Fatma (2021) s01e06 Episode Script


Your kid died. You're in pain. I get it.
But that pain hasn't killed you.
What do you know?
Do you know who you are, Fatma Yılmaz?
God knows what the poor thing
has been through.
You can't just murder family.
But you're a murderer.
-I'm Su.
This is Mr. Faruk.
How are you?
I hope we didn't keep you waiting.
I mean…
Frankly, Mr. Faruk,
you did keep me waiting.
I'm sorry.
Ms. Su's meeting lasted
longer than expected.
We have a busy schedule,
but we pushed everything aside
for your new, highly-anticipated novel.
Your last novel
with your wife and your daughter…
I mean…
How can I put this?
It was groundbreaking.
You realistically depicted
the life of a teenage girl,
who's having problems with her mom
because of the generation gap,
and told the story of the turmoil
during the 1980s.
I guess I did well.
We were looking for a similar arc
in Fatma as well.
Don't get us wrong,
but how many people would read
the story of this cleaning lady?
I get that you depicted
her personality, her transformation,
and how she embraced herself, but…
she just doesn't feel like a real person.
Do you think such a woman exists?
What's the thing you have to do?
It's about my son.
Is this your boy?
He's two. God bless him.
He looks like a sweet boy.
Thank you.
How old is yours?
I had a son.
Not anymore.
His name was Oğuz.
He was a big boy
with a small mind.
He wasn't sick, you know.
It's called autism. Have you heard of it?
Yeah. I'm sorry for your loss.
When he was a toddler,
I got him a lot of trucks
just like the one you drive.
He never played with them.
He always wanted to stack them
on top of each other.
I'd hold the toy
and tell him to drive it like this.
But no. He just had to stack them.
You should've seen our place.
Empty cups, pillows, cars…
Everything was stacked.
Just how he liked them.
Then his dad would come home wasted.
He'd mess up the stacks.
God damn him.
Speaking of,
were you able to find your husband?
I was.
I messed him up.
Still the same.
These new models are cool and all
with the new looks,
but the locks work the same.
It's still the same thing.
They just dolled it up
and started selling it again.
That was a reference
to your "Mine-Emine" story.
How did you get in?
I told you, but you don't listen.
I know my way around cars, you know.
Entering the car was
as easy as breaking into Fatma's house,
but your gated community is
So I just followed you.
The old-fashioned way.
We don't smoke in the car.
You think that's your problem right now?
Are you serious?
Why aren't you taking me seriously?
Put it out.
Or what? You'll call the cops?
I tried using Emine's language with you.
Do you want to try Mine's?
Let's! Please, do that. For real.
I threw it out. Go on. Try me.
You know,
you're really good
at the sexy/reprimanding attitude.
You heroically rage out and stuff.
Stuff like, "You're no match for Mine."
Those are really good.
Let's try them again.
What did I tell you?
I told you
you can't meet with Mine at will.
If you managed to get here,
it's because I allowed it.
It's because
I wanted you to get close to me.
Is that so? Who do you think you are?
I'm the person
who gets you arrested, Bayram.
The "They took my car!" story again?
Who'd buy that?
The story now also includes
threats and an attempted break-in.
Now, I can just drive off
so you have time to escape.
Tell me why you're looking for Fatma.
-Open up.
-Just go.
-I'll tell you.
-Tell me right now.
-Tell me!
-Tell me!
-I will. Just go.
-The cops are here. Floor it.
-Tell me right now!
Just floor it!
-Open up.
-Open up!
-Your sister is killing people, okay?
I'm going to fuck both of you up.
Don't worry. This won't go away easily.
Say your farewells now.
-Open up.
-All right already!
It's okay. Calm down.
Let's go wherever you want.
Come on. Get out.
Calm down.
-Do you want to take a photo?
-I'll take your photo.
-You'll see.
-Spread your legs.
Search him.
Let go.
No handcuffs. No--
Laugh while you can.
Fatma is a murderer!
Once upon a time,
there was a very beautiful village.
A poor girl lived there.
Nobody knew what it was.
Maybe she misbehaved.
Maybe she stole a piece of fruit
from someone's garden.
But she was cursed.
No one liked the girl.
Everybody thought she was naughty,
but she wasn't.
You know what happened next?
Time flew by,
and the girl was blessed with a gift.
The girl gave birth
to a plump, cute baby boy
with big eyes.
Everybody thought he was naughty too.
But no. He wasn't.
He was such a well-mannered boy.
He was so innocent, as all babies are.
So they named him Oğuz.
So he was everything to his mother.
And his mother was Oğuz's entire world.
Take care.
Thanks. Good luck.
Years went by,
but Oğuz still couldn't even say "Mom."
But it was okay. His mother didn't mind.
Everybody thought
she was cursed with such a child.
Nobody was excited to see him.
Everybody avoided him.
No one could see him like his mother did.
