Extrapolations (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

2066: Lola

[PERSON 1] And?
What if it's not what you want?
I want what you want.
So, is she or isn't she?
- Guess.
Just tell me.
- Guess.
Really? Oh.
- Great?
- Yes.
We're having [SNIFFLES]
- We're having a baby.
- That's great.
[EZRA] Play again.
[PERSON 2] What if
it's not what you want?
[EZRA] I want what you want.
[PERSON 2] Ezra
[EZRA] So, is she or isn't she?
- Guess.
[EZRA] Just tell me.
- [PERSON 2] Guess.
- Close memory asset: Lola.
[SIGHS] Raise bed.
Hello, David.
The fierce and formidable mama
jaguar hunts for her cub, Joey.
But this time, she
underestimates her prey.
- [LAUGHING] Daddy.
Mom said that jaguars will
come back in my lifetime.
They're working on it.
[CHILD] Did you ever meet one before?
Jaguar? No.
But I met a whale once.
The last whale.
You never told me that story.
Maybe another time.
[CHUCKLES] Please, please,
please? Tell me about the whale.
Tell me!
Okay. Time for bed. Next visit,
you can hear the whale story. Okay?
[CHILD] Promise?
- All right. Go to sleep.
- [CHILD] Mm-hmm.
[CHILD GIGGLES] Good night.
[EZRA] She's really
opening up to me now.
That's great.
[EZRA] Same time next week?
[PARENT] Sure.
Actually, no. Um, there's
a parent-teacher conference.
- Do your services include that?
- [EZRA] They do.
Schools like to be acquainted
with the full support system,
even the hired stand-ins.
I'm happy to make myself available.
- You okay?
- [SIPS]
Did I do something wrong?
The pinky swear.
It caught me off guard.
- How did you know to do that?
- Oh. Let me explain.
May I?
When you chose me, I was
given access to a library
of your memory assets, and that
helped me prepare for the role.
here's the David listing.
They scraped these off
social media and other apps.
- You still don't believe me? [CHUCKLES]
- [NATASHA] It's not for me.
This is for her. She may
want to see this one day.
- Come on.
- [DAVID] I love you. I love you.
- [NATASHA] Promise?
Come on.
[DAVID] Harlyn, are you watching?
I promise, all right?
You hear that, girlie?
I love your mother.
My interactions with you have a
big impact on how Harlyn sees me.
A continuation of the old
dynamics, that's what they teach us.
Maybe I don't want to
return to old dynamics.
I want you to be a father to Harlyn,
not a replica of someone else.
Okay. That explains why you
didn't want me to use his accent.
Usually my clients want to
replace someone they lost.
The resemblance is to help
suspend disbelief, fill a void.
I'll keep it in mind.
- Yeah, all right.
- See you soon.
[VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] New notification.
[JANICE] Ezra. This is Janice,
- your Cache Cloud representative.
- I know who you are, Janice.
Due to the rise in global temperatures,
your monthly fee will be increasing.
To accept the increase, you
need not take any action at all.
- To make an appointment, simply request
- Appointment.
Reminder: Change eye color.
- Name and account number, please?
- Ezra Haddad.
Ah, there you are. How can I help you?
I don't understand. This is
the third increase this year.
Cache Cloud server farms automatically
adjust to global temperatures,
and that protects the blockchain,
which, more importantly, protects you.
Right, but the blockchain
sucks up all sorts of energy.
Exactly. So when the temperatures
rise, so do the prices.
Need to keep those storage farms cool.
Really a shame everyone
let it get this far.
And the geoengineering debacle a few
years back only made things worse,
if you ask me.
But Mind's Eye has become
our most popular offering.
It's the only way to truly be
present in your own memories.
Our proprietary tech
stimulates the parietal lobe
- with noninvasive electromag
- I know how it works, Janice.
Did you know that most of our clients
see their storage plans as investments?
Stashing away parts of themselves
until their entire
consciousness can be uploaded
and brought back when
this mess is all sorted.
Look, I need Mind's Eye now,
not a hundred years from now.
If I don't have the visual
stimuli, I'd lose the entire memory.
