Everything Will Be Fine (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Feminine - Masculine

[Ruy] I don't want Andrea
to see a therapist.
[Claudia] It's a court order.
There's nothing you can do about that.
You better brace yourself,
because after what's happened,
Julia is gonna hit back hard.
If I lose her, I'll die.
The law doesn't have feelings,
but trust me on this:
Anything is possible.
I recommend you take some steps
to improve your record.
Do everything you can.
Yeah, sure.
Because although your dismissal from work
wasn't on criminal grounds,
it doesn't look good.
So you'll have to take proactive measures
to make it look like
you want to rebuild your life.
Sure, but how?
You're not gonna like it,
but you're gonna have to suck it up.
Whatever, I'm in.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Let's hope you get through it.
Most guys don't, and they walk away.
Want a fish pedicure?
[theme music playing]
I need you to sign these documents.
Esperancita, I need you
to have a drink with me.
- [giggling]
- What are you doing Friday?
Hi there, my name is José María Yazpik.
You may remember me
from my career in film and television.
But today, I'm here to talk to you
about something very important.
In the scene we just saw, the secretary
was a victim of sexual harassment.
The counselor, who by all appearances,
seems conservative, acted inappropriately.
He touched his coworker and made comments
that are no longer acceptable
in our society.
Unfortunately, his behavior made
his coworker uncomfortable.
For those who respect women,
they brighten up our workplaces
and our homes.
Our female colleagues are key
to building a new Mexico.
They are assets to us.
We must support and respect them.
With their beauty and gentle natures,
they make the world a better place.
So there you have it, guys.
That was the video.
It's kind of a formality,
but I'm required to show it to you
before starting the workshop.
Just trying to follow the rules.
Let's introduce ourselves.
I'm your leader today. My name is Silvio.
I'm 52 years old.
I'm an addict and macho in recovery.
[Silvio] What's up, buddy?
What's so funny?
Wanna share with the rest of us?
All right, so let's carry on then.
I'd like to know what brought you here,
what are your expectations are.
Anyone else?
Come on, help me out here, guys.
Look, sooner or later you're all
gonna have to tell me your stories.
Hmm. Who's gonna go first?
No one?
Andrea, quit it. Hurry.
- Hey, Jose.
- Hi.
We didn't hear back
from the chat group about the fee,
but I have it here.
Sorry, there were so many entries,
it got chaotic.
- But we saved you a spot, no worries.
- Okay, thanks.
- Hi, Jose.
- Hey, how are you?
Fine, thanks.
Hi, Ivana.
[Ivana] Oh, hey.
I didn't think I'd see you.
[woman] This is it.
It gets a lot of traffic
because of the stairs.
You might wanna check out
the mother-daughter activity:
"From Damsel to Warrior."
It's this afternoon.
This is a nice place.
It's over here, honey.
[Xico] All right, let's do this.
I really didn't wanna drag
my ass out of bed this morning.
Why? What's up with you?
I'll tell you later.
[Xico] No one will see us here,
not even God.
God doesn't exist.
There's only the Universe.
[Xico] Jeez, this location sucks!
Mommy, are we sleeping
at our house or your house tonight?
I don't know, pumpkin,
we'll figure it out.
We should start selling
toilet paper at this rate.
Hi, I'm Juan Camarena, I'm an accountant
for the public prosecutor.
Actually, they sent me here today.
[Silvio] Well, why'd they send you, pal?
Well, because
Well, quite honestly,
it was a misunderstanding
with some of the women at the office.
You know? Especially one who
I sincerely think
blew it out of proportion.
I mean, honestly,
I'm all about respect for women.
But it seems
nowadays, it's impossible to say anything
without getting into trouble.
You can't be polite apparently
without offending someone.
I'm Ezequiel Ramírez,
my friends call me Eze.
I have a small street vending business.
And I'm here so that
my girlfriend doesn't throw me out.
- [laughing]
- Seriously.
She keeps telling me that I'm macho.
I don't think I'm a bad guy.
I look after her,
and I give my kids everything they need.
My name is Ruy. I came here today
because my divorce lawyer
told me I should.
She says the certificate
will help my case a lot.
