Fartblinda (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

48 Timmar

You know Bea Farkas.
She has the trading records.
I just sent you an article.
ST Bank overvalued
its trading portfolio by two billion.
The FSA is sharpening its knives.
The market value
will soon be wiped out.
The Financial Supervisory Authority
is making an inspection. Step away
Henrik has shown
a poor lack of judgement,
and an utter lack of responsibility.
And that's serious.
Management knew of your trading deals,
didn't they? And now they're blaming you.
Are you my nice little buddy now?
I own six million worth of convertibles.
And now, the share price is plummeting.
The FSA has decided
to revoke ST Bank's license.
-We can't sell a bank in 48 hours!
-That's my best offer.
-Your secret admirer got in touch again.
-It says, "They're at the FSA. Good job!"
-When did you get it?
-Like, two minutes ago.
Okay. Hey, I'm sorry.
FRIDAY 9:30:25 P.M.
The Financial Supervisory Authority
-Torbjörn! Torbjörn.
-Why, hello there!
Did you make a decision
regarding ST Bank?
Well, I don't think
I'm at liberty to discuss that.
I just saw Peder and Otto leave.
I very much doubt you met them for coffee.
-It will be made public on Monday.
-So you did reach a decision?
I can't say anything more until then.
They're not getting fined,
or we wouldn't be here.
So, it's either a revoked license
or a caution.
But why would you notify them about
a caution at 9.30 on a Friday night?
You didn't hear this from me.
We have the weekend to work this out.
It's just not doable.
Do you have a better idea?
What's the breakup valuation?
We're selling the company in its entirety.
I imagine there's a strong interest in Private
and Corporate. Those areas are healthy.
Oh, I agree. But if we sell off one leg,
we risk not being able to shed the others.
This is insane
Eleonor and I have started working
on a brief. Deadline in ninety minutes.
Meanwhile, I want you to cast a wide net
throughout the industry, globally.
Use whatever connections you have.
We can't afford to wait!
Get a move on, for fuck's sake!
We're all going to lose money.
This is about the future.
No one wants a failed bank
on their résumé, right?
Show me that you deserve
your lavish salaries and fancy job titles!
Don't just sit there!
Eleonor, shall we? Thank you.
A damn fine article. That was fast!
-Can we trust this source?
-I want one more source before we post it.
-What the fuck!
-Someone who'll corroborate it.
-Anders, we can't hold off now!
If it's true, they'll be calling every bank
in Sweden. And they have to act fast.
Get on it!
-Here you go, honey.
-When's Dad coming home?
-Don't know. He'll be home later.
Oh, hi there!
Hey. Sorry about calling you this late
on a Friday night.
No problem at all.
I don't want to waste your time.
I'll cut straight to the chase.
I'm wondering if you're interested
in acquiring ST Bank.
As you know, we've been
under investigation by the FSA.
Now they've decided
to revoke our license,
and we need to find a buyer by Monday.
Are you serious? It's really that bad?
I'll talk to my management team,
and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Appreciate it.
-Thanks for coming in.
We need a complete inventory
of the employee convertibles
and a total amount
for the entire company.
What happened?
Have you received a call
from ST Bank?
You can't just call people at 11 p.m
David! It's Peder Rooth from ST Bank.
Business is fantastic!
It's been a terrific year.
Non, non, non, Augustine! Écoute-moi.
Toute la banque est à vendre.
We're selling the bank. The entire bank.
Il n'y a pas de catastrophe.
C'est justement une petiteturbulence.
-Hi! Bea Farkas from The Daily Post.
-Good evening
Qué tal todo por ahí en Madrid?
Cómo estamos? Bien?
-Hello, dear! Is your daddy home?
-And how's the weather in Sydney?
I said, no comment!
Call back on Monday.
Hi! Sorry to bother you.
I was just wondering if you received
a phone call from ST Bank tonight.
No, I guess I'm the only bank exec
in Sweden who didn't.
So you know what it's all about?
These things are hard to keep a lid on.
They're trying to sell the bank?
You want to quote me on this?
If that's okay with you.
Then I'd like you to write
that I wish them good luck.
And that they'll need it.
SATURDAY 00:30:48 A.M.
This will be rough, but all hope is not lost.