Oh, yes. Summer heart.
I have a cousin with the
same condition. Poor thing.
She started having life
gaps by the time she was 16.
- That's what I'm trying to avoid.
- Of course.
Ah, I see you've never missed a
daily memory sync. That's excellent.
And that's why you're getting the
Cache Cloud summer heart discount,
an almost [CLICKS TONGUE]
10% reduction.
[SCOFFS] But you're
raising prices by 15%, so
[JANICE] If you can't
afford the rate increase,
you'll need to change your storage plan.
Otherwise, you will need
to let some things go.
Yeah? What? What do I lose?
We'll work our way through
your least-visited assets.
Don't worry. You won't
even notice they're gone.
[CHUCKLES] That's the
beauty of forgetting.
- It's up to you.
- Oh.
Delete. Delete.
Del No, preserve.
Never mind. Delete.
Delete. Preserve.
[ADVERTISER] Do you have
someone in your life
who struggles with heat rage?
Do rising temperatures cause you and
your loved ones fear and anxiety?
Last year alone, over 10,000 people
in London were victims of
violence caused by heat rage.
But there is a solution. CRISPR.
[BOTH] Ezra, stop at a Geno
CRISPR Clinic for more information.
Help your special
someone keep their cool.
- Yo. Yo, yo, yo. 2753.
Whoever programmed those
delivery drones, fucking idiots.
Yeah, it's a late one for you.
[GROANS] I had to extend
my appointment slot.
Cache keeps upping my premium.
Oh. Hey, I've got a guy who's, uh,
just set up a farmer
service in Norilsk, Siberia.
He It's off the grid.
He runs his own network.
It's way cheaper than your Dosh Cloud.
[NEIGHBOR] Way cheaper.
I don't want to take any chances.
All I'm going to say is, Mother
Nature is the great equalizer.
Mmm, Mother Nature.
- [VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] Welcome home, Ezra.
- Thanks.
How was my day?
Appreciate your asking.
How was yours?
Wardrobe, David.
Launch Pack. Review
schedule for tomorrow.
Your first appointment
is with client Derek at 1100 hours.
You will be required to have
blue eyes and speak French.
- Derek has sent you a package containing
- Oh, got it.
appointment is with client Dariya.
- You will be required
- Her son. I know.
[VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] You will be required
to wear a kufi, a scar, glasses,
and speak Arabic.
No additional appointments for tomorrow.
[EZRA] Lower bed.
[IN FRENCH] Time slips away from us
but leaves its imprint behind.
Initiate memory sync.
[JANICE] Make yourself
comfortable. Take a deep breath.
As you exhale, gently close your eyes.
Recall your day from the
moment you woke up until now.
Memory assets synced.
Open Lola.
[THROUGH DEVICE] However, CO2 levels
increased at the fastest rate
Your lifeline
- What?
- This break.
It means you will face
a momentous change.
- Play again.
[LOLA] Your lifeline
- [EZRA] What?
- This break
[IN FRENCH] Time slips away from
us, but leaves its imprint behind.
Champagne, please.
You like it?
As much as I did the first
time you gave it to me.
I thought I lost it in
the Rotterdam evacuation
Tell me, how was your trip?
[DEREK] I don't know what to say
25 years ago, we thought crypto
was going to be our salvation;
now it is killing us
with the carbon footprint.
- [EZRA] Hello.
Is there anyone special?
There is, isn't there?
It's early days still
You like her. More than you think.
I can tell.
She wants to make your
qatayef recipe for Ramadan.
I told her how we used to.
You remember
Of course, I do.
I used to take another helping
when you weren't looking
and hide and eat it.
You should have this
No. I can't
Don't wait too long.
You never know what could
happen in this world
Do you think you could
bring her next time?
I'd love to meet her.
I love the smell of the flowers
What are they?
the smell of lavender.
You should go outside today.
[ECHOES] It's safe.
I wanna be here.
[LOLA] You're afraid you're
gonna miss something? [ECHOES]
[EZRA SIGHS] I'm gonna miss everything.
I love the smell of lavender.
