Finding Ola (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Finding Ola.

So what if Ola has an emergency
and needs to leave?
Why do we have to go too?
We can't abandon them.
Besides, you spend more time
with them than you do with me.
You need to be there for them.
I don't even know what's wrong.
You don't know them like I do, okay?
They're all about drama.
You'll see. It'll be nothing.
Mom, what's happening?
Why are we leaving?
-Is Grandma Soheir okay?
Yeah, yeah, she's fine, sweetie.
But there's a serious problem at work,
and I'm the only one
who knows how to solve it.
It's always about Nadia and Old.
-I'm over it!
-We'll be home soon.
What about your daughter telling you
she wants to be with her dad?
Can we just go home?
Uh There he is.
There. Where's Hisham?
Was he in bad shape
when he arrived at the hospital?
His condition was critical at first,
but after the procedure he's stable.
-Sounds like your treatment helped.
-Let's hope so.
Um, so, we inserted a stent.
His coronary artery
was almost totally blocked.
-Fortunately, it worked and he's stable.
-Thank God!
Dr. Ali came in and took care of it
in record time.
And who are you, sir?
Uh, he's Marwan. This is Marwan.
He's a doctor,
and Nadia's friend Zeina's father.
We've never met.
But I'm really grateful that you
took the time to come and check on him.
Uh, Doctor, but when will you be able
to discharge him?
Uh, it's too soon to tell, Ola.
Hisham will need to stay here for a few
more days, until he's 100% recovered.
When he eventually does get discharged,
he'll have to take some steps
to make sure it doesn't happen again.
It's his second heart attack
in a very short period.
-Thank you.
-I'm glad he's okay.
-Excuse me.
Hold on, I'll come with you.
If you need anything,
just call me, please.
Yeah. Thank you.
-Excuse me.
-Thank you.
He should be careful.
-He won't be so lucky next time.
-Thank God he's awake.
-I'm glad you're awake, Hisham.
Mommy's here, baby.
-Where are the kids, where's Ola?
Where's Ola? The kids?
Ola? Here she is , honey. Here.
-She hasn't left your side for a second.
-I'm here.
I'm right here, Hisham,
and the kids are on their way.
They'll be here soon. You're okay now.
Where's Omnia?
How come no one considered calling Omnia?
Sorry, Omnia, I'm really sorry
to be telling you like this, but
it just happened.
That's fine. We're here.
Seriously? Did you really call
your competition?
You've been ignoring me for a week,
not returning my calls,
and that's the first thing you say?
-Yes, it is! She's your rival!
-No! She's not.
You're going to kill me, Ola.
You're killing me!
God help me!
I got coffee for you.
Thank you.
How are you holding up?
Still trying to wrap my head
around what happened.
-I'm sorry for this.
-Don't be.
This is practically my job.
How's Hisham doing?
Mmm. Getting there, slowly,
but getting there.
-Would you like to go in and see him?
Of course. Mm-hm.
There you go, baby.
Hisham. Hi.
Marwan wanted to come check on us.
-Glad to hear you're doing better, Hisham.
-Thank you. Thanks, Marwan.
So, do you work in this hospital too?
No. No, but he was also at the camp.
So, he was with me when I found out and
nice enough to make sure I got here okay.
I've been following up with doctors here,
and it's all good news.
-Hopefully, you'll be out in a few days.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
If you need anything from me
or the doctors, any of you,
please, don't hesitate to call.
All I need right now is Ola.
Ola and the kids.
It's okay, Hisham.
Don't worry, Ola is right here.
She won't ever leave your side again.
Okay, I'm gonna head out now.
Please excuse me.
-Thanks. Bye-bye. Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-He's a good man.
Yes, he is a good man.
-Are you feeling any better?
This is hard.
Hard, really hard.
Just hang in there. Still a ways to go.
Why? But didn't you say
he's past the critical stage?
I didn't mean Hisham.
