Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Bigfoot Moon Rising

Narrator: Previously on
"expedition bigfoot"
- What's that?
- Looks like a print to me.
The fact that we just found
a footprint right by the nest,
Seems like we hit
some sort of a hot zone.
In the middle of nowhere,
There's this massive marshy
It's the perfect
bigfoot hunting zone.
Hey, look at this.
There's no natural way
this bone would've ended up
In the middle of this stump.
Oh, my god.
I mean, it looks like
it's all taking place
In this sort of corridor
below this ridgeline.
I think
you attracted something.
Where are you at?
To your right.
The only way I guess
I could describe it
Hey, look at that.
That's not something you
hang around to see what it was.
You get out of there.
Narrator: Bigfoot, sasquatch,
in the past 50 years,
There have been over
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature
In the continental
united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert.
From the new jersey pine barrens
to the pacific northwest.
Every year hundreds of
eyewitnesses log
Their encounters,
But where or when this legendary
cryptid will be seen next
Has been a mystery until now.
For the first time in history,
a team of investigators
Is using an advanced data
algorithm to analyze
Five decades
of bigfoot sightings to pinpoint
When and where to encounter
this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest bigfoot hunt
ever is on.
I'm gonna run
to the side here
And see if anything
has any heat.
Narrator: Deep in
the pacific northwest
Ooh, hey, look at that.
russell acord has just spotted
An unidentified creature
in the clearing,
Near the center of
the hot zone.
That's a deer,
but look how he's acting.
Oh, a deer got spooked.
That deer just ran away from
whatever we saw on that thermal.
That means it's still here.
I'm going to go have
a closer look.
Holy .
[ sighs ]
That is right up.
Back up.
You got to be kidding me.
I can understand the feverish
feel a gold miner
Would feel when he sees gold.
It's just -- you get that taste
of it and you want more.
That was a big taste.
[ sighs ]
It has absolutely vanished.
[ line ringing ]
- hello?
Hey, you are not gonna
believe what we found.
- Hold on.
-Coming your way.
I'm gonna put you on speaker,
all right?
Russ, you there?
Yes, sir.
- You said you e-mailed it?
You're not gonna
believe this.
All right. I see it.
I'm gonna open it.
What the is that?
It's screaming red-hot
on your thermal, man.
It's, like, walking away.
Isn't that insane?
Where'd it go?
That, I don't know.
What is this deer doing here?
What if it was hunting
this deer?
It senses something.
It's not happy.
What is happening?
Oh, that deer just took off.
What the hell?
We got to find this thing.
You know, one thing I think
would be a great idea
Would be a size comparison.
Put somebody out in the field
wherever that thing's walking
Around because obviously,
if you put a person out there,
They'll have a heat
signature as well,
And you'll be able to compare
The two different
sized heat signatures.
All right.
Well, look,
get some sleep, man.
I'm gonna be
checking out this video.
Nice work, man.
Thanks, bryce.
Talk to you soon.
This video is incredible.
The only problem is it isn't
really that clear.
So I want to get it into
the hands of some experts
Who can really help us prove
that this is bigfoot.
What is that?
Mireya: Ready?
Narrator: After hearing about
russell's encounter,
Dr. Mireya mayor
and ronny leblanc
Are making their way eight miles
northwest to russell's camp.
Ronny: After mireya and I
left the clearing last night,
Russell stayed behind
and recorded something
He said we have to see.
If it's as good
as he says it is,
We might have a bona fide
thermal image of a bigfoot.
How's it going?
Dying to see
this video you got.
Russell: Have a look at this.
Oh, what?
That's really strange.
- You got something.
- I mean, I don't know.
What is that?
See the -- I can see a hand.
It's almost like it's running.
I mean, you really see the legs
moving on that.
I'm seeing a sasquatch
right there.
I can't say that I'm seeing
a sasquatch,
But I can't say that
I'm not seeing a sasquatch.
A bear would be where my head
goes next --
To think it was a bear.
There's something
really intriguing
About the way
that that was walking.
I honestly could not
have imagined that he got a hit
That looked like
this big wide creature,
But I have to look
at the evidence
That's here, the hard facts,
And the hard fact is
we might have a bear here.
Now watch.
When I get close.
Like, in a second.
It's walking away from you
and then just goes
And I had my hit
on the thermal, disappeared.
Once again, something
that appeared and disappeared.
Seems to be a common occurrence
around here.
I have a heat signature.
I just had it,
and now it's gone.
