Firebuds (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Sleepover Stakeout/Rescue Club

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
[Jayden] "Sleepover Stakeout"
[Piston] It's meeting time.
You almost ready, Jayden?
-[buckle clicks]
-Hit it, P.
-[engine revs]
-[Piston] Morning, Mom.
-[Jayden] Hi, Mrs. Porter.
-[Pam] Ahem.
No speeding in the living room.
Oh, am I going too fast, hon?
I was talking to the kids.
You can work out as fast
as you want, speedy.
[Jenna] Somebody's in a rush.
Got a Firebuds meeting in the tree house
and I'm in charge
of the most important part:
the snacks!
[chuckles] It's true.
Snacks can make or break a meeting.
-I taught him well.
-All right.
Battery-booster shakes for the vehicles
and cinnamon raisin bagels for
hey, where are they?
Those are my bagels!
I don't see your name on the box.
It's right there.
You want the rest of this one?
[grunts] You're always taking my stuff.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy does it, little man.
I gotcha covered.
Bran muffins to the rescue.
Dad, muffins are not bagels.
Now they are. Meeting saved.
Come on, Piper, we've got
a meeting of our own
in outer space.
Get ready for blast-off.
That's Wiley Riley, her brother Wayne,
and their vroom-mates
making a daring blimp escape
from the Motopolis jail two nights ago.
So the next time we're in the city,
we'll have to keep a lookout.
[Jayden] Who wants a snack?
-Man, who doesn't?
-Awesome sauce!
Is it me or do these bagels
taste muffin-y?
And time for the Tech Update.
All right, guys, listen up.
Sometimes, we gotta do
nighttime rescues, right?
-Of course.
As long as it's not past bedtime.
[Jayden] Only problem is,
it's hard to see at night.
Well, not anymore.
With my new Night Vision goggles,
you can see in the dark.
[all] Whoa!
Ooh, when can we try 'em out?
Right now.
I just gotta unlock the case and
[gasps] They're gone!
From a locked case?
Someone must've stolen them.
Who would do such a thing?
Take that, Space-Alien Zarg!
Oh, I know who.
That's unusual.
What's a hair clip doing
in our tree house?
Watch out, Piper!
Zarg the space alien has trapped us!
Now you do Zarg.
[evil laugh]
I've got you now, Captain Jazzy.
Zarg will rule the galaxy!
[Jayden] Jazzy.
Jayden, you wanna play, too?!
You can help us escape from Zarg's trap.
See, I got a plan.
When Zarg's not looking, we zap him!
-Where are my goggles?
-What goggles?
Come on, I know you stole 'em.
You're always taking my stuff.
Pssh, please.
Name one thing I've taken.
My headphones, my video games,
my tablet that one time,
my bagels this morning, and
Hey! My J-Merang just now!
I'm just borrowing it.
I was gonna give it back.
Like I did with your other stuff.
[Piper] You took my blaster!
Nice throw.
And the goggles?
I didn't take your goggles, okay?
If I did, I'd be using them
to fight the space aliens.
Come on, Piper.
-Maybe she didn't do it.
-Man, of course, she did.
But, look, I found a clue
at the scene of the crime.
A butterfly hair clip.
Jazzy wears hair clips sometimes.
Star and rocket ship hair clips.
Butterflies aren't her style.
And she said she didn't do it.
Y'all don't know my sister like I do.
You want proof she's the thief?
We'll catch her in the act
tonight with a stakeout
a Sleepover Stakeout!
Awesome! Yes!
A Sleepover Stakeout!
What's a sleepover stakeout?
A stakeout is when you watch
a place all night
waiting for a crime to happen.
We'll have a sleepover
in my bedroom tonight
and watch the tree house.
Where we're gonna put something so cool,
Jazzy can't help but wanna steal it.
Come on, Piston.
Oh, Jazzy, look.
My latest invention.
The Collapsible Trap-sible!
[gadget whirring]
Pretty cool, huh.
Guess we better go put
my sweet new invention
back in the tree house.