I meant you.
It'll pass.
Everything passes.
Thanks for being there for all of us.
If you ever feel like talking, I'm here.
I'm a heart specialist,
I know the patient's heart
isn't the only one affected.
Okay, so tell me.
How does it affect other people's hearts?
It can confuse them.
Okay, I'd better get going
because I have surgery pretty soon.
Uh Zeina
has been acting different
with Nadia and I.
I understand she's probably
feeling angry and left out,
but I just wanted to make sure you know
that's the last thing I wanted to happen.
They're just being teenagers.
They'll make up soon enough, don't worry.
But she was very upset
when she saw the two of us
when we were
together at the camp.
I'll take care of it.
You've got enough on your plate.
She's my daughter. It may come
as a surprise, but I know her pretty well.
Sweet dreams, Ola.
Thank you so much.
-Is Daddy okay?
Don't worry, sweetie. He's fine now.
-Did you get to talk to him?
-Yes, I did.
-He said he wants to see you guys.
-Can we go see him?
Of course. Of course.
Can I lie down and get
a few hours' sleep first? Mm?
-Is Salim asleep?
Where are you at?
How are you feeling?
Like I've been put through the wringer.
You have.
But I'm not thinking about me,
I'm just worried about Hisham.
Are you having second thoughts?
I don't know.
I don't know how I'm feeling.
I'm feeling so many things,
but I can't put my finger on even one,
and it's killing me.
I forgot to ask you
how come that Marwan guy
came with you to the hospital?
What do you mean?
He's a doctor, a heart surgeon. He was
with us at the camp. Zeina's father.
Why wouldn't he come?
What kind of question is that?
Yeah, right.
I thought you said, "No way!
He's Zeina's father! It's not like that."
So much for sisterhood. I knew
you wouldn't stay single for too long.
Why do you always have to turn
everything into a joke? Everything.
Okay, all jokes aside,
Marwan isn't just Zeina's father anymore.
There's something new, right?
It feels so wrong
to talk about Marwan
with Hisham being in his condition
at the hospital.
But it's so nice.
Really strange, Nesrine.
You know that feeling when
you've known someone forever?
When you don't have to explain
yourself all the time,
-you feel understood, you feel seen?
-I know, yep.
-The timing is off, Nesrine.
-What do you mean, the timing? Why?
Because Hisham
will need to get better first.
Sure, but that doesn't mean
you have to put your whole life on hold.
-You have the right to be happy.
-I don't think I really have the option.
I mean, Marwan is literally still
wearing his wedding band.
He talks about his wife
like she's still alive.
Zeina is Nadia's best friend. The whole
thing is really awkward, and just
Also, I just got divorced.
I can't fall in love
and go through all this again.
Ola! Don't you see this is worth the risk?
You know how hard it is to find someone
-who understands you like that and would
-Hey, sweetie.
-I want to go see Daddy.
Okay. Mwah!
-Now, please.
-Okay. But I promise, Daddy's all better.
You need to put on clothes, no pajamas.
So go upstairs, get dressed
and we'll leave right away.
And brush your teeth.
I'm gonna change too, maybe make
some coffee
and take them to the hospital.
-Do you want to come?
-No, honestly.
Please eat, Hisham.
Do it for me.
-I can't.
-He said he doesn't want to!
-Are you deaf?
It's okay, Salim.
Do you feel any better?
Yeah, buddy, I do.
Are you still mad
I couldn't go to the camp?
You know I can't stay mad at you.
Even if I tried.
Nadia, come here.
-Why are you over there?
-'Cause I'm worried about you.
-Did you two have fun at the camp?
I told him from the start that he
would never find another woman like you.
-No one can take care of him like you.
And who wouldn't just adore
a mother-in-law like you, Soheir?
But by the way, Ola,
I told him if he left you, he'd regret it.
Yeah, I believe that.
The queen of the block.
You both know how much you mean to us.