We've reached out to all Swedish banks
-Not Norbank, I hope?
-No, not Norbank.
-But I would like for you to reconsider
-I'm not selling to Sven-Ivan. End of story.
From the other Swedish banks
we've gotten cautious responses.
Scandinavia, the rest of Europe
- no takers so far.
One really interesting prospective buyer
is First Gulf Bank.
Yeah. We've gotten some positive signals.
They've been wanting to establish
themselves in the Nordic market for years,
and this would be
an amazing opportunity for them.
Oh, I'm sure it would,
but I'm not selling to some Arabs!
Otto, for fuck's sake!
Do you want us to find a solution or not?
If not, I'll go home to my kids
and see if they still recognize me!
-What are they offering?
-We don't have any concrete numbers yet.
But they're going through the material
and will get back to us.
Thank you!
I promise you.
First Gulf Bank is our best option
It's out! Farkas writes that the FSA revoked
our license and that we're selling the bank.
Our employees have already started calling.
What the fuck do I tell them?
SATURDAY 10:00:16 A.M.
Hi! Hi.
We don't know any more than you do.
What you've read in the
We've been waiting
for close to 45 fucking minutes!
-What the hell is going on?
-You need to fucking talk to us!
I'm the first to lament that you
had to read about this in the papers.
Of course, that's not how it should be.
It was our intention to inform you all,
but we felt it was more important
to immediately devote all our efforts
into finding a new owner for the bank.
We've been working hard on it all night.
I see some concerned faces here,
but I'm convinced that we'll pull this off.
That's how we all need to think.
At this point, when clients are calling,
asking what will happen,
you can make a tremendous effort
by reassuring them.
And how are we supposed
to reassure them
when we don't have any answers to their
questions? You haven't told us anything.
What's your name?
Herdi Kader.
How long have you been working here?
Eight yearsOtto.
Then you should know a bit about
how banking works.
I'm sure you're not as fucking stupid
as you sound!
Otto, let's head to the boardroom.
"The irregularities
in the ST Bank Trading department
"were uncovered by junior reporter Bea
Farkas at the Swedish daily, Dagbladet."
Junior reporter?
The Financial Times, Bea. It's huge.
Every damn business paper in Europe
is writing about it.
You've done one hell of a job.
You should be proud.
But we have competition.
I take it you've read DI?
-The Segerfält interview?
So, what's new?
He trashed ST Bank in my article as well.
-But now he's using a chainsaw.
-He's just gloating.
Nah. Sounds like he's negotiating.
He's trying to get the price down.
Oops! Keep being first on the ball, Junior!
You don't have to do this.
You've been working all night.
Sweetie, I've worked more throughout
my life than you'd ever understand.
-We have a long weekend ahead of us
-I'm still the chairman, as far I know.
-I'd never leave the bridge during a storm.
-Fine. But Peder is handling this.
It's crucial that we speak
in one voice right now.
Okay, let's do this.
Peder! They're getting cold feet in
Abu Dhabi. They read the Financial Times
Just work it out!
For obvious reasons,
I'm very sad about what's happened.
All of us have worked incredibly hard
to provide value for clients and owners.
We're incredibly proud of the fact that
we've created an attractive place to work,
and we've attracted the best
in the industry.
To have the Financial Supervisory Authority
try to tear it all down
because of irregularities that one
of our employees unfortunately engaged in,
is extremely regrettable.
It's damaging to the bank.
It's damaging
to this country's financial stability.
And it's damaging
to the FSA's already tarnished reputation.
We, on the other hand,
choose to act responsibly.
We're now searching far and wide
for a new, strong, long-term owner.
Despite being extremely short on time,
we're fully convinced
that we'll find a solution.
Thank you.
-Have you gotten any offers?
We're in talks with several parties
in Sweden and internationally.
Why aren't you in talks with Norbank?
I won't comment on
who we're talking to or not talking to.
But you're in danger
of having to file for bankruptcy.
Sounds like you're blaming everything
on the FSA and your employees.
-What would you say your responsibility is?
-Of course I'm responsible.
And I'm taking responsibility
by trying to find a solution.
What do you have to say to your clients,
who risk losing their savings?
You should pose that question
to the FSA instead.
Why are they leaking to the media?
Why does The Daily Post know what
the FSA are up to before everybody else?
