Fired on Mars (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Back in the High Life Again


Okay, I'm very excited
for you to see this,
Brandon, but I
I have to ask you
not to say anything
before you think
about it first, okay?
Let's please
just get to it.
[Keypad beeps]
Whoa. D.
What the hell is this?
Remember we agreed
to think, then say?
No. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
Ho! Wait!
Wait a minute.
We we made
a few improvements.
[Electricity crackling]

Was that an eel?
Dare, what the hell
is going on here?
I know the program
was officially mothballed.
we had some personnel
with extra time
on their hands, and, well
This is an important part
of our history.
It's a story
that needs to be told.
And frankly, Marsiversary
is the right time to tell it.
We'll get this sucker out there
on the floor
next to all the other
exhibits and shit.
I-I don't gotta tell you
that the board goes nuts
for this kinda thing, and
Tell me there's not a body
in there right now.
Not unless somebody snuck
in there while I wasn't looking.
I'm kidding, of course.
No, no meat
in the broth yet.
But it's looking good.
Real good.
You really are
one sick puppy,
aren't you?
Okay. You can have
your little showcase.
But if anything
goes wrong
any of your work slips
in even the slightest,
you're gonna be
in deep you know what.
Of course.
And no eels.
Eels were just
a "nice to have."
[Door slams]

["Behind the Mask" playing]

All along,
I had to talk about it ♪
But like a two-edged sword ♪
It cuts you and it stab me ♪
All along, I knew
you were a phony girl ♪
You sit behind the mask ♪
And you control your world ♪
Yesterday ♪
Knock, knock!
Oh, hey, Brandon.
I love this.
The artist at work.
Red like the planet?
Oh, well, yeah,
this is just the beginning.
See, the whole process
of crafting a creative con
You know what?
Never mind.
You work your magic
and Tee'll get his eyes
on everything Tuesday.
W-Wait, Tuesday?
Th That's in, like,
two days.
And Tee is
is getting eyes on this?
His people are super bullish
on Marsiversary.
Speaking of which, I wanna
flag something real quick
before you guys meet.
Uh, okay.
As you know, Tee is Falco's
son, which is great!
Because really at our core,
this is a family company
with family values.
Right. O-Okay.
I'm going to ask
that you not mention
that specific familial
relationship around Tee.
He earned his title
just like you and me, okay?
I mean,
the guy went to Vassar.
[Cellphone rings]
Of course. Of course.
[Cellphone ringing]
Seems like you're
a little preoccupied, pal.
You know, if this isn't
important to you,
we can find someone else
for the job.
No, no, no, no,
I'm I'm
Look, I'm just ready,
willing and able.
He's back,
ladies and gentlemen!
See you in two days, killer.
Two days, yeah, no,
that sounds good!
I'll get all this done
in two days.
[Cellphone ringing]
God dammit!
Comrade, this is your
senior confrere
Hubert Danielson.
Please see your inbox
for urgent assignment.
Top secret!
Over and out.

Hey, sorry, do you think
I could actually borrow
one of those

[Man clearing throat]
[Hocking, snoring]

So are we finishing up
in there, sir?
That's disgusting!

