Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e06 Episode Script

The Silver Surfer and the Coming of Galactus: Part 2

Here's what
happened in part one
of the story of The Silver Surfer
And The Coming of Galactus.
Our horrible landlady, Miss Forbes,
was trying to evict us when
Reed, everybody, look!
The sky's on fire!
But things were not
what they seemed.
What the Hey hoo hoo!
What was that?
The fire was actually an illusión
created by Uatu, The Watcher.
A strange visitor from another worid.
I caused the flame and meteors
to appear in your sky
with my Matter Mobilizer.
- Incredible.
- I'm all choked up.
Hey, would you stop lecturing
and get us down? Huh?
My sole purpose was simply
to conceal the Earth From him.
Galactus, Devourer of Worids.
With his awesome power,
Galactus roams the cosmos
seeking planets which contain
an abundance of life.
Your only hope is that his herald
the one who searches the cosmos
for planets such as this
does not see your Earth.
The herald for Galactus
was an alien being
known as the Silver Surfer.
And even as we spoke,
he was soaring through our galaxy
where he quickly found our worid.
Ah, such life, such energy.
Galactus shall feast as never before.
We tried to stop him
from signaling Galactus
but we were too late.
- Yaaah!
- Ugghh!
Nobody likes a squealer!
And then we were
confronted by Galactus himself
Devourer of Worids.
And Planet Earth had just the kind of
life energy he hungered for most.
It is time for me to dine.
Once my Elemental Converter
is activated
I shall feast upon your planet
down to the last delicious morsel.
The Watcher may be able to help.
Uatu, can you
Split city.
What a phony. All talk, no action.
Soon I shall lock my
Converter to the Cosmic Fulcrum
It's a long shot, but if I can analyze
the molecular structure
of Galactus's Elemental Converter
I may be able to shift it
into another dimensión and thereby
- What the?
- Oh my!
Watch it, Ben.
Out of the way, lady.
We gotta get in there.
Not on your nelly,
you great big orange buffoon.
You were served with this eviction
notice, but did not vacate the premises.
Therefore, I had Mr. Sully lock you out.
You can pick up your belongings
after Miss Forbes
gets through inspecting the unit.
And you can pick up your teeth
after I get through rotating your face.
Oh, I'm out of here!
After yous.
Bite him, Foo Foo, bite him!
Woof, woof, woof, woof.
I I fell. No, that isn't possible.
Now I remember.
The rock-skinned creature,
he struck me with my own board.
None have ever used
its power against me before
but then those who dwell in this worid
are like no others I have seen.
Galactus. It seems unjust
that he destroys so many lives.
Lives with such intelligence
and courage.
Such sweet sounds.
Yes? Who is it?
I felt someone watching me
and now you've come in uninvited.
But, for some reason, I'm not afraid.
Yes, I sense goodness
a selfless nobility
and a strange sadness.
I've not felt that combination before
except in my dear Ben.
- Do you have a name?
- Once
long ago.
Now they call me the Silver Surfer.
I am not of your worid. It is not right
that I communicate with you now.
I must go.
No, please, stay.
There's such a weariness in your voice.
A rest will be good for you.
You are concerned
for the comfort of a stranger?
We are all strangers until we meet.
- My name is Alicia.
- I neither eat nor drink.
Another violent tremor!
If we're having an earthquake, I suppose
there's nothing to do but endure it.
I will stay a little while longer.
And so, it begins.
Cyclonic energy scavengers.
They're preparing the way for Galactus
to drain the life force from our planet.
It should be a physical impossibility.
And yet my analysis proves that
Galactus's Elemental Converter
creates a synchronicity between
earthly molecular compounds
and his metabolic process.
Could you give us
that again in Swahili?
You don't understand Swahili.
Well, I don't understand
nothing you just said neither.
Please explain, darling.
As simply as possible.
The Elemental Converter
makes earth molecules
the same as the molecules
in Galactus's digestive system.
The instant he starts to feed, all life
on this planet will be absorbed.
And he's about to begin.
The heady aroma of life.
Soon my great hunger shall gnaw
no longer.
He's sending
his spaceship away. Why do that?
To protect it from the surge
of energy that'll be generated
when he starts to devour the Earth.
And it will be
extremely difficult to stop him.
Wrong, Latex breath.
Come on, let's get physical.
As you said,
it's time to start kicking butt.
Now you're talking.
- No!
- Uatu!
- Follow me.
- He's returned.
You must not commence
the battle against Galactus
until I tell you to. Quickly.
The rock-skinned creature. You know him?
You've seen Ben. I suppose
he does have an unusual appearance.
But inside, he's very beautiful.
You are a musician and an artist
and though your eyes are without sight
you see into souls.
Do many in this worid
have your great gifts?
I'm really not very special, Surfer.
But when I awake
and feel the sun on my face
and I'm able to do my work
and be with my friends
with those I love
I'm very glad to be alive.
