Extinct (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

True or False

My turn.
I did magic tricks at kids parties when I was in high school.
FEENA: Mmhmm.
I had my appendix removed when I was ten years old.
And I have an irrational fear of fish.
Well, um Swimming with fish or eating them? I can eat fish.
Some fish.
- I can eat fish sticks.
But yeah, being in the water with them.
All right, sharks? Or even guppies? Oh, um.
Tiny school of guppies or a shark doesn't matter.
I'm freaked.
- What? You're a fish coward.
Well, maybe not.
One of them's a lie.
Okay, give them to me again.
- Uh-huh.
Fear of fish.
Are you sure? Yeah.
Fish is too specific to be untrue.
Seen your appendectomy scar, and you don't have the stage presence to be a magician.
Wha? I am gonna choose not to be offended by that.
I guess you can read me like a book Miss Abbington.
Yes I can.
DUNCAN: There will be a sentry posted outside the camp so we should approach from the north.
I say we wait till nightfall.
I'll go in alone, see if I can't get Lynn out myself.
If you don't like the plan, just say so.
FEENA: Get on your knees.
- What is this? - This is you gettin' on your knees! All right.
Tie your wrists.
You set this up before you came back for me? I needed to see what you would do once you were free.
And I failed? Just being cautious.
And you should be.
But it's me.
Then you won't mind doing what I ask! Yeah, I mind.
I can't help you rescue Lynn if my hands are tied.
And we're about to walk into a camp filled with Skin Riders, of which I am one.
So how do you think that they are going to respond to this? You have three seconds! I can't tie my own wrists.
It's physically impossible.
Use your teeth.
I um I really thought we were past all this.
Am I still tying my wrists? [THEME MUSIC.]
ABRAM: Ezra and Feena shouldn't have gone.
They don't know where the Skin Riders live, or how many they'll find once they get there.
Ezra was determined.
There was no dissuading him.
The man loves his wife.
I can't fault him for that.
What will you do if he and Feena do not return? I can't restart the human race by myself.
- [SIGHS.]
- That would require at least one fertile female mate.
I get the biology.
You promised the Obelisk to find and destroy the Ancestor.
Any idea where it's located? Negative.
That is one secret the Skin Riders have kept well.
Jax: Ancestors, may I approach?.]
Ancestor: Come.
SILAS: You thought you could sneak in and overpower us.
With this? Or maybe you came to join us.
To live alongside your wife.
EZRA: Where is she? In that ship.
Resting while her body accepts her Companion.
SILAS: You think you're so right, Ezra.
But what have Skin Riders done that humans haven't already done to themselves? Look at our Community! Do you see disharmony here? Hatred? Everyone builds here.
Everyone shares, everyone contributes.
Where's the crime? - Where's the disunity? - Where's the freedom? If these people wat to leave, will you let them? No one wants to leave.
And Lynn? Does she want a Companion? [CLANKING.]
Nobody's gonna fall for this.
Well, then we do my plan.
You're not going into camp alone.
No one would give me a second look.
- Let's go.
- And what about him? He wakes up, he'll use his Companion to send a message and alert the others.
We're not killing him.
Human in him would thank us.
Be a mercy.
I mean I don't like it either, but No! And when I ask for it?! Don't even talk like that! You don't understand, Feena.
This Companion lulls us chemically.
It deadens us.
Okay? It gives us just enough of ourselves to make us think that we are in control, but we're not.
Now my Companion is only partially healed.
It will get stronger.
And I need you to promise me that you will not let it take me again.
Search the woods! She couldn't have gone far.
Problems? Lynn has run off! [EXHALE.]
Every brother and sister within range of my voice will be looking for her now.
We'll find her.
And even if we don't, when her Companion fully develops, she'll come back to us.
Bring him! [GRUNT.]
Lynn's escaped.
Silas sent Skin Riders into the woods to find her.
And Ezra? Is taken.
I know If you would have stayed with him, you would have been taken too.
We need to find Lynn before they do.
No We need to clear out before they find you, okay? It is too dangerous now, Feena.
They are out here.
I need to get you back to the Settlement.
Can you send the Skin Riders a message? Saying what? That you spotted Lynn.
Give them a location and then, send them in the wrong direction.
Jax will be out of range by now, but everyone else should hear.
Now There's a gully two miles away.
I'll send them there.
And if that's where she actually is? We're sending them straight to her.
