Fast Layne (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Mile 6: Vins Off Limits

Previously on Fast Layne
A road trip?
Yeah! We can find my locker,
and bust Jasper for stealing it.
We're saving my campaign!
- So what're you running for?
- School president.
What about the talking car?
You know about her car?
So it's hers?
This is why they want VIN.
To turn him into a weapon.
Layne! These are the bad guys!
This isn't over, Layne Reed.
How does she know my name?
Mom! Dad
I'm just gonna ask it
how many times did you
take Project VIN out?
Layne Weatherford Reed, I
I'm flabbergasted.
For the record,
I am double flabbergasted.
- You could've gotten hurt.
- Zora put you up to this, didn't she?
No, no!
We heard a noise
then, VIN tricked me
into taking him out
the hand scanner recognized my DNA
I had to fix him
just kinda spiraled from there.
I'm sorry.
Where was Aunt Betty during all this?
Making cheese balls?
She doesn't know anything. I promise.
the reason we're so concerned is
because Project VIN is
Classified! I know.
I saw your holograms. I know everything.
And I get why you didn't
tell me about VIN.
You're top-secret government scientists!
- Whoa, oh
- Sh-sh-shh.
Oh oh, sorry.
Top-secret government
Layne, if anybody finds out what we do,
it could be dangerous.
And that's why there's something
I need to tell you.
- Oh, no.
- There's some bad people after VIN.
Bad people?
This scary lady,
and this
big, ugly gentleman.
Maybe we should call the FBI.
- Whoa!
- Layne,
a lot of people would love to
get their hands on Project VIN, OK?
We'll handle it.
So, uh, am I in trouble?
Yes. No I
- I mean, is she in trouble?
- There were extenuating circumstances.
And that hand scanner
was only supposed to work for us.
I mean, thankfully,
no one was hurt.
I guess we should all feel lucky.
OK, um I'm gonna go tell VIN.
He's probably really worried.
Sweetie, uh,
Project VIN is our concern now.
Yeah, Mom's right, we've got work to do.
You know, tests, protocols to run.
It's probably best if you stay away
from him for a while.
And you can refocus.
Don't you have the big
vote dance coming up?
- Right.
- Yeah!
Hey, um
VIN's not in trouble, right?
I mean, he's gonna be OK?
Oh, of course.
- We don't know that.
- I know.
Let's go! ♪
Jump in It's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just want to go ♪
My life's feeling unreal ♪
Both hands are taking the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine and feel ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
Good morning, Layne.
It is five A.M.
Back to the old routine.
- Isn't it nice?
- Yeah.
Oh, I had some thoughts for your dress.
- Dress?
- For the dance tomorrow.
It's blue.
Cute, but presidential
Right. Thanks, Mom.
I don't know if you've heard,
but I'm Layne's best friend.
So there's a good chance
we'll be seeing a lot of each other.
- OK
- So, I brought you a gift.
it's a pickle.
How very thoughtful.
Bye, Mom, bye, Dad.
- Bye, honey.
- Bye.
Have you been out to the shed?
Your parents put a padlock on the door.
Yeah, it's a big old honker.
my parents said they want me to
stop spending time with VIN and "refocus."
I gotta practice my Russian vocab.
Then, do a report.
On something
I guess I'll see you around?
They're wearing lab coats?
This is too weird.
OK, Project VIN.
Time to run your diagnostics.
Ooh, diagnostics. Great.
I've been soooo looking forward to this.
That's sarcasm.
- Yeah.
- We didn't program that.
I learned it from Layne.
She's taught me a lot of things.
Layne's a pretty cool sister.
- Sister?
- Yeah!
You made Layne, you made me.
Boom! Makes you guys my 'rents.
You know, 'rents. It's what kids
call their parents.
I think Project VIN's
developed some sort of
symbiotic relationship with Layne.
He's evolving faster
than we thought.
Oooh, look at us
we like to whisper
Can we un-program the sarcasm?
I hope so.
Nailed it. One point.
- Penguin?
- Pengven.
Oh! Close.
It's penj-VIN.
You really gotta hit the "VIN."
- VIN. Oh!
- Consolation grape!
Z, come on, keep your head in the game.
I'm sorry, Daddy-o.
Just kinda had a freaky moment,
like déjà vu?
But way more "vu."
You ever get those?
All the time, Z-bear.
All the time.
- Uh, Layne?
- Yes?
This is French class.
Not math.
Got a lot on my mind.
They locked up VIN?
So you can't see him?
he's a car and I miss him.
Weird, right?
Well maybe just talk
to your parents about it.
You know, when I
get into it with my abuelo,
we just talk about things,
and it solves a lot of problems.
Yeah, well my relationship
with my parents isn't really like that.
If you say so.
Oh, hey! Uh, see you at the dance tonight.
You know what I don't get?
"No Surprises"?
You're full of surprises!
Vote Layne Reed.
She's actually full of surprises.