Abbas: Yes, this is
a heartbreaking setback,
but we will not retreat.
I assure you, we will leave
as soon as we are able
and not a moment later.
Where the hell
have you been?
There was a guy
taking a crap
in the shortcut
for, like, 20 minutes!
Jeff, do you have something you
want to share with the group?
Uh, no, sorry, continue.
As I was saying,
we stand at the precipice
of a new future.
With our water source secured,
it's going to be [clears throat]
really, really great.
I-I can tell.
So, unless there are
any important announcements,
I think we should
I take all of kale this month.
All of it for us.
Anyone ask where it is,
I say, "Small bug eat it all.
No kale this month.
Eat romaine.
But there is no kale.
There is no kale!"
Thank you, Di Wei.
Well, if that's all,
then let's
[Clearing throat]
Okay. Hubert?
Young Joffrey
has helped me
secure a decade's supply
of saltpeter!
We will be creaming ice,
curing meats,
and thickening soups
with reckless abandon!
No weak dribble
in the new world!
Our soup shall be thick
and our bellies shall be full!
Or we can make bombs
out of it.
Yes, Martin. Lovely.
Plowshares into swords.
Well[sighs] t-that's it.
We've all had a long day, so
So it seems you all got
some pretty exciting stuff
going down,
which is great,
and I just wanted to hop in
and tag on the end there
that things are busy
on my end, too.
I'm actually preparing
a tremendous number of songs,
which I believe
What is he
talking about, singing?
Singing a song?
I think we get the picture.
Thank you, everyone, I will
see you tomorrow, same time.
[Cellphone rings]

A token of my gratitude
for your troubles.
What the?
What have you got there?
Oh, nothing, it's just a, uh
a manual from Hubert.
Computer manual.
I know he can be a lot
all of this can be a lot.
But I'm glad
you're a part of it.
I'm glad you're here.
[Cellphone rings]
O-One sec.
Uh, I'm really sorry,
I gotta go do some stuff.
Oh, right.
The grasshoppers.
Shit. Yes. Grasshoppers.
Hey, guys, don't
don't worry about it.
Didn't forget ya.
[Door buzzes]

[Cellphone ringing]


[Jeff humming]
Time to spread your wings ♪
You're gonna do it ♪
Fly so bright,
you're gonna ♪
Good to see ya!
Hey, how are you today?
Well, well, well.
If it isn't the mayor
of Busytown himself.
Sound the fanfare.
C-Come on.
I'm not that busy.
Just too busy for turkey
and donuts with a dear friend.
Turkey and donuts?
I Oh, shit,
cheat day.
I-I'm sorry, Jax,
I completely forgot.
Hey, why don't we do something
cool later this week?
Just a real, all-time
classic bro hang.
Well, I guess we could grab
a couple of lattes on Thursday.
[Inhales sharply] I don't
actually mean this week.
I meant like
theoretically, you know,
more of an impromptu,
off-the-cuff style hang,
like maybe, you know,
hit me up in the a.m.
for lunch one day,
and I can see
if I have a pocket
of availability.
No, no promises, but
It's fine, dude.
I-I get it.
Big shot's got big plans.
I'll just go fuck off
and suck a dead dog's dick.
Suck a wha?
Hey, come on, man,
don't say that.
Hey, come on,
Jax, man.

