Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom.
Guess how I'm feeling.
Actually, I'm really chill.
No. I'm super nervous.
In two days, we have a skate test,
and whoever can't perform
a Front Style Ollie 180
will fail this term.
I almost have the hang of it.
I just have to take a deep breath,
sleep well, and practice all day tomorrow.
I'll use your trick to sleep.
Counting penguins.
One penguin, two penguins,
three penguins, four penguins,
five penguins… I'm off to bed.
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
Noa, remember those puppies
that harass me outside of school?
They're not harassing you,
they just want to play.
Play? They throw me to the ground,
lick my ears,
they even laugh at me!
-Dogs don't laugh.
-Those do. At me.
And since that won't change,
I'm taking matters into my own hands.
-You called the pound?
You know
I'm a big believer in rehabilitation.
I'll take care of their hygiene.
Vitamins for puppies, shampoo, a brush.
And for the smallest one…
Isn't that cute?
If they're going to drool all over me,
they should be clean.
Mutts! Get out of there!
Always taking the trash!
You never leave me anything!
I make face masks with watermelon rinds.
This skin doesn't come easy!
Did you hear that? Noa?
-Why am I sweating?
-You didn't sleep well?
My foolproof trick has failed me.
Noa! Don't forget tomorrow's test.
Thank you, Kev.
With you, that's impossible.
And now I'm too tired to practice.
And too nervous to sleep.
-Is it bad, doctor?
-Let me think.
Hey, Charlie, want one?
That's it! Whenever an apple
hits a genius, it produces a great idea.
Why are you still here?
You can't be here during lessons.
I'll explain it.
Follow me, I've invented a super smoothie.
-The coast is clear. Let's go.
-This is exciting!
If Matías catches us,
we're off to the principal's office.
And goodbye tests!
Isn't that awesome?
Yeah, sure. Okay, come on.
We need fruit and a blender.
Wow! This is just
what a man of a certain age needs.
Now I know what you felt in Antarctica.
Come on, grab this fruit.
-This one?
-Grab both of them.
Let's go.
A smoothie?
I don't want to rain on your parade,
but that's already been invented.
The key thing here is the right mix.
That's why this one's special.
And now the masterstroke.
A drop of maple syrup.
I love it!
-Is that all?
-The secret is the proportion, my friend.
It definitely needs banana.
maple syrup
-Did you add more syrup?
Oh, Noa. I'll have to add more banana.
I give you… the Test Smoothie!
Drink this and come back to life!
Sorry, I got too excited. Here, drink it.
So? How do you feel?
How do I feel?
I feel hungry. I feel very hungry!
Hey, that's for the dogs!
For Darwin's sake!
Now, instead of a friend I have a pet.
Noa, you scared me there.
Luckily, you're calmer now.
You can't go out
until the effects wear off.
What effects? I'm doing fine.
Sure, absolutely normal.
If you leave this room as a she-dog,
you'll get chipped and I'll get suspended.
Get it? No, shoo!
Good girl.
I'll have to find a solution
or I see myself walking you
with those plastic bags.
I mean, wow, I feel great.
Nothing can stop me.
Hey, watch out! What's going on here?
You move!
Oh, no, sorry, you always have to be
in the center or you die.
Excuse me?
Ruby, step aside, honey.
They can't see me.
Thank you.
Look, Noa, I'm telling you something.
Hands up if you're interested
in what Raquel has to say.
What's wrong with her?
I have no idea,
but she has a really cool dog tail.
Let's think about this.
She's being rude, doing what she pleases,
setting trends with the tail.
If we add your stare, she'd be your clone.
-That one.
-That's it, Ruby.
You're right for once!
She's so jealous she wants to be like me.
That's mean. Oh, just like you.
I have the antidote
to turn Noa back into Noa.
That's why I have a nameplate
in binary code.
I said I made new friends.
How did you get out?
Why do you have a dog tail?
Amazing, right?
It gives me stability on curves.
Apart from that, I barely notice it.
You have to drink this
to go back to being yourself.
But why is this bad?
Hey, the show-off is here.
I know what's going on.
You want to be like me.
Like you?
And believe climate change is cool
because the ice will melt
and there will be more beaches?
-For example.
-I'd love to be like you.
But what would I do with my brain?
Oh, yeah? Well, my tail is prettier.
Yours is fake.
Mine is authentic.
I'm sick of your nonsense.
You won't come back for two days.
In my office!
Noa, you have to drink this.
Sleeping Beauty? You've slept all night.
-How are you feeling?
What did you give me yesterday?
I felt like I could do
anything I set out to do.
I felt powerful. Is there any left?
-I'm sorry, no.
Just for today. I have to nail the exam
or I'll fail this term.
Don't you see?
Noa, I've seen dogs
drinking from toilet bowls.
Is that the future you want?
Right. Being a monster isn't worth it.
Even if it makes me
the best skater in the galaxy.
-Give me more!
-Just for the test!
-Noa. Trust me. Trust yourself.
You just have to be yourself.
-Is everything okay?
-I miss the tail.
But, yeah, I'm okay.
Good job.
Noa? You're up next.
Noa, you almost…
got an A.
You fell, but you got back up.
And you kept on working
to reach your goal.
You might not be the best,
but you didn't give up and that's great.
-You have a B-plus.
-A B-plus!
You did it! And without help.
Well, having you by my side
is always a great help.
Whose tail is the longest now? Huh?
Raquel, this is--
What is that? Raquel?
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