Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

All he cares about is e-sports.
He may have a rather high salary now,
but can he make a lifetime career
out of e-sports?
Once a little known but talented live streamer,
now a professional player.
(No.1 Tamamo-no-Mae player on the Chinese server
shows her face in a live stream)
Tai would do these things to Tong Yao
in our training match?
He'll use Tamamo-no-Mae to defeat Tong Yao.
It's his best stratagem.
But Tong Yao is the best Tamamo-no-Mae player
on the Chinese server.
She won't necessarily lose.
Running away is shameful but useful.
I'll be the pretty girl who enforces justice.
Even if he takes Tamamo-no-Mae,
I'll win.
You're quite optimistic.
(For professional players,)
(e-sports is)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 6=
(Tong Yao Online)
You pulled an all-nighter?
I'll be there soon.
You spent the whole night playing
I thought you said you were fine.
I lied.
I am not fine.
I'm deeply troubled.
I can see that.
I can't play Tamamo-no-Mae well.
I'm not the No.1 Tamamo-no-Mae player
on the Chinese server.
Little liar.
(ZGDX screwed up.
Look how lame its new midsolo is.)
I accidentally observed
the training match
between ZGDX and TAT on video.
As you know,
this video was not supposed to be made.
It must have been released on purpose.
Anyway, ZGDX lost miserably.
The other team's Tai used
Tamamo-no-Mae to crush Tong Yao.
Tong Yao became the weak link.
I can see her teammates tried so hard
to turn the tables.
But Smiling
was just inept and weighing the others down.
Look how the "new hope for the Chinese side"
you praised in the last few days
is performing now.
(Her opponent used the same shikigami as her)
(and completely destroyed her.)
(She is lame.)
When she wins, you praise her.
When she loses, you insult her.
You certainly have a way to cope.
One training match doesn't mean anything.
Besides, it couldn't have been an accident
that all her victories were not observed
and her only defeat was observed.
TAT's motive is questionable.
Why do few people like this team
even though it won many championships?
It's time to ponder this question.
(Pope and Cheng were right)
(to leave TAT in succession.)
(I'm sure their fans are relieved.)
(It is contradictory)
(to like a player)
(and hate his team.)
(You were the one who sang its praises.)
(After it defeated a bunch of
weak Chinese teams,)
(you showered it with compliments)
(How laughable.)
(Does it hurt you to know you were wrong?)
ZGDX is really unlucky
to have taken this weak midsolo in.
Please get Ming's substitute
midsolo Lyu back.
(Smiling was crushed. Are those who called her
the new hope for the Chinese side)
(feeling embarrassed now?)
My goodness.
TAT is just vicious.
Why did it post
the training match video online?
First, there was provocation
that forced the club to respond.
Then it targeted Tong Yao
and posted the video online
to lure the netizens
into cyberbullying our new midsolo.
It's such a shameless act.
Despicable. Shameless.
your mom is having a mood swing.
Be good.
This is my fault.
I should have stood my ground
against the club.
Now others have bullied her.
Soon after she joined our team,
Tai crushed her like that.
Maybe she'll never recover from this setback
and lose the courage to play again.
Has she shut herself off?
She has been in her room for the whole day.
If she really is this vulnerable,
then she is not suited
for a professional e-sports career.
She is new, after all.
This must be the first time
she has suffered this kind of setback.
As her teammates,
we should be more understanding.
- She is just
- Yeah.
a young woman in her early 20s.
We need to protect her
and care for her.
K, did you hear that?
Protect and care for her.
Is she a Class III protected animal
like the giant panda?
She doesn't need care and protection.
E-sports is unrelated to gender.
Class III?
The giant panda
is a Class I protected animal?
I told you.
(They signed a female member for hype.)
(Any team that wants to win
will fight for Pope.)
(To draw attention,
they even refused to let Lyu return.)
(Let me tell you a joke.)
(The Chinese Tamamo-no-Mae player)
(was crushed by
the other Tamamo-no-Mae player.)
(ZGDX will never beat TAT.)
(TAT will remain the champion this year.)
(The Chinese Tamamo-no-Mae
player is utterly weak.)
(At least those in favor of ZGDX only started to
praise it after it won multiple matches in a row.)