Of course we do, honey. We know.
And you know how much we care-
Omnia, though. Omnia, though.
I hate her guts.
She's bad luck. I won't say this is her
fault, but I won't say it's not either.
But we're on the right path now, it seems.
What do you mean, right path,
my dear Nazly?
-What do you mean
Hey! Hands off!
By right path, she means that a man should
have his wife and kids by his side.
They just can't abandon him
when he's on his knees, now can they?
Choose your words carefully, Soheir.
-How dare you? My son isn't on his knees.
-I didn't meant that.
-No, she's right.
-I just mean that my daughter
would never abandon Hisham
when he needs her.
Even though he's not quite
the man she married anymore, right?
-He needs her after all, yes?
-My son doesn't need her.
Or anyone else, for that matter.
You think you're doing him a favor?
Not what she meant.
Get off your high horse for a second
and listen to me!
We both want the same thing.
What's wrong with you?
-Put your ego aside and help me!
-Never ever!
-Hey, Marwan.
How's it goin', Ola? So, tell me.
-How's Hisham feeling?
-He's feeling much better.
Thank God. It really helps
when the kids are there with him.
Listen, I have Zeina here.
She wanted to check in on you guys.
-Why? Why?
-Hey, come on. Don't be rude.
Hi, I'm sorry about Uncle Hisham.
Is Nadia okay?
Thanks, Zeina, she's good.
But she misses you a lot.
Actually, we all miss you.
Do you wanna come say hi?
I don't think so. Exams are coming up
and I should study.
But please,
tell Nadia and everyone I said hi.
Okay, I just wanted to check on you guys
-in case you need anything.
-That's enough!
-Come on!
-Thanks. I should go.
-I can't leave anyone alone for too long.
-Don't you dare bring that up.
-Why are you throwing around gifts
-Okay, bye.
Bye, Zeina!
-At least I
-I can buy what they like.
-I always get them a gift.
-Just to keep them happy.
What do you know about happiness?
You miserable
Omnia? What's wrong? Did something happen
to Hisham? What's going on?
Hisham doesn't want me by his side, Ola.
Isn't that what you wanted?
No, that's
What I wanted? No, that's not
I didn't! Omnia! Omnia!
What? What happened in there?
Forget about what happened.
Think about the future instead.
Seems like Hisham
is having second thoughts.
Oh, having second thoughts, I see.
-Second thoughts about what exactly?
-Obviously, he misses you.
And he realized he needs
to be back with his family.
The rest is up to you.
You should work on it.
-Work on it?
Do you ever listen? After our last fight,
you're still telling me how to live.
Mom, enough. Please!
Enough already, please!
But what do you mean, Ola? Come on.
Can't you see the way
the man is looking at you?
Why would you want
to destroy your own family?
Destroy my family?
Hisham's not my family anymore, Mom.
He left, not me. He's the one to blame.
And his mother,
your best friend all of a sudden,
treated me like I was nothing
while my heart was breaking.
While your daughter's heart was breaking.
But now that he's sick, I'm supposed
to forgive him like none of that happened?
What is wrong with you?
Where have you been, Ola?
Hisham won't stop asking for you.
-What is it?
Why was he asking for me?
What's wrong? I'm here.
Please, Ola, can you adjust the bed
for me? Mom tried but she couldn't do it.
Sure, of course. No problem.
It's easy.
-Leemo, can you get up?
-A bit more, please.
-Like this?
-A little more, please.
-Like this?
-Yes, that's good.
Leemo, will you get up?
Give Daddy a little space.
-He needs to rest.
-Listen to your mom. Get up.
-Do you want me to raise it more?
-No, that's perfect. Thank you.
-Of course.
-Could you also grab
-the extra blanket in that closet, please?
And that pillow too.
Okay, lift your head up. Easy.
That's good, that's good.
-Better now?
-Thank you.
-Does it hurt?
