Flex x Cop (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[grass bugs chirping]
[mysterious music]
[doorbell chimes]
[Youngbum] Hello.
We're from a photographer's community.
We take your funeral photo for free.
[camera operating]
[Youngbum] Sir,
smile slightly.
[camera operating]
[Youngbum] Good.
Please get ready.
One, two.
[camera shutter sound]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[camera shutter sound]
[chattering in TV]
[doorbell chimes]
[Youngbum] Sir.
[dark music]
[door opens]
[Youngbum] Sir.
Your photo turned out very well.
[Youngbum] You like it?
[Youngbum laughs]
[Jaegeun] We prepared this for you.
I don't eat rice cake
[Byeongjin] because of indigestion.
[Jaegeun] Oh, then,
drink this sikhye
and take your time.
[Isoo] They're truly malicious punks.
[door opens]
[Byungsik] I told you not to touch it.
[yelling] What the hell are you doing?
I told you to show me the file.
I don't need your file
that says "accidental death" anymore.
Those three cases
are all robbery and murder cases.
- What?
- [Ganghyun] The third victim
was killed by nicotine injection.
The other two victims
also need an autopsy,
but it's impossible
because they were cremated.
How dare you
[tense music]
[Changun] What's going on here?
You both come to my room.
[door opens]
[Changun sighs shallowly]
Pass the case to her.
- What?
- You stabbed your senior's back,
so make sure to catch them.
You can go now.
Yes, sir.
[door closes]
She'll forget her place again.
[Changun sighs]
Hey, Byungsik.
Before emphasizing your seniority,
do your job properly.
Shame on you.
[door opens]
[Ganghyun] Let's focus on our job.
[Ganghyun sighs]
These bastards
will be caught by us.
[Kyungjin] But we have no clue.
No fingerprint was found.
[Junyoung] Though it's unlikely
to give us some clue,
let's dig into the nicotine first.
[Ganghyun] Call KCSI
and reexamine the site.
Hey, guys.
Just chase the great seal.
Even if it's a real one,
it won't show up
in such a short time.
Because it's a unique stuff.
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
If it doesn't show up,
we should go find it.
[tense sound effect]
[Jeonghun] I made an appointment.
Just go to the place.
[heavy music]
[Yoon] I'm Yoon.
[Isoo] You're so famous.
I heard you can find me anything.
From classic cars and unrecorded jewelry
to smuggled cultural properties.
I can find anything.
Only if you pay enough.
You don't have to worry about money.
what do you want?
[exhaling] Oh.
The great seal.
The great seal?
[Isoo] Yes.
My father ran for the mayor's election.
So, I want to prepare a gift for him.
You think if he has the seal of the king,
he'll be elected?
That's a good idea.
[Junyoung talking on the phone]
[Isoo inhaling]
[KCSI] Nothing special.
Oh, okay.
[Junyoung] Oh, yes.
That'd be hard. I see. Thanks.
[putting down the receiver]
[Junyoung] They can't check nicotine.
Nothing found at the scene.
[file thuds]
Nothing in the security cam footage, either.
[banging the desk]
[Isoo] Why are you guys so weak?
Don't give up. You got this.
We're in trouble.
Is it fun to you?
I'm thinking about beating you.
[Byungsik laughs shallowly]
What's so funny for them?
[door opens]
They're professional.
Let's search for the similar cases.
Search someone
who majored in photography
or was in a related community
with fraud convictions.
[Isoo sighs]
Investigation is such donkey work.
I thought it was a brain job.
you look into the community
using your brain.
[rhythmical music]
[Isoo sighs]
It will take forever this way.
Not forever.
Use your body for investigation
rather than your brain.
[quietly] She has such good hearing.
[Isoo tutting]
[Isoo] I'm leaving.
[Kyungjin] I'll get going, too.
[Ganghyun] Okay.
[Isoo] Good morning.
[slurping sound]
[phone vibrates]
[phone touching sound]
Mr. Yoon?
You found it?
[Isoo exhaling]
[phone touching sound]
[phone thuds]
[shallow sigh]
[Ganghyun] Why? What's up?
I found the great seal!
[solemn music]
It'll be in a secret auction at 2:00 a.m.
Exactly for one billion won.
[Kyungjin] One billion?
[Junyoung scoffs]
What's the secret auction?
How do they do that?
I don't know.
I don't know exactly,
but maybe it's only for someone special.
Like me?
[Junyoung] How can we prepare
one billion by 2 a.m.?
