Feels Like Ishq (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Ishq Mastana

You're driving carelessly!
Watch out!
Don't be sentimental about Ridhima, bro.
Move on, man.
Think about Mehr.
Don't you call her "Kehr" by mistake.
-Ridhima's gonna get so jealous.
Look at who you matched up with.
You're going to date a person
who she hates.
It's amazing!
I don't know, man.
It just feels like too much effort.
Do you think she even cares anymore?
Come on, man! It took so much effort
to drag you out of your room, man!
Didn't she agree
to meet you a bit too quickly?
Can you blame her?
No bro, I only pity her.
She'll get her heart broken.
Hold on to the wheel, please!
Do you know there were condoms
found outside her hostel?
Haathiram, cover your ears.
He hasn't had any sex himself,
but wants you to cover your ears.
What are you saying?
Gaurav is still a virgin?
Like you are some tiger.
Why? Do tigers have a lot of sex?
Are you sure it's here, bro?
Looks like a whole different scene.
Yeah, she said it was
some environment-Earth Day protest.
Shall I drive?
No, you sit in front with me, Haathiram.
Gaurav, my phone is dying, man.
Give me the charger.
Get lost, dude!
I'll see you at the party tonight.
It's a rebound fuck. Okay?
Don't complicate it. See you, take care.
See you, bye.
Hey, Mehr! Over here!
Kabir! Hi!
Sorry, excuse me! Sorry.
Was this place difficult to find?
I'm so… I'm so happy you are here!
There are students here
from almost every college.
Some teachers, too.
But you don't attend such things, right?
Don't worry, I'll show you around.
My friends are right there.
-So, we'll go and…
-Got a charger?
Actually, my phone's dying.
I need a charger.
I don't have a charger.
But I'll ask around. Come on!
Yes, okay! But what's the scene?
Where are we going?
We just got here. We'll go in a bit.
Wanna see the installation? Right here.
Listen. So far I have survived
without seeing it.
I think I'll be fine.
Should we just go get some coffee?
Okay, I'll introduce you
to my friends. Come.
-It'll be fun. Yeah.
-Guys! Shiraz!
-Please hold this.
What does it say?
Cute. Fit right in. Come on!
-So let's see if they agree.
Why did she bring this jock here?
Guys, this is Kabir.
Kabir, Shiraz, Varun, Priya, Himanshi.
Come on. Badal Manji is about to speak up.
-Then, come on!
-Long live the…
-Long live the…
-Long live the…
It's quite simple.
Those against forests are against life.
We don't want to hear your sales pitch.
Listen, all you capitalists!
We're not here to bargain.
Our integrity is not for sale.
We are not here to sell,
we are here to save.
-Can we go somewhere else?
You want to go bowling?
The revolution is here.
Revolution is coming.
Why is there smoke?
Where are the people
who are proud of India?
Mehr, this is too much high stress.
Let's go somewhere else, there's a cafe…
Kabir, we are changing the world here
and all you care about is coffee?
-Long live the…
What's going on here? Move…
-Long live the…
Hey, watch your step, fucker!
-Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!
-Sorry, sir. Sorry, sir!
Madam, he is my friend! Let me go!
What have I done, sir?
-Hey, Madam, that's my…
-What have I done?
Sorry, Madam. You are hurting me.
Madam, let me go.
You want to create a disturbance?
Clear the area!
Hey, stop him!
Sir, please don't arrest the women.
Sir, there's some confusion.
I'm not with them.
-Sir, I don't even know them!
-Kabir, are you okay?
What the fuck is going on?
Don't say "fuck."
Does your dad address your mom as "fuck"?
You don't understand. I had no clue
about this. I don't engage in rioting.
I'm on your side!
Mehr, let's not shout out slogans, please!
-Get inside.
-Are you okay?
Go on, get inside.
Come on, sit inside.
Are you happy now?
Come on, sit down.
You're insane. Give me your phone,
I have to call Dad.
Hey, call the other vehicle.
Your walkie is charged, right?
Fuck! What's his number?
I'll communicate the rest on radio.
How do I get out of this?
When are we gonna get home?
Please stop crying.
Bro, where are they taking us?
After party, bro.
