Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Round Six: Community Men

Chicken didn't rob you, all right?
He He didn't want nothing more
than just to work for you. That's
And I don't want nothin' more than
for you to call that motherfucker.
But I ain't gonna ask but once.
- I hit the number.
- Get out of here.
- Two hundred and fifty smackeroos.
You should come by the
house in a couple of days.
I'm gonna have Vivian
settle up with you.
- But, Chicken!
- Come on now, I got you.
Was it the landlord again?
The landlord beating your ass to live?
Give him what the fuck he deserves.
These gangster niggas
put a bounty on your head.
They paid me a visit.
Now you got one move,
son, and that's run
and don't look back.
HUDSON: Hey, Andre.
We just wanna ask you
a couple questions.
- Oh, shit! Shit!
- We gotta go.
- Come on, come on.
- You know what your problem is, Hudson?
- Oh, what's my problem?
You're more worried about
saving all these nig
- Shut your cracker ass!
You hit a fellow officer in
front of me. You're suspended.
- Chicken
- Ain't no Chicken, Viv, hush!
(EXHALES) If it ain't
the infamous Chicken Man.
You're dead now, motherfucker.
SLIM: Wake yo' country ass up!
You wanna tell the truth now? Huh?
Or do you want me to put
that bag back on your head
and we beat it the fuck up out of you?
- SLIM: Huh.
See, you were cooked
the moment you decided to rob me.
Are you in on this too, Viv?
They put a gun to my head, Chicken.
Took you to my damn family's house.
You got a lot of fucking
You really is a selfish motherfucker.
CHICKEN MAN: I'll tell you
what, I may not be perfect
I ain't never sold you out, Viv.
I ain't never sold you out.
They gonna fucking kill me, Viv.
You sold us all out when you got
a big head over this damn party.
CHICKEN MAN: Hey, look here, Slim.
I ain't robbed no party, man.
Funny thing is, now, I
don't really give a fuck.
You see, you're something
that I call a trump card.
And you best believe I'm gonna
play you against the house to win.
You can believe that, Jack.
Get his ass the fuck up outta here.
All right now. All
right, all right, now.
- (GRUNTS) Shit.
What the fuck!
Get up!
Li'l motherfucker fast.
Where the hell are ya?
Goddamn, Gordon.
- Faye.
- Gordon, you there?
Faye, I thought you left me, baby.
GORDON JR.: Hey, Dad
Mom says she was just
making sure you was alive.
Oh, why would I not be, son?
Haven't you seen the morning paper?
They say you robbed a party.
Wait, they say what, now?
They said you the
"Prime suspect in a bra "
"brazen late night robbery
of a post-fight party,
believed to be attended
by some of the most
dangerous criminals in the country."
Hey, uh Gordon, I
want you to listen to me.
- GORDON JR.: Daddy?
- OFFICER: Hey, hey.
Yeah, hey.
Hey, son, uh
Okay, listen, I want you
to listen to me real good.
Your mother goin'
through a lot right now,
and she doin' the best
that she can, okay?
That mean I need you to
do the best that you can.
So, I'mma need you to
look after your sisters
and I'mma need you to
be the man of the house.
Did you really rob those people?
- No. No!
- I don't want you to go to jail again.
Hey, Daddy ain't goin' nowhere.
Now, look, I gotta get off the phone.
Before I do that, I want
you to know that I love you.
- I love you too, Daddy.
- Bye, son.
Chicken Man? Hey, I'm telling
you, you got the wrong brother.
- Pipe down, Chicken Man.
- We all don't look alike, you know?
Wait a minute. That's not him!
That's Chicken Man!
Last I checked, kidnapping is a crime.
Ain't nobody kidnapped your bony ass.
You on the clock.
And we have very strict
rules about appearances.
Thus your little makeover.
What am I supposed to be doing for you?
Working off your debt.
- VIVIAN: My debt?
- Yeah.
You let that little pint-sized
motherfucker get away.
- So you owe me.
- He got the drop on y'all.
That ain't got nothing to do with me.
And you know good and damn
well Chicken ain't rob you.
- He ain't capable.
The crime happened at
his little soiree
- So that means it's his responsibility.
And since the little
nigga in the wind
the debt flows in your direction.
So, you owe me for my
cash money, my jewels,
and for the emotional
stress that I went through
when them niggas fucked
up my press and curl.
So, uh, let's say $50,000.
- $50K?
Plus 85 for that immaculate 'do.
Do I have "dumb" written on my forehead?
I can put a hole in it if you like.
By the way, I need 10%
by the end of the day
to prove to me that you are
serious about giving me my money.
And bitch, don't play with me!