Launch Cache. Open Lola.
I love the smell of lavender.
You should go outside today. It's safe.
I wanna be here.
You're afraid you're
gonna miss something?
I'm gonna miss everything.
It happened twice this week. I
could see it in my mind, and then
[CLICKS FINGERS] it was gone.
I had to use Cache
Cloud to bring it back.
[DOCTOR] This is your most recent scan.
A healthy human brain contains
over 86 billion active neurons.
What we're seeing here is evidence
the dendrite structures
are breaking down.
An 11% decline of active synapses,
signifying death of neurons.
Ezra, your brain has been stressed
by a lifetime of summer heart.
Due to the historical reduction
of blood flow to your brain,
the damage to vessels,
the ongoing inflammation,
vascular dementia was inevitable.
Our bodies weren't built
for these temperatures.
We keep developing new technologies
to try and address everything
but the root problem,
and all the while, the
temperatures keep going up.
All right, so how do we stop it?
Sadly, this is the beginning of
the accelerated cognitive decline
we've been preparing for.
There's no way to reverse
the loss of brain cells.
But I thought Mind's Eye could fix it.
Yes. The visual and auditory stimuli
from Mind's Eye is the best way
to slow down onset of the dementia.
By revisiting memories
in their purest form,
it tricks the brain into
thinking that they're new again.
But that won't stop the decay.
There's nothing else we can do?
Some of my patients
experiment with surrogates.
Others have been trying
nostalgia-based therapy.
What's that?
The way it works, you
create a verbal placeholder
based on four sensory signifiers
of a cornerstone memory.
Four words, like a mantra.
The words, not visuals?
The theory is that this practice
will strengthen neural pathways
through repetition of the words.
That's really gonna work?
By mumbling words to myself?
Like I said, just a theory.
Thank you, Doctor.
[TEACHER] Well, this is where
we were at six months ago.
The placement of the family indicated
that Harlyn was feeling insecure.
The dark clouds suggested her anxiety.
And now, well, clearly
things have changed.
There's an increased
security with the family unit.
We see it in the blue clouds
and now the sun being out.
I know this is just a job for you,
but I just wanted to say thank you.
I'm glad it's been worthwhile.
She really is amazing.
We'll see you next week?
Natasha, you still have about an hour.
I mean, you don't have to use
it, but it's yours if you want.
Wanna get a drink?
[EZRA] A lot of people
now, they just
The idea of even having children
in this world is too much for them,
so it feels lucky to have you.
I just didn't think
I'd be doing it alone.
I guess I'm not.
I need to remember, I didn't
hire you for me. [CHUCKLES]
Thank you.
Are there other Davids?
I mean, it's not like you
offer the sensory experience.
- No, I don't.
- Don't wanna get your hands dirty?
That's just a boundary I set.
I don't only use details of him,
I put some of myself into the role too.
I'm aware I'm being
serviced. I'm not delusional.
Sometimes, I do miss the
discovery of another person.
An authentic connection.
But that's so rare it's not worth
Maybe transactional is
the best we can hope for.
You know, it's terrible, but
sometimes I wish he was dead,
instead of just gone.
He's alive?
[NATASHA] Maybe.
I wouldn't know.
He was on a work trip in the States.
He called and told me
he wasn't coming home.
He'd met someone at a
Heal the Land colony
[STAMMERS] something like that.
He became someone else.
I'm sorry, Nat
that I haven't been
there for the two of you.
I don't know what I was thinking.
I was scared
scared of the world.
I'm sorry.
[SIGHS] Oh, you're good.
You're very good.
You're a better David than David,
whoever you are.
- Time's up.
[VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] Reminder: Change
eye color before next appointment.
Your next appointment
is with client Dariya.
You will be required to wear a kufi,
glasses, a scar and speak Arabic.
[SIGHS] Okay, glasses.
Oh, shit!
[NURSE] Hi, can I help you?
Yes. [SIGHS]
Where is my mother, Dariya Sulaiman?
I'm so sorry.
Why didn't anyone contact me?
I apologize if there's
been some kind of mistake.
There was no next of
kin listed on her file.
