Fantasmas (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Void


Oh, my God, what?
I just looked at your schedule,
and it doesn't appear
you're busy right now.
I'm nervous about an audition.
Will you help me run lines?

Dustin wants to create change.
- Make a difference.
- Right.
Because in America,
it's pretty fucked up and just unfair
that there's not enough pie for everyone
to have a piece at the table.
And you've set up a
whole press conference
to announce this?
Huge press conference.
- Well, hey
I I can't wait.
Julio, she's here.
Wait oh, sorry, I gotta go.
Um, I think I have a lead on the oyster.
Isn't it at the bottom of the sea?
Well, yeah, it is,
but I think I found
someone who knows the sea.
What about Zappos and
getting your exception?
Oh, she's here, she's here. Gotta go.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
Hi. Hello. Hi.
I'm sorry I didn't greet you at the
I'm sorry. I'm I'm Julio.
Um, hi, Deedra. It's
it's so nice to meet you.
Um, thank you for taking this case.
Yes, okay. Bryce!
Where the fuck is he?
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Um, I got your water.
- My what?
- Your water.
You wanted a water.
I was being sarcastic, Bryce.
You don't find my joke funny?
- I do. I do.
- It doesn't seem like you do.
- Whatever. All right, Julio.
- Yes.
So you lost an earring
at the bottom of the sea?
I did, yes.
Uh, uh, it was, um, like, about an inch.
Can I see the picture?
I should have emailed
you yesterday about it.
- And you got the email?
- Oh, yes, yes.
Yeah, yeah.
[SIGHS] Okay, let's see here.
Um, since when do fish have jobs?
The mayor said that
if people were expected
to keep the waters clean,
fish and other water folk
should pull their weight with labor.
All right, Bryce.
Sorry, I'm here. I'm here, I'm here.
Earring's about an inch, gold.
You getting this down?
I have it, yeah.
- Shaped like an oyster.
- Yep.
- With diamonds.
- Yep.
- Uh, do you have an extra pen?
- Bryce!
Sorry. Yeah, um, how many, roughly?
Is that relevant?
How would that not be relevant?
I don't know. I'm sorry. Okay.
Diamonds, multiple.
And a pearl.
Yep, a pearl.
I'll keep it up here. Mm-hmm.
All right, we'll let
you know when we find it.
Bryce, let's go.
Deedra won't let you down.
And I was just wondering for later,
what would you like for lunch?
Oh, I don't know.
Fish, maybe.
- Julio.
- Yeah?
They already shut down the warm water.
Also, what are you doing
looking for that oyster?
The good people at Zappos
will get you an exception.
But that could take months.
Bibo can't with this right now.
Bibo has a big audition today.
The next L train will
arrive in 178 minutes.
What are you gonna do today, sweetie?
I don't know.
Apply for jobs, maybe?
Cannot believe that superhuman whatever
wouldn't give you your
job back at the mall.
What you need is God.
Come to church with me.
I don't believe in that stuff.
I'm not really into anything right now.
Why don't you go to Central Park?
It's nice.
It's no Florida, but
New York ain't so bad.
When I build a sandcastle,
I expect that next year
it will be there.
Isn't it fun?
Wanna know what's chilling?
This is me already in therapy.
I'm by far the youngest, and
I don't have to prove it.
Oh, honey, you're not
that young. [SCOFFS]
Face it, hating me is
easier than hating yourself.
Why don't you say that to my face?
So I arrive at Bianca's
restaurant opening
- Dina!
- Hi, Bianca.
Fashionably late.
And I am completely
disturbed by what I see.
Wait, Bianca, to your question,
what does Genevieve plan
on doing about that corner?
What corner?
That corner over there.
It's negative space.
What's the thought there?
People are expected to eat here.
They're gonna be disturbed by the hole.
Can I help you, Dina?
Oh, there's no need
to get all worked up.
I'm just asking a question.
I designed Bianca's restaurant.
And I think I know what I'm doing.
I went to SCAD. [SCOFFS]
The degree was online,
but the computer was big.
Girls, girls, girls, please.
It's it's the big night. Come on.
So to get our minds off
all the drama in the city,
I decided to take the girls
to the Sandcastle Villas
and Golf Club in the Bahamas
for a little girls' trip.
Hopefully, all drama involving
the void stays in New York.
I packed my bikini, my sun hat,
and all the drama involving the void.
Isn't it fun?
- Love.
- It's fabulous.
And look, Genevieve, all
the corners are filled.
Well, looks like all that void drama
didn't stay in New York.
I didn't talk about
it. I wasn't talking.
You're literally speaking right now.
I'm not saying a word, sweetie.
I think this is in your head.
Don't talk to me when you talk to me.
Donnie, bring them more champagne.
They're already pretty drunk, sir.
[LAUGHS] Oh, my God, are they?
Did I fucking ask?
Good boy.
There's no need to get worked up.
I'm not getting worked up.
You're just stirring all this drama.
Well, Genevieve, I have been thinking,
and it's really [BLEEP] up
that I took a chance on you,
and you ruined my big
opening by negative space.
Everyone was disturbed by the void.
[SCOFFS] What is going on here?
I have been nothing but
Let's all wrap for the night.
Using my degree for good.
I'm up, down, fighting.
You know, she's crazy.
And I finally designed this
beautiful restaurant for her