I can't tell you
how many times sasquatch
Has disappeared
in front of people's eyes,
And now it's happening to us.
Now look, pay attention
to the left here.
- Okay.
- There's a deer.
Why is that so red
compared to the deer,
And the deer is so white?
Let's put it
in the bigfoot realm.
Bigfoot, primate
Would it put out a much hotter
thermal signature than a deer?
Yeah, absolutely.
Deer have more of a fur.
Only primates really have hair.
It's one of the reasons
why humans have to wear clothing
Because we don't have
that natural fur covering.
You know what
that means, right?
We have to go back there.
If that thing is as big
as I think it is,
There's got to be some tracks.
There's got to be something.
That's as hot, as on the trail,
as we've been this whole time.
- All right.
- My gosh.
Let's grab some gear.
We're going back
to the clearing.
We're gonna do some research.
This could actually be what
we've been looking for.
After decades of searching for
bigfoot, we may have done it.
It's big.
Let's say we ditch the atv?
- Okay.
- Just go in on foot.
All right.
I'll grab my bag.
All right.
Mireya: There's been a number
of anomalies out here,
And there's part
of my brain that says,
"okay, there has to be
a really logical explanation
For what was out there,
what we just saw in that video."
But then, the other side
of my brain is super excited.
Science is rooted in evidence,
But it's also driven by hope
And I still very much
have that hope
That we're gonna
find something.
Narrator: Coming up
These creatures,
they have means of ways
Of trying to tell us things
that we don't quite understand.
Something physically shifted
The perspective
of the trail cam.
Is it a problem for you
that the legs
Aren't more pronounced
in this heat signature?
Well, I think the legs
are less pronounced
Because there would be
more hair, could be furry.
Russell: Down a little bit
further here.
The team is on the way
To the southern edge
of the clearing,
Where last night
Russell encountered
what could be a bigfoot.
Russell: I've looked all through
this clearing,
And I haven't been able
to find any prints.
So where were you?
You see this log over here,
that one behind the bushes?
That's actually where I was
positioned with the tripod.
It seemed out this way,
But there was so much fog
I couldn't tell.
I say we record another video,
do a side-by-side comparison.
Well, that's the area where
ronny and I set out gifts,
And we also set up
the trail cams down there.
Oh, great.
Narrator: Several days ago,
ronny and mireya
Set out an apple
with colorful marbles
In the hopes of initiating
a gifting with bigfoot.
If something is left in return,
then we know we had an exchange.
Narrator: They also hung
trail cameras
- Here.
- You hold it.
Narrator:To catch anything
moving through the area.
So I think, while you go set up
over there,
We'll go and check that out,
And check the images
on the trail cam.
Maybe the trail cams will offer
some information for us.
- I hope so.
- Excellent.
While russell makes his way
To where he filmed the anomaly,
Ronny and mireya head
to the gifting site.
50 miles to the southwest,
Bryce has arranged
to share russell's footage
With a living legend
in the bigfoot community.
- Bob.
- Yes, sir, bryce.
Damn good to see you
again, man.
Hey, likewise, my friend.
Narrator: His infamous 1967 film
of bigfoot
Is still some of the most
compelling evidence
Of the creature's
existence, bob gimlin.
Let me show you this video.
Yes, please do.
Here we go.
This is the footage.
We have no idea what we caught
on tape last night.
Obviously, we want to say
that it's footage of a bigfoot,
But before we can do
that we really need
To look at this
from all different angles.
Bob's had the most
famous sighting
In the history of bigfoot.
So it only makes sense
that we start with him.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey,
I'll be darned.
That stride, well,
that's really good.
You can see this moves
very swiftly.
But now just watch here.
And it just disappears.
Russell keeps filming.
And then look what comes
into the picture, a deer.
And then check this out.
Taking off.
Something spooked it
out of there.
Hmm. I don't know.
What do you make of that?
Bob gimlin is the godfather
of bigfoot research.
Does he see what we think we're
seeing in this video footage?
Well, to be plumb honest
with you, you know,
It's similar
to what roger and I found.
And of all the evidence
that you have there,
I'd say that there was
A bigfoot in the area.
That's what I think, too.
Being able to have bob confirm
That we are on the right
track is incredible.
In terms of
the bigfoot community,
It just doesn't get
any bigger than that.
Mireya: This way.
Narrator: Mireya and ronny are
going to check the trail cams
They set up,
To see if they captured
any evidence of the creature
Russell saw last night.