Who exactly are you?
It's It's my mistake.
land. Heal the land.
Heal the land. Heal the land.
Heal the land.
- [VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] Delivery sent.
- [EZRA] Launch Cache.
Initiate memory sync. [SIGHS]
[JANICE] Mr. Haddad,
I regret to inform you
that you have exceeded
your storage plan by 4.08%.
If you want to keep using our services,
you must upgrade your Mind's Eye
Cache Cloud storage plan now.
- I can't fucking upgrade.
- For your convenience,
these are your least
accessed memory assets.
Please advise.
Will you be deleting?
Uh-uh. No.
No, I'm I'm not deleting my life.
- [EZRA] So, is she or isn't she?
Call Doctor Zollner.
Doctor Zollner is not available.
- If this is an emergency, please contact
- Disconnect.
Okay, okay.
Four words.
Brown eyes,
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
[SIGHS] Brown eyes,
guess, lavender, Lola.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
- Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
Brown eyes
- Brown eyes, guess, lavender
- [LOLA] Lavender.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, L-Lola.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
Brown eyes, guess
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola
[SIGHS] I miss you.
Open Pack.
There you are.
I understand from your Pack profile
that this is your first time.
Is there anything you'd like
to discuss before we begin?
I have summer heart.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Well, they cured it, but my brain
I'm losing my memories.
I bet I can help.
I get very high ratings.
I'm sure.
Usually, I'm in your shoes.
Actually, I'm part of the Pack.
Well, you didn't have a lot of
assets, but I liked what I saw.
And I've worked with less.
Your lifeline
[PACK EMPLOYEE] This break.
It means you will face
a momentous change.
Sorry, it's just your tattoo.
She didn't have one. [BREATHING HEAVILY]
I couldn't tell from the
assets. Don't worry about it.
Uh, I don't think this is gonna work.
Did you have a happy birthday, Ezra?
Did you have a happy birthday, Ezra?
- It's not over yet.
- It's not over yet.
[LOLA] It's not over yet.
- It's not over yet.
It's not over yet.
[PANTS] It's not over yet.
- [ECHOES] It's not over.
You can call me Lola if you want.
- I'm sorry.
- Ezra, what?
I just I mean, you're not her.
It's It's not gonna work.
It's It's not the same.
It's It's not real.
Hey, hey, let's talk about this.
- I can adjust.
Stop it. Sorry, I'm just
Just go, please. [SIGHS]
Sorry, you'll still have to pay.
3,000 units.
- Open Cache.
[SIGHS] Lola.
Your account remains over capacity.
All assets, contacts, correspondence
and device data will remain frozen
Fuck off, Janice. Listen, just fuck off!
Would you like to delete
these memory assets?
- Delete. [SIGHS]
You are now 1.47% over capacity.
- Delete.
Delete all assets
- except for those with key word "Lola."
Congratulations. Your account
is now in good standing.
Thank you for entrusting your
memories to Cache Cloud, Mr. Haddad.
Play on continuous.
- [LOLA] Your lifeline
- [EZRA] What?
[LOLA] This break
- [TRAIN ANNOUNCER] Mind the gap.
- [TRAIN ANNOUNCER 2] Due to flooding
on the Bakerloo and Central lines,
the following stations
are currently closed
[SIGHS] Launch Pack.
Open Natasha memory assets.
- [VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] Not detected.
- What
Open Natasha assets.
Next stop: Charing Cross Road.
It's not going to work, I'm afraid.
[EZRA] What?
Everything's gone.
What are you talking about?
Earthquake crashed all the servers.
What An earthquake, you said?
Sea level change, more water,
more weight on the tectonic plates.
They said it was coming.
Tsunami in Nova Scotia.
People use blockchain.
Blockchain uses power.
Power makes the sea level rise which,
in turn, wipes blockchain clean.
The Internet is back up. But
the Cloud, it's all blown away.
A good day to start
your entire life over.
Launch Cache. Open Lola.
We regret to inform you
that your memory assets
are not accessible at this time
- No, no, no.
- due to power outages.
Please make an appointment at your
local Cache Cloud for assistance.