Where am I gonna get
five grand in a day?
- I don't give a fuck, bitch. Pull it out your ass.
Man's on the loose.
Read all about it. Just 10 cents.
Hey, youngsta, I'll cop.
That'll be a dime.
Pay the man.
This some catch.
Looks like your little
boyfriend's famous.
Tick-tock, baby, you
got some money to make.
I need help.
They shot at my goddamn back.
What if my family was
out there? My kids?
- Where they now?
- I had Faye take 'em, put 'em in a car,
go down to her sister's. Way too
dangerous out here, right now.
Well, that's good.
The fuck I'm lying to you for?
Faye left me last night.
To be honest with you,
I don't even blame her.
I've been selling this
woman a bill of goods of me
being a good man for years now.
I guess she finally
just got smart and left.
Well, Faye wouldn't have married
you in the first place if
- she didn't think you was a good man, so
- Hmm.
You just call me a good man?
- (CHUCKLES) Oh, hell no, I did not.
- Hmm.
I grew up with brothers like you.
Smart, enterprising.
They just couldn't
get out their own way.
I mean, I don't get it, Gordon.
You-you got a family that love you,
and a good woman. Why-why
you wanna throw all that away
just tryin' to be somethin' you're not?
What exactly am I tryin' to be?
Some kind of big-time
player or somethin'.
- Big-time player?
- Yeah.
You got it wrong, man.
This man sittin' across from you
sits across from you with
a fourth-grade education.
I got that, and I got this here skin.
So, you know what I did? I did what
was best to feed my damn family.
I feel like I made the right
decisions. I kept it small.
Left the damn dope dealin'
alone and did what I'd known.
Just gals and numbers,
that's all I focused on.
Tried to build myself
a legitimate business.
- Legitimate.
- I tried to set myself up a legitimate business.
Gordon, you threw a
party for some of the most
dangerous, felonious
men in this country.
You ain't think that's gonna
come back on you somehow?
Look, you can't be one foot in
and one foot out on this thing.
You either a gangster or you not.
And you not.
Well, I guess I learned that
lesson a little too late, didn't I?
Tell you what, if I don't
get out of this town tonight,
- I'm a dead man.
- The way I see it,
you either goin' to the cemetery,
or you going to jail.
You can go try and
find some place to hide,
or you and I can finish what we started.
We find the robbers and clear your name.
That last one don't sound too bad to me.
Getting good, youngsta.
- Well, I had a good teacher.
Hey, Mac, how long we gonna
be holed up in here, man?
Hopefully a day, tops.
I'm waiting on a call from
my guy about his fence.
Once we get paid off,
we should be good to go.
This guy your friend?
Yeah, we served together.
You trust him?
I got no choice, Ray.
Hey, so when you gonna tell me
what went down between
y'all and the landlord?
tuned his ass up good.
Damn it, Ray.
Ah, come on, man. Me and you
both know he had it comin'.
I don't like you getting
all chummy with Willie.
- What's with y'all, man?
- Ain't nothin' with us, man.
I done dealt with kats like him before.
Always got something to prove.
But there ain't no light
at the end of that tunnel.
Well, at least he stand up
for hisself like a real man.
Everybody else I know is some victim.
I ain't tryin' to be no victim.
Look, I'm sorry for
getting you into this.
This is the coolest
thing I've ever done.
Ray, there ain't nothin'
cool about robbing.
This is a one-time thing.
One-time thing.
Put some more paint on that brush.
Got it.
I used to dance with this
girl named Rena. Rena
Rena outta New York.
Harlem, to be exact.
This broad used to talk about
Harlem like it was Black heaven.
Fashion, the culture, the music.
She told me all about the roaring '20s.
Billie Holliday, Duke
Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald.
She even told me she's seen fine-ass
Malcolm X preachin' on 125th.
But outta all the stories she told
me about Harlem, the best one by far
is the one about this woman
named Stephanie St. Clair.
They called her Queenie.
Queenie was the biggest numbers
boss in New York in the '30s.
Man, this bitch, she
was pullin' in millions
during the goddamn depression, Jack!
And she ain't answer to no man either.
See, that's gonna be us.
A completely dickless
operation from here on out.
MAXINE: Is you done yet?
'Cause you could have said all
that without the sermon, child.
The real question is, how we
gonna get these backwards niggas
to run the numbers with us broads?
One thing I learned in life,
give a nigga a whiff of pussy
and he'll do anything you want.
(SIGHS) So we hookin'
too? Girl, I'm retired.
VIVIAN: No, bitch.
We sell a little sex appeal.
All right. Enough of the
yik-yak. Who's in? Come on.