- And get me custody of my daughter.
- [man laughing]
I have always been a big supporter
of feminists, you know?
So I want to deconstruct myself.
[Silvio] Sorry?
Deconstruct myself.
[Silvio] "Deconstruct"?
Sorry, I don't believe
in all that "deconstruction" nonsense.
It seems like a load of garbage to me.
I can show you our designs.
[shopper] No, that's fine, thanks.
[Julia] Xico, did you see the look
Jose gave me when I came in?
Elena barely even said hi.
Think it has to do with Ruy's behavior?
Did the entire city hear about it?
News spreads really fast.
It was on TV.
This sorta thing spreads like wildfire
in feminist communities.
Are you going to tell me or what?
I'm getting a divorce.
If I tell you everything,
I'll lose it here in front of everyone.
Isn't that the whole point of feminism?
To be comfortable crying
in your own community?
- Piss off, Xico.
- Come here, sweetie.
I've never felt like this.
Truly and utterly heartbroken.
Not because our marriage is over,
but it's how he behaved. He was so
He was so full of spite.
So selfish.
Excuse me, sorry.
[muttering] Oh, shit.
Oh my God. What did he eat?
- Shut up, idiot.
- That's gross.
Where did you get that dress?
I told my mom if everyone
has the right to be free,
then I have the right to be a princess.
She understood.
Really? Cool.
I'm not allowed to eat any sugar.
How did you ask?
My moms really don't understand me.
They probably bought it for you
because they're having a baby.
No, they're not. My parents are separated.
My parents separated,
and now they fight even more.
Looks like you girls are doing great.
Attendance is higher than last year.
Yeah, mostly wannabes
who are here for the hype.
Things are going well for you.
You happy?
To be honest, I'm kinda pissed.
We reserved the same spot as last year,
but we're over by the bathrooms.
That's because we like to prioritize
small independent artists.
What do you mean, "And?"
Didn't you sign up
to do a campaign for Nike?
So success makes you less independent?
[laughing] Obviously.
Did Raiza tell you?
No, her girlfriend.
But was it supposed to be a secret?
I mean, it's great.
You're the official representative
for marketable feminism.
You're kidding me.
You're assholes.
Still pushing.
For those of you that don't know,
my name is La Mala,
which means "the bad one."
It's not because
I'm a gangster or anything,
it's because my parents
named me María Laura.
There have been so many changes
in the history of feminism.
We're all just trying to adapt
to the use of inclusive language.
But it's also confusing, right?
Because, like, take the word "hysterical."
Do we keep it, or
- switch it to her-sterical?
- [audience laughing]
Exactly. That's what I'm saying.
It's a trap the hetero-patriarchy
set up for us.
[melancholic music playing]
[audience laughing]
[voice fading]
Am I right? I'm a woman. Who cares?
[audience laughing]
[audience cheering and applauding]
[Silvio] All right, now what I want
you to do is try to remember a time
when you were a victim of violence.
Try to remember.
[man] I can't remember ever
being allowed to feel anything.
Whenever my pop heard us crying,
he'd give us a spanking.
He'd laugh and say, "There,
you've got something to cry about."
[Silvio] The message is
"If you show feelings, you'll get hurt."
It's pretty rough.
Yeah, but I mean,
we didn't see it that way though.
He hit like a little girl.
[all laughing]
My father wasn't around.
My mother raised me on her own.
She was a great mother.
But I
felt a lot of societal pressure
to be successful.
My situation was a bit different though,
because my ex made more money than I did.
But she also came from
a family with money.
[Silvio] We feel our worth is determined
by how much money we make.
Want some water, Maria? [laughing]
Sure, thank you.
[gulps] Delicious.
[Silvio] Great, good job.
Okay, so Daniel, offer it again.
And Ruy, you're not sure if you want any.
Hm? Okay?
- Yeah, okay.
- [Silvio] Go for it.
Want some?
Oh, I don't know if I want any.
Good, good good.
That was really really great.
Let's keep going.
So now, even though
she's, you know, "not sure,"
you can serve her anyway, okay?
And you, my friend, will accept it,
but don't drink any.
- [Ruy] Right.
