Family Secrets (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Would you like me
to remind you how it happened?
I [groans]
- [loud thud]
- Mama! Mama!
[panicked murmuring among guests]
["Feel the Heat" by Thomas Didier playing]
Paper trail ♪
Neon lights ♪
[man laughing in background]
Eyes wide ♪
- [Emil talking indistinctly]
- [woman] Come on, Emil. [laughing]
[Emil] Well, then, one, at least.
- [Emil] Come on!
- [woman laughing]
What do you say, just one little drink?
[Agnieszka] Oh, Emil And then what?
A cozy room in a small hotel?
[Emil] Sure.
- Sounds good don't you think?
- [soft chuckle]
Who would you be without me?
[Agnieszka] Oh, I do appreciate it.
Want me to show you how much?
- [Emil] Mmm hm Yes.
- [door opens]
- [door closes]
- Just a sec.
[Emil] Dorota!
We could all use
A little more mystery ♪
A little ooh la la ♪
[breathing heavily]
- Cheers. Want a little extra?
- No, thanks.
[indistinct chatter]
[soulful music playing]
That drink should really
be sipped through a straw.
Tastes smoother.
Piss off.
This electricity ♪
Has got me on my knees ♪
I'm hooked in, full speed ♪
It's killin' me ♪
[door opens]
We could all use ♪
A little mystery
Some ooh la la ♪
Wait and see what it is
You really need ♪
Go get a little mystery ♪
A little ooh la la ♪
Wait and see what it is
You really need ♪
Turn the lights on ♪
[Emil] I really don't know
what got into me.
But I'm sorry.
I've hurt you.
I wasn't thinking.
Forgive me, please.
It's just how I am.
And nothing happened, right?
- [Dorota inhales]
- [Emil] Nothing.
Dorota, you're putting
me in a really awkward position.
I'm making a fool of myself apologizing
and here you what are you doing?
Oh, I see you, want to punish me.
Is that it?
- [bangs hands on thighs]
- Fine, do it.
Say something! Why are you so quiet?
I'm wondering,
who would I be if it weren't for you?
[poignant music playing]
[man] Hello.
- [ Kaśka] Good morning, professor.
- Good morning.
- Waiting for me?
- No, no, no, no
- Good morning.
- [receptionist] Good morning, professor.
- This student says
- I'd like to talk to you, professor.
You were an hour late
and you know I can't excuse that.
Yes. But I was hoping you could make an
- Come on, Paweł. Try.
- [Paweł] An exception.
Please let me through.
[students giggle]
Give me another chance.
- [students chuckle]
- [ Kaśka chuckles]
This is idiotic.
[Dorota] If you had another chance,
I wonder if you'd take advantage of that?
[stifled laughter]
- [door opens]
- [stifled laughter continues]
[door closes]
Paweł! Come on, wait
- [receptionist] No loitering in the halls!
- [students laughing]
[Dorota] Ladies and gentlemen,
here we have the liver.
At the macroscopic level,
we distinguish four lobes:
caudate, quadrate,
left and right, each one distinct.
There is a falciform ligament
between the right and left lobe,
but please be aware
hat this is not the anatomical boundary.
This is very important,
please remember that.
[ Kaśka] Maybe try talking to her again?
You saw what happened to Kwiatkowska.
- She kept going to her
- That was grim. She failed the year.
Maybe your father
could explain your situation?
[Dorota] Who can tell me what this is?
How old do you think I am here?
[Dorota] Fat!
I just want us to still
go to classes together.
[Dorota] Yuck!
- [Paweł] Huh.
- [soft chuckle]
[Dorota] Good job.
- [alarm beeps]
- [both gasp]
[Piotr] I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry.
I am so sorry! That was all my fault!
I get clumsy when I'm nervous,
I'm nervous now
because I have a meeting
and, of course, I'm late getting here.
A senior patient I care for
wouldn't let me go.
- I'm a nurse for older people
- Uh, makes sense.
Because of me, my son
failed an exam here with a Doctor, uh
Jaworowicz. Because of me.
So I came to explain all to this teacher.
I'm hoping it will help.
Doctor Jaworowicz
And she's awful. Definitely.
My son wouldn't say a bad word about her.
But obviously she's a harpy.
He was late for the exam.
In our situation that happens sometimes.
He was late getting here
because I was late. [chuckle]
[sighs] What a beautiful country
we'd have if it weren't for the people.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- [Paweł] Here.