(Now you poor wretches)
(saw them lose just one training match)
(and couldn't help criticizing them.)
(You must have suppressed
yourselves for a long time.)
(All that holding back
must have made you uncomfortable.)
(You find happiness in criticizing people.)
(You take delight in slandering people.)
(TAT will remain the champion?)
(If the Chinese team wins,)
(will you live-stream
your trip to the toilet)
(where you will eat something)
(and cut off something?)
Is she still sleeping upstairs?
We haven't seen her all day.
This can't go on.
It was just a training match.
I'll go and talk to her.
Rui, I'm going out.
Jinyang wants to see me.
You'll come back, right?
Don't stay out late.
You're a girl. Be careful outside.
It's good for her to hang out,
away from the internet at this time.
You saw what happened.
Someone posted
the training match video.
Nobody will be willing to
train with them now.
That's why they don't have
training matches with other teams.
Usually, they just split into two groups
and compete with each other.
A bunch of jerks.
I think Tong Yao is fine now.
She looks fine.
But she must be hurting on the inside.
She has been here for a while,
but that was the first time
she trained all night.
I saw the dark circles under her eyes.
Heaven knows when she went to bed.
Half past five in the morning.
You lost points.
I'm just playing for fun.
(Don't come back too late.)
We made reservations.
Come here.
Stop wallowing in depression.
Cheer up.
Sit down.
See what you would like to order.
Thank you.
Take a look. What do you want to drink?
I can't drink alcohol.
I don't mean for you to drink alcohol.
I took you out to lighten your mood.
Make your pick.
Long Island Iced Tea.
I will have this.
Two glasses of Long Island Iced Tea.
Understood. Just a second.
Long Island Iced Tea can make you strong.
You just lost a training match.
When Ai Jia just started to participate in
professional competitions,
he was so young and inexperienced
that he often suffered
emotional breakdowns after losing.
He cried in the balcony
to keep me from finding out.
He was such a crybaby.
But a day after the cry,
he began revving himself up
for the next match.
I couldn't hold the tears in either.
I cried for the whole morning.
You said you were not weak a moment ago.
There is no shame in crying
as a young woman.
I cried hideously and someone saw it.
What are you mumbling about?
Take it easy.
How could you be so impetuous?
That's very wild of you, Miss.
Come here. Drink with me.
Drink with me.
Who are you?
Just one drink.
Come here.
What are you doing?
Who are you?
Piss off.
What a lingering nuisance.
Why does he know we are here?
Who knows?
He must have a sense of smell
as keen as that of a dog.
After I put makeup on you the other day,
he caught me.
Ai Jia.
Can you please control the look in your eyes?
Move away.
Wait until I finish talking to my friend.
Every e-sports player
faces losses as well as victories.
Obviously, you don't win every game.
It was just a training match.
You still have a chance
in the National League.
Don't care about others' opinions.
Here is an idea.
I can pay some people
to throw the insults back at your haters.
Everyone loses at some point.
I don't know that guy Tai.
But don't worry,
if I ever compete with him,
I'll avenge you.
Shut up.
Nobody wants to hear you talk.
She is perfectly capable of
taking revenge on her own.
She doesn't need you to avenge her.
That's not what I mean.
I just told you to move away.
My friend,
how can I
cheer you up?
How about
I treat you to a beefcake show
like that in Las Vegas?
(Come quickly. Your opportunity is here.)
Then again,
I don't understand why Tai
can affect you professional players so deeply
by using the shikigami
you are good at playing
to defeat you.
Ox retired because of this.
I didn't expect the same thing
to happen to Tong Yao today.
you should be infuriated that
you were defeated
by someone using the shikigami
you were good at playing.
That's not what this is about.
In order to use a shikigami adeptly,
you need to analyze the shikigami's skills
and employ the techniques proficiently.
You also need to understand the whole game.
So you'll feel greatly frustrated
once you lose.
You still don't understand?
Let me put it this way.
You'd been good at English since childhood.
You outshone everyone around you.
You could even communicate
with foreigners smoothly.
Every time the school
organized a speech event,
you were there to participate.
You were the legendary English learner
in this city.
