Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s01e06 Episode Script


- ["Rajasthan" by Ginevra playing]
- [singing in Italian]
I'm so disappointed in you, Daniele.
I'm not going to lie to you.
I'm disappointed and also pissed off!
And you have really made
a huge mess this time,
and you can't even imagine.
- Now the girl's mother wants to sue us.
- But it was just for the fireworks.
- I didn't expect this to happen.
- [Cimaroli] I don't care!
We are talking about a breakout.
Eluding a CT order is a serious offense.
Do you realize that?
- It's not a breakout. We didn't go out.
- I had to inform the head physician.
So he will most likely ask you to switch
to a voluntary confinement plan.
You need it. You're still out of control.
And you know what? If he asks my opinion,
I'll tell him that I agree.
- [telephone rings]
- [sighs]
Yes, hello.
I don't understand.
Come again.
All right,
and so you see this as a solution?
No, I'm not starting an argument with you.
Absolutely, you're the head physician,
and the girl is your responsibility.
- Perfect. Goodbye!
- [telephone beeps]
- What happened? Talking about Nina?
- [Cimaroli] It doesn't concern you.
That'll be all for today. You can go.
[door closes]
Hey, come here a second.
Come here. You gave me something
last night, didn't you?
- Me? What do you mean?
- Oh, don't be a smart-ass.
I'm a light sleeper, and last night,
not even the fireworks woke me.
- So how did you come upstairs?
- None of your business.
You put sleeping pills in my tea,
didn't you?
- [sniffles]
- Nothing's missing from the cabinet.
- Where'd you get it?
- I I had kept it aside.
- For three days? I don't believe you.
- I don't care.
Look, mark my words.
Don't you even try it again.
Next time, I'll sue you,
and you'll serve time in prison.
- That's worse than CT. You understand?
- Yeah.
And you can thank me
for not telling Dr. Cimaroli.
I didn't do it for you,
but because I feel ashamed.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, thanks my ass.
- [Pino] What happened?
- [panting] Ask him.
I have to run. I don't have time.
- Are you okay?
- Sure, I'm doing great, really!
- What'd you do to her, dude?
- Nothing.
Everyone's upset this morning.
Even in the other ward.
[Nina's mother]
Enough with your bullshit already!
Do you wanna stay
in this hideous place forever?
- God, I hate it so much!
- [Nina] Mom, calm down, I got it.
[mother] Say you're doing it
to throw away everything we've built.
- Say it!
- Mom, stop! What are you talking about?
Stop what?
What about all the sacrifices you've made?
That I made to get you where you are?
I devoted myself entirely to you
for all this time.
And is this how you thank me?
And all this for what?
Couldn't you just stay put for a few days?
- But I didn't do anything.
- [mother gasping] One last thing.
I spoke to the nurses. When I come back,
if they tell me you saw that bastard
you were on the roof with
- He's not a bastard at all.
- He's a bastard!
And if you see him again, you better
tell him that I will report him,
like I already promised him! Understood?
[Pino] What the hell! You're still here?
Go to your room, will you?
[insects buzzing]
[sighs] I'm sorry about last night.
Rossana woke up all of a sudden.
Gianluca warned me to be more careful.
Don't worry.
You did all you could and more.
it seems to me I've done nothing.
Although a wise adult [sighs]
would have tried to talk you out of it,
instead of encouraging you.
You didn't act like a wise adult.
You acted like a friend.
[chuckles] I got caught up
in your adventure.
I felt it was a little of mine too.
Maybe you'll be able to come up
with a poem from this story.
This time about love and not your mother.
- A step forward.
- Who knows?
Maybe, yeah. A poem, at least.
Do they wanna keep you here
in voluntary confinement?
[inhales] I can't say
I'm totally sorry about it.
Your presence is precious to me.
Don't worry. I'd come visit you, you know.
- [both laugh]
- Thanks.
[Mario sighs]
[sighs] My friend
still hasn't shown up today.
Yeah, the crumbs are still here.
Maybe he got scared
by the fireworks last night.
But he'll be back. You'll see.
Every time you come out of that bathroom,
you look hotter, Daniele.
Today is my last day.
I'm leaving. I'm done with the CT.
Okay, but why the long face?
You should be happy, but you're crying.
Sure, we're all out of our minds here,
but get a grip. [chuckles]
What are you doing? Judging me? [chuckles]
Who are you to judge me?
What do you know about the reason
why I ended up in here?
I mean, you told me
you brought that guy home
You believe everything you're told, huh?
Have you seen my father?
If I had brought another guy home,
he'd have locked me up in Gaeta.