- Thank you. Have a seat.
Why didn't you give a reason
for being late to the exam?
I spoke with your father
and he blamed himself for it all.
He also said I'm awful.
[stifled laugh]
I'm sorry. Dad doesn't mince his words.
Says here you got a top grade
in Genetics with Molecular Biology
with Doctor Nowacka.
- Yes.
- Impressive.
Thank you.
So, let's you and I focus on issues
of pathomorphology then. Hm?
[Paweł] All right.
What is the difference
between a cruor and a thrombus?
Uh, okay, I'll start with the thrombus.
A thrombus is a deposit consisting
of aggregated blood components and
fibrin that occurs
as the result of coagulation
inside the blood vessels of the heart
in a living organism.
[Paweł] A thrombus
is difficult to remove in
a normal situation.
May, though
Where it began ♪
I can't begin to notice ♪
appear as an uneven surface
covered in tubercles.
It may cause ischemia,
a condition in which the blood flow
and oxygen to the heart muscle
are restricted
and Spring became the Summer ♪
Who'd have believed you'd come along? ♪
Hands ♪
Touching hands ♪
Reaching out, touching me ♪
- [music ends abruptly]
[paper rustles]
Thrombi in healthy
blood vessels may cause?
Um, thrombosis.
Well done, passing grade.
You mean it?
That's awesome!
- [smack]
- [Dorota] Oh!
[Paweł] Thank you, and I'm so
[soft chuckle]
[ Paweł ] Oh!
- Thank you. That's awesome. Thank you.
- Yeah.
See you next time, sure.
Yes, uh
I mean next class.
Yeah! Thank you again, professor.
- And sorry about my dad.
- [both chuckle softly]
Be seeing you.
Touching me
Touching you ♪
Sweet Caroline ♪
Good times never seemed so good ♪
I've been inclined ♪
[Emil, on answerphone] Hi Dorota,
don't wait for me for dinner.
We've got some difficult cases here.
I might be back late, but I'll definitely
join you for a nightcap. Bye!
[answerphone beeps]
[Jan, on answerphone] Hi, Mom. Sorry for
not calling sooner, but I was wasted.
Wasted the weekend away, that is.
Pick up your phone every now and then.
That's what it's for. Love you, Mom. Bye.
[answerphone beeps]
[Emil, on answerphone]
Dorota? Dorota, your phone is off.
Listen, don't wait for me after all.
I'm sorry.
Darling, it's not what you think.
It's just work, okay? Don't wait up. Bye.
- [answerphone beeps]
- [Dorota sighs]
[swoosh of message being sent]
[phone pings]
[excited chuckling]
- [nurse] Doctor?
- Yes?
What about Mrs. Stępień?
You've got my phone number,
I'm available all the time.
Besides What am I, the only doctor
working here? Get Jan here.
But Doctor Agnieszka's leaving too.
[Agnieszka] Yes, I'm coming.
We've got some
business matters to discuss. Hm?
- Good evening.
- [nurse] Good evening.
[vehicle approaches]
[tires screech]
[engine stops]
- Agnieszka!
- Hi, Dorota.
Dorota, please,
don't make a scene, would you?
Agnieszka, Emil told me
you can't come with us tonight.
Apparently you have many patients to see
and unfortunately, Jan's out of town.
Oh, yeah right.
But maybe you and Jędrzej
can visit sometime.
That would be fabulous! [chuckles]
Well, we'd be delighted.
Let's go.
You coming?
Yes, of course, let's go.
[Emil] Well, listen,
I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
- [Agnieszka] Sure, I'll see you. Night.
- Night.
- [door closes]
- [engine starts]
- [engine revs]
- [honks horn]
What's with this generosity?
[Dorota laughs]
- Generosity
- [both chuckle]
You won't stop cheating,
no matter what, will you?
[mellow music playing]
Come on, you know
these affairs mean nothing.
They mean nothing to me now either.
[Dorota] They don't hurt me,
they don't affect me.
I want a divorce.
You want a divorce? [puffs]
I'm willing to wait
until you double your wealth.
You've always been very good
at earning money [chuckles]
So, I'll wait.
[Dorota] A few months. Maybe five or six.
Sweetheart, I don't want this
and what's more, uh
I can't make it without you, my darling.
Without you, it's impossible.
You should have realized that sooner.