That guy has a sweet place, roof and all.
You will have fun.
Mehr, what the fuck is going on?
I didn't sign up for this shit.
I don't even know what your problem is!
Dude, just shut up.
Kabir, calm down, please.
Hey, why the fuck should I calm down?
This is not my battle.
You were supposed to be
my rebound fucking fuck! Get it?
Listen to the language.
What the fuck is he saying?
At 20 meters…
Mehr… just calm down.
The situation is chaotic.
Leave them on the city outskirts.
Get out, quick!
-You need a special invite? Move.
-Come on.
-What is this place?
-Sir, why are you dropping us here?
-Why drop us here?
Enjoy saving your Earth here.
The police here will drop you back.
-Did you ask us before protesting?
-What place is this?
Why are they leaving? Guys!
Guys, let's go that way.
Guys, the map shows this way. Short cut.
Are you getting service?
-It's offline, moron!
-Are you sure?
Guys, where are we going?
Move, guys.
Walk straight. Don't look at him.
My grandma used to say,
"One doesn't get smart by eating almonds,
but by getting betrayed."
I just hope the road doesn't end here.
We might have to walk
all the way back now.
I'll keep the phone,
you only find the way now.
Mehr, let me explain myself, please.
What happened to your Google?
Is it vegetarian?
I think this is veg.
It could have worms, though. It's organic.
I'm better than this.
It was a bad breakup.
I was a bit mind-fucked.
I'm trying to deal with it.
I was just a little…
Yes, that's why you thought,
"Why not try a rebound fuck?"
Listen, I am not interested
in your process. Okay?
What happens now?
What do you think?
That this is our daily routine?
That I wake up every day,
get dressed and brush my hair,
and tell my parents, "Okay, bye!
I'm off to get arrested," and leave home?
It must be nice, no?
To be an asshole.
Like, not even pretend to give a fuck.
Animals are dying,
forests are getting razed.
But, "Hey! At least the roads are smooth!"
Listen, I don't think at this point,
I owe you any justification.
Of course not. See, I am just
curious about you and your kind.
That's it.
"Your kind"?
Is it always necessary to divide the world
into labels like "our kind," "your kind"?
I can't believe this.
You really are an idiot!
Oh, great!
Hey, Mehr! Come on, buddy!
-Chocolate mud pie!
-Come fast.
Where are you? Come ahead.
Second year, right?
-Oh, yeah. She's a good friend of mine.
Tell me something.
How can you be so uninformed?
"It's not my battle, Mehr!"
-Where do you get this confidence from?
-Poor guy.
You think we go out there just for kicks?
Make some noise, sing songs and buzz off?
We stand up for something
because we believe in it.
'Cause that's what being alive means.
-There must be a station nearby.
-Please share.
"Being alive"?
You know…
don't even feel like
waking up on some days.
And then, there are days,
I wish I was not alive.
I came out of the house after three weeks.
And see?
-Fucked it up.
I am not as evolved as you are.
And I'm sure
my problems are very, very small.
But, nowadays…
Nothing other than
biryani and gaming interests me.
You are a vegetarian, right?
Have some shame. Call it pulao.
It's not pulao. It's biryani.
I am not a vegetarian. I'm a vegan.
Priya! We found another hipster.
Why? What did he do now?
I'm crazy in love…
I'm down. Time out.
What's there to care for?
I'm crazy in love
What's there to care for?
I am free from all shackles
Why should I care about the world?
I am free from all shackles
Why should I care about the world?
Those who are separated from their beloved
They wander about aimlessly
Those who are separated from their beloved
They wander about aimlessly…
What happened?
-You were singing nicely.
Come on, sing, bro.
My beloved is within me
There is nobody to wait for
There is nobody, there is nobody
There is nobody to wait for
At least use some deodorant.
How many days since you last had a bath?
Maybe our protests are futile.
Nothing will change. The world was fucked
and it will remain fucked.
Then why do you do all this?
I don't do it to change the world.
I do it for me.
So that this world
doesn't change me. You know?
I'm, I'm…
I'm crazy in love
What's there to care for?
Sometimes I feel
that it's easier to fight for our rights.
Who the fuck will fight for a lift now?
