I right?
In the end,
all the main characters of the play die.
The Celestina, Melibea, and Calisto.
Fine. Did you like the play?
Yes. A lot.
And what lessons do you think
can be learned from reading it?
Sometimes, censorship ends up changing
what the playwright really wanted to say.
- Uh, pardon?
- [Eva] Yes.
I'm sure that the writer, deep down,
was completely in love with the Celestina,
but he had to kill her in the play
because of the pressures of the time.
Because obviously a harlot
cannot end up being the heroine.
[boys] Ooh!
[jaunty silent movie music plays]
[Dr. Alicia] Miss Samper,
I demand you watch your language.
And as for your interpretation,
it's interesting.
But it is based on a series of assumptions
that are impossible for us to prove.
Now, what we do have are the facts,
which in this case is the novel itself,
where Mr. Fernando de Rojas
clearly explains in the book
that after any transgressions,
there will be consequences.
Should I consider that a warning?
Or am I imagining it?
[boys] Oh!
Miss Samper,
don't you think that being dressed
the way you are dressed
puts you in a dangerous situation?
Anyone could mistake your intentions
and try to proposition you.
Well, I'll take the risk.
Just as Professor Estela also took it
in her time.
And like her, I will not stop dressing
the way that I want out of fear.
And that you can be sure of.
[boys] Oh!
[adult Camilo] With the shock
at what happened with the newspaper
and Professor Estela,
we totally needed a new cause
around which we could regroup.
After telling my classmates
that Eva was not leaving José María,
the uniform of our classmate
was that cause.
No, no, no, no, no! Agh!
Oh God! I didn't. Let me go!
Let me go. No, no, no. I swear
I wasn't looking at her. No, no, no.
[adult Camilo] We took
on the role of big brothers
and punished with impunity
the few who dared to comment
on Eva's new image.
We planted a flag violently.
And even Pabón, who never got into fights,
joined the tribute to Professor Estela.
We made it clear
that respect was above appearance.
[rock music plays]
[adult Camilo] Now that I was sure that
Eva was not going to leave José María,
for the first time,
I felt the need for some fatherly advice.
Why do we have to talk here?
What's the mystery?
Well, I don't want Mom to find out.
About what? Is it about Eva?
Is she into more illegal stuff?
No, no, no, Dad. According to her,
well, it was all a mistake.
[José] Okay. And according to you
Well, I want to believe her.
I'm not invading her private life.
What do you mean
"invading her private life?"
Dad, whatever. That's not the point.
The point is I want to ask you a question.
How did you manage
to win over my mom's heart?
'Cause you two are so different, you know?
It must have been hard.
No, it was pretty simple.
Yeah, it was really easy actually.
We just met, we liked each other,
and got married.
As simple as that?
Mm-hm. Yeah, boy, love is simple.
We're the ones who complicate things.
All right. But then I guess that, uh,
there must have been a moment
when you told her that you liked her
and you wanted her to be your girlfriend?
[José] Yes, of course.
And how was it?
It's not a moment that you can just find.
It's a moment that you have to create.
Okay, but how?
By just making it up.
Well, thank you, Dad.
I mean,
when it comes to love,
you have to take risks.
[sighs] And if you make a mistake?
Yeah, you'll make mistakes,
many times, but
you have to try again.
You have to try over and over again,
as many times as necessary.
Camilo. [sighs]
For me, it wasn't easy to win over
your mother, as I told you earlier.
- No?
- [José] No.
It was really hard.
Oh, I had to beg her
a million times, and, uh,
I've even crawled on the floor.
Got down on my knees.
I even cried.
You cried?
Yeah, well, I don't remember how many
times I asked her to be my girlfriend.
I lost count. But
Sometimes, I think she accepted
because she was just tired of me asking,
not because [chuckles]
The point, Camilo, is that
it's better to feel
the regret of doing things
than to be sorry for not doing them.
[Camilo] Mm-hm.
Look, look. Carlos.
Hey, baby girl.
What time should I wait?
When do you get out of school?
Come again?
If you want, we can leave right now.
I know a place near here just right
for us to be alone and fool around.
[Camilo] Eva!
- What's up?
- Beat it, kid. Adults only.
Do you really think talking that way
is gonna get me to accept an invitation?
[laughs] Well, I don't know
if a woman would,
but maybe a hustler like you, missy.
What? Excuse me? What did you say?
- Take back everything you said about her.
- Or what?
- Come on, bring it!
- What are you doing, kid?
Want me to smack the crap out of you
for that fucking slut?
- So what?
- What's up?
Show me some respect, asshole.