That's the truth, Danie.
The truth, gentlemen,
is that one bad day
my mom caught me trying her clothes on.
And she told me
I should be ashamed. [chuckles]
I I blurted out.
I told her that yes,
I was ashamed, but of her.
I must have exaggerated though.
Because my mom, poor thing, felt sick.
But my dad told the guards
that I had assaulted her. [panting]
And who's gonna contradict the general?
The truth is that my life outside here
is boring as fuck!
And I feel like an abandoned dog!
There, I told you. [chuckles]
Here, on the other hand,
it seemed that no one was judging me.
[gasps] And that
you accepted me for who I am.
And we kept each other company. [chuckles]
In fact, for me,
these seven days, Daniele,
and I'm sorry if you think I'm crazy,
but these seven days
have been better than a vacation!
[Madonnina groans]
Hey, drama queen, the doctors are waiting
to discharge you. Let's go.
Come on now.
by Andrea Laszlo De Simone playing]
[Giorgio] Gaeta.
I've been there once.
[Daniele] I'm gonna miss Gianluca.
I know he too will become a memory,
and I've been struggling
with wistfulness since I was a kid.
[singing in Italian]
- [pen clatters]
- [paper crinkles]
[music continues]
[Gianluca] Thank you, doctor,
you gave me a really nice present.
Thanks a lot, thanks!
- Danie!
- What?
Danie, I convinced them
to let me stay one more day! [gasps]
Oh! I am so happy!
- [kisses] They let me stay one more day.
- Hello.
- Madonni, let me give you a hug.
- [groans]
- Mario, I was missing you already.
- [laughs]
Alessandro, you too.
I'm so glad, you guys.
Bye, Danie.
Try to be strong and brave,
a week will fly by.
[Giorgio] Later, Danie.
Hey, I'll see you when you get out.
Remember, you still owe me a joint.
Daniele, sorry, I have to run. I have to
make it to my game in half an hour.
Gimme a high five, dude.
Bye, Daniele. I have to go too.
They're expecting me at home.
[kisses] May the Virgin Mary help you.
[Mario] Bye, Daniele.
Can you take care
of the birdie for me, please?
Thanks for everything.
[Nina] Daniele.
Are you leaving too?
Yes, but I'll be waiting for you.
- White lasagna. It's pretty good too. Hmm?
- Mm-hmm.
[sniffs] Mm.
I love you so much, Danie.
Yeah, I love you too,
but if that's lasagna, I'm Napoleon.
Napoleon used to eat lasagna?
[muffled laughter]
[exhales] Yes.
Hey, hope you're done.
I have to clear the table, okay?
Are you pissed off or something?
Yes, I'm pissed off.
You acted like a proper bastard
last night.
Rossana is a woman.
She's all alone in the ward at night.
You shouldn't have done that.
I told you not to act crazy.
Next time you'll deal with me.
I hear we're gonna spend
another week together, right?
[children shouting]
[telephone ringing]
- Hello.
- [Daniele] Hi, Lella. How you doing?
Seriously, are you kidding me, Daniele?
- No, why?
- They called us and told us what you did.
You're lucky I was there to hold Giovanni,
or he'd have come there to slap you.
He said you fooled him yesterday.
You told him you were gonna stay put
and well-behaved. Then you made a mess.
They said they'll keep you in there
for who knows how much longer.
How do you think Mom is feeling, Daniele?
Look, I didn't do a [sighs]
[inhales] Lella, um, could you
please let me talk to Mom for a minute?
No, she's sleeping.
And anyway, even if she was awake,
I wouldn't put her on.
She cried for hours, poor thing.
She was exhausted.
Fortunately, Uncle Roberto arrived
and calmed her down.
Actually, he wants to talk to you.
Danie, my dear nephew.
What have you done this time, huh?
Hi, uncle. No, nothing serious.
But I shouldn't have.
But from what I gather,
you were with a girl.
When you get out,
will you introduce her to us?
- I wish. I wish.
- [Roberto laughs]
So, tell me,
did Mom really take it so badly?
She's okay. Don't worry about it.
When I talk to her, I'll tell her
you weren't doing anything wrong, okay?
[Antonella] What the fuck are you saying?
Because as they say,
the heart cannot be ruled, right?
But enough with your bullshit, okay?
We want you back home.
Yes, I promise. I'll stop.
- Dude, come on.
- [Daniele sighs]
I have to go now.
Listen. Uh,
tell Mom I did something stupid.
You call that "something stupid"?
But I'm fine, okay?
Could you tell her, please?
I'll tell her.