[Kyungjin] How about fake money?
[Ganghyun] It needs a GPS tracker.
Fake money would get caught.
Then, what do we do?
[Isoo scoffs]
[tapping the desk]
Hey, everyone.
I'm here.
[Kyungjin] You have one billion at home?
At the bank.
How can you withdraw that money
at this late night?
[exclaiming] You still don't know me.
[tires screeching]
[Isoo] Hello, president.
Sorry to bother you at this late night.
[banker] Don't say that.
You're always welcomed, Mr. Jin.
[shallow laugh]
[banker] This way.
[Ganghyun] Wait here.
[banker] One billion in cash.
[money bags thud]
[banker] Sign here, please.
[Jeonghun] Okay.
[Ganghyun] What kind of world
are you living in?
A world where most things are possible.
[getting the money bags]
Wow, you're amazing.
It's not a big deal.
[GPS beeps]
[phone vibrates]
- What's up?
- [Ganghyun] Mr. An.
The stolen stuff is up for auction.
The culprits will be there.
Come here and get them with me.
I'm busy. Hang up.
[call ending sound]
- Let's go.
- Okay.
[Team2 member] He's here.
[Byungsik] Hwang Heetae.
Where were you on September 23rd?
[Heetae] Jeez
Why do you always suspect me? Damn it.
[zipper opening]
I came back from Japan yesterday.
[passport opening sound]
[Team2 member] It's true.
[Heetae sighs]
[Heetae] Goddamn.
[scene change sound effect]
[bright music]
[Isoo sighs shallowly]
- Club?
- The secret auction will be held in here.
Let's go.
Hey, wait.
You can't get in there with that outfit.
You've never been to a club?
Gosh, wait.
[call starting sound]
Hello, ma'am.
Please open your shop now.
I'm around there.
I don't like my girlfriend's outfit.
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
[shop owner] Mr. Jin.
[Isoo] Hello. Sorry to bother you.
[shop owner] It's okay.
Please come in.
[upbeat music playing]
[people chattering]
We're on duty now.
You totally look like a detective on duty.
Your eyes look so scary.
[smacks lips]
When it's time, that elevator will open.
[Isoo] Behave naturally until then.
It's non-alcoholic.
[Isoo exclaims]
Now, listen to the music
and get into the rhythm naturally.
Like this.
Two, three.
[shallow scoffing]
Drop it, I'll pretend
to be an unhappy client.
You don't know how to dance?
[Isoo] Why haven't you
even learned dancing so far?
Try to do like me.
[Ganghyun] Stop approaching.
[heavy music]
[engine revs]
[upbeat music playing]
[people chattering]
What do you like?
You have any hobbies?
No, I don't.
You don't have anything fun
or exciting
that you want to do on weekends?
For me
Catching criminals is the most exciting.
I've once caught
a malicious criminal
who had been on the run for three years.
He was a game addict.
So, I pretended
to be a seller of rare items.
I fooled the fraud.
[laughing] When I handcuffed him,
he was freaked out.
I haven't found anything more exciting.
You should play with me for a while.
It's open.
[bottle thuds]
[radio operating]
We're going in.
[tense music]
[elevator dings]
[manager] Mr. Jin.
Is this what you were looking for?
It's brilliant.
[manager] This is the National Seal
of Korean Empire by Gojong.
The colorfully decorated dragon handle
is beautiful, right?
My father will love it.
He likes to act like a king.
[call starting sound]
[line ringing]
Mr. Park.
Bring the money.
Hey, Mr. Park.
[Isoo] What took you so long?
[Isoo tutting]
You tall and sloppy goop.
Put them down there.
[interesting music]
Yes, sir.
Oh, and
you want Americano, honey?
Prepare two Iced Americanos.
I'm thirsty.
[inhaling] What's with those eyes?
[Isoo] Wide open.
Open your eyes widely.
Yes, sir.
[Isoo] Okay, go.
That's my new secretary.
I'm still teaching him to be polite.
Jeez, what do I do with him?
[elevator button sound]
[Ganghyun clears throat]
You could be beaten by Junyoung someday.
I'm good at fighting.
And I've already kept one beat.
Junyoung has done boxing since he was ten.
He beat everyone in the Police University.
[Isoo scoffing] Boxing?
[shallow exclamation]
I wish I could show my muscles
[elevator dings]
inside this shirt.
Hey, wait.
Gosh, this is heavy.
[tense music]
[GPS beeps]
[door closes]
Are they moving?
No, not yet.