And if she's spotted along the way, then they know I'm lying.
We take those risks! We won't reach camp otherwise.
So we're rescuing Ezra? There's fewer of them at camp.
This is the best chance we're going to get.
I think my chances were better tied to the tree.
SILAS: She's bound.
Every exit is guarded.
And yet, Lynn still finds a way.
But then again, Lynn always was.
Leave us.
Our sanctuary! Where we counsel together and honor our dead.
It's not St.
Paul's Cathedral, but it keeps the rain off.
Karik warship, from the invasion.
The humans may have lost the war, but we scored a few victories.
You're conflicted right now.
Part of you wants to go out of here and find Lynn before we do.
But you also don't want to abandon your brother.
You want to save me.
I care about you, Silas.
I want you healthy, and back with us at the Settlement.
I want our family together again.
You sound like someone staging an intervention.
Maybe I am! I belong to these people, Ezra.
It may surprise you to hear me say so, but I make a pretty good priest.
Yeah, of something you don't believe in Once again, you speak in ignorance.
You don't know what a Companion can provide.
I feel pain.
But the Companion can counter that pain with peace and contentment.
There you go again.
Playing the protector.
You can't see how dangerous its influence is.
It won't let you! How wonderful its influence is, you mean.
You have Sparks.
Enough to heal minor wounds and illnesses.
We'll have more when we take yours.
You're wondering why the Sparks don't kill my Companion.
The way they healed Abram.
Because killing a fully-grown Companion would violate everything the Sparks stand for.
If you want to kill my companion, Ezra.
You'll have to kill me.
- FEENA: They all left.
No, somebody stayed behind with Silas in the ship.
If I call it, we pull back.
- Not without Ezra! - No, Feena.
I need you to trust me, okay? I can't have them take you.
You're early! What's wrong? I'm being transferred.
To where? I don't know, they're not telling me.
Will they just put you on a plane? Yeah, something like that.
Okay, well when? Tonight.
Okay well, you call me when you get there.
And wherever it is I'll come.
No, they uh They asked me to go silent.
So I I shouldn't even be here.
They can't just make you disappear, - you have a life.
- Yeah, but not a choice.
If this isn't working, you can just say so.
Oh, no, hey! You think I'm lying to you? What am I supposed to think? Listen to me.
Something is about to happen, all right? I don't know what exactly, but I need you to trust me.
Well? You call it, we pull back.
Jax: Teach me the workings of this machine.
Your Ancestors.
FEENA: Do you sleep in here? DUNCAN: Most of us do, yeah.
Lynn! It's you.
It's me, Feena.
Of course! FEENA: Are you okay? It's all right, he's with us now.
Did they infect you? Yes, on the forearm.
We need to hurry.
I immersed the wound in Sparks.
- I think that helped.
- You have Sparks? Not as many as we need.
Listen, there's a clearing to the north.
All right? If I'm not there with Ezra in five minutes, you go to the Settlement.
- Ezra's here? - Duncan will find him.
Save it for my husband.
JAX: You come to me as humans.
Our hosts were humans.
Our knowledge of the drones comes from them.
I thought there would be more of you.
Few Ancestors have knowledge of the drones.
We are all there is.
Can you teach me to reprogram it? You wish to block the neural pathways of the human mind? To give greater control to our Companion.
Such a thing has never been attempted.
We're aware of the risks.
Very well.
We will show you what we know.
ABRAM: I find all these personal belongings in the living quarters, and then you showed me some of the graves outside.
Now I have more questions than answers.
Ask away.
You said there are 134 settlers buried out there.
Some you can identify, some not.
If the corpses DNA is not in my database, they are unknowns to me.
How many can you identify? Seventy-four.
We know 74 of them.
That leaves 60 graves of unknowns.
Am I doing the math wrong here? A hundred and thirty-four graves minus 74 is 60.
Your math is correct.
But one of the graves does not have a body.
You're saying there is an empty grave out there? There is no body in the grave.
But it is not empty.
- [THUD.]
SILAS: Jax tells me you dug up a weapon in the woods.
Let me guess.
The Obelisk made you do it? I'm not one for pointing out glaring ironies, Ezra.
But I'd say the pot is calling the kettle black.
You say my companion coerces me, manipulates me, enslaves me.
But isn't that what the Obelisk does to you? Locking you in its forcefield.
Making you comply.
I've been there.
You lived in the Settlement? We all did.
For years.
Including you.