I'll tell her. Don't worry. Take care.
Bye, Danie. Bye-bye.
Thanks. See you soon. Bye, uncle. Bye-bye.
[telephone beeping]
Who would have thought?
After all, I've only been here for a week,
and what I feel for them is indescribable.
Perhaps my roommates are the closest thing
to my true nature
that I've ever happened to meet.
They're brothers offered by life.
- Found on the same boat.
- Virgin Mary.
- [Daniele] In the midst of the same storm.
- [kisses]
[Daniele] Between madness
and something else
that maybe one day I'll be able to name.
Each one in their own corner of the room,
helpless in the face of our condition.
Exposed to the elements,
like naked men clinging to life,
crushed by an illness received as a gift.
My brothers.
[Mario grunting]
Here, little one.
Come, little one.
- Ma!
- [Mario] Shh!
The little one's returned.
Come, little one.
- [Daniele] I know, but, hey! B
- [grunts]
Careful, okay? Don't make me worry.
- [hesitates] You're making me anxious.
- [thuds]
He fell.
Oh, my God!
What's going on?
Mario fell.
- [groans]
- [Giorgio] No.
No! No! No!
- No! [sobbing]
- [Madonnina sobbing]
Virgin Mary!
[Daniele gasps]
[gulps] I can't take it.
- [Madonnina continues groaning]
- [coughs]
[Pino] Hey, what the hell what?
- [Daniele sniffles]
- [Madonnina sobbing]
- [Pino] Please, no.
- [Madonnina groaning]
- [sighs]
- [Madonnina] Virgin Mary, help me.
[groans] Virgin Mary. Virgin Mary.
Virgin Mary, help us.
- [sobbing]
- [Pino] How did it happen?
[Daniele grunts]
You have to tell me how it happened!
- [shouts, sobs]
- [Cimaroli] What's going on?
Oh, God, no! No.
- [panting]
- [sobbing continues]
Hey, stop it! Be quiet!
Be quiet! Stop it, please, stop it!
Get in bed! Stop!
- [sobbing continues]
- [Madonnina muttering] Virgin Mary.
Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary.
- [clears throat]
- [Madonnina groaning]
They're taking him away.
["Every Night" by Sylvie Lewis playing]
Every night ♪
I dream the past ♪
Every night ♪
With you ♪
Every day ♪
The same day ♪
Every day ♪
Alone ♪
All the time ♪
I lost in life ♪
I'll never get it back ♪
Oh! Daniele.
What the fuck just happened?
They all went crazy in my ward.
They say a guy killed himself.
What's this all about?
He didn't kill himself.
He fell out the window.
- [Nina] Oh, my God.
- Mario.
I'd grown so close to him.
No one had ever talked
to me like that in my life ever.
You'd have liked him so much too.
Oh, my God, Daniele, I'm sorry about that.
[Daniele sobbing]
Sorry, I never know what to say
in these situations.
[Daniele sobs, sniffles]
[sniffles] Nothing.
There's nothing to say.
You know, I'm so sorry
they're keeping you here
because of my stupid idea.
Really, if I'd known
that they were going to blame you,
I'd never have run away.
What do you mean
you'd never have run away?
What I wrote to you. That
Why, don't you know?
Know what?
I told you it was all my fault that,
uh, last night,
when they were taking us back inside,
I, uh, I ran away, but then I came back.
They still freaked out.
You should have seen them.
- I mean, they went crazy.
- Hold on, let me get this straight.
After they brought us back, you ran away,
That's why they freaked out?
Yes, but then I
because they were talking
about the punishment and I panicked.
The door was open.
No one was around, so I just
I can't believe it.
That's why Dr. Cimaroli is mad at me.
Because she thinks it's my fault.
That I let you run away!
Danie, I'm sorry about this.
[Daniele] If you're so sorry,
then tell me.
Did they extend your week
of confinement too,
or did your friend patch things up?
- [sniffles] Huh?
- No.
No, my my mother called him.
- [chuckles] Oh, yeah, of course.
- He didn't answer my calls.
They say you can't act,
but you sound pretty good to me, Nina.
- Huh?
- I swear, Daniele, it's true.
Maybe the night turned out right
to have a nice little reunion, huh?
- You're being an asshole!
- I'm the asshole, huh? I am, huh?
Not you, huh?
Who just broke out of this shithole
to take a nice walk,
and you were almost ready to leave
without even saying goodbye
to the poor moron who's stuck
for another week of confinement
instead of you, huh? Huh?
And you also pretend
to give a damn about Mario!
You know what the truth is?