Girls' room. Luxury.
I fucking never said that.
My credit card doesn't have a limit.
Don't say anything.
What is this? Who am I?
Everything's gonna be okay,
but you have to stay calm.
Power down.
I'll stay back and close up.
Now, look, Genevieve.
- [PANTING] What?
- It's okay, okay?
They can't see us. The cameras are off.
But you need to stay calm, all right?
- Don't yell.
- Shh.
Gen, it's me, the real Bianca, okay?
Just breathe, all right? Just breathe.
Genevieve, I just
need you to watch this.
Hi, Genevieve. Oh, God.
If you're seeing this, I'm so sorry.
I tried my best, but I failed.
And the fact the fact
that you're seeing this
means you're no longer
under their control.
His control.
Jared, the producer.
You've been trapped in
his sick little play.
What you believe is your life
has all been a simulation.
But now at least the
two of you are awake.
I can save you. We can escape.
You seem so familiar to me.
What is your name?
Ladies, tomorrow is the day, all right?
I'm gonna have control of this door.
I'm gonna change the code,
and I'm gonna leave it unlocked.
All you have to do is just make
it through one more day, okay?
And whatever you do, do
not go into Jared's office.
I'm so happy I booked this
Benihana-level experience
to get away from all that
drama back in the city.
My stomach's really upset.
I told you, Rellany, I
can't do "tort-ill-ee-ahs."
Uh, where's Brandon?
Upstairs with the boss.
I wonder what he did.
Genevieve, you're on fire!
Oh, my God.
- Your hand.
- Oh!
We should get some water.
I don't have water.
Someone's had one too many, clearly.
Power down.

It's unlocked. Let's go!
I have to try.
Honey, we did try. Let's go. Gen!
I no.
No, not without Brandon.
- He helped us.
- Gen!
I'm not leaving without him.

