Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (2011) s01e06 Episode Script

A Secret That Cannot Be Told

Flower Boy Ramen Shop
Episode 6
Can you give Ahjussi one of those?
Thank you.
Excuse me.
The shop
Take good care of me.
Yang Eun Bi!
Cha Chi Soo!
Wh why are you?
Are you crazy?
I said are you crazy?!
Park Chi Soo!
What's with you?!
What's wrong with you?!
Hey, what's this?
Oh, blood?!
Turn your head slowly.
Put pressure on this, okay?
Just like my wife.
Sheesh! Chi Soo are you crazy?!
You're the one who's crazy!
Why in the world did you follow me
all the way here?
Why in the world are you doing this to me?
I was about to ask you
why you are doing this to me.
upside down your strong point?
Me? What have I done?
What have I ever done to you?
I told you I'll quietly go down my own path!
But why did you follow me all the way here?
It's you I have to ask,
why are you doing this, Cha Chi Soo?
Go down your own path?
Do you even know where you are going?
- Where? Where are you going?!
This crazy woman!
Intern, come to your senses.
Do you think a woman who got fired here
would be accepted there?
If you take these drugs and depart,
do you think your father will like it,
you crazy woman?
Even memorial halls
check for status nowadays?
Memorial hall?
I got fired, I have no money.
After buying medicine and train tickets,
to buy my dad some flowers.
to a memorial hall to see her dad?
So a jobless person
Oh, that's terrible.
- Excrete
- Cha Chi Soo, let me ask you.
Why in the world did you follow me
all the way here?
There must be some reason
Say it.
And, you
You wanted that, that much?
What's up with him?
Where is he going?
How can he run off with the medicine?
What a whiner, for a person
who has hogged all the height in the world.
All the cuteness too?
By the way, you and Cha Chi Soo
are acquaintances?
Rather than acquaintances
Why would he suddenly hit
such a lackadaisical person?
Actually, why would he get on the train?
Actually, why would he get off here?
He probably has something to see here.
Something to see?
Cha Chi Soo?
Ji Yeon, Daddy is going to get the car.
- All right?
- Okay.
What are you doing?
Hey, little girl
The number you dialed is not available,
please leave a message after the tone.
Sorry, but one more call
A caramel macchiato and a cappuccino.
That will be 6,500 won.
The number you dialed is not available,
please leave a message after the tone.
Go Hyun Woo, if you hear this,
quickly get here and pick me up.
A As for where this is
This is
Oh, this is Min Dung San.
Hurry up and come.
Right now!
Thank you.
- Ahjussi, are you a beggar?
- What?! I have a home in Seoul.
What's more, it's in the center of Kangnam.
But then why are you here?
Well, about that
Ji Yeon.
Where did the Pororo blanket go?
And the Pororo gum?
You gave it to that man?
But who is he?
A beggar with a strong pride
[Chapter 6: An Unspeakable Secret]
For hurting you here,
Live well, Cha Chi Soo,
just as you live now.
Like you've got
the whole world in your hands,
keep living perfectly like that.
all this while.
We won't see each other again.
[Student Teacher
Name: Yang Eun Bi]
What's that?
Go Hyun Woo.
If a person suddenly does something
what does it mean?
What is the person doing?
Well, like if they start
Ah, So Yi is trying to lose weight again?
No, not that kind of exercise.
You know the kind that you
Hitting the ball downwards like this,
then it bounces off and flies up,
There is such an exercise?
suddenly apologizes and wishes me well,
what does that mean?
Could it be
the person is going somewhere?
Going somewhere?
[Selling this tiresome shop!!]
Yup, like on a long vacation or something?
Gong Chi Soo.
I said it's Cha Chi Soo.
Next topic What is this?
Why is the shop for sale?
There is suddenly no need for it.
Intern I mean what about your wife?
I wonder
What is this, she got dumped again?
Where is Intern now?
Probably in a happier place by now
What about you, Cha Chi Soo?
Are you happy?
Because you are Cha Chi Soo
For you to even ask Cha Chi Soo
that question
You might as well ask for my blood type,
like girls do.
And what type is that?
Probably like on a long vacation
or something.
Probably in a happier place by now
Live well Cha Chi Soo.
all this while.
We won't see each other again.
Intern! Intern! Yang Eun Bi!