Then one day,
you won first prize
in a municipal competition
and moved on to participate
in a national English summer camp.
You found that every participant
was as good as you.
When some of them spoke,
you had to wrack your brain
trying to figure out
what they were talking about.
As you felt confused and lost,
they turned back and mocked you.
They said, "You are not qualified
for the summer camp."
What would you think?
Let me put it another way.
A group of people
who spoke different foreign languages
attended a party.
One of them spoke perfect Japanese.
You could barely understand
what he was saying.
What would you think?
You would think,
"This person speaks perfect Japanese.
But what does it have to do with me?
I don't speak Japanese anyway."
If you put it that way
So, what Tamamo-no-Mae means
to Tong Yao is
Never mind.
As a professional player,
she'll go through this sooner or later.
(Heading to your destination, SOHO Bar.)
Stop reading the negative things.
I brought you here to have fun.
Quit drinking.
Excuse me,
can I have one more glass of iced black tea?
Sit down.
What you had was not iced black tea.
It was Long Island Iced Tea.
Jian Yang?
What is he doing here?
You snitching bastard.
Are you so eager to meet your doom?
Come here.
Come here.
- Come here.
- What do you want?
They can be together. We can be together.
This is nice.
Yao, stop drinking.
Go away.
Come on, let me take you away
to wash your face.
Get some fresh air.
I won't live-stream
or compete or perform on stage.
Why should I wash my face?
Who are you?
It's 11 o'clock.
Why is Tong Yao still not back?
Did that silly girl jump into the sea?
(Tong Yao)
(SOHO Bar. Come quickly.)
Why did you message Lu Sicheng?
I already got Jian Yang here.
Maybe they will get back together tonight.
When did I allow that to happen?
A lying and cheating man
doesn't deserve to be with my bestie.
That was a misunderstanding.
Jian Yang has always loved Tong Yao.
Don't claim it is a misunderstanding.
Besides, Tong Yao doesn't
love Jian Yang anymore.
If that's the case,
why did she become a professional player?
Her professional e-sports career
has nothing to do with men.
if they loved each other,
why did they break up?
We love each other,
but we almost broke up too.
It's normal for lovers
to break up and get back together.
Anyway, I'm on Jian Yang's side.
Jian Yang is my friend.
Tong Yao is my bestie.
A good woman should choose
a man worthy of her.
It's enough to have one of us
go blind.
Who is blind?
I am.
Let me see.
Let me have a look.
You don't look blind.
Piss off.
I know you're feeling down
after losing the match.
But you shouldn't use alcohol
to numb yourself.
You also shouldn't turn those
who care about you away.
I've thought a lot these days.
I made mistakes in the past.
I shouldn't have lied.
I shouldn't have been annoyed by you
and avoided explaining.
Now I understand.
I can't live without you.
Without you,
I couldn't play games well.
I read every piece of news about you.
and felt terrible
whether you were faring well or not.
When you were faring well, I felt terrible
because I was not the one
who made you happy.
When you were not faring well,
I wanted to be with you.
I know I should tell you this
when you are sober.
But I can't help it.
Give me one more chance.
Let's get back together.
Where is my phone?
Where is my phone?
Here it is.
Come here.
Give them some space.
Tong Yao is feeling awful right now.
This is all because
you Internet addicts are outrageous.
Chen Jinyang.
You can insult me.,
but don't call me an Internet addict.
I might sue you for libel.
How dare you talk back?
You spent every day using the computer.
Of course you are an Internet addict.
Programmers use the computer
every day too.
We are professional players.
We are athletes.
We are not fooling around.
Professional players?
Is your future promising?
I don't appreciate that coming from you.
My future is certainly promising.
I fight to win honor for the country.
Don't be mad.
What are you looking at?
I'm looking at
my grandpa's comment.
Who would name their accounts like that?
Stop reading.
Let them say whatever they want.
We'll just do our job.
Come on. No more drinking.
I'll take you home.
Jian Yang.
You don't know me at all.
You have no idea what I care about.
I don't care
what the netizens say.
Those haters can't beat me.
I'm bothered
because of what Tamamo-no-Mae
means to me
- Are you okay?
- Jian Yang.