Now all we gotta do
is hook this up to an alarm
that'll go off when she tries to steal it.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayden] We wait up here
until the alarm goes off.
[imitates siren]
Race to the tree house
and catch us a thief.
And that is how our sleepover stakeout
is gonna go down.
So this isn't just a sleepover?
Well, I've done my share
of stakeouts back in the day.
And the hardest part is staying awake.
So it's a good thing we brought snacks.
Who are y'all trying to catch?
We can't share any details.
It's an active investigation.
Uh-huh. Well, have fun
on your "sleepover stakeout."
Don't stay up too late.
I have the distinct feeling
they think we're playing pretend.
Mm, doesn't matter.
We got a tree house to watch.
I don't know what your mom
was talking about, Jayden.
It's not hard staying awake.
Yeah, I'm not sleepy at all.
[alarm beeping]
[gasps] The alarm.
Wake up!
See that? Someone's in there!
I believe you mean Jazzy's in there.
Come on, let's roll, Firebuds.
[upbeat music playing]
Come on out, Jazzy!
I know you're in there!
Hold on a second.
These tire tracks have patterns
that don't match Piper's.
Or ours.
Which means someone else is here.
Aha! Caught you in the act, Jazzy!
We didn't steal anything.
We just heard a noise outside.
And went to make sure
your inventions were safe.
Yeah, safely stolen.
You know, Jayden, there are
some strange tire tracks
I'm tellin' you, Bo.
Jazzy is the thief.
Jayden, isn't that your
Ha. It trapsibled us!
No, I trapsibled you.
Wiley Riley!
And her equally important
vroom-mate Gauge!
She has your Night Vision goggles.
That's right.
Which made it so much easier
to steal your little trap thingy.
-Wait, you stole my goggles?
-Sure did.
I used one of my hair clips
to open the lock.
You mean this hair clip?
I was wondering where that went.
I told you I didn't do it.
But lucky for me,
your big brother didn't listen.
Come on, Gauge.
Let's see what other gizmos of theirs
can become gizmos of ours.
Later, taters.
Aw, Jazzy.
There were all these clues
but I didn't pay attention to 'em
'cause you took my stuff before.
Right. Borrowed.
You really hurt my feelings.
I know. And I'm really sorry.
Do you know why I borrow your stuff?
'Cause my stuff's mega-cool?
'Cause you're mega-cool.
Sometimes I just wish you'd play with me.
Like, hello, Jayden.
I'm right here and I could really use
some help defending the galaxy.
You think I'd stand a chance
against Flarg?
And he's easy to beat
if you can get the blaster
out of his hand.
[gasps] I know how to get us out of here.
What? How did you?
She took your J-Merang again.
Yeah, but when you consider the clues,
I think she's just borrowing it.
ZargI mean, Wiley!
What's that in your hand?
It's just the remote for the trap
you're all stuck in.
[grunts] Take that, Wiley!
Oh, nice shot!
Let's roll, Firebuds!
Got 'em! Jayden, go long!
Time to make our exit, Gauge.
-This exit is closed.
[gasps] My headlights are broken!
[siren wailing]
I can't see where I'm going!
But I can.
Gauge, get us outta here now!
I really wish I had thoseow!
Night Vision goggleswatch out!
Let's get 'em!
-[tires screech]
Sorry, Piper. You know we can't leave
the yard after bedtime.
We can ask Mom and Dad
to put out a an alert.
Thanks for saving us, Jazzy.
It's what I do.
Thanks for letting me
borrow your J-Merang.
[chuckles] Maybe you should hang on to it.
Might come in handy tomorrow
when we defend the galaxy.
[gasps] Welcome to the team,
Space Officer Jayden.
Well, the stakeout may be done,
but we could still finish the sleepover.
We do have plenty of snacks.
You two wanna join us?
I mean, we probably should.
I may have borrowed your favorite pillow.
[Carly] "Rescue Club"
[bell ringing]
Okay, Firebuds,
who's ready for the coolest
after-school activity of all time?