-No, it's good. Just a little.
You've got some color back in your face.
Okay, kids, it's time to go home.
You've got exams comping up,
and you need to study.
And your dad needs to rest.
Can't we just stay here with Daddy
and make up our exams later?
No, sweetie, you've gotta take your exams.
We'll spend plenty of time together
while I get better.
Plenty of time?
I was wondering if I could stay
back at the house after I leave, because
I wanna spend more time with the kids.
If that's okay.
Of course, honey. Of course!
You don't need to ask.
The door is always open.
Sweetie, you don't need permission
to stay in your own house.
Really, Daddy?
Are you coming home with us?
Yes, buddy, as long as your mom is
okay with it. If she has the time.
I just assumed that Daddy would feel more
comfortable staying at Grandma Nazly's.
I can bring the kids over any time.
But of course, it's your house.
You don't need permission.
Of course.
Is Dad really coming home with us?
Of course he's coming with us!
Who would he stay with?
-With Omnia?
It wasn't okay to be so rude with Omnia.
Don't think I've forgotten. We need
to talk about it. Why treat her like that?
-Because it's her fault!
-No, sweetie, it's not!
-It is!
-Then why did you accept?
-For you two.
-So you don't want Daddy back?
I didn't say that.
I didn't say that, Salim.
Leemo, sweetie, you're still
too young to understand.
Can we talk about this later, please?
I have a headache
and you guys need to study.
So why don't you save that energy
for studying for your exams. Huh?
Hi, Ola.
I'm on my way into surgery.
Is everything okay? How's Hisham?
Don't worry.
He's stable, he's good, thank God.
I was just
Never mind.
Good luck with the surgery.
Good night.
Are you ready? Let's do this, come on.
Let's go, buddy. I'm ready.
Take this, Omar.
Are you okay?
The scar's a little sore.
You'll feel much better soon.
-Help your husband.
-I'm so glad you're okay, Hisham.
-I'm so glad you're okay, baby.
-Thank you.
-Yeah, we're all glad you're okay. Easy.
-Come on, now. Easy.
Easy, now. Easy, easy.
Yes, ma'am.
Welcome back! So good to ha
Welcome, welcome back, Doctor!
Doctor, you brighten up
the whole building.
Not just the building,
the whole entire street!
I think it's pretty bright already.
Can you bring all his bags in the house
and then park the car, please?
Sure, ma'am, sure.
Wait, Saleh. Come here, take this. Uh
-Uh, but, ma'am
-To celebrate the doctor.
-You don't have to
-Did you buy the pigeons?
-Of course.
-Why pigeons? We're not newlyweds.
-still warm.
-And some nutmeg for dinner, we ran out.
-Don't worry, you got it, ma'am.
-Go, hurry up.
-Come in.
-Take it easy.
-Thank you.
-Welcome back.
-Thank you.
-Welcome back home, baby.
Come in, Mother. Have a seat.
Sorry, the kids' stuff is everywhere.
-Is that good? Are you okay?
-Uh, yeah, I'm good, thanks.
-Okay Excuse me.
I feel like I'm finally catching my breath
after a marathon.
I'm glad you're feeling better.
-Would you like something to drink?
-Just some water, so I can take my pills.
Of course, dear.
-Get some water for Hosh-Hosh.
Where do you want me to put these, ma'am?
Just leave them there, Saleh. I'll put
your bags in your bedroom, Hisham.
-Mom, come here?
-Do you need help?
-Yes, sweetie?
-Whose bedroom, exactly?
Yours, of course.
Mine, of course.
So where am I supposed to sleep?
Well, that's up to you, my baby.
If you want to sleep together, no problem.
We'll just call the imam right away
and make it official.
If you'd rather take some time
to think about it,
I understand, that's totally fine.
But you'll just have to find
somewhere else to sleep.
You've always liked sleeping on couches.
Just pick any couch you like.