[GPS beeps]
[people chattering]
[engine starts]
[GPS beeps]
Kyungjin, to the back door!
[suspenseful music]
[Junyoung] Stop the car!
[tires screeching]
What's up?
Please get off for a moment.
[door opens and closes]
[Ganghyun] What's up?
They left it and ran away.
I knew it, things were going too smoothly.
[Isoo] Come on.
[tense music]
[manager] Did you forget something?
[Isoo sighs]
Give it to me.
[Junyoung and Isoo sigh]
[GPS beeps]
[GPS beeps]
[door closes]
[Isoo] What do we do now?
[Kyungjin] I don't know.
We lost one billion.
What? One billion?
Let's say I paid it for the National Seal.
[Kyungjin] Wow, you're so cool.
[mysterious music]
I don't know who they are.
[manager] The secret auction
is run anonymously.
The sellers and buyers are all anonymous.
We are the ones
who usually send the money,
but they wanted to come pick it up.
You don't know their faces
and numbers?
Then, how did they send the stuff
to the auction?
[shallow sigh]
There's a dark website run secretly.
We upload the information
about what a rich person wants.
And they call us.
They came here with the stuff yesterday,
[manager] but they
were covering their faces.
[shallow sigh]
[shallow sigh]
- We should return them. Keep them safe.
- Okay.
[packing equipment]
[Byungsik] Ganghyun.
You failed again?
Your face is saying, "loser."
[suitcase closes]
[Isoo] the meaning of "loser" has changed?
Doesn't it mean
a senior who blames his junior
after failing to get the culprit?
[Byungsik] Detective Jin,
don't interrupt here.
You know nothing.
[Byungsik] Why did such an excellent cop
like my junior
- miss the culprit?
- [Ganghyun] Yeah, it's sad.
Had her professional senior helped,
she could've caught them.
It's a shame.
Why should I?
I always want you to be embarrassed
after missing the culprit.
What the hell?
The bastards who killed three elderlies
are out there.
Do your feelings matter more than that?
I just don't want to see you
brag yourself and be promoted.
[Ganghyun sighs]
And I can't wait to see.
After I get the culprits and prove
that it's a serial robbery and murder case,
how will you be punished?
Punish? My ass.
Let's see.
Damn it.
[ Byungsik tutting]
[Junyoung sighs]
[fax operating sound]
The truck was a stolen one.
[Ganghyun] They used a stolen vehicle
and never showed their faces
on the security cam.
They even threw the GPS away and left.
They're very thorough.
It must not be their first time.
[Junyoung] No similar cases recorded.
[Byungsik] Let's go.
Team 2 is scanning
all the robbery convicts in Eunbu-dong.
[Junyoung] They can't catch them
in that way.
[Ganghyun sighing]
What if the culprits disappear
after this?
[Isoo] We'll make them appear again.
[solemn music]
Let's set a trap.
Dark website.
We could use the manager.
We tell them what we want--
And I'll find the stuff.
Oh, but we need an elderly.
We can't bring in a normal citizen.
It can be dangerous.
[Ganghyun] Someone old
who can cope with any situations.
We need someone like that.
[inhaling] Can we find the one?
[Isoo] We don't have much time.
If they stop contacting, it's all over.
[birds chirping]
I'm home.
[Hyungjun] You're home?
Jeez, this is tough.
[Hyungjun] You worked all night?
What's up?
Any problem?
[water pouring sound]
Do you think that's possible?
[Ganghyun sighs]
[Ganghyun] They've already killed
three people.
We need someone to be their bait.
Someone who is old
and brave enough to face the culprits.
Someone who could fight against them
when an urgent situation occurs.
You're the only one who can do this.
A bait?
[cup thuds]
[shallow sigh]
Please help me.
Hey, I'm still young.
Who would think of me as an elderly?
And I'm not a cop now.
I can't do that.
You are a cop.
No, I'm not. I'm a civilian.
I'm not a cop.
I'll get everything right
and let you get back to your job.
No way. It's all over.
[dark music]
Are you not upset about all of these?
[Ganghyun] You've devoted your whole life.
And you were unfairly convicted
and dismissed.
I'm so upset about it.
To see my respectable father
living like this
makes me so upset.
Hey, do you think my life is that humble?
[door closes]
[Ganghyun sighs]
[door creaks]
[clothes thud]
[mouse clicking]
[footsteps approaching]
[Isoo] Stop, stop. Hands off!
[interesting music]
[manager] What's up again?
[manager exclaims]
Don't get rid of the evidence.
