Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Heat Island Phenomenon

We were at the rainwater drainage station
and had a drink afterward.
I didn't know he'd get drunk so quickly.
You could have called a driver.
You see…
Did you leave home?
It's a long story.
It's a long story.
What about you?
Why are you here at this hour?
It's a long story for me too.
Do you not want to answer me
or do you not have a choice?
What about you, Director Jin?
What do you mean?
Normally, you'd send
a drunk colleague back home,
not bring them to a motel.
Past wounds are nasty.
Mr. Lee.
I thought you had left already.
Were you still here?
You think you're all better now.
But when you look back,
they're still infected.
Now that we've met,
I hope to see you more often.
Go home safely.
The deeper your memories
of those wounds are,
the more cowardly you become.
Like air stuck in a forest of skyscrapers,
you're trapped in self-pity and pain.
You spin around in circles
in the same place
and isolate yourself.
The first heat wave warning
of this year in Seoul has been issued.
Due to the heat island phenomenon
where heat is trapped,
this scorching weather
will continue for some time.
Roads that become hot over the day
and heat from air-conditioner fans
are raising the temperature even more.
More from Reporter Park Cheol-min.
It's steaming hot this morning.
What are you doing
under the sweltering heat?
Is it already that time of the year?
You should stop doing this.
No one eats it anyway.
You're spitting. Go away.
I'm worried you might get sick again.
It's disaster prevention season,
so he's staying at the KMA.
I thought he was going to live with us.
Yes. He was.
-When is he coming back?
Once the rainy season ends.
Damn, it's hot.
Goodness, I wonder
how hot it'll get today.
Since an anticyclone is over Korea,
-a lot of sunlight
-I'm sorry.
and heat are moving into the country.
Although temporary,
the temperature in June
is rising higher than average.
You're here early.
Isn't Chief Team Two
on night duty starting today?
Starting today?
Your recent move
from Gangwon Office must've confused you.
The smell.
-Oh, you were home.
How may I help you?
We texted you several times,
but you didn't reply.
A new trainee will come here soon,
so we'd like you to move out.
By next week, if possible.
By next week?
The room needs maintenance
before we welcome a new trainee.
You can only stay here for a month anyway.
I'm sure you knew that.
Please move out by next week.
You ran even in this weather?
Do you not sleep in
even when you're working nighttime?
What's good here?
Let's reconsider this.
Reconsider what?
You and me.
"Just as a loud noise is created
when a cloud meets another cloud,
I wish I could be bold enough
to shout unconsciously
in this relationship I have with you."
"Just as a bright light appears
when a cloud suddenly meets another cloud,
I wish being with you
could shed light on the path
I have wandered away from."
By the way, what do you think this means?
This last part.
"You shine brightly when you tell me
that rain needs to meet another rain
for them to get drenched."
"Our similarities help us
understand each other's hearts."
Maybe that's what it means.
Give me an example.
Something like this.
-Come on.
-What was that?
-Back then, I didn't know
-how much pain we'd have to endure
to understand the beautiful phrase,
"Rain needs to meet
another rain for it to get drenched."
Why suddenly?
I thought it would be okay,
but I guess I was wrong.
My mind has been racing
ever since I saw you
yesterday at the motel.
My past trauma keeps resurfacing,
and I get upset.
That woman has nothing to do with me.
I want to believe that and move on.
But I'm still trapped at that moment.
I know that you're not lying to me.
That's why it's an even bigger problem.
It's clear you're telling me the truth,
but I still can't trust you.
Director Jin.
Let's take some time to think this over.
I'm not doing this for you.
I'm doing this for me.
I'll go first. Enjoy your food.
It was my father.
I went to the motel last night…
because of him.
Mr. Lee Si-woo?
I'm here to see Mr. Lee Myung-han.
Come in.
Hey, why don't you just fold?
What's taking you so long?
-Damn it.
-Your son is here.
-Here you go.
-You got a high score.
-He's one handsome man.
-Si-woo. You're here.
-What was that?
Hey, Si-woo!
Damn it. Si-woo!
Hey, wait!
Come on, Si-woo.
You punk.
How could you just leave like that?
You're gambling again?