Respect yourself first and dress decently.
- Are you giving me a fashion lesson?
- I can give you a hot biology lesson.
Talk is cheap, old man.
- Whoa, hey! No. That's enough.
- Here's your lesson!
- [Eva] Enough!
- Come on!
No. No. He's a moron.
- Hey, hey, cut it out.
- What's up, asshole?
Cut it out. That's enough. Hey. Enough.
- Let's go.
- Go study, brat. Go study.
Don't mess around.
- Asshole.
- Look in the mirror, idiot!
[boys] Ooh!
Go home, back to your mommy.
Guys, I really appreciate you
taking the time to defend me.
But I also want to clarify
three things. Hm?
First of all, in these cases,
I would like to be given
the opportunity to defend myself.
Since I am staying at José María,
I don't want people to think that I'm weak
and can't stick up for myself.
That's what we get for meddling.
this cause should not
be defended by force.
On the contrary, it should be defended
with intelligence and imagination,
the two best weapons against the violence
that has screwed us.
And third,
I'm gonna recommend you a book.
Siddhartha is by an author
called Hermann Hesse.
It wouldn't hurt you all to read it. Hm?
You will understand what I'm saying
and I'm sure you will enjoy it.
[Sarita] Are you sure Principal Alicia
asked you to read this book?
- [Camilo] Mm-hm.
- Okay.
No, I don't believe you.
Because I think she likes
classics more. Don't you?
But you are very lucky.
Yeah, because we have two copies
here in the library.
Someone came
to check out the other one too.
- Really?
- [Sarita] Yes.
Who did it?
What will you give me if I tell you?
No. [laughs] I'm joking.
Ah. [chuckles awkwardly]
- [Sarita laughs]
- Yeah.
- Uh
- There.
For a student like Salcedo,
to come and check out a book that's not
required reading for class, that's just
That's weird.
Should I worry?
[adult Camilo] Salcedo and I
only needed that look
to seal a pact of silence
that was never broken.
Siddhartha was the story of a boy like us
who is searching for meaning in life.
A boy with a friend named Govinda,
who could very well
be a representation of my friends.
And with a girlfriend named Kamala,
who could very well be Eva.
What was interesting and new to me
was that Siddhartha
opted for the spiritual path
and made fasting, meditation, and waiting
the tools to overcome
his inner turbulence.
It was definitely a revelation for me.
[Camilo chants]
[Camilo continues chanting]
[Camilo continues chanting]
[Ana] No, that is enough, Camilo.
You have to tell me what's happening.
What do I do? Make you something else?
You have to eat.
- It has nothing to do with that.
- So then what is it?
- Are you doing freaking drugs?
- No! How can you think that?
What is that fucking nonsense
you say in that bedroom?
Stop swearing.
What's that you say in the room
that I can't understand?
I don't know if they're songs? Prayers?
If you're invoking some demon?
- Are you spying on me?
- Of course, young man.
- I have the responsibility
- We have the responsibility.
- We have the responsibility.
- Tell me.
I'm meditating. What my dad is listening
to as he spies on me are mantras.
- What? Man What
- Mantras.
Phrases that are repeated to achieve high
levels of concentration and relaxation.
[Camilo] Uh-huh.
I read it in a paper I'm transcribing
on Eastern religions.
What does this dummy
have to do with Eastern religions?
You see? I think
I'm gonna become a Buddhist.
That's why I'm fasting.
[serene bells chime]
- [José] No fucking way!
- [Ana] José, no. That's rude.
No, he's the rude one.
He's the rude one.
This house is Catholic, Apostolic,
and Roman, and the rest is sin.
- I will not allow sinners in my house.
- It's not
That's enough.
That's not a sin, Mom.
- [Camilo sighs]
- [José] Hello? Is Mom there?
Put her on. It's urgent.
[teacher] Arbeláez.
You did the bare minimum
for a passing grade.
But miraculously, you passed.
That's great.
Guzmán, well done. You scored 4.5.
If only we had more students like you
in the class, we'd be better off.
We'll talk later. I told you that you
couldn't get more than three points.
[teacher]Salcedo passed by a hair.
I passed?
Really? [laughs] I passed!
[Salcedo laughs]
Eva Samper.
This is really bad.
You'd better get ready
for the make-up test, Miss.
The Acuña siblings. Boy, what is this?
Should we enrol you
in a reformatory school or what?
[melancholy music plays]
I thought a lot about this before
I decided to tell you, but it's time.
- Do you think that
- 4.8.
4.8 what?
I need a 4.8 on the next chemistry exam
or else I totally fail the subject.