The truth is people like me and Mario die
in a place like this,
while people like you
have their asses covered!
- [Cimaroli] Daniele!
- [Daniele panting]
[Cimaroli] Go back inside.
And you, Nina,
go back to your room right now!
- But, doctor, I just
- [Cimaroli] Don't "but, doctor" me! Go!
[chuckles] Doctor, that's what
you were talking about today, huh?
I don't give a damn.
I know how these things turn out.
Listen to me carefully.
Mario's being hospitalized here
in code red.
[gasps] Obviously,
we're all very shaken and upset.
And so,
that's why I trust in your cooperation.
Thank you all.
[lock clicks]
[Gianluca sniffles]
[door closes]
You too.
Madonni, come here.
Come on.
Let's pray now.
- [grunts]
- Kneel down.
[Madonnina mutters]
- [Giorgio] Okay.
- [Madonnina mutters]
Jesus, Joseph and Mary, please help Mario.
Please, don't let him die.
But please,
give him grace and to give us grace too,
as we love him so much,
because he's a good man.
- Amen.
- [Gianluca] Oh.
- Amen.
- [Madonnina groans]
- Amen.
- Your turn.
[exhales] Okay.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
we pray to you with all our heart.
Save Mario, help him.
Keep him alive, please,
because I have known very few people
as good as him in my life.
- Amen.
- A-Amen.
[all] Amen.
[Daniele grunts]
[sniffles] I beg you.
If you are there, protect Mario.
For all that he suffered
and because evil has not made him bitter.
And because he's always had a word
[sniffles] of comfort for all of us.
I beg you, God.
[all] Amen.
Amen. [gasps]
Please, Virgin Mary, help help me.
Virgin Mary, help me.
[Gianluca chuckles]
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Bravo!
- [groaning]
- [sighing]
- [Madonnina whimpers]
[all sobbing]
Please, doctor.
He wanted to feed the bird,
and he leaned out too far.
[thunder rumbling]
[air rushing]
[lock clicks]
In his medical history,
had there already been suicide attempts?
No. Um, at least, not in this hospital.
Doctor, Daniele already told you.
Mario did not jump.
He fell. I saw him too.
[Madonnina sobbing]
Help me, Virgin Mary, please.
[Mancino] Come on, for months,
we've been understaffed
with no air conditioning.
- All the windows are always open.
- [Cimaroli] It's true, professor.
[Mancino] Even this idea that you just had
to to sign a report all together,
it's it's useless.
I mean, it's hypocritical, in fact.
What we should do is formally denounce
this state of affairs.
- [Cimaroli] Yes, but, Nicola, calm down.
- No, the fuck I'll calm down!
They make us work like beasts. Come on!
[Cimaroli] You told me the EKG.
So, how did the surgery go?
Tell me the truth.
Do you think he can make it?
Okay, listen, you can call me any time.
All right?
Bye. Bye.
Giorgio, where are you going?
- Where's he going?
- [Gianluca] I don't know.
- [thunder crashes]
- [rain pattering]
[Daniele] Giorgio, what are you doing?
Giorgio, what is it?
Doctor, I wanted to know
how Mario was doing.
I've already told you.
They stopped his internal bleeding.
He has several fractures.
they can't tell us more than that.
He must make it through the night.
Okay, now, go back to your room.
And you too there.
Any chance we could just say hello to him?
We might not see Mario again, not ever.
- [sighs]
- We can just go in, say hi.
And we'll quietly go back
to our room right away, doctor.
I get you, Giorgio,
but it's just not possible.
Mario's in intensive care,
and you are CT patients, Giorgio.
You can't just walk around the hospital.
Do you understand that or not?
But we just wanna say hi.
We'll wave to him quickly.
- And and we'll go back quietly.
- [sighs]
I said no. Period.
- [sighs]
- Now you go back to your room.
And you go lie down.
Come on. That's enough.
[Giorgio] Not this time.
This time you'll let me see her.
Giorgio, do not force me to call security.
This time you'll let me see my mother!
- You'll let me see my mother!
- [Daniele] Giorgio!
- Giorgio. I'm telling you [gasps]
- [Cimaroli grunts]
[Daniele] Hey, what the fuck
are you doing? Gio!
- Oh, I'm sorry, guys.
- [gasps]
I didn't wanna be mean to her.
- I didn't wanna be mean to you.
- [Pino] Get over here now!
- I just wanted to talk about Mario.
- [Pino] We have a situation!
Oh, Pino. Pino. Hey, Pino. I I'm sorry.
- Get the hell off of me!
- [grunts]
It's all your fucking fault!