Is this why
you've been blowing up my phone?
I had no choice.
You're the only son I have.
First, give me the money you brought.
What's going on?
Damn it.
-Did you not bring it?
-I don't have…
-any money.
-Why don't you?
I'm very well aware
that you landed a nice job
and get paid every month.
Last year,
you took all my savings.
Did I?
I'm fine with coins too,
so give me all you have.
I'm about to lose everything and die here.
-I said I had no money!
I'm staying at the training center
because I have no money for a deposit!
Can't you take out a loan?
Don't civil servants
receive loan benefits?
Don't ever call me again.
If you do,
I'll report you to the police.
You bastard.
Hey, stop right there.
You little… Hey.
Damn it.
What about you?
Why are you here at this hour?
It's a long story for me too.
Do you not want to answer me
or do you not have a choice?
What about you, Director Jin?
"Director Jin"?
What do you mean?
Normally, you'd send
a drunk colleague back home,
not bring them to a motel.
The community service center?
To register our marriage.
We need to give them
our marriage certificate
to get the housing loan for newlyweds.
What about a contract extension
for our current house?
It's too expensive,
and there are no benefits.
Why the long face?
Don't tell me…
that house has already grown on you.
It has.
Oh, dear.
Home is anywhere
we settle down and grow fond of.
I'll look for a nice place,
so don't you worry.
Right. I'll give you
my seal and identification card.
Can you register it for me?
I'd love to come with you,
but my column is due tomorrow.
-Will that be okay with you?
-Of course.
-Do you want mine?
You barely ate any.
Do you not like chicken?
Gosh. You even left a drumstick.
-Did you have lunch?
-Yes, sir.
-Did you?
-Yes, sir.
I had a bit of work to do,
so I just had gimbap.
Goodness. You should still eat properly.
-Your well-being comes before work.
-By the way, what are you working on?
It's nothing.
What is it?
To be honest,
the director asked me to write a column.
A column? What kind?
-A themed story.
He told you to write that?
Yes, I did.
But that's my job.
We need to send our paper
to the printing office soon,
but you haven't finished yet.
I can't just sit still
and wait until you finish.
I'm just adding
the finishing touches right now.
I'm pretty much done.
Then finish it and hand it over.
What about him?
You can write yours too.
Both of you can write one.
I'll choose the better one. Okay?
Assistant Director Kim, good luck.
You too.
-Thank you.
-Let's do this.
-Deputy Director Han, good luck.
Thanks. You too.
I'll finish it. I'll finish it for sure.
I'll make sure to finish it.
Oh, are you not done yet?
I still have other work to do.
It's endless.
Don't worry about me. Go first.
Yes, sir.
Okay, then. See you tomorrow.
Good work today.
Damn it.
You're here early.
I forgot that we were
on night duty starting today
and came 12 hours early.
I thought I was late this morning,
so I rushed over here.
But Chief Team One was having a meeting.
How could you always
be tardy to our meetings,
but not theirs?
You should have just gone home
last night when I got drunk.
I must have been a lousy drunk.
It's disaster prevention season.
We're so busy,
we need all the help we can get.
I can't afford to lose
a crucial member to the streets.
Don't make me laugh. I'm only a burden.
-Did you have dinner?
-Not yet. I'm not hungry.
I'll give you 30 minutes.
Go grab something to eat.
What's wrong?
Why was he glaring at me?
This is…
Hey, I had dinner.
Didn't we confirm this already?
This is bad.
The temperature is high,
and so is the radiation.
The sun will set soon,
but the temperature is still 28°C.
Seoul is going to melt
due to the heat island phenomenon.
Do you think
the atmospheric flow will change?
Who knows?
Maybe we'll get a sudden rain shower.
Call me. Mom is really sick.
How could she not call
when I said you were sick?
Just let her be.
She's on night duty starting today.
Still, she should at least text
and ask how you're doing.
We must have been too lenient on her,
seeing how impudent she's become.
She probably thinks
we're trying to fool her
and make her come home
by saying that I'm sick.
What's the probability
of a rain shower at dawn?
Gosh. Are you serious?
It's pretty quiet today.
It can't always be noisy.