Uh Oh.
- WOMAN: Ain't this some shit.
- VIVIAN: Come on then.
- Oh!
Shit. Fuck!
Well, all right, let's get to work.
So, uh, guess you heard.
Yes, sir.
Heard you put Mason on his ass.
Well, I still got suspended for it, so.
Hey, look. One of the shooters that
died in the woods, we ran his I.D.
He's a hitman connected to Frank Moten.
Big-time gangster outta New York.
Frank Moten, yeah.
- We saw him at the fight.
I know we didn't find his I.D.
but I'm tellin' you, he was
at that damn party too, Romel.
Hold up. Witnesses didn't put him there.
Those witnesses ain't gonna
drop a dime on Frank Moten.
They know what that man's capable of.
All right. Well, Chief had
him picked up for questioning.
He in the box now.
Wait a minute. He's
in the box right now?
ROMEL: Yes, sir.
MASON: According to the NYPD,
you a person of interest
in several murder cases.
Not to mention conspiracy,
drug trafficking, racketeering.
Since the robbery,
we've had six homicides.
Now, we may be a little slow on
the uptake, down here in Dixie,
but when two New York
hitmen show up dead,
along with the body of a kid
suspected in a gangland robbery,
you see why that would
spark our interest in you?
My mama taught me, if
it walk like a duck,
and talk like a duck,
it's a goddamn duck.
Oh, you finished?
I-I'm sorry. I got a little
lost in your redneck soliloquy.
Now, who exactly is the
duck in this aphorism?
You know what? I'm famished.
I think I'll just take
my lunch break early.
I got a tuna fish sandwich
with my name on it.
Between you and me,
those fuckers dumb enough
to rob some gangster,
then they got what was comin' to 'em.
- It don't mean you won't burn for it.
- Lack of evidence
ain't never stopped y'all from
lynching or burning a nigga.
So you go ahead on,
light your matches
Now, how are we 'posed to be
running a dickless operation
- working for another nigga?
- Just for a little while
till we pay off the debt.
Well, how much is it?
- $50K.
- $50K? Bitch, hell, no. I'm gone.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, Maxine.
- Girl, don't you block me
unless you wanna get cut again.
Okay, Max, I
Look, I don't mean it
like that, all right?
I need you with me on this.
Did Ms. Vivian Thomas say she
needs my help on something?
Look, I'm being serious, okay?
I-I can't do this without you.
Well, I need to know what
I'm getting myself into.
- Who's squeezing you?
- Some country thug that got robbed at the party.
I-I don't know what
this nigga capable of.
Now what the hell is that?
VIVIAN: That's our seed money.
- Don't lose it.
- Bitch, I ain't touchin' that.
Oh, you touched worse, hoe.
You keep playin'.
HUDSON: Hey, how ya doin'? Uh
- You take it black, I assume.
- No, pep milk, heavy.
What can I say, Mama spoiled me.
I'm the baby.
Well, we ain't got none of
that. Apologies. (CHUCKLES)
Detective Hudson.
Frank Moten.
Oh, I know you. Yeah, you, uh
You the Black Godfather. Yeah,
you got a nice ring to it there.
- We ain't responsible for what the public calls us.
- Mmm-hmm.
They call me a hoodlum.
We call you the pig.
Let me guess.
You the one they send in when the
blue klan can't get it done, huh?
Boy, I bet you come through the door,
niggas let their guard all
the way down, don't they?
- When they see your Black ass. (LAUGHING)
- Yeah.
Ooh, yeah. Well, I'm sorry though. I
I can't tell you no more
than I told your partner.
Oh, that ain't my partner.
No, I hate that redneck son of a bitch.
- I'm the one that gave him the
- Well, you learned somethin' from Ali.
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, I bet that felt good.
- Oh, it did. It did.
I was watching you
through the glass. You
You gave a real savvy
interview, Mr. Moten.
Oh, well, this ain't my first rodeo.
But, you know, you we
can cut all the formalities.
Just call me Frank.
Well, Frank, uh
you surely are interesting to the NYPD.
I'm a real interesting person. (GRUNTS)
They've been after my
ass for years, you know?
But I'll tell you something, Detective.
There's way more police in New York
that wish I was greasing their pockets,
than want to put me in cuffs.
That some kind of a subtle bribe?
I'm a multi-millionaire, Detective.
Now, if I was asking you
to do me a special favor
(CHUCKLES) wouldn't be
nothin' subtle about it.
Uh, recall your Heights robbery.
What you know about it?
I mean, you was there.
Unfortunate ending to
a very special night.
How much they get off you?
Oh, you know, just some
cash and bullshit jewelry.