We'll seize and search soon.
[Isoo gasping]
It's no use glaring at me. Just calm down.
It's none of your business.
Why not?
I need to catch the bastards.
Let's get to the dark web,
the secret site.
If you don't cooperate,
[interesting music]
I'll regard you as an accomplice.
[ID card thuds]
Goddamn it.
"A rich person is looking for something."
[keyboard clacking]
[Isoo] "Can you find it?"
[message sending sound]
[shallow sigh]
[alarm sound]
- Oh, oh. They read it.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- They read it.
[detective] Cyber Investigation Unit.
- [detective] We'll execute a warrant now.
- Hey, wait.
I'm Jin Isoo from Gangha Police Station.
Oh, the silver spoon. We know who you are.
What are you doing here?
I'm investigating a serial robbery case.
I need this computer right now.
Take other stuffs first, okay? Hurry up.
Hey, it's my team that reported this place.
[Isoo] Isn't it?
[quietly] You did what?
[Isoo talking]
[Isoo] Should I
show you my power?
I could call your chief.
[sighing] Phew, you have five minutes.
Search and seize other stuffs first.
Other stuffs?
What the
[detective talking]
- Where are you going?
- [manager] No, hey!
An elderly is keeping
a Goryeo celadon incense burner.
I told him to sell it
but he wouldn't.
[interesting music]
[alarm sound]
[Isoo] At any cost,
bring this stuff to me.
[pressing enter key]
[alarm sound]
[Isoo] I'll pay you double.
Two billion won.
[message sending sound]
[alarm sound]
[Jaegeun scoffs]
[Jaegeun and Youngbum] Two billion?
[Jaegeun breathing]
If you're not capable,
I'll find another team.
[Jaegeun scoffs]
[Youngbum laughing] Not capable? Bullshit.
[Jaegeun and Youngbum chattering]
[detectives arranging stuffs]
It's almost time.
Hey, unplug it now.
[Jaegeun] We'll do it.
Okay, it's done!
Unplug it now.
Keep up the good work.
[manager scoffs]
[picking up the phone]
[Isoo] What about your father?
[message receiving sound]
[Ganghyun] I failed to persuade him.
[shallow sigh]
- [Isoo] Hello.
- Hey.
[Isoo] Is Ganghyun here?
She's upstairs.
[Isoo] Upstairs? Thanks.
Ms. Lee, are you ready?
They took the bait.
[Ganghyun] What's up?
[Ganghyun] What are you--
[Isoo] What?
[loudly] Found the actor?
[bright music]
[Isoo] What? No one?
Jeez, what do we do?
They took the bait.
They're coming here soon.
[Isoo breathing]
[loudly] Sorry,
but I couldn't find anyone.
Our mission is failed.
[whispering] You're crazy?
What's with that poor acting?
[whispering] Why?
[Hyungjun] What about your mom, then?
[whooshing sound effect]
You know, I'm supposed
to be an elderly who lives alone.
So, what about your mom?
[staff] How about this font?
I like this Gothic font.
[bright music]
Make it larger.
We should make her excited.
- [staff] Like this?
- [Isoo] Great.
And what about the destination, sir?
[keyboard clacking]
[Isoo] Perfect.
[grass bugs chirping]
[Misook] Great job today.
[agent1] You, too.
- [Misook] See you next week.
- [agent2] See you.
[Misook] Take care.
[bright music]
What's this?
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my.
[Misook] Gosh, honey!
[door opens]
My goodness.
[Misook] Honey.
[Hyungjun] Yeah?
[Misook panting]
[Misook] Honey.
I can't believe this.
[Hyungjun] Why? What's up?
- Why?
- [Misook] I won
[Hyungjun] Yes?
a free travel ticket to Ulleungdo.
[Misook breathing]
[Ganghyun] Wow, really?
[Misook exclaims]
What's this?
[laughing] I can't believe it.
You always wanted to travel to Ulleungdo.
Gosh, hold on. Who am I going with? You?
- You want to go?
- I should work.
[Hyungjun laughs]
You want to go, honey?
No. I'd get seasick.
[Misook exclaims]
Go with Auntie.
- Right, I can go with Mijin.
- [Hyungjun] Good.
[call starting]
[Hyungjun] Wow, amazing.
Hey, Mijin. It's me.
[Hyungjun exclaims]
Let's go to Ulleungdo.
[Hyungjun laughs]
[Misook] I'll pay for everything.
[Ganghyun laughs]
When? As soon as possible.