I'll take a couple of these.
Yo, Reed! Talk to your parents.
Vote Layne Reed! Full of surprises!
Vote Layne Reed!
OK, Project VIN.
There's a maze of cones in front of you.
What we need you to do is make sure
Yeah, yeah, don't knock 'em over, got it.
All right.
- That was confident.
- I know.
Cue tire squeal!
VIN! We're supposed to come with you!
He's certainly becoming more independent.
Yeah! Check it out!
Oh, yeah! You like this?
Four wheels, mister!
How 'bout this?
Puttin' on a show for my 'rents!
- Whoa!
- So, how'd I do?
What in the world was that?
Pretty cool, huh? Layne taught it to me.
I shouldn't have said that,
I wouldn't want her to get in trouble.
his ability to mimic human emotions
is remarkable.
It's Colonel Hardy.
You take it, he likes you.
Colonel Hardy.
I yes, good afternoon, sir.
Ye we were just about to send you
more findings on Project VIN and I
You're calling a Code Orange?
No, I
Ah, hi, excuse me, Rob Reed here.
Listen, I feel strongly that a Code Orange
is premature
Code Orange? What's that?
No need to yell, we will have him
ready by tomorrow.
- No!
- He's yelling!
So, explain this to me again.
Is this a vote or a dance?
Well, Layne's principal wanted to increase
voter turnout,
so he combined the election with a dance.
- Oh, isn't that clever.
- Yeah!
It's a vote-dance.
I would've went
to way more dances.
let's talk.
Really talk.
About VIN.
Betty's cheese balls
- sure are delish.
- I-I think there's Gouda in there.
They're gorgeous!
I think she's really found her calling.
I know what you're doing.
You're changing the subject.
But I would really like to see him.
Sweetie, he's classified.
- Not to me.
- The truth is, Project VIN
is off limits.
"Off limits"?
- For how long?
- Indefinitely.
You were never supposed
to find Project VIN in the first place.
Well, guess what? I did.
And! It's "VIN."
OK, honey.
We were the ones who built him,
so we know who he is.
Clearly, you don't.
Layne, I don't like your tone.
Then I'll take my tone, and my dinner,
up to my room.
You can't keep him from me.
Forgot my napkin.
That's different.
- Alonzo, call VIN.
- Calling VIN.
Layne, finally!
I've been trying to get a hold of you,
but the 'rents blocked my outgoing calls.
- Are you OK?
- No!
I'm wigging out!
I overheard our parents talking about
- something called Code Orange.
- What's "Code Orange"?
I don't know, but it's happening tomorrow!
We gotta find out what it is!
Uh yeah, Aunt Betty, you left
your cheese scooper in the bathroom,
in your room, aren't they?
Yes, we are.
Oh, I knew I left the cheese scooper
in the t
Call terminated.
Mom, Dad, what is going on?
What is Code Orange?
I'm sorry, Layne, but this is over.
Feels so weird spying on my own parents.
It's the only way we're gonna find out
about Code Orange.
- See anything?
- Nope, Mom's just paying bills.
What about my dad?
Ugh! This thing is way too powerful.
All I see are nose hairs.
Hold up!
Now she's signaling someone.
Ohh, this is gettin' good!
Uh, Zora? Ouch!
- It
- My toes are tinglin'.
She's writing something down!
"Layne, don't be late
for the dance."
She's right, I gotta get to school
But what're we gonna do?
I don't know
Maybe we find someone to spy on them.
Yeah, but who?
I know the perfect person.
Handcuffs rope
glue gun
Mel, you don't need a taser.
You're just watching my parents
for a couple hours while we're gone.
But if you want me to run surveillance,
you gotta play ball.
I wanna see the talking car.
What talking car? Wha
Pfft! Talking car? Come on!
There's no talking car, Mel.
You guys are terrible liars.
I tricked Cody, he told me.
Nice kid, but
he's no match for this.
- Buh-bye!
- Wait.
- Fine.
- Yes!
You have to keep an eye on my parents
while we're gone.
And call if you see anything strange, OK?
I got you.
And about your election.
I'd wish you "good luck," but
I don't care.
Thanks, Mel, that means a lot.
Hello, Cedarville Middle,
and welcome to our first
annual Vote Dance!
I hope you're ready to get
your "groove on"
and "vote on."
Whoa! This is huge!
My school dance was just me, my dad,
and our mail lady.
Look, three o'clock.
Crush alert.
Zora, for the last time,
I don't do "crushes."
Such a surprise.
- I did not see this coming.
- Yeah.
I mean, we've been
making such progress.
I just wish Colonel Hardy
would give us more time.
Me, too.
I'm gonna miss this project.
Please welcome
to the stage, our first candidate,
Jasper Marr.
Y'all know me, so, uh,
I'm not gonna bore you with a speech.
As your president,
I am gonna give you what you want.
And I know exactly what you want
free t-shirts!
- Five years.
- Yeah.
Got ya.