- [Silvio] Go ahead.
[Daniel] Want some?
So, now, Daniel
you make sure she drinks it.
Force her if you have to.
Come on, drink it.
I don't want to. No.
See? He doesn't want to.
Do as I said. Make her.
- Get her to drink it.
- Really?
Okay then, just drink it.
- What? No.
- Come on, drink it.
[grunting] No, stop it.
[Silvio] Thanks, guys. That was great.
So, what did we just see?
Nobody can make
another person drink a glass of water
if they don't want it, understand?
And the same principle applies
when we start to talk about consent.
Am I right?
- Right?
- Yeah, great.
No, no, no, don't go yet.
I'm not quite done with you.
I wanna try another exercise real quick.
Ruy, my friend, you're still Maria.
I want you to lie on your back, please.
But this time, guys, Maria's unconscious.
All right? You can't talk to her,
and Ruy, you can't answer "yes" or "no,"
or anything.
You, Daniel, can pour a glass of water
and get Maria to drink it.
But she's going to be asleep.
That's right. Give her some water.
Force her to drink it. Go on. Do it.
[Silvio] Again, we have the same thing.
Any time a person is unconscious, or high,
be they drunk, sleeping
they're in no condition to consent.
But let's be completely clear, here, guys.
This is not about a glass of water,
we're talking about sex here.
Thanks, guys. Thanks.
Excuse me?
Have any toilet paper? It's all gone.
- Thanks.
- Here you go.
I come in peace.
How did you know I was here?
Obviously I've been stalking you
on Instagram.
But I wanted to buy some stuff
for the clinic.
Pretty cool bazaar, huh?
I mean, bazz-her.
Give me a sec.
If Andrea comes downstairs,
will you send her to me?
[Xico] Sure.
Thank you.
- Want anything?
- Anything that looks unhealthy.
Why are you right
in front of the bathrooms?
[Julia] Good question. I don't know.
Hello, Andrea!
- Hi, Ro.
- Hello.
- [Raiza] What are you doing here?
- I came to help my mom.
Are you hungry? How about some tacos?
- [Andrea] Sure.
- What kind?
Uh pastor.
Mushroom pastor, is that okay?
- Sweetie
- Sure.
I'd like you to meet Cameron.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I'm her girlfriend.
No, Romina is.
I'm Romina and Raiza's girlfriend.
That's not allowed.
Well, for us, it's allowed.
- [both laughing]
- Is that a baby in your arms?
Yes, they're all upstairs.
You want me to get you one?
Uh, no, no, no. I'm not into babies.
[Andrea] Why?
[Julia] Andrea, what are you doing?
I told you to stay upstairs.
What's up?
- [Cameron] We gave her some tacos.
- [Julia] That's great.
- [Cameron] Mushroom.
- [Julia] Super.
- Come back upstairs when you're done.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Julie] See you later.
- Bye.
She had to go see my dentist.
Just a sec.
- Do you like him?
- Mmm, a little bit.
I see.
They gave her tacos.
I'm not that hungry.
Can we talk?
Please, it'll only take a few minutes.
I've already left Xico alone
for a long time.
- What time does this end?
- Late.
And I have to take care of Andrea.
I fucked up.
I reacted really badly when you told me
what happened with Ruy.
I'm so sorry.
It's just this has all happened so fast
and I don't wanna pressure you.
- You know? It's
- I want to be with you, Julia.
Look, I messed up.
I'm gonna have to tell Andrea
about us sooner or later.
But if you don't mind being patient,
we can work it out.
Are you done, my love?
[Ezequiel] The first time it happened was
when we had our little boy.
'Cause she was so
incredibly sad,
and I just couldn't stand it.
I didn't know what to do.
Whenever I
tried to help,
I just ended up going off on her.
I was so damn useless.
And then the doctor said
it was postpartum depression
and it wasn't her fault.
The problem is
that whenever something happens
that I don't understand or I don't like
I often lose it and beat her.
I don't know if it's because of the abuse
I went through as a kid,
which was pretty bad.
I ran away
because I couldn't take it anymore.
But I don't want
my kids to go through that.
This workshop has opened my eyes today.
You all have, really.