Hey, you'll be late.
We can eat well without you.
[Misook] It's almost done.
[Misook sighs]
Gosh, I'll be late.
[Misook breathing urgently]
- I'm leaving.
- [Hyungjun] Okay, go.
- Take care.
- [Misook] Okay.
Did you pack your sneakers
and hiking boots?
[Misook] Oh, my.
[Hyungjun] How sloppy.
My sunglasses.
When that gets cold--
Okay, we'll handle it. Just go.
- See you.
- [Hyungjun] Okay.
- Bye.
- [Ganghyun] Enjoy your trip.
- [Hyungjun] Call me when you get there.
- Okay.
[Hyungjun] See you.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[door lock beeps]
[Ganghyun sighs]
[mellow music]
It's done?
Do I look weird?
You're handsome.
[Hyungjun laughs shallowly]
I look just like my father.
[Hyungjun sighs shallowly]
[birds chirping]
[Junyoung grunts]
[Junyoung] Why is this punk
living across from Ganghyun's house?
Good for us.
We can stake out nearby.
[doorbell chimes]
[door opens]
- [Kyungjin] Hey, Isoo.
- [Isoo] Hey.
[Kyungjin] What's all this?
[Isoo] Have you eaten?
[Kyungjin] No.
[Isoo] Have some.
[luggage thuds]
[shallow sigh]
What's all this?
We don't know how many days it would be,
and there's nothing to eat here.
Have some.
Can't you just stay quiet--
Okay. It's enough. You can go.
We have to work.
Hey, they're still setting the food.
[Ganghyun] Are we here for a party?
We're staking out.
[door closes]
At what point
[door lock beeps]
is she upset?
Kyungjin, get me the battery.
[Kyungjin] Okay.
[opening Velcro]
[cup thuds]
[zipper opening sound]
Isn't that too obvious?
Nobody will notice it.
[sighing] Whatever.
[door opens]
[Junyoung] Excuse me.
[door closes]
Oh, long time no see.
It's me.
Oh, I failed to recognize you.
[Hyungjun laughs]
[Hyungjun] It's been a while.
How've you been?
[Junyoung] Good. How are you?
Thank you for helping us.
[Hyungjun] I'm not sure that it'd help.
Keep working.
You've not seen it for a while, right?
[Hyungjun] No.
[Junyoung] I think it's done.
- I'm off.
- Okay.
Good luck.
[door opens]
[interesting music]
What about me?
[interesting music]
No gun for me?
Do you know how to use it?
[scoffing] Gosh.
I'm a marksman.
My name is--
I know. You're good at everything.
But I'll never give you a gun in this life.
[sighing] What the
[Kyungjin exclaims]
Look at you.
You're enjoying it after getting so mad.
Someone should eat it up anyway.
That tastes better with this.
[lid closing sound]
[Ganghyun exclaims]
This is so good. Hey, put it more.
[Ganghyun] Come and have some.
[lid closes]
I'm fine.
[Ganghyun] This is really good.
He must be hungry.
[shallow exclamation]
[Isoo] Hey.
Eat before sleeping.
[interesting music]
[Isoo] Can't believe
I'm cleaning by myself.
[putting down sound]
[dusting off the clothes]
[Kyungjin] Here's kimchi.
[Isoo] Oh, I've never opened that.
[Junyoung] Oh, kimchi.
Kimchi is a must with noodle.
[everyone slurping]
[Junyoung clears throat]
Where did you get this?
It's by my mom.
It's well done.
[Ganghyun sniffing]
[doorbell chimes]
[Isoo] Oh.
- [Isoo] Who's that?
- A friend of my mom.
Maybe she came to share
produces from her field.
[Isoo] At this early morning?
She's so diligent.
Junyoung never eats my food,
but he takes a shower in my house.
[Ganghyun] It's his morning routine.
How do you know that?
[door opens]
Because we're friends.
[door closes]
[Junyoung] Not yet?
[Isoo clears throat]
[shallow sigh]
[tires screeching]
[tense music]
[Ganghyun] They're here.
[Junyoung] Right. Those two.
- Get ready.
- [Kyungjin] Okay.
[doorbell chimes]
[Youngbum] Hello.
We're from a community
that takes your funeral photos for free.
Open the door, please.
[door opens]
[Jaegeun] Hello, sir.
What did you say?
We take funeral photos for free.
- For free?
- [Jaegeun] Yes.
Where do you take it?
Oh, we'll take it in your house.
- Here?
- [Jaegeun] Right.