You've gotta be kidding me. Those are
my options? A shotgun marriage or a sofa?
A drink, Mother?
Come in.
You've made some changes.
It's nice in here.
I'll move my things. Just a second.
Did you take my spot?
Okay, uh the water is right here.
And you've taken all your pills,
expect this one.
Ah, take this one before bedtime.
-How are the pillows?
-That's good.
-It's good.
-Do you need anything else before I go?
-No, thank you.
Okay, good night.
And this Oh!
I'll pull these back for you, right here.
Do you still care?
What a question, Hisham.
Just get some rest.
It's been a long day for you.
Good night. Sleep well.
I've never noticed those cracks
in the ceiling before.
But if we fix them,
we'll have to repaint the whole place.
Would we do the same color,
or try something different?
Maybe we can change it up a little,
you know?
Keep it down. I'm trying to sleep.
Okay, baby. I'm sorry.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Where has Zeina been?
I don't really know. She hasn't called me.
Isn't it a bit weird she hasn't even
called to maybe check how Daddy's doing?
Just saying.
Enough with the questions, please.
I said, I don't know.
I just wanna sleep. Good night.
Lights off now.
Okay. Okay! Go to sleep.
Good night to you too.
Where have you been?
I'm studying for exams.
You should know that.
Mmm. Yeah, I can tell.
Clearly studying hard.
Why are you mad at me?
Is it because of Yassin?
Yassin? I couldn't care less about Yassin!
Then what is it?
Why are you being like this when
my dad is sick and I need you the most?
Come on, give me a break. Nadia,
you've got so many shoulders to cry on.
You father, you mom,
your grandma, your brother and Yassin.
I've only got you and my father.
Don't force me to choose between you.
I'm so over this.
You're such a big downer all the time.
It's not my fault your mom
Zeina, I'm sorry.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Hey, just tell me what you're looking for.
Don't tire yourself.
I'm looking for my mug. Where's my mug?
Your mug It should be in here.
I never took it out.
I already looked in there.
Not hard enough, I guess. So just
But you're not allowed to drink coffee,
remember? Some herbal tea or anise?
Can you sit down for a minute?
We need to talk.
I'd love to,
but I have to get to work soon.
I've been away for so long,
there's so much I have to catch up on.
-Hisham, can I ask you a question?
-Sure. Yeah.
Uh where's Omnia been?
Around. Why do you ask?
I can't believe
I'm about to say this, but
If you want her to come visit,
I'm fine with it. You should invite her.
I mean, you can do it if you want to.
I mean it.
Fine? All of a sudden, you've decided
to be cool about everything?
Go with the flow, no drama?
Never mind. Forget I even said anything.
Doesn't matter anyway.
You're looking much better today, really.
You look like your old self. I think
you're past the worst of it. Thank God.
If you'd rather be at your place,
so you can get more rest, I understand.
I mean, I could even hire a nurse to stay
with you overnight, just to be safe.
Or maybe you can stay at Grandma Nazly's.
I'm sure she'd be happy to have you.
Hi! What a great morning!
-Good morning.
-Hisham, why are you out of bed?
Go lie down.
I can bring you whatever you need.
What would you like me
to cook you for lunch?
Don't forget to pick up
Hisham's medication on your way back.
Yes, ma'am.
-Is there anything else?
-No, my baby.
-Okay! Bye-bye.
-Have a good day. Bye-bye.
When are the kids coming back?
I miss them.
By the way, you look so much
better than you did yesterday.
Thank you. Thanks.
Couldn't you get it sent over from
another branch that has it in stock?
Okay, well, I guess
I can go pick it up myself.
Where's the other branch located?
What? All the way to Shorouk, Ola?
Yeah. Just give me the address,
please, and I'll figure it out somehow.
-What are you doing?
-Leave me alone!
One second. Hold on, please.
You're going all the way to Shorouk
for his medication?
It's none of your business! Why do
you care? Did I ask you to come with me?