I got way more of that shit at home.
Still, I'd like to try to get a number.
If you don't mind. I mean, that way, uh,
we can get a accurate counting.
In case we're able to, you know,
- recover your property.
- Huh.
You ever been robbed, Detective?
No, I can't say that I have.
You know, robbery is a
very special violation.
See, when you get robbed, they
take more than just your valuables.
- They take your reputation.
- Hmm.
They take your dignity, your pride.
Things that is hard to put a
quantifiable dollar amount to.
Not too far from the party in the woods,
I found Lena Mosley dead
with a bullet in her head.
And stretched out on
the lawn was Boone Davis,
shotgun blast through the chest.
Just last night in the woods,
Andre Muse, a bunch
of bullets in the back.
And right here in this room,
young Tommy Hayes died
right on that spot.
Now, you ask their parents
and their loved ones
to put a price on their lives,
I imagine they'd come up with a
very similar answer that you gave.
Except for the whole pride and
dignity, and all that bullshit,
'cause that's all that is.
- Georgia?
- Born and raised.
Look at us.
Ah, two Georgia niggas done carved
out their own space in the world.
I bet we have more in common
than we like to believe.
I'm not lookin' to make
no new friends, Mr. Moten.
And you officially on my radar.
Well, I guess we better make sure
we don't run into each other no more.
Now, that sound like a threat.
And that sounds like, you think
you worthy of being threatened.
Guess who I just had a chat with.
- Who?
- Frank Moten.
What's the matter?
Cat got your tongue?
Yeah. Frank was at your party, Chicken.
Shit, at your party. He was
probably the guest of honor.
I didn't know that being
at a party was a crime.
- You lied to me, man.
- Oh, stop it, Hudson.
Look, the only thing
I care about right now
is protecting my goddamn family.
Then fucking come clean, man!
Come clean about what, Hudson?
You wanna know if I saw
Frank Moten shoot somebody
in the face right in front of me?
Or maybe that I overheard him
strangle Silky to death
on the goddamn phone?
I mean, fuck! If we got to
ask people in the streets
about the 20 tales and what they
know, we'll be here all goddamn day!
And none of it matter,
'cause ain't nobody gonna testify.
Now, I may be a two-bit
hustler, but what I'm not is a fool.
Now, it was Frank's party.
Okay? I told you that.
But I ain't seen him afterwards.
And I damn sure know nothin'
about him killing no robbers.
And that's the truth.
Now, we doin' this or not?
Where we goin'?
Gonna pay Andre's uncle a visit.
Why we gonna go see Ed? Andre dead.
Man ain't got no reason
to try and protect him now.
- Yeah.
LAMAR: Hey, boss.
Nothin' I like better
than starting my day
being interrogated
by the fucking police.
- I'm sorry, boss.
- Thought I told you to keep things quiet.
Whose idea was it
to have motherfuckers running
around with a machine gun?
I thought the chopper
was an excellent choice.
So it was your goddamn idea.
Just didn't anticipate the pig.
In the midst of all this noise,
you still ain't found the Chicken Man.
I've got some good news on that front.
Look like I need to have the
Atlanta Register on my payroll.
Hello? It's Cadillac, boss.
(SIGHS) The fuck this nigga want?
FRANK: Cadillac.
How's things at my
favorite Jersey juke joint?
It's booming, Frank.
Like always.
Listen, um, I know it's been a
pretty rough week for you and all.
I was thinking maybe you might wanna
take a little time off, you know?
I'll come down there and take
over this great Chicken hunt.
And let you get a little R&R
while I deal with the
Firm and their little mess.
And, um, just why would
the Firm need dealing with?
It ain't nothing you really need
to concern yourself with, Frank.
Oh, I'll be the judge
of what needs my concern.
And, uh, there's been some utterance,
you know, some chitter chatter about
about people questioning your
leadership qualities right now.
And just who would that be, Lac?
HUDSON: Yeah, we did everything
we could to save Andre's life.
Damn. Damn. Damn!
God damn it!
And the same man that killed Andre,
they tryin' to kill Chicken Man. We
We just wanna put a stop to it.
God, that boy was doomed
from the start, man.
And all due respect, Chicken,
I didn't even think
that you had the pills
to do some type of score like that, man.
Yeah, why don't you go on and
tell that to the Black Mob.
Better yet, even the cops.
I'm just gonna give it to you straight.
I got about 24 hours to clear my name.
And if I don't get it done
in that time, well, then,
me and mines
well, we gonna be lookin' to
flippin' 'em toe tags as well.
Look, we just need any info
you can give us, Ed. Anything.
- Okay? Any info at all.