It's not like she'd love him more
if he talked.
His mother already loved him so much.
So much
that she'd set the world on fire
for his sake.
I'll take a look at it.
Why didn't you call me beforehand?
I couldn't tell you over the phone.
What's wrong?
I don't get this.
I want to speak with the lawyers.
The lawyers?
Remember what I told you?
We can't get you a lawyer from this firm.
They all work for Argah Enterprises.
They're on their side.
And you're one of them, right?
Can you explain this to me, then?
Why is the insurance company
asking for money?
Tell me what happened
after Oğuz's lawsuit.
The company…
The auto insurance company…
There's been an accident,
and the car was damaged.
The company covered the damage, and--
Stop rambling.
Just explain it to me
in a way that I can get it.
Since Oğuz was found guilty
of the accident,
they want you to pay for the damage.
They want me to pay?
They want me to pay for the car
that hit my son?
This is just routine procedure.
It's from the insurance company.
Argah Enterprises probably has no idea.
-They wouldn't allow it.
-They can tell me in person.
-Stop, Fatma.
What are you doing?
This is not how it works.
You can't just barge in here.
You can't confront them at will.
You can't just demand justice.
It won't work. This is not the right way.
Who are you defending here exactly?
I'm not defending anyone.
You just have to do it the right way.
I'll talk to them and get this fixed.
Are you listening?
My son died…
and no one was held responsible?
No one?
Fatma, trust me. I'll get it sorted.
Just let me handle it. Calm down.
This isn't the way.
Come on.
Come with me.
Come on, Fatma.
Come on.
Wait for me here.
I'll talk to them, all right?
Mr. Levent.
Let's revise that
and say "the arrest warrant."
-Is it urgent?
-Mr. Levent, sorry for interrupting.
It's about the accident
Berkan Argah was involved in.
The insurance company has demanded payment
from the dead boy's parents
for the damage to the car.
If a car has been damaged,
the insurance company has the right
to collect from the guilty party.
A kid died, Mr. Levent.
Is the car more important?
Are you hearing yourself?
We didn't get a chance to discuss
the accident at the site in detail.
You weren't on the case,
so the details weren't shared with you.
I'm not talking to you.
I'm talking to the gentlemen.
We didn't get a chance to talk.
How are you?
Fine, thanks.
If and when you're asked,
tell the judge you work without insurance.
Also, don't forget to tell them
how old you are.
What did he say?
Never mind.
I got it.
He resigned.
It's the fire alarm.
-Is there a fire?
-Let's go.
Let's leave, people.
It's the fire alarm, guys. Let's go.
-What's going on?
-Calm down. Don't panic.
It may be a false alarm. Calm down.
I wonder where the fire is.
The mother and son
moved to the city of kings.
The wind that carried them to the city
just vanished underneath them.
The kings were cruel.
They were greedy.
They were evil.
A king took her husband,
and another took her baby.
She blamed the wind that brought them
for everything she had been through.
And she made her decision.
She got up, got dressed, and hit the road.
She thought
if she were to catch the wind back,
she could teach the kings a lesson
and scare them off.
Hello, Fatma?
Hello. Is this Emine Yağız?
Yes, that's me.
Mrs. Emine,
Fatma Yılmaz is your sister, right?
You need to visit
the nearest police station
to talk about your sister.
Didn't we have a talk already?
Answer me. Didn't we?
-We did, but--
-Okay, then!
I'm not coming in again.
Just… What is this?
Are you going to keep calling me?
Go find my sister.
Don't call me back until you do.
-Find her, or--
-Mrs. Emine.
-I'm sorry for your loss.
Fatma Yılmaz has passed away.
Hang on…
Over here.
That's not my sister.
That's not Fatma Yılmaz.
Do you know her?
Fatma is a murderer!
Do you?
Good morning.
Were you able to sleep?
You're here for a medical examination.
That's why you stayed the night.
Have you eaten?
The Argahs are not going to press charges.
Not that they care about you
in the slightest.
They just don't want to be involved
in the matter anymore.
They don't want to rekindle the fire.
But it's okay.
Everything's going to be okay, Fatma.
Fatma Yılmaz.
-Come with me, ma'am.
-Excuse me.
You can't question Fatma Yılmaz.
The case is closed.
Are you a lawyer?
Yes, I'm her lawyer.
You can't question my client.
Fatma, shall we leave?
Hang on.
Are you trying to teach me my job?
I know the case for the fire is closed.
I had a chat with Fatma Yılmaz
a while ago.
We'll have some tea
and talk about something else.
You can have some too, Mr. Lawyer.
I'm sorry. Did I ring it for too long?
No. I'm not mad. This is my neutral face.
It's always been like this.
What do you want?
Aysel gave me your address.
My name is Mine.
I'm Fatma Yılmaz's sister.
You know,
I'm normally not an angry person,
but they upset me over Fatma.