So we left the gift up there.
So everything is still there.
Nothing additional.
Looks like it's the same.
Let's check these trail cams.
- Let's see
- Come on.
From this camera.
- This it?
- Yeah.
Another deer, yeah,
running in that direction.
Okay, same deer.
I don't think there's any
shortage of deer around here.
- Nope.
- More deer.
And that's positive for me.
That's a food source, you know.
That's it.
Looks like it wasn't triggered
by anything at night.
No, we still have the other cam
facing 180 degrees so.
The other direction, yeah.
What do you make
of seeming ability
To just sort of disappear, bob?
Well, you know,
The only thing that I can say
Is that it does happen.
The apache indians,
They'd say that
these people of the woods,
They're there
and they're gone like smoke.
- You want to sit back down?
- Sure.
Bryce: What you're saying is
That bigfoots have
the capability
Of doing things that go beyond
Our understanding
of the natural world?
These creatures,
they have means of ways
Of trying to tell us things
That's you setting the camera.
That we don't
quite understand,
But if we learn how to read
the signs that they leave behind
We would be a lot
further ahead.
Hold on a second.
Am I losing it
or is that pointing
In a different direction now?
There just seems to be
two different
Come, take a look.
So the camera was supposed
to be seeing this, right?
- Right.
- What's that?
It just looks like a different
perspective, right? Okay.
So it's definitely pointing
like this.
Well, it was pointing that way,
And now when you look
at the next picture
- That's odd.
- That is odd.
And that can't move on
it's own, right?
We have that secure.
Something physically shifted
the perspective
Of the trail cam.
Mireya: Well,
it was pointing that way.
We had it pointing that way
when we set it.
- And that's pointing this way.
- And now it's pointing that way.
Something physically shifted
The perspective
of the trail cam.
Narrator: At the east end
of the clearing,
Dr. Mireya mayor
and bigfoot researcher
Ronny leblanc have discovered
that the position
Of one of the trail cameras
They've set up
has mysteriously shifted.
This thing is secure.
That can't move on its own.
We'd need somebody with hands
to physically shift.
I know it sounds nuts,
but something moved this camera.
I'm baffled.
It just doesn't make any sense.
It's definitely pointing
in a different direction.
- It's definitely shifted.
- Yeah.
Ronny to russell.
Hey, ronny.
Hey, bud.
Mireya and I just checked
all the trail cams.
We got a bunch of mule deer
and other deer,
But we were looking
at the photos, going through,
And then after five or six
Or so then it seemed
to shift perspective.
It was kind of moved
in another direction.
Something with hands had
to have moved this thing.
Oh, wow.
Now that is creepy.
Ronny, I've heard
stories like that before,
Where either the camcorder
was torn down
And put to the ground or shifted
or spun all the way around.
That is really odd.
Yeah, I just started thinking
about the video
That was, I think,
a couple years ago,
Where a trail cam
was ripped off the tree
And it looked like something was
trying to bury the trail cam.
Narrator: In 2016,
a federal task force
In northern california,
Looking to bust illegal
marijuana grow operations,
Came across some unexpected
footage on a nearby trail cam.
A strange ape-like beast
Is seen attempting to bury
the camera with leaves.
That's wild.
I've set this thermal camera up
in the exact same spot
We had it last night,
Pointing at the clearing
where I saw that creature.
I'd like to do
a size reference.
Are you guys anywhere near?
We're up on the ridge,
but we could come down
And regroup with you.
We'll head down there now.
Standing by. Thank you.
Narrator: Ronny and mireya will
walk to the other end
Of the clearing
to rejoin russell
In the same spot
where he recorded the anomaly.
- Hey, russell.
- Hey, you two.
Narrator: To determine if
the creature in the video
Was large enough to be bigfoot,
The team will record
a size reference video.
When I get all the way
over there,
I'll tell you on here
to hit record.
Narrator: Size reference
photography is key
In crime scene investigations.
Objects of known size,
like rulers,
Provide a scale
that allow detectives
To measure
the dimensions of evidence.
All right.
I'll be back shortly.
Narrator: In this situation,
Russell will use his
6- foot frame as the scale.
Russell: We're in the field
So let's do this
the old-fashioned way.
Mireya and ronny will eyeball
the creature in the video
And then direct me
to its exact location.
Then, hopefully, we'll be
able to provide a comparison
And see the exact height
and the size of this thing.