Gentlemen and women.
This is Jeff.
He's been burning
that midnight oil
and has some killer material
to show us today.
Here, Jeff.
Grab a sando.
Oh, wh No, thank you.
I'm okay.
Brioche, bro!
Thank you.
I like this guy.
Look at this little freak.
Jeff, have you met Tee?
He's gonna be running point
on Marsiversary.
Uh, no, not officially
in person, though,
of course I know who, uh
you are and rather your
your position
and, uh, your your
your connection to
Yeah, you're
Yes. Great to meet you.
I can already tell this little
freak is gonna blow me
and the rest of us away.
Well, I-I sure hope so.
Though keep in mind this is
just an initial pitch, uh,
session just to kind of
get the ball rolling.
That that was
my understanding.
The the thinking behind this
is really just
the whole idea of Mars
being the
the new frontier, you know?
Kind of like San Francisco
back during the Gold Rush.
Or, uh, you know, Wall Street
in the 1980s.
Or, uh, you know, the tech boom
there in the, uh,
I believe, the uh, late '90s,
early 2000's, but
It's a simple riff, but I
believe it's a very strong one.
I feel like
I'm in an old-school
gas station.
I can hear those classic
cola bottles clinkin'.
Yeah, totally, totally,
save one of them for me.
It's like Americana
but Mars.
this is good.
This is good.
That's great, yeah,
because I actually think
there's a lot of possibilities
to expand on
Hey, sorry
I'm late, my boy.
T-2, what do you think
of all this?
Lemme get a look here.
Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.
Tee: Well?
That's a no for me,
muh boi.
This is too olden.
I'm sorry, why is Ted here?
You made this?
I did, actually,
and it seemed like everyone
was really responding to it
until kinda something took
the wind out of my sails.
Yeah, I I guess it is
pretty expected.
Kinda "first thought."
Do something vintage.
It's like yo!
Fuck vintage.
We need to create
something new.
I want to echo Tee. It does
feel a little old to me.
Because when
I think about it,
who was drinking those colas
in those glass bottles?
Racists, right?
This is making me feel
very uncomfortable.
Yo, yo, yo,
chill, chill, chill, chill.
I got something!
[Clears throat]
So like Soviet propaganda?
Because that's also pretty retro
and you just did tell me
that you didn't want
anything old, so I
War propaganda.
those designs,
but for good this time.
And none of these
dinky-ass drawings.
It should be detailed.
No empty spaces, you know?
and shit everywhere.
I'm talking next level,
baller level.
Like, I don't know
what the fuck I'm looking at
because my brain
can't comprehend this shit.
More is more
in this case, Jeff.
And Taz,
Taz should be in there.
The Tasmanian Devil.
He can be small.
Okay, cool,
well, thank you.
I-I think this is gonna be
a pretty big revise,
so we might have to
push out the dates a bit.
Yeah, no, we're firm
on the dates, bud.
Look, Jeff.
Just vibe with it, okay?
Have fun.
Take the notes
all of them
but make it your own,
you know?
Jeff style.
I wanna see that party boy
on the page.
A huh huh, jeah!
Hey, guys!
Sorry, sorry.
We had a serious
code brown in the WC.
Anything you wanna
tack on, Dare?
Uh no!
stellar work, Jeff.
A plus.
Even got a hot-air balloon
in there, I see.
Real classy stuff.
Oh, yeah, why don't a bunch
of corporate executives
tell the creative
professional what to do?
Yeah, that makes sense!
[Cellphone rings]
Just gotta go feed
these grasshoppers first,
thanks to my good friends,
the Buckys.
No problemo, guys.
Got plenty of time
for everything!
No, you just put it
on the to-do list
and let old Jeffrey boy
take care of it!
It's fucking crazy!
I mean, I'm losing it.
It's cuckoo cuckoo
cuckoo cuckoo!
Whoa, wait a second.

And that's how you beat 'em,
Jeffy boy.
They underestimate you
and then, boom,
you hit 'em
with the cuckoo clock rig.

Tee: Baller level.
Liz: Reappropriate
those designs,
but for good this time.
Brent: Brioche, bro.
Ted: And none of these
dinky-ass drawings.
Soda is racist.
Tee: Have fun.
I wanna see that party boy
on the page.

Abbas: the people in this
room are all we have now.
We all know how incredibly
dangerous leaving the colony is.
Very bold.
Well, I suppose I'll join you!
Anyone else?
I'm sorry, wait,
what are we?
This is a, uh
It's a vote?
I can't believe
we're doing this.
It's decided.
We leave in two weeks' time.
[People murmuring]
Sorry, Abbas,
if I could revisit
the that the vote
No, Jeff,
it makes perfect sense.
We're all behind you on this.
While the entire world
has their eyes
on the perverted carnival
of Marsiversary,
we will make our escape.
The anniversary
of this corrupt colony
will become the anniversary
of our new outpost for humanity!