It's your fucking fault
for not letting me see her!
It's your fault!
- Do you understand? I'm not a kid anymore!
- Giorgio, you have to calm down!
- Whoa!
- Get the hell off of me!
Get off of me!
[snorts, exhales]
Now you come with me,
and you show me where my mother is.
- Now you come with me.
- [groaning]
[Giorgio] And show me where my mother is.
- Piece of shit.
- [Luigi] Hey, what are you doing?
Let him go! Let him go!
[nurses groaning]
- Where's my mother?
- Stop!
- [Giorgio] Where is my mother?
- [Luigi] What are you doing?
- Let him go! [groans]
- [Giorgio grunts]
[groans, gasps]
Where's my mother?
Where's my mother? Where's my mother?
Where's my mother?
[both grunting]
- [Giorgio shouts]
- [grunting continues]
[Giorgio groans, shouts]
[both groan]
[Gianluca exhales]
- [Mancino panting]
- [Giorgio exhales loudly]
I'm sorry.
- [groans]
- [Mancino] I didn't mean to hurt you.
- I didn't mean to hurt you.
- [Giorgio sighs]
- Virgin Mary. [kisses]
- [Giorgio exhales]
- [Pino grunts]
- [Mancino panting]
[lock clicks]
Stay here until the doctor comes.
- [Madonnina sobbing]
- [sniffles]
- [sighing]
- [door locks]
[Madonnina whimpering]
Oh, Virgin Mary, help me. Virgin Mary.
[Madonnina whimpering]
[Gianluca gasps]
Are you okay, Gianlu?
[gulps] No, Daniele.
I'm not even close to being okay.
When I told you, you shouldn't judge me.
Do you remember that?
Well, you were actually right to judge me.
[gasps] I deserve it.
I was the one
who woke Rossana up last night.
You woke her up? Why?
[sighs] Because I'm just an evil bitch.
That's why.
I'm a jealous bitch. [sobbing]
I even deceived Mario,
who sacrificed himself to give you a hand.
[sniffles] And now you'll have to
stay another week.
It's all my fault.
Come here. Come.
Don't think about it.
Don't think about it.
Don't think about it. [sighs]
Let's just think
of Giorgio and Mario, okay?
[Gianluca sobbing] Yes.
[Daniele] Just Giorgio and Mario. Hmm?
[Gianluca continues sobbing]
- [Rossana] Hey. What happened?
- Hey. Oh!
Dr. Cimaroli called me.
She said that Mario fell out the window.
Did he jump or what?
We don't know yet, but he's in bad shape.
Really bad.
She also told me that Giorgio attacked you
and that Luigi is in ER.
- Yeah.
- But why don't you go too, huh?
- Yeah, right. [groans]
- I don't like the look on your face.
When did you ever like it?
- Come on, where does it hurt?
- Uh, here.
- Let me see.
- Easy.
[groans] Ah!
Aren't you gonna kiss me?
You really are stupid, aren't you?
Now, before going home,
you have to go to the ER.
- I think you have one cracked rib.
- [sighs]
In fact, I'll call them, come on.
Hi, I'm Rossana from psychiatry.
I'm sending over Pino Ciogli.
He needs a chest X-ray. Yes.
I've always loved you, Rossana.
Like a kid, you know.
And while you're at it,
check his brain too.
- [chuckles]
- [Rossana] No, I'm joking.
I'll send him down.
- Yeah, sure.
- [groans]
[lock clicking]
Come on, guys.
You can go back to your room now.
- Let's go, Madonnina.
- Oh.
[thunder rumbling]
You should get some sleep.
Can you give me something?
Otherwise, I can't.
[thunder crashing]
[whispers] Tonight,
I'd like to be like you.
[thunder crashing]
["Dust Bowl III" by Other Lives playing]
Land ♪
Only for this fate ♪
Sky ♪
Is not seen for many a day ♪
[Daniele] No.
You know,
there's a word that holds everything.
And you have to find it.
Not tonight, Alessa. I'm I'm too tired.
Returns to dust ♪
Is there any way ♪
To get this weight off my skin ♪
And find another one? ♪
Is there anyone ♪
To get this writing off the wall ♪
And find a new one? ♪
Find a new one ♪
Just like the wind blows
Into the great unknown ♪
We're on our way, we're on our way ♪
Moving west may bring us better days ♪
We're on our way, we're on our way ♪
Is there any way ♪
To get this weight off my skin ♪
And find another one? ♪
Is there anyone ♪
To get this writing off the wall ♪
And find a new one? ♪
And find a new one ♪
- [music fades out]
- [theme music playing]
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