[Youngbum] Yes.
- Come in.
- [Jaegeun] Okay.
[sharp sound effect]
[handcuffs rattling]
[Hyungjun] Oh, you did? Come in.
[Jaegeun] Okay.
[Hyungjun responds]
[door closes]
- [Jaegeun] Sir.
- [Hyungjun] Yes?
Your house is very nice.
[Hyungjun] Don't say that.
Living here alone sucks.
[Hyungjun] When you live alone,
these are all burdens.
-By the way,
I'm still young.
Aren't I way too young
to take a funeral photo?
[Youngbum] It's good
to prepare it in advance.
You're getting old anyway.
We take it at home for your convenience.
- [Hyungjun] Then, should I?
- [Jaegeun] Yes.
[Hyungjun] So, where?
[Jaegeun] Well,
this site looks good.
- Here?
- [Jaegeun] Yes.
[Hyungjun responds]
[Hyungjun] Okay.
[Hyungjun breathing]
We'll set the camera and stuff.
You can sit here and wait.
[Hyungjun] Oh.
- Setting? Okay.
- Yes.
[Hyungjun] Okay.
Do I need to get changed? Wear a suit?
No, you're already nice.
- [Jaegeun] He's right.
- Really?
[Jaegeun laughing] Yes.
Don't I have to wear a suit?
[Jaegeun] No, you look very nice now.
[Hyungjun] Really?
[opening Velcro]
[Jaegeun] We didn't know what you'd like,
so we prepared various food.
- [Hyungjun] What's this?
- [Jaegeun] Rice cake
and delicious sikhye.
[Youngbum] Elderlies living alone
can't eat well.
So we prepared some food.
[laughing] Gosh.
[Jaegeun laughs]
[Jaegeun] This is made by my mom.
[Hyungjun responds]
It'll taste really good.
They'll kill him right now.
- [Jaegeun] Try it.
- [Hyungjun] Okay.
[Jaegeun] Yes.
[Hyungjun laughs]
Keep working.
[Jaegeun laughs]
[Jaegeun whistling]
[shallow groan]
[tense music]
[Youngbum gasps]
What the hell? Jaegeun!
[Youngbum and Hyungjun grunt]
[Youngbum grunts]
[door opens]
[Junyoung] Freeze! Police!
[Jaegeun] What's that?
- Don't move.
- [Junyoung] Stay put.
[Hyungjun groans]
Drop the syringe.
Drop it!
What the hell!
[sharp sound]
Drop the gun.
Drop the gun!
[Jaegeun breathing]
[Jaegeun breathing]
Back off.
[Hyungjun breathing]
[breathing shakily]
[Jaegeun breathing]
Back off!
[Jaegeun groans in pain]
[Hyungjun shouts]
[suspenseful music]
[Youngbum groans]
[Isoo exclaims]
[Youngbum groans in pain]
[Hyungjun breathing]
[heavy breathing]
You do it.
I'm exhausted.
[holding out sound]
[Jaegeun groans]
Get him up.
Junyoung, get him up. That's it.
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
Take them.
[Isoo] You bastards.
You're Youngbum, right?
[Jaegeun] I'm Jaegeun.
- [Isoo] You are? You're Youngbum.
- It hurts.
You're overreacting.
[Jaegeun groans in pain]
What did you do with that sikhye?
Oh, that.
[Hyungjun] I spit it out.
[cup thuds]
I struggled
not to drink it.
You did a great job.
[mellow music]
You, too.
You said you're not a cop.
But you still have that sense.
I have sense?
Let's clean up.
If your mom sees this, she'll kill us.
[Hyungjun] Hurry up.
[Hyungjun exclaims]
[Hyungjun] Why didn't you all
take off your shoes?
[shallow laugh]
[siren wailing]
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
[bright music]
[door closes]
I didn't do anything wrong.
Please go easy on me, okay?
Youngbum did all this.
I didn't do anything.
What the hell? You fucking punk.
Hey, think about it. I didn't do anything.
You handled the syringe.
I did nothing.
Please help me out. I'm so scared.
[keyboard clacking]
Fine, report it like this.
An, you got a complaint
from the bereaved families.
Get prepared
for a disciplinary committee.
[shallow sigh]
- Mr. An.
- What? Why?
[Ganghyun] You announce it.
- What?
- Let's say we caught them together.
[Ganghyun tutting]
It's a bribe.
you should do me any favor
when I ask you.
[bright music]
[Junyoung] It's 142-3, right?