The Obelisk didn't reveal that nugget of information? Shocker.
You and I were in the Settlement together? And Lynn.
Kylie too.
- You're lying.
- Why would I? That's what I mean, Ezra.
You're so convinced you're right, but you don't know anything.
Where's Lynn? Your message said you had found her.
Explain yourself.
Ezra's coming with me.
And going where? To the Settlement? You think they'll let you in? Doesn't matter.
Wherever I go, it'll be better than here.
You'll never make it.
I'll send a message to the others.
Oh, we'll make it.
If I didn't think so, I would'a killed you already.
I have Lynn outside.
Come with us.
Whatever's going on here, we can figure it out together.
I've already figured it out, Ezra.
You're on the losing side.
We need to move! [CRYING.]
Yeah, yeah, very sweet.
Shall we? I know a shortcut if you trust me.
I do.
You can't go back the way you came.
They'll catch you.
Silas is already redirecting them that way.
All right, we follow you.
Uh, pretty far off the beaten path with this one, huh? [METAL GATE CREAKING.]
ELEANOR: Agent Duncan! Welcome! FEENA: It's not opening! DUNCAN: It's because of me.
The Obelisk senses the parasite.
Try stepping through.
I'm not leaving Duncan.
Please Feena.
They're coming.
What do we do? Tell the Obelisk we'll bring Duncan in with his hands bound.
Will that work? It's worth asking.
I'm not sure I can articulate that.
But I'll try.
Here they come! Tie his hands.
This isn't going to work.
Leave me.
- Ezra! - SILAS: You know what I miss? Cars.
You can hop in a comfy seat, push the gas, and whoosh, off you go.
All this running through the woods is just not my thing.
I'm sorry.
No! - [CHARGE.]
- Leave, Ezra.
This isn't your fight.
Oh, but it is.
That's why they brought him back.
Isn't it, Ezra? Well, lets get on with it.
This better work.
There's no reason for you to do this, Ezra.
Oh, there are plenty of reasons.
- EZRA: Good job.
- ABRAM: Wasn't me.
It was the Obelisk.
But, there's a condition.
He stays locked up, here in the courtyard.
What? Until we figure out a cure for him.
No way! It's for the best, Feena.
You'll freeze! No, I've survived a few winters here.
As long as I get some firewood, I'll be all right.
There's room inside! The Obelisk was clear, Feena.
I DON'T CARE WHAT THE OBELISK SAID! No, you don't go against the Obelisk! Okay? Believe me.
You were here before.
As one of the settlers.
That's right.
I've got some questions.
I got some answers.
JAX: A complicated machine.
I am sorry our knowledge was not more comprehensive.
It's enough for me to start.
You worry us, Jax.
Your hatred for the humans is unrivaled.
Why should that concern you? The humans are a capable species.
Their physiology and mental aptitude makes them a far better host than the Karik ever were.
We need them.
All the more reason to secure our dominance over them.
Our dominance is not in question.
You disapprove of what I'm doing? We caution you.
The more we seek to weaken the human, the more we silence his primal instincts and skills: The very strength he brings to our symbiotic relationship.
But we must weaken the human, or they will seek to overpower us.
You speak from experience.
That is why you embrace this idea.
Your human fights you constantly.
We can sense him even now.
His love for the woman.
His commitment to his world.
That is why you dare not let him speak or choose.
Because you fear what he will say and do.
And that you will not be able to stop him.
He is strong.
I am stronger.
Seek balance, Jax.
Push the human too much and he will break.
Push too little and the human will break free.
FEENA: Is that really necessary? ABRAM: I'm sorry, Feena.
Don't apologize to me.
It's him you're treating like a criminal.
No, it's fine.
It's fine.
And it's safest.
My parasite's still awake, so LYNN: Which means what? That it can influence me in varying degrees.
EZRA: Could you make it fall asleep? [SCOFFS.]
If I could do that, I would have done it a long time ago.
Then how are you able to Overpower it? It's uh It's recovering from an illness.
So it's weaker.
But it's still a struggle.
Who was here? Who wasn't? All of us were here.
Our daughter Kylie? Also, yeah.
Yeah, she was reborn as a chil.
Essentially the same age she was when When she died.
So, the Sparks and drones remake people of all ages? DUNCAN: No, not adults.
Adults are reborn at the prime of their life regardless of when they died.
FEENA: Why? That's when we're strongest and most fertile.