What are you actually saying?
Is The Daily Post to blame
for you overvaluing your trading portfolio?
You're Bea Farkas?
I am.
I imagine that you can entice people
into providing confidential information.
Feel free to call it journalism. I'm inclined
to call it something completely different.
Thank you!
I'm afraid we have to stop this now.
We'll get back to you as soon as
we know more. Thank you for coming.
SATURDAY 1:15:30 P.M.
Hey! Come on.
It might not be the end.
It's never going to work.
They'll have to file for bankruptcy.
If that's the case, I'll take care of you.
We still have my money.
It may not be a fortune,
but it is possible to eat blood pudding
without lingonberry jam.
bought convertible bonds
using your money as well.
What money?
What money?!
The money my Dad left me?
You said you'd put it
in a savings account.
-Baby, I was one hundred percent sure
-But I didn't want to take any chances.
I know
I did it for us! Leo!
Hi there!
No, thanks. I'm good.
It's too early for me.
How does tomorrow look?
Well, the headlines won't be pretty,
if that's what you're asking.
But in other news, Anne Bystedt called.
She wants you to call her
as soon as you can.
Buck up.
Hi! This is Peder Rooth. You called me?
That's right. I've discussed the matter
with my management team.
Andwe're interested.
That's marvelous! Happy to hear.
In Private Banking.
We made it clear
that we're selling the bank in its entirety.
Well, our banks aren't exactly
a perfect match.
But we'd be happy
to discuss the advisory section.
In that case, we're not interested.
We might possibly consider
Corporate Finance
I appreciate you taking the time
and for showing an interest.
Call me if you change your mind!
I've got the same crap as everyone else.
You have Otto.
You're the one he attacked.
Yeah, but that's a side issue.
I want to know what's going on in there.
Hey! Let's go.
Where are we going?
Come on, Björn!
Anne Bystedt turned us down.
I talked to some reporters,
and let me tell you this:
We can expect some salty articles
going forward.
I've spoken with Norbank.
They'll be here in half an hour.
-And the CEO, what's his name?
They want to make an offer.
We're still not selling to him, but
I want to get an offer
I can use against the Arabs.
Hello! My names Bea Farkas.
I'm a reporter with The Daily Post.
-This is my cameraman, Björn.
I'm not interested.
I get The Daily News.
We're not here to sell you a subscription.
I'm covering the ST Bank.
You might have read
that they're going through some problems
I may be old, but I still know how to read.
We were just wondering if we might
take some pictures from your apartment.
From my apartment? Why?
We think you have
a very good view of the bank.
We'd like to see what's going on inside.
-You mean you want to sneak a peek?
-I wouldn't put it that way,
but I feel the public
So, "my cameraman"?
I'm not your cameraman.
I'm my own cameraman!
We have twovery competent
and professional therapists here today.
Their names are Jeanette and Ola.
They're here to talk to you
well, whenever you need.
Is there any new information?
Right now, we have no concrete information
about what's happening to the bank,
but everyone
everyone in the management team
is doing their best to solve the situation
as quickly as possible.
How long do you expect us to just sit here?
What do we know?
We expect this situation to be sorted out
as quickly as possible.
Let's hear it.
600 million.
-You're kidding?
-Not at all!
Do you know how much this bank was worth
as late as six months ago?
You said it yourself: six months ago.
The employee convertibles alone
amount to 1.2 billion.
-They should be redeemed by the buyer.
But not necessarily by the buyer.
I suggest we do half each.
You're saying we should pay you
to buy the bank?
Under the present circumstances,
I think it's a reasonable offer.
This is ridiculous!
We might as well
It would be cheaper to declare bankruptcy.
I was under the impression
you wanted to save your family business.
Oh, I do!
We have plenty of prospective buyers.
That might very well be the case.
But you're short on time.
She doesn't know anything yet.
And our entire life is built
around my job here, and my salary,
so that we can lead a safe life with our kids.
She won't handle it well.
We won't be able to keep our home,
she'll probably leave me
Hey! No luck?
You're not buying us?
-He turned me down.
-He turned you down?
-Is this a joke?
I don't know!
Hello? Henrik?
Are you here?
I was in the neighborhood, working,
thought I'd stop by.
Oh, my God!