We're gonna die here.
I'm so sexy, and still no one is stopping.
-My feet are hurting.
Shiraz? Shiraz!
Come here! Come here, quickly!
-Will you hit me please?
Just do what I am saying! Come on.
And hit me hard.
Make it bleed, but not too much.
Come on, hit me.
-Hit me! Shut up!
-Please, guys.
-Leave it.
-Leave it, man!
-Hit me, Shiraz!
-What are you doing? Hit me!
-What's happening?
-Oh, shit!
-Go, stop the truck!
Guys, stop!
-No, hey!
-Hey, stop!
Hey, man, will someone please stop?
-Guys, stop!
-They are not listening to us. Please.
-He's badly hurt.
-They are not listening to us.
-Please stop them!
What kind of technique
was that to get a lift, Kabir?
You need to cause a stir to get work done.
You are right, man.
It's red, Mehr.
Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
How's your hand? Is it fine? Oh, shit!
You are not a bad singer.
Did you train?
Actually, yeah… kind of.
When I was a kid, I spent all my vacations
with my grandma, in Indore.
There wasn't a lot to do
so we had lots of free time.
She spent an entire summer vacation
teaching me how to sing "Do."
Only "Do!"
She told me, "Son, learn to sing 'Do,'
the rest will follow later."
So, she taught you this song, too?
She named me, too.
After the person
who has written these lines.
You know the meaning of this song?
Of course.
It means that…
I am so in love, that this world
doesn't affect me anymore.
You know? Kabir was
a Hindu poet and a Sufi saint.
He was both.
Not this or that.
Yet, people still argue…
over who was he.
But no one cares about what he had to say.
-Only this…
-Or that.
I'm getting a 2G signal!
-Do you have a charging pack?
Yes, I might have one. Let me check.
Finally, there is network.
Thank God, Mehr.
You got a singer this time.
Remember what happened last time?
Remember your sister, Karishma?
She ate all my sandwiches.
I was so hungry at that time, I…
No, that was before.
I am talking about that dude
she got for the last protest.
The one who kept asking
everyone for stash!
I see!
So you bring guys to the protest
to add to the crowd.
That's not fair,
because that's not how it is!
You wanted to go on a date.
We needed strength in numbers!
Look! Look here!
The Squeal has done a piece on us!
-Guys, check your page right now!
-Oh, my God!
We have to go to the protest site.
They are staging a protest for us.
Guys, Karishma just messaged, this is
big news now. Lots of people are coming.
-Oh, my God!
-We are going, right? We are going!
-Now we are going!
-I can't believe this.
Fuck! Man, I am so sorry!
My phone was off.
No. I'm fine.
You read on what?
Yes, man,
everyone's very excited over here.
Ridhima wants to know if I'm coming or no?
No, man.
I am not coming.
No, there's some after party.
I am with Kehr… Mehr.
Yes. Okay, cool.
I'll call you.
Aren't you worried?
You'll lose street cred
if you're seen with me.
Remind me not to post any pictures.
Why does Ridhima hate me so much, man?
Because you…
remain true to yourself.
You say what you want,
you do as you please.
Her words, not mine.
You are pretty.
You are hot.
You are intelligent.
You are interesting.
Her words?
I'm crazy in love
What's there to care for?
I'm crazy in love
What's there to care for?
I am free from all shackles
Why should I care about the world?
I am free from all shackles
Why should I care about the world?
Those who are separated from their beloved
They wander about aimlessly
Those who are separated from their beloved
They wander about aimlessly
I'm in love
I'm crazy in love
I'm in love
I'm crazy in love
Young people like you
all give us new hope.
My beloved is within me
There is nobody to wait for
My beloved is within me
There is nobody to wait for
There is nobody to wait for
Nobody, nobody to wait for
I'm crazy in love…
What's there to care for?
I'm crazy in love
What's there to care for?
He's my one and only
I do not long for anything anymore
He's my one and only
I do not long for anything anymore
Kabir, let the love intoxicate you
Let go of the duality from your heart
Kabir, let the love intoxicate you
Let go of the duality from your heart
I'm in love
I'm crazy in love
I'm in love
I'm crazy in love
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