I felt pressure to be strong, and
and other bullshit
that goes with being a guy.
I've never told anyone this,
but I do wonder
why my father walked out on us.
And does that have to do with
my feelings of failure
and inadequacy?
That could be why
I've been afraid
to try the things I really want to do.
And I'm worried
that I'm a lousy role model
for my daughter,
that I've disappointed my ex-wife.
That my mom doesn't feel proud of me.
And I really feel I'm not
the person that
I wish I was.
From what you've told us,
I think you're a good father.
That would make me feel proud.
I've gotta say, I agree with
our friend here, Ruy. I think
you've given a lot to your family.
You've given them your love,
and attention.
All right, my friends,
that about does it for us.
I'm grateful that you all
showed up here today.
It says a lot about your desire to change,
and grow, and
Thanks, Silvio.
Thanks a lot.
Sorry, I've gotta go.
I'm gonna do things right.
I'm gonna do things right!
Fuck yeah!
I am!
Thank you, Silvio!
If this keeps up,
I'll be left standing here all by myself.
No more breaks,
because you'll all desert me.
[door buzzing]
- [Julia] Who is it?
- It's me.
- She'll be right down.
- Uh, can we talk?
I'll buzz you in.
[lock buzzing]
[Ruy] Hey, kiddo!
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!
[Ruy grunts and chuckles]
Hello. How are you, sweetheart?
Will you draw with me?
Sure, but
we'll do it at home.
But everything we need is here.
I want to have a chat
with your mom first.
[Fausto] If you like,
I can take Andy for some street corns.
Dangerous at this hour.
It's half a block away
and she'll be with Fausto.
[Fausto] Come, Andy.
Let's get some street corn.
[Ruy kissing]
- Go on.
- Come.
I'll see you soon, sweetie.
[door slams]
It's hard to see you with someone else.
You tried to take me out
of our daughter's life.
Things got out of control.
It was the worst thing
you could've done to me.
And to Andrea. Both of us.
It was stupid of me.
I'm sorry.
I don't care what the judge says.
We'll go to the therapist,
but let's figure this out together
and split our time with Andrea
however we want.
Here, Daddy. We got one for you too.
Oh, thank you! Come here.
[groans] Give me a bite,
my hands are tied up.
Okay, time to say good-bye, Andy.
- Goodbye.
- Bye, Ruy.
- Thanks, man.
- You're welcome.
Look, dad, it's the cops.
- [officer] Good evening.
- [Ruy] Can I help you?
Why didn't you call
to tell me I had community service?
Get in, please.
Don't worry, babe.
- I'll pick you up tomorrow. Okay?
- [Julia] Thanks, love.
[Raiza] What did she say
when the cops took her in the patrol car?
Fucking Ruy.
Screwing it up since 2001.
I've watched you screw things up
since long before that.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
You're the king of self-pity.
- I don't want to lose Julia.
- Who said anything about losing her?
She's the mother of your daughter.
You couldn't lose her if you tried.
Without her, there's just no point.
I mean, why would I wanna do
anything without her? She's everything.
Oh, please. That's your romantic heart
talking, you stupid fool.
Tell your heart
[whistles] to shut up.
[Ruy] "Romantic love."
It's such a pain.
I can't stand you when you're in love.
You're worse, so don't talk.
I've seen you way worse.
Come on, you're much worse. You know it.
I have a crush on my mom's doctor, dude!
What the hell?
[Raiza laughing]
- How old is this one?
- Thirty-ish.
[Ruy] You're such an operator!
You sly fucking operator.
October 33 ♪
I wear it on my soul's back ♪
Like fair, fair, fair ♪
And I can hear the brass ring ♪
I hear it in the nosebleeds ♪
Where you once felt a cold breeze ♪
Think it was Halloween ♪
I've got your number, lonely ♪
October 33 ♪
That's cold facts ♪
Fair, fair, fair ♪
Holds me down ♪
Like you know how, darlin' ♪
Hold me now ♪
Like you know my plight ♪
Got your number ♪
I do ♪
Alone in the back ♪
I'm sending love where you at ♪
I do ♪
I've got your number, lonely ♪
October 33 ♪
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