Jian Yang, what's the matter with you?
How did you make her puke?
She said I didn't know what she cared about.
Even I know what she cares about.
You care about the fact
that another player used the shikigami
you're good at playing to defeat you, right?
I understand this feeling.
You don't understand anything.
Mom, I lost my baby tooth.
The upper one or the lower one?
If it's the upper one,
I'll toss it under your bed.
Captain, you're finally here.
Hey, wake up.
Someone is here to pick you up.
I think I'm seeing our captain.
He is glaring at me fiercely,
as if he would throw me into the sea.
I'll set sail and scoop your corpse
out of the sea.
How did she get so drunk?
She was feeling down
and I worried she might start reading
the netizens' comments again
if she had nothing to do.
I didn't expect her to get drunk.
That's not true.
I drank iced black tea.
Shut up.
Why is he being stern in my dream?
I'm taking her back.
I can take Tong Yao back.
I'm the captain of her team.
I'm obligated to send her back to
the team's base.
I'm her ex-boyfriend.
Ex. That means you are
not her boyfriend anymore.
Come on.
What are you up to this time?
I want to send Tong Yao back.
Cheng can do it. You are not needed.
Should I let them be with each other alone?
I don't feel easy about it.
Jian Yang.
You and Tong Yao have broken up already.
My slipper My slipper fell off
Where is my slipper?
In my hand.
I want to wear it.
You're not walking. Don't bother to wear it.
Stop or I'll shake you off.
You're so mean.
why are you always so mean?
Can't you be kind?
Carrying you is the kindest thing I can do.
Do you know
that it is normal to lose and win?
I know.
You told me that.
Do you know
that other people's insults
won't stop you from becoming
an exceptional e-sports player?
I know.
That's why I don't care
about the haters' comments at all.
I didn't cry because of my defeat
or the comments
or my self-esteem.
I just didn't like being a burden
to my teammates,
feeling anxious, uneasy,
self-abased, conceited.
Can I really be a good professional player?
Do I really know how to play this game?
Do I really know how to play Tamamo-no-Mae?
Jian Yang and the others don't understand
that Tamamo-no-Mae is actually my
Now my faith has crumbled.
What should I do?
How about you resolve to win
and find a new faith?
It's not that easy.
You'll never know until you try.
I'll know if I try?
You should know
that Ming picked you
from hundreds of people.
Are you questioning his judgment?
I can teach you.
You're lying.
You are such a good player.
You'd never let yourself
be humiliated in this way.
You can't teach me stuff like this.
You're so proud.
Why aren't you talking?
I'm starting to think
that your words make sense.
Wake up.
If you go back like this,
Rui will chide you for certain.
I'll buy drugs to sober you up.
Wait here for me.
Why are you glaring at me?
You once dragged me like this.
And you almost pulled me down.
I've wanted to do this for a long time.
Are you going to fall?
Are you going to fall?
Are you going to fall? Are you?
Give me five minutes.
So what if you have long legs?
It takes me ten minutes
to walk from this place
to the entrance of the residential area.
What if a lecher shows up?
No lecher would take an interest in you.
Go now.
I'll stay here.
From now on, I'll be like Wei Sheng.
I won't leave until you come back.
You seem more cultured when you are drunk.
You just referred to
a character from a classic.
Fine. Hug that thing tight, Wei Sheng.
I'm not drunk.
I don't need any drug to sober up.
I just talked to you about my dreams.
I'm as sober as I can be.
Wake up from your sleep, guys.
I'm back.
I'm back.
I'm back.
I thought you left to buy me drugs.
How come you came back earlier than I did?
A ghost!
(Lu Yue, Midsolo, Cunning Gaming Strategy
Shikigami: Shaku!)
What are you doing?
Cheng, there is a ghost in the base.
There is a ghost who looks
exactly the same as you in the base.
He is very scary. I'm terrified.
Get off me, drunkard.
No, there is a ghost in the base.
Get off me.
Tong Yao.
I hope you won't admit what you did today
after waking up tomorrow.
What if I admit it?
I will have peace for a month.
You are short and unattractive.
How come you weigh more than 50 kilograms?
You're as heavy as a pig.
I'm retracting my hands.