The number you dialed is not available.
Please leave a
Seriously, Intern!
Go Hyun Woo.
If a bum in her twenties got fired
and then dumped by a guy
starts doing and saying
then throws away things that are important
to them, and goes away on a long vacation
What kind of vacation
is that person going on?
I wonder
It's either a mind cleansing vacation or
That kind of thing
What do I do?!
Oh, what?
Yang Eun Bi. Yang Eun Bi. Yang Eun Bi.
Oh! Hey! Hey!
Oh, Dong Joo.
I ran out of battery just now,
so it was off.
I left the civil service exam books
in front of the shop.
Take them and sell them
to the used books store.
Then re-buy some revision books for me.
Hey! You have so much money
and are even marrying off well;
My cell phone
What can I get you?
Wow, your face is full of prosperity.
- What is full?
- Excuse me
10 minutes, just 10 minutes.
A really important life
The woman who just come in, the one
with the sturdy arm, where did she go?
Ahh, that woman.
She most likely
is getting on the train soon.
Ahh, train
Excuse me, but what medicine did she buy?
Why not?
That is the pharmacist's
and patient's privacy.
How can your pharmacy do this?
Is privacy more important
than a patient's life?
Just because the patient asks for it,
how can you just simply sell it as you wish?
How am I simply selling it?
That patient looked really pale,
and she was really sick from the pain.
So because she is in a rush,
of course she bought something for relief.
You just wait.
Live well, Cha Chi Soo,
just as you live now.
Like you've got
the whole world in your hands,
keep living perfectly like that.
There will be no need
for us to meet in the future.
What are you doing?
That kind of thing
Yang Eun Bi!
Are you crazy?
Have you gone crazy?
Go down your own path?
Do you even know where you are going?
- Where? Where are you going?
What? This crazy woman!
Intern, come to your senses.
Do you think a woman who got fired here
would be accepted there?
If you take these drugs and depart,
do you think your father will like it?!
- You crazy woman?
- Hey!
Even a memorial hall checks status nowadays?
Memorial hall?
I got fired, I have no money.
to a memorial hall to see her dad?
So, a jobless person
Yang Eun Bi.
It's so humiliating!
Hey, Cha Chi Soo.
Cha Chi Soo.
Are you still sick?
Why is this boy covering his head
with the blanket?
Boy, if you're sweating it out,
why do it this way, forsaking
the perfectly good sauna next door?
Chi Soo, look at Dad.
Who is my dad?
Now, this is my dad.
If not for this,
I would have frozen to death.
But why did you go there
in the middle of the night?
Why were you going to Min Dung San
at 4 in the morning?
I mean barefooted, wearing only slippers
You went there to dance barefooted?
Were you going jogging at dawn?
No! It's not that.
Then what?
Is that important now?
Just quickly leave.
Director Go.
Find out why Cha Chi Soo went there.
Yes, I understand.
Also, find out who that kid is.
That kid meaning who?
You know that kid, the one
Chi Soo was covering his face with.
That mascot with the big round glasses
and with the beak nose.
The kid that Chi Soo called his dad.
Ah! Are you talking about Pororo?
What Pororo? Polulu?
What does that kid do?
Go Hyun Woo, if you hear this,
quickly get here and pick me up.
As for where this is
This is Min Dung San.
Hurry up and come. Hurry!
Right Now!
With this, are you still going to act cool?
You were sleeping at home?
After listening to this,
do you even know what kind of havoc
we went through to look for you?
Why did you go there?
Min Dung San?
I was genuinely curious
about Min Dung San! Why?!
to talk about it why do they keep digging?
Is teacher all right?
Where was she going?
Something about
How did you know it was Intern?
You were worrying about the teacher, I see.
Hey! Hey! Am I crazy
that I would worry about that woman?
If not, why did you go all the way there?
Why did you follow her there?
No, no
Now, this is as if
as if there is no other woman in the world.
That medicine-taking woman
Your daughter is having digestion problems
and you can still smile like that?
You were smiling just like that,
that time as well.
Setter Kang Dong Joo tosses,
Yang Eun Bi spikes!
What just happened?
Yang Eun Bi where are you going?
Where are you going?!
Why is your daughter like that, Hyung-nim?
How can she do this?!
If it's that kid,
this kind of thing can happen.