The Rescue Club!
-We are! You know it!
-All over it, B!
I am cautiously excited.
Hey, everyone! Am I late?
Oopsie! [chuckles]
Oh, hi, Firebuds!
Hey, Harry, Carly! What's up?
Oh, I'll tell you what's up, Bo.
I'm thinking about joining
the Rescue Club. [squeals]
-That's great.
-You too, Harry?
Oh, no.
I try to avoid danger.
Safety Club is more my thing.
Stopping accidents before they happen.
[sighs] If only the Safety club
and Rescue Club
weren't at the same time.
Have fun, Carly!
You too, Harry!
So, Bo.
What's the Rescue Club like exactly?
Oh, Carly.
It's like a dream come true.
When you hear somebody yelp ♪
Do you feel the need to go and help ♪
Then we have got the club for you ♪
Where rescuin' is all we do ♪
If you need to fight a fire ♪
Learn the skills that you'll require ♪
You will surely be inspired ♪
When you join the rescue club ♪
There's a cat stuck up a tree? ♪
Learn the way to set it free ♪
And there's so much more you'll see ♪
When you join the Rescue Club ♪
If you've got a heart that's daring ♪
And you're tough and brave and caring ♪
Then the Rescue Club's for you! ♪
Yes the Rescue Club's for you ♪
If you have the strength and speed ♪
And wanna save someone in need ♪
Then the Rescue Club's for you! ♪
Yes the Rescue Club's for you ♪
I've always had a yearning
To do good but never knew ♪
Just exactly what it was
I was truly meant to do ♪
But now thanks to all of you
It's finally clear to me ♪
A rescuer is what I'm meant to be ♪
'Cause I've got a heart that's daring ♪
And I'm tough and brave and caring ♪
Then the Rescue Club's for you ♪
Yes the Rescue Club's for you ♪
If you have the strength and speed ♪
I can save someone in need ♪
Then the Rescue Club's for you ♪
Yes the Rescue Club's for you ♪
The Rescue Club's for me! ♪
Yes the Rescue Club's for me! ♪
And best of all
you get this super-cool
decal when you join.
[Cinder] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
When who joins?
Bridget and I are the leaders
of the Rescue Club.
And we decide who joins and who doesn't.
Great! Then sign me up!
I think you're looking
for the Safety Club.
They meet over there.
[chuckles] No.
I want to join the Rescue Club
and be a daring rescuer like all of you.
But you're not a fire truck
or a police car or an ambulance.
You're just a tiny regular car.
I know.
What difference does that make?
Yeah. Carly wants to
help folks in trouble.
Isn't that all that matters?
But regular cars aren't built
to be rescuers.
I'm not sure regular cars
are even allowed to join.
Ahem. Technically, rule 615D:
"Any kid or vehicle
can join the Rescue Club,
as long as they pass the Rescue Test!"
Nice one, P!
Let me see that.
A Rescue Test?
It shows you can actually
perform a rescue.
In a pretend emergency, of course.
But I've never done a rescue before,
real or pretend.
Hm, Piston's right.
You can join the club, Carly,
if you pass the test.
So which one do you choose?
Which one?
There are three Rescue Tests.
The fire truck test, the police car test,
or the ambulance test.
Oh, uh well
Ooh, try the fire truck test.
Yeah, that's the one Flash took
to get in the club.
We'll help.
I choose the Fire Truck Test.
Oopsie, wrong way.
[laughs awkwardly]
Now Carly, for the Fire Truck Test,
all you gotta do is reach up to the top
of that burning building
Pretend burning building.
and save the mayor.
The mayor? Whoa, that's kinda high.
You have exactly one minute
to save that stuffed animal in distress.
Starting now!
-You can do it!
-Go Carly! Go!
Time's running out!
If only you had a ladder.
Yes! You're so close!
But not close enough.
Time's up.
Sorry, not in the club.
Wait. Can't Carly try
one of the other tests?
You usually only get one test.
Let her try the Police Car Test.
Yes, I could absolutely try
the Police Car Test.