Remember when we first started?
Layne was in first grade.
And now, they're taking him away to be
Such a shame.
The transporter
will be here soon.
They're taking him away!
I gotta call Layne!
Ugh! Come on!
Really? A t-shirt?
As a journalist, I have no comment.
But as a student, I am so glad you
are running, Layne.
Thanks, Anna.
- Where do you go to school?
- My room.
Sometimes the kitchen.
OK, he's coming!
Now, don't get all giggly.
Giggly? Yeah, right.
Good luck on your speech.
What were we laughing about?
I mean, uh, I'm
I'm really excited.
No crush, huh?
Before we get to
Layne Reed's speech,
it's time to get this dance
officially started
with some old-school song
stylings by our very own
Cody Castillo!
What you doin', baby, late tonight ♪
I got some new steps
I think that you'll like ♪
Follow me, watch real close ♪
Listen up now ♪
OK, fine, I have a crush.
Dancing, groove now, dance on your cue ♪
Move, let's move now
here's what you do ♪
First step, lead your baby
to the dance floor ♪
Next step, then you grab
her by the hand there ♪
Third step, now
we'll move it on over ♪
I gotta figure out what Code Orange is.
Oh, hey! I wasn't trying to get out,
or see what's going on.
But, since we're talking about it.
What is going on?
Everything's fine, Project VIN.
You're just gonna go on a little trip.
Really? Like a family trip?
Is Layne comin'? Oh, she's gotta come!
Wait, why'd you shut down my sensors?
This'll just make things easier.
Oh, no! Don't flip that
I don't even know enough
bad words to describe how cool this is.
What happened? Where'd they go?
Hey! You're Mel!
- Layne's annoying cousin.
- Listen.
You're in danger.
- I know!
- But I'm gonna help you.
- Awesome!
- But I have one question for you first.
Are you good, or are you evil?
Uh good?
Good enough for me.
Cue tire squeal!
Let's go!
We gotta get to Layne.
She'll know what to do!
Hang on, little dude!
It's time for our final campaign speech.
Our "No Surprises" candidate,
Layne Reed.
Thank you.
A week ago,
I told you I was your
"No Surprises" candidate.
That scheduling was my jam
that's not me.
Not anymore.
You see, I've realized
that life is unpredictable.
It's an adventure.
And while having a schedule is great,
you just gotta wing it.
Go find Layne!
I just want you to know
who you're voting for
she might be full of surprises.
They're trying to take VIN!
Um like right now!
Come on!
I have to leave.
Vote Layne Reed, woo!
They're decommissioning VIN?
Yeah, Uncle Rob and Aunt Cheryl said
the transporter's coming to the house.
- When?
- Right now!
Why would they decommission me?
I've been so well-behaved, right?
Don't answer that.
- VIN, can you pop a wheelie?
- No problem!
Mel, you are a guest here.
Guys! No wheelie popping.
What're we gonna do?
We can't go back home.
That's where the transporter is.
Um, is the transporter
a big, honkin' green truck?
I don't think the transporter's
at your house.
Oh my gosh.
Maybe he won't see us.
And he sees us.
VIN! Get us outta here!
OK, this could get
a little dangerous!
Oh, yeah!
OK, we've been chased by many things,
but this is the biggest!
Yeah! He's all up in my trunk!
I can't shake him!
Layne, it's time!
Cuz, I know I've said a lot of mean things
about you,
but you're pretty awesome.
Thanks, Mel.
Oh, man! I'm worried
this is the end for us.
Don't worry.
I'm not gonna let anything bad happen
to my brother.
Did you just say "brother"?
Being apart made me realize how much
I care about you, VIN.
We're like family.
Thanks, Layne.
This is the best day of my life.
And it may be my last.
What are we gonna do?
Z, find us something to help us get rid
of these bad guys.
Can he shoot smoke out of his butt-cheeks
so the other car can't see?
Mel, he's not a cartoon car!
Actually, right here it
says "smoke deterrent."
Well, try it!
Oh, yeah! Out his butt-cheeks!
I think we lost them.
But they're just gonna keep coming!
What am I supposed to do?
Layne, how are we
going to keep VIN safe?
I think I have an idea.
Hang on.
Apparently, the orange car
was traveling at a high rate of speed.
It careened over this
guardrail where I'm standing.
The charred remains are below.
This steering device is
the only thing that survived.
What happened?
VIN's gone.
Hey, are you there?
I'm here, sis. What do we do now?
Next time on Fast Layne
Is there something about
Project VIN's crash you're not telling us?
I'm not buyin' this crash.
Those bad guys want you,
and the government wants
my parents to scrap you.
"VIN, go hide in the woods,"
Layne says.
- No one'll find you.
- You do have a plan, right?
OK, I don't have a plan.
Oh, hey! There's Cody!
I get all weird around him.
That's 'cause you like him.
I know, and I hate it!
Can I talk to you about something?
And now, our new
school president
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