One. Two
You wouldn't dare!
What are you doing here?
You are not a ghost?
Have you seen such a handsome ghost?
You two look alike.
We have the same parents.
Of course we look alike.
Lu Yue.
Tell us why you came back.
I was going
to start for Kenya
and observe the great animal migration
when I found on the internet
that Tai crushed Tong Yao,
the latest addition to your team.
I heard that he destroyed that poor girl.
I was not destroyed.
I'm pretty good.
At that time, a voice
occurred in my head.
"Lord Lu Yue,
it's time to go back
and be a professional player."
you're Tong Yao,
the player who got destroyed by Tai.
Did I say you could ask questions?
I just want to know.
The way you came in with her
made me think she was your girlfriend.
I almost messaged our mother
to announce the great news.
Her eldest son actually prefers women.
She'll get to
sleep tight.
Shut up.
You are frivolous as usual,
Lu Yue.
But I'm telling you,
we have a new midsolo now.
You came back late.
What do you mean by "late"?
I was banned from competing.
It'd have been pointless
if I'd come back sooner.
You got banned?
It served you right. I'm so happy.
Can someone get this lunatic under control?
I've heard that ZGDX
hasn't chosen a starting midsolo
for the National League.
Ming, I would like to compete.
I'll message our mother then.
the weather has turned cool lately.
I dropped by Cheng's team base
to give him a thermal outfit.
Then I saw Pope,
the guy involved in
a romantic scandal with him.
He came all the way to China for Cheng.
And I caught him lying in the bed with Cheng.
They were smooching.
Don't you dare send that message.
I'm serious.
You'll run into TAT again sooner or later.
You shouldn't rely on Tong Yao,
namely this lady,
to regain confidence
in the official competition
and defeat the player
who had shattered her hope once.
You'd better smarten up
and get a substitute player
who can counter Tai's moves,
and that is
It's true that dreams are important,
and exciting stories
about rising in adversity
fill people's eyes with tears.
But sometimes people
should face reality.
You don't win a trophy
by shouting slogans
and performing the goose step. Am I right?
Am I going back to being
the substitute for the substitute?
Am I going to be the only
starting midsolo who can't play
and can only watch as the substitute?
Am I never going to play
in the National League?
I don't want that.
I want to play in the National League.
You can't make me a substitute.
I just lost one match.
I don't want to see the water dispenser.
Tong Yao, how much alcohol did you drink?
I didn't drink alcohol.
I drank iced black tea.
I'm not drunk.
I want to be a professional player.
I want to take revenge.
I'm very competent.
You can't make me see the water dispenser.
Cheng, exactly how much did she drink?
I don't know.
We'll report the bar across the street
for selling alcoholic drinks
to an underage customer.
We can check the surveillance footage.
this is for you.
It's my last gift for you
as the team's carry.
Having one lunatic on the team is enough.
Our vacancy has been filled.
You may go and ask
if other teams need your help.
I'm going now.
Ming, this is for you.
This is for you.
This is for you.
Goodbye. Farewell. Bye-bye.
(For professional players,)
(e-sports is their)
♪Whose reasoning and expectations♪
♪Don't seem to be my inner monologue♪
♪To be myself or to run away♪
♪Should I just sway with the wind?♪
♪You're the one
who came through the sea of stars♪
♪Those corners open unexpectedly♪
♪It seems someone will really understand♪
♪My helplessness♪
♪The loneliness that
comes with the gradual leave♪
♪I'm beginning to believe♪
♪The existence of a tacit understanding♪
♪That fate can be changed♪
♪Because persistence♪
♪Has never been pale♪
♪The successes and failures
we have gone through♪
♪The crowd of people cheering tomorrow♪
♪Your look fuels my passion♪
♪Welcome the sunshine♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine♪
♪Do you still remember♪
♪That I watched the shooting stars
pass by with you♪
♪How many times I seem to have heard♪
♪The wish I made that night♪
♪We all made a promise♪
♪Youth is about no regrets♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪The moment we ignite with passion♪
♪Will light up the night♪
♪How foolish the stubbornness
that no one understands♪
♪How strong the desire to return to glory♪
♪Remember that moment at the top♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine together♪
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