I can'tbrebreathe.
Look at me. You need to breathe out.
You're just breathing in.
-She took Olle with her.
Okay. Henrik, listen to me
What does your mom do?
-I can't move
-I know.
-Henrik, what does your mom do?
-Gunillaworks at the school library.
-Does she cook?
-Jansson's Temptation
Jansson's Temptation
You're doing great, Henrik.
Think about your mom's pickled sprat
casserole. Do you remember the smell?
-Do you remember the taste?
Remember all the good times
you spent together.
How beautiful Gunilla is
when she's cooking dinner.
How much you love her casserole,
how much you love her
You're doing great, Henrik.
You're doing great.
Just let go. You're doing so good.
Just relax.
And keep breathing. Great.
I know
You're doing great. Well done.
And breathe. Nice and calm
She took Olle with her.
I know.
There. There you go.
There. Let it all out. Let it all out.
No, I let him down.
He'll come back
when he's calmed down.
I've let everyone down.
Don't go blaming yourself.
This wasn't your fault.
I crashed the entire bank!
That's what I did.
-Relax. Just relax.
-I fucked everyone
I fucked everyone who bought those
fucking convertibles. I'm a fucking moron!
Hey! The moron in this scenario
is fucking Peder.
Remember when we went to see him
and asked about the convertibles?
-Do you?
He guaranteed that they were
a safe and profitable investment.
Rasmussen called me in yesterday
and had me go over the convertibles.
Peder was the only one who didn't buy
new ones when we last got the chance.
What the fuck are you saying?
That he knew something was up
and that he lied to our face.
I feel like a fucking moron!
SUNDAY 00:45:06 A.M.
SUNDAY 6:45:33 P.M.
No answer from anyone. Everyone's keeping
their mouth shut. Even Sven-Ivan Segerfält.
And what about your contact? The one
who handed over the trading records.
I can't call him.
I can't ask him for any more favors.
So, what do we do?
I want to find out
what's going on in there.
Bea Farkas.
Oh! So sorry. Hi!
That's great!
Thank you. That's perfect!
Yeah We'll be right over, if that's okay.
Yeah. Great! See you soon. Bye.
-Who was it?
-A new subscriber.
Hey! You can't just waltz in here.
You don't have a security pass.
-I have to talk to Peder Rooth.
-What are you doing? Calm down!
-Let me the fuck go! Let me go!
-Calm down!
Let me go!
I need to talk to Peder Rooth!
-No, you need to calm down.
-Let me go!
-Let him go!
-I need to talk to Peder Rooth!
Tommy! Get him on his feet.
-He doesn't have a security pass.
-Get up!
Adam, calm down.
-I trusted you.
You lied to me.
You told me
the convertibles were a sure thing,
but you didn't buy any yourself!
He didn't buy any himself!
-Calm down, calm down.
-Peder! You lied to me!
-Let him go!
-He'll calm down soon.
Look me in the eye, Peder!
-You have to own up to what you've done!
-Adam, relax.
Adam. Adam. Come here. Come here.
Adam. Adam!
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
We have to redeem
the employee convertible bonds.
Our employees are our responsibility
if we don't get a serious offer.
Really? Did anyone force them
to invest in the bank?
They're adults who got a chance
to make a good deal.
But all deals don't pan out.
Anyone who works in a bank knows that.
You're right, but as executives
we still have a responsibility
to save the bank. That's it.
Why should I pay
for other people's mistakes?
Surely, you must have some money
scraped together in your account.
How much could it be?
A hundred million?
Are you prepared to spend it
on bailing out a couple of employees?
That idea didn't sit right with you, did it?
First Gulf is in.
They just want confirmation from the FSA
that they'll be approved as new owners.
I'll call Anders Meyer right away.
They had some questions
regarding Private Banking.
They're mostly interested
in that department, I guess.
Put them in touch with Ulf.
-He's not here.
-What do you mean, "not here"?
-He's gone home.
-Some family emergency.
-Then call him!
-He's not picking up his phone.
-Just keep calling!
Private Banking
is the cherry in this pie,
and that's your doing.
You're pretty brilliant, Ulf.
But at Norbank,
with our resources at your disposal,
you'll have lots of great opportunities
to grow the business.
Let me just start by saying
that I'm very flattered.