[TRAIN ANNOUNCER] Charing Cross Road.
[CUSTOMER 1] No one
is telling us anything.
[CUSTOMER 2] It's insane.
- Hey!
- Excuse me.
I wanna know where my memory assets are.
You may recall the force
majeure clause in your contract.
As you can imagine, a
natural disaster qualifies
as an extraordinary
occurrence beyond our control.
Fucking dendrites are
going dark every day.
I need Mind's Eye.
Everyone here has lost something.
Their money, their medical
histories, their job records. Okay?
We're doing what we can, but your
data could be anywhere by now.
[EZRA] I need to talk to him.
Yo, 2753. Come on Come on in, man.
Misty, let him in. Come on.
I need your help.
They're gone. Everything's gone.
[PERSON] I warned you. Mother
Nature's mad at her children.
Malware taking down firewalls faster
than Cache can put them back up.
I'm hearing, like, one in four
accounts being snatched up.
M-My account, my memories.
You gotta help me.
- I don't have to do anything, actually.
- Aw, help me.
- [PERSON] Mmm.
- [MISTY] Help me.
- I have summer heart.
Cognitive decline has already started.
- Aw, summer heart. Beat, beat, beat.
Well, then you're gonna lose
all your memories anyway.
CO2 level's a great big eraser for
the old cortex container, innit?
That shit's up to about 560
parts per million now, innit?
[STAMMERS] Live in the present, mate.
[SIGHS] It's my girl, okay?
She's gone, and this
is all I have of her.
You know, I would love to
forget the last girl that I had.
Forget [LAUGHS]
Please! I know you can find them.
I know you can find them.
You willing to throw some units at
it? 'Cause that shit ain't cheap.
- Well.
- How much?
20,000 units.
I don't have it.
Oh. Well, I hear there's
great money to be made in Pack,
especially for a pretty boy like you.
- Mmm. So pretty.
- I don't do that kind of work.
Well, maybe it's time
you gave it a whirl, huh?
- Whirl.
I'll pay you half tomorrow.
What sort of movies of you and
old what's-her-name do you have
in that broken brain box of yours?
10,000 tomorrow. I promise.
It's a promise from a boy
with summer heart, hmm?
What if you do forget?
[LAUGHS] Look at him run away.
- [VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] Welcome home, Ezra.
- Fucking memory.
Launch Pack, all
screens. Open assignments.
All categories.
Clear blackout dates.
Update available services to
include confessions, summons,
terminations, falsifications, and, uh
- and sensory experiences.
- In providing these services,
you understand that you're undergoing
these assignments at your own risk.
Pack is not accountable
for any physical or mental
harm endured by yourself
- Agreed.
- By verifying this agreement,
the Pack worker agrees
to waive any and all
- Agreed. Review open assignments.
I need a groom for my
our wedding next month.
Not soon enough. Reject.
I want to do drugs with
someone. Meth, Special K, drift.
Escape this fucking world before
the climate gets any worse.
[CLIENT] I'm looking for
someone to do a confession.
I've been having an affair, and my
husband demands to meet my lover.
He's being relentless.
I'm offering 2,000 units.
advisory for this role.
Christ. [SIGHS]
[SCOFFS] Reject.
[LANDLORD] James Waxler Properties, LLC
needs an eviction conducted
as soon as possible.
- Accept.
home. It has been for seven years
Where will we go?
[EZRA] I know this is distressing
They're going to sell, aren't they?
I wouldn't know anything about that.
What I do know is your lease is expired.
You have ten days to
evacuate the premises.
and I need a sensory experience
[ISABEL] I still need
help, okay? I really do.
I'm now offering 3,000 units.
It's a delicate situation. Urgent.
Rager advisory for this role.
- Reject.
In order to comply
with the ethical
standards and practices,
we need a termination
representative. 500 units.
warned countless times
that if you didn't get
your performance up
my partner
she has lung disease.
She can't go outside on most days.
I need this job.
We're switching to full
automation next quarter.
Your position no longer exists.
Security will take you
out of the building.
Thank you.
Who are you that you
come here and do this
Destroy our lives?