- Listen, listen.
I wish I could, fellas.
- I wish I could.
- Hey, Ed, look, look, we
We got a lot more in
common than you think, man.
What in the hell do we got in common?
Our love for this city.
Hey, look, we all community men here.
We got some lawbreakers among
us, but there's a big difference
between making a buck
or two under the table
and what's goin' on in them
streets out there right now, man.
- Man
- Ed, listen. Young Atlantans is dying.
And if we don't put a stop to it,
we're gonna lose everything
that we done fought for.
- And Andre would've died for nothing.
How about it?
I'm gonna give you one name.
And you mustn't talk
in my doorstep again.
- McKinley Rogers.
- McKinley Rogers?
McKinley Rogers.
Come on.
- You know who that is?
VIVIAN: If we gonna earn
enough to pay Mo Slim back
and earn a damn profit,
we gonna have to upgrade our clientele.
Now, how you figure we gonna do that?
We gonna integrate the numbers game.
Gimme the bridge now ♪
MAN: Well, well, well.
I feel like busting loose ♪
Busting loose ♪
Gimme the bridge now ♪
I feel like busting loose ♪
Busting loose now ♪
Busting loose in the evening ♪
Busting loose can be pleasing ♪
Talking 'bout ♪
Busting loose y'all ♪
Busting loose in the meantime ♪
VIVIAN: We just changin' our
strategy, goin' after the big fish.
Hey, there, sugar. You
wanna play the numbers?
Oh, I'll play any game with you.
How's it work?
Oh, it's really simple.
All you gotta do is bet any amount
or any three number combination,
and if your number hits
by the end of the day,
- you get paid.
- So it's like a lottery.
Baby, this better than the lottery
'cause we all about
our customer service.
MAN: Can you teach me how to play?
Well, you got money, sugar?
Then get your pasty ass up here.
I feel like busting loose ♪
Busting loose ♪
I said sha la, come on ♪
doing all this for?
Why don't you just kick open the
goddamn door like they do in Dragnet?
- HUDSON: Man, that's a fake door.
- You shittin' me?
- Not on Dragnet.
- HUDSON: Hey, McKinley, you in here?
- Hang on a second. Hang on.
- I got you.
There's stuff everywhere. Looks
like we got ourselves a family man.
- That's his daughter.
- Yeah, a hero, too.
Military man.
Why you tryin' to act like
you care about these medals?
Come on, go somewhere with that
bullshit right now, Chicken.
(EXHALES) Okay, I'm
just telling what it is.
Hey, J.D.
What? What you got?
I know him.
- Him?
- I know him.
That's the goddamn man that
was with Silky at the Clermont.
That's who was gonna host the party.
I thought you hosted the party.
No, not in the beginning.
This dead-eyed nigga here,
he had the job originally, right?
He was the original host.
When I found that out,
I tried to smooth talk Silky.
Silky then hit him with the bait
and switch. That's how I got the gig.
Mmm-hmm. And when was
you gonna tell me this?
What'd I tell you about that for?
I ain't thinking that
much, he just a nigga I met.
Think, Chicken. You
stole this man's gig.
- Come on, now.
- He got motive from here to Timbuktu.
So, you think he like the
mastermind behind this?
Well, he's definitely
a person of interest.
You get a name?
I don't remember no name.
Just keep looking.
(SIGHS) Oh, dog.
Hey, hang on.
Well, who do you think Charmaine is?
I don't know.
Let's see if we can find out.
CHICKEN MAN: McKinley's wife works here?
Sure your people ain't
give you no bad information?
I mean, the only Black people
working in that building
is ones cleaning the goddamn toilets.
Nah, Romel said she work
at the makeup counter.
Okay, I'mma go talk to
her. You stay out of sight.
You gonna go in there and arrest her?
Maybe do that. Maybe you could scare
her into turning over on McKinley.
What I'mma arrest her for?
I don't know. Go make somethin' up.
- Quite sure it ain't your first time doin' it.
- You wanna go do it?
My face is all over the goddamn papers.
- No, I don't.
- All right, hang tight.
- Jesus.
- Hurry up, man.
Hi. Have you tried our new sample?
- WOMAN: Yes, thank you.
- There you go.
WOMAN: Thank you. I appreciate it.
- Hi. This is our new scent of the week.
- WOMAN: Hi.
Hello. Oh, yes. Thank you.
HUDSON: Ms. Charmaine Johnson?
I'm Detective J.D. Hudson.
If this is about Mac, it ain't
got nothing to do with me.
Ma'am, there are some very dangerous
men looking for your ex-husband,
and I need to find him.
(SIGHS) What did he do?