There could be localized heavy rain,
so please monitor it.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
Is something going on?
Did you say something?
Something seems to be on your mind.
It's just a family matter.
Can I take the Grade Five
technical exam again?
-Director Jin.
Should I answer it instead?
No, it's okay.
Jin Ha-kyung of Chief Team Two speaking.
You have a guest.
He keeps insisting on seeing you.
Yes, ma'am.
Let me.
Hello, Director Jin.
My name is Lee Myung-han.
I'm Lee Si-woo's father.
I have something urgent
to tell you about my son.
Do you think
you could spare me ten minutes?
This brat still hasn't called.
Darn it.
I shouldn't.
No, you crazy bastard. What should I do?
Are you Mr. Lee Si-woo's father?
Yes, I am.
I'm his father.
I see. Hello.
So how can I help you?
To be honest,
I have something urgent to tell you.
Goodness. I feel bad
about saying this to a stranger.
But then again,
you two seem to have something special.
What do you mean?
I'm well aware
that you guys are close enough
to go to motels together.
I see.
Your colleagues don't know, do they?
I get it.
I won't talk too loudly.
Anyway, so it's true that you two
are in a relationship, right?
I saw you two at a motel last night too.
I'm sorry, but why did you want to see me?
Do you have any money?
You seem to have a lot of work experience
and seem to be older than him.
Plus, you're a director.
That must mean
you get paid more than he does.
You see,
I'm in dire need of money.
Do you think you could lend me some?
Where's Director Jin?
-She left after taking a call.
-Beats me.
-Try calling her.
This is Director Jin Ha-kyung's phone.
-Ma'am, please come with us.
Shouldn't we tell Director Jin to go home?
She's not the type who'd listen to us.
What should we do, Senior Forecaster Um?
Director Jin.
Your sister just called.
Your mother is very sick.
Director Jin!
Don't worry about my mom.
She sometimes says that
when we get into an argument.
-Let's go.
-She's going to the emergency room.
Your mother.
They even called an ambulance.
It seems pretty serious.
Jin Ha-kyung. How could you do this?
Mom is sick.
I know you're mad at her,
but how could you be this cold?
Shouldn't you have
at least called to check on her?
She's dying right now.
-Which hospital are you headed to?
-I don't know.
They're taking us
to the closest emergency room.
I'll call you.
Okay. I'll go there once my shift is--
Hey! I said Mom is dying!
-You know I can't leave right now.
-Come here!
Right now!
I said I got it.
I'll go once the morning team--
Unbelievable. Forget it! I'm hanging up!
Director Jin.
I'm okay. You can go in first.
Director Jin.
Currently, due to the anticyclone,
the atmosphere
will remain the same until tomorrow.
It'll be a hot night
due to the heat island phenomenon.
It'll be even hotter during the day.
Anyway, the situation will remain
the same until tomorrow morning.
So go to your mom.
I'll be on the lookout.
Do you not trust me?
You trust us to do
the work you assign us, don't you?
I do trust you.
This is my responsibility.
I need to oversee my team.
Everyone in this building
knows how responsible you are.
Right now, you need to fulfill
your responsibilities as a daughter.
Let me make it up to you, Ha-kyung.
Go on.
Do call me if something happens.
Forecaster Lee.
Come on.
Coming, sir.
What happened to her?
I don't know.
They drew her blood and took an X-ray.
She felt sluggish and lied down,
then she felt dizzy.
She even threw up all her food.
And when she got up to go to the bathroom,
she became unsteady and fell.
Seriously. She was bleeding profusely
from her forehead.
I thought she'd die right there, you brat.
And the test results?
It's going to take some time.
They have too many emergency patients,
so they're behind on the tests.
Senior Forecaster Um.
-You asked for this.
Please check Seoul's
ground-surface temperature
and solar radiation level
every ten minutes.
Yes, sir.
Are you checking
the movement of the anticyclone?
I am. I don't think
it will change drastically anytime soon.
Okay. Let me know if the speed increases.
Yes, sir.
Did you arrive at the hospital?
What can I do?
What should I do?
Damn it. What time is it?
No, I can't. This isn't right.
Damn it!