I'm gonna go to
a reference point
That I remember
from the video last night
That should be close to
where the subject matter was.
Can you play it?
For reference, what I saw
was somewhere in this area
Where I'm standing right now.
It was so much foggier
last night so it's hard to say.
Give me a direction.
Do you want me to go this way
or this way?
The way
he's pointing right now.
The way you're pointing
right now.
So what is my size difference
compared to the video?
Man, it's so hard to say.
There's so little detail
in this imagery.
I don't have a reference point,
But we know you're
in the general area
So we'll record it.
- Yeah.
We are recording.
Things move fast out here,
And as a scientist you try
And replicate things
in the field.
When that doesn't work,
when those experiments fail,
Then you have to find
a different avenue
In order
to solve that mystery.
I'm gonna come back
to you guys right now,
And we'll figure out
where to go from here.
Roger that.
Tonight, we were unable
to estimate
The exact size of this creature,
but I'm gonna go ahead
And send this new video
to bryce.
Hopefully he'll be able
to obtain
Some valuable
information from it.
Narrator: Bryce has arrived
at the office
Of forensic video
expert ron guzek.
Hey, ron.
Hi, bryce.
How are you doing, man?
Narrator: Bryce sent him footage
of the anomaly,
As well as the size reference
video the team filmed to see
If he can help reveal
any details
About the mysterious creature.
Over the past two decades,
Ron has provided
expert testimony
In hundreds on legal proceedings
across the country.
I'm really interested
in having him look
At the thermal imaging video
That we captured out
in the field.
I want to be able to determine
it's not a bear
And hopefully, to confirm
that it could be a sasquatch.
So, ron, I'm dying to get your
expert opinion on this footage.
So the first thing
I did was try
And get it to be
as stable as possible.
Because as you're looking
at a bad video
It also takes an effect
on your eyes.
So as we look at this,
see right there,
You can see
an indication of steps.
- Yeah.
- And then there's one leg,
As if something is stepping over
and the arm follows.
Right there, you can see it
changed direction.
Something happened there,
and it's weight shift.
Also, I sent some of this
information to an artist.
Keep in mind that this
is a simulation.
You can determine
with quite a bit of certainty
That this thing is walking.
This is incredible.
We still don't know quite
what it is, but it's walking.
That eliminates a cougar,
a deer, an elk.
This definitely could be
What we were looking for,
As we look at this,
see right there,
You can see
an indication of steps.
I sent some of this information
to an artist.
Investigator bryce johnson
Has just learned
that forensic video expert
Ron guzek
believes the unknown creature
Is walking upright.
Keep in mind that
this is a simulation.
You could determine
with quite a bit of certainty
That this thing is walking.
I mean, it's hard not to jump
to the conclusion
That what I'm looking at
Is the thermal signature
of a possible bigfoot
Because I think we both agree
that whatever this is seems
To be walking upright
and on two legs.
Is it a problem for you
that the legs
Aren't more pronounced
in this heat signature?
Well, I think the legs
are less pronounced
Where we can see
the indication of a leg --
Because there would be
more hair,
Meaning it could be furry.
Oh, wow.
Could be hair that's obstructing
these hard edges,
Making this more
of a blurry image.
It's a reasonable assumption.
Now what other upright
walking creature has hair
Or fur
in the pacific northwest?
It's not orangutans or gorillas.
None that we know of.
So the other video that
we sent you was russell,
Our team member,
Essentially standing in where
we thought the creature was.
Unfortunately, because
we didn't know
The exact location
of the object
We couldn't get
a reference point
So we could get
some sort of a comparison.
So how can we tell
how big this thing is?
These four posts.
This gives a reference
to what we're looking at.
Oh, yeah.
I thought if I can find those
four posts in another image,
I could put a still frame over
a still frame of the anomaly.
So here's one of the times
we saw the anomaly,
There's the four posts.
- I see them.
And this is the two images
over each other.
Oh, man.
- I'm blown away by this.
- Do you see that?
I do. How can you not?
Russ is no small guy,
And I mean,
just the comparison of the two.
This creature just sort
of towers over him.
A child can see
it's almost twice as big
And easily 25% taller.
The other thing this shows,
we have the heat on the head.
The clothes
holding the heat in.
Here, we have no heat
on the head
And heat coming past
the surface of the object.
So I don't see how
it could be clothes,
Unless there's just
some crazy hunter
Running around the woods nude,
And I don't know what else
could be in the woods
That's such
a strange heat signature.
Possibly just had a meal.