No one is going anywhere. This is crazy.
You're doing enough for him!
If you have that much time
on your hands, go feed my cats.
-I don't get it!
Are you there, sir?
Yes, yes, I can hear you now.
Never mind.
I'll just take the generic brand.
You can send it to the address you have.
Yes, the usual address.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
What's going on, Nesrine?
I've never seen you so worked up.
Honestly, I'm scared.
-Scared of what?
-Scared of Hisham, Ola.
I'm scared he'll suck you
back in his world.
And the first thing he'll do is force you
to cut me out of your life again.
But I want you in my life.
I don't want us to drift apart again,
'cause I just got you back,
and and we're even closer than before.
Is there anything else?
And, uh
My life would really suck without you.
But I feel as if
it's only a matter of time
before you go and disappear again.
Nesrine has feelings!
Nesrine has a heart!
-Are you crazy? Really?
-Stop it.
You think I'm dumb enough
to make the same mistake twice?
You can't get rid of me.
We're a package deal now.
A package. Like this one here.
-You mean it?
-Damn right.
Whoever wants one of us
will be stuck with the other.
And Monty over there
is our "buy two, get one for free," right?
Well, I beg your pardon.
If Monty's involved,
you need to run it by me first.
It's the same old story
you've heard a million times.
I thought you already
had found your bliss.
Me too. I really thought I had.
But then the situation changed so much.
Hisham's had two heart attacks so far
in less than a year.
He's the father of my children.
I don't wanna be the reason
he sees less of them
in case, God forbid,
something worse happens to him.
I can't have that on my conscience,
I just can't.
It's very complicated.
All guilt does is drag you down.
Make up your mind
and leave it all behind you.
We don't have time for this nonsense.
I sent you an email three days ago,
with new orders, but you never replied!
You're totally dropping the ball!
That's not true! I'm a multi-tasker,
so I answered your email
while ordering the prescription.
That's called on the ball!
-It's Soha. It's Soha!
-Put her on speaker.
-Hi, Ola.
Hey, Soha. How's it going, dear?
I'm glad Hisham is okay.
You're being so great with him,
I got you another shot with the investors.
Make sure you've got this presentation
nailed down this time.
You may be called Second Chance, but this
isn't a second chance, it's your last.
Right, right. I understand.
I know. I understand.
We'll make you so proud this time,
I swear. I promise.
We'll blow you away
and I'll make sure we blow them away.
Okay, the meeting's the day after tomorrow
at Tamer and Hadi's. Five o'clock. Got it?
-Hadi? Did she say Hadi?
-Are you there?
-Stop it!
Okay. You got it. Thank you, Soha.
-We'll be there at five sharp. On the dot.
-Okay, bye. Bye.
Please, I'm begging you, wake up,
concentrate, prepare
-and make sure to bring your A-game.
-We will. We will.
Hi, Soheir.
Hi. How can I help you?
I'm here to see Hisham, if i may.
Is he in there?
Come in.
This makes the age difference
more real than ever.
Look, I got a heart stent.
I need to make a lot of changes
in my life.
My eating, sleeping
I get pills for everything.
You don't need an old man right now,
dragging you down with him.
You're still so young, and
I want you to have the life you deserve.
Enough. Enough.
I I'm not really surprised.
I've felt like things between us
were changing for a while now.
You know what, Hisham?
I don't think I'm really different
from your motorcycle.
What I mean is,
we were both parts of a phase.
But when things got real, you
you pushed us aside.
I just thought
that you loved me for who I am.
Not because being with me
made you feel young again.
But anyways
Good luck, and I
I just hope what you're going through
right now isn't all for nothing.
What do you mean?
I mean Ola.
I hope that she'll take you back, Hisham.
-Are you okay, ma'am? Are you coming in?
I'm coming, Saleh. I'm coming.
I'm coming.