That's why.
Who did?
The publisher.
They didn't think
the story of Fatma was interesting.
You know her story?
Come in. Please.
Fatma does her job very well.
After what happened to her son,
she hasn't been herself, naturally.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Fatma never mentioned you.
We haven't been in contact.
I haven't called her in a long time.
-Did you have a fight?
-No, actually.
We were just fine in the past.
We were happy when we were growing up,
as far as I remember.
Even if the real story is
something else entirely…
we tend to pick the parts which
can convince us. We remember those parts.
Maybe that's why I remember it like that.
She may have mentioned
that we grew up in a village.
It was beautiful.
I don't know what it looks like now.
The magic was gone
once we grew up anyway.
I got married and left.
I ran away, really.
But you can't be free
when you leave someone behind.
I realized that.
I always knew
what Fatma had been through,
but I thought
there was nothing I could do.
I ran away from what we went through
when we were kids.
I convinced myself
that if I just pretended
it never happened,
I could run away.
I always pushed her away
when she wanted to talk.
I left her alone.
But now I want to find Fatma,
so we can talk about those things.
People who run away from their childhood
never know when to grow up, honey.
You burned down their office,
yet they won't press charges.
We don't know why.
Do you?
The case is closed.
You told me it was something else.
I'm not asking about the fire.
I'm asking you who's protecting you.
Does he look familiar?
Have you seen him before?
You told us you work at his mall.
Bayram said you killed Ekber
in his statement.
But he doesn't know how you did it.
Did you kill Ekber?
How about him?
Do you know who killed this man?
Apparently you killed him as well.
We have an armed mafia member,
and we have you.
So which one of you has the capacity
to kill these guys?
Do you own a gun?
He told us you hid the murder weapon.
We found it.
The ballistics match.
We found it
on your husband, Zafer Yılmaz.
So you found him?
So you can find him,
but just when it suits you.
Your husband says he did time
for a crime someone else committed.
He got paid in exchange.
You told him you shot Şevket.
Your sister cooperated with us.
We arrested Bayram Karadağ.
-What business does she have with him?
-What business do you have?
Did you get paid to take the blame
like your husband did?
Did someone ask you
to take the blame for it?
-Are you scared of someone?
-Why would I be?
Then tell me, Fatma Yılmaz.
Who committed the murders?
Are you done?
If you don't have a solid argument
as a basis of your interrogation…
we'll be on our way, sir.
This man was found shot in the forest.
He was shot with the gun
we found on your husband.
Is your husband going to do time
for a crime he did commit this time?
Go wash up.
Come on. Let's go.
Come in.
Sir, are we done?
This is just the beginning.
Come on. This way.
Here. This door.
It's all right.
What are you doing?
Get back. Stay away.
He was just here.
Calm down, okay?
He was just here.
Look at me, please.
Fatma, please look at me.
Look at me, Fatma.
Come on. Just look at me.
There you go. Look at me.
Shut up.
Shut up or I swear I'll kill you.
Sis, stop.
Don't go near the edge. Wait.
Sis, you know I'm scared of heights.
Of course I know, honey.
Where did you get this?
It's a gift.
From whom?
She's too young.
She can't marry yet.
We were young too.
I'm not going to take her right now.
We'll talk
when she's old enough.
Let's shake hands on it ahead of time.
You know Emine will have a lot of admirers
when she comes of age.
I know you're scared of heights.
I swear to God…
I only pushed you to save you.
I swear.
You were my delicate flower, honey.
I know. Come here.
Sis, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I ignored you.
It's okay.
I thought you reminded me of the village.
You were my excuse.
That's why I pushed you away.
It wasn't your fault.
What happened in that barn
wasn't our fault.
We were kids.
We were kids. Come on, Sis.
They weren't punished
for what they did to us,
so why are we punishing each other, Sis?
Everyone knew.
The entire village knew.
-They said nothing.
-Emine, shut up.
I ran away from you
so I could forget that day.
Shut up, please. Just shut up!
You did the same. You looked for Zafer
so you wouldn't think about Oğuz.
-Shut up.
-Let's talk.
Were you running away from Oğuz?
Emine, shut up. I swear… Shut up!
-Let's talk about it, Sis. Please.
-Shut up.
Shut up.
-Please, shut up.
-Let's stop running, Sis. Come on.
Let's talk about the past.
Let's talk about Oğuz and--
I said shut up!
Just stop!
Where are you? What happened?
Stop, Oğuz.
Hang on, Son!
Where are you?
Just stop.
He hit the kid!
did you know?
Did you know I pushed Oğuz?
I pushed him.
Your kid died. You're in pain. I get it.
But that pain hasn't killed you.
What do you know?
Do you know who you are, Fatma Yılmaz?
God knows what the poor thing
has been through.
-You can't just murder family.
-But you're a murderer.
I pushed him.
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