[handcuffs rattling]
Yes, it's three.
Check it and call me back.
[putting down the receiver]
[Jaegeun groans]
[Isoo breathing]
[Jaegeun groans]
[handcuffing sound]
[shallow sigh]
[message receiving sound]
[Younghwan] It's urgent.
Please come quickly.
[Younghwan] Come here.
What's up?
[Isoo exclaims]
This is huge.
[Isoo] What's up?
[soft music playing]
[Younghwan] Barabam.
[laughing] I worked hard to invite her.
Ms. Han Yura.
She'll be on our movie this time.
Oh, hello. I'm your
I'm your fan.
I've heard so much about you.
Should I call you "CEO Jin?"
- Oh, come on.
- Don't be like that.
Have a seat. Come on. Quickly.
Sit down.
[Younghwan laughs]
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
I thought something happened.
Something happened.
We're meeting Ms. Han.
[awkward breathing]
[Younghwan] He's a big fan of you,
- so he's shy.
- [quietly] I'm your fan.
[shallow laughs]
Excuse me for a second.
[Isoo] Yes, of course.
[Younghwan] Hey.
[Isoo sighs]
Why are you so shy?
I prepared it for you as a surprise
because you're her fan.
Me? You punk.
[tutting] I'm busy.
[Younghwan] Hey.
Have a drink.
I quit alcohol.
[Kyungjin] It's more generous than before.
[Ganghyun and Junyoung] Thanks.
[Ganghyun] You all did a great job.
Let's keep up the good work, Team 1!
[Junyoung and Kyungjin] Cheers!
[soft music]
[exclaims shallowly]
Did you see
Mr. An's face?
[Kyungjin] It looked like shit.
That's exactly right.
[Junyoung laughs]
[Byungsik in TV screen] We'll report
the investigation result
for Eunbu-dong robbery and murder case.
Violent Crime Investigation
in Gangha Station
investigated the case in Eunbu-dong
[Byungsik talking]
Why didn't you smash him?
It's no use smashing the senior.
It's better off
getting along well with them.
[Byungsik in TV] They killed the victims
and made it look like an accidental death.
Go Youngbum and Park Jaegeun
are under arrest.
After a thorough investigation,
- [Junyoung] Good.
- they'll be indicted.
[Younghwan] When it's released,
you'll be a superstar.
[soft music playing]
Going up and up,
and you get to the top!
[Younghwan laughs]
What do you think?
- Yes, it's--
- He says I'm right.
[Isoo] Right.
[Younghwan] Cheers.
[phone alarms]
Have a drink.
[glasses clink]
[Younghwan laughing]
[message receiving sound]
[Ganghyun] Aren't you joining
the team dinner?
I'll get going.
It was nice to meet you.
See you later.
Good luck to your shooting.
Good luck! I'll send a coffee truck.
[Isoo] I'm paying for this.
[Younghwan] Hey.
Coffee truck?
A snack truck will be better.
Why not?
[Junyoung and Ganghyun talking]
[Kyungjin exclaims]
[Ganghyun] Where were you?
I had something urgent.
[Ganghyun] Sit down.
[Isoo] Why are you eating
in a place like this
after our great success?
I could take you somewhere better.
[Kyungjin] Isoo.
Here is the best place in this town.
[Isoo clears throat]
- Is it rare?
- Yes.
This is good.
[Ganghyun] Have a drink.
[Isoo] Hey, stop, stop.
[Ganghyun blows]
[Ganghyun laughs]
[Isoo exclaims]
[Ganghyun] Cheers.
Cheers, Team 1!
[Isoo murmurs]
[Kyungjin and Ganghyun] Cheers!
[Ganghyun] Junyoung.
Do it.
For Team 1
and Plus One.
- Plus One?
- Hey, make it quick.
Everyone, cheers. Cheers!
[Ganghyun] Cheers!
[Kyungjin, Isoo, and Ganghyun exclaim]
[soft music]
- [Isoo] Cheers.
- [Kyungjin] Cheers.
[Isoo] I'll make it like
[Isoo shouts]
[Everyone laughing]
[grass bugs chirping]
- [Ganghyun] Bye.
- [Isoo] Bye.
Great job.
[inhaling] I didn't hear you.
[shallow laugh]
[door opens]
[shallow laugh]
[door closes]
[dark music]
Aren't you busy? Why are you here?
Why did you
move here?
To make you upset.
It seems that I made it.
Move out.
I'll find you a new house.
You feel uncomfortable
that I'm living here?