Because Yang Eun Bi is special.
I really thought I was special then.
Dad, I thought that as I age,
I have eaten more and know more,
Is this what getting older is like?
Accepting that I'm this pathetic,
that I'm nothing much,
that I am actually
not that special a person
Accepting it a little more each year
Is that it?
but because you have not yet met
Getting older
is this sort of thing.
Excuse me.
We will live happily together, Boss.
Hey, Yoon So Yi.
Come out to Cheong Dam Dong.
Yup, the place we had the party.
I think my jaw is numb.
there must be a limit.
Why did you do that.
But it seems that in the future,
it will be a different kind of special.
How unsettling
That is what I was going to say earlier.
But, what in the world were you imagining?
How racy of you
Come on!
What's up?
Shall we watch something else?
Yoon So, try tying you hair up once.
Try tying it.
I think it will look pretty tied up.
No, no not like that.
Then how?
A bit more like a bit more tightly.
No, no, no, not with that
Yellow rubber band?
Hey, gather the guys.
I think I have to dance it out tonight.
Is everything okay?
What do you mean?
The drinks tonight are okay.
Hey, let's party.
Hey, Chi Soo
Where are you going?
Go Hyun Woo, I think at this rate,
I have to go to the hospital.
have to see that woman
with my own eyes.
Get up!
You have to tag me so I can move!
Hey, you go ahead home.
I have to go somewhere first.
- I need something that helps wounds heal.
- Ah, yes, yes.
Excuse me!
And a laxative.
Yes, yes.
My lips are going to become
big brass bowl lips. It stings!
Look here, Runaway.
You know the saying,
I am full just by looking at you eat?
Have you ever heard of it?
when they watch their children eat?
And with that meaning in mind,
do you want to be my kid?
Are you by any chance a pastor, Hyung-nim?
[Now hiring part-time.
Eun Bi Food Stall ]
Are you really the owner
of this place now, Ahjussi?
What about Noona?
Take care of the shop for a bit.
Cha Chi Soo, why did you come?
Where is Intern?
Why are you looking for Eun Bi noona?
Why is the send off today
using up so much energy?
What is that?
What equal rivalry giving me a chance?
Kim Ba Wool.
Why are you getting angry at me again?
Could it be that you pity me?
What is that?
Whatever it is,
I have no time to do this with you.
I urgently have to meet Intern.
If you are dating Yoon So Yi
with that kind of heart, get lost.
That kind of heart?
So is your heart any different?
because she is pretty?
In an expensive car,
- next to a pretty girl
- Hey!
- Intern, come out! Come out.
- What did you say, you bastard?!
Are you okay, Park Chi Soo?
Ahjumma, how much are the grapes?
One bunch for 20,000 won.
What about the persimmons?
One bag for 15,000 won.
And the pears?
4 for 10,000 won.
Then, give me a bag of tangerines.
There is nothing we can do about that.
Out of 10 fingers there is none
that would not hurt if you break it.
Think of yourself as my toes.
From today onwards,
you are not my kid,
but my karma.
And Park Chi Soo
You three, from today onwards
will be my kids.
What are you talking about?
Why would I be your kid?
Just give me the rundown.
After school shift, room and board provided,
and unlimited ramen provided.
Room and board provided?
Unlimited ramen provided?
What kind of person parked his car
right in front of the shop?
As usual when they drive a convertible
Cha Chi Soo.
Why are you here again?
Intern! Do you know how much
I had to go through to see you?
You are really petty,
must you go to this extent?
Intern, this is a misunderstanding
This, Kim Ba Wool
What is this?
Driving your car
and following me all the way here,
Hit me.
You said that because of me
But now, I, just by seeing your face,
not only here, but all the way down here
I feel so suffocated,
it hurts so much I think I could die.
As if getting fired from school was not
enough, ruining my trip to visit my father,
and now you even turn the shop
upside down?
Hit me.
As much as you got hit, hit me until your
anger subsides; hit me as much as you want.
Could it be?
Could it be that, that woman
is also doing that part-timer thing here?
Of course, since she is my wife.
Is that so?
Very well then,
What? You?
Why would you?
part-timer search
call me intern instead.
Or if you like
That kid that
Even food
Ah, I forgot the lines.
Since you woke up
Swishing and swishing
I forgot the lines.
Yang Eun Bi!
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