What time is it?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Come on.
Where is she? Why isn't she there?
Damn it.
Good work.
Why are you…
Did you spend the night here?
Yes. I was busy working.
By the way, I don't see Director Jin.
Where is she?
She left first due to personal reasons.
I see.
Why are you looking for her
this early in the morning?
It's nothing serious,
so don't worry about it.
-Should we have some hangover soup?
-That'd be great.
-I'd love that.
-Let's go.
Enjoy your meal.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
This is driving me crazy.
What should I do?
Why does he come
to our department so often these days?
I know, right?
It's as if he forgot
how mercilessly he dumped Director Jin.
I see him all the time.
He just needs her help. That's all.
Help with what?
-His column.
-His column?
Are you talking about that themed story?
Yes. She had helped him
with every single one of them.
What? No way.
I'm sure some already knew about it.
Didn't you, Assistant Director Shin?
Gosh, no way. What a jerk.
If you think about it,
Director Jin is a bit soft.
Right, Assistant Director Shin?
Doors opening.
I should go home.
Why? You're not eating?
No, I'm not hungry.
I'll see you later tonight.
-Okay. Bye.
How about dried pollack
instead of ox head?
-I'm excited.
Didn't I ask for all
the past commemorative speech scripts
for World Meteorological Day?
Who told you to summarize them?
The details of
the Administrator's speech aren't related
to the basic planning
of the event which is our job.
Who told you to make that decision?
I'm the director here.
I'm sorry, sir.
You always make mistakes.
Prepare them again.
Assistant Director Shin.
What about breakfast?
The kids and I had the soup you made.
I see. Did they go to school?
Of course.
Our eldest wants to take art classes.
English, math, taekwondo, and art?
That's almost 800,000
to 900,000 won per month.
We'll have to do the same
for our younger one.
Yes. I know.
Will one year be enough?
I can't hold out for more than that.
Promise me you'll come back
in a year without regrets
even if you don't pass the exam.
If you can promise me that,
I'll try my best to stay strong.
You're so lucky
to have a wife like me.
Of course.
I'm one lucky man.
Thank you, Honey.
I promise I'll pass.
This is bad.
You cry more easily now.
This coffee is good.
She's extremely dehydrated.
Her hemoglobin levels are low
as well as her electrolyte levels.
For now, we've administered some fluids
and prescribed her some medicine.
She'll be better once she's done.
Does she not have to be hospitalized?
She can go home.
She needs to eat and rest well.
Most of all, she shouldn't get stressed.
So do your best to please her.
Please relay this message
to your sister too.
Okay. Thank you.
She's dehydrated.
She just needs some rest.
-What can we do?
-We need to treat her well.
You should.
-Don't point fingers.
-You could do better.
What did I do?
-I didn't want to upset her.
-We're at a hospital.
Be quiet.
-Be quiet.
-Mom's smiling.
This is ten million won.
This is my entire savings.
This is really the last time.
I knew it.
Your girlfriend has more power
over you than I do.
Director Jin is your girlfriend, right?
She looked a bit old,
but she was pretty.
She looked graceful and classy.
By the way,
how high of a rank is a director?
Her salary must be high.
You little punk.
You take after me. You're good with women.
Right? You punk.
Don't tell me you met Director Jin.
Aren't you here because she talked to you?
Do you have any money?
You see, I'm in dire need of money.
Do you think you could lend me some?
I love everything about my son
but he's not exactly loaded.
But seeing how
he's working at Headquarters,
he must be competent.
You should make an investment
if you want to date a young guy.
Ten million won would be enough.
You're crazy.
Everything's fine.
Hey. From the way I see it,
she's head over heels for you.
She looks more stable
and considerate compared
to that reporter chick you dated.
But most of all,
her looks are totally my type.
Anyway, thanks. Use this for a cab.
What the…
You bastard. How dare you grab
your father by the collar?
Let go!
Why are you doing this to me?
-What did I do?
-Can you please…
let me live?
I beg you.
Please stop muscling in on my life.
That punk.
Come here, Mom.
Eat before you go.
Just rest.
I made some young radish kimchi.
I told Tae-kyung
to give you some side dishes.