In addition, I have to maintain
a grade point average of 3.6.
And it's even worse.
Biology, physics,
philosophy, social studies.
It's all the same with all those classes,
so I'm basically flunking the whole year.
Do you know what happens
if I'm not able to pass?
- What?
- I'll have to leave José Maria.
My dad warned me he's gonna
put me in a nuns' boarding school
and he's capable of doing it.
No, no, no. And then?
- I know I have to make up the classes.
- I can help you.
We'll make a study plan
for all those classes,
and we'll work hard at it.
I feel badly
taking all that time from you, Camilo.
No. Please. Come on.
I mean, what are friends for,
don't you think?
I even brought you
some snacks and a juice.
Thank you.
I'm gonna Like Albert says,
I'll think about it.
- Think about it.
- Mm-hm.
And then let me know.
[adult Camilo] At that moment, the
priority was to help her pass her classes.
And by helping her study,
we would have extra time together,
and I wouldn't have to create
the moment I wanted.
It would come naturally.
Well, we are already
halfway through the semester,
but I see that there is more than
one person whose year is in jeopardy.
So I want to hear from you.
I want you to tell me yourselves
what you think is going on.
I would really like us
to begin with Miss Samper.
Well, even when I don't agree
with the traditional education system
in our schools
[Dr. Alicia] Oh, you don't say.
I must admit
that I have been a bit distracted.
I know I've been a bit distracted.
Well, as far as the educational system
that we use here at José María Root,
let me tell you that it is
one of the most innovative ones.
And as for the distraction,
I completely agree with that.
Now, listen, students.
Self-criticism is good. It is important
whenever it leads to action.
Yes, I know. So I have a request.
Tell me.
- I want to change desks.
- [Camilo] Hm?
[rock music plays]
So if it's possible, and if he wants,
I would like to sit with Guzmán.
[rock music continues]
[adult Camilo] I had to endure
algebra class alone at my desk,
choking on my newfound abandonment.
The love of my life was exchanging me
for the geek of the class.
As a consolation,
I thought that what Eva did was a strategy
to distance herself from me,
to avoid dealing with the truth
that she was hiding.
You see? Do you still believe
she's as innocent as the Virgin Mary?
Well, yeah, that's a stab in the back.
It really was a low blow.
[chuckles] You're overreacting.
It's just a change of desks,
and Eva explained why she moved.
No, no, no, no, man.
It's much more than that.
All of us, and Granados,
I mean, mostly Granados,
have taken a risk for her,
and look how she repays him.
As if he was a booger,
all gross and filthy stuck on the wall.
Okay, enough.
I knew that, eventually,
she was going to show her true colors.
She would do it sooner or later.
Here she comes.
[Álvaro clears throat]
[Eva clears throat]
I guess I owe you an explanation.
I always have a great time with you guys,
but I don't study much.
If I don't make up for the year,
I'm screwed, as I told Camilo.
- Why didn't you tell us?
- I just came up with it at the moment.
Come on, guys. Stop with the long faces.
It's not the end of the world.
It's just for a while.
While I make up for the year.
I promise nothing will change between us.
[rock music plays]
[music fades]
- [Salcedo] We have to beat Guzmán up.
- [Rodrigo] Again?
- Don't you get tired of messing with him?
- He doesn't learn.
I agree with Salcedo. I think
we have to kick the shit out of him,
so that, once and for all,
he realizes he can't mess with us.
- [Rodrigo] Is Eva your private property?
- No.
No, no, no. But that guy knew
that Eva was part of our group.
Let me remind you that Eva herself
was the one who asked for the seat change.
And she explained it. Or didn't you hear?
I know, but I offered
to help her study. And, yeah
[horn honks]
Ugh! What, dumbass?
Don't have enough room?
Don't you see? If she chose that fool,
it's because you know he must be
doing something under the table.
We definitely have to beat
the crap out of him.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
If we do that, what are we gonna tell Eva?
Actually, Eva doesn't have to know
it was us.
You think Guzmán is not gonna tell her?
Exactly. I'm telling you,
l-let's not do anything.
That's it. Let's spare the moron's life
and hope that Eva will realize
the huge mistake she's making.
You all know how she is.
Studying is boring. What she likes
is the commotion, the action.
The guy is the most boring thing
in the world.
Trust me, Eva won't last two days
studying alongside
some jackass like Guzmán.
- And it floats.
- [Eva giggles]
Check her out. She doesn't seem bored.
I don't know, bro. Right?
- Is it just me?
- Give it time.