Crystal: Jeff
Hey, Jeff.
Oh, hey.
What's up?
I was just, uh, wondering
if you're free tonight.
Like, for some Bucky job?
Just to hang out.
Oh. Yeah!
Uh, 5:30?
5:30 is good.
[Cellphone rings]
Actually, um,
can we do 6:00?
[Cellphone rings]
Or I'm sorry, 6:17?
You know we don't
have to do this.
No, this is great.
This is a great idea.
5:30 it is.
I'll see you then.
[Cellphone rings]

[Calliope music playing]


Brandon: Rise and shine,
rock star.
Oh, oh, hey, Brandon.
Just came by to tell you
that Tee loves, and I quote,
"da new stuff" and he didn't
use the word stuff.
He's so into it that he wants
to full on collab.
Um, sure yeah.
Hey, yo, get outta here,
Time to let
the players play.
Ear muffs!
Alright, I didn't hear
any of that.
I'm excited!
Well, I got a thing
at 5:30,
so that's my only, uh
Uh uh
uh Cuba!
Uh uh uh huh uh huh.
No, I
I'm good, thank you.
I already opened it.
Don't make me
double fist.
I'm not
a fucking alcoholic.
Open up dem j-pegs, boy!
Let's go nuts.
Let's actually go insane.
Uh uh uh uh uh, yeah!
Then I pulled down
his pants,
Zach comes around
from the back,
ice-blasted his nuts
with the air duster.
It was fucking brutal.
Japanese-grade prank, dude.
Yo, those guys are
fucking savage over there.
Here, let me pull up
some Japanese pranks real quick.
I-I think maybe we're losing
the thread here a little bit.
I feel you, I feel you.
Let's just start over
from the beginning.
Okay, yeah or or maybe
you send me some notes
and I take a crack at it
first thing in the morning?
It's it's just hard to even
think without beer, right?
Should we get more?
I mean, I'm not trying
to get drunk,
but I'm like, "Yo,
it's hard to focus."
Here, I'm gonna have that lil
robot bitch get us some more.
I-I can't.
I'm really sorry.
I have a thing at 5:30
that I really need
Really need
to re-schedule.
Yo, we're fucking deep
in the zone right now, bruh.
You don't fuck with
the flow state like that.
Yo, how do you spell
Uh, no.
I'm sorry, I'm done.
This is it for today.
I-I got a date
and I, uh
A date?
Fuckin' Jeffe!
Dude, you got pics?
From the back?
Uh, no
But I-I got to go, man.
Well, when you get
dem pickies,
let's do
a little switty-swap.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
Damn, you got me
all worked up.
I'ma have to go j.o.
right now.
Alright, man,
let's pound it out.
That was good work today,
I mean that, dawg.
Uh uh uh uh.

Hey, I want
to show you something.


[Birds chirping]

There you are.
Jeff: Hey, little guy.
The case.
what are you doing?
Grab the egg sac!
Come on!
That's a lot easier
with two people.
These eggs mean we can start
a new family of lizards
in our colony.
They produce a cryotoxin
that I think could help reverse
the effects of radiation.
Oh. Okay.

It's beautiful.
I mean, this place,
it does have its charms.
I am gonna miss
this part.
Don't you ever think setting out
to start our own colony
is, like, uh
completely crazy?
I'm just thinking
out loud here.
You know we're all scared?
It doesn't seem like it.
You'd have to be crazy
not to be.
It just feels like
maybe we can carve out
a life here
without starting from scratch.
We're not starting
from scratch.
We're stacked to the gills
with state-of-the-art equipment
and supplies.
We're taking these guys
for all they're worth.
God, I remember coming up here,
how full of hope I was,
and then it slowly
dawning on me.
I was just a cute,
little side project.
Dutifully running
my little experiments,
filing my results,
but this
It's all just for show.
No one cares
about this shit.
All they care about is
I don't know
corporate domination.
Or who even fucking knows.
I don't want my life
to be a charade.
I-I guess I'm just scared.
So we're scared.
So what.
Let's just be scared.

Oh, my God, Jeff.



Hey, Schwarzenegger,
watch the goods, alright?
[Grasshoppers chirping]

Oh, Jesus.
You clear the storage room,
I'll get the office.
Drives, documents,
grab anything that could
lead them to us.
Oh, my God, Jeff.
We're fucked.
We're totally fucked.

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