Farang (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I betrayed someone, he put a bounty on my head.
- How much?
How much are you worth?
- 5 millions.
Yes, I got him. Ruben Brandt.
I think I know who you are.
Your old man is a gold mine.
They're coming from Sweden to pick him up.
There you are!
Who are you?
- Chart Moolsan, I'm here to pick him up.
- Mr. Rask's bail has been paid in full from my client.
Who's your client?
- It's my father, right?
Perhaps you know this man.
- Ben Ariyawongwiwat.
Aren't we better go after the big fish?
Not with someone who's looking for personal revenge.
Your boy, Fabian, is out on the street again.
I'll be patient for one more day.
But only if that boy is gone by tomorrow,
not to be found.
Hi! I'm free!
They're making me do it,
this is why they got you out.
Tell Ben you did it, I will disappear, ok?
Start packing.
Let me out!
- No!
You gotta help me find Rickard,
he's with some mechanic.
You have no chance with him.
- People like you should go to hell.
About the money
- We waited for 10 years, you can wait one more fucking day.
You can't stay here, go away now!
Who the fuck are you?
Don't you touch her!
Don't touch her you son of a bitch!
Don't touch her!
Thyra you hear me?
Thyra wake up!
Is he dead?
- Thyra, look at me!
Is he dead??
- Hey do you hear me?
They have death penalty
- Shut up!
Fuck they'll lock me up again
- Thyra, snap out of it!
We're getting out of here, ok?
You gotta untie me.
The key is in his pocket.
Turn it around.
Give it here.
It's not working, we gotta cut it.
- Bolt cutters
You know who's coming for me?
- Someone from Sweden.
You told who I am?
- Yes.
Who to?
- Birdie.
- I'm sorry.
Don't be, it's my fault.
There was nothing here after the tsunami.
They rebuilt everything impressive.
Who is he?
I mean Ruben Brandt.
He's nobody.
It's a lot of money for a nobody.
You know those types always on the run.
He's not strong or smart
he's a cockroach, always survives.
Your phone is ringing.
- Yes, sorry I had the ring off.
The girl is gone, she escaped.
- What's again?
The girl is gone where are you? You can't just leave me here
- I can't talk now
Don't you dare hang up on me!
- Call you back, kiss.
- No you know, women
Something to tell me?
- No.
You know how bad prison is?
- They shouldn't have let you out.
Money and passport?
. They should be around here.
Forget the money, we must go!
Found 'em?
Fuck the money but we need the passports.
Come on, we gotta get out!
- Fabian
You think you'll escape with those two?
Half the world after him.
Go with them and you'll die, you get it?
Trust me.
Over here.
The key to the safe.
I don't speak Swedish.
Do you have the key?
- Of course, you idiot
The key to the safe!
Don't you understand Swedish anymore?
Where's the key?
Where's the key to the safe?
- Fuck you
Stop it!
Stop it!
You gonna kill him!
We gotta get to the hospital
or you gonna die here!
What did Kovač say?
- What are you waiting for, Ruben? Let's go!
Rickard, stop!
Stop it, please!
Load 'em up!
What the hell
Come on, Mark pick up that phone
Hey what
Move over, I'll drive.
Get back here!
Let's go.
One right turn and we're there.
Let's go already!
- Quiet!
Stay down!
What are you doing?
What the
So you're alive.
I just wanna talk stop running!
Come on, Ruben let's just talk.
Stop, dammit!
What the fuck happened?!
You can't even take care of a little girl
You know where they're headed?
Was it Fabian?
Fucking amateurs!
When will I get my money?
- Why should I pay you?
I only had to find him.
- No, you had to hold him here.
You will pay me, got it?
I don't have time for this shit.
5 decilitres of milk
and just a pinch of salt.
Pranée, there's a man looking for you.
Tell him to wait.
- It sounds important, it's a Farang.
Wanna, mommy needs to work.
Wanna, are you there?
Have I explained myself clearly?
I need to get in contact
Excuse me?
I'm here to discuss Fabian Rask,
I need to know everything that's going on.
What ever he's accused of,
what kind of evidence they have
and why haven't you contacted us?
- I don't know because I have no idea who you are.
I'm his father.
Get out!
- What are you doing?
You're on your own.
- Are you kidding?
The whole Phuket is after that junkie.
Where will I go?
- Not my problem.
It's thanks to him if we're alive!
- It's thanks to him if we're in this shit in the first place!
Where the fuck you think you're going?
You can't leave him here,
they will find him!
Call your lawyer!
- I beg you
You're her problem now.
Come on, the keys
If something happens to him it's gonna be your fault!
- This is all his fault, he fucked our lives!
You wanna keep running like this?
- You're fucking selfish.
Please, Thyra, get in the car.
Dammit, Thyra!
We can leave him a message.
How long has it been since you saw him?
3 years.
And the last time you spoke on the phone?
- Just as long.
These are mine,
he stole them from me when he left.
To sell them, I guess.
- But he didn't, he kept them.
What's your number?
It might be a good idea
to leave me out of it for a while.
How many chances have I given you.
I'll never do it again, I promise!
I can't afford to keep employees
I cannot trust.
Who's that?
- Pranée Amatayakul.
She's 36 and been living in the US.
She got back a few years ago.
She's wasting her life doing public defender.
She's got her reasons though.
Her younger brother died in prison.
Was he one of ours?
What happened with Birdie?
- He disappeared and Fabian too.
My patience is finished.
- What shall we do with the lawyer?