Well, right now, he's just a person
of interest on a robbery case.
The one all over the news?
Yes, ma'am.
Look, whatever Mac's in is on him.
And if someone else come knockin',
I'm gonna tell 'em the same.
Come on, Hudson, goddamn.
Charmaine, these men are killers,
They gonna have no
problem killin' again.
Now, let me help this man.
Listen, I can't get involved.
It's best for me and my family, okay?
Now, if you're not buying anything,
I'm gonna have to ask you to move on.
If you care about this man at
all, convince him to come in.
- WOMAN: Hi.
- Here.
Thank you.
HUDSON: Hey, freeze. (CHUCKLES)
I'm just messing with you.
- Officer J.D. Hudson. Downtown. Detective.
- OFFICER: Yeah.
Uh, ain't y'all boys a little
bit off the reservation?
You-you District Two, ain't you?
Oh, yeah. You guarded Ali.
Guilty as charged.
Jenkins wants all hands on deck,
trying to find a Chicken Man.
- Chicken Man?
- OFFICER: Yes, sir.
Well, good luck with that scoundrel.
Don't let me keep you.
Appreciate you, officers.
- Look like you got a little hustle in you, too.
Yeah. I think you
may be rubbing off on me.
- Damn, "Looking for Chicken Man."
VIVIAN: All right, step right
up, gentlemen. That's right.
Make sure y'all have y'all money.
- MAXINE: Today could be your lucky day.
- That's right. Come on.
- Here you go, baby.
- MAN: Oh.
- VIVIAN: That's right.
- That's right. Mmm-hmm. Next.
- Thank you, thank you.
- What what's going on?
- MAXINE: Good Lord!
- Who y'all playing the numbers with?
- Come on. That's right.
- MAN: Maxine fine ass.
- Right here, baby. Right here. Oh, man.
Her and Viv took over from Chicken Man.
- They what?
- Yeah.
And I ain't got paid one
red cent of my winnings.
- What?
- VIVIAN: Today is your lucky day! That's right.
If y'all know what's good
by you, you take your money
and spend it someplace else.
Uh, what are you talkin' about, Sully?
Huh? You-you been playing
the numbers with us for years.
Bad them days is over, sista',
'cause the other day,
I hit for 250 smackeroos
and Chicken Man ain't paid me squat.
Well, it looks like you need to
be taking that up with Chicken.
Well, he a fugitive from justice,
so I'm takin' it up with y'all.
Besides, y'all affiliated.
I'm telling ya, no, they
don't pay their winners.
If I was y'all, I'd get my money back.
- That true, Viv? Wait, wait.
- Yeah, but (STUTTERS)
Did you say that they're colleagues
of that robber all over the news?
He ain't rob nobody.
- SULLY: I'm just saying.
- Here you go, Sully.
- Oh, what
- Five hundred smackeroos.
Viv, you didn't owe me but $250.
Call it interest, sugar.
- VIVIAN: See that?
None of our clients
have to wait to get paid.
So y'all go tell all your friends.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Now, what the fuck you do that for, Viv?
- Look.
Numbers is about confidence, okay.
If they think we ain't
out here paying people,
we dead in the water, Jack.
- How much we done brought in?
- Just a little over $1,200.
Minus the five that we just
had to surrender over to Sully.
What you gonna tell Mo Slim?
You know he gonna be
expectin' that five grand.
I'll figure somethin' out.
Yeah, I hope so.
- Boy, don't give me that shit right there. (CHUCKLES)
- Ah
I thought you country motherfuckers
supposed to be good at spades, man.
- I mean, we are.
- Yeah.
I just been lettin' you cheat.
You holdin' back a card,
been dealin' from the bottom
since the second frame.
You got a sharp eye.
Why you keep quiet?
You the one with the gun.
Hey, man, I have a question.
Is the pizza up north as
good as they say it is?
A slice'll change your life.
- What else do you know?
Only what I see from the movies.
- I ain't been past Augusta.
- Past Augusta?
- Yeah.
- Aw, shit. Now, you a country boy for real.
- Nah, we gotta expand your horizons, young one.
We ought to get you
out there, huh, dozer?
Your boy Mac been gone a long time.
- What ain't you telling me?
- I told you, man.
- Hmm?
- He had an emergency with his kid.
And you believe that shit?
Mac ain't never lied to me.
Hey, what's going on?
Is everything okay?
- Where's Shelly?
- Mac.
- Where she at?
The police came to my
job looking for you.
- What they want?
- Some dangerous men are after you.
And he was trying to help you.
(SCOFFS) Is that what he said?
Come on, Charmaine.