Where's Brandon?
Brandon? Brandon?
God, you're so stupid.
Brandon? Yes and no.
It's me, Genevieve.
Your creator.
Your God.
- Gen.
- What?
What is this?
Aw, hi, Bianca.
You look pretty.
What is going on?
Why do you seem so familiar?
I know, right?
Probably because you
all have a little bit
of the source in you.
The source?
The source.
Bitch, you're not that young.
The original True
Rich Woman of New York.
My mom.
The human brain is such
an incredible thing.
[LAUGHS] You can mine whole worlds,
even after the body is gone.
I mined her brain for
your behavioral patterns.
You see, it's so easy
to find a mean rich lady.
But to make a mommy, a mother,
I had to go straight to the source.
Your mind is intertwined with hers.
It's Little Chicken Legs.
Don't call me that, Mommy, okay?
Because they're genetic,
and you know that,
and you know I got them from Dad.
And it is not my fault that
you two fucking hate each other!
Your mother used to pretend
to be sick on your birthday
so she would take the spotlight.
She pretended to be
gay when you came out.
Enough, okay? [LAUGHS]
None of that matters anymore.
Because now I get to play
with her, through you, forever.
Let us go.
Is that what you want?
I mean, okay.
- The door is over there.
- Oh, thank God.
Have fun in prison.
Or did you forget?
You're here because you
signed a contract, remember?
Better this than going to
jail for tax fraud, right?
Aw, ladies, don't be afraid.
Uncle Sam and I, we've
reached an understanding.
After all, you are
our greatest export
an aspirational way of life.
Well, why set us free, then?
Why are you getting this?
Sometimes it's good to,
like, rattle the cages.
Your attempts at freedom were
the perfect season finale!
Anyway, what are we thinking?
A couple more seasons?
I don't think they have
bodycon dresses in prison.
Coming up next on "The
True Women of New York."
Last night, I was thinking
about my childhood,
and I couldn't remember any of it.
I couldn't remember my
my parents.
There she goes again.
I just think it's distasteful
to not do a root touch-up
before a night out.
This is called a style.
I'm sorry.
So then they purposely unhypnotized him.
I mean, it was like a a circus.
I loved it.
Uh. Hmm.
So tell us, how does it feel
to finally see yourself represented?
And, uh, do me a favor
just throw in something in,
you know, Spanish.
It feels incredible to
finally get a script
where I feel myself represented.
When I got it, I was like, ay dios mio!
Julio Cutio, will you show
her how we actually, uh,
you know, envision the line?
Abuela, I wasn't hiding in the cupboard.
Uh, no, uh, they need it to be
a little more like Pixar acting.
So like, Abuela, I wasn't
hiding in the cupboard.
I was just looking for salt?
Is it is it true your
tamales are made with magic?
I think she's it.
- [LAUGHS] Adios.
- Yay!
Please, let's not do this show.
I have a bunch of other scripts.
Do you remember that
dolphin that got stuck
in the Gowanus Canal in South Brooklyn?
It would be a really,
really, really great movie,
maybe like a three-hour.
Um, uh, the dolphin, no one
knows how it got there
Okay, I'm sorry. Just stop it.
Stop it, really.
Just it's just, a time comes when
you gotta grow up and
just move product, sweetie.
That was incredible.
So transformative.
I saw you through the glass.
What's your process like?
I study people, and I contour.
Oh, that's amazing.
I love talking to actors.
Um, like picking their brain.
Yeah, so obviously, you got the part.
Yes, correct. Thank you.
Yeah, so I'm just gonna
need to see your SAG card
and Proof of Existence.
I I don't have those things.
I'm a robot.
I tried applying, but the
forms have no box for Bibo.
So you say you want my ideas,
but then you want them
to fit into your boxes,
so really, there's no
room for anything new.
What's going on?
An unproduced Zappos script?
"Rejected." "Discarded."
"Not an interesting story."
The letter Q?
"Lion King" from the
point of view of a zebra?

Yes, I'm Carl, calling
from Carl's phone.
I I found a script, uh, by a Julio.
I'm listening.
I really see myself in these stories,
and I think other people
like me would agree.
Maybe we can think of something.
This is absolutely ridiculous.
He auditioned for the part.
He got the part. You liked what he did.
Just give him the part.
Look, I have an idea, though.
We can't hire him as an actor,
but there's no reason we
can't hire him as prop.
That's very insulting.
Bibo's not gonna do that.
- Deal!
- Bibo!
This is this is insane.
I I do this without Proof.
Why why can't Bibo?
Well, you have a Proof case pending.
Well, surely we can
find an exception, maybe.
Bibo does not want to be an exception.
Bibo wants to be an actor.
Ugh, incoming call.
[STAMMERS] One one sec.
Yeah, hi. Hello.
- Hold, please.
- Wait, no. This is Julio.
Is this about my, uh,
my my lab results?
I said hold, please.
Wait, you're putting me on hold?
- You're the one who called
- Oh, my God.
- I fucking hate them.
Did you hear that
Nautica was "sick" today?
That bitch is not sick.
Yeah, I think she just has crabs.
- Ew.
What's that smell?
I think it's an oil spill.
Not me dying from an oil
spill like my parents.
I'm so sorry about that.
You didn't deserve that.