- And/or --
- yeah.
- A female pregnant.
- A female.
When you create
a composite picture,
It leaves no doubt in my mind
That what we've captured on that
thermal imaging was the bigfoot.
There's something mysterious
out there.
Whatever this is,
It's surprisingly
different than a human.
That's something very strange
in the northwest.
Russell: All right, guys.
We got the full moon tonight
So let's go as dark
as we possibly can.
Let's keep these lights down.
There'll be no sound at all
Unless there's
something significant.
Narrator: The team believes
tonight's full moon
Offers enough
natural illumination
To allow them to turn off
most of their lights.
I've got those thermal
And I can go ir
with the camera.
Narrator: But the moon may have
another effect on their hunt.
During my research,
when the moon is full,
Primate activity
increased dramatically.
The illumination can be
a guiding light
To roam the forest.
So tonight could be our best
chance to spot a bigfoot.
The plan of action from here now
is for us to spread out.
I felt something on this side,
Where that trail camera
was spun --
So I'll hit that side.
- Okay.
- I can take the opposite side.
I'll go behind me,
down the corridor.
Okay. Sounds like a plan.
Animals tend to be a little bit
more hostile during the peak
Of the lunar cycle,
and the last thing we want
Is an aggressive creature
on our hands.
I feel like there's a lot
of activity through here.
I feel like we're right in
the middle of their hallway.
We've definitely stirred
something up.
All right.
Good luck, guys.
So far, I've taken this video
footage to two different sources
Who both believed
that it could be bigfoot.
Now I'm gonna talk
with someone
Who's probably gonna be
a little bit more skeptical.
He's an expert in rare
and illusive primates,
World-renowned primatologist
dr. Russell mittermeier.
Narrator: After receiving his
phd from harvard university
In biological anthropology,
dr. Mittermeier has become
One of the world's
preeminent scientific explorers.
Several of the 18 new
species he's discovered
Have been named in his honor,
and in 1998 "time" magazine
Named him one of
the heroes of the planet.
It's a real pleasure to be able
to speak with you today.
Thank you for taking the time
to talk with us.
Happy to do it.
As you know, I got your name
through mireya.
She wanted to get
your expert analysis and opinion
On a video that was taken by one
of my team members in the field.
I sent you a couple
different versions.
One I managed to stabilize,
I want to look at that
with you now.
It begs the question, you know,
did we capture a bear?
A bear, which would
stand upright,
It wouldn't actually walk
any distance upright.
You know, I see motions
That look like
they could be arms swinging.
Pretty interesting,
don't you think?
A wide body, which would not
be unusual
For an anthropoid primate.
A gorilla would be
[ speaks indistinctly ]
To an animal like this.
Oh, I mean, we're looking
at a thermal image
Taken in central oregon.
What does that mean to you?
It means that's a giant ape
Is far from its normal home,
in africa.
Narrator: Coming up
Night vision on and ready.
This is the creepiest place
I've ever been,
And I think it offers
the biggest chance
Having a sighting tonight.
I mean, we're looking at
a thermal image
Taken in central oregon.
What does that mean to you?
It means that's a giant ape
Is far from its
normal home, in africa.
World-renowned primatologist
Dr. Russell mittermeier
Has just viewed
the thermal recording taken
In the team's target zone.
Well, it's hard to tell
what it is, right?
There's a gigantic ape
that actually once existed,
And that's gigantopithecus.
Narrator: Having existed over
100,000 years ago,
Gigantopithecus is a recently
discovered ancient species,
Standing approximately
10 feet tall
And weighing
over 1,300 pounds.
It's considered to be
The largest primate
that ever lived.
While it's unclear exactly
when this beast went extinct,
Many researchers believe
this giant ape
Could've evolved
into modern-day bigfoot.
Hmm. Incredible.
The best thing you can do
is get out there,
Go to the same place
and look more and more and more
Because, god,
to find, let's say,
Gigantopithecus, okay,
that's a living creature.
That would be unbelievable.
That would be clearly
the discovery of the century.
All right, well, I will keep you
abreast onto any updates
That we have
on the expedition.
- Sounds great.
- All right. Thank you.
Take care.
I mean, you just heard one of
the preeminent primatologists
In the world telling us
that it has the appearance
Of a large anthropoid creature
far from its home in africa.
So you do the math.
Narrator: With confirmation from
three sources
That the video appears to
feature a massive upright being,
The team begins their
investigation of the clearing.