That's some cop bullshit.
They say that shit to
make you think they care,
then they try to fuck you.
You got some real nerve, Mac.
(SIGHS) Look, I'm-I'm telling
you, this cop is different.
You should talk to him.
He was a vet like you.
Like me?
Yeah, this is good work here, Detective.
You really love that
watermelon-head motherfucker, huh?
You know, you a real asshole.
You gotta get sharper, man.
Think about what the next
man trying to figure out.
See what he thinking.
I bet you Mac ain't never
taught you that shit, huh?
Mac is the salt of the
earth. He helped raise me.
Lena and Tommy, too.
Yeah, and look what it did for them.
See, I could use a sharp
young motherfucker like you,
up in the city. See, you like that?
Imagine what we could do up there.
You'd make a fuckin' killin'.
All them jive-ass
gangsters got too much money
than they can even fucking count.
They won't even notice
that shit missin'.
All right. So when we gonna go
over there and make the arrest?
Eh, we ain't. All we
got now is pretty thin.
CHICKEN MAN: What you mean, pretty thin?
What the hell we doing here if
we're not gonna go over there
- and grab the suspect that can help clear my name?
- We're gonna follow McKinley.
He's gonna take us to the loot.
- That's evidence, then we can arrest him.
- No, come on.
That's too risky and you know it.
We need to go over there and grab him
and have him take us to the loot
- That's what we do right now.
- No. Hey Shut the door, Chicken.
Listen (SIGHS) I can't.
What you mean, you can't?
I'm not a cop right now.
After the shit show last night,
Jenkins took my badge.
Okay? I'm not a cop right now.
If we don't do this thing right,
it's not just suspensions
we gonna be talking about.
We both gonna go to the clink.
Why can't we do a citizen arrest then?
Them crackers do it all
the time in the movies.
- Why can't we go over there and do that?
- All we got is the uncle
of a dead robbery suspect
who gave us this guy's name.
That ain't no evidence.
Besides, we don't even know
who's all mixed up in this thing.
Who's at the top of it.
You don't think it's McKinley?
Why would you do that robbery
and then hang around Atlanta,
just waiting to get caught?
No, I-I'm thinking that these
locals, they're taking their orders
- from somebody else.
- Who?
Well, we follow McKinley,
hopefully we gonna find that out.
Okay, you just gonna have
to trust me on this one.
Best shot we got at clearing your name.
If it ain't my favorite hen. You
better have some eggs for the coop.
Looking a little light
in the ass there, sugar.
VIVIAN: Look, we gonna
need some more time.
They still connecting us to Chicken.
And his name ain't shit right now.
He should've thought of that
when he was hiring security.
I didn't get this far in the game
by lettin' motherfuckers
short me for my cash.
So we'll have to find other ways
for you to work off your debt.
Look, honey, why don't you
go get you somethin' to eat.
And why don't you come over
here and make me feel good.
Excuse me?
I ain't askin'!
These dogs ain't gonna
wash themselves, baby.
There you go, baby.
There you go.
What happened? You bust your toenail
lettin' Chicken get away? Again.
Found the little nigga one time
when you jive turkeys couldn't.
I'll find him again,
as long as I got his bitch.
Me and you got some shit we
need to talk about without her.
I don't hide nothing
from my pets.
It has come to my attention
that certain members of
the Firm are displeased
with my strategic vision.
By certain members,
I mean your ass.
Look, pops
You had a Hall of Fame
run. It was stellar.
But you old as fuck now, nigga.
Why don't you move to the side
and let some new blood in?
Did you rob me,
Missouri Slim?
Did you just disrespect me, Frank Moten?
FRANK: Oh, I'm sorry, sir!
Did you rob me, you
dog-dick motherfucker?
SLIM: No, pops.
I didn't rob you 'cause
if I did, you'd be dead.
You old decrepit son of a bitch!
Fuck, give
We gonna leave you to it.
Don't you ever be sad ♪
Lean on me ♪
When the times are bad ♪
When the day comes ♪
And you are down ♪
In a river of trouble ♪
And about to drown ♪
Just hold on, I'm comin' ♪
Hold on, I'm comin' ♪
I'm on my way, your lover ♪
If you get cold, yeah ♪
I will be your cover ♪
Don't have to worry ♪
'Cause I'm here ♪
No need to suffer, baby ♪
'Cause I'm near ♪
Just hold on, I'm comin' ♪
Hold on, I'm comin' ♪
Hold on, I'm comin' ♪
Hold on, I'm comin' ♪
Lookie here ♪
Reach out to me ♪
For satisfaction, yeah ♪
Call my name, yeah ♪
Guess what I heard.