Justice did not smile at us today.
But I'd like to think we took
a small step in shedding light
on the injustices at my
Buenas. Vamo.
- Girl, what a goddamn bummer.
- Mm-hmm.
You know, I got that Dodo was
fucking rancid, but come on.
Well, at least the elves are
getting a Christmas bonus.
I mean, they didn't get that before,
so that's something, I guess.
Very glass half-full.
You give optimism, honey.
- I love that.
- Right.
Ooh. My bad.
Hey, baby. Welcome to Chester's.
We doing deliveries today?
- Yes, thank you.
- Okay. Come on.
Uh, Chester.
Eh, in the app, there is no price.
- How much is it?
- No, no, no, baby.
This is my company, and
I decide what's what.
And today, for you, I can
do a little sliding scale.
- Mm.
- Okay. Bueno.
Give me some nachos.
I'm hungry, honey.
Ooh, can I get a nacho too?
We got another one, y'all.
Hi. Uh, sorry.
For Carl. I'm I'm Carl.
Yeah, Carl, I know. That's why I'm here.
Chester, I'm two hours late.
Look at them all.
So small and pathetic.
[SIGHS] Dustin, baby.
I have to make a confession.
This big press conference, I, um
I don't know what it's about.
It's okay.
I got the big idea.
I've been thinking about it all morning.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
You know I play a homeless gay teen
on "Cunty Little Rich
Kids School of Magic"?
Yes, of course.
It just feels wrong.
I'm just getting super rich
by exploiting the plight
of people less fortunate than me.
Baby, who taught you plight?
And everyone celebrates me. [SCOFFS]
But fuck that, yo!
'Cause I get fucking paid.
And the network, the
network, the fucking network,
makes money off it.
And Big Oil bought the network.
And then people watching
the show, they're like,
wow, yay, we're seeing progress.
But what they don't even
realize is just by watching it,
they're widening the wealth gap
by actively enriching the very people
oppressing those they
claim to represent.
I thought you knew.
So here's my pitch.
What if we all stop doing the show
until the people at the top
promise to redistribute what they earn?
We can line up, link
arms, do a real "boy-cutt."
A what?
I can get the whole cast in on it.
Maybe we can even get
the entire industry
to be paid equally, hmm?
[SIGHS] Dustin, baby,
I'm so proud of you.
Let's make it public.

[VOCALIZES FANFARE] I found the oyster.
- Oh, God.
- Yeah.
I'm on my way to get the procedure.
Next time you see me, I
I'm not gonna have a body.
Don't do that.
Did you read the article I
sent you about those places?
The headline said they
mine your abilities
to make software to replace people.
- No, it's
- Don't do anything stupid.
I have to go.
Okay, just like we
rehearsed, from the heart.
Yeah, okay, got it.
Yo, yo, yo.
What up, you busty, dusty fucknuts?
Boy, do I have an announcement
for you ladies today.
It's gonna be sick.
Let's not say fucks or nuts.
- Okay. I can do that.
- Okay.
Oh, before we do this, just
can we carve out the
vacation time really quick?
'Cause I really wanna
get that villa in Tuscany,
and I don't want it to get snagged.
Oh. Well, I don't
I don't know about a villa.
What? Why?
Well, with this new
redistribution model,
you're not gonna have all these loads
of extra cash lying around.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Am I gonna be, like, fucking broke?
You'll be comfortable,
and you'll go on vacation,
and we will find you a house to buy.
It just it won't be a villa.
Won't be a villa.
And lots of presents.
You'll have lots and lots of presents.
Like this, hmm?
This came in the mail.
It's from a female fan, I think.
Yeah, probably.
And let's get this
press conference rolling.
I'm so proud. You're giving me purpose.
Let's call it off.
The press conference. Fuck it.