Kind of back up in here.
That still allows me to see this
clearing back here behind me.
This is the creepiest place
I've ever been,
And I think it offers
the biggest chance that
We've got of actually seeing
or having a sighting tonight.
Russell will stay close to
The foot of the clearing,
Setting up a surveillance post
just inside the tree line.
Mireya will make her way
northeast to the ridge
Above the trail camera
that was mysteriously moved.
If something moved the camera,
it had to come from up high.
Ronny: I wanna get
a little bit deeper up here.
Ronny will head southeast,
To an elevated vantage point.
Once in position,
mireya and ronny
Will begin making their way
towards the clearing.
Any bigfoot trying to avoid them
Will be driven out
into the open,
Where russell will be
waiting to film them
With his thermal binoculars.
Ronny: So trying to find
a good position
Where I can do some calls.
In hopes of making contact
With any sasquatch in the area,
Ronny will be attempting
a series of bigfoot calls.
Even though we had some great
success with the speaker system,
I think we need to change it up.
We need the sound
from a living, breathing thing.
So I'm gonna try some of
my own bigfoot calls.
It's worked for me in the past.
I've gotten responses
to my calls,
And hopefully,
it can work again.
Narrator: Ronny bases his calls
on vocalizations of primates,
Including orangutans,
The closest living relative
of gigantopithecus.
Ronny to russell.
Ronny to mireya.
Mireya: Hey, ronny.
Mireya here.
- Go ahead, ronny.
-Stand by.
I'm gonna do three calls
in about 30 seconds.
Standing by.
To get a good call,
you want to try to get
As much air in your lungs
as possible.
[ grunting sound ]
What the ?
This infrared light gives me
a better sense
About what's in the distance.
If there is something
out here,
I can't see it,
But it most likely can see me.
Mireya: Did you hear that?
There's something
walking that way.
Let's keep walking.
Narrator: After ronny makes
several bigfoot calls,
Mireya is hearing
what she believes
To be a large animal
moving nearby.
Another twig snap,
But I don't see anything.
Ronny to russell and mireya.
Go ahead, ronny.
Did you hear anything at all,
anything near you?
I heard a wood knock off
to my left,
But I didn't get enough of it.
I heard twigs snap, but I'm not
seeing anything now.
That sound came from over
where mireya is.
Something could be
on the move, guys.
Stay safe.
Keep your ears open.
Roger that.
Seems awful calm out there.
Mireya: Nothing.
Ronny: Are you seeing that?
Let me grab
the infrared camera.
Thought I just saw a light.
There it is.
What is that?
I could be seeing starlight,
But it seems to be coming
from the tree line.
What's common with
bigfoot areas
Are strange balls of light
floating around.
It seems to be some weird
light directly above
Where russell had
his thermal hit.
Ronny to russell.
Go for russ.
I have some strange white lights
being picked up on ir right now.
Where are you?
I'm down the tree line
in the edge of the clearing.
I'm seeing a light
that's high up.
I can't explain it.
Now there are three
different ones
That seem to be hovering
in the tree line.
Mireya: What's that light?
There's lights coming
from that direction.
Oh, my god.
Did you see that?
You know, sometimes
I do look for patterns.
It's human nature.
It's like, if I want
to see patterns
I can find them,
if I don't want to see patterns
I can look away, but something
is clearly happening out here
That we can't explain.
And as a scientist,
That's a really tough thing
for me to admit.
Mireya to ronny.
Go ahead.
I can't believe
I'm saying this,
But I also saw
a bright white light.
Narrator: Next time on
"expedition bigfoot"
When I see orbs
in these situations,
I know we're on to something.
There's a pattern
in this corridor.
We got to get answers.
I've seen things out here
that I can't explain away
With logic and science.
Ronny: He's here.
I had shivers running through
my whole body.
We've been hunting him, but he's
now knocking on our door.
Did you have any apprehension
About telling anybody
about what you saw?
No because I had the camera.
I took a picture.
Oh, you're kidding me.
Russell: All we've done so far
is look at everything
On top of the surface,
But we've never
looked underneath.
Let's go to work. Holy crap.
What are we looking at?
We're looking at a fully
autonomous airship.
So cool.
We're down to the finish line
of our research,
And this could be
exactly what we've needed.
Hold on, russell, I have
something that's really weird.
I have a massive heat signature
that I'm looking at right now.
I feel like we're so close
to getting our answers.
What the hell? This is it.
We're gonna find the truth.
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