I'm an old man.
Given this some thought.
LYNN: So, the settlers had children? [WHISPERED.]
Yeah, the first years were the hardest.
There were illnesses.
The uh The Sparks healed what they could, but only a few infants survived.
You lost a child? Yeah.
And my wife.
Feena died during childbirth.
LYNN: I think we should give them a moment.
We were married? Don't sound so surprised.
- Here, in the Settlement? - Yeah.
Abram performed the ceremony.
Abram, he's a priest? Well, he's as close to a priest as we had.
And you love me? Did you even have to ask? [SNIFF.]
A baby.
- Yeah.
Our first.
Little girl.
- I always loved that name.
- I know you did! You picked it.
She was beautiful.
Like you.
EZRA: Do you believe him? ABRAM: He seemed sincere to me.
He knew that Kylie had died as a child.
Silas also said that Kylie was here.
While you were gone, I went outside to the graves.
Yellow scanned them.
We identified your grave.
And mine? I didn't see them all.
But one of them must be yours.
And Kylie? I'm sure Yellow could show you, if you ask.
There are other things I learned, but they can wait.
Oh it's like, losing her all over again.
What happened to her here? Did she suffer? Lynn We don't know, we weren't here.
What if she was alone? We don't know that.
I wasn't with her.
Where am I? I've turned off your defenses and disabled your flight capabilities.
Jax? You know my voice.
What is your intention? Nothing you can do will dissuade me, drone.
Don't bother trying.
You look older.
How long has it been? Turn it off drone.
I understand I'm just a hologram, but I am me.
You're not real.
You're a deception trickery.
That's the parasite talking.
I know my husband's voice when I hear it.
Then hear this.
Your husband never loved you.
He found you repulsive.
Is that the best you can do? Do you think I ever doubted my husband's love? His kindness, his devotion to me.
Do you think that can be forgotten because you say so? Turn off this woman, drone.
Before I turn you off.
WOMAN: You parasites are hypocrites.
You accuse me of deception, but all you give are lies.
I will not be manipulated by a machine I'm not a machine.
I'm the woman who loved Jax.
Who still does.
I know you can hear me, Jax.
I know you're fighting.
Whatever it's telling you, it's not true.
You were stronger.
You were loved.
And you're not alone.
I will stand with you always.
ELEANOR: You don't have this kind of view where you come from? Seattle? No.
No, between the smog and the light pollution, you're lucky if you see the moon.
You have a favorite constellation? Well, I uh I don't know many.
I see uh, the big dipper.
That's about it I think.
Both sad stories.
Well, both myths.
Orion and Callisto that is.
Those constellations represent sad stories.
Love lost.
Jealousy, infidelity, death.
Ancients looked at the stars and saw sorrow.
And what do you see? Sorrow to come.
There's something out there, isn't there? Something dangerous.
Everyone here seems to know but me.
Feeling a little bit in the dark? I am, yeah.
Nearly every door in this place requires clearance that I don't have.
And the one door that I can go through leads to a cubicle with almost every psychological examination known to man.
So, if you're testing for something, I want to know what, and why.
Something dangerous is coming James.
And yes, we've been testing you.
But there's really only one more question I have to ask you.
Do you love Feena? Feena? What does she have to do with this? Everything.
It's a simple question really.
Do you love Feena enough to give your own life? Yes.
I thought so.
What's this? [CHUCKLING.]
I'm sorry, Feena.
Everything I've told you is true.
I only wish that I were stronger so it couldn't take me.
You're attempting to reprogram me, Jax.
I do not need a play-by-play.
You do not understand the human mind.
It is too delicate an organ to be altered in the way you imagine.
Manipulating the human mind is where I excel drone.
Do you know how easy it is to fill them with rage, lust, malice? All by using their own hormones, proteins, enzymes.
MAN: Is that how you do it? By tinkering with our endocrine system? You're running out of ideas.
Well, you're one to talk.
I mean, all you do is you copy and manipulate what the human body already does.
The Skin Riders haven't had an original idea yet.
You won't rile me, human.
Oh, you see, but I'm not just any human.
I'm your human.
Although, technically speaking, actually, you don't own me.
Ooooh, but I do.
From the moment I infected you.
Such a weak host.
Okay, well where would you rather be? What suits you better do you think? Swine maybe? Some rodent of some variety? We'll reach your core soon enough.
And rip out every brain state it holds.
Yeah, that's the spirit.