Does it remind you
of a woman you kicked out?
My mom, who loved you
but was kicked out
before dying while raising your son alone?
Shut up.
[Isoo] I'll stay here.
You can never change the fact
that this house is mine.
It's yours?
You're using Hansu Group
working as a police officer.
[Myeongchul] You think it's different?
[shallow scoffing]
Whatever you do, you're my son.
- That never changes.
- Yes.
I could never forget it.
Because everyone was saying
I'm an illegitimate of Hansu Group.
So, I'm behaving myself
working hard as a cop.
It'd be helpful for your election.
I'll keep taking advantage of Hansu
for catching criminals.
Think of it as compensation
for you to use me.
[shallow sigh]
[birds chirping]
Honey, I'm home.
[bright music]
- Come out.
- [Hyungjun] Why didn't you call me?
[Misook] Mom is home.
[Hyungjun] What did you buy?
What's all this?
[Misook] There were
so many things to buy.
- [Hyungjun] Yeah?
- [Misook] Squid, seaweed,
and some other things
plus pollack roe.
[Hyungjun exclaims]
[Misook] You love it.
[Hyungjun] Oh, gosh.
[Hyungjun exclaims]
Mom, you're home.
[laughing] Yes.
[Ganghyun] Oh, pollack roe?
Wow, white pollack roe.
Looks yummy.
[Hyungjun] Great.
Let's have a nice meal with it.
[Misook laughing] I knew he would like it.
[Ganghyun] How was Ulleungdo?
It was absolutely fantastic.
I travelled alone with Mijin
in such a long time.
[Ganghyun] Great. And you did it for free.
Yes, that's awesome.
[Ganghyun laughs shallowly]
[Hyungjun talking]
[Misook] What's up with him?
[Misook] He looks so happy.
Something good happened to him?
Nothing special.
[reporters chattering]
To get votes from the youth,
a special lecture
or a town hall meeting would be good.
[announcer in TV talking]
Okay. Pick some good places for it.
[announcer] It was Detective Jin
of Hansu Group.
Reporter Oh Seungyeon is reporting.
[reporter in TV] Jin Isoo,
the second son of Hansu
arrested the serial murderers
and donated the National Seal of Korea
that was missing.
The National Seal that Jin donated
is a cultural property of Joseon Dynasty
that's been missing since the Korean War.
[reporter talking]
Since he became a cop
I feel Isoo has changed.
[announcer in TV] A rich son
known only as an influencer
[mellow music]
is now known
as fulfilling "Noblesse Oblige,"
which became the talk of the town.
[realtor] The toilet is located
at the end of the hallway.
Jeez, there's a lot of flyer sheet.
[door lock beeps]
This place is on sale at a good price.
It's spacious and bright.
What's really good is
that it has a garage.
They left some stuff here.
[realtor tutting]
The owner will clean them up.
[realtor] Come see inside.
It's spacious, right?
Jeez, they even left these stuffs.
[heavy music]
[guest1] Hey, ma'am.
Someone collapsed here.
There's a man.
[guest2] That's a man.
[heavy sound effect]
[realtor breathing heavily]
[siren wailing in distance]
[closing theme]
Subtitle translation by: Hyeryung Kim
You don't know him?
[Isoo] Choi Seonu, the CEO of SW SOFT.
[Jiwon] I've never seen this.
Died from dehydration.
There were water bottles.
An IT legend died like this?
[Kyungjin] I found out
who talked last with him.
Seo Yukyung, a famous psychiatrist.
He was in panic.
[Yukyung] Said someone would kill him.
[Seonu] What do you mean?
Please stop it.
Cho Sunggu blackmailed the president
to charge him for embezzlement.
[Isoo] It'll be a difficult case.
It's interesting.
Hiding in Cho's house.
[Ganghyun] It's not about the culprit.
You act too dangerously.
- Jin.
- To the 1st floor.
[Ganghyun] Hey!
I'm Hong Euna.
[funny music]
I'm Jin Isoo.
[Euna scoffs]
Let's just stop it.
[Euna] Stop what?
It's me who decides to stop or not.
Only I can break our relationship.
Okay, then. You decide.
Ditch me.
- What?
- Please say, "Let's break up."
What a crazy bastard.
[people chattering]
[Euna] Let go.
- [Euna] Get off of me.
- I knew this.
[Euna screams]
[Isoo] Hey, there. Stop recording.
[Euna screams]
[Euna] Stop it!
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
Edited by TTEOKBOKKIsubs
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