[Dorota] Until we split up,
I want to live on my own terms.
Let's drink to that.
Dorota, please ask your husband to spare
my wife a little, if he doesn't mind.
[chuckles] He's a terrible workaholic.
- [Dorota chuckles]
- [Jędrzej] See you around.
- [Paweł] Ow!
- [ Kaśka laughing]
[ Kaśka cringes] Embarrassing!
[Paweł] You know
this is elder abuse, right? Ow! Stop.
- [ Kaśka talking indistinctly]
- [Paweł laughing]
- [indistinct chatter, laughter]
- [upbeat music playing]
- [Paweł] Thanks.
- You're welcome.
[French pop song playing]
[Paweł] Hi, professor.
Paweł. Good morning.
Don't you have class?
[Paweł] Nope.
They canceled them today.
You wish.
No, it's true, but they only told me.
If I'm not mistaken,
aren't you in my class this afternoon?
Yeah. And since you're here, I should
tell you that I'm not gonna make it.
That's too bad, Paweł.
'Cause I'll miss you.
Get my message?
"As your teacher,
I shouldn't really be writing this"
But you didn't answer me.
Well, professor.
I respect you, believe me.
And besides that,
I really like your classes, but
Dorota. Don't be so formal.
I just don't want to be
crossing a line with you here.
[Paweł] And you can always count on me,
as a student, but beyond that
[nervous chuckle]
I really have no response to that,
but I can't
Then how will you respond
when your little girlfriend Kaśka Bliska
fails the semester?
[indistinct chatter]
[Dorota] Good luck, everyone.
[ Kaśka] Jesus.
[Dorota] See you.
[ Paweł ] Kaśka, wait up
Not now, I'll talk to you later, okay?
[ominous music playing]
[footsteps retreat]
[door opens]
[door closes]
- [receptionist] Good morning.
- Good morning.
Can I help you find something, professor?
[Dorota] That's okay.
I got it.
[receptionist] See you later.
[doorbell rings]
[dog barking in distance]
[door unlocks, opens]
Ah, good morning.
Oh, you're the teacher.
Here to see Paweł.
Please come in. Paweł's out
but I expect him back any second.
Thank you.
[door closes]
First though, just let me take care
of my mom for a moment.
That's enough air for now.
We have a guest here.
[Dorota] Hello, Ma'am.
If you'd like, you can wait
in Paweł's room until he gets here.
Fine, thanks.
[floorboards creak]
- [clamoring]
- [Dorota] Oh, God.
Excuse me, but to what do
we owe the honor of this visit?
Well, to talk about that exam.
Yes, Paweł was very very happy
that you allowed him to pass your class.
And I'm grateful too, of course.
It seems, uh though
Perhaps coming here today was a mistake.
[traffic humming]
[man] Down
[Dorota] Paweł?
[ Kaśka] Paweł!
You know where Paweł is?
- Why is she talking to me, Jan?
- Tell me where he is.
Is it his child?
[Dorota] Or is it my son's?
Or is it my husband's, or do
you not even know whose it is?
- If you know where he is, tell me.
- Doesn't love you.
[ Kaśka exhales]
[sighs deeply]
[horn honking]
[Dorota] Paweł!
Paweł, wait.
[Paweł sighs]
[Dorota] Let's meet up tonight.
What? You're having a fling?
- It's more than a fling.
- How so?
It's a romance.
[Emil] Who with?
Paweł Drzewiecki.
- And who's that?
- A student. My student.
- You're mental.
- What are you gonna do about it, Emil?
[Dorota] As you can see,
I have no plans to retire yet.
- Well, I'm going to deal with it.
- Emil.
[Emil] Jędrekxxxxxxxxxxx?
- [Dorota] Don't you dare! Emil! Stop.
- Hi. I'd like to meet up with you
- Emil, please.
- [Emil] at the university.
- [Emil] I have a small favor to ask you.
- [Dorota] Emil, I'm watching you!
Eh So I'd like to
talk about a certain student.
- [Jędrzej, talking on line]
- Drzewiecki. Yes.
When can you?
I'll drop by. Sure. Thanks.
I'll knock that little bastard
down for good.
He won't be able
to get a specialty in this city.
He won't even get an internship.
He can forget about any kind of work.
Don't you dare go!
You better believe I'll teach
that little prick to humiliate me.
He's not the one humiliating you, I am.
Don't you get that?