But right now, we're at a very
sensitive stage, as you're well aware.
And I think selling the bank
might prove difficult, if I were to quit.
And what are the odds
of you finding a buyer, by tomorrow?
Well, in case of bankruptcy,
you'll be stuck with your debts.
I suppose you bought convertibles,
just like everyone else did?
I'll cash them for you.
Not a problem.
And you can take your guys with you.
Fuck! I don't know. It's just
I read your articles online.
You're an excellent reporter, I have to say.
It's important
that these things are brought to light.
That bank has acted disgracefully!
Yeah, maybe you should subscribe
to The Daily Post.
-Yeah, maybe you're right.
-This is great! Front-row seats.
Let me have a look.
-Would you like a glass of port?
-A tiny glass. I mean, we're working.
You're just taking some pictures.
No harm in that!
Bea? Would you like some port wine?
-No thanks, I'm good.
-You can have some later.
-You've got a nice place.
-Yeah, I really like it here.
Only problem is,
I can hear the neighbors' music
What's the fucking problem?
Just put the deal together!
-"Put it together"?
-Just get everything in place!
-You're like a broken record!
-We're fucking sinking!
-Fuck it! I'm calling my brother-in-law.
-No, you're not!
-He's a business lawyer. He He
-Don't call anyone!
-He ought to know what to do.
-Don't do it!
-Hey. Robin!
-I said, don't call anyone!
-You're not calling anyone, your hear me?!
-Give me that!
Too bad he had a stomach ache that day.
I chased him like a lunatic!
Hey, something's going down.
-What's that?
-I don't think they've found a buyer.
Okay. Pass me the camera.
Bea, it's my camera.
Don't just sit there.
You need to take pictures! Give it to me.
This is a bank, there's a lot of money
at stake, and people work here,
but it isn't everything.
There's lots of stuff
that you haven't ruined.
-But you're unable to see that right now.
-You're right.
Hey, I think I just
need to sleep and get some rest,
and I'll be fine.
I just need to get some perspective.
I mean, it's gross, but at least it's hot.
You know what I did.
Dad dug this grave for himself.
Do you know what this reminds me of?
Like when they turn on the lights in the club
and tell people to leave.
"Party's over!"
But it was fun while it lasted.
I'm just heading up
to grab my cigarettes.
-I'll meet you outside for coffee.
It's a serious offer.
We're prepared to sell.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
The FSA is emailing its approval
to First Gulf.
Dad would turn over in his grave.
I'm sure he would, but this is our only shot.
It's this or bankruptcy.
-Call Abu Dhabi.
-Something's happening now.
Let me have a look.
They must've found a taker.
Good evening, sir.
This is Peder Rooth calling.
Thank you.
Yes, the Financial Supervisory Authority
is sending over some material right now,
as we speak. Please hold.
Klingspor is going to Norbank.
He's taking his whole department with him!
-The fuck?!
-It's a war zone out there.
What the?!
What the fuck's happening?
There's a situation that just emerged
that we have to deal with.
So, can you call me back in a couple of
minutes? Maybe, like, three, four minutes?
Yeah? Is that fine?
Thank you so much, sir.
-They need to understand our situation.
-Just leave it alone!
-Do something!
-They'll settle down.
-Maybe we should just open the door.
Open the fucking door!
Ulf, get your fucking ass out here!
Is that Peder? Zoom in.
Fucking quitters!
Get a fucking move on!
Everybody on the door!
Open the door!
We need to discuss this!
Wow! Look at this.
Oh, my God! Here's our front page!
Just now, like ten minutes ago.
Something obviously went wrong,
but I don't know what.
There was a full-on fight.
The pictures we snapped are insane!
But hey, they'll understand.
-Hey, you're not leaving with the others?
-No way.
-You need to join them!
-Nope. But thanks for your concern.
-Have you seen Adam?
Hey. Where did Adam Berg go?
I don't know.
I haven't seen him since we talked.
-Do you know if Adam Berg left?
-Nah, I haven't seen him.
Has anyone seen Adam?
He was going upstairs for a smoke.
-What's up?
He's in here. Herdi!
His cell's ringing. Adam!
-Adam? It's Herdi!
-Adam, open the door!
-Calm down!
What the fuck!
What's up?
Come on!
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