I'll take care of that.
Anything about the girl in the picture?
- Yes.
Her name is Thyra Sjöström, 15 years old.
After 4 years in a foster family, she suddenly escaped.
And the father?
There's no father's name in the birth certificate.
Should I contact the embassy?
- No, I'll do it myself.
I send the info you gave me to Sweden,
here's the reply.
What does it say? Any record?
- No criminal record, nothing.
There's no file on him.
Her phone has been located at the pier.
Where are they going?
- I don't know find that out!
Thank you.
Say that guy at Mark's house
why was he calling your father "Ruben"?
- Is that his real name?
What has he truly done?
- Where are you?
I'm still on the island.
- Where?
- Are you sure?
Where's your trust, Pranée?
- Behind you.
I'm sorry, it's not how it looks like.
I'm not running from you.
Good, we can have our talk now.
I know that Thyra is wanted in Sweden.
Either you come with me
or I'll let the police know about her.
Don't do this.
- You made me a promise.
I'll find a way to take you with us, if you like.
Me and your old man on a desert island?
- I'll be there too.
Are you gonna be alright?
- Yes at worst I'll call my dad.
- It's not necessary.
Yes so you won't forget about me.
Goodbye, then.
Your dad is watching.
Let's go, Thyra!
Take care of yourself, Thyra.
- If you take care of Fabian.
He's not as tough as he seems to be.
- I never thought he was.
Hang this up.
I'll help them push off.
Come on, let's go.
I'll come pick you up as soon as I can.
I'm sorry. Dad.
Just give them what they want
and then you can go to Thyra.
Just talk to them.
Do you know this man?
You may have Pranée fooled
but I know you're not an honest man.
I'd like to know what you did in Sweden
that was so bad you couldn't stay.
I have a proposition
- Let me guess you want me to testify against the drug cartel.
For what?
A shorter sentence?
How long will it take for them to kill me in prison?
Forget it.
That's not what I had in mind.
No offense, ok?
But your testimony is not good enough.
We need a confession.
We need to catch them in the act.
You wanna use me as decoy?
- You'll be warded.
My colleagues and I will be right there
by your side at all times.
Did you plan this all along?
Fabian wouldn't work.
- No deal.
What the fuck this guy thinks he's got a choice?
- I'll take my chances, what do you have on me anyway?
I have your fucking prints
on the drugs from Fabian's bag!
Do you know what we do with drug dealers in this Country?
Can I have a moment with my client, please?
Don't make me do this.
- All charges will be dropped.
It's suicide
- It's your only shot!
The police has great experience in this,
I can guarantee
You can't guarantee anything and the police can't do shit!
The answer is no.
I hope you will reconsider
'cause I would hate to drag your daughter into this.
Maybe she knows who you really are
and why you left Sweden.
What's going on?
- She's not my lawyer.
What the fuck were you thinking?
- I had nowhere else to go.
I'm a cop, for fuck's sake!
After this, you turn yourself in!
They'd kill me.
- Who?
Ruben, answer me!
What have you done?!
How will you get out of this?
It's only temporary, you know that.
You'll be home soon, right?
So why am I here?
How well do you know this Rickard?
He's an asshole, that's all I know.
Why you ask?
- We have reason to believe that he's not who he claims to be.
And maybe you have information that could help us.
Like where in Sweden did he use to live?
And why he came here?
No I don't know.
Could he be going by any other name
besides Rickard?
I don't know.
How long are you gonna keep me here?
Am I arrested?
Don't worry about it, kid
it's not you we're after.
Do you have a cigarette?
- Yes.
Hello, it's me.
He's gonna release him.
What do you want me to do?
Alright fine.
So he's in Thailand now.
- Yes.
For business?
- No, he came for you.
I just didn't think he cared
He cares, I can assure you.
They are finalizing the paperwork
and you should be out tonight.
I don't know what's worse
being stuck in prison for life or seeing my dad again.
I don't believe you one bit.
Ok he's going to be released in a few hours.
- Good.
Call me when it's done.
- Don't you wanna wait for him?
I've got things to do.
Could you just send him to my hotel, please?
You're free to go.
I don't know who you are, Rickard,
or what you've done
but I know you will be doing a lot of time
if you don't cooperate.
Sleep tight.
So, do you want me to come with you?
- No, I'll be alright.
I hope everything works out.
- I think it will.
Take him to the Plaza Hotel. please.
Are you hungry?
- Hello!
Make it complete, I'm buying.
- Dried fruit too?
Of course, we're celebrating.
What is it we are celebrating?
- Go ahead.
Believe me, I know Farangs.
Soon he's gonna tell us everything.
Are you sure Thyra is safe?
It was all your idea,
you should be happy now.
Fabian is with his father now,
what more could you do?
Bottoms up!
- Bottoms up.
Sorry isn't the hotel down that street?
- Sorry, sir no English.
Is this your idea of talking?
I have to make sure you won't try to sneak off again.
- I didn't try to sneak off.
You never intended to give me any information.
- I'm just trying to mind my own business.
- That's just the way I am, alright?
You're talking like areal coward.
- Yea, maybe.
You got another word for it?
- Survivor?
Aren't you tired of running?
The past will catch up with you,
it always does.
I warned you, boy.
- I haven't said anything, I swear.
Look you don't have to do this!
Listen to me, ok?
You don't have to worry about me anymore
I'm leaving, I'm going home.
You have to believe me, I just wanna go home please!
I believe you, Fabian.
Hi, mom!
Look what daddy got me!
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