And that's worse! Where do you
get off doing this to me, huh?
[Emil] I've sacrificed everything
for our family! For you!
To make up for those lousy years.
Look what I gave up so you could
use your shitty pedagogical talents
for shitty money.
Ah, um.
I gave up my career,
and became a repairman for tits and noses.
So you could be a big shot!
Agh, it's not even worth it.
[Jędrzej] Taken care of, Emil.
That student
won't be returning to the university.
[Emil] Thanks.
[breathes deeply]
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Paweł] Are you crazy?
Why did you write that
you're not home when you are?
Because I'm studying.
And I need some peace.
This situation has gotten out of control
What situation's out of control?
I talked to Emil and-
[Paweł] Hi.
Emil knows I'm
Maybe we could talk about it.
Could we go for a drive?
[Paweł] Come on.
[rain lashing]
[ Paweł ] Pull over. Pull over!
What do you mean? What are you saying?
What did you tell him that we're doing?
That we're having an affair.
And that we love each other.
[Paweł] Oh, my god.
That's total bullshit.
And he went to the director
and told him that?
We'll be happy in the end. You'll see.
I'll be expelled from college.
And I'll divorce Emil
and you and I'll move in together
[Dorota] Come on.
[Dorota] Just give me a chance.
Please, honey.
I'm disappointed in you Former professor.
Because what you're doing right now
is stalking and molesting a student.
[thunder rumbling]
And I intend to report this
to the university.
Please don't ever contact me again.
[seatbelt clicks]
- Paweł
- No!
You don't touch me.
- [Dorota] Paweł!
- Leave me alone.
[rain lashing]
[engine starts]
- [Dorota] Paweł!
- Leave me alone!
Paweł don't, come on now!
[Dorota] Paweł!
You're totally crazy, you bitch! Crazy!
Fuck. Fucking nuts!
- [engine accelerates]
- [tires screech]
- [heavy thud]
- [glass smashing]
[tires screech]
[engine stops]
[wipers rattle]
[ominous music playing]
[Dorota] Paweł.
Oh, Paweł, no.
[sharp inhale of breath]
[Dorota] Paweł?
[car door closes]
[Jan] Careful, be careful. Careful,
it's steep here. Watch the last step.
[Jan] Almost there.
Look out, there's a car.
[Emil] On the bench.
- [ Małgosia] Hold her, Marek.
- [Marek] I am!
- [horn honking]
- Beatrycze] Dorota!
Sister, will I ever be able
to actually marry those two?
Well, it's not going to be easy.
[priest] Thank God this next couple
is more determined.
[Beatrycze] Maybe they've had more
time to think about it.
[Emil] Sit down, breathe, Dorota.
Get a little fresh air
Okay, everyone. Just leave us alone, okay?
- [Emil] Just stay back.
- [Dorota] I'm sorry, I got overexcited.
[Emil] Kaśka, come here.
[ Małgosia] Let's go.
Emotions kicked your ass, huh, auntie?
[Agnieszka] Bunny, don't say that!
What? I know what emotions are! When
they're bad, they knock you off your feet.
You said yourself, when you
look at daddy you feel nauseous.
- I never said that.
- Yeah, yeah
- Come over here, darling.
- Excuse us.
[Emil] What did Dorota tell you?
What did she talk about?
You stay away from her, okay?
- [Marek] Let's go now.
- [Emil] You hear?
[ Małgosia] Come on, darling.
- [Bunny shrieks]
- [Jędrzej] Stop that!
- [Emil] Dorota, are you?
- I'm fine.
- It's just the weather. [groans]
- [Emil] There, sit down.
- [ Małgosia] I wouldn't say she's fine.
- Don't start.
I shouldn't start saying that this
is a mess? It's a mess
Please don't.
Everything is okay, it really is.
Nothing is okay here and you know it.
[Dorota] Emil, not now.
We never wanted this wedding anyway.
It's completely unnecessary.
No, what wasn't necessary
was for you to come.
[Małgosia] My poor baby.
- [Emil] Let's sit down.
- All right, but in that case then
Let's all go back into the church again.
We can't go in yet. We have to wait.
Another wedding is going on.
But you sit. Come, sit down.
[ Małgosia] Teresa, why are you
rubbing against me?
[Teresa] I'm sorry.
[indistinct chatter]
[Dorota groans]
My dear, darling Kaśka. I'll
[ Małgosia] Ah again?