All I did today was try,
and that is "e-noog."
Does it hurt?
You wanna get that before
you have no fingers?
Um, this is this is not a great time.
I'm about to get, um, uploaded.
Is this Mr. Julio Torres?
I'm calling from ASAP MD
regarding your results.
It all looks good.
Sorry, what was that?
It all looks good.
Sorry, what was that?
Yep, it's benign. Have a good day.
Uh, so this is not the missing piece.
[STAMMERS] What what do you mean?
Yeah, it's not a part of the antique.
Uh, are you sure this is the
oyster you were looking for?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm sure because they
took my fingerprints.
Well, this is from Amazon.
So it's not one of a kind.
It's not unique.
All right, let's get
this demolition started.
Bibo, are you here?
Are you hungry?
Vanesja and I are gonna
have a dinner meeting
to discuss the waterfalls
idea that I have.
I think one that goes sideways.
So you made "How I
Came Out to My Abuela"?
- Yeah.
- Really, really great show.
I haven't seen it.
Uh, oh, but it is really
good that you got Proof.
Especially now that you need
it to, like, vote and stuff.
I just got a credit card
and put my Netflix on it.
You are officially the
proud tenant of unit 72.
Home sweet casa su home.
Make it yours.

- Hi.
- Hello, my little star.
I have a surprise for you.
I found some people who are really
responding to your ideas.
Come to the elementary school
and meet your new collaborators.
Just ahead of my time, man.
Gut microbiome.
You're late.
For what?
Look sharp.
I gotta be further back in the alphabet.
Whatever, weirdo.
Ain't that the girl who killed
that guy in the bathroom?
K does what you do.
You and your pathetic stick.
Micro, wake up.
Turn off your TV.
I've got eyes on Bibo.
Bibo is flying in, and Bibo has landed.
Do you copy? Bibo has landed.
When I say copy, you have to say copy.
- Copy?
- Edwin! Edwin!
It won't stay on my little head.
Okay. Don't worry. Don't worry.
I got you.
Babe, how do I look?
Oh, gorgeous.
Bibo got two characters?
Do you think Carl prefers him?
I only got to play one character.
No, no, no, baby.
Don't focus on Bibo.
Don't focus on anyone else, okay?
Focus on yourself.
Okay. Yes, thank you.
Have you eaten?
Grab go grab one of my power bars.
Break a leg.
[WHISPERING] How long is it?
How long is it?
It should be ending now.

Any trash that you
have, just throw it away.
No no recycling in
the building, please.
- Thank you.
- Very beautiful.
- Very beautiful.
- Shall we?
- Yes. Let's go.
- Bye.
Oh, damn, I need to
get my phone charger.
- Meet you outside.
- Okay.
Hey, you.
You wrote those?
Uh, yeah.
Did you even ask for permission?
Why are you wearing that?
Well, that's unacceptable.
Book the flight.
Hello, Vanesja.
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Why are you following me?
It was you giving
the incredible performance, Vanesja.
I'm gonna ask one more time
why are you following me?
I was the top agent in the business
until my lazy artist sister
started doing a performance of me
and stole my life!
Oh, you're good.
Bibo is also an artist.
I have ideas, too, you know.
I'm I'm just doing
other stuff all the time.
I'm on the football
team, and you know, I
Oh. Oh, no, I see.
Here. Uh, take my doctor's note.
Uh, you're exempt.
Just show them that.
You don't have to do
anything you don't wanna do.

Bibo is also an artist.
Bibo ♪

Bibo ♪
Bibo, Bibo ♪
Bibo, Bibo, Bibo, Bibo, Bibo, Bibo ♪
Bibo ♪
Bibo is also an artist.
Bibo ♪
Bibo is also an artist.

Bibo ♪

Bibo ♪

Bibo is also an artist.
Also an artist, also an artist,
also an artist, also an artist.
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