EMERSON: What, boss?
- Frank retired Mo Slim.
- Jesus.
Uh, he gonna start a
war. What you wanna do?
Nothing whatsoever.
You know, when I planned the robbery
I anticipated that the Firm
would finally see that Frank
wasn't that all powerful,
and an invincible entity
everybody assumed he was.
All these other dominos
would fall into their respective places,
and the Firm would ultimately,
want me to put things back
in their relative order.
Speaking of the robbery, they
all lookin' to up their stake.
It's hazard pay since
their crew been dropping.
You have autonomy to give
them whatever they ask,
just as long as they never receive it.
Now, come on, Lac. I made promises.
Come on in the cage.
No, you ain't gonna need that.
You gonna be my catcher.
- Help me focus.
- I ain't got no glove.
Get set.
Did I ever tell you that
I used to play shortstop
for the Jacksonville Suns?
My mama was so proud.
Her boy was playing for the Triple-A.
You know, one night, one
of my fellow teammates
wanted to celebrate his
birthday at some little
resort town called Jekyll Island.
He had heard that Otis Redding
was gonna be playin'
at this little hot spot
called The Dolphin Club.
Unfortunately, we never
got to see Otis Redding play
'cause shortly after we arrived
we got into a quarrel
with some local inbred crackers.
Long story short.
They took a bat to my
knee and ended my career.
My dreams died that day.
And so should theirs.
So I want you to take
those boys out to
Jekyll Island and take care of 'em.
Including Willie Black.
I don't need that loudmouth
motherfucker coming back to bite me.
Okay, look. Fuck
Willie Black, all right.
I dig that, but Mac is my peoples.
I owe that man my life.
(YELPS) Fuck!
(GROANS) Fuck!
Perhaps you didn't hear me clearly.
I need them to be retired permanently.
CHICKEN MAN: You think
that's where they holed up at?
This don't look like no bad air to me.
I don't see nothin' seedy.
Yeah, well
only one way to know for sure.
I'm gonna go take a look.
Just stay in the car.
Hey, man. Shelly okay?
- Yeah, she's all right.
- Where the fuck you been?
Man just told you, didn't
he? Checkin' on my daughter.
Yeah, but how I know you
was really doing that?
Well, you could've been out there
talkin' to the cops or some shit.
The cops? Get the hell outta here, man.
No, Mac. We've been here
all motherfucking day
while you been outside prancin' around.
I just wanna know where
the fuck you was at.
Not right now, all right?
Get the fuck out of my way.
MCKINLEY: If you don't get
the fuck out of my face
WILLIE: Look, nigga, give
me the fucking answer.
Call your bitch.
Get her on the phone. I wanna ask her.
Get the fuck out of my way,
nigga. I ain't gonna ask you again.
Before this shit gets real worse.
- Hello?
- Yeah, it's Emerson.
Nigga, where the fuck you been at?
(SIGHS) I had a little hiccup.
I need y'all to meet
me in Jekyll Island.
All right? The fence will meet us there.
There's too much heat in Atlanta.
Fuck all that. Now, I
lost four of my peoples
to this shit. I ain't movin'
a goddamn inch until you
tell me what the fuck I need to know.
EMERSON: Mac! Man, it's
me talking to you, nigga.
Enough of your crew is dead.
I'm tryin' to get you as far
away from this shit as possible.
Jekyll Island, The Dolphin Club.
You'll get your answers.
What'd he say?
To Jekyll Island.
We'll fence the loot there.
- Mmm.
- MCKINLEY: Move it.
Let's roll.
Sounds good.
MCKINLEY: That sound good?
Yeah, get in and drive.
Yeah, they headin' out.
Couldn't do nothin',
not with them kids
showin' up. It's too risky.
Hold up.
Here they go.
I'm gonna stand over here ♪
Watch you work it out ♪
you think they goin'?
- No idea.
- I'm gonna stand over here ♪
So what now?
Now we follow 'em.
Wait till we can get the drop.
Hey, girl, don't
believe I can make it ♪
I don't believe I can take it ♪
Let's finish this.
I'll just stand here and fake it, oh ♪
And watch you shakin'
and workin' it all night ♪
Come on now, baby ♪
All right ♪
Baby, one more time for the fellas ♪
And just let me tell you here ♪
Now when you move like that ♪
Girl, I just have to say ♪
Now when you move like that ♪
Girl, I just have to say ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Hey, girl, now can you do it? ♪
You turn me on when you do it ♪
You said you would and I knew it, oh ♪
Back up too and just work it all out ♪
Do that for me now ♪
Come on, fellas ♪
Play it real pretty for me ♪
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