But I'm sure it's the same
for every human being on Earth.
What is it? Is something wrong?
Are you all right?
For the first time,
I suddenly regret that which I must do.
I cannot bear the thought of the fate
such noble beings as you will suffer.
Yet I am sworn to serve
my intractable master.
His Elemental Converter
is nearing operational temperature.
In all the universe, there is
but one object which can stop him.
- What?
- Where?
- Use the doohickey now.
- What is it?
It can only be found in a place
infinitely distant from this worid.
In a region my people call,
the Eye of Infinity.
Only the boy of fire
has the ability to risk
the far journey to that deadly realm.
While we are gone, you must not allow
Galactus to begin feeding.
The survival of your worid
depends on it.
Go after the Converter.
The more damage we do to it,
the more time we buy for the Earth.
And for Johnny.
It's clobberin' time!
What is this?
Welcome to the fish fry, pal.
Only we're all out of fish,
so I'm cooking your tootsie.
You've damaged my Converter.
I can't hear you.
Talk into the microphone. Uhhh!
You dare interfere?
Meddlesome microbes!
You have disrupted my cosmic timetable
for the last time.
Come, noble Terrax!
Come, Fire Lord!
Remove these irritants
so I may dine in peace.
Say, Galactus wasn't bad enough
now we gotta worry about
Beavis and Butthead from Mars.
I am with you, boy.
And this is the celestial barrier
of the region of Unlife.
Do not touch the dark, swirling clouds
or you are lost.
Your destination lies ahead.
Earth and your friends
have but little time left to live.
Hurry! Hurry!
Strike, Terrax!
Wreak havoc, Fire Lord.
These insignificant creatures bore me.
Meet your end, my friend.
You're wrong, Ding Dong!
One for the money, two for the show
you're gonna get it,
you big dumb schmo.
Stay down, you cement head.
You cannot escape me!
Stand and meet your fate!
There, you have reached
your destination.
The home of Galactus.
The object you seek is deep within the
seventh chamber of the seventh level.
Touch nothing else,
not a wall, not a floor.
Nor approach the big antenna
or you will cease to exist.
Time is fleeting. Hurry!
Enough, Terrax.
Hold, Fire Lord.
You have done well.
You may return to my sphere.
Terrax serves.
As you order, Galactus.
I shall reduce you
to your molecular essence
and the wind will
carry you off like dust.
No, I beseech you, spare this
planet and seek sustenance elsewhere.
What? My herald dares
petition his master?
Chrome Dome is back and, this time,
it sounds like he's on our side.
I shall find you even more succulent
worids than this Earth to devour.
Planets on which no innocent lives
need be lost to satisfy your hunger.
Do this for me
who has served you
long and faithfully, I implore you.
I cannot!
The great hunger is upon me
and it must be assuaged.
Now stand aside.
If I must choose between you and Earth
the Surfer stands with Earth!
Then the Surfer must fall
for Galactus may not be defied.
Jeez, what the heck
is going on up there, Sal?
Lightning must've hit the roof
or something, Vito.
Rubbish! It wasn't lightning.
My horrible tenants did it.
I know it! I know it!
- You better watch it, lady.
- No, they better watch it.
I'll get them for this.
Mark my w Ahhh!
He's magnificent,
but Galactus is too powerful.
We Oh!
- Johnny, you're back!
- Are you all right, son?
How did? Hey, kid,
did you get the gizmo?
He has it, but I must instruct you
in its use if it is to be of value.
Quickly, Reed.
It operates on the same principle
as your Fantasticar
propulsión system
only far more complex.
Hold it there, Galactus.
The Ultimate Nullifier!
Give it to me, you fool, before
you reduce the entire galaxy
to sub-atomic particles.
It's not the universe
that's in trouble, Galactus.
Give up having the Earth
for dinner or I'll pull the switch.
this lowly planet is not worth
the time and effort I have expended.
I shall pursue
its life energy no longer.
Is he on the level or what?
The word of Galactus is his bond.
You may return
the Ultimate Nullifier to him now.
His threat to your planet is ended.
No, hey, you can't
trust him. Hang on to it.
Use it on him in case he comes back.
And you, my once and former herald
I hereby exile you
to the planet you have saved.
No longer shall you soar the endless
skyways for the rest of your days.
I condemn you to this minor galaxy.
Ben, Silver Surfer,
has the danger passed?
Everything's jake now, kid.
How'd you know about Chrome Dome?
I told her.
It was Alicia who convinced me
your planet was worth saving.
Though I have lost
the freedom of the stars
I do not regret my choice.
And now I must see
what this galaxy has to offer.
We shall surely meet again.
Think he'll ever come back?
Oh, yes, Ben, I think so.
I don't know why, but there's something
about him that gives me hope.
Arrest them! They're the ones
who demolished this building. I
We just finished
saving the Earth.
I'm afraid everything else can wait.
Yeah, we're going to Disneyland.
Ah! Well, I never!
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