So Amrousi was out riding his bike,
there was oil on the road,
-and that was it, he got smashed.
-Dear God!
-He needed seven stitches.
-Stop talking about it.
-It's not the time.
-Seven stitches, right here.
-Oh! Here she is.
-Hey, Ola. Where've you been?
How are you, Ola? I've missed you.
-Hey, Rana. How are you?
-How is everything?
I can't believe It's been so long
since we saw you last.
-You good?
-I'm good.
I know, but at least you get
to see Hisham a lot. What's up, Sherif?
-Hi, Ola. Hi.
-Hi, Soha. How are you?
Good. You're such a decent woman,
you should know that.
Not a lot of women
would even consider doing this.
Of course not.
But if decency were a person,
-it would be Ola.
-Right, right.
Well, I'd love to stay and chat,
but I have so much work to do. Soha knows.
I have a big meeting she set up for me,
and I need to work on the presentation.
-Not even for a few minutes?
-I'm sorry, I wish I could.
-Your prescription. Enjoy yourselves.
-We miss you, Loulou. Keep us company.
Hisham will keep you company.
This is his house too.
-Bye, everyone.
-All right. Bye.
-Such a good woman.
-See you soon!
-She's really
-Where did you say he got his stitches?
-Back of his head.
-Poor guy!
Hey, Mom.
Are his friends gone?
What do you mean, his friends?
They're not just Hisham's friends.
They are.
-Ola, seriously?
What's that supposed to mean now?
Well, things are a little different now,
aren't they?
I can't believe you, Ola.
You really don't want him back? Why not?
Why not?
Most women in your shoes
would just jump at the chance.
Think a little harder, Ola. If not
for yourself, then do it for your kids.
Did he think about the kids
when he decided
to trade me in for a newer model?
Or am I the only one who has to do that?
They broke up.
I overheard everything.
-She came to visit, and Hisham ended it.
By the way
I swore I'd never speak to you again.
no matter what, for as long as I lived,
after that awful fight
when you were so mean to me.
Total drama queen. Look at her.
Hmm. Okay, go on.
You know what I think, Loulou?
Sometimes, I think Hisham's heart attacks
were a blessing in disguise,
to give us perspective,
so we appreciate what we have.
Don't be ungrateful,
or God might punish you for it.
Please believe me, Ola.
Your job and your youth will fade away.
Weigh this carefully.
Allow your children to grow up
with you and their dad.
I don't want you to have
any regrets at all,
to ever secretly wonder,
"What if things were different?"
Think hard about what I said, Ola.
-Yeah, what?
-What's up?
I can't find the nail clippers.
The nail clippers?
Uh okay, got it. I'm coming.
He wants to talk.
You must be feeling better
if you're giving yourself a pedicure.
You want anything else?
Do you have time to talk for a minute?
Remember when we first bought this place?
I remember the day
we saw it for the very first time.
You ran through the apartment,
straight to this balcony.
You told me, "This is it, Hisham."
Not the best negotiating position.
Even though I told you in the car,
"If you like it, just whisper in my ear,
don't say it in front of the owner."
I remember.
We were really happy back then.
You weren't forcing it.
Everything was easy,
life was just sweeter.
What happened, Ola?
Boredom, routine
the kids,
the debts, the bills
I hated all those things,
just like you did, except
Except they never made me want
to leave our marriage for good.
It was the opposite, I even
I cut my best friend
out of my life for you.
I quit my job 'cause I thought
it'll make you happy,
it'll be less selfish.
But in the end,
you still left because you were bored.
That's what happened.
Actually, Ola
I wanna come back.
Come back where, Hisham?
Back to what?
Am I a hotel to you?
Don't you see you can't check in and out
whenever you please?
The least you could do
is to have some respect, Hisham.
'Cause I respected
your choice to leave me.
I did. I did. Really.
I would never force you to stay if
you were unhappy with our life together.