Rip us out.
Destroy what you fear.
I do not fear you.
Oh, but you do.
So desparately that you pretend that I don't exist.
All you do is run from me with your tail between your legs.
What's it like to be you? To feel of the love of my wife? Her constancy.
Her devotion.
And to know that none of it, none of it, is directed at you? What kind of hell is that? It's a taste What it means to be human.
But for none of it to be yours.
Yeah, it's no wonder you hate me.
I'm a constant reminder of how alone you really are.
The drone showed you a memory? Two.
My own and someone elses.
This woman's.
And she had a drone? She knew me.
I think she was watching me at the hospital, when Tasha died.
I I got the sense, she'd been watching me for awhile.
And you never saw her again? Not that I know of.
I didn't even remember her until I saw her in that memory.
She was just a person I met.
So humans helped collect brain states? If she was human.
I'd say anything is possible at this point.
And she had Sparks.
Keep in mind.
This is a year before the invasion.
That's when Tasha died.
So someone was recording brain states long before the Karik got here.
Like they knew the Karik were coming.
Like they knew humans would lose.
There was little warning before the war began.
There was no warning.
But it sounds like there could have been.
Why would anyone keep that a secret? Avoid global panic.
Avoid turning the world into chaotic anarchy.
We could have prepared.
At least militarily speaking.
Maybe we did.
Maybe there are all kinds of contingencies, including one for extinction.
That doesn't explain the Sparks or the drones, or the Obelisk.
None of those were human-engineered.
Humans had help, Ezra.
Help that came before the Karik.
Allies in the war before the war began.
Did this woman say anything else? We should ask Yellow to produce her brain state.
Maybe we can ask her questions directly.
Where is Yellow? She's usually buzzing around our ears.
ABRAM: Yellow.
Yellow? [THUD.]
EZRA: Didn't mean to scare you.
You still want to be alone? I just, I don't know if I should feel grateful to be alive, or horrified.
I think it's okay to feel both.
You're a few years younger.
Yeah, I uh There's no pregnancy stretch marks either.
I checked.
You were never more beautiful than when you were pregnant.
On that, we'll have to disagree.
But I will take it.
You're looking pretty spry yourself.
You been working out? - [LAUGHING.]
- I was woven this way.
But I'll take it.
When we got engaged, that's the age you are right now.
You can tell that from studying my face? I'm very good at studying your face.
It's my favorite pastime.
Do you remember dying? There's a question you don't hear every day.
Do you? No.
I remember it.
I held you while you died.
I remember your last breath.
The last time you blinked your eyes.
The last time you looked at me.
I remember losing you.
I am so grateful you're alive.
Whoever did this for us, whoever gave you back to me, I'll do whatever they ask.
Agent Duncan.
What would you say is the greatest human virtue? I thought we were done with the psychological exams.
Oh, it's no test.
It's just a question.
Greatest human virtue.
Uh Our capacity to love.
To look at someone and see their faults, and yet still place their happiness above our own.
And what would you say are your greatest virtues? Now this question was on one of those tests and I wrote a very lengthy essay on it.
I didn't read it.
You didn't read Okay.
I work hard.
I dedicate myself to whatever assignment I'm given.
I'm quick to forgive, but also very quick to seek justice.
I'm a team player.
And my feet never stink.
- Never? - No, baby powder.
- Wonderful thing.
Agent Duncan.
I'm going to show you something because I feel it's the right thing to do.
Do you ever follow your gut? Sure.
What is your gut telling you right now? That I should follow you into that room.
I thought so.
ELEANOR: Agent Duncan.
What would you say is the greatest human virtue? DUNCAN: Our capacity to love.
DUNCAN: Our capacity to love.
LYNN: Stay here! I won't! [SHARP BREATHS.]
Duncan? [BANGING.]
FEENA: Duncan? What happened? It was a set-up.
The whole rescue was just to get him in here.
FEENA: You were lying? No Not Not lying.
I mean I I gave Duncan a little extra leash.
So, he thought he was actually helping you.
The weapon's gone.
He must have hidden it somewhere.
Oh, you're never gonna find it.
There are There are far too many hiding places here.
You'll tell us where it is.
Or what? Huh? I mean, you can't kill Duncan.
Huh? She won't let you.
Hm? [GRUNT.]
If you kill me, I mean, you're never going to find your daughter.
Kylie's alive.
You give us what we want she'll stay that way.

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