Just wait and you'll see. [scoffs]
[Eva laughs]
- She's looking.
- Uh, check that
[Rodrigo] Good one.
- I'm bored.
- Yeah, I'm pretty bored too.
Let's see.
We thought he had no game, but look.
It's working. He's getting closer to her.
[Camilo] Believe me, sooner or later,
Eva will get bored. I know it.
She doesn't like to study. Let's go.
Pay me back whenever you want.
Let's do this.
[soft rock music plays]
[Álvaro sighs] How boring.
Just porn, without a plot.
[inaudible speech]
Uh, hey, Granados, man.
I don't wanna worry you,
but she doesn't seem bored at all.
[rock music plays]
- [boy 1] Hurry! Take it away.
- [boy 2] He's open.
[boy three] Hey! Come on.
- [Camilo] What's up, bro?
- I told you to keep your guard up.
Don't let him pass.
Relax. Just keep playing
[boy 1] I got it. Over here!
[rock music continues]
- [boy 2] Over here! I'm free!
- [boy 3] Hey, that was a foul!
Did you not see that?
[rock music continues]
[boy 1] Hurry! Over here!
[Salcedo] Hey, I'm right here.
Castro. Castro!
What the fuck?
Hey, hey. What was that?
You want me to beat you up, you asshole?
- You know what, Quiñones?
- What?
[rock music stops]
I don't feel like fighting.
Are you scared, chicken?
[Salcedo] No.
You wanna know something?
Do you know how long it has taken humanity
to find a way to resolve conflicts
through dialogue
and understanding of others?
Millions of years.
And you? You seem to be
a digression in human evolution.
Evolve, asshole.
[boys] Ooh!
[adult Camilo] There was no doubt.
Salcedo had started reading Siddhartha.
[José] Camilo.
- How was school?
- Fine, thanks, Dad.
Look who came to visit us.
How are you?
- [priest] How are you, son?
- "How are you, Father?"
How are you, Father?
I'm grateful to God for this coincidence,
because you arrived
as if you had fallen from heaven, Father.
I had not told you, but Camilo is going
through a lot of spiritual confusion.
[adult Camilo] My dad was always
a terrible liar,
and the priest turned out to be worse.
This was no coincidence.
It was nothing less than a premeditated
and treacherous trap.
No way, Granados.
The more time passes, Eva's more into
Guzmán because they're always studying.
Maybe he, uh,
changed her and made her nerdy
just like him?
Yeah. That may be true.
Hey there. How's it going?
Fine. Studying hard. And you guys?
Yeah, same. It's all good.
Have you missed me?
[Camilo] Yeah, well, kind of.
I mean, we've been doing a lot of things
we didn't do before,
but, yes, obviously
we missed you a bit. Right?
- Mm-hm.
- I've missed you guys so much.
I can imagine.
Well, anything
to finish the year strong, right?
- And I would like to ask you a favor.
- Yeah, sure.
Stop spying on me all day.
Otherwise, you are the ones
who are going to fail the year.
Well, if you decide to do it or not,
that's your problem, but,
as for me, I'm passing the year
no matter what. Good luck.
Good luck.
[adult Camilo] At one point
in his spiritual quest,
Siddhartha was drifting away
from his friend Govinda.
And by this point, I was wondering
if I should do the same with this group.
Besides, Siddhartha's wait for Kamala
hadn't been as long
as mine was turning out to be for Eva.
This can't go on like this. Camilo.
- Are you starving to death just to fast?
- No, it's not that. I just
- I'm not hungry today.
- Why do you always say that?
Tell me, is all that meditation,
the fasting, the mantras,
the loss of appetite, change of religion,
is that related to Eva?
If that's the case, then go ahead.
Pick up the phone,
put on your big boy pants,
and tell her what you have to tell her,
but I'm tired of all this meditation
and all that sighing.
You shouldn't talk to Camilo like that.
It's not his
It's just so annoying
to see him standing there all night,
being a little Buddha,
in love and undecided.
Yeah, you know what, Dad?
You're totally right.
- Now or never.
- [José] That's the spirit.
What are you gonna do?
- You can explain it to her.
- [José] Yeah, go ahead.
Camilo? What's he doing?
He'll explain it.
[adult Camilo] Tired of Siddhartha,
with a determination
I had never felt before,
willing to shut my dad's mouth
and prove to my mom, and Hermann Hesse,
that waiting wasn't always the way,
I left the house and went to find Eva
to declare my love once and for all.
[romantic music plays]
[romantic music continues]
[romantic music continues]
[romantic music fades]
[gentle music plays]
[gentle music fades]
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