Back then, I had to get up every morning,
go to work,
had to take care of the kids,
take care of myself, also
feeling like I was hardly good enough.
I'm not blaming you.
But you did hurt me, Hisham.
And that pain changed me.
no, I can't do it, Hisham.
I miss you sometimes.
And I feel super guilty about the kids.
But it won't work.
It won't work.
First, I never thought
you weren't good enough.
Second, I'm sorry
for all the pain I caused you,
for burying the true Ola
I fell in love with.
I'm glad you feel like you've grown.
But you didn't change, you found
your way back to who you used to be.
That's why I really feel like
we should try again.
I mean, you even called
your brand Second Chance.
And what we have
deserves a second chance too, Ola.
You had yours already. You had it
right before you walked out the door.
Follow through with something.
For once in your life. Come on.
You asked if I care about you, still.
Of course I care.
And I'm relieved you're feeling better.
I don't want to live
that nightmare again, but
I need to be able
to breathe in my own house Hisham.
Thank you.
Yeah, right!
Not a chance!
How are you?
I texted you the other day.
I saw it.
Then how come you didn't respond
with anything?
Can we meet up sometime?
No strings attached.
Have coffee, hang out?
Can we?
Haven't you missed me?
Hmm? Haven't you missed the way I always
burn your late-night sandwiches?
What's wrong, Zanzoun?
Finally on vacation?
School is out!
-All done?
Let's go.
-Summer break is here!
-Summer break is here!
Summer break is here!
Okay, since you two
are on summer break now
there's something
I wanna talk to you about.
You guys know how much
I love Daddy, right?
And that he means a lot to me.
-Very much.
And that I love you two
more than anything.
More than anything in the world.
If I told you
that I'm
not sure I'll be able to live
in the same house with Daddy
or be with him ever again
would you understand?
No not really.
Now, the third C stands for continuity,
because we produce and sell
the ancient formulations
our ancestors developed 7,000 years ago.
We haven't changed a single ingredient.
And the final C stands for commitment.
We are very committed,
committed to our products' effectiveness
and our clients' satisfaction.
We guarantee
they'll get the product they love,
and every time they open
a jar of Second Chance,
they know they'll get impeccable
quality and the results they look for.
So that's it.
So what products do you think
will be a hit for the men's line,
whether it's here or in the Gulf?
Right. For men For men Actually,
I'm glad you brought up this question,
because we researched, and found that
men are very interested in haircare.
Men tend to gravitate to most of
our grooming products,
and for our haircare line, we noted that
sales over the past year were
uh, were close to
-Seventy. Seventy percent.
Seventy percent. Exactly.
Seventy percent. Um
We discovered that men are also starting
to show some curiosity towards the
Sorry. Just let me, um
Curiosity towards
-The skin. Mm-hm.
-Skincare. Exactly.
That's what we can explore together
once we decide
where we want the first expansion to be,
and which cities we think
it's best to try and target first.
We could even start with a men's line
branding plan right away.
Sounds very impressive.
And while we like to know
all the information we can
before investing in a business,
we also want to get to know
the people behind the business.
If you all don't mind, I'd like
to ask a clichéd question.
Oh, not at all! We adore clichés.
-Right? Remember this one?
Okay, great. I'll start with Ola.
Where do you see yourself
five years from now?
There's a lot goin' on.
Your life is crowded, Ola.
And now more than ever.
I need to know you better,
see you more, to open up to you.
I need to experience you
when I have your undivided attention
and you have mine as well.
I've never felt as comfortable
as I do sitting right here talking to you.
But truthfully, we barely know each other.
We both feel this thing.
But we don't have the proper time
to explore it yet.
You're not ready, Ola.
It's not the right time.
Then why do I feel ready?
You think you are.
When your life becomes less crowded,
call me.
I'll be waiting.
Come on.
Hey, ma'am, will you get off
or keep going?
I'll keep going.
I'll keep going!
I'll keep going.
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