What's the Police Car Test?
Your mission is to chase down
a getaway car.
Pretend getaway car.
And that would be me.
Now you have to catch this pretend thief
before she gets these
pretend stolen jewels
to her pretend hideout.
Got it.
So when do we start
Catch me if you can!
[tire screeching]
[upbeat music playing]
[scoffs] Is that all you've got?
She's catching up!
Get it, Carly!
What? Uh-uh.
No way.
Sorry. Still not in the club.
Hold on,
there's one more test she can try.
-The Ambulance Test!
-The Ambulance Test!
Okay, but this is the last one.
If Carly doesn't pass this test,
that's it.
For the Ambulance Test,
you have to pick up an injured wee-hicle
and take him to the hospital.
Pretend to be hurt.
Oh, right!
[clears throat]
Ow! My carburetor!
The pain!
On your mark.
Get ready.
Ow! Hurry!
Her trunk is just too small.
Maybe if I empty it.
Time's up.
Since you didn't pass any of the tests,
you can't join the Rescue Club.
Sorry. Some vehicles are made
to be rescuers and some aren't.
Come on,
there's gotta be some another test.
Thanks, Bo, but it's okay.
I'm probably better off
in the Safety Club anyway.
Now, those of us who are real rescuers
are about to do an earthquake drill.
So let's get ready to rumble.
Good one, Bridge.
[Bo] Carly, wait!
You can't give up!
Why not?
Cinder and Bridget are right.
I don't have a ladder like a fire truck.
I'm not fast like a police car
or big like an ambulance.
The truth is, I don't have
what it takes to rescue anybody.
That's not true.
Maybe you didn't pass any of the tests,
but you never stopped trying.
You never gave up.
Flash is right.
You may be a small car,
but you have a big, brave heart.
And that's what a rescuer needs most.
For this drill, I'm setting
our Earthquake shaker
to extra shaky!
During an earthquake,
everyone should stay put.
[Bridget] But afterwards
Rescuers are needed to help people
out of unstable buildings.
Rescuers who have all this.
So watch and learn as we show you
how to rescue the Mayor.
Cinder, look out!
[grunting] I'm stuck!
[Bridget] Help! Cinder needs help!
Oh, we better
I mean, you two better go.
Whoa! What happened?
The wall fell on Cinder
and now she's stuck with a flat tire.
I can squeeze in the gap there
and change her tire.
But the tools and spare tire
are too heavy.
You'll need a vehicle to carry 'em.
I'm too big to fit in there.
And if I'm too big,
Axl and Flash are definitely too big.
Ahh! Help!
Can't anyone help me change the tire?
-I can.
But you're just a tiny regular car!
I sure am.
And this tiny regular car
is just what you need right now.
I'm on it, Cinder.
Let's go.
There's Cinder's flat tire.
Here's the jack.
I have to go under there?
I can't.
What if the wall falls on me?
It's okay. I'll change the tire.
[dramatic music playing]
Yes, the tire's good to go!
We got the wall, Cinder!
You can drive on out!
-[straining efforts]
-Yes! Nice! Yeah!
-All right!
-Everyone's safe!
-[Cinder] Ha-ha.
I knew you could do it, Bridgie!
Did you see her save me?
It is no surprise.
That's why my vroomie's
the leader of the Rescue Club!
ActuallyI was too scared.
Carly changed your tire.
-You see, Cinder.
It doesn't matter if you have a siren,
or a ladder, or a crane
if you have the heart of a rescuer.
I'm sorry I doubted you.
Me, too.
And since you just rescued me
you have passed the Rescue Test.
Welcome to the Rescue Club, Carly.
What? [happy gasp]
Oh, wow, oh, wow!
I'm in the club!
I did it!
I knew you could.
-Carly! Carly!
-Oh, yeah!
-Excellent job!
-Awesome sauce!
So, fellow rescuers.
What's our next drill?
Avalanche rescue!
Let's do this!
-Can't wait!
-Ready to go!
[upbeat music playing]
[closing theme plays]
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