[Emil] Jan?
Listen, I'm sorry, but
I just didn't want to ruin the
Dad, just drop it, really.
It's what you're best at anyway.
[Emil] Well, it's your wedding.
I don't give a damn
whether you're here or not.
Like you don't give a damn about my life.
We're here, but if you're going to
need me to come pick you up
[Emil] the car will be ready
from the service center at 4 p.m.
- I can't do it, but maybe I'll call them
- I'll manage somehow.
[car door closes]
I really hate you.
What do you mean you won't
tell me anything about Drzewiecki?
It means I don't give information
to students about other students.
It figures.
[ Kaśka] Oh, professor! Could we talk
for a moment? Please, it's very important.
Dorota, I'm so glad to see you.
Come in for a second.
- [ Kaśka] Please.
- Bring us two coffees, please.
[ Kaśka] Director, Professor,
I really need to
[receptionist] This is not the best time.
Hi, professor?
- What are you doing here?
- I just need
I told you,
I'll find pout what you need to know.
[Emil] Why did you come here?
Why were you thinking?
- I need to talk to her!
- You can't.
Can't you see the state she's in?
She's overwhelmed right now. Trust me.
I am just as anxious
to straighten this out
But I don't trust you.
I don't believe a single word you say!
'Cause you're just fine
with having Paweł gone.
I'll say this again. I'm going
to get to the bottom of what happened.
I have to know, where is Paweł?
She knows something about it.
[Emil] Patience.
- [pop music playing]
- [indistinct chatter, laughter]
[man] Hey there.
- [ Kaśka] Huh?
- [man] You havin' fun?
[ Kaśka] Oh, yeah.
[man] Want a bite?
- [ Kaśka] No, I don't.
- Take it!
- [ Kaśka] I said no!
- Take it!
- Leave me alone
- Come on, take a little!
[Emil] Can't you see
you're disturbing the lady? Get lost.
Like something to drink?
No, thanks.
- [Emil] No?
- [ Kaśka] No.
I thought your generation
not only drank but
But what?
You understand.
You get it.
- What do you mean?
- You don't get it?
I get it.
You screwed my mom so now
you think you'll screw me too.
I thought you wanted
to find out about Paweł. Hm?
You're pathetic.
Where is Pavel then? If you know,
why won't you tell me?
[Emil] Shhh.
I wanted to introduce you to
one of my students.
Though you may already know
each other. Isn't that right?
Did Emil tell you why
Paweł disappeared suddenly?
That's what you were trying
to get out of him?
Dorota, shut up, okay?
[Dorota] Because he knew. He knew it all.
Paweł had to go, because
he was a lover who had courage.
He couldn't have loved you.
Do you know what he said about you?
[Dorota] He said that you're crazy.
A maniac.
That you were
obsessed with him completely.
That you went insane and that now he
has no clue "how to get rid of the bitch!"
Don't you understand what I'm saying?
Nobody wants you in our family.
Your opinion on our wedding means
absolutely nothing to me or to Jan.
You call this a wedding?
This is a total disaster.
Ask Jan if he thinks so.
That's because you've manipulated him.
You've manipulated him
because you want revenge.
Oh, I need revenge?
You just shut up.
If Dorota knows anything concerning
Paweł, I will find out, I promise.
And I will talk, you get it?
Yeah, sure. Now listen to me
Don't you ever
touch me again, you scumbag. Ever.
- [ Małgosia] What happened?
- Nothing.
- Do they want the baby?
- Alicja!
- What'd he do to you?
- Nothing.
No, they don't want custody
and he's not the father.
[ Małgosia] Oh, thank God.
Better not drag God into this.
[Marek] I want to know what just happened.
[Alicja] Dad, calm down, the situation
is a little complicated.
But we've just excluded
a potential candidate.
[Teresa] The worst one.
[Beatrycze] I have to agree.
[Beatrycze] Well, that's at least
one success. Still a joyful day, isn't it?
Excuse me a minute.
- [Marek] Kaśka?
- [Beatrycze] You can't smoke here.
No? Why? Did Jesus say we couldn't?
I don't know.
I wonder!
I read somewhere that everyone
smoked back then in Galilee.
[ Kaśka] Jan?
Who were you talking to?
Jan, who was on the phone?
They've been lying. All of them.
Paweł had an accident.
[end credits music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Maja Konkolewska
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