Did you get to try them?
The guy upstairs didn't give them?
Guy upstairs?
I mean, you changed your passcode
and didn't pick up either.
You should have left it with the guard.
I didn't want them to go bad.
There was bulgogi too.
Enough. Be quiet.
Go get me a glass of water. Goodness.
What a strange guy.
Why hasn't he given them to her yet?
He seemed to be living alone.
Hold on.
Did he eat them all?
Why the hell are they always out?
Shouldn't they pick up their side dishes?
What am I supposed to do? It's been days.
The entire house reeks of food.
Damn it.
Tae-kyung, give Mom some water.
Where's Ki-jun?
I'm not sure.
I haven't seen him for a while.
Darn it. He should be busy right now.
What should I do?
What should I do?
What will happen?
What should I do?
Ha-kyung, it's me.
I'm sorry, but can you help me this once?
Damn it! Are you crazy?
Don't text her! Don't do it.
Don't do it. You shouldn't.
Then what should I do?
What should I do?
What do you think? You should call her.
Damn it.
Ha-kyung, it's me.
It must have been tiring
to be on night duty.
Actually, I called because…
Save me this once.
I'm truly sorry,
but could you help me just this once?
How is your mother?
She's better.
That's a relief.
I'm sorry.
What for?
My father…
I feel terrible.
I can't even apologize properly.
Did you eat?
Have some.
My mom made it herself.
She always makes this
around this time of the year.
It was my father's favorite food,
and tomorrow is his death anniversary.
I think Ha-kyung
takes after you in cooking.
She did well despite
all that complaining, right?
Is she coming tomorrow?
What do you think?
Don't hold your breath.
I know you understand her too.
She did a good job.
The day my father died
is one of the memories
I would love to forget.
I'm home.
Are you not home?
After his business went under,
he abandoned us and fled.
That's the kind of father I had.
So don't be
in too much pain because of yours.
"Just as a loud noise is created
when a cloud meets another cloud,
I wish I could be bold enough
to shout unconsciously
in this relationship I have with you."
It's tasty.
"Just as a bright light appears
when a cloud suddenly meets another cloud,
I wish being with you
could shed light on the path
I have wandered away from."
Can you promise me something?
What is it?
If you happen to not love me anymore,
let me be the first to know.
If you become swayed,
I want to be the first one to know.
Of course, my heart
will break once you tell me.
But what's even more painful…
is if I'm kept in the dark.
Not like my father.
Not like Han Ki-jun.
Promise me you won't be like them.
"You shine brightly when you tell me
that rain needs to meet another rain
for them
to get drenched."
I promise.
Okay, then.
Let's live together.
I'm finished.
Let's see.
Assistant Director Kim's piece wasn't bad.
You can consider his
as well as mine.
Let me know once you decide.
Thank you.
Good work.
Please. I should say that to you instead.
When he becomes anxious,
he tends to bother everyone.
I see. It was a good experience for me.
That's it. Experience.
That's what's important.
I love that attitude of yours.
Look at this.
The mighty Han Ki-jun is back.
Let's get this printed right away.
Yes, sir.
I'll send it to them this instant.
I knew you could do it.
Can I see you for a minute?
What's up? Aren't you busy at this hour?
Would you like a beverage?
Right. Did you register
our marriage yesterday?
We should hurry if we want to get a loan.
Our housing contract will end soon.
Actually, that's why I wanted to talk.
Okay. What is it?
Can we push back
registering our marriage?
You want to live together with me?
Yes. I want to be with you.
Move in with me.
What do you mean?
Hold on.
What does this mean?
You want to push it back?
Why? What's your reason?
I just want to.
Today's atmospheric ozone concentration
is expected to be over 0.3ppm per hour.
The weather is perfectly fine.
What's with the ozone warning?
Who handled the complaint calls
that came to the Chief Team today?
I didn't struggle to pass
the civil service exam
to handle trivial calls like that.
We are here to do that kind of work.
Do it if you want to.
Haven't you heard that they're living
in the night-duty room?
Did you just say two of them?
Lee Si-woo--
She lived with someone from the KMA?
I think your husband found out
that you and I lived together.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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