Hey, it's 2753. I'm close.
I'm I'm very close.
I have one more gig,
then I'll have it for you.
Please let me know when
you find my memories.
[IN FRENCH] Ah, there you are.
I'm sorry, I'm late.
Doesn't your watch work?
I'm sorry, I'm all out of sorts
You should leave.
Don't let this ruin our night.
Two years, gone just like that.
In the real world, outside
of Pack, I'm dealing
with a very difficult situation.
- I need four thousand units.
Excuse me? Help you? Help you?
- Fuck you.
I am not paying for any of this!
Heat wave in effect.
Please use precaution.
Limit time outdoors.
Avoid strenuous physical activity.
If you witness any
suspicious rager behavior,
notify authorities immediately.
Review crypto account balance.
- [VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] 6,353 units.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.
assignment from Natasha Alper.
Hey. I saw you were available,
so I thought it might be a nice surprise
to come home to you cooking dinner.
I gave you access to the apartment.
- Accept.
My teacher says it's going to be
too hot to go outside for the next week.
Then we just need to come up
with fun things to do inside.
You could tell me a story.
Okay. What kind of
story do you wanna hear?
Sorry I'm late. [SIGHS]
The tube was flooded again.
I had to walk from the office.
This looks great!
Thanks for cooking, love.
Daddy's telling me a story.
Oh, yeah? What story is that?
The one about the last whale.
- Oh, I wanna hear that one too.
- Right.
The last whale.
Um, I think I was about your age.
It was very hot.
There were warnings.
- Wanna see, [ECHOES] Ezra?
- [BECCA] Come on.
- I was I was on a boat.
- [HARLYN] Where?
I don't remember. [EXHALES]
There was a fisherman and
- Come on. [ECHOES]
- and a woman.
We were in the water.
[HARLYN] Who was the woman?
I'm I'm sorry. I can't remember.
Girlie, we can finish this
story another time, okay?
Can you give me and
Daddy a moment alone?
Is something wrong?
No. [CHUCKLES] No. I'm fine.
Come on. Let's get ready for bed, huh?
- Good night, Daddy.
- Okay.
[EZRA] Good night, my love.
That story. Was that
from your real life?
Must be. That's why I'm forgetting it.
I can still remember new
things, but the past
You were a boy.
You said there was a woman with you.
Your mother, maybe?
And there was a whale.
Yes, you were telling
us about the last whale.
I knew her.
I deleted her.
I deleted everything.
Everything but Lola. [BREATHES SHAKILY]
I-Is that
It's happening faster than I thought.
[NATASHA] When did she, um
What can you remember?
It's been three years.
[INHALES DEEPLY] She had summer heart.
So do I.
I'm so sorry.
They developed an
experimental treatment.
It worked on me
but not
And it wasn't just her heart.
[SNIFFLES] She was pregnant.
I lost them both. And
now I'm losing her again.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[EZRA] Your lifeline
You have more than one.
[BREATHES SHAKILY] What does that mean?
2753. Mm-hmm-hmm. Good news.
I found your memory assets, yeah.
It was a little bit
harder than I thought.
I mean, they wound up in a
troll farm in low earth orbit,
so I'm gonna need 30,000, right.
Open Pack.
Edit invoice for Natasha Alper.
Add additional service.
Sensory experience.
[VIRTUAL ASSISTANT] Please confirm
addition of sensory experience.
Please confirm.
Review open assignments.
Retrieving open assignments.
for someone to conduct
an apology to a major client.
We need a good show
here. Lots of groveling.
The works. 600 units.
Only assignments above 3,000 units.
Uh, immediate hires.
One open assignment found.
- Rager advisory.
I'm now offering 5,000 units.
That's as high as I can go.
Please, I am desperate here. My
My husband is out of control.
[ISABEL] The heat, it affects his
temper. He won't do the CRISPR solve.
He doesn't care much for
science. Are you listening?
[STAMMERS] Yes, yes. I, uh
I'm aware your husband is a rager.
It's wet bulb 34 out there.
I assure you, we're we're
trained for these scenarios.
The last time it got this hot,
he went to the pub and got
- How long have we been together?
- About a year, that he knows of.
We met in Maida Vale through my
sister, but please don't mention her.
Have I been here before?
A few times when he was away,
but he doesn't need to know that.
- I love him. I love him! I do!
- [HUSBAND] Is that him?
- [EZRA] You don't need to
- Is this the fucking guy?
- [SIGHS, STAMMERS] Sh she loves you.
- [ISABEL] It's done. It's done.
[ISABEL] I love you.
It's It's over between us.
That's what I've said.
I wanna be with you.
I'll never be the man you are.
I mean, y-you you can provide
for her in ways I never
Brown eyes, guess, lavender.
[GROANS] Lola. Brown
eyes, guess, lavender
New notification from Pack.
Contract terminated: Natasha Alper.
Shit. Call Natasha Alper.
Natasha Alper unavailable. Would
you like to leave a message?
- Daddy!
- Natasha, I I I need to
Harlyn, go to your room.
What happened to Daddy?
Go to your room. Shut the door.
- Get out.
- [EZRA] Wait
Leave now. I don't want
you in our lives anymore.
- We'll find someone else.
- I can explain.
I thought you didn't offer
the sensory experience.
- I understand why you'd be upset.
- [NATASHA] Do you?
Well, since you're new
to it, you should know,
if you're gonna charge me for sex,
you should at least
fuck me like he would.
But last night, that wasn't
David. We both know that.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
But I had to. I-I didn't have
a choice. I needed the money.
- What?
- It's It's Lola.
- I can't lose her.
- My God, look at yourself!
You're trying so hard
to hold on to the past,
- you don't even exist in the present!
- What about you?
You hired me to play a
man that you wish existed.
The David that didn't
abandon you and your daughter.
Fuck you.
At least I'm not just pretending
to be someone's partner,
- pretending to be a parent.
- Because all I can do is pretend!
They fixed my heart, fine.
But my brain, my fucking brain
I'm lost somewhere inside it.
I'm lost.
Brown eyes, guess, lavender
[NATASHA] You have to let it go.
Let her go.
I can't.
I was happy then.
[CHUCKLES] That I remember.
Being happy.
And what about now?
[INHALES SHARPLY] Are you happy now?
She's gone
and she's not coming back.
I know
I know how that feels.
But you're you're still here.
My daughter thinks you're her father
and I don't even know your name.
I don't even know your name.
My name is Ezra.
And who is he?
Oh, I guess you really
are forgetting shit.
Don't you remember we've got a deal?
[CHUCKLES] Do you remember
who punched you in the face?
That was some, uh, pretty touching
stuff I found of her, yeah.
May have even used a couple of clips
to make my day go a bit
fast, if you get my meaning.
Oh! Whatever happened to the baby? Hey?
Was it a boy or a girl,
hey? Are you a daddy?
Well, it should be no problem
finding a buyer for all of that.
Look, you better pay me,
or I am selling that shit,
and everyone will see her arse on
a billboard in Piccadilly Circus.
What was her name, big man?
You remember?
[ADVERTISER 1] We've had to
say goodbye again and again.
Now it's time to say hello.
Reintroducing one of the most
majestic creatures of our world,
the great humpback whale.
Coming soon to the London
Menagerie2100 beta zoo.
Ezra, Ezra! Is this
like the whale you saw?
I never saw a whale.
But you said you saw the last one.
[EZRA] Did I?
[ADVERTISER 2] Our world comes
with so much uncertainty.
How was your day?
- Oh, you know, better now.
- Should we go eat?
- [EZRA] Yeah.
[NATASHA] Come on. What do you
and Joey the dragon want to eat?
- [HARLYN] She's pretty.
- Guess.
[NATASHA] Yeah, she is.
[ADVERTISER 2] Exowomb technology
provides a pure fetal environment,
eliminating the risk of
climate-stressed pregnancies
and premature births,
protecting both mother and baby.
Your family deserves the best beginning.
Ezra, are you okay?
Start planning your future today.
- Yeah.
- Where